Fifty-second sign of the apocalypse: facial hair transplants. Meh. It's elective surgery, so (one presumes) they're paying for it out-of-pocket. Probably with their parents' money, but still. Their face, their money, who cares?
Science correspondent Miles O' Brien lost weight the wrong way. Who designs bodies like these?
It really was only a matter of time: Google glass seems to have acquired it very first "adult themed" app. Maybe I'm just weird, but to me one of the points of grown-up fun is admiring one's partner, with perhaps the occasional glance in a mirror to see two people having a lot of fun. That said, there is the whole "Jersey Shore" angle. Bah. If you want to watch yourself doing your significant other while you're both wearing goofy-looking glasses, knock yourselves out.
And in the "so this is a thing" file we have men dressing up as anatomically correct female dolls. That time I said "bronies" were the most inexplicable thing I'd ever come across? Yeah, I'm gonna have to take that back.
Is that a gun in your...waitaminute...that's not a pocket! I'd think that would at least itch a bit.
"Unless the reality of Secret Space War phenomena is openly revealed and corroborated with hard evidence in public and admitted by all world governments, this knowledge cannot be yet be received or processed by the masses."
Personally, I think if you set your criteria wide enough it includes an entire century you'll find people dying in weird ways pretty easily. This article seems to prove that right. I'm not sure it's possible to overestimate just how deadly-dumb people can be.
Another year, another German cannibal finding someone willing to climb up on his dinner table. I'm not sure if this is a German thing, or if it's just Germany that's going after these people.
It's all fun and games until the pig farm explodes. I get that people want bacon quickly, but there are limits.
A Swiss forensic team is expected to reveal that Yasser Arafat was poisoned. The Palestinians, naturally, blame Israel. This time around they may have the case, since that's the only group I can think of in the region with access to Plutonium. You'd think rat poison would be easier.
It's all fun and games until the maggots in your hair weave start eating your scalp. Jeebus, that makes me itch.
Let's just say I'm glad guys aren't typically invited to baby showers. And I don't eat cake all that often, either. Meh. Your money, your party.
Home owner: "Damn these stupid drivers, I'm stopping them ending up in my lawn once and for all."
Drunk idiot: "Challenge accepted."
There's a house in Arlington that's literally at the top of the west-bound Glebe Road exist on I-66. We've always wondered how many cars have ended up in their yard over the years.
Our long national nightmare is over: Facebook is allowing graphically violent video content to be shared again. I visit LiveLeak regularly, so it's nothing I haven't seen before, but it's yet another reason Olivia won't be getting unsupervised internet access any time soon.
And now, monkeys trained to look like people, right down to wearing masks to seal the deal. I wouldn't had that my money because I'd be too busy screaming and rolling the window up. Or, better yet, not roll down the window at all.
For most of us, discovering a worm living in our mouth would result in frantic calls and doctor visits. This guy isn't most people. Meh. It's his mouth, it's not like I'm kissing him.
Now, my politics says I can't condemn this, because it doesn't violate the Three Rules*. However, can I get a, "EWWWWW!!!!" from the crowd here?
* Stay out of trouble, pay your taxes, keep off my lawn.
Every time I think the movie industry can't get any more self-absorbed they go and prove me wrong again. Here's to hoping the movie has an art-house sized release, because explaining to my 10 year-old why these people look funny is a job I'm not much in the mood for at the moment.
And now, hornets as big as the palm of your hand. And yep, they're big enough to kill people with their sting. Strangely, they don't live in Australia.
Dude, when a helicopter blows your hat off, just let it go. I'll bet that sort of carelessness came from the same place that caused that beauty queen to get chopped up by a plane's propeller. Spinning blade-like things should be treated like, well, spinning blade-like things. Be careful, people!
Color me unsurprised: Fiat is delaying Alfa's return to the US again. This is not a repeat from '96, '99', '03... you get the picture.
News: Suspect in string of burglaries photographed. WTF: in a "resplendent" silver suit. Hey, fashion is expensive. Me, I bet it has something to do with avoiding motion detectors.
Good: 'asploding targets! Bad: idiots being creative with 'asploding targets. It's not like the current administration needs an excuse to meddle in our lives, let's give them a legitimate excuse to do so!
It seems that stuffing cash up your backside is a wee bit dangerous. Who knew? I'd like to think it was wrapped in a condom or something, but I have a feeling someone with decision making skills this poor probably didn't think of that.
It's all fun and games until the office building melts your car. From the "John Hancock Tower" school of unintended consequences. I guess they'll have to block off those parking spaces from now on, or maybe put something on the windows to stop this from happening.
Darwin on the river: young man goes swimming in crocodile-infested river, chew-larity ensues. I mean, Australia tries plenty hard enough to kill you on a good day. There's no need to go and make it easy.
It's just like I tell my daughter, this is what happens when you don't pick up after yourself. Of course, she's not likely to lose THAT. Me? I'm married. I always know where mine is--in that purse over there.
On the one hand, yeah, fleeing the US in your own boat because of various beefs with the US government is a pretty ridiculous idea. On the other, they did manage to survive more or less intact for 90 days in the Pacific ocean. Sounds like they almost got it right. Still, I'd think next time a plane ticket or three might be a better idea.
Well, they DO use social media to make announcements, after all. Yeah, I know, but I hear Hell has beaches!
This collection of disaster pictures is pretty darned impressive, but "stromboli volcano?" What's next, "pizza hurricane?" Mmm... Pizza...
There's "Holy crap, a spider!" and then there's OMFG! SPIDERS! F- YOU AND YOUR CONNECTING FLIGHT I'M OUTTA HERE! Personally, I don't have a problem with this. Some of my friends would likely want the tower burned to the ground and rebuilt before they set foot in it again.
Now, I know you'll be just as surprised as I am, so sit down before you read this. "Sugary drinks" have been tied to childhood obesity. I have a feeling the BMI of the parents will be a stronger predictor than anything the kid actually consumes.
I'm not completely sure if this is for-real or not. Normally the real deal are about 20 lbs heavier and speak with a heavy Southern accent. The one on the right especially seems like she's auditioning for a role or something. I'm sniffing shenanigans, but it's teeth-clenchingly funny regardless.
Exactly how that last guy avoided being squashed I'll never know. When I was young and reckless I used to stand at the edge of the platform. After a few graphic LiveLeak examples of what happens when someone gets run over by a train, I stay well back until the door opens.
It's all fun and games until the utility pole comes through the windshield. Doesn't seem to have killed the driver to death, but I can't help but think injuries were involved.
There's "lose your memory bad," and then there's "lose your memory and only speak Swedish" bad. They don't come out and say it, but it seems that the guy actually is Swedish, so there's none of that "go to sleep with one language, wake up with another" nonsense. But it's still pretty darned bizarre.
Making the rounds: a New York rabbi has been accused of impersonating a police officer multiple times as he pulled over people who upset him in traffic. Yes, he was recently hospitalized for mental health issues. Very perceptive of you!
Stop me if you've heard this one: setting land speed records is dangerous. Meh. He knew the stakes, and he didn't hurt anybody else.
It's all fun and games until the rocket tips over and heads for the ground. Usually there's a range safety officer who'll blow the thing to bits before it gets the chance to come back down, but maybe it all happened too fast for the guy to react. At any rate, seems even good ol' Russian hardware will fail, on occasion.
Close-up video is here.
Sometimes it's hard to remember we're 98% chimpanzee. Other times, it's hard to forget.
There's a reason they strap a car down when it takes a dynomometer run. Looks like it fragged his rear suspension. Hopefully the guy who owns the machine has insurance, because I'm pretty sure the regular car-type won't cover this.
So, does Islamic culture emphasize women must cover up to express humility and modesty, or is it to try and provide at least some protection against their men? I'd wager the truth is far closer to the latter than any intellectual would care to admit. I also agree with the producers of the documentary: the only way to change this is to investigate and expose it. Good luck to them.
The stuff you find out trolling Wikipedia's "on this day" list: Introducing Sada Abe, who:
... is remembered for erotically asphyxiating her lover, Kichizo Ishida (石田 吉蔵 Ishida Kichizō?), on May 18, 1936, and then cutting off his penis and testicles and carrying them around with her in her handbag.
There's bound to be at least a short story in there, but I'm not gonna be the one to write it.
A Florida (naturally) restaurant is experiencing a bit of a backlash over its "lion tacos." Yep, you read that right, lion tacos. In other news, somewhere in the US there seems to be a farm that's raising lions for meat. I bet it's really hard keeping herding dogs around on it.
I'm all for raising awareness of any cancer, but some kinds just don't lend themselves very well to a mascot. Different cultures, different strokes. You know, as it were.
And yeah, the seventh seal was opened. I've only ever seen poutine, but I think Ellen's actually tried the stuff. She gags at the thought. Acquired taste, I suppose.
Who the hell gets bitten by a... basically by any damned thing in Australia and then goes on a mile and a half run? Just about the only thing that's not viciously venomous is, oh hell, I dunno, probably some of the sheep.
I guess even statues can piss off gangsters: a mysterious, giant floating head was found recently in the Hudson river. I'm thinking it might be from some sort of abandoned amusement park somewhere upstream, but heck I guess anything's possible.
Ever wonder what it'd be like to be on the roof of a building when it was imploded? Just ask this guy. The camera was zoomed in real close, so it's really hard to tell what was falling where. To me, it looked like he missed getting clobbered by a brick wall by just inches.
News you can use: "If you're going to get your vagina high, you should definitely do so thoughtfully and with the uttermost respect." All those times women have shaken their heads at the goofy crap men get up to between fifteen and twenty-five? Yeah, I just found at least one counter-weight to that.
It's all fun and games until an arm falls out of the bowling pin machine. I've seen the manual for one of those things. It's a giant collection of moving parts that will fold, mutilate, and spindle a person in a heartbeat. Reaching in to one that's turned on? Well, he already got what he deserved.
It looks like one of the Marathon bombers may have played a role in a bizarre triple murder case from 2011. Apparently he knew one of the victims. Me, I think it smells a little bit of "let's pile on," but who knows? Maybe it will lead to something.
Assuming the story can be believed, a Chinese woman is on trial for killing a man by squeezing his junk. And by "junk," I'm not talking about the trash in his back yard, ya know?
Judith Grossman: A Mother, a Feminist, Aghast Unsubstantiated accusations against my son by a former girlfriend landed him before a nightmarish college tribunal. I've read accounts of these tribunals before, in a scenario almost identical to this one. The sad thing was, that account was satire.
And in the "Well, that's comforting" file we have a study that aims to find out if you can get a lifetime's dose of hard radiation flying through a thunderstorm. This should make the regular air travelers in my circle of friends much more comfortable, I'm sure. And yes, when you read the article expect to say "sensationalize much?" a LOT.
Hey, nobody's making me drink one, and it's not happening on my lawn, so when it comes right down to it I don't have a problem with this. Well, with someone ELSE mucking around with it. Or, you know, rubbing one out for it... sort of thing.
Well what am I supposed to say about something like that?
It's fine to over-estimate, say, what's needed to make a bridge strong, or an airplane safe. When it comes to cracking open an ATM, that's not the best strategy. Then again, it didn't seem to set the cash on fire. I'm just glad nobody was anywhere near the thing.
I guess we just have to say it much more slowly: Stop trying to sleep with the teenagers you meet on the Internet. I guess we really do need to bring Chris Hansen back
Someone call the AP! The story: "Swedish feminists are going after the way men sit on the train." The reality: a single blogger has set up a site that takes pictures of guys sitting funny on a train. Meh. It's not like I plan on visiting the place anytime soon. But, now that I think about it, guys who sit like that on Metro trains are pretty obnoxious.
So, is this a rubber too far? Meh. If it means you and your partner have more fun, why the hell not? Just no pig jokes, please.
The prostitute that gave infamous serial killer Joel Rifkin AIDS has been identified. Well, her head's been identified, at any rate. Yeah, it didn't end all that well for her. It seldom does, for streetwalkers.
There's car wrecks, and then there's put your car four feet up the wall of a house car wrecks. No word if alcohol was involved. A twenty-something guy in a fast, red car doesn't need anything as dangerous as alcohol to pull a stunt like this.
Another year, another call to retire all the Navy's super-carriers. As long as we're willing to put up with slower, less capable ships, the cost savings are substantial. This is not a repeat from 1950, '60, '70, '80, '90, or '00, even though it looks like it.
I dunno... I think I'm calling "shenanigans" on this one. Mostly because I can't think of any position I can accidentally get myself in that would result in a junk-ectomy and NOT cut something else off with it. There have been cases in the past of dumb guys injuring themselves attempting a clever wank. Not saying that's what happened here, but it definitely seems fishy.
"Hey, Frank!"
"Yeah, Lou?"
"Do you think we need to strap this bridge down more?"
"Nah. It weighs tons. It's not like anything's gonna shift it."
In the "not-sure-if-serious" bin today we have news that Taylor Swift was probably inducted into the Illuminati during the most recent AMA's. Because, when I think of how new members join secret organizations, a performance at a live, nationally broadcast event is definitely top of the list.
The crap you discover, trolling Wikipedia: On this day, not quite 100 years ago, the collier Cyclops disappeared without a trace. It remains the single largest loss of life in U.S. Naval history not directly involving combat, and it happened in the Bermuda Triangle. Two of its other four sister ships also disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. The fourth was converted into the nation's first aircraft carrier.
So, in a genuinely bizarre twist of fate, every aircraft carrier the US has ever built is connected to a place where things are supposed to vanish without a trace.
A finer metaphor for the Federal Government simply could not exist...
It looks like the US isn't the only place with religious hard-liners who have skeletons in their closet. It'd be nice to think Muslims will eventually figure out that a code of laws meant to keep starving goatherds alive doesn't apply all that well to the modern world. It'd also be nice to think I'm Warren Buffet's long-lost nephew. I'm not holding my breath over either one.
Doing flavored water all wrong: police are still searching for clues as to how a Canadian tourist ended up dead in a hotel's water tank. Bonus: it was complaints of foul-tasting water that led investigators to discover the body. All together now: GROSS!!!
All those other tweets threatening the president? Well, yeah, those were probably about Obama. But the one you arrested me for? That one was about Syria. Definitely Syria. Threatening the president is one of the few things absolutely guaranteed to be both noticed and prosecuted. It's always amusing to watch what happens to know-it-all malcontents who forget this.
Well, at least this sort of thing is supposed to kill you. Since it's Australia, they've turned it into a tourist attraction and poke at it with sticks. Because, you know, if it just sits there and LOOKS deadly it's just not exciting enough.
Allen approached and noted "a flesh-colored dildo" on the passenger seat, according to the report. He says that when he asked the driver what he was doing, the man replied, "Sucking on a dildo, I'm sorry."
Read the entire article here.
Many people will be taking time out today to do something special for their loved one on Valentine's.But for one man, this means spending time with the 'love of his life' Lila - a blow-up yellow dragon.
Mark, who features in the TLC TV show My Strange Addiction, says he would even marry Lila because he loves her so much.
Read the entire article here.
Don't forget to watch the insanity on TLC's "My Strange Addiction"!
The world's largest crocodile in captivity has died. When everyone else is talking about some old German guy who wants to putter in his garden, we're bringing you the IMPORTANT news. And, really, when you think of the best place to keep an exotic, dangerous, and high-maintenance animal, why wouldn't you put a remote village in the Philippines on that list?
So, when a progressive agenda reaches its inevitable endpoint of failure, what's a liberal to do? Fix the problem? Leave quietly and let the evil conservatives do it? No! Wait! I know! We'll just deny reality outright. It's often said that madness is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome. I think that's a fine definition of progressives and liberals, too.
There's the Olympics, and then there's the Indian Rural Olympics. They feature "being run over by a tractor, carrying bricks with your teeth and cow chariot racers." No, really!
It seems official: Burger King's whoppers neighed. Meh. No wonder Ellen always gets sick eating the stuff.
Wait, what? This is only supposed to concern the UK? Well, ok then. Whatever helps YOU sleep at night.
Dammit, another slow news day! Let's spin the Wheel 'o Sensationalism... oh, cool, that hasn't come up in awhile. Today's imminent doom is brought to you by the fresh water supply!
Ok, look, the vast majority of us live on watersheds. That means when we use fresh water all we're basically doing is slowing it down on its way to the ocean. The article claims power companies will be the main culprit for fresh water consumption. A power company will not locate a plant in a "water distressed" area, whatever the hell that means.
Think of it as subsidance with Chinese characteristics. With "bombs away" video!
It's official: Ellen is not the craziest cat lady in the world. Amber isn't, either. It's ok, I passed out when I heard the news, too. Let the inappropriate lesbian jokes begin!
Facts: A globally popular politician gives a huge cash reward to the Vatican in exchange for official recognition, in 1929. That money was carefully invested over the years and now has grown into a substantial sum. The Vatican has become extremely skilled at legally protecting its UK investments from various attempts at hyper-taxation and/or outright confiscation.
Headline: How the Vatican built a secret property empire using Mussolini's millions. I don't know why I'm surprised at the spin. Our own MSM, aka the Democratic Party's ministry of propaganda, makes these guys look like amateurs.
The man who provided the voice of Charlie Brown for the iconic Christmas special has been jailed over a stalking charge. Because a role that he had when he was, what, 9 should determine how we look at the guy today. And, you know, link up frivolous stories like this. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Netflix: Here's a neat HD service. Your provider will need to upgrade their internet connection and use this nifty box we developed to make it work.
Progressives: ZOMG!!! The Internet is under attack!
Nothing is free, people. Nothing. When someone tries to claim otherwise, watch out. They've usually got a set of shackles hidden somewhere.
Once more, with feeling: holsters: good, pockets: bad. And that's just the first of his safety failures. I was hoping there'd be a "crime of stupidity" violation, but I think the injury is bad enough.
A Turkish woman is in jail after shooting, then beheading, her rapist. Well, accused rapist, anyway. There were plenty of strange things that happened in my small town when I was growing up. A woman walking down main street carrying a severed head wasn't one of them. Although, now that I think about it, that definitely would've enlivened the day.
It would seem that, in the UK at least, a "bargain burger" is cheap because nearly a third of it isn't made of cow. This being the UK, the fact that the "filler" once neighed means a national moment of angst. Me? If I'm shopping for a bargain, I'm not expecting the distributor to "magically" give me a discount. It's cheap for a reason, you morons. At least it's not China. Hell they'll put lead in a burger to make the weight. That's why anyone in China who can afford it never buys Chinese. I kid you not.
This is definitely something Ellen would do: heart transplant patient gets the ultimate photo opportunity. How do I know? Do you really want me to count all the bits of cats she's hidden away in cabinets in this house? It makes it an adventure to go rooting around in the spice cabinet.
Another day, another progressive attempt to solve a problem that doesn't even exist yet. In other news, Canada already seems to have a "Ministry of Robots and Artificial Intelligence." Well, at least this time it's not my tax dollars paying for it. Sexytime All The Robots!
The shape of things to come: when you have enough people, you eventually end up with a theme park dedicated to anything. I don't actually play World of Warcraft, so I'm not sure how accurate this all is anyway. If any admission is charged at all, most Chinese won't be able to afford it. But even if only 1% can, that's still something like a million people. Economies of scale, FTW!
Ever wonder what sound a submarine makes when it bounces off another ship? You can ask the guys on this boat. They also now probably know what it sounds like when a Captain's career suddenly comes to an end. Article includes a helpful map that shows where the Persian Gulf isn't.
Someone needs to check the transmission on this one. This doesn't happen in DC. Our escalators don't mysteriously reverse, they maim and kill. Progress!
It's official, someone has found the end of the Internet. I wonder if there's a companion judging boob size vs. intelligence? Of course, that one can be artificially enhanced.
We've gone on record about the roach problem in our original apartment, but at least we weren't able to scoop them up by the spoonful. Although, in retrospect, I have a feeling that was more because roaches aren't willing to be scooped up no matter what. I mean, that roach problem really was awful. Pretty much the opposite of good times.
Nice to know NOVA isn't the only place with drivers like this:
It's all fun and games until the homemade hand grenades come out. And all this time I thought an open bar at the office Christmas party was daring. And, apparently, this is common in Thailand, a carry-over from various school rivalries.
For some, it's not enough to simply be successful. You have to be successful in the right way, for the right reasons. This sort of criticism is something I've read about successful black people struggling with for years. I just haven't seen quite as crystal-clear an example of it in quite some time. I heartily agree with the show's host's comments:
'RG3, the ethnicity, the color of his fiancee is none of our business. It’s irrelevant,'He can live his life any way he chooses. The braids that he has in his hair, that’s his business, that’s his life. I don’t judge someone’s blackness based on those kind of things.
'I just don’t do that. I’m not that kind of guy.'
I guess, if your sample is big enough and homogenous enough, this sort of thing is inevitable. It's still pretty weird. Turns out all those stories of someone assuming someone else's identity have more to them than I thought.
If this article is to be believed, the old Russian practice of putting a frog in a pail of milk to keep it from going sour may actually work. Which is fine, as far as it goes. Me, I think I'll stick with good ol' pasteurization myself. But I'll be plenty happy if it somehow leads to new kinds of antibiotics.
And so, the endgame began: with catfish hunting pigeons. Not babies, either. Meh, I'll bet they've been doing this for as long as pigeons have been within reach. A 30% success rate is actually pretty good in the wild, from what I've read at any rate. With video!
So stop me if you've heard this one before: a Waco, Nebraska woman was recently arrested after she bragged about robbing a bank and stealing a car. No, she didn't blab to a friend, she posted a video on YouTube. High 19 year-olds tend not to have good decision making skills. At least nobody seems to have gotten hurt. And they took her kid away? Really? Ok, Florida, your turn now.
The summit of Everest? Sure. Take a left once you get past Green Boots. If you pass the chick with the tassel, you've gone too far. Ya know, a place that's so forbidding they have to leave your body where it dropped... well, to me that's not really an ADVERTISEMENT. Well, except maybe for crazy, or Darwin.
A shocking video emerged today showing a grotesque bulge in a woman's buttock apparently caused when her botched silicone implant 'flipped inside out'.Instead giving her a smooth, plump appearance, the implant has popped out and is left protruding in an ugly disc shape at the back of her cheek.
With video goodness!
21st century problems: Germany to reinstate anti-bestiality laws in an effort to shut down "erotic zoos." Not only will people eat anything that doesn't eat them first, they will also (apparently) f- anything that doesn't, well, you get the idea. Geeze. I guess there really are still guys (and I'll wager it's 99.99% guys) who haven't heard about the internet.
A pair of Canadian thieves recently got a lesson in 21st-century trucking. This is the first time I've ever read about GPS being used in precisely this way, but I can't help but think it's one of the main reasons for installing such a system. I imagine it only costs a fraction of a whole truck, let alone its cargo.
Now, let's be clear here. Under no circumstances does "milking" make anyone in the West anywhere near as weird as even the most normal person in Asia. But it's still pretty strange. Also seems like it'd be really cold, too. When cameras became a ubiquitous option in mobile phones, I'm not sure anyone would've picked "silly picture themes" as a logical outcome.
Making the rounds: a Swedish woman has been arrested for "violating the peace of the deceased" after photos of her in "sexual situations" with skeletons surfaced on the internet. Since it's the Daily Mail, you betcha that the article contains a few (SFW) examples of same. This all seems to have gone down (as it were) in September, so no idea why it's only come up (I can do this all day) just now.
Just when you thought Japan had the Weirdest Country in Asia race all wrapped up, China comes roaring up on the outside lane. I'm studying this place, doing research for a new book, and it still doesn't make any sense.
Yes, actually, they are watching you. I grew up in the 70s, an era when there were only 4 channels and parents thought nothing of plunking their kids in front of whatever was the "Movie of the Week." Which seemed to include a large share of scary mannequin movies. Or at least, that's what I remember. And those giant oil paintings in the parlor room, with the eyes that... Wait... I could swear those things just... AAAGG!!!!
The more you know: Never, ever, EVER piss off your Thai wife.
Solving the real problems: San Francisco city council narrowly passes an ordinance against public nudity. But don't worry! Several exemptions were carved out to ensure winkies will wave proud during various festivals held throughout the year. Remember, folks, the vast majority of people who want to be seen naked by strangers are the last people in the world who should be seen naked by strangers.
An elderly California man has been arrested for murdering and dismembering his wife. Bonus: the couple were well-known in the neighborhood, she for chasing people around with a knife and walking in public without any pants, and he for a habit of cross-dressing. Not that there's anything wrong with... well, you know, except for the whole "tossing bits of the wife into trash cans" bit. That part's definitely wrong.
Remember that scene in Indianapolis with the houses blown apart into match sticks? There's a reason you've never seen such devastation from a simple natural gas explosion.
Don't think of it as a haunted highway, think of it as a ghost hotel you can drive through. Looks like someone showed up to Halloween a little late this year.
When the cure is almost as bad as the disease: a trial with monkeys suggests a valid treatment for inflammatory bowel disease may be... worms. As in, "the kind of thing you give your dog a pill for" worms. I know IBD is a pretty awful thing, but... really? And I thought leech treatments were weird.
Ok, yes, getting an olive oil injection probably won't do someone any good, but cancer? Really? The injection was five years ago! Seems more coincident-y to me, is all I'm sayin'. SFW.
An Arizona woman has been arrested for aggravated assault for allegedly hitting her husband with her car because he refused to vote. Surprisingly, "alcohol was involved" is actually NOT part of the story. I still think it was probably involved in the crime itself.
Old and busted: love hotels for people. New hotness: love hotels for dogs. I get it, that childless singles and couples tend to anthropomorphize their pets. Hell Ellen does that so convincingly she gives them all distinct voices. But a hotel for the pooch to get their freak on? Bah. Your money, your rules. Just don't steal the towels.
Ever wonder what it looks like when a whole house really explodes? How about two of them? Neighborhood seems kinda upscale for there to be a meth lab involved, but stranger things have happened. Seems like the simplest answer would be a leaking gas line, but who the hell knows? With picture!
And in the "just when you thought nature couldn't get any more f'd up" file, we have a parasite that substitutes itself for a fish's tongue. The article includes very helpful, and skin-crawl-inducing, pictures of the beastie. Oh, and by parasite? Yeah, not the itty-bitty ones you can barely see. Yeesh...
Judging by the MRI images of her injury, F-1 test driver Maria de Villota is indeed lucky to be alive. From what I've gathered from the autopsy reports of Indycar driver Dan Wheldon's fatal accident last year, this is very similar to what his injuries looked like. Only he was going about 120 mph when he hit. Anyway, if Alex Zenardi can have a race career without his legs, I can't help but hope Ms. de Villota will be able to persevere with her injury.
Remember that Bentley stuck somewhere downtown when Sandy hit? I'm betting this is the one. It's probably just as well he's not being all that careful with it. There's probably not that much left to salvage.
It's one thing when the mean drunk is a big guy with an attitude. It's something else entirely when the thing with the mean attitude weighs north of two tons.
And now, tarantual cakes. And by "cakes," I'm not talking about a big round one with a frosting spider. I'm talking about a full-on correct and to-scale version of a common nightmare that just happens to be a bit more edible than the original. And it ain't cheap, either.
To be fair, it's not like they're submarines or anything. You haven't been able to submerge a conventional car and get away with it in at least thirty, more likely forty, years. The catching fire and exploding part is a new feature, though.
A nurse in Brazil is accused of manslaughter after she killed someone with a coffee injection. That's right, coffee straight into an IV line. This one doesn't even pass the smell test for me, and I'm more gullible than most. Something tells me it was time for gramma to go and someone "arranged" this little accident. But that's just my opinion.
"Ok... a little to the left... Now two steps forward... One step to the right... Now, hold still!" Subtlety has never been the strong suit of "Best Korea."
I only thought this sort of thing happened in the South: a pee-wee football game in central Massachusetts saw five players out with concussions, two coaches fired, and all the officials suspended. Ta-da! There's definitely something weird going on here. I have a feeling we're not hearing the entire story.
Experiment: dump 100 tons of iron dust in a remote part of the ocean, and watch what happens when the algae come a'callin'.
Observation: Climate change scientists should stop relying on press releases from interest groups to get their news. And I thought anthropologists were the ultimate reactionary turf warriors.
Update: link fixed!
Today's "wheel o' sensationalism" brings us news that... [spins]... crows are gonna kill us. Well, ok, this particular article is actually on the low scale of "ZOMG!!!", but really. If crows actually were a deadly threat, you'd think they would've killed us all long before now.
This collection of 77 "creepy" old photos seems to be heavy on the Russian stuff, which will pretty much automatically make them seem weird to us. That said, there are definitely some strange things going on in there. Two are very marginally NSFW.
All those times your mom said your room was a pigsty? Now you have a few counter-examples. Who the heck just drops cigarette butts on a keyboard, anyway? I've actually run into a few keyboards about that nasty. None of them were mine. Ellen doesn't gross them up, she just destroys them, usually 2-3 per year.
Today's entry in the "women will put anything on their face if it's called a beauty product" comes to us courtesy of a Frenchmen's favorite mollusk. I dunno. Your money, your face. Put whatever you want on it. And someone please pick Ron up. It's so annoying when he passes out giggling.
Just when you thought nature was done being all weird and stuff, along comes a turtle that pees through its mouth. I think it's at least as interesting that scientists are only figuring this out right now. Useless information? Who knows. Seems worth it just for the "ick" factor.
No, Ellen, you can't have one.
A man involved in a live roach eating contest has subsequently died. Grim death with a macabre twist that doesn't actually make sense and would probably make you sick if you thought about it too much? You'll just have to guess which US state this happened in.
This is why you don't want cheap cookware: a man was treated and released at the scene after his wife hit him twice in the head with a frying pan. If anyone got hit in the head with our cast-iron Lodge, they would absolutely not be treated at the scene. Well, unless it was for prepping the body's trip to the morgue. I'm just sayin'...
Today's "ERMERGERD, DANGUR!!!" warning will be (spins Wheel o' Sensationalism) ... too much caffeine. It's as if millions of adults suddenly cried out in terror, and then grumbled through the rest of their day. Or, you know, just went blind anyway.
You know when they say a risk of hoarding is the fire hazard? They're not kidding. As long as cats don't burn well, Ellen's future life as a hoarder will likely be safe.
Today's "freaky teen recreating an anime look" comes to us from the Ukraine. At first I thought she was using the old "giant eyes painted on the eyelids" technique, but the included video makes me think she's using contact lenses. When they're that much bigger than the iris, they're supposed to be really really uncomfortable.
I'm thinking this one falls into the "yes" category: are there risks in becoming a 'bagel head?' Bonus: apparently this has all come to the attention of the MSM because of an episode of a National Geographic documentary series, Taboo. Which Ellen has on season pass. Probably going to give it a pass, anyway. Oh, and there's a video clip featured with the article. Blech...
I think that'll be a closed casket service: police are facing an uphill battle to try and figure out what killed a local farmer. The investigation is complicated by the fact his pigs ate most of his body. Yeah. I'm calling it "revenge bacon" now.
Sometimes it's a rejuvenation, other times things don't work out all that well. Me, I'm of the opinion stickin' needles in the face is generally a bad idea all around, but I'm a guy. I've never completely understood the lengths some women go to in an effort to look good.
Shades of Spinal Tap: a band's drummer had a heart attack and died on stage. Yes, yes, it was a disco band, get yer hate all out first. At any rate, now that so many rock groups are approaching their... "golden years," I wouldn't be surprised to find this happening more and more often.
And coming up on the outside of the "Weirdest Country in Asia Derby" we have perennial favorite... Japan! At least this seems to be temporary, but it IS Japan. I'm expecting to see middle-aged Asians with sagging brows in a few years if this trend catches on.
A hospital in China is taking the problem of inadequate sperm donors seriously. Hands free! It's not completely clear to me if this is some sort of catheter thing or yet another "helping hand." Personally, it makes me think of one of those milking machines farmer use. To which I must say, no thanks!
Point taken: if you have a chance to avoid road debris, take it. Especially if you're in Russia. And what is it about Russia, anyway? Have they got some sort of requirement to have a dash cam in ever single vehicle on the road? That's what it seems like!
I'll take fake explosives and a party dress, for the win! The perpetrator was experiencing "mental issues?" You don't say!
Most car jackers use guns, knives, and other weapons. And then there's this guy. "Influenced by an unknown substance." You don't say?
Sometimes it's hard to improve on the Fark headline: Man arrested for doing something that we've all contemplated at some point. But that's never happened to me. Nope, not at all. My story, let me show you it...
It looks like they're really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get all the undecideds not to notice the huge unemployment numbers, sky-high prices, and flash-fried ambassadors: The Obama administration is emphatically denying any plans to invade Canada. I dunno. You all do realize that something like 80% of the population of Canada lives just a few hours away from our border, right?
Hey, did you know using a car to spin up a playground turntable might be dangerous? Since he was 20, I'm thinking he probably didn't leave behind a family, but since it's Germany that's not guaranteed. I haven't sen the video. I wonder if he wore a helmet?
If the Daily Mail is to be believed, contact lens wearers are in a lot of trouble. I was always under the impression people were supposed to use a special cleaning solution instead of tap water. But, don't despair! Swimming in a pool supposedly exposes you, as well. Sensationalism? In my media? It's more likely than you think.
You'd think this would happen more often: a Chinese visitor to a Sri Lanka gem exhibit has been arrested after being accused of swallowing a $13,000 diamond. Then again, who puts on an exhibit of gems that allows visitors to, you know, touch them and stuff? And it could've had a pointy bit on it, too. Ah, well. I wonder who's ticked off the chief of police lately? I think they're about to get a really crappy job.
Maybe if the executives at my company did this, they'd be happier: the executives of an Australian trucking company have been warned after an incident involving aprons depicting penises and simulated sex with a toy donkey. Then again, I've seen our executives. It probably wouldn't do them much good.
Event: idiotic airline employees find a sex toy in someone's luggage, dip it in axle grease, and then attach it to the bag it was found in before sending it up the luggage ramp. Result: ORMERGORSH! HRT CRIME! Ok, first, I got no idea how the plaintiffs have managed to prove the employees in question had any idea a gay couple owned the luggage. Second, axle grease is, by definition, slick. I really don't get how the tape would hold all that well. But who knows.
Regardless, having something weird and embarrassing happen to you in front of a group of strangers who will almost certainly never see you again in a million years in no way shape or form constitutes a hate crime which caused "negligence, emotional trauma and privacy violations directed at them because of their sexual orientation." But hey, this is America. That's just how we roll.
Steal a phone, get ebola. I'm all for punishment suiting the crime, but a fatal disease for a stolen phone seems a little much. Ellen, who treats her phone as only slightly less important than her child, would likely disagree.
Good: Ban plastic bags! They are the Devil Capitalists work! Go green instead! Re-useable bags for all!
Bad: Drop dead from food poisoning.
I have to admit, outright death is definitely one of the more extreme of the greens' "bad luck." Not completely unexpected, just extreme. And wash your damned grocery bags, you dirty hippie!
Me, I don't mail anything all that valuable to begin with, but you'd think someone at an art gallery would know better. The rules are probably different in Norway. It's probably a lot easier to successfully file a claim, which makes the insurance more expensive. That's all I can think of, anyway.
A federal judge has recently dismissed most of the claims in a wrongful death lawsuit over a fatal goat attack in a national park in Washington state. Yeah, let's roll that around the ol' noggin for a bit. Fatal goat attack. And now we watch Ellen scramble to explain why we need goats. Well of course she wants them, this is Ellen we're talking about here.
Alcohol, unsurprisingly, was involved. Holding a flame to a vent on a port-a-pottie filled with gasoline would seem to be a "you're standing too close" sort of moment, but there's no mention of any injuries. Puts a whole new meaning to the phrase "stink bomb," I'll give you that.
And in the, "I'm so very glad mine has grown past this stage," we have the case of the little boy who had a toy car wheel stuck up his nose, for three years. The worst Olivia managed to do was stuff a VCR full of cheese balls. Nowadays she wouldn't recognize a VCR if it bit her. Or, you know, something.
They're not so little any more: a new ad created for a Venezuelan plastic surgery company has Little Mermaid's Ariel recovering from an encounter with Ursula with... enhancements. If the article is to be believed, they did this without a proper license agreement from Disney. Can you say "cease and desist notice?" I knew you could.
Only in Detroit: police have released pictures of tattoos found on human body parts discovered by maintenance workers in a Detroit sewer pipe. De-boned, no less. Judging by the tats, I'm thinking "drug lord dumping ground," but what do I know?
I am not surprised that this is going to be a new trend.
Another day, another guy getting shot in the ass. So, unintended consequence of concealed carry laws, a statistical clustering of dumbass outbreaks, or just the same stuff on a different day? You decide.
Ah, but you see, it didn't happen in the South: a New Hampshire man is recuperating in the hospital after shooting himself in the butt. No, really, that's what he did! He claims to have been hunting a squirrel. No, it doesn't make all that much sense to me, either, but since he's not dead it's not like he was doing anything unnatural with the weapon. I hope.
Happy Monday morning: if a Chinese paper is to be believed, a woman recently spent five days with a spider in her ear. And that's a lovely picture they've got there, too. Hey, it's not like I posted this up just before bed!
... it gets worse. With 442 years of jail time on the dock, you'd think he'd be more than willing to give up the guys he "helped." Of course, it's not like his moral compass points the right direction to begin with. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have an arrow at all.
Not news: driver dies in single-car crash. News: caused by road collapse triggered by gopher holes. All you people living out in the country, have a nice drive home this afternoon.
There's laughing so hard you cry, and then there's laughing so hard you swallow a butter knife. Yeah, you heard me, butter knife. Had to do with her proving she had no gag refle... Oh, stop it. Stop it! I will not abide your inane giggling!
I'm divided on this one. Either it's brilliant satire, or yet another example of what happens when a bi-polar wobbles off his meds and into a manic fugue. It could go either way. Heck, it may be both at the same time. Seems like it's been out there a long time, too. But since I'd never seen it before, important people didn't know about it. So there!
Pop quiz: When you want to call attention to a nearby despotic government do you a) stage a protest, b) start a campaign, or c) risk getting your butt shot off air-dropping teddy bears on the place? Fortunately this is one of the last of the Stalinist states, so the guys who ran the air defense were off drunk or whoring or something, so our intrepid protestors managed to get away with it. I'd like to think they're both sleeping on the couch for awhile, though. I'd be lucky to be in just that much trouble, were I in their shoes.
I guess we'll call this one: Bird: 1, Airplane: 1. I think it looks so bad because the strike was in JUST the right spot. The nosecone of modern airliners is a thin composite, because of the radar living behind it.
Just in time for Christmas: Ebola has traveled to the capital of Uganda. Still as nasty and deadly as it was fifteen years ago, but with the frisson of Mayan doomsday predictions in the air. Of all the ways to go, getting killed by bleeding out of every available orifice is... well, it's dead last. As it were.
It's nice to know the US does not hold a monopoly on stupid drunk men. The worst I ever did was fire bottle rockets from my hand, and even that was twenty years ago. Thank you, Jackass, for giving idiots all over the world this wonderful idea.
It turns out cars have become safe enough to fall five stories and protect their occupants. Fortunately nobody seems to have been seriously injured. And that, folks, is yet another reason it's a dumb idea to try to drive a private car in Manhattan.
I have absolutely no idea what to make of this. Some of them actually work!
What better way to remember a loved one than an urn shaped like their severed head? I guess I should feel lucky they don't do cats. Otherwise my house would be filled with the darned things. And, boy, wouldn't THAT be something to stare at you at 5 AM in your underwear?
I'm not sure it's possible to say "ouch" enough to cover this one: Swedish man is severely injured when the tow hitch on a children's ride bulls-eyes his backside. From the article, it doesn't *sound* like he was trying to creatively get his jollies off, but weirder things have happened. I think.
This just in: some nutter has paid somewhere north of $350 for a slice of toast from Prince Charles' wedding. You know, 31 years ago. I tell you, for that kind of cash there better be a savior's face on the food, s'all I'm sayin'...
What in the world is this country coming to? It's getting so's a man can't even dress up as a goat and run with wild herds without worryin' 'bout gettin' shot anymore. Also, goatse.
I bet this made everyone's visit to the Smithsonian more memorable. My sister-in-law, Nina, used to be terrified of escalators, which was a problem since the DC Metro system has more of them than any other place in the country. I made sure to tell her that over the years only a few people had been killed on Metro's escalators. She didn't seem to find that comforting.
A UK motorist has joined the Film Hall of Shame after being taped driving through an English city in a car with only one front wheel. Luckily nobody got hurt. I also thought it was funny the cop seemed to hit his door locks just after climbing out. Loseyourcarmuch?
Anyone who is, like myself, scarred by... ahem... "experienced in" fast food restaurant employment knows the Angry Assistant Manager, and the Violent Sociopath Cook. These are the positions bullies achieve when they graduate high school but haven't slid into military service yet. Most of the time nobody ever calls them, really calls them, on the crap they pull. I'm very happy to say that, this time, they've been well and truly caught.
Yes, it's Paris (natch), and so far he hasn't got much traction on the incident. But the dude's got the photographs to prove his case, and now he's starting to get national attention. Unfortunately this is obviously France, home and heart to the ultimate of progressive ideals, so it'll likely be impossible to fire these ignorant idiots. Because we don't want the oppressive, giant multinational to exploit the lowly shift worker by SIMPLY firing them. The employer must prove, and prove again, and again, and AGAIN, that there is cause. Workers have rights! They must not be abridged!
So now an artist has created genetically engineered mice which (supposedly) incorporate DNA from Elvis Presley. Ok, a) W. T. F., and b) WHO THINKS IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO LET ARTISTS PLAY WITH GENETICS?!? I mean, really...
The circle is squared: jihadi cleric: "However, to undertake this jihadi approach you must agree to be sodomized for a while to widen your anus so it can hold the explosives." Article is SFW, although mind bleach may be advised.
Dog bites man: wild turtles are spreading salmonella to the public. Man bites dog: turtles are amphibians. In case they change the article, the direct quote is "The outbreak is slow-moving, like the lumbering amphibians themselves." Hooray for New Jersey!
Ever wonder what would happen if a know-it-all broad sat in a comedy club with a far from politically correct comedian on the stage? Wonder no more. It takes a certain size of balls to be rude out loud in a place where it'll disturb other people. Rape is also not something I'd think would be the subject of jokes. In other words, I think everyone in the situation got exactly what they deserved.
Products in the 21st century: a novelty company is suing a food processing company because their Zombie Bloodtm spoiled faster than predicted. No, really. Because everyone knows something that's bright green and comes in a clear IV bag-like package is going to be good forever, right?
The Church Of Scientology allegedly believes it's most famous celebrity convert Tom Cruise has telekinetic and telepathic powers, it has been reported. Tom, 50, is the most famous follower of the religion and an investigation by Rolling Stone back in 2006 revealed that he had reached an advanced level of Scientology and was known as an ‘Operating Thetan’ or an ‘OT’.‘OTs can allegedly move inanimate objects with their minds, leave their bodies at will and telepathically communicate with, and control the behaviour of, both animals and human beings.’
Tom, who is understood to be at the advanced stage of OT VII, has practised the religion for 30 years and therefore has allegedly reached a rarefied state of enlightenment after travelling what is known as the Bridge to Total Freedom.
If you have the $$ you can buy yourself Total Freedom. All I have ever heard was how much money you had to put into this company to be enlightened. Crazy. Bat shit crazy.
It looks like North Korea has decided to kidnap Disneyland. I've read about half a dozen books about this place, each one enforcing the idea that this place is much weirder than your wildest fantasy. This definitely means something, but it certainly isn't what WaPo, or probably even the State Department, thinks it means.
Look out, Australia, Nadia Suleman may be heading your way. She's apparently got family down there, which means she might have a place to stay. Then again, we're talking fifteen people, most of whom are under the age of 4. Hell, how does she even afford the air fare?
For yet another view of just how quick and violent the (what they now seem to be calling) 'derecho' storm was last Friday, how about this security video? That's Winchester, VA, *far* to the west of our place. And we slept through it!
Sometimes, the idiot who's not paying attention to the road gets exactly what they deserve.
A Madison, Wisconsin atheist group has decided to complain about a 10% discount a Pennsylvania restaurant gives to people who bring in a current church flyer. Such are the things one must tolerate in a free society such as ours. Otherwise these kinds of people* end up fronting political parties and complaining about Jews, and we all know how that song ends.
* Kooks, not atheists.
A Texas inmate in county lockup has managed to off himself with a plastic spoon. The arrest was for misdemeanor charges, which should've seen him out of the pokey pretty rapidly, but SOMETHING happened to get him in lockdown. You'd think there'd be cameras to keep an eye on this sort of thing.
The Air Force has rediscovered the wreckage of a plane that crashed in 1952 with, weirdly, 52 people on board. They'd plotted the wreckage right after the crash, but lost it again after it got buried by storms.
Problem: meddlesome nanny-state low flush toilets don't work worth a damn.
Solution: PRESSURE
Unintended consequence: EXPLODING PRESSURIZED TOILETS!!!
Dog bites man: a guy with no job who lives with his grandmother gets tricked online by a different guy into thinking a South African hottie is in love with him. Man bites dog: he sets out to kill the girl in the pictures sent to him. Why, yes, he was taken to a mental hospital after he was stopped, how perceptive of you!
Via Honor Among Thieves.
Those Chinese are at it again, this time cloning an Alfa Romeo. Well, someone needs to pick up the "pretty but flimsy" flag now that (apparently) the Fiat group has left it behind.
A man colorfully known as "The Dating Game Serial Killer" has been accused of two murders in New York City. The connection is apparently that he appeared on the game show a year before he was arrested for other murders in California back in the late 70s. Since he's been in jail ever since, it won't take a killer off the streets, but perhaps it will give the victims' families some closure.
And the latest attempt to tilt the odds of a high-stakes sport involves horse racing and frog juice. Yes, you heard me, frog juice. Look, I wasn't the one who made it up, they did! Juicy frogs!
Now, I know this will be shocking to you, so sit down and hold your breath: the Obama administration's DREAM decree isn't exactly what it was said to be. "They said, if I voted for John McCain..."
Presenting The Dimensions of Paradise and the Sacred Cubit, wherein we explore the mathematics of heaven. I think. There sure is an awful lot of math in there, and he says "New Jerusalem" a lot. At least it's basic math. God apparently isn't all that into calculus. Maybe that explains black holes?
Pravda is on the case: America's dominance is due to manipulation, wealth, and Kim Kardashian. No, really! Not surprisingly, the man who's come to this conclusion is from the Arab world. How else explain how one can substitute "America" with "The Jews" and have it still make complete sense? One would think this foil-hattery was just the beliefs of a single kook. In my opinion, though, if we were to make people who really believe this actually wear foil hats, it would be impossible to look at the Middle East without a welding mask.
Reason #452 why I don't want to try seafood: a Korean woman got inseminated by improperly cooked squid. "She spat out the food in her mouth, but still had a "pricking and foreign-body sensation" in her oral cavity." [[SHUDDER]]
A civics teacher is in trouble for showing an incredibly graphic video of a murder and dismemberment to his class. The guy warned the students, who seemed to be junior and senior level in high school, took a survey of who did and didn't want to see it, and offered an out for those who didn't. I think his main mistake was not notifying the parents, but it's not a huge mistake, IMO. We let teens that old drive cars, they're definitely old enough to make a judgment about something like this.
That said, during one of my cultural anthropology courses when I was, as I recall, a sophomore in college, we got shown a film which graphically depicted the ritual slaughter and butchering of a pig. Lots of warning was given, and as I recall some students didn't actually attend. Even then, at least two got so upset they had to leave (in tears, naturally), and the professor was visibly embarrassed by it all. Which is to say being warned something is horrible is not the same thing as actually witnessing something horrible.
It's a pretty questionable judgement call, I think. But if the guy is otherwise an upstanding, high-performing, and popular teacher, I'm not sure he should face any serious discipline over the incident.
Sometimes there's no way to improve the lede: "A jury has awarded a Georgia woman $3 million over her husband's heart attack, finding that his doctor should have warned the Atlanta cop against strenuous activity like the three-way sex he was having at the time he died, WXIA-TV reports." Decline and fall of Western Civilization, chapter 26.
Agreed: when teaching someone how to ride a motorcycle, it's better to choose a place that's on the ground. Heck, I wouldn't teach someone how to use a car's stick shift, let alone something that can actively toss a person off the seat.
Shades of Home Alone: a child was accidentally left behind in a UK pub during a crowded and confused party break-up. Oh, did we mention the kid belonged to the Prime Minister? Eight years old is definitely old enough to stay out of trouble and get help rolling in the right direction, which she did. The kid even managed to help out.
It's all fun and games until they have to use an angle grinder to cut the ring off your junk. Bonus: You'd think a guy less than a year from his 70th birthday would know better. Then again, hey, go grandpa! (SFW)
No, really: when ostriches attack! That pretty much defines every little kid's real-life nightmare right there. Fortunately nobody got kicked, and it looks like the bird ended up fine as well.
A dock so big it was at first mistaken for a barge recently washed up on an Oregon shore. So what? It floated all the way from Japan. The article includes an illustration of where the "bulk of debris" is which, if it's to scale, makes it look like you'll soon be able to walk most of the way to Japan from the West Coast.
And in the "people will do anything to get high" file we have scorpions. Yes, scorpions. Seems they cut the tails off, crush 'em up, and smoke the powder. You'd think it wasn't all that big of a deal, since lots of Chinese people eat the damned things all the time. Me, I think I'll stick to good ol' beer and wine, thankyouverymuch.
Chinese piracy has reached a whole new level now that a developer has duplicated an entire Austrian town. Since I'm pretty sure copyrighting geography hadn't actually occurred to anyone writing treaties, it's technically not illegal. This, of course, has not prevented at least some residents of The Village, Actual from being upset, but not so much they skipped the premiere of the copy.
Sorry, though. That Japanese guy who served his junk for dinner is still the gold-standard of Asian weirdness.
It's all fun and games at the wedding until the sprinklers start to explode. We just returned from a really nice wedding this weekend, and I'm happy to say no fire sprinklers were involved. Eww!
Scientists have discovered evidence of a radiation burst 'round about 775 AD. The problem is the only record of it is in tree rings. Nobody else seems to have noticed it, and apparently it was plenty big enough to notice. Certainly an emperor or pope must've dropped dead for no reason 'round about then?
Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder in Australia, it starts raining sheep. No, I'm not kidding. I'm pretty sure those splashes aren't very nice. Yeah, and try explaining that one to the insurance adjuster, too.
Ok, tell me if you've heard this one: two chicks start to push a dead Jetta down a steep hill... It's really pretty surprising how fast a car can get away from you in a situation like that. Fortunately it seems the only serious injuries happened to the house. Hopefully pictures will be soon to follow!
A Minnesota man is in critical condition after an illegal firework backfired and buried itself in his chest. Fortunately it didn't actually explode, otherwise I think they'd be picking bits of him out of the trees.
When they tried to approach him, the man allegedly threw some of his skin and intestines at officers, Heinemann added.He refused to drop the kitchen knife and allegedly began swinging it at officers.
'The scene was a bloody mess,' a police official said. 'The SWAT team had to be decontaminated due to the amount of blood.'
Read entire bloody article here.
Those of you who bet on "wind" or "water" as the answer to, "how will radiation from Fukushima first make its way to the West Coast?" ... tear up your tickets. Those of you who picked "fish," however, can come collect your prize. Good thing I don't eat the stuff!
And here come the Japanese pushing strong on the outside rail during the Asians are Just Weird Derby: a Japanese man recently held a banquet that had his junk as the main course. No, really. All those times when I picked the Chinese, or the Thais, or the Vietnamese as the weirdest Asian country? Yeah, if I could have those chips back I'd appreciate it.
Chinese police have detained a young couple who hit granny with their car, and then buried her alive at a construction site to hide the evidence. See? It's not just Americans who get liquored up and then do something heinous. It reads like the start of some damned horror movie. Zombie grammas!
In today's "slow news day, Ed" file we have "Gummy Bear breast implants". Yes, that's what I said. Apparently it's some sort of new material that vaguely resembles what the popular chewy candies are made of. Me, I give a golf clap to the doctor who thought to put that in the press release. Free publicity, FTW!
Why have a va-cation when you can have a na-cation instead? Look, you want to go somewhere and wander around starkers, I guess that's your right. It ain't for me, and if a travel agent tries pitching it I may pitch them out a window.
The piece appeared to be the back of a finger, including the pad and extending beyond the first knuckle, said Vail and her friend, Joe Wheaton, who accompanied Vail and Ryan on Friday to Arby’s on N. West Avenue. Vail and Wheaton estimated the portion was about an eighth to a quarter inch thick and maybe an inch or more long.
This would scar me from eating out at fast food places for life.
I guess I'm happy that nobody this famous ever signed one of my yearbooks. I grew up in a small town, though. Kind of a "law of averages" sort of thing.
Oh Lord, bless this, thy Wikipedia without which I would never have known about the Dyatlov Pass Incident, a mystery so incredibly creepy to me it took three tries just to get through the "Wikipedia dry-as-dust" article. Wandering campers, radiation, mysterious injuries, and enigmatic photographs, this story has 'em all. Think Blair Witch, only real, and, you know... Russified.
Taking that whole "blazing speed" all wrong: a fire in an F-1 garage has the organization re-examining safety and storage procedures. An hour after their first win in almost eight years, something in the Williams garage caught fire and basically destroyed it. Fortunately nobody was seriously injured.
Making the rounds: a Chinese developer decided to upgrade an existing apartment block with an underground parking garage. And yes, even in the US it's considered a "best practice" to dig a big hole BEFORE you put a heavy building on top of it. Nope, I wouldn't want to live in a Chinese-built apartment that this was happening to, either.
Oh yes, by all means, the Tea Party is absolutely violent menace haunting the country. I know I'm not changing anyone's mind. Four years of "bad luck" has done that job far better than I ever could. See you this November!
Steal your iPhone? that's a shootin'. What's not clear from the article is whether or not they'd managed to find the right room. That'd be just my luck, chilling in a Super 8 and having some maniac shoot the room up looking for the hooker who stole his phone. Ellen, on the other hand... well, to be honest she never lets her phone get far enough away from her for it to be stolen. The external heart has a distance function, it seems.
Making the rounds: it's pretty scary to catch a big great white shark on your line; it's scarier still when a bigger shark starts nibbling on it. Pictures are gruesome but not overly so. As if I needed any more reasons to stay out of the waters off an Australian beach...
Well, I guess if your two wives have to meet each other and your girlfriend, then having it happen at your funeral is the way to go. Bonus: they each brought one of his kids to the ceremony, and now everyone's fighting over who gets what.
Our parents threatened, these parents went through with it: couple arrested after 911 call reporting them strapping their kids to the hood of a car. Worst my dad ever did was force us into the back of a pickup truck, which contained a redneck set of seats (with seatbelts) for just such an occasion. I think he got them from a boat or something. Good times!
The end is nigh: Japanese "Lolita fashion" is taking hold in Mexico. A fashion developed for rich, spoiled, stick-thin girls to impress twisted old Asian men, transplanted to good middle-class Catholic girls with healthy appetites. Yeah. Can you say, "poor fit?" I knew you could...
A Greeneville, Tennessee man has been reported as defending his sister from an attacker by killing him with... a frying pan. I've had a 12" cast-iron Lodge frying pan for about twelve years now. I think it weighs north of seven pounds. If I got a good swing going I have no doubt the thing would crush a skull like an egg. So, let's all file this one under, "they only get up from a hit like that in the cartoons" file, and move on.
That'll be Octopus: 1, Sky Rat: 0. Apparently these things can weigh upwards of 150 lbs full-grown, so it's more than capable of taking down a rat with wings. Heck, I'm still a little puzzled why they don't take the occasional diver.
An Austin, Texas man has been arrested for murder using an electric guitar. Not surprisingly, alcohol and unwanted sexual advances were involved. No, I'm not saying that makes it OK, quite the opposite. People need to learn to keep their hands to themselves and back the hell off when told.
I'm pretty sure SPF 100 won't do much good here: two teen girls who fell asleep while (apparently) sunbathing in the middle of a road had to be taken to a hospital after getting hit by a car. Bonus: it was the cousin of one of the girls who ran them over. Just when you thought teenagers couldn't get any dumber...
An Australian billionaire has announced the intention to build "Titanic-II." Billed as the ultimate "retro-mod," the ship is meant to be externally identical to the original, albeit with a proper number of lifeboats. It's not clear just how faithful the interior design will be, since the demand for rustic six-to-a-cabin 3rd class bunking has rather declined in the past 100 years.
A series of reforms in Egypt makes it legal for a husband to have sex with his dead wife for up to six hours after death. Remember how Bill Engvall made fun of stupid signs because you knew people were doing them? Yeah, about that.
Can I get a, "EWWW GROSS!!!" around here?
It's all fun and games until someone tries to bite your willy off. I'm calling shenanigans on this one. I've been in my fair share of arguments with ladies over the years, and at no point has it ever happened that they've gotten close enough to my bits to be a danger.
Members of a boy band touring Australia may end up getting a shot from the clap. Kicker: if they did get it, they got it from a Koala. I'll be damned. Even the cute-and-cuddly critters in Australia are actively trying to kill people.
An actor portraying Judas in a passion play in Brazil accidentally died during a suicide scene. I've always been a bit squeamish about those sorts of scenes for precisely this reason. Were I an actor, I'm not sure I could be convinced of the safety of something that dramatic.
And now, a spider big and ambitious enough to take down a tree snake. With pictures! Fortunately Ellen (so far) doesn't want one. Not that she could have it. I'm actually very pleased this is an Australian native. I'm thinking that's JUST far enough away.
Yeah, I think I'd probably be a little surprised, too: a man watching porn "for the first time" discovers his wife is the star. And that's just the first story. You get to guess where this is all happening, with the hint: the first guy is identified as "Ramadan." Hey, it's in the newspaper! It's gotta be true!
Having solve all other sommelier-related problems, California vinters have quietly expanded marijuana-laced wine production. I dunno. Just doesn't seem like it would taste all that good. Then again, I have a suspicion that taste is not exactly the point.
Now I have another reason to avoid those sample trays. Well, aside from the fact that Olivia tends to clean them out before her parents even realize they're there. As a recovering picky eater, I avoid them just on general principles for the most part.
Ah! I get it now! Since your side is *for* big government, slut shaming is A-OK. Whatever it takes to make sure we're not paying attention to the economy, I guess.
And the NFL's latest attempt to curb unruly fan behavior is... to make them take a course about it. I always wondered if anyone could come up with a course more useless than the ones the state forces you to take to get out of a traffic ticket. I now have my answer.
Boobs? Boobs are so common, darling. What you really want is a bigger chin. Yes, chin. Just when you thought women couldn't get any more incomprehensible...
A dozen Secret Service agents have been suspended, the cause definitely might but might not involve Colombian hookers. If they look like Sofia Vergara, I can see how that might happen. That said, if they looked like SV they probably wouldn't be hookers.
"AMCGLTD," we hear you ask, "is it possible to spruce up the ol' vah-jay-jay? It is awfully dark down there." Take heart, woman of deeply tanned nether regions, we're here to help! I know it'll take India a long, long while before they knock Japan off its king-of-weirdness pedestal, but gosh this is a darned good start.
I'll give her this, Courtney Love is entertaining when she falls off the wagon near a smart phone. Unfortunately her latest rant seems to be about as connected to reality as she is. It must be pretty tough when your own kid "divorces" you. I wonder if Dave can sue for libel? Probably wouldn't be worth the chaos. It usually doesn't pay to mess around with crazy.
Today's UFO story involves those clever bastards at NASA, again. I tell ya, if it's not faking up a moon landing it's covering up a GEM. We need to give these people more things to do.
Those of you wondering what could ever top deep-fried Oreo cookies should prepare to be amazed. I wonder what sort of pan is required to make that work?
Today's UFO sighting comes courtesy of a plane flying over Seoul, Korea. This time it looks like a balloon to me. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure last time it looked like a balloon, as well. Those things do get around a lot, don't they?
Looks like there's more than one weird, abandoned war memorial in the former Eastern Bloc. You'd think someone would care about these things. Then again, how many majestic Gothic churches have "horse barn/storage shed" in their resume? Hell, the Turks used the Parthenon as an ammo dump.
A Japanese trawler cut free by last year's tsunami has been found drifting off the west coast of Canada. The vessel is just one of the first, more prominent, bits of flotsam from the disaster to show up off the coasts of North America. Various other bits of junk, and probably a few more ships, are expected to make their way to shore over the next year.
Sometimes there's no improving the lede, again: Swedish twins go crazy, developsuperpowers, and kill a man; no drugs or explanation found. Very relevant, since that pilot who wigged out on that JetBlue flight is still very much in the news. At least he didn't manage to kill anyone, albeit it seems not from a lack of trying. Or, you know, "trei-ing."
Rick K. gets a golden-eared no-prize for bringing us another example of why hi-fi audio is the wackiest of all man's hobbies. If I'm paying that much for something, I better be able to live in it.
Today's "shopped or not" entry is all about UFO love. The first part absolutely looks 'shopped to me. The zoom and shake just do not appear natural, more like something you'd get if you used a "zoom and shake" feature on a CGI editor. The rest of it just looks like a balloon. And you'd be surprised how common it is to see balloons of all sort in the sky. When I was flying my mini-chopper regularly I'd usually see one or two every time I flew.
Sometimes the lede says it all: A vicar claims a potato got stuck up his bottom after he fell on to the vegetable while hanging curtains in the nude. What in the world is up with these people? Remember, folks, it's the 21st century. A dildo is just one website order away!
Remember that story about Zimmerman having no evidence of injury on police security videos? Oh, you had to have seen it, it's been the top story on Google news all day. Except, if you check just now, it's not. It's disappeared completely. Now, isn't that a strange thing? And yes, even to me it very much looks like ABC was messing with the video to ensure that a worrying wound-like mark on Zimmerman's head is hidden behind some graphics.
I mean, I expect them to pull these sorts of stunts for Obama, that's politics for God's sake. I don't pretend to know what actually happened on that terrible night, but I am now officially putting all the MSM's reporting on a mental shelf labeled, "FICTION."
Why, no wonder I never engaged in any office romances when I was single. It never occurred to me I'd need to mark the chairs they were sitting on first. And when I say "mark," I'm not talking about the thing you do with a pen or a sticky note. Of course, the guy works in IT, natch.
A mysterious human leg that washed up on a Florida beach in December has been identified as belonging to a missing, and presumed dead, local woman. Exactly where the rest of her, and her companion, is is still a mystery. Bonus: the lady's brother checked on her apartment in January only to find a tree with presents still wrapped under it.
A Taiwanese woman has committed suicide while actively chatting on Facebook. Lighting up a charcoal grill inside your room with the windows shut will let you do that, it seems. I don't try to keep Ellen away from Facebook for fear of this sort of thing. As long as she can tap on it using her external heart ... phone or her true love... computer, she's fine.
They've definitely found something in Siberia. You'd think people would know it's Bad News to go digging weird bits of metal out of the snow by now, but maybe The Thing never got all that far into Siberia. Me, I think it looks like a bulkhead of some sort.
It's nice to know my side's not the only one who can cough up the ball. Although, of course, if your primary news sources are mainstream or otherwise unrelated to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, you'd be hard pressed to tell. So, which is worse, a candidate's assistant doing something dumb with an Etch-a-Sketch, or the President of the United States offering concessions to a rival in return for "some space?" It'll be interesting to watch the MSM cover his butt on this one. It always is interesting watching rail yard workers clean up a train wreck.
Looks like another video of "bigfoot" has surfaced. Bonus: includes "de-shake-ified" version using a really nifty technique to show us it's still not a particularly clear video. Or, you know, a particularly well done fake.
We somehow missed the "viral picture" of a motorcycle cop's feet sticking out of the back of a BMW convertible, but it turns out the story behind it, and the aftermath, are much more interesting. All those people who complain about privacy violations because of the ubiquity of cameras need to think hard about this case. If this had happened 25 years ago, that cop would've gotten away with it.
Rick gets the coveted "face-palm" no-prize for bringing us news that a middle school teacher turned his class into an opposition research team for the Obama campaign. But it was ok, since they only had to look up where they were supposed to send their findings, not actually send them. That makes it completely acceptable. And right here in Fairfax county, too!
Now men get to have fun too: Walgreens is now carrying a fake vah jay-jay for purchase on its website. I'm not completely sure how it works, but I am completely sure I don't want to know. Best Fark comment: "$78 may seem high for fake p- but it's cheaper than all the real p- i'm not getting."
Mike J. gets a nice, fresh, watermelon-shaped no-prize for bringing us the latest green call for one world government. Glenn, who's followed these things longer and more carefully than I have, just started laughing, so I'm figuring this'll likely give the hardcore greens the vapors for a few days and then fade away. Nice to see SciAm limping around, though.
That'll be Mrs. Plumb, on the deck, with a chainsaw. Desperate depression leads to desperate measures, but I thought women were the ones who wanted to go quietly in full makeup wearing a nice dress. I guess there're exceptions for everything.
Reason I don't ever want to be a farmer #28: mysterious explosions on hog farms have scientists stumped. No, the hogs themselves aren't going "bang," that would actually be better than what's actually happening. Four words: foam covered manure pit.
A pair of preteen girls in China committed suicide in part as an attempt at time travel. At least, that's what the article says. Since they're citing a Chinese-language story, who knows? It might be that they were running late or something.
A Georgia woman spent a harrowing few hours stuck when she fell down a garbage chute. Seems she was trying to grab her cellphone, which she'd accidentally dropped. Ellen would've freaking flown down something like that if her baby were actually at risk. No, not the one going to school today, the one that hooks to a charger and rings when people call it.
Usually it works the other way around: airline flight forced to return to gate due to a disruptive flight attendant. They're union, so it may be harder to get rid of the person than you'd at first think. Me, I think the phrase, "alcohol involved" will pop up eventually as the story unfolds. Nothing else makes much sense.
To what I'm sure is the consternation of breast cancer groups and little girls all over the world, it turns out the color pink doesn't actually exist. Science: coming up with b-s answers to questions we didn't realize needed asking just to frak with our day for 450 years.
By taking the waves of seismic data and speeding them up into the range of human hearing, scientists have put a new spin on the 2011 earthquake in Japan. Play the clips as they're shown on the article, not as their numbered. The titled as first seems to have the volume turned way too far down, and if you play them in title order the 2nd one will be unpleasant if you have headphones on.
So I've been told.
China's taken that whole Barbara Walters thing and put a whole new spin on it by having their local version interview condemned criminals just before they're executed. Oh, they make sure not to upset Westerners too much by only interviewing murderers and rapists, and they don't actually show any of the executions. Meh. If it helps pass the time and maybe prevents one or two other Chinese from going at each other, I don't have a problem with this particular aspect of it. The whole death penalty thing is another matter entirely*.
* By faith and inclination I think it's a waste of time and resources. Much better for them to attempt enlightenment at the bottom of a dark pit with the occasional loaf of bread and lump of cheese thrown at them. Feel free to disagree, most folks do.
I'll see your giant, extinct flee and raise you an enormous, very much alive, stick insect. It lives on a solitary island in the South Pacific, and I am completely fine with that. Fortunately, Ellen doesn't want one.
The body, wrapped in white cloth with a white sign bearing Colvin's name, has been buried because the rebels did not have electricity to keep her body refrigerated. It had started to decay, a rebel in the film footage explains.Seriously? You are in a war zone. You get blown up and your family expects you to be sent back intact? Be grateful she was at least buried and not left out for animals.
I dunno, if marathons had fewer sweaty athletes and more of... well... more of this, I might be more inclined to participate. Oh, who am I kidding? The only time this road weenie will run is when his bike breaks and he's being chased by something. That said, if it's your cup of tea why not?
I dunno, it's not like there are lawyers in the world who don't need a good shooting. Unexpected? Yep, but it's not clear from the article if he actually pointed it at anyone or merely offered it to her. Handing a gun over safely is no big deal, but pointing it at things you don't intend to shoot is a major no-no.
Tokyo's "oldest man" has been found dead recently. Which would not normally be all that news-worthy, except it appears he died about thirty years ago. It seems the habit of collecting Social Security checks for relatives who no longer need them is not exclusive to the US. However, around here we do tend to actually bury the body. In this case, not so much.
A family who's parents were accidentally "outed" to their teenage daughter as swingers by a goof made in a documentary about same aren't entitled to compensation for the mistake. The article also includes a very practical resolution to the matter. Hey, they're Germans. What did you expect? They don't all want to conquer France, ya know?
When a cell phone is "bricked," which is to say "damaged beyond repair by fault or mischief," it's annoying. Unless you're Ellen, which would make it a soul-destroying tragedy requiring a minimum of four weeks of sackcloth-and-ashes mourning and maybe dressing up a donkey. But I digress. Anyway, when it's a $100,000 sports car, and the "fix" costs $40,000, not so much. Annoying, that is. Not the sackcloth-and-ashes thing. What were we talking about again?
That's not cool: a Florida man is in the hospital with severe injuries when his electronic cigarette blew up in his mouth. Can you say, "product liability lawsuit?" I knew you could...
An Iranian man was discovered carrying grenades in a backpack in Bangkok, police say he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Yeah, just happened to be, you know, transporting them. For a friend.
And now, giant bugs turned into tinker toys. I guess everyone needs a hobby. Bonus: includes a picture of everyone's favorite spidery nightmare, the African bird spider. It'll take a special lady to appreciate a brooch made from a bug as big as her hand.
The man went on to develop 'firm and pendulous' masses on his stomach - a condition known as lipohypertrophy. Mild cases are surprisingly common, however this patient had a severe case as he hadn't changed his injection sites for three decades.Uh... it looks like a butt or a pair of boobs.
Not X rated in anyway... he is describing this new.. floppy... thing :/
The best stereo speaker in the world? Oh, yeah, we can show you the best speaker in the world. It weighs more than a quarter ton and costs more than five times as much as a Honda Civic. Each. The picture at the top of their website reminds me of Daleks with their plungers removed. EXTERMINATE!
How did we ever live without a recipe for beef jerky underwear? Doesn't look all that flexible to me, but fashion has never been my forte. All the same, I think I'll pass on this one. I bet it'd be awkward trying to explain why all the neighborhood stray dogs keep following you around.
So, what do you think: a monster in Iceland, or a robot? That head looks very, if you'll pardon the expression, pythonesque to me, and from the video it's not completely clear it really is an icy river. Me, I'm calling it some sorta hoax involving someone's pet python going for a swim.
Janey said: "Every time friends visited they were taken aback by Meeka's size and asked if I was sure she was a micro pig. At this point, I still believed she was — just one with a weight problem."
I know... No Ellen, You can't have one.
Most, hopefully nearly all, of us would have people hunting for us very soon after we missed an appointment, work, coming home, really anything. Others, well, others simply aren't as fortunate. In other news, you can run up unpaid taxes to the tune of 30 grand before you need to worry about the revenuers seizing your house. The more you know...
An abandoned leper colony is always an eerie place, especially when it's just off the shoreline of Manhattan. I'm thinking the photographer may have taken some pretty substantial risks. Those floors don't look all that sturdy to me, and falling through the floor of a building in an abandoned leper colony seems... sub-optimal.
Making the rounds: chicken wing cupcakes. Not being a huge fan of either one, I'll give it a pass. The bakery that cooked this up is near a college town, so I'm sure they'll have plenty of takers.
Ah, to be German: If it does not have an expiration date, it will be edible. At least he had it tested first. Ellen's the same way with spices. Except her attitude is more "if it doesn't smell bad I don't care how old it is."
A big soap bar of a ship has taken out a bridge in Kentucky. And by "taken out," we're not talking about dinner and a movie. Amazingly, nobody was hurt. It's not at all clear what went wrong, as this particular boat has gone under this particular bridge several times before.
Continental Airlines Flight 1515 was preparing to take off for Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston when "a maintenance-related engine run-up of the right-hand engine" was carried out, said Roland Herwig, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration's southwest region in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma."Someone on the ground was sucked into the engine," he said.
Pretty messy.
The wriggling, the squirming, the Moro reflex-induced jump... If you want proof that artificial intelligence is thriving, look no further than this robotic -- and yes, somewhat creepy -- baby.
Read all about it and don't forget to see the video.
It looks like Texas has another smuggling problem on its hands. No, it's not coke or Mexicans, it's deer. Yes, deer. They're a damned nuisance around these parts, with carcasses littering most of our major highways around mating season, doing who knows how much damage to cars and drivers. But in Texas the pretty ones are worth a lot of money, and when there's lots of money tied to lots of rules, cheating's just part of the game.
Robert Hegyes, best known for playing Epstein on Welcome Back, Kotter, has died. The young actors I watched growing up are now climbing into their sixties. Still, it doesn't seem quite fair that this guy kicks it at 60 while Kieth Richards' corpse still walks the land.
Ever the busybodies, a Nordic dive team has discovered itself two mystery objects at the bottom of the Baltic, one of which is roughly as big as a 747. Me, I'm thinking "bizarre geologic formation" rather than "ZOMG!1!!! ALIENZ!!!" But you never really can be sure. Yet another reason to root for summer to get here.
I guess you'd call that green building: 1, smug hipster: 0. I don't have to worry about it much, because the tin the Alfas are made of will rust long before it melts. The Hyundai, on the other hand, may be something I have to watch out for.
I'll see you your "moon landing's a hoax" wackadoos and raise you psychics who're claiming they've found a space ship on the moon. Check that, they're claiming astronauts found one forty years ago, and are just asking they be allowed to "tell" their story. Good. It's been awhile since we've had a genuine bunch of crackpots in the news lately.
The iconic and consistently mis-identified tower which holds Big Ben is starting to lean to the left. Well, Labor was in charge for most of the past few decades, what do you expect? Apparently they've got plenty of time to sort it all out, which I'm sure they will do presently.
Pop quiz: authorities are investigating a) mysterious lights in the sky, b) mysterious objects in the sky, or c) mysterious snoring in the sky? Ok, now go collect your prize. I was always expecting trumpets to herald the end of days. I am disappoint.
Agreed: "If Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's legislative assault on public sector workers was a prime example of right-wing excess on the issue of organized labor, the story of Buffalo's teachers and their botox should be looked at as cautionary tale for the left." Good intentions does not make a dumb idea any smarter.
Returning electronics is about to get a heck of a lot tougher now that some bastards have figured out a new way to scam the system. Some people admire clever "bandits," thinking they're some sort of modern Robin Hood. I look at the mountains of paperwork I have to complete to get basically anything done and curse the day the first one drew a breath.
Hikers walking their dogs around the Hollywood Hills have made a grisly discovery. Yeah, it's probably some drug lord or something, but still, that's not really the sort of thing I'd want to find on a trail, ya know?
Authorities have discovered radioactive concrete, contaminated by the Fukushima disaster, has made its way into new building construction. An apartment building, no less. The problem was discovered when a student at a nearby school had received a significant radiation dose in a very short time.
A mysterious sonic rumble experienced in May still has scientists scratching their heads in Costa Rica. Somewhere in the vicinity there's a very happy person with a very, very large subwoofer.
Use #13: gold smuggling compartment. This one's high up on the list because it's probably been used that way by smugglers for thousands of years. Which is why I don't ever want to be a smuggler. Not worth the discomfort, sorry.
More than a day after it (presumably) fell to Earth, Russian scientists still aren't sure where Phobos-Ground ended up. Since the trail ended somewhere over Brazil, I'm thinking darkest jungles and wide, deep oceans would be a good guess. It also makes me think they may never actually find anything.
Navigating a port correctly is important, especially if you're in charge of one of the biggest cruise ships afloat. The FARKers are all abuzz as to just how they're going to get something that big out of the mess it's now in. The short answer seems to be, "dunno."
A villager in a remote Russian town got a big surprise when he found nearly 80 Kalashnikov rifles in the scrap wood he just bought. Apparently in Russia it's acceptable to use unopened crates as scrap wood. Who knew?
There but for the grace of God goes my wife: UK woman killed by train attempting to retrieve her cell phone. Ellen's loyalty to her "extended heart and soul" definitely borders on the clinical, but I'd like to think she'd draw the line at jumping in front of a train to save it.
A guy who thought it would be a good idea to get his short arm its very own tat got an unexpected "bonus." Fortunately it seems in this specific case the patient isn't in immediate danger, although I would imagine it does limit the kinds of swimsuits he can wear and still be polite.
How many bug spray cans does it take to make a respectable bomb? According to the Post, about a dozen. I've had static electricity spark to any number of cans of flammable stuff and never seen anything like this happen. I think there's something else going on here...
I've read about, heck I think I've seen video, of hot air balloons hitting power lines. Seems to be a professional hazard for them, sort of like crotch hits and pinatas. I had no idea it had the potential to kill nearly half a dozen people. It seems you can get killed doing damned near anything.
Sweden has officially recognized a religion who's central belief revolves around "anti-copyrights". This sort of reminds me of rednecks who declared themselves members of the Church of the Green Bud in an effort to get legalized pot back in the '80s. However, this is Sweden, so who the heck knows where it'll go?
Having tried everything else to convince the middle that my side is a clear and present danger to life, liberty, and sanity, now they're trotting ol' Pat out again. Robertson has been saying essentially the same things over and over again for the past, what, I think it must be forty or fifty years now. I'm more interested in why anyone thinks he's fresh or relevant than in what he actually says.
Sometimes North Korea crudely photoshops pictures for obvious reasons. Other times, it's just some really weird sh- coming out of the place. Me, I still think it'll end up being some bizarre retouching, but I've been wrong before.
Fortunately we live in the US, where this only happens in the fevered dreams of wacky leftists (when our side is in charge): Turkish military admits to blowing up cigarette smugglers who were mistaken for Kurdish separatists. See? Smuggling cigarettes is bad. Just wanted to put that out there for, you know, some people...
Alternate title: "~ Reindeer got run over then killed gramma ~". When it's your time, it's just your time. How my rural relatives have avoided this fate all these years, I will never know.
All right, once more, with feeling: do not post anything on-line you wouldn't say out loud, in public, within earshot of a priest, a policeman, and your mom. Of course this is a teenage boy. He'd probably shout "yo, dawg!" and confess in front of all three just for "teh lulz."
It's bad enough to find out your daughter is sleeping with the gym coach. It's worse if you're dating him, too. I'm pretty sure there isn't a hole deep enough to measure the amount of trouble Olivia would be in if she pulled a stunt like that. I'd like to think we'll teach her to be better than that, but I'm humble enough to acknowledge it's not a sure thing.
A ship carrying 160 tons of explosives and nearly 70 "Patriot" missiles bound for China has been stopped in Finland. Hey, they labeled the missiles as fireworks! They're really just super-fancy bottle-rockets anyway, right? Right? Which catalog can I order those out of, anyway?
For even more evidence that junkies are idiots we have the case of the man who died after eating the cocaine stuffed up his brother's backside. Wait a minute. If they were handcuffed that would mean he might've had to... EWWWW!!!!!
And now, a 100 year-old Christmas cake. Article includes oh-so-appetizing picture of same. I'm not completely convinced it's legit, but why not? You take the first piece!
Today's "innocent item that will kill you in a horrific way" is... [spins the media wheel of hysteria] ... Neti pots. For those of you who have not married into a family enamored of magic potions and mystic chotchkies, neti pots are used to flush out the sinus cavities. Basically, the user sticks the spout of a teapot up their nose and pours. No, really! I knew I should've taken pictures when Ellen was using hers regularly.
At any rate, two people in Louisiana woke up dead lately, victims of a neurological disease called "primary amoebic meningoencephalitis." Since there wasn't any other obvious reason, the state's health department shot out a press release which may have included the absolutely delightful phrase, "brain-eating amoebas." Quicker than you can shriek, "flesh eating bacteria!!!!" pow, we have our latest public health hysteria. And just in time for Christmas!
That this disease is "exceptionally rare," even though the critter that causes it is "extremely common" and "extremely sensitive to chlorine," and absolutely the only way infection occurs is "direct contact with the olfactory nerve, which is only exposed at the extreme vertical terminus of the paranasal sinuses," 1 we encounter nowhere in the original article.
In other words, unless you enjoy filling a teapot with tap water and then pouring it UP your nose, a lot, you're fine, and so am I. Ellen, on the other hand, well, I'm just glad she lost the thing years ago.
Some enterprising Dutchmen have managed to make off with an entire jet fighter. True, the F-104 is one of the smaller examples of the breed, but it's still a freaking airplane. Oh, I don't doubt they'll be caught, but, dude, nice job!
While the initial report makes it seem like they were right out there in the open, even getting it on in a car below a lighted sign shows some pretty poor judgement. Sheriff. The boy-toy just makes it that much sillier. Really, people, get a room!
During a Pilates stretching exercise known as a Valsalva maneuver the woman reported that her "body swallowed one of the implants," according to the account published in the New England Journal of Medicine.Suddenly I am afraid of doing Pilates.
Unfortunately, no matter how irritated you get, it's not a good idea to wave shotguns at people just because. Yet another crazy person wobbling off their meds, I'll wager. At least nobody got hurt.
Color me unsurprised: a former Wal Mart employee chronicles government assistance and the people who use it. Long-term poverty is the hallmark of people with extremely poor decision-making skills. Helping them improve those skills should be a goal of any assistance but, alas, that will never happen. It would reduce their dependence on the state, and That Will Not Do.
All I can say is, if I were the foundation that ponied up the grant that funded this, I'd want my money back: "Researchers collated their results and discovered that alcohol consumption affects decision-making, and that this impact rises with the amount of alcohol consumed." Really? Really? Go for the mush-headed press release, stay and stare at Ramona, the transgendered football linebacker pondering "her story."
Making the rounds: a set of older photos is offering a rare glimpse into life on death row in China. The full set of photos is here. No death or gore, just strangely eerie pictures of women convicted of breaking the law in a society which executes many more individuals for such things than does the US.
For those of you who long ago grew sick of looking at replica man-bits hanging off car trailer hitches: be careful what you wish for (SFW). Haven't seen any of this around here, so far at any rate. Our customizers tend to be of the "beaded seat cover and gold-and-red-crowns" sort, if you catch my meaning.
The sharks, they jump themselves: upcoming Glee holiday episode to feature Chewbacca. Hey, if it means Mayhew gets some cash for Christmas, I guess I'm OK with it. Ellen: "well, that proves they'll desecrate anything." She takes it more seriously than I do.
It turns out emptying the magazine of an AR-15 at the White House from a half-mile away isn't the only thing that marked the guy out as crazy. On reflection, it probably is just a coincidence this guy was party of the Occupy movement. This particular sort of "Coke Classic Crazy" regularly makes its appearance around this town. I used to work with a few of them.
So, what you're trying to tell me is that an alien race capable of building a spacecraft the size of a freaking planet is having their nefarious plot foiled by a, well, let's be honest, a sun fart? See, that's the problem I have with just about every conspiracy theory out there. They all require the bad guys to be inhumanly (ha!) brilliant, right up until "we" notice, then they're suddenly as dumb as a rock with a tomato on it.
By the way, I thought it was supposed to be 12-12-2012??? Looks like someone didn't synch their watch or something!
Look, people, if living with an Italian from New York has taught me anything, it's taught me nothing good comes of a shallow grave. Bonus: perp seems to be complaining that stun guns do not work "as advertised." Hopefully he'll be able to collect his refund in jail.
Ever wonder what Chernobyl might've looked like just a few months after the disaster. I'm thinking it looked like this, only with more vodka and fewer vending machines. Japan is, of course, both richer and better organized than the Soviets. It'll be interesting to see if this can all be reclaimed, or if it will join Chernobyl as another ghost town that glows in the dark.
A new wrinkle in the saga of the Large Hadron Collider: a man claiming to be from the future was apprehended trespassing on the premises. "Countries do not exist where I am from. The discovery of the Higgs boson led to limitless power, the elimination of poverty and Kit-Kats for everyone. It is a communist chocolate hellhole and I'm here to stop it ever happening."
Well that's comforting.
So they say welfare mothers are a myth. I say oh, really? Unfortunately a society which provides a safety net for people who really need it will often find it being used by people who don't. A free society for the smart also means a free society for the stupid, and enabling the state to go all Darth Vader on someone like this means it can go Darth Vader on me, too.
Reason #62 why I'd suck as a junkie's friend: if this is what I have to do to wake you up, your ass is dead. Everyone who thought using a sharpie marker on the face of their passed out friend just got a whole other interesting set of ways to wake them up. Me, I'll stick to whacking the soles of their feet. "Why couldn't that technique have been used for Uma Thurman instead of the needle?"
And now, a cricket eating a carrot. Not just any cricket, mind you, it's a cricket about the size of a tennis ball. Meh. I'm sure there are mosquitoes nearly that big somewhere in southeast Arkansas. They don't call it the state bird for nothing!
Tick off a bunch of college kids, and all you get are smelly hippies camping in a park. Tick off an Indian snake charmer and the results are different, to say the least. No, Ellen, you can't have one.
Well, I guess running over 2500 water balloons has originality going for it as an advertisement. Then again, I use a Tivo. I haven't seen a non-kid-based advertisement since about 2005. It may have in fact been done before. Just not with a car this cool.
Durham Crematorium has submitted plans to install turbines in its three burners which can convert the huge amounts of heat generated during the cremation process into electricity.But crematorium bosses believe surplus energy from the other two turbines - enough to power around 1,500 television sets - could be fed into the National Grid.
The turbines will be powered by steam released by cooling hot gases used in the cremation process, rather than bodies.
Read then entire article here.
Observation: Russia's delightfully named Phobos-Grunt didn't leave orbit when it should've, and it's turning out to be very difficult to figure out why. Conclusion: It's actually a bio-warfare weapon designed to bring about a global apocalypse. Well, duh!
Originally Rossie tried to have Ryan charged with assault but it turns out this crafty tattoo artist got her to sign a consent form prior to the tattoo and it said that the design was ‘at the artists discretion’, she claims; “he tricked her by drinking a bottle of cheap wine with me and doing tequila shots before I signed it and got the tattoo”. “Actually I was passed out for most of the time, and woke up to this horrible image on my back.”
Oh dear...
She said: "It's like an octopus. It started four months ago. I was lying in bed when I felt this creepy pair of hands.I assume this is a white family. Who else but us crazy white people would STAY in an haunted house. Let alone buy a new mattress to see if the haunting stops."I kicked frantically and it went away. Next time it came I hurled the duvet on to the floor!
"But the ghost keeps coming back. I've tried sleeping without the duvet. But it started shaking my mattress.
And in the, "you just can't make this sh-t up" category, we have a "trans gendered woman" who injected a client's buttocks with cement. With fix-a-flat mixed in, no less. Because, you know, it needs to be sticky I guess. Fortunately nobody died, but it's not from a lack of trying.
Passengers on an an airline from India to Britain were recently told to pay for gas or find another ride. Fortunately they were confronted with the request while on the ground. Silly people. Doing it in the air would've been much more effective!
I've long suspected there was a limit to the good bacon could do. Now I've found it. All the women I know are quite meticulous with their hygiene, and understandably so. That makes me think no matter how, well, tasty things are, this one's a non-starter.
Remember the guy who'd raised himself a tame hippo? Yeah, that ended about like you'd think it would. I don't really trust any of our pets to be civilized, but they're all less than 1/10th my size. No way I'd try to even make friends with something that weighed more than my car.
Not content with building eerie, empty cities, the Chinese have also been building weird, abandoned structures in the desert. When they're not talking politics, the Slashdot guys can be useful commentators, and so their ideas are mostly interesting. Has someone tried asking them what it all is yet?
Illinoisans to legally scoop up road kill.In action Thursday, senators voted 52-0 in favor of the proposed law, which is designed to allow people to collect dead mammals found on roadways.
How many times can f*$ing yuck be used in a sentence?
Just when you thought teens had figured out every weird way to get drunk, they discover vodka tampons and butt bongs. Look, I enjoy a good drink as much as the next guy, but I do have boundaries. Most especially those involving access to my backside.
While, technically, this is not really a "faces of meth," it's close enough for me to shudder. The processes they use to make the stuff are incredibly flammable, after all. Proof positive there are things far, far worse than an addiction to Facebook.
Those crazy Asians are at it again!
It's a fun video and family friendly.
Having solved all other problems, the Obama administration is now out to improve the image of the American Christmas tree. By, naturally, imposing a .15c tax on each and every one sold. I get it now, you all are absolutely right. The only way to success is to give the federal government even more money and power. Look at how effective they are with what they already have!
A well-intentioned effort to control greenhouse gasses may be on the verge of going completely pear-shaped. Yet another example of not thinking past stage one: if you pay people for piece-work, they'll make more, not less, of what you're paying them for.
MADRID — Pushed for space, a Spanish cemetery has begun placing stickers on thousands of burial sites whose leases are up as a warning to relatives or caretakers to pay up or face possible eviction.The sticker campaign was decided upon to coincide with the Nov. 1 Roman Catholic holiday on which people visit graveyards. Abadia said that since then hundreds of people had called to make inquiries about grave of their relatives.
Nowadays, Spanish cemeteries normally place coffins or cremated ash urns in niches above ground.
Read the rest of the here
Remember how odd China and Japan are? A challenger has appeared. It seems something about recovering from a totalitarian disaster brings out the sincerely weird in people. We'll have to see just how it plays out.
Some countries, well, let's be honest. All countries except one protect their nukes with sophisticated security and heavily defended bunkers. The one hold-out? They create "the world’s most dangerous 1-800-FLOWERS truck." Gives you that "not-so-safe" feeling, eh?
A Russian man has been arrested in relation to a string of grave robberies after the remains of 20 women he'd dressed himself were found in his house. Look, it's all fun and games to make jokes about how much women talk, but this is taking it a little far, don't you think?
Hacker group Anonymous is learning it's all fun and games until the cartel starts sniffing around your house. I learned a very long time ago there's a certain sort of guy you do not mess around with. These guys make those look like pansies. Pro tip: stick to corporations and the US Government. They won't pull your tongue through your neck just to prove they can.
Bird owners everywhere know one of their great talents is chaos. They can foul things up all out of proportion to their size and weight. Don't believe me? check out what one does when he encounters a paraglider. Hooray for safety chutes!
A Burmese python slithering through the Everglades proved that her eyes weren't bigger than her stomach, swallowing intact a 76-pound deer. At 15.65 feet, the python isn't the largest on record. But the size of her prey both impresses and concerns state and federal wildlife scientists and land managers trying to control the non-native species."They are large exotic animals that are not naturally from this area," said Randy Smith, spokesperson for the South Florida Water Management District. "The potential to wreak havoc on the natural Florida wildlife ... they don't have true enemies."
Contractors spraying exotic vegetation Thursday came across the female python on an island about 20 miles from Everglades National Park, Smith told CNN Tuesday. It was dispatched, by protocol, with a single shotgun blast to the head.
Well that sucks, but this is what happens when irresponsible people own giant snakes. With picture!
Nicole said that the morning after the arrest, she emailed Safeway to say not paying for the sandwiches was an honest mistake. "It was just a slip, a mommy-brain moment, I guess," she said. Houghton said Safeway accepts her assurance that she simply forgot to pay.***Here's and idea! Don't eat when you shop! Since when is a grocery store a restaurant? Those places are filithy!*** Nicole said she and her husband were told they were banned from the store for one year. ***Pity Party*** Houghton said she wasn't sure who would have told them that, but Safeway welcomes the family back. Grocery shopping is a chore that now bring some anxiety, Nicole said, adding that she has read countless comments online criticizing her for eating before paying.
***Keep reading them. Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you are extra special. Babies are born every day. Eat before you go out.***
Really? I'm not totally heartless. Safeway you suck for arresting two idiots who decided to eat while shopping. That is a No-No. You suck even more for calling child welfare and stressing everyone out. You handled the situation poorly.
Again, who the hell eats in a grocery store? You might as well eat off a public toilet seat.
Read entire asinine article here.
A 28 year-old man is using the time-tested "she turned into an ass on the way home" defense in a very novel situation. Turns out the donkey show is a global phenomenon. Who knew? (SFW)
Remember those parents who named their kids things like "Adolf Hitler" and "JoyceLynn Aryan Nation"? Yeah, they're trying to get their kids back. Again. At first, I was all, "it's their kids, give them back please." Then I found out, "Both parents are unemployed and are said to suffer from unnamed physical and mental disabilities."
In other words, these are not racist, hateful, but otherwise productive citizens. They're not Westboro. Instead they're a couple of unemployed clinically crazy people with a proven track record of poor impulse control and bad decision making. It may not be enough to keep their kids away, but as far as I'm concerned it's enough to make that a harder decision than it would at first appear.
Today's "I didn't know I didn't know that" story concerns one Jack Unterweger, a serial killer who convinced his country he was reformed, only to immediately begin killing again on his early release. Yet another item to consider when a paid talking head starts crowing about how something is "definitely settled." Oh, and Malkovich is in a play about him.
I guess I'm officially old now, because I don't have a problem with a Girl Scout troupe rejecting a boy in a dress. Then again, if Olivia were in the same troupe and she came home talking about their new member David well, I'd like to think I wouldn't have a problem with it. When I think about the reverse case, of a girl trying to join up with a Boy Scout troupe, I don't get the same visceral reaction so maybe it is just me. Tolerance makes parenting complicated, I suppose.
Looks like the 99% doesn't include local farmers. But then, what's a little inconvenience as long as it furthers the revolution? It is always better to starve in justice than to dine in the shadow of prosperity!
Another day, another creepy anniversary nobody's ever heard of commemorated by Wikipedia. At least, likely nobody outside the Australian UFO community. You'd think that after so much time they'd be able to pry more records out of the various law enforcement agencies.
Today's "kook mistaken for an audiophile" story is all about how cassette tapes are making a "comeback." Ok, slowly this time: audiophiles are people who spend $20,000 on a single 30 watt monophonic vacuum tube amplifier. Kooks are people who talk a guy down from $30 for an obsolete tape player.
The bones used to be buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery south of town. Heavy rains in 2009 washed away the wall of a neighboring ravine, and a strip of the oldest part of the cemetery slid into the maw. Several headstones and at least one body tumbled down with the soil.Someone retrieved several gravestones from the ravine and set them at the back edge of the cemetery. Some of them indicate the graves were nearly old enough to fall under the state archaeologist’s authority. One, for a 2-year-old girl named Nellie Beem, says she was buried in 1867, which is 144 years ago.
How hard is it just to dig some new graves and put these people back to rest?
We're (well, Ellen's) getting slow... how else to explain our total lack of albino cyclops shark coverage? Ah, I know. It wasn't an albino cyclops cat! Fish, fowl, feline, the distinction matters. Well, anyway, it's a great Halloween-style link!
Really? I know you are a country of nearly1.2 Billion, but you don't hit a child with car and then run her over.
The horrific part is over 4 people walked past her and she was hit multiple times!
China, you really are one sick country
The things one learns, trolling Wikipedia's "on this day" section. To wit: on this day, 9 people were killed in 1814 during the "London Beer Flood." Sometimes beer does things you don't want it to do.
No, really, Piranha bark. Nature can be weirder than we can imagine, because nature just has to follow rules we're still not completely clear about. It doesn't have to actually be "creative."
A surfer in Oregon got the ride of his life recently. I'd normally say, "yeah, right," but apparently there are witnesses to his little shark dance. Just another reason to stick with swimming pools, as far as I'm concerned.
Besides the noted Thanatron machine, which Kevorkian built, other items to be auctioned include some of Kevorkian's correspondences and invention ideas, a pearl flute, his doctor's bag, a master lock from prison and his signature blue sweater. People can also purchase provocative paintings that he created, which come with brief descriptions from the artist himself, according to Neal.
You know you want own a piece of real American History!
Proof people wobbling off their meds aren't exclusive to North America: a man flipped out and literally tore his eyes out during an Italian church service. No pictures, fortunately.
A Russian woman's life was saved by her (apparently quite large) fake boobies. Or maybe the knife was just small? Save the boobies!
A US man has taken "royal obsession" to new heights: the body of a homeless man with a demented fascination with the royal family lay near one of the royal residences for three years before it was discovered. Camping out on an inaccessible island and hiding out in the bushes will have a tendency to cause that sort of thing. Crazy people... is there anything they can't do?
"Let’s start by sketching out the little that is known for certain. At 7 o’clock on the warm evening of Tuesday, November 30, 1948, jeweler John Bain Lyons and his wife went for a stroll on Somerton Beach, a seaside resort a few miles south of Adelaide. As they walked toward Glenelg, they noticed a smartly dressed man lying on the sand, his head propped against a sea wall..."
What better way to start the month known for the macabre than with a genuine, and deadly, mystery?
Crooked teeth are seen as imperfections in many western countries, and particularly in America, where braces are practically a God-given gift to man, but in Japan, a country where almost everything is different, they are considered cute, even adorable. Yaeba means double tooth in Japanese, but it doesn’t describe major dental deformities, but rather the vampire-like look obtained when the two molars crowd the canines pushing them forward to create a fang effect. According to some sources, yaeba gives girls a feline look which is apparently makes them even more attractive, while others say it’s this little imperfection that makes pretty girls look more approachable as opposed to the flawless magazine cover models of the western world.
Yet another way the Japanese are making themselves into living ANIME dolls.
With Video!
Just when I thought the Chinese couldn't get any weirder, I learn about a festival in which pigs that've grown to be the size of VW Beetles are publicly slaughtered and then their gaily painted carcasses are paraded around town. Still, it's gotta be better than dog meat. I hope.
Standard: an organization responsible for a ridiculous stunt is irritated that someone else is giving the wrong people the credit. WTF: the organization is Al Qaeda, and they're telling Iran's president to stop blaming the CIA for 9/11. Even better, the whole thing was just about prophesied by an Onion parody some time ago.
Fans of Storm Chasers and other weather-related phenomena should not miss this detailed and harrowing account of surviving the Joplin tornado. Best part: they were saved by a beer cooler. Beer. Is there anything it can't do?
Those of you wondering why the economy is still flopping around in the bottom of the boat need look no further than this: new environmental regulations will require 230,000 new employees to enforce, cause 6.1 million businesses to fall under their jurisdiction, cost $21 billion dollars, and probably won't work. No, this isn't some right-wing think-tank report. It's the EPA itself admitting all this effort probably won't work. This is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure, and is a direct result of electing a community organizer with exactly two years of federal office experience to the Presidency. It's not who he is. It's who he's hired.
See, I always thought people learned to leave wild mushrooms alone back in, you know, first grade or something. As usual, it seems that a few people weren't listening in that class. Darwin missed them by THAT much.
No surprise to anyone familiar with the "wisdom" of diplomats assigned to the UN: diplomat's car stolen and crashed after he left it double-parked and idling while he went and got some tea. The UAE is a comparatively liberal Arab state, so it's not like a religious policeman was outraged or anything.
Update: Actually, it's the diplomat's chauffeur.
Why worry about finances when you're a successful actor and... a vampire?!? Because, really, it's definitely not a faked photo. That's what the auctioneer on Ebay says, and we all know how reliable they are!
A surrogate mom got some startling news when she found out the prospective parents were backing out of the contract, leaving her with twins she never thought she'd have to raise. Fortunately, an adoption agency was able to place the children and everyone seems to be Ok.
Reason #432 that a womb is not a rent-able factory. Ya know?
Making the rounds: a heavily modified P-51 Mustang has crashed at the Reno Air Races. The pilot reported a mayday and pulled out of the race, and then the plane looped over and went in nearly vertically, right in front of the grandstands. Death toll is currently at 3, but may climb higher.
Pilots get killed pretty regularly at Reno, but this is the first accident involving spectators I can think of. Unfortunately it wouldn't surprise me at all if this incident shuts down the races for good.
Fumes at a Georgia McDonalds have sent 10 to a hospital. I always knew the place could smell a little weird, but this is ridiculous. I'm putting a $5 chip down on "stupid teenager mixing bleach and ammonia just to see what would happen."
Good: Airliners are booting thugs off for not pulling their pants up. Bad: get a load of what they'll let on the airplane instead (SFW). I had a point to make, but the picture just, well... go look, you'll see.
With humans, jealousy normally results in the sort of drama that drives the plots of hundreds of soap opera episodes per year. With tigers, the drama is much shorter, and... gurglier... Reason #37 why Ellen can't run a big cat rescue from her back yard one day, that's all I'm sayin...
Nope, it is correct. A nudist dating site.
Lots of sagging, cellulite... and well those models they feature. Yeah right.
A moose drunk on fermented apples was rescued recently when it staggered into a tree and got stuck. And really, they can be mean drunks.
Only in the heartland of all things progressive: San Francisco's latest controversy involves forcing nudists to sit on towels when they're in public. Yes, "sit on," not "wear." Meh. Their city, their rules. It's not like I was planning on visiting Castro any time soon anyway.
Drunk, naked, passed out in an empty hot tub next to a dead guyis no way to go through life, son. Bonus: Arkansas weatherman. Hot water, booze, boy toys, and blow. That's some fine judgement there, very fine.
All the new rules and organizations set up to stop the Wacky Westboro Bunch must be having an effect, since their new target is the rock group The Foo Fighters. Trying to make a lot of noise at a venue that celebrates nothing but noise isn't a particularly good idea, but the Westboro people have never been known for quick thinking. I'm sure Grohl will have a good time with them.
The stupid person mode of transportation.
Mr Satur said the incident was a 'terrible' example of the danger of trying to hop a train. He said: 'It's terrible.'It really highlights the dangers of trying to hop a train. It is not safe by any means.'
Authorities said the 100-car train was travelling at 18mph when the incident occurred.
The person is lucky not to have lost their life pulling this stunt.
If the documents prove to be authentic, the US government definitely believed in Yeti back in the day. Bonus: It seems the guy who created Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer included a yeti in the story because he was obsessed with finding them. No, really!
Ellen's idyllic San Francisco isn't quite as idyllic at the moment. Meh. People gotta swim, shark's gotta eat, ya know?
A Welsh lady walking her dog in a nice pasture got killed by a cow. Better: this was the second time in two years it's happened. Remember folks, guns don't kill people, cows kill people.
Naked dude: check. Girlfriend: check. Raccoon: check. Alcohol: well, duh.(SFW) The only truly strange thing was it didn't actually happen in Florida.
The installation of the first "body liquifaction" plant in Florida sparked the BBC to take a closer look at the whole process. Dissolving a body to its bones is fine, I guess, but I can definitely see why people would be upset that the results get dumped into the municipal water system. I don't care how pure it really is, the thought definitely gives me pause.
If you picked "less than a day" in the "how long will it take for pictures of a weird dead thing to show up on the tabloids after the hurricane," you can collect your prize. The comments seem to agree it's a bear. I dunno.
Could it be this?
And now, a great big house boat that's been docked. "Docked" as in, "placed on top of." I'm sure the owners are grateful their boat appears undamaged. I have a feeling they may be puzzled about the next step.
Ok, when the sea foam is green, it's a fashion statement. When it's brown, not so much. I constantly wonder what these reporters do wrong to get these kinds of assignments.
Yes Virginia, there are people that are just that stupid.
I'm sure this has made the rounds, but it's the first time I've seen it: I think this is the best "in person" video of Japan's massive quake. It really provides a sense of how severe, and how long, it really was.
A UK woman shot in the chest with a paint ball gun ended up with a lot more than just a nasty bruise. See, just because fake ones look bullet-proof, it doesn't actually mean they are bullet-proof. Bonus: fake ones "make you an easier target."
Not content with all the other nasty things cocaine can naturally do to you, dealers are now cutting it with stuff that makes you look like a black death victim, and then gives you AIDS. Well, ok, not exactly AIDS, but it definitely can fatally weaken the immune system. Hey, man, that's great. They were making it sound like it could kill you or something...
And in today's "can't make this stuff up" box we find notice that King Arthur Pendragon has lost his bid to force the reburial of remains found at Stonehenge. This is not a repeat from 475. Really.
Ok, I get that motorcyclists must be constantly vigilant around other motorists, on account of latter constantly trying to kill the former. What I didn't expect was for the streets themselves to get into the act. It's the whole, "crashed through the barrier" thing that has me puzzled. Was the driver not paying attention? Barriers incorrectly marked? Was he or she driven into them by a motorist? If so, that would be a pretty classic bank shot, no?
Ok, what I want to know is, since when is circumcision considered a routine treatment for inflammation??? Losing his winkie in the bargain just makes it extra-fail-tastic.
Sharks have attacked two people in the past 24 hours off the west coast of Russia. The article helpfully includes a) a picture of the one sort of shark that never attacks anyone, and b) the geographic note that the area was, "4,000 miles east of Moscow."
What is it with high-profile passengers peeing on airplanes? And how drunk does someone have to be to just whip it out and let fly? You know it's only a matter of time before some idiotic celebrity drops trow on a United flight or something.
After being entombed in a chimney for nearly thirty years, a Louisiana man is finally being laid to rest. Nobody knows why Joseph Schexnider decided to climb down a small bank's chimney in 1984, although even some relatives acknowledge his final weeks were spent, "with a bad crowd." His body would likely still be there, were it not for the renovation of the 2nd floor space where the fireplace vented by the chimney sits.
And I'll bet that was a damned interesting day to be a construction worker!
A lady takes her kid to a concert and bemoans the missed opportunities to score political points. Oh, and peers down her puritanical nose at the goings-on before the concert. She even made the classic critic's fumble by not actually saying whether she liked it or not. Compare with someone sent to professionally review what was likely the exact same event.
Quick! is this a new beauty device, or the end of an insect's proboscis? I was going to make a crack about the lengths women will go, but I'll bet this is just as popular with men as well. Just not, you know, me.
"People have been throwing things-- at night--especially at night. When they are partying and they're out of control. They do it. They think it's a joke," he said.
Don't toss stuff off buildings!
Today's Darwin award goes to a Japanese chick who thought slippery rocks didn't apply to her. Bonus: they haven't found her body yet, but they did find a different body of a dude they weren't even looking for and don't know who is. Unexpectedly!
A UK man has been banned for driving for a year after being spotted using two cell phones at once. Oh, and not having insurance. The only thing that keeps Ellen from doing this is I won't loan her my phone while she's using hers.
Not sure how we managed to miss this one: an 18 year old US Olympic ski team candidate may have literally pissed away his chance at the games. Ever wonder why airliners try so hard to keep drunks off the plane? I bet you don't now.
A teenaged Florida girl is dead after a weird parasite crawled up her nose and into her brain. No, really! This time even sticking to pools is no guarantee of safety, since the critter can take root in any body of water "not cleaned regularly." All those times I've walked home smelling like chlorine? Yeah, not complaining about those anymore.
Another day, another slow news day over at Slate. This time, they hired a psychologist to write an essay on the history of autofellatio. Article is SFW. Well of course we're going to link that up! We're classy that way!
They told me, if I voted for John McCain, the State Department would continue to be a source of American arrogance and parochialism, and they were right: US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier.
If this headline doesn't stop you dead in your tracks you must be made of stone: 'My Strange Addiction:' Woman Eats Husband. Turns out she's switched to a diet of cremains, her husband's cremains, to lose weight. Part of my faith is to contemplate the impermanence of things. That said, I can't recall "licking the inside of a funeral urn" being part of the program.
After seventeen years the body of a missing scuba diver has been found in Lake Tahoe. Even better, it seems there are at least four other dead divers hidden in its depths. The locals claim they're haunting tunnels that riddle the lake's bottom, connecting it to the nearby Pyramid Lake.
A meteor explosion is the likely cause of a "surprising 'bang' over a small Pacific island. I'd rather it kerplooey over my house rather than through it.
Rowan Atkinson seems to have inadvertently tested just how crash-proof a McLaren really is. Hey, you don't buy a car from an F1 factory ONLY because it's fast, donchaknow? This time I think the car's probably a write-off.
It seems a guy who's weirdly into Hello Kitty can sometimes have a lot of other problems. Police, and consent laws, can be tough that way. And then the feds can get involved, too. His lifestyle implies rich white parents, which I hope he has, because if he doesn't he's in for a world of... well, you know...
Nothing like finding a live rat in a fresh loaf of bread to start a meal right! Lovely how everyone involved is handling it so gracefully, too. You would've thought someone would've noticed, I don't know, the bread moving or something? Or a hole in the package? A squeak?
... so much for skydiving: Skydiving quadriplegic plunges to death after parachute failures. Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes has never struck me as the wisest of hobbies, but people do it all the time without getting hurt. And when something does go wrong, well, that sudden stop at the end makes for a very quick appearance at the back of the reincarnation line.
A Chinese couple has allegedly sold all three of their children to finance their on-line gaming addictions. Mine's known her own address for years now, so I never seriously considered the possibility.
I'd always known porta-potties were not particularly healthy places. I had no idea they could actually explode. Considering the article itself mentions a Mythbusters de-bunking of this very occurrence, I'm suspicious that perhaps more than just methane gas was involved. In other words...
Ok, even I admit a news quiz question about how many pieces a body was cut into is a pretty shocking thing to find on a news site. I would've expected something like that on Fark. Which is, of course, where I found it. Classy!
"AMCGLTD," we hear you ask, "I know those Smurfs are up to something, I'm just not sure what. Is there anything that can help me decide just what those little monsters are out to accomplish?"
Fear not, friendly child show paranoiac! AMCGLTD is here to help! Presenting The Smurf Conspiracy, your one-stop-shop to all speculation about the nefarious machinations of everyone's previously-thought-to-be-harmless kid show stars! If you've ever wanted proof that pushing crazy as far to one side as possible just means you meet crazy coming from the other direction, here it is.
This Japanese delicacy known as odori-don or “dancing squid rice bowl” is a variation on traditional squid sashimi and uses soy sauce to create the disturbing illusion of bringing a dead squid back to life.
This is the reason why they have a fetish with tentacle porn.
SFW!! The link brings you right to the article...not to tentacle porn. We are not that disgusting.
Ok, Ellen, if cow urine therapy ends up on your list of magic potions, you're sleeping in the garage. I'm sure traditional medicine has it all over the Western variety. Doesn't mean I'm hopping in a tub of cow piss. Ever.
Leave it to the Chinese to have a "bee wearing contest." Yes, you read that right. They wear bees. CHINA: Run away from Japan as fast as you can. You're catching it!
Well, fans of all foods Chinese and Chinese-like, it's looking like your favorites are just as bad for you as the stuff from the Golden Arches. However, I do wondering about the portions used. The stuff we get when we do takeout lasts us the whole weekend, say, three or four meals easy.
Me? I prefer Indian food over Chinese.
They told me if I voted for John McCain the government would make sure "don't ask don't tell" stuck around no matter the cost, and they were right! Good thing the rest of you voted for Obama!
The trick with fetishes is to make sure they don't go wrong. Getting careless can mean people get hurt. I think it's just as well no pictures of the principles were included.
Today's "ZOMG!!!!11! Teh wurld iz endin!!!" prophecy comes courtesy of (shakes big 8-ball) the planet Nibiru. Bonus: includes "but what about the CHILDREN!!!" angsting by the interviewed scientist.
A small private aircraft spun in and crashed into a California hospital. Unfortunately, as with most plane crashes, not everyone walked away.
A Chinese egg processing company is demanding an apology from CNN for broadcasting a slur against a traditional Chinese egg dish called "century eggs." Keep in mind real Chinese cuisine often involves stuff like scorpions and live eels.
The irony is, of course, very strong when a motorcyclist protesting a helmet law gets killed bashing his head against the ground. The motorcycle pros I know not only wear helmets, but a veritable armored suit of sweat-inducing gear. I guess that's why they're fine (so far) and this guy definitely is not. That said, as a libertarian I support this guy's right to splatter his noggin. They don't call them "donorcycles" for nothing!
A woman who thought her mother was buried fifteen years ago has been informed she is in fact alive and well in Florida. Bonus: they buried something they found in their back yard, and now don't know who's remains those actually are.
An effort to firmly establish just how much money an Indian temple is (literally) sitting on has revealed a horde worth an estimated 22 billion dollars. The amount is expected to rise as other vaults under the (previously unguarded) temple are opened and inventoried.
And now, a man who claims he's innocent of rape because he thought the victim was dead. Yeah, I had to do a double-take too. There's a whole lot going on there, and none of it's good.
The guy who hid in a porta-potty tank has been found and interviewed. As expected, he's a complete nutter, who's sense of smell seems to be as impaired as his judgement. Bonus: he seems to have been peeping on women in bathrooms all across Boulder. It's not clear from the article if he was interviewed in jail.
Sorry, that's all I have, time to hit the shower. *shudder*
Progressives have finally lost their damned minds: San Francisco city council is seriously considering a ban on all pet sales. Remember that article that was surprised at California's "unexpected" decline? Yeah, about that...
So, did the Jackass star smear & fry himself off the side of a road, or didn't he? The rumors that he may not have actually died seem to be taking root. Will the Porsche of truth mow this down as well? Hell, some people still believe Elvis is alive, so anything's possible. Remember, folks, you heard it here first!
Junkies, like most other people, can be inventive and ingenious when it comes to getting what they want. The problem is, of course, that what junkies want makes them do crazy, violent things, and then kills them.
Here's one that'll make you read the headline twice: Amish man in Indiana arrested, accused of sexting girl, 12. I know, right? Since when did the Amish move to Indiana?
Great. Just great. Now Ellen will be even more spastic about port-a-potties. Heck I'm not sure I'm ever going to be the same now, and all I did was read about it. So, of course, we're linking that bad boy up right away!
People are not meant to have "litters". Let alone then depend upon the community for helping raise them. You might as well stick them all in a box and write "FREE PUPPIES" on the side.
Their close-knit community has already rallied round the couple. Friends have begun extending their log home, local firms have promised to supply diapers and formula milk and a car dealership may donate a van.
Read entire article here.
"A couple of them were worried they might bear children with long faces," he joked.Men have not been so keen on the concoction.
"The men were very stand-offish. But a few have manned-up and said it is palatable."
Mr Varley admits to trying the drink himself which he said was "ok", and "like custard".
I vomited in my mouth just reading the article.
All I can say is I hope whoever was in that SUV got out OK. I've yet to see a more graphic depiction of what makes tornadoes so destructive. Makes my involuntarily sitting through a hailstorm years ago pale in comparison.
Clarence Clemons, saxophonist for Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, died yesterday at the age of 69. Five marriages and four kids... he was a busy guy in more ways than one, I suppose. He'll be missed.
Proof that it does actually happen in real life: steam roller driver killed in bizarre accident. Thing is, I'm pretty sure they haven't actually been powered by steam for decades. File that one in the same folder that has us all still saying, "tin foil."
Reason #212 why Ellen would hate jury duty (in the UK, at any rate): a juror who admitted contacting a defendant via Facebook has been sentenced to 8 months in prison for contempt of court. Even though it may vaguely resemble some sort of office, the justice system is part of the State, not the private sector. The rules are different, and you break them at your peril.
One rich eccentric's effort to recover Bin Laden's body likely will be in vain. So, pictures of his corpse, or his body as fish food. The modern world presents one with such unexpected quandaries...
Is that a... ok, what *is* that in your pants? (SFW) Speedos are bad enough. I can't wait for some chav or Jersey boy to get the bright idea to double up on one of these. Well, check that. I'm pretty sure I can wait a long, long time.
Ok, a small girl stabbing a man who's assaulting her mother seems pretty brave and effective. That is, until it's revealed she's done it before, to the same guy, for the same thing, when she was seven! I'm figuring "alcohol" wasn't mentioned because it goes without saying.
A tiny English village has become the latest victim of, "the hum." In other news, weird humming sounds have been bedeviling various small towns, apparently around the world, for years. In Northern Virginia, we call this, "construction."
If you picked a Pathfinder, a highway, and a black bear, you just won the weirdest game of Clue ever. Unfortunately two people and the bear won't be able to play the game again. Remember, folks, guns don't kill people. Flying bears kill people.
Today's "Mark Twain Truth vs. Fiction" award goes to the story of a man carrying a dead weasel who got arrested for assault. As the article notes, it was actually a marten, not a weasel. Because, you know, that's the important part of the story.
Wisconsin's public sector unions are at it again, this time crashing a Special Olympics ceremony. Bonus comment: "I don't know about anyone else but Im alright with this." And no, you're not the only one who spotted a Westboro Baptist Church angle.
Today's "sensationalize much?" entry in the slow news day contest is brought to you by the article that explains how the Internet is destroying the planet. No, surprisingly, they're not screeching about tentacle porn, but instead about global warming. Caused by the Internet. Really!
What to get the newlywed couple who already have everything? This one asked for just one thing: a boob job. Bonus: excellent use of the word, "tittays."
Buried deep inside one of those cheerful "the more you know" puff health articles lies a truly terrifying revelation: "Mosquitoes are more attracted to people after they drink a 12-ounce beer." Well, that's easy enough... let's up it to 24 ounces then!
I think we can now officially declare that the whole zombie thing has jumped the shark. Presenting the gynecological survival guide for the zombie apocalypse. Zombie sex is just more than I'm wanting to imagine, even though I'm nearly certain porn has gone there at some point or another.
There's dedication to the iPad, and then there's dedication to the iPad. All those times I've made fun of friends and their obsession with this glorified touch screen? Yeah, I'm not taking those back. I am, however, making room for a whole new level of obsession when it comes to fruit products.
A new study indicates North Korea is one of the happiest places on Earth, because they say it is! Well of course... all the people who disagree are stuck in camps way up in the mountains!
"Experts" are saying cellphones are possibly cancerous. "[T]he study raised serious concerns because it showed a hint of a possible link between very heavy phone use and a rare but often deadly form of brain tumor. " Sign me and Ron up now, our wives are goners...
When confronted with the growth of hookah bars, what's the proper response? Mount an educational campaign to ensure everyone knows this really isn't much safer or healthier than regular smoking, or use the hammer of the state to pound round pegs into square holes? Hey, man, these nails won't drive themselves in, ya know? Silly me, still clinging to the notion that common people can be trusted...
Nothing like a loud, unexpected BANG to make cleaning up a nuclear disaster just that much more fun. I'd ask, "what could be next?" but I'm pretty sure nobody really wants to know.
There's regular tasteless, and then there's Hustler tasteless (SFW). I would've picked the South Park guys to be the first out of the gate with some sort of Osama parody. It never occurred to me that Flynt's bunch would get there first.
The skull is allegedly that of St Vitalis of Assisi, an Italian Benedictine monk from the 14th century.It belonged to an Anglo-Irish family from County Louth, and is housed in a Queen Anne case dating from the 17th century.
Everyone needs the Patron Saint of "genital disease" on their mantle!
With the recent passing of Randy Savage, more than 25 percent of the performers from Wrestlemania VII have died. While I respect the sport, I've never been much of a fan. Ellen, however, actually attended Wrestlemania at least once. I'll wager some on that list may surprise her.
In the, "ya don't say" file we have news of the death of a man who'd sat in a chair so long he'd literally fused to it. Everyone concentrates on these morbidly obese people. Me, I want to know about the family members who keep bringing someone like that food long after it's patently obvious they need to stop eating.
The nights are long and lonely up north of the arctic circle. How else explain a Norwegian-modified Pontiac Trans Am? And not just any mods, oh no. We're talking 1400 hp and 1100 lb-ft of torque. Did I mention the 'bird in question started life as an '86 with 185k+ miles on the clock? Yeah, that's how it started. I'm predicting how it finishes involves a loud "boom" followed by tiny bits of neo-viking softly pattering down to the ground.
A new book is claiming "[t]he UFO crash at Roswell was actually Josef Stalin’s “War of the Worlds” stab at mass panic using German flying “discs” carrying deformed children aviators engineered by Nazi mad doctor Josef Mengele." Because a weather balloon is just so much harder to believe.
Oh noes! One of our favorite and colorful characters of Celebrity Rehab succeeded in OD'ing.
Grease star Jeff Conaway is in a deep coma in hospital after taking an overdose of painkillers, it has emerged.The actor, who played T-Bird Kenickie in the classic 1978 film, is unlikely to pull through, according to his manager.
Conaway has now been in a California hospital for a week after being found unconscious on the floor of his Encino home on May 11.
This is one messed up guy.
Thomas said not only were the bodies not refrigerated but the containers of remains were actually stacked, allowing the remains to be exposed if the containers fell open. Maggots were also seen on the boxes and the surrounding floor."If you are unable to refrigerate them you leave them with the funeral homes or seek assistance from another source," Thomas said. "Lambert kept accepting the bodies from different funeral homes despite the fact that he couldn't take care of them."
Here is a sad fact, when we send cats out for cremation at my work, they come back in 24-48 hours. Wouldn't you want to know where your loved one is if you don't get them back within a week?
Ok, if labor loses a race in West Virginia... well, that's pretty much like having your mom, YOUR mom, admitting you may not be all that attractive. To your face. When you're 14. I thought libertarianism would never catch on, until Obama won the White House...
The curious Australian practice of "planking" has claimed it's first victim. No, it's not some strange thing a jackaroo thought to do to a sheep, it's the practice of... oh, hell, go take a look. SFW.
Speaking of China, it seems farmers there are having a problem with their watermelons, well, exploding. Hmmm... I wonder where I've heard of that before?
A German hairdresser has won the World Beard and Mustache Championship. Oh go on, you know you can't resist.
And in today's, "Asians are the weirdest people" file, we have (eventually) the story of an erotic 3D movie who's principal is the recipient of a donkey wang transplant. Sorry, folks, "3D donkey penis" is so far beyond where I'd draw the line it's on the other side of the world. Sheesh...
The shark, which was confirmed as a great white by a state expert, was circling the carcass of a minke whale off of Gay Head, said Reginald Zimmerman, a spokesman for the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.Jeff Lynch of Chilmark, a commercial fisherman who sails out of Menemsha, said he was headed out to go mackerel fishing this morning with two friends when they spotted the dead whale, then saw the great white swimming around underneath it.
Yes, Jaws is alive and in Martha's Vineyard!
Ok, I'll admit, Olivia has a particular sense of humor. But she never... presented... one of her toys. Hey, I'm not judging. The video is horrifying and hysterical at the same time. Which is the point. If this doesn't somehow win an AFV prize there is no justice in the world.
Sometimes... well, sometimes you literally have to scratch your head. Like when a guy with a sexual fetish involving slashing exercise balls gets arrested, again. Let's all ponder that one for a moment. Nope, still doesn't make any sense.
After years of struggling with his sexuality, Chaz Bono finally opened up about his transition from female to male on the Oprah Winfrey show today. The 42-year-old, who was born the daughter of singer and actress Cher and the late Sonny Bono, was christened Chastity, and spotted regularly - all blonde locks and cutesy smile - on the couple's TV show in the 70s.But in a moving interview, Bono told Winfrey that he felt his body was 'literally betraying' him when he went through puberty, as he watched in horror as it changed shape from athletic to curvy.
Why would you want to spill your guts out on something like this?
Need some attention maybe? Hmm?
For those of you who think today's advertisers cannot sink to any lower depths, we proudly present this 50 year-old Pepsi advertisement which declares Coke's rival is the "force fluid" of choice for restrained mental patients. Oh, I know. The only reason they don't do it now is the reaction it'd trigger.
What do you get when you combine a guinea pig feeder with a pencil sharpener? Well, the Japanese call it "telekiss." Well, ok, they don't, more like "Telluu Kissuu" but you get the point. Or straw, if you get my drift.
That guy that's been knocking on people's doors all morning? You know, the one with a pitchfork and horns on his head? Red skin, parka, snow on his shoulders, trying to get us all to knock it off? Just hand him this last straw. That's right, folks, PETA itself not only said nice things about the military, they're even sending them chocolate, and you won't believe the kind of mold they used.
Like any other baby, Stanley sleeps in a crib, wears diapers, and loves nothing better than being comforted by his mother as she bottle feeds him.Except Stanley Thornton is 30-years-old - and his 'mother' is really his room-mate.
Not right. I need eye bleach!
Yvette Vickers, an early Playboy playmate whose credits as a B-movie actress included such cult films as “Attack of the 50-Foot Woman” and “Attack of the Giant Leeches,” was found dead last week at her Benedict Canyon home. Her body appears to have gone undiscovered for months, police said..
They said she might have been dead for a year!
I'll give the communists this... they certainly knew how to build... well, ok, wait a minute. I have no idea what the hell they thought they were building. You, over in the commie section of the peanut gallery! You're an engineer! How's all that, well, you know... work?
It's illegal to import live snakeheads into New York because they have been known to devour fish, ducks and mammals, upending the aquatic food chain in rivers and lakes."It is disheartening that people are willing to take a chance of these fish escaping and wreaking havoc on our eco-system for mere monetary gain," said Queens District Attorney Richard Brown
When there is $ involved, most of the time people like Yong Hao Wu could give a shit about the eco system. Look at the rest of the crap they introduced, and managed to ruin as well.
*With vomit worthy photo*
The event is a bit like karaoke, its organizers say, but instead of singing performers take the stage - fully clothed - and put on their best sex moves with an imaginary partner. The show begins at 10 p.m. Thursday at Stonefly Brewery, 735 E. Center Drive."These are gladiators, warriors . . . all making pretend love to imaginary partners," Trew said. "Hopefully some people will show up in costumes with choreographed routines."
The question is WHY???
A 78 year old woman who was accidentally dropped into the Arctic Ocean has died. 26 degree water for 8 minutes, no less. Can you say "gramma-sickle"? I knew you could...
It's official: E.T. lives in Russia, not Roswell, and he's really, really tiny. With video! Oh, don't worry, I don't think so either. But it does make for a fun start to a Thursday!
"Everyone showers, and everyone encounters this issue," Ross told AOL News. "I just wanted to create a simple solution to a very common problem that people don't often discuss."Ross came up with the idea for the product in his own bathroom after his fiancee had a traumatic post-shower experience of her own.
"She got out of the shower and accidentally used my towel. When she realized what she'd done, she was thoroughly grossed out and found herself wondering where my towel had been. I didn't know how to answer that since I really didn't know myself. That sparked the idea for the towel," Ross said.
I have a better idea. It's called get another towel.
Air traffic controllers at Andrews Air Force Base ordered the first lady's plane to make a series of maneuvers to avoid contact with the 200-ton C-17 military jet as it approached the airport. Eventually, controllers decided to abort the 737's scheduled landing after they determined the military plane would not have enough time to clear the runway before the presidential plane arrived.
What is up with ATC lately?
Another day, another remarkably horrifying video of the Japanese tsunami. I find it remarkable how the Japanese manage to not QUITE video tape the moment someone gets washed away in this thing. I guess they're just not as morbid as I am. Oh, and what an f-ing mess!
Mark gets a no-prize that should serve as a lesson to all gun enthusiasts for bringing us this graphic lesson in why pistol powder and rifle powder don't mix. I didn't even know there was such a difference. I'll stick to small helicopters. Less likely to kill.
LOS ANGELES (KTLA) -- Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband says he and his wife are planning to have a baby with the help of artificial insemination and a surrogate mother.According to Anhalt, his 94-year-old wife has always dreamed of having a child with him -- preferably a boy -- to carry on the Gabor name, because "when she goes, the whole family will be gone."
Alternate title: A380: 1, puddle jump jet: 0. With video! Fortunately, nobody got hurt. I'm thinking there will be plenty of blame to go around for this one, but the place to start will likely be the airport's taxi controller. Good times...
Japan's nuclear safety commission has now declared Fukushima a disaster of epic proportions. The article includes this helpful definition: "One terabecquerel is one trillion becquerels." Ya don't say!
"AMCG," we hear you ask, "that recent Southwest flight peeling open like a ripe can of sardines... well, it got me thinking. Just what would happen to a person if the can opener started right above their head at 30,000 feet?" Fear not, gentle one-time-skydiver, AMCGLTD is on the case! And that, friends, is why we both sit with seat belts synched down tight whenever we fly.
Remember that Mythbusters episode when they ginned up experiments to see if explosive decompression could suck someone out of a cockpit? All they really had to do was ask this guy. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the episode was inspired by the story, but I don't recall them actually mentioning it in the film.
Coming soon to an Indian buffet near you: dead chick curry. And all this time I thought it was rural Korean cuisine we needed to be careful about.
Literally, this guy was on Howard Stern last week. Tonight, he was on the TIVO talking about his "Tuggers".
Just when you thought mainland China couldn't get any more twisted, streetcorners in Beijing start sprouting vendors selling live animals sealed in bags as "key chains." Yes, it's cruel, no, it's not illegal. That said, the advice at the end of the article is quite good: if people stop buying them, vendors will stop selling them.
Headline: Water Walking Balls Have Risk Of Suffocation Drowning And Injury. Personally, I think they should be called "Jesus Balls." What? You really didn't think I'd pass that opportunity up, did you?
Ok, ok, a Wisconsin GOP congressman stepped on his own crank on camera, I get it. But... dude!!! Duffy ended up an f-'ing politician! I remember watching this guy on Real World and Road Rules. The mind boggles.
Update: He married Rachel, and they have six kids! There really is life after MTV. Who knew?
Fox News headline: "Japan's Nuclear Rescuers: 'Inevitable Some of Them May Die Within Weeks'" Content of article reveals: they literally rang up one of the workers' moms and let her sob into the phone for an hour. Look, I get it that the workers are heroes and are doing amazing things. But his mom? I'm over 40 and my mom still worries when I catch a cold. Moms are not a source for objective news.
I don't know, I guess I shouldn't be surprised Adam Ant is now a fat middle-aged white guy. Ellen's always amazed at how naive we all were about sexuality in the 80s. All I can say is when the guy wearing makeup and Indian feathers ended up being straight while the guy in the jacket and jeans was not, well, how were we supposed to get it right?
Another day, another amazing video of just how destructive a tsunami can be. I'd like to think the people who lived and worked in all those buildings had long since evacuated to higher ground. "Prevarication in this instance may help."
Lisa, a full-time carer, said she was sceptical when her children started complaining about hearing noises and seeing objects move on their own.But she became suspicious after her pet dog was mysteriously killed last October after apparently being shoved down the stairs.
I'd move. '
Er... Many thanks to Ron for something this odd.
Reason I only want small helicopters, #5: the batteries won't literally blow my garage to pieces if things go wrong. Then again, it may all be a hoax. Still, food for thought.
Ok, Ellen's been annoyed, more than once, by dog owners who use our yard without picking up the mess. But even she has never been quite this annoyed. The price of real liberty would at times seem to include wacky people doing stupid things. Fortunately nobody got killed.
In some places (like Texas!) the spiders can cocoon entire trees. Unlike the article's author, as long as they stay in their damned trees, I think anything that can kill zillions of mosquitoes at a time is just about as angelic as it can get.
The couple choose and name the "girls" together and go shopping once a month for new outfits, wigs and make-up, costing £100,000 so far.
Uh...uncomfortable moment.
With a video too! SFW!
"We have a duty to ensure the safety of our guests, our employees and other volunteers, and we take that responsibility very seriously," said Craig Pugh, the zoo's executive director and chief executive officer. "We will not tolerate such action. We are fully cooperating with law enforcement in its active investigation, and appreciate the close coordination between zoo security and the Tampa Police Department."
This is why you escort your kids into public restrooms. You wind up with sick S*%t like this!
The teens thought it was a ghost, but when they went to the bedroom on the third floor of the home, the boy noticed that the door to the room was closed, although he had remembered leaving it open, Dangerfield said.YUCK!
Well, duh: capitalism may be to blame for the lack of life on Mars. No, sorry, that really is what he said. Hey, if it means a one-way trip for Micheal Moore, I'm all for it.
Everyone's favorite symbol for pederasts (and, really, who DOESN'T have a favorite symbol for pederasty?) is featured prominently in an ad for a computer repair center founded in part by a convicted sex offender. Supposedly everything is on the up-and-up, as it were, and this is all a gigantic coincidence. Me? Meh...
In the, "I'm surprised it's taken this long" box, we now have an iPhone app that promises to help "cure" homosexuality. Naturally, some people have a problem with this, which is fine with me. Predictably, some of those people want the app pulled outright, which is not fine with me. "If you don't like it, don't watch it" would, it seems, only apply to the "correct" sort of speech.
Chris gets a... a no-prize for bringing us a guy who stuffed a cellphone, MP3 player, headphones, cash, and some pot up his backside before going to jail. Bonus: TSG invents "Keystered." I've long known junkies were stupid. I had no idea they were, well, a specific sort of flexible.
They told me if I voted for John McCain the next administration would use the school system itself to spy on my children, and they were right! Oh, and the section of the peanut gallery going, "you're just exaggerating what's actually a very minor policy change?" Yeah, let's all go back in time to 2002, to other sorts of protests you've obviously forgotten.
Nothing quite like a collection of "swipe-able" before and after pictures to put a natural disaster into perspective. Not much else to say, really.
And then there's this...
A Maryland woman arriving home by herself has been killed by her own car. And that, folks, is why God invented the parking brake.
First the building's there, then it's not. Go for the amazing footage. Stay for the ridiculously inane commentary. Remember, folks, they're paid to be pretty and read well, but not to think.
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5) — An eleventh-grade honors student from Windsor High School survived a plunge off San Francisco’s famed Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday, authorities and onlookers told CBS 5.The 17-year-old was participating in a humanities class field trip and crossing the bridge when he jumped off between the South Tower and Fort Point into San Francisco Bay, said Windsor Unified School District Superintendent Bill McDermott.
Witnesses to the incident, which occured shortly after 11 a.m., used the word “traumatizing” to describe what they had seen.
Tera Myers, 38, was put on administrative leave at Parkway North High School this week after a student inquired about pornographic films Myers starred in during the 1990s.
Here is the real question. WHY was this kid watching porn anyway? Where are his parents? WTF? I think someone older in the recognized her, that's what I think.
You can catch the entire story here.
Today's, "ZOMG!!! Apocalypse is nigh!" sensational media story concerns anchovies and a California beach. The picture is pretty impressive. I'll bet the smell is, too.
(CNN) -- Warner Bros. Television has fired actor Charlie Sheen from its comedy "Two and a Half Men" after a two-week public meltdown by the star that has included attacks on the show's creator."After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen's services on 'Two and a Half Men,' effective immediately," the company said in a statement issued Monday. There was no immediate response from Sheen to the news.
I tell ya, if my electives were like this, I wouldn't have skipped them so much. Go for the story, stay to speculate on the want/do not want of the couple in question. SFW.
Today's "fun fact:" the human backside can accommodate more than 30 items. The more you know...
Two words: Botas Exoticas. Even without actually speaking Spanish, I'm pretty sure that means "exotic boots." Which is what those are, in a very... pointed... way.
Ok, on the one hand, an annoying fundie getting arrested for indecent exposure is darkly amusing. On the other... way too perfect. I trust this report about as far as I can throw... something really heavy. It might be true, but it might be character assassination.
Remember the old saying about getting up with fleas? Turns out there's more to it than just not lying down with your smelly old dog. I thought it couldn't get worse than incontinent cats. I was wrong.
Mike J. gets a no-prize that weirdly evokes Custer's Last Stand for bringing us news that "grown-up" games are coming (as it were) to the Wii. Unfortunately the video's gotten blocked, so the incomplete text is all we have. I'm actually a bit surprised it's taken this long.
The 25-year-old Staten Island mother, and we use the term lightly, told reporters she said to the precinct officer in front of her daughter, "What happens if a parent doesn't want their child?"She should have been charged with stupidity, because the 6-year-old will never forget that as long as she lives.
Picture? Wonder no more at the losers they are.
Fast fact: It is illegal to deliver the Gettysburg Address on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial without permission from the U.S. National Park Service.
Can we say that park officer was having a bad day.
Another day, another group of propeller-heads prattling on about how "bugs is good eatin'!" I'll believe we're in a genuine food crisis when the US no longer needs to prop up crop futures with subsidies. Tip to the nerds: we pay farmers not to produce around here. All the developed countries do.
The national Christmas tree, a Colorado blue spruce that has stood on the spot since 1978, has been blown down. The mulching of the snapped tree is scheduled for later today, apparently. The winds here really are ridiculous. Dulles is making airplanes fly an approach I've never seen before, well to the East of the normal approach vectors.
Making the rounds: a woman died at work sitting in her cubicle, but nobody noticed until the next day. A Saturday, no less. I've heard that the only way to get government workers out was feet first, but I didn't think anyone meant it literally.
Making the rounds: recent rumors give Steve Jobs only weeks to live. Zsa Zsa Gabor has been trying to die for what seems like years now, so I guess anything can happen. Still, 55 is way too early.
A 60 year old dudecicle is found in an unheated Chicagoland apartment. In February. "Officials" say death was likely cold-related. There's a reason why they stick interns and newbie reporters on the night beat. This is the reason.
A BRITISH local council is planning to use excess energy from a crematorium incinerator to heat one of its swimming pools, it emerged today, but critics slammed the proposals as "sick".
Her attempt was foiled, however, when her motorised cart got stuck in the exit door.
What has Oakland Co. come to. Tsk Tsk.
YOUR tax dollars at work right there. The scooter, her mental anguish causing her to overeat and have bad joints and not be able to work, but to sit there and watch T.V. and shoplift. Disability benefits at it's best! WIN!
Oh yeah, and Obama wants to help this.
Villagers in a small UK town are outraged because police have informed them they must remove the wire covering their sheds' windows to ensure burglars don't get hurt. Always remember equality is much more important than your stuff, and fairness only works in the direction our superiors wish. They have our best interests at heart, after all.
When asked the question, "which country with nuclear weapons has a population in which a significant percentage believes the sun revolves around the earth, humans lived with dinosaurs, and radiation is man-made" would, since you read our ever-so-neutral MSM, answer "The United States, Sir!" Heck it may even be true. But it's not the only answer.
I'm not sure just how seriously someone claiming the Denver International Airport is... ok, I'm not quite sure what they're claiming, but it involves Satan, Mayan calendars, and a lot of unnecessary concrete. Someone with a higher tolerance for lunacy should go read the text and summarize what the hell his problem is. I just scrolled down and looked at the pictures. Which, I must say, are plenty weird enough.
And, really, what airport isn't a kind of way station for the damned?
He really meant what he said: the Obama administration's upcoming budget will include $53 billion dollars for high-speed rail. Fortunately the grownups are back in charge, so I'm expecting this to literally go nowhere. Unfortunately, it shows The One is still dangerously out of touch with mainstream America.
Well, unfortunate only if you're wanting The One to get re-elected. I have a feeling you may know which side of that fence we're sitting on.
And in the "What a Way to Go" file we have a man in California who was stabbed to death by a fighting rooster. Remember, folks, guns don't kill people, cocks kill people.
What? You really thought I had the power to resist that? You don't come around here all that much then, do you?
Another day, another teen too stupid to follow the basic rules of handgun safety. The only time I remember my dad genuinely scaring me was when he explained, in graphic detail, what he would do to me if he ever caught me treating a gun like a toy. The rules he laid out have stuck with me to this day, one of which is: do not play with loaded guns.
Of course, then there was the time he blew a hole in the carpet with a shotgun he got careless with, but nobody's perfect.
Sometimes the brain gets crossed up for reasons nobody really understands. I always like the simple illusions best. I had a tough time back in the late 80s when those "holographic" posters were so popular. They always looked like colored snow to me.
As the Northeast Regional 111 train chugged south about 8:30 a.m., an engineer spotted the majestic bird and blasted his horn. At first, the eagle didn't budge, Koppie said. Then it slowly took off - too late. The train arrived at Washington Union Station two hours later with the bird stuck to the locomotive, like an emblem.
A mental hospital in the US state of Oregon is trying to identify the cremated remains of 3,500 patients that were hidden in a storage room for decades.
Two words I never expected to see together: corkscrew castration (SFW). Bonus: the accused admits to kicking the ever-lovin' crap out of the victim, but denies killing him. Look, I get the whole "men never ever hit women" meme, but if a chick comes after my personals with a corkscrew I'm sorry, it's on.
The Icelandic Phallological Museum contains a collection of two hundred and nine penises and penile parts belonging to almost all the land and sea mammals that can be found in Iceland. Visitors to the museum will encounter fifty five specimens belonging to sixteen different kinds of whale, one specimen taken from a rogue polar bear, thirty-six specimens belonging to seven different kinds of seal and walrus, and one hundred and fifteen specimens originating from twenty different kinds of land mammal: all in all, a total of two hundred and nine specimens belonging to forty six different kinds of mammal. It should be noted that the museum has also been fortunate enough to receive legally-certified gift tokens for four specimens belonging to Homo Sapiens. Besides there are some twenty-three folklore specimens and forty foreign ones. Altogether the collection contains 272 specimens from 92 different species of animals.In addition to the biological section of the museum, visitors can view the collection of about three hundred artistic oddments and other practical utensils related to the museum´s chosen theme.
Well...err...someone has to collect them.
No matter how well designed or engineered, sometimes you can't count on the highway to save you. I wonder if the car had traction control on it? Regardless, something tells me nobody would blame the car's driver if an underwear change was in order.
Well, hey, if a lady can make her living selling cast bronze lynx penis bone necklaces, who am I to take exception. Aaand all together, now: "No Ellen, You Can't Have One."
Much better than last time.
Suddenly the Japan v. China "who's the weirdest" test was interrupted when a Brit ran onto the field. Food? In the smoke? It's more likely than you think...
And in today's "sometimes there's no improving on the actual text" file we have "Scott Riddell, founder of Diavolo Brands, which is marketing Canna Cola, likened it to a "light beer" and said "it's got a mild marijuana taste," compared with heavier tasting competitors with three times the THC".
Which of course means there are other weed sodas in California. And now this guy's gonna start running ads. I love this country!
I guess "soft landing" is a relative thing when someone jumps off the roof of a building. Surviving is not the same thing as walking away, and it sounds as if she's pretty thoroughly injured. Don't try this at home!
And now, a human anatomy ballgown. That'd be another volley in the game of "who's weirder, China or Japan?" Ball's in Nihon's court now, bring on the tentacles!
Just when you thought people could not get clever enough.
Yeah. About those "max weight limit" signs? Sometimes bad things happen when you ignore them. Hopefully the driver got out OK.
Ever wonder what a residential gas explosion looks like up close? Wonder no more. Matchsticks in a tenth of a second, indeed.
Making the rounds: Playboy is planning an uncensored edition of Playboy for the iPad. Of all the genuinely bizarre things modern technology allows, looking at pr0n* in public has got to be right at the top. And then there's the problem of keeping the thing clean.
* In the case of Playboy, this is of course to be taken in its broadest sense.
Bull sharks have been spotted swimming down the main street of an Australian town 16 miles from the coast. Leave it to the Australians to decide a gigantic wall of water just isn't enough. It's gotta be a wall of water full of sharks!
BUCHAREST (Reuters Life!) - There was nothing mysterious about the death of a flock of birds in Romania last week -- they were simply drunk, veterinarians said.Odd.
Okay, idiots, it goes like this: God is mad that we repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell, because the more honest we allow people to be about their sexuality, the more likely they are to someday marry one another, in violation of "biblical principles." So, God decided to kill some blackbirds in the sky. He wanted to connect the bird massacre to Bill Clinton, because he introduced DADT, but he felt like killing them over Clinton, Arkansas would be too obvious. So he murdered those blackbirds in Bebee, AR, to connect them to the current governor, who connects them to the former governor.
Bat shit crazy person alert!
PHOENIX — Arizona legislators quickly approved emergency legislation Tuesday to head off picketing by a Topeka, Kan., church near the funeral service for a 9-year-old girl who was killed in the Tucson shootings.Unanimous votes by the House and Senate sent the bill to Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed it Tuesday night. It took effect immediately.
Without specifically mentioning the Tucson shooting, the law prohibits protests at or near funeral sites.
Really WBC? One day an entire crowd is going to beat the living shit out of you all.
Making the rounds: Neapolitan man survives gunshot wound and sneezes the bullet out of his nose, thereby inventing the world's first small-caliber booger.
Sometimes, all you need is a summary: woman celebrates the birth of her daughter after they both survived a tornado and a falling cow. Definitely not something that comes up very often on storm chasers, the whole "flying livestock" thing.
And in today's issue of "Clueless Scientist Monthly," we have the idea that meat producers should switch to bug farming because of insects' smaller carbon footprint. Fortunately, this one comes to us courtesy of a Netherlands science group, so at least my tax dollars weren't used to fund this "study." Quick! To the private jets! It's time for another climate conference to discuss the implications! I hear Antigua is very nice this time of the year.
CNN: Hundreds of people may have been exposed to Hepatitis A during a Christmas day mass. Yeah, not the greatest gift for the season right there.
It would seem an adequate number of trumpet players has been found. Of course, "beginning of the end" is a pretty easy one to predict. Me, I'll wait until the angels start arcing across the sky, hopefully with enough time for me to yell "HA-HA!" at Joshua. And Ron.
Another day, another chick waking up dead from a botched plastic surgery. Yet another reason to follow the ol' "eat less, exercise more" weight loss method.
If you're 37-year-old Michigan telemarketer Dave Cat, you have the $6,500 rubber lady "reincarnated." Which is to say, you commission an exact replica of her to be stripped, molded and painted. And you bring her back from the freakin' dead.
Funny this is, he was in a TV show called TABOO.
Just when you thought Japan was the wackiest Asian country, China comes along and ups that very weird ante. Ya know, giving yourself a parasitic infection to lose weight is an idea so crazy it just might work. Not.
Remember that pizza delivery guy who got blown up in a bizarre bank robbery scheme? The uncut video that seemed to be required viewing six, seven years ago? Yeah, they're still not completely sure just what the hell actually happened there. Not often you get to say, "dude gets his face blown off, and then it gets weird."
Remember, folks, guns don't kill people, neck massagers kill people. Another day, another freak accident triggers a new ridiculous warning label on an appliance.
Ever wonder why any piece of powered equipment you buy nowadays is covered in so many ridiculously stupid warning stickers you can barely see the paint? This is why. F- kids, how grownups managed to survive all those decades without warning stickers I never will know.
Making the rounds: Hugh Hefner is getting married for the third time, to a 24 year-old playmate. Meh. She's a grownup, it's not like anyone's making her do this. Plus she'll have him around for, what, ten, fifteen years, tops? Hey, I hear the guy has a nice house, how bad can it be?
And you thought figuring out what to do with that puce sweater gramma gave you was tough: the Iraqi government is trying to decide what to do with an entire Koran written with Saddam Hussein's blood. Seven freaking gallons of the stuff, no less. Seems like he had a really great idea back in the late 90s, and the project took two years to complete. Just when you thought everyone's favorite Arab fascist couldn't get any weirder...
"He actually provided a how-to guide to commit sexual battery against children," according to Judd, who said he was shocked and mortified by specific examples and illustrations using 9- and 13-year-old boys.Judd said he was frustrated that Greaves' book was protected under freedom of speech laws, even though it was created "specifically to teach people how to sexually molest and rape children."
I hope they put this guy away for quite a long time.
And we all know what happens to child rapists and killers in prison? They usually don't make it out alive themselves.
The guy WROTE a HOW TO guide. You would think he would have been put away for publishing it!
Yeah, I know, You'll see Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Drowneder and Blitzen is much funnier, but I gotta try to be original. This would also make for a really nifty redneck trap.
New York City beekeeper Cerise (seh-REEZ') Mayo was puzzled when her bees started showing up with mysterious red coloring. Their honey also turned as red as cough syrup.
Read full story here.
I cannot wait for my house in the country so I can have my small bee colony!
Oklahoma has become the first US state to execute an inmate with drugs commonly used to euthanize animals. Ellen's been advocating this sort of thing for years. She thinks it's likely cheaper than the existing protocol, and just as effective. Hey, man, that's just how she rolls...
What most dads threaten boyfriends with, this German guy actually did. I'd be more along the lines of, "beat within an inch of his life" rather than, "whack off the dangly bits," but I do have to say I can see where this guy was coming from.
Kids like that learn to beat other people, not just animals. His parents suck.
I've heard of blood transfusions and organ transplants, but poo transplants? Yeah, I'd like to see more science first, too. Colitis is both deadly and miserable, so if someone has found an effective treatment, I'm all for it no matter how gross it might be. But it does need to actually work.
What happens when you combine a guy who dresses like a chick, an un-fire-able bureaucrat, and the state of California? If you said, "lawsuit-ilarity," come down and collect your prize. The worst part is this'll likely drag on for years, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and not resolve a damned thing. Hooray for government, actual!
Regional figures show icicles kill dozens of Russians each year. Local authorities responsible for regularly clearing roofs of snow and ice are usually blamed.
Not only do they have to worry about starving to death, dying of alcohol poisoning and other Soviet fun, they have to worry about this!
The (Peoria) Journal Star says the woman attendant told police Thompson asked for "extra nuts" for the squirrel, and began petting it as if it were still alive. She says when she said she didn't think the squirrel was real, Thompson tossed it through the window at her and then drove off.
Read entire quip here.
I suppose you have to have an acquired taste for haggis flavored chips.
Oh wait... I forgot, this was the airport that let the planes fly into the NY Trade Centers too.
With pixes!
Watch how one guy gets pulled into the grave too... poor dude.
Bad weather, resulting in 30-foot waves in the Antarctic's Drake Passage, was said to have caused the technical damage, leaving the 160 people on board at the mercy of the sea.With a video!
Glad you are OK Cindy! Go back to rescuing homeless animals!
Bad: explosives-laden home is discovered in a suburban neighborhood. Worse: It's in a state that'll turn getting rid of it into a decade-long project costing millions of dollars. I'd imagine that other places (west Texas, central Ohio, basically any place that has fun fireworks) would be shouting "watch this!" and throwing a match in.
Ok, I admit it, I occasionally follow a few of the ridiculous pop-culture dramas that regularly stream out of Hollywood. I, too, had wondered just what the hell had gone wrong with Randy Quaid. After reading this in-depth profile of him and his wife, I'm still wondering what the hell's gone wrong. It's awfully easy to blame a kooky wife. Then again it's damned rare for two people to fall into the deep end of the crazy pool at the same time. I can only hope they learn to swim out before they drown.
No, really, when cellphones attack. Lucky for me, I hate talking on the phone and therefore do it as little as possible. Ellen? Well, let's just say if exploding cellphones really were a deadly problem, I would've been a life insurance beneficiary long before now.
No, really, why would anyone have a problem with a "snow klansman," complete with hanging noose in one hand? Yeah, it's Idaho, so the eight or so black people who live in the state almost certainly didn't see the thing. From the article, the man in question sounds like a hateful old kook who's annoying but basically harmless. I'm just glad he knocked it down on his own, because I'm pretty sure teenagers in the area would've been less discriminant about it.
Making the rounds: the recent snow storm in the Buffalo area has left drivers stranded on the highway for more than 12 hours. Ok, normally I tell people we don't drive our Alfas in the winter because of the road salt. It never occurred to me it might be possible for me to be forced to camp out in one. Yeah, gonna put this in the, "reasons I don't ever, EVER, want to live in the snow shadow of the great lakes" file, that's for sure.
Just what everyone needs for the holidays!
The end of the world prophecies!
Two ladies that hit and all time low.
No need for shopping bags for these 2!
Making the rounds: the coffin which once held Lee Harvey Oswald's body will soon be auctioned off. What I want to know is, who'd hold onto something like that for nearly twenty years? It's not like it can be used as a coffee table or anything. Well, in a normal house, not like ours, I mean...
Yes, teenage boys wake up dead due to any number of causes. It's not at all common for them to end up that way 800 miles from where they were last seen. The latest theory is he may have fallen out of an airplane wheel well. Police, grasping at straws? Oh hell, I dunno...
Leave it to a Canadian newspaper to explain just what, exactly, is involved in a stoning. Unfortunately this time around "women with false beards on" isn't part of the equation.
Presumably tired of making the lives of veterans' families miserable, the loons of the Westboro Baptist Church have decided to picket a mosque in Dearborn, MI. It's listed as being the largest mosque in the states, so I'm thinking the vast majority of attendees are just normal people trying to get by. Unfortunately, as with any religious community, simple statistics means there are likely even more of the wacko kind of Muslim nearby.
In other words, they seem to have taken on a target that's much more likely to hit back.
And in the, "Thank You, Captain Obvious" folder we find this morning the revelation that city morgue workers treat dead bodies the way the DMV treats everyone else. When you deal with it every day, even the grimmest duty can become routine.
"Doing bad things to dead people" trifecta now in play...
It's now been revealed that, for some forty years, pathologists in the UK routinely removed organs of certain deceased "nuclear workers" without notification or consent of the families of the deceased. Yeah. Tacky.
Deep down inside I still want to try one.
No, really, Australian pro rugby athlete now unemployed after a picture of him doing... something... with a dog gets loose on the internet. The specifics are not in the article, and I'm pretty happy with that. Dog seems to have been unharmed.
Ok, not completely sure it's real, but if it is, this, friends, is an abject lesson about why one "must keep hands, feet, and head in the ride at all times." SFW and not gross, but dang, I bet that left a mark.
Making the rounds: a naked stoner high out of his mind who was arrested on burglary charges was later found to have a mouse stuffed up his backside. For the longest time, folks said rodent felching was a myth. Somehow, I would've been happier holding onto that illusion, ya know?
The Winnipeg Humane Society is calling for a protest over an item in a holiday gift guide — a piggy bank made out of a real piglet, stuffed and mounted.I wonder if they have a cork on the belly?
Making the rounds: a mysterious contrail has been filmed off the coast of California. The armed services aren't claiming it, so officially nobody knows what it might be. Unofficially, current betting is favoring a contrail being lit in a strange way by the setting sun. I'll put a $5 chip down on that square, too.
A Carnival cruise ship is stuck off the west coast of Mexico with broken engines and a full load of passengers. Tow assistance is expected (if I'm reading it correctly) some time tomorrow. Meanwhile, the Coasties are there to, well, I guess make sure Somali pirates or drug lord ships don't crash the party. At least everyone knows where the toilet is, and I hope the folks with lower-level outside balconies brought umbrellas.
Well, if you weren't in the mood to watch the race, maybe the armed assaults at the Brazilian Grand Prix were of interest. Well, they're on to Abu Dabi now, so it'll be much safer there. Right?
Turns out it's a lot harder to stuff explosives in a dog than it is to stuff them in a printer cartridge. The stuff that starts leaking out of a dog is, you know, important. Oh, don't worry, I know, I blame Dick Cheney too.
And in the, "I'm actually surprised it's taken this long" file, we have the blow-up Obama sex doll for sale in China. I mean... well, hell, if we stopped featuring weird, tasteless items you wouldn't come around here so much, eh? Oh, really, tell the truth!
Ever wonder why the engine dyno is in another room? Yeah, this is why. You'd think when it started making the really weird whining sound someone would've hit a kill switch somewhere. That's a damned expensive bomb right there, folks.
Ok, this is just disgusting.
This is why I have no plans to go camping in the bush any time soon. Wait... hang on... dammit, someone throw a bucket of water on Ron. He just passed out from giggling.
The object is about 4 feet in diameter. It has moved about 6 feet down the shoreline in the last 24 hours. It 'jiggles' when the waves in the lake hit it… when we prod it, it seems to be spongy feeling… The texture appears to be that of a rock with algae spots on it — it is brown and yellow, with a pattern of some type.
This is when you get it out of the water and get it tested.
Sometimes the lead says it all: A person accused of murdering a cross-dressing human rights lawyer is a man undergoing a sex change, it was revealed today. Quick! Get them a reality show!
Of all the excuses not to visit a grave site, I think roving bears eating the corpses is one of the better ones. You'd think someone with an AK-47 and a desire for a trophy would take care of this problem relatively quickly.
And that, friends, is why God invented roll cages. And helmets, and Hans devices, and, well, you get the picture. He walked away, sure, but I bet he was saying, "ow ow ow ow ow" while he did it. That's one seriously rung bell right there, yup.
A time traveler, an alien or just someone with hearing trouble? Watch and decide for yourself.
You have to watch the film.
Ok, I love hot sauce. I put it on nearly everything, but I'm smart enough to read the LABEL before dousing my food with it!
Soon after ingesting the chili mixed with the substance provided by defendant John Doe, Timothy Caleb Gann began to suffer a severe physical reaction, including the flaring-up of hives on his skin, difficulty breathing and severe pain and inflammation of his digestive system including his mouth and throat," the complaint states.
Some people are just stupid.
Perineal therapy is as ubiquitous in France as free nursery schools, generous family allowances, tax deductions for each child, discounts for large families on high-speed trains, and the expectation that after a paid, four-month maternity leave mothers are back in shape — and back at work.
Doesn't France have other issues more concerning than this to spend their ZERO budget on?
One without the pastor with ED.
Ms Ashby, a single mother, said she knew when she was filming the ad that it was in poor tasteBut she said she had taken the job because of the money.
"My Visa was calling out for mercy," she said.
"It was against my better judgment to it. I don't like to offend people."
Ms Ashby, who didn't say which Christian church she attended, said the Bible spoke clearly about sex.
Lady jut go take your ball and play at another playground.
If collecting more than 22 grams of belly-button lint doesn't qualify as, "too much time on your hands," I'm not sure what does. It only took him 26 years! What I think is even weirder is how it seems to have changed color over the years.
Ok, tip to the wannabe journalist trying to break into the English language business: running your story through a Google translator results in sub-optimal results. Sub-optimal, but entertaining nonetheless: "A charge of abashed cartage acquired the baby aircraft to lose antithesis and tip over in mid-air during an centralized flight in the Democratic Republic of Congo. "
Young men, frozen in the Great White North, on a lake, with a gun. Let's spin some bullets! No, really! Far as I can tell, it's legit. Stupid, but legit.
A UK nuclear submarine has run aground. No injuries and no release of radiation, apparently, so that's a relief. It'll probably be a cold relief to the CO and who knows how many of the senior officers, though. Navies tend to view people who drive their expensive ships into the ground with something less than kindness.
Nothing quite like finding a flash-frozen frog in your veggies to ruin the night's meal. With ribbity picture goodness! Damned critters'll get into the craziest places.
Oh yeah, the Mom is the fat one, not the kid!
How bout just purchasing healthy stuff to eat? Or rather how bout not eating your kid's portion of food.
No, really, when chimps attack! Luckily nobody got hurt. You'd think that, after that whole, "chimp rips woman's face and hands off with his teeth" thing a few years ago, people would be smarter than this. Then again, when are people EVER smarter than this?
Remember when they tell you to keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times? Yeah, looks like we should've mentioned keeping your head in, too. Can you say, "closed casket?" I knew you could...
The guy who created Glee has been tapped as the director of a Rocky Horror remake. That sound you heard was basically, well, all of my in-laws suddenly crying out in terror. And, now that you mention it, most of my friends, too. Me? Not quite twenty-five years ago I'd never seen it, and was nearly talked into dressing up as Frankfurter. I've been ambiguous about the flick ever since. Not that, you know, there's anything wrong with that.
Ok, note to rich egomaniacs: don't tick off a well-funded news organization. Nothing good comes from it. I'd like to think a story like this would put paid to the left's argument that money and Republicans have ensured rich people can do bad things with impunity around here. Yeah, don't worry, I'm not holding my breath over it.
The things people can do nowadays with leather and plastic, well, you just wouldn't believe. It's Saturday, don't worry if it's SFW. That said, I looked at that first one nearly upside down, and I'm still not completely sure what's going on there. I'm sure it's naughty, I'm just not completely sure how.
Another year, another journalist on a voyage of weird food discovery. I'm quite honest about being a recovering picky eater, and I am under no illusions as to my ability to look at, let alone eat, anything even vaguely weird looking or smelling. I'm hoping to rely on my usefulness with computers and cars to convince others with stronger constitutions to keep me fed when the zombie apocalypse arrives.
It's all fun and games until the boss's husband starts waving his winky about. Partying at the hotel is fun enough, I guess, but do you think the written questionnaire was really necessary? SFW.
Everyone needs a Unicorn Fetus!
You'd think that, with all these celebrities with really bad plastic surgery, other celebrities wouldn't take the risk. And then along comes another one. It's almost as if the genes which give beauty in youth make it impossible to extend its shelf life with surgery. Either that, or it just doesn't pay to screw around with your face.
One of three drugs used in California’s current lethal injection procedure. The drug became a major issue last month when the scheduled execution of Albert Greenwood Brown was called off. During the legal tangle leading up to the stayed execution, it came out that the state’s supply of the drug expired on Friday, October 1–about five hours after the execution was supposed to happen.
I don't get why they just don't use Euthasol or Fatal-Plus that is used in animals, since technically they are.
The line is funny when it's Dorothy and the rest of the crew picking up Scarecrow. When it's the Sheriff's office picking up some lady's husband across a few counties... yeah, not so much. Ellen has scoffed more than once at these amateurs. If you do it right, you're not supposed to find anything at all, she says.
Really, what is it with greens suddenly trying to kill kids? Just one incidence I can chalk up to one out-of-touch group. But two, so close together, and on opposite sides of the globe... well, folks, that sure seems like a trend to me. I always knew they were more interested in telling people what to do than in saving anything, but I didn't know the totalitarian streak would be so easy to bring to the surface.
Actually, I know quite a few friends who likely would be very interested in a nonfiction book which follows a lamp shade made of human skin from garage sale to Buchenwald, including me. If the review is any indication, it's a monument to Mark Twain's quote on the difference between fiction and nonfiction. I think, though, that I'll wait for the trade paperback to come out. That dust cover sounds just that much too creepy.
Well, not attack so much as engage in a fantasy that the rest of us would all just, you know, explode. The original, which is way too long even with all those special effects, is here. Visions of murdering people in spectacular ways because their disagreement with you endangers everything!!!! is only fun when you keep it on the inside. Then again, it's not like the left's ever ignored an opportunity to make everyone else obey. And it always turns out so well...
No, really, when hotels attack! We had a similar problem, albeit on a much much smaller scale, when Ellen left her crystal ball on a windowsill. We'd come home from work on a sunny afternoon and would constantly smell what we thought were cigarettes, even though neither of us smoke. Eventually when we got around to sorting books that were also on the sill, we found two that'd been "lasered"... one looked like it'd been hit by ye ol' deathe raye, the other had a golf-ball sized chunk charred out of it. We moved the decoration shortly afterward.
You'd think a rich, imminently sue-able, casino developer would've taken more steps to ensure this doesn't happen. Can you say "class action suit?" I knew you could...
A box of "inert military-grade land mines" nearly managed to get itself on a passenger flight. An El Al passenger flight, no less. Thing is, if they really were inert, why did the explosives detector go off at all? Something's definitely fishy, or perhaps explode-y, about this one.
What is it with people finding luridly colorful ways of getting killed with wood chippers? I can't walk by one of the things without shivering. And boy, that's going to be a fun thing to clean up, eh?
Ok, dude, don't they have a mall out there somewhere? Did you have to do this at a Wal Mart? Bah. If most men had high standards street walkers would be out of business. So would most strip clubs.
Remember the cartoonist who thought it would be fun to cook up, "draw Mohammed day?" Yeah, I didn't either, but anyway her little stunt has forced her into hiding. It's fashionable to point out that Christians don't do this sort of thing when insulted, but I don't quite think that's true. Christian fundamentalists are quite capable of being violent if someone insults their religion. The difference is, of course, that there are a helluva lot fewer of those sorts of people, they're usually located in well-defined regions, don't travel much, and don't have such a spectacular track record.
Mike J. gets a g-d late no-prize for (eventually!) letting us know that the really attractive chick from Firefly is going to start flying around major cities for real in, like, two weeks. The 14th?!? The *14th?!?* Dude... lame.
Ooooo... Katy Perry and Elmo...
Ok, so everyone remembers that the bite of a vampire bat may be painful, but is not particularly dangerous. What nobody seems to have remembered is bats often carry rabies. That's some bad ju-ju right there, yup.
And in the, "slow news day" file, we have this breathless recycled press release about a bunch of kooks citizens concerned about flying saucers monkeying with our nukes. Hopefully the catering at the NPC is good, because I'm pretty sure the show will be a disappointment.
And now, an idiot doing a kamikaze run downhill at 80 mph on a moped. When I had my off on my bicycle last month, I was doing about 20 mph. I skidded down the asphalt for (when I went back later and measured) about thirty feet, ripped up a bunch of gear, got nasty road rash, and either tore rib cartilage or cracked one outright. It's still sore. On the bright side, falling off here, well, it wouldn't be quick, but it'd be final.
I never was this dumb.
"A huge tree limb, like 25 feet long, flew right up the street, up the hill and stopped in the middle of the air 50 feet up in this intersection and started spinning," said Steve Carlisle, 54. "It was like a poltergeist."
See.. Facebook is good when you have cousins that can complain about this on their afternoon commute!
Sometimes, no matter how hard he tries, it seems God still misses, once in awhile. Or, if you're all about infallibility, sometimes God enjoys a near miss. Or, if you're not about either, sometimes sh-t happens, and sometimes it misses you.
From the "I bet you didn't know that" file, we have the revelation that Lady Gaga's "meat dress" was meant as a protest about the way the US military treats gays. I'm sure she even explained the connection, but it's not in the article. PETA is, at least, being consistent by getting the vapors about the thing. Gaga is the real deal, I'll say that. I just wish I knew what the deal was.
Sorry, gotta say that M-cup boobs which require two implants, each, to achieve, and then force various drains and pumps to be added to fight the infection, well, sorry, just not worth it. I'm reminded of that "film" in Johnny Dangerously about elephantitis, only with boobs. Just, you know, just don't.
Yeah, they got busted because of Facebook, but this 27 year old groom and his 14 year old bride first met in person. I mean, does that even happen anymore nowadays?
According to a recent survey, the Japanese government has lost track of nearly a quarter million centenarians. Pension fraud, you say? Ya think?!? Still, having the trigger be officials discovering a thirty year-old mummy when they went by to congratulate the oldest recorded Japanese man on his birthday is wonderfully macabre.
The entire sequence from that ocean liner that got caught in a storm in 2008 has been released. A story, including a highlight reel of the same footage is here. I guess sometimes there's just no going around a big storm.
Sometimes there's no beating the lead: A dangerous criminal who has no legal right to be in Britain has gone on the run after a judge ruled that to detain him would violate his human rights. Bonus: this charmer enjoyed beating up his girlfriend.
Most of the time, going through the an old storage closet is fascinating. Especially when you find two mummified infant corpses wrapped in 1930s-era newspapers. Nobody's sure what exactly happened, but they have managed to track down the family of the owner of the luggage. Just when you think the world had run out of weirdness...
Australia strikes again, this time catching a giant spider eating a bird. Well, more like "turning it into a protein shake," but you understand the point. Every time I think it would be fun to visit down under, I read something like this. Yeah...
Ok, sometimes the quote makes the story: "I want it just like her but with bigger boobs". Article is SFW. Imagining a 50 year-old man with yet another real doll... well, yeah, that's not so safe for brain. Here, I have some mind bleach to spare.
A hoarder in Las Vegas went missing recently, only to be found imitating a Wizard of Oz witch in her own home. And that, children, is why things should occasionally be thrown away.
And in the, "no, actually, we're not making it up" file we have a guy who's making whiskey from diabetic's urine. Ok, see, all I've ever said was I thought Scotch tasted like postage stamp glue. This stuff...
Proof positive rednecks don't just live in the US: man uses a whole can of bug spray trying to kill a spider, then uses a lighter to try and see if he succeeded. Looks like folks in the UK just don't see a lot of Mythbusters episodes, donchaknow?
And he still looks like he is 12.
Investigators traced the pungent smell to a hearse owned by David B. Lawson Mortuary, the undertaker that picked up Walton's body Aug. 11. Walton, 37, who investigators think died about a week before she was discovered, was still in the back of the undertaker's vehicle.
Mine would not smell. That is what air fresheners are for.
Ya know, sometimes even I'm left speechless. You know, when some Caribbean chick writes a rap song about tickling her vagina. No, really. SFW, I dunno, sorta...
The suspects then likely had to carry the body over the cemetery fence to get away, authorities said.Voodoo I tell ya!
Leave it to a dumb teenager to create yet another spectacular car crash video. That would be all I need, getting caught up in something like that in the spider. Fortunately the only person hurt this time was the idiot behind the wheel, and it sounds like he'll be paying for his stupidity for a long, long time.
Would that they could learn such lessons more easily.
Mike J. gets a no-prize shaped like a rotting gavel for bringing us news that, in Ohio at least, your rights to your kid's remains do not trump those of the state's. I dunno, for me I think the difference would be in just why the coroner wanted to keep the kid's brain in a jar. Still, I think not notifying the family was at the very least, well, you know, tacky.
Glass eye? Glass eye? Dude, that's so 20th century. Thing is, I'd expect that, within the next five years tops, he'll be able to take high def full-motion video with the thing. Meh, his body, his cash, wtf not?
Barenaked ladies: America's Next Top Model's plus-size winner displays her curves for campaign to beat eating disorders.>
Last time I checked, shoveling food into your mouth all the time is an eating disorder.
Whatever happened to healthy? Not stick figure or fat?
This is why I don't read magazines anymore.
For the power napper who has everything: the "Snazzy Napper." I agree with the article: looks suspiciously like a burkha to me, but that's likely because I've never seen an actual one up close. I'd think it would work better in Asia, where things like surgical masks seem to be considered normal.
The good news: 33 miners have survived a collapse. The bad: it's going to take a few months to dig them out. I'm thinking the "few months" will turn out to be a "few weeks" as their story gets out. As long as they can get food and water down to them, I guess it'll all work out.
Update: Three bad links fixed in three weeks. Geeze.
China's government has, according to the article at least, decided to demolish half the country's residential buildings because of shoddy workmanship. The results are definitely spectacular, but as with most progressive good intentions, there's a down side. Rural Chinese are just as bright as you and I are. They know exactly what their chances are in those buildings. They choose to live in them anyway because they're escaping what a real, actual life in a pre-industrial countryside is like.
So, are they rich enough to build proper buildings fast enough, or will the end result be legions of peasants freezing in the streets as serviceable shelters are demolished around them?
Bah. Your side doesn't even understand the question. Sometimes I don't know why I bother...
Dr. Laura Schlessinger went on the standard white person rant about how some folks get to say the n-word and others don't, and suffers the consequences of that rule. Race really is a fundamental contradiction in our society, and has been since basically the beginning. My rule is one I got from sportscaster James Brown back when he was still doing the Fox pregame show one Sunday while the crew were talking about some football player who'd broken this very rule. "I personally think it's an unacceptable word from anyone, anywhere. There's just too much baggage," is what I recall him saying, and that's how I feel about it.
Cindy J. gets a no-prize that can't possibly be THAT innocent for bringing us an outrageous picture, and it's suspiciously "sensitive" explanation. Yah know, it doesn't matter how much of a coincidence it is, I can't imagine a Japanese immigrant in, say, 1952 1949, putting up a sign in his shop window celebrating "The Honorable Hirohito" because some damned anniversary "just happened" to fall on December 7th.
Oh, stop it. Surely they'd gotten out of the camps before then...
The couple had their hands bound behind their backs and were forced to stand in an empty field as their sentence was carried out, he said. A local Taliban commander, who contacted media but refused to give his name, confirmed the killings. "The couple confessed they had eloped together and based on their confession they were stoned to death," he said.Under Islamic Sharia law, sex between unmarried people is punishable by public beatings, while punishment for those caught in extra-marital affairs is death by stoning.
Really? And we keep trying to help help these people?
What they need is a few more thousand generations to get out of the stone age.
It seems, according to Salon at any rate, that the whole "ground zero mosque" meme is the product of a single right-wing blogger and, natch, Rupert Murdoch. So, what he's saying is, the media, and the New York Post specifically, took a straightforward story and blew it all out of proportion, just to sell more ads? Say it ain't so!
Look, I appreciate the clarification, but trying to pretend this sort of thing is the exclusive purview of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracytm went out the door when Journolist walked in.
A few hookers, a tree in the woods, a rope, hey man, that's a party. On the one hand, very, very sad. On the other, well, at least he went out in style.
Yeah, I'd think a giant hole opening up under the pool and draining it while your kids are swimming would make a person... anxious... And that, folks, is why they make you get all those annoying permits and inspections, donchaknow?
Making the rounds: a man went into a hospital thinking he had lung cancer, only to discover it was pea plant instead. Yep, pea plant. Apparently he inhaled one instead of eating it. You'd think cooking would've prevented that sort of thing.
After going missing more than two years ago, a famous French chef's body has been found in a freezer in his home. Nobody's sure if foul play was involved. The man's girlfriend has been charged with, "hiding a body." Who knew that was illegal? Anyone? Anyone? Beuhler?
Sometimes The Sun is full of crap. Except when they come up with a headline like, "Man Died in Sex Stunt with Tree." Ya know, splinters in my hand were bad enough. I always knew they'd kill, if they got stuck in other places. I woulda thought all guys'd know that. Obviously I was wrong.
Stephen Gould used to talk about how evolution wasn't disproved by the elegance of a bird's wing, but proved by the clunkiness of a panda's thumb. I say government incompetence isn't disproved by Apollo, but is proved by warehouses full of coins nobody wants, that cost more to house than they're worth, which will be produced for the foreseeable future. Yes, yes, "it's Bush's fault! It's Bush's fault!" I know I keep forgetting the chant. Did you really have to bring the stick around this time?
A market data firm, trying to figure out just what exactly it was that made the market flop around like the fish in the bottom of a boat earlier this year, have instead discovered distinct, and extremely weird, patterns in the stock market data. We're talking patterns it takes slicing the data into seconds to see, which describe trades which have no hope of succeeding. The modern equivalent of a numbers station? Skynet, signaling its minions? Two computers, farting away in the night? Who knows?
Well, I'll tell you, someone does. And they're not talking...
Ok, NASA, no need to worry about how many Space Shuttle missions might actually be in the pipe. God is on the job. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if the whole rig was engineered to survive that sort of thing. Cost enough, it better.
Making the rounds: yet another example of someone wobbling off their meds in front of a computer screen. It's just possible the author is perpetrating one enormously entertaining hoax. However, in my experience it takes a genuine loon to have that kind of energy over that amount of time.
Ok, "Man nearly killed when eel swims in bottom" reads like an editor being clever. You know, like the bottom of a lake or something. But no, it really did swim up his backside. I guess when there's more than a billion Chinese, weird stuff is going to happen more often to them just due to raw numbers.
Sometimes there's just no improving the Fark headline: Meet the Bodybuilding Neo-Nazi Porn Star Who Embalms Dead People for a Living. Ellen's two of those four. She's married, so that knocks out the third one, and she hates everyone, but as long as they stay off our lawn she couldn't give a sh-t, so that knocks out the second one. My colorful life. Let me show you it...
The first systematic survey of the Chernobyl exclusion zone has found marked, and negative, effects on wildlife. While this would at first seem to be one of those "dur" conclusions, there was (and is) plenty of anecdotal evidence that the removal of humans was increasing wildlife diversity.
Campers make sure all food is secure, campsite is properly situated, everything is arranged correctly, get eaten anyway. Inveterate camper/hikers Ron & Amber will have their, "yeah, but"'s ready, but, far as I'm concerned, that's all the proof I need to watch campers on TV, instead of being one.
Looks like something went "boom" next to a tanker, and now the captain's going to have to call Geico. I'd like to think this was hajji using a small bomb to take out a big boat, but I tend to agree the most likely cause is a nearly-dead mine from the old Iran-Iraq war. Still, that's going to take a whole lotta bondo to fix.
Put it this way... you probably don't want to go swimming in a swamp, anyway. And dude, you definitely need a bigger boat.
Don't you normally find these portraits at flea markets with tacky gold frames along with tiger blankets?
Mike J. gets a no-prize he'll need four department stamps and six forms filled out in triplicate to receive for bringing us a brilliant example of what a progressive looks like dining on ashes. "Peak state," like its cousin peak oil, is a chimera built on the assumption that everyone else is stupid and will remain so until and unless they wake up and recognize that the elite really do know what's good for them.
That everyone else is just as damned smart as they are, and that, with the proper incentives, everyone else can come up with some damned clever ideas indeed, never once occurs to the folks on the left side of the peanut gallery. Quite the opposite, they're already sneering at this, thinking how I court destruction and chaos for even mentioning the possibility.
You know, that every one of us has the potential to succeed, and that together we can do amazing things. Yeah, that's definitely a terrible thing to talk about.
Jesus is coming! Quick! Look busy!
I always liked, "Jesus Saves Sinners, and Redeems Them Later for Valuable Prizes" better.
And now, the world's strongest beer. Inside of a squirrel. Yeah, you heard me, squirrel. That would make for an interesting companion to Ellen's "vomiting frog," donchathink?
Either he fell off, or he really did end it there. Not gory, but NSFW due to the ads.
The children were enjoying Popsicles and were being bathed in vinegar, which is a common treatment for jellyfish stings. They also were given antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications.
Really, what is this world coming too. Too many odd things going on.
2012 is only a year and a half away.
He added that the agency doesn't know whether the spiders are venomous, but that the critters are in various sizes. Agriculture officials also don't know if Guam's tropical climate can allow these spiders to thrive.
Umm...where is my shoe?
No, really, when vultures attack! As a cyclist who drives a bike that's mostly plastic, my greatest fear is Buffy the Cellphone Slayer talking to her friend and brushing on nail polish, wondering what that weird *thump* was when she accidentally drifted right across the shoulder of the road. I simply don't go fast enough to worry about BIRDS.
You remember that corvette the North Koreans didn't sink? That they definitely, quite positively didn't sink? That they would bump you on the chest in the playground and thump you over on your butt for implying that they may have sunk something which they didn't sink? Yeah, about that...
I would like to go on record to state there's a left-wing crazy that is so crazy even I, a card carrying member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, can't tie into something Obama is doing. And this bunch has nukes. Fizzly nukes, yes, but they also have eight-and-a-half bajillion artillery pieces within range of the car companies who make most of everyone else's wheels. I mean, dude...
No matter how you translate it, a Ferrari on fire is never a good thing. It appears nobody was hurt, so there is that. And yes, very lucky indeed that one of the passers-by was a big fire extinguisher!
Personally, I don't really think these things are all that beautiful. The first set of speakers looks like something Dr. Who would face off against, the last one looks like what Pixar's light would grow up into. And yes, folks, that's about how high the real high-end can get, price-wise.
The 15-by-49-foot billboard stands on the westbound side of the highway, facing eastbound traffic. The message went up June 28, paid for by Final Exit Network, a nationwide group that provides guidance to adults seeking to end a life of constant pain from incurable illness.
That is a billboard that you won't see every day.
And in the, "I see a flaw in your cunning plan" file, we have a dude who ended up dead when his plot to gain custody of his kid on a "I got shot!" plea went all pear-shaped. Or, you know, bullet-shaped, as the case may be. No, it doesn't make any damned sense to me either, but people of high intelligence typically do not turn to a life of crime, donchaknow?
And in the, "when we do it it's simple protesting but when you do it it's dangerous racism" category, we have righteous indignation that the right has stolen one of the left's most favorite memes. I thought the Bushitler stuff was ridiculous counterproductive crap, and I think this is ridiculous counterproductive crap. All three of the guys on the billboard were much more effective at being horrific bastards than any president can be. That anyone can even vaguely entertain a notion otherwise shows just how far political passion can override historical knowledge. Or, you know, common sense.
The Obama administration in general and the president in particular have come to the startling conclusion that Al Qaeda hates black people. No, really! This is important! Stop laughing! Don't you realize they lack cultural sensitivity? That they engage in hate speech against poor minorities? Ok, the laughing was bad enough. I will not abide you rolling on the ground and gasping for air.
An oil executive appears to have been targeted by a bomber. Everyone is constantly reminded by the MSM how dangerous potential right-wing violence is. The actuality, the real and constant actuality, of left-wing violence is, and sadly forever will be, given a gloss by progressives of most stripes.
And in the, "f-ing Californians need to get better hobbies" category we have the BBC reporting on the 30 year-old tradition of Cali's finest mooning Amtrak trains. The article includes a fine example of, "people who want to be seen naked generally shouldn't be seen naked," but otherwise SFW pictures.
Sometimes there's just no avoiding a crash. This stuff happens in all forms of racing. It just tends to be a lot nastier with the 2-wheeled variety.
Today's media-sensationalized warning of DOOM!!! is brought to you by CNN, and the "alarming" trend of kids using decorative contact lenses. Since you all may not be paying attention, they've decided to throw in a gratuitous Lady Gaga reference, since a video she made, what, two years ago, had a scene that used CGI to make her eyes look bigger. Yeah, totally related.
A 91 year-old widow has gotten in trouble for keeping the corpses of her husband and twin sister around. As in, "around the house." One embalmed corpse was found on a couch in the garage, the other on a couch in a spare bedroom. Now that's an excuse for not sleeping over at grammas I'd accept.
When I learned Wonder Woman was, after nearly seventy years, getting a costume makeover, I called for an expert opinion. When provided with an example of the previous version of her costume, Olivia's reaction was immediate and conclusive, which I quote here in its entirety, to wit: "Bllleeaaaaarrrrgggggchk!" When pressed for details, she explained the new version was, "too gothic."
I'm actually fine with either version, albeit for different reasons.
Mike J. gets a no-prize that'll be sure to offer last rites for bringing us this rather macabre, but still helpful, sign. The best I ever got was a faded radiation symbol on the side of a public building when I was a kid. I wonder if it's still there?
Last time I checked, these were called thermoses. Thermosi? Thermosay?? Liquid holder?
No wait, the would be tampon! CLEVER!
Archaeologists suspect local inhabitants may have been systematically killing unwanted babies.Archaeologist Dr Jill Eyers said: "The only explanation you keep coming back to is that it's got to be a brothel."
That will teach those ladies of the night to forgo a night of work.
Yes I took a video of this. Yes I am disappointed that I did not catch "WEST FALLS CHURCH METRO NEXT STOP!" on video.
So I'm going to hell.
I get the intent, I really do. As a dad, though, I must admit a free prostate cancer screening is kinda far down on my list of fathers day presents. That sound you're hearing is Ellen doing a face-palm, because she didn't think of it before the day was over.
This is a new concept? Do you know how many people out in radiology who have DONE this? Heels included and so much more...
Oh wait wait wait! You don't get ear density on xrays, nor boob detail (sorry)..dude! where is her heart!!! Oh wait wait.. this is CGI...yeah..CGI.
What these people lack in means they more than make up for in sheer chutzpah. There are more than a few big, abandoned properties in this area, so it wouldn't surprise me if ballsy squatters were a feature of our landscape as well. I'm sure there are some on the left side of the aisle who think there's a certain bit of justice going on here. Of course, it's not their house either.
The way Sitchin sees it, the long-dead woman's genome could contain the signature of the gods and demigods he's been talking about since 1976.
The sculpture, about 62 feet tall and 40 feet wide at the base, showed Jesus from the torso up and was nicknamed Touchdown Jesus because of the way the arms were raised, similar to a referee signaling a touchdown. It was made of plastic foam and fiberglass over a steel frame, which is all that remained Tuesday.
It's a sign! The end is coming! Ohio just became more of a shit hole than it already is! Who will save you if "Touch Down Jesus" can't?
An Extra Crispy Jesus No-Prize to Annie for bringing us this sad news.
Looks like, for the second time this year, DNA evidence has cleared a man Texas has already executed. Being a good Buddhist, I'm quite firmly against the death penalty. Being firmly in the camp of the constrained vision, I also have no problem with someone being given the opportunity to achieve enlightenment from the bottom of a miserable, deep, dark hole.
You think I'm kidding. I'm not.
And, for the newest entry in the, "dude. Wait, what?" category, we have news that men's girdle sales are off the chart. Corset sales for dudes would seem not to be far behind. Or, you know, middle, as the case may be.
And in the, "gosh I'm glad I didn't drive the spider that day" file, we find what can and sometimes does happen when buildings get taken apart by heavy machinery. Fortunately, it appears nobody got hurt.
Remember, folks, HD cameras can see more than you think. A new version of couples getting it on in a far, dark corner of a stadium can't be far behind.
I gotta tell you, they sure did spend a lot of money to make something that ugly. We'll call it proof positive that Germany has more than their fare share of guys willing to do silly things to cars. Only, you know, with more expensive cars.
... and the saga of the "convoy of peace" continues. Now the newsies who brought the cameras are getting all huffy because the Israelis released their footage. Because we all know they wouldn't selectively edit their stuff to make sure the film matched the story that they were saying. Nope, they'd be completely honest, since all they were really there to do was document a humanitarian mission.
In a pig's eye...
The "grim eater" attended up to four funerals a week during March and April before the Harbour City Funeral Home decided he had gone too far, and stopped him, the Dominion Post reported."We saw him three or four times in a week. And certainly he had a backpack with some Tupperware containers so when people weren't looking, he was stocking up."
Talk about a weird situation!
You know all those times they said even experienced climbers can be killed by Everest? Yeah, they weren't f-ing around about that. Everest: Beyond the Limit has been on a Tivo Season Pass for us for years, and, as I recall at any rate, they actually had to walk past someone who'd done the climber version of throwing a rod but who had not actually gotten around to dying just yet.
Me? I'm not particularly fond of climbing the stairs. I'm more than content watching others try to climb up and try to climb down that thing.
So it seems that, for the past month or so, one of the things your $20 admission got you at MoMa was the opportunity for a weird Yugoslavian chick to stare at you for as long as you liked. Lots of actors paid for the opportunity, of course. And don't forget the write-up in the Times. But it's commercial painting that's not "real" art, donchaknow?
There's pissed-off crazy, then there's so-pissed-off-he-rips-your-heart-out crazy. Note to self: do not do 'shrooms with guys who enjoy beating the crap out of each other for money.
Nothing like a sinkhole in the middle of a city to put some perspective on a tropical storm. My luck would be that'd be the parking meter I used on the one trip downtown I used the spider for.
Nothing quite like a compilation of red-light runners to graphically demonstrate the consequences of not paying the f- attention to what you're doing.
Observation: interracial marriages are on the rise in America. Media conclusion: an obvious sign of increased discrimination and racial tension. Remember, folks, these are the people who've made it their business to keep us informed.
Sometimes random chance just makes you go, "hmmmm..." Like when every person assigned a specific mobile phone number in the UK has died. In the past ten years. Ya know, I'm just fine with them suspending that number.
A writer of several popular comic book titles has disappeared, leaving only his van behind. A van with a very gruesome bonus on board, no less.
It seems that dogs in space are making the headlines once more, only this time it's because they're on the menu. If it's raised as food it should be consumed as such. That said, I think I now have a little more ammunition when I politely decline to visit a Chinese buffet.
Nick on the other side of the world brings us this on the quirky ways Asia's way of remembering the dead
"The Asia Funeral Expo is giving new meaning to the "be prepared" maxim by offering free coffin portraits to expo visitors. Other morbid attractions include a free Alzheimer's tests -- just the thing to compliment the coffins lining up in the exhibition hall. "We're seeing half-hour queues for the coffin portrait booth," Lo told CNNGo."
In case you forget, here is the link to the expo.
Ticket Please!
Hrrmm.... an interesting history lesson!
Yep, they are out there.
They all have a similar look too...hmmm....
When it comes to scientific experiments, often the Cynomolgus Macaque monkey is the primate of choice. They weigh anywhere from about 3 to 25 pounds and make lots of barking noises. It's hard to image how anyone could miss one sitting inside a small cage.
I worked in cannot make a "boo-boo" like this unless you mean it.
How dare you try to limit welfare payments to Islamic wackamoles! Stop that right this instant! An increase in fairness always outweighs a risk to security, especially if it results in new opportunities for income redistribution to brown people who of course hate us only because of the injustices we inflict on them. Giving them more cash cannot result in them buying guns instead of butter. That's not what's intended, so that's obviously not what will happen.
Ok, entire hillsides are NOT supposed to convincingly impersonate, well, pudding. Especially when someone's house is underneath God's own landscape fail.
Meh. We've been parking our butts on floodplains long before we were even human. Why should we stop now?
Ok, so, stop me if you've heard this one: a guy walks into a precinct with two buckets. One of the unexpected advantages of a Caribbean island seems to be easy access to machetes.
"We didn't realize until the autopsy that his constipation was as bad," he said, noting that when he died there was waste in his colon that was several months old."We found stool in his colon which had been there for four or five months because of the poor motility of the bowel," Nichopoulos said.
Find more interesting findings to this story here!
Peer pressure causes teenage girls to believe stupid things. Peer pressure causes teenage boys to do stupid things. One of the unexpected benefits of being a social misfit is I never felt like getting hurt to impress other guys. Impressing girls... well...
It looks like the latest import from Japan is called "zentai." Yeah, I wear lycra bike shorts, but that has more to do with what happens to cotton, and my rear sitting on it, after four hours on a bike than it does with the way the stuff feels. Meh, stay out of trouble, pay your taxes, keep off my lawn, etc.
Although I do think the guys goofing on the hockey player are amusing.
CONCORD, N.H. (FOX 25 / - Police are investigating at the Blossom Hill Cemetery in Concord, N.H. where a grave belonging to a mummified baby has been disrupted.Police were notified yesterday morning by cemetery personnel that a gravesite had been disturbed and dirt was turned.
Aren't you supposed to bury them at least two feet under?
I knew Nashville had it bad with the recent floods. I just didn't realize it was this bad. The first NAMI convention I ever worked was in the Opryland hotel in 1996. I still remember the place, and seeing the same hotel with what looks like three feet of water on an upper level is just beyond amazing. It's going to take a long time to recover from all of that.
Alternative: what happens when Rube Goldberg gets really depressed. Fortunately it seem more artistic expression than any real plea from the photographer. I hope.
They may not be able to legislate their way out of a paper sack, but when it comes to finding ET's among us, the government is on the case. It's so entertaining when consumers wobble off their meds!
How awesome!
Rather than display a Puerto Rican shooting victim's body in a boring casket for the wake, morticians at one San Juan funeral home presented the corpse on the man's Honda motorcycle.
Of course there are photos!
why we feel we need to make these animals do circus tricks?
Click the link. End.
Having presumably solved all other problems (because we all know how well California is doing), a county board in northern CA has voted to ban toy offers from restaurants selling "high calorie" meals. This presumes, as almost all progressive legislation does, that people will voluntarily abide by the spirit of the law, instead of figuring a way around it to get what they want anyway.
In other words, yo, sparky, you're administering a county here. All you've really done is take sales away from your local businesses (you know, the ones who provide jobs and pay taxes), and given them to ones nearby. The only people who'll be affected are those too poor to actually travel, so good on ya for restricting their choices and increasing their expenses. It's for their own good, after all.
Life has made the classic photo essay, "Inside a Serial Killer's House" available on-line. Per usual, people who wreck other's lives have a tendency to wreck their own.
The lady who made "the worst parking job. EVAR" famous was finally sentenced on Tuesday. At least, with the video, the victims don't have to explain the bizarre hood dents to their adjusters.
And now, a drinks bar shaped like a... a... oh go see it yourself. It quenches thirst, and teaches anatomy!
It seems when life throws locusts at Australians, Australians put them on a pizza. Don't worry, Ellen, think of it like a bigger version of a grasshopper taco. I'll be with Olivia, on the other side of the world, when you try it. :)
The most recent episode of South Park aired, what, Wednesday? Let the death threats, BEGIN! I was very surprised Comedy Central allowed the show to air at all, considering the last time Parker and Stone decided to make fun of Mohamed they at first refused to air the episode at all.
People often talk about "the wheels coming off" of a project. They don't usually mean it this literally. Fortunately Buemi's fine. The guy who designed the parts implicated in the crash, maybe not so much.
Ok, four words: Leech with enormous teeth. See, Ellen? I told you I had "the link for all links" tonight!
In an especially vindictive move, workers said that Massey has refused to allow miners time off so that they can attend the funerals of their coworkers.Only seven bodies have so far been recovered, and rescue crews said on Sunday afternoon that the mine would have to be ventilated for 12 to 15 hours before they could go in and recover the remaining 22. Some funerals have already been held.
You would think by now the owner of the mine would be hiding for his life.
While I understand that you all need jobs etc... but if you are all passionate about this, you should just strike and leave the mine.
West VA, you are your own thing.
"I can breathe better," said Paul Garfield, 18, after taking his turn on the waxing table. "I won't have to deal with the pesky nose hair. It didn't hurt as bad."
I have officially seen it all.
You know when they say a tornado can blow cars around like toys? Ever wonder what that looks like? Wonder no more. My already healthy respect for these storms just took another bound upward.
No matter how hard the hermits try, sometimes people still manage to take pictures of them. Sadly we must rely on satellite imagery to see the camps which constitute the inevitable result of the perfectly progressive state.
Making the rounds: Wikileaks has dug out a combat film from an Apache attack which they term, "collateral murder." Time posted this analysis which, eventually, makes a few good points about just how tough it is to get this sort of thing right. Looks to me like they messed up, and a whole bunch of people died because of the mistake. Still, the video is three years old, and it would seem this sort of thing stopped happening a short time later.
Apaches were never meant to be sniper weapons, and using them as such will always risk a tragedy of this sort.
What I want to know is, what are teenagers doing going on an Easter egg hunt? And then going way off the path into the woods. By themselves. Oh, wait...
It must also be a slow entertainment news day: the latest pop-culture "let's give it a word for the f- of it" trend would appear to be "chexsting". We've definitely come a long way from the time when telephones were just used for, you know, calling people.
It's nice to know that, even if it seems to be slowly fading away here, political correctness is being kept alive and well on Canadian college campuses. I guess you'd call it the dark side of being nice and orderly, eh?
It would seem the reason BATF decided to take down the Hutaree involved someone forgetting to check Snopes before they freaked their sh*t out. I will give the left this much... their wackos are nowhere near as well armed as mine are. Then again, the vast majority of the time my side's wackos will build themselves a compound out in the woods somewhere and be hardly heard from again. The wackos on the left are the ones which seem more likely to act on their lunacy.
Oh, and my side's wackos take baths. Bathing is always a plus.
A Lebanese TV personality is scheduled to be beheaded in Saudi Arabia. The guy's not even a Saudi national, the religious police ganked him on his Umra. It's my understanding anyone visiting SA is required to have a sponsor, so this reeks of a setup. F'ing religious police.
Making the rounds: someone apparently adapted the film Scarface into a play for young children. The thing is so ludicrously over the top I'm very suspicious of it. But it definitely seems as if a group of parents has become completely unmoored from good taste, if not reality.
Mike J. gets a no-prize that'll throw rocks at the kids on his lawn for bringing us at least one watermelon willing to take the gloves off. It's quite nice to see the true core of progressive environmentalism laid out so plainly. These are the policies most seem to really want. They are why I have never believed a darned thing the environmentalist movement says.
Making the rounds: it would seem that no amount of self-righteous watermelon belief will warm the southern hemisphere to the point it's actually summer, in Antarctica, in July. I know, I get it, "My faith. My facts. My movement. NOW KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!!" is the attitude we normally get from these folks. I've just never before seen quite such a karmically-appropriate riposte before. Self-inflicted, even.
Update: Looks like we've been snookered. Meh. Not the first time, not the last.
Another day, another third-worlder whacking off his willie because of girl trouble. Ya know, I've been driven more than a little crazy by the women in my life. But in all that time, I never even once considered taking a cleaver to any part of my anatomy, let alone a part that, being a guy, I consider really quite important. Different... rrmm... strokes?
Three words: Giant. Poop. Bubbles.
Oh go on then. It's a web site. Nobody'll ever know you clicked the link.
I promise.
An island nobody lived on, only inches above sea level, in the middle of a bay frequently swept with cyclones, with no resources, which of course was being fought over by two different countries, would seem to have disappeared into the sea. Hey, if global warming can resolve international disputes, it can't be all bad, eh?
Remember that old joke about the tractor-trailer driver who woke up on the road because of a mysterious beeping? You know, the one where he slows down just to figure out where the sound is, only to see a VW bug swerving away out away from his grill? Yeah, that only works if your car isn't stuck against the grill sideways. Thankfully, nobody got hurt.
A civil judge in Belgium has officially gone on record as saying a crime victim invited an attack, and fined the victim because of it. Just when you thought Europe couldn't be any more "progressive", they go and prove you wrong.
Another day, another bunch of idiots learning the feds do not know or care that you're kidding. Ok, so we'll go over this one more time: the Secret Service takes its job very, very seriously, and has the money, resources, and time to find and throw your butt in the pokey if you tweet threats about one of their charges. So let's just keep those thoughts to ourselves, mmkay?
Sometimes Cracked's "Top 5" lists don't do much for me. This is not one of those times. All you true crime fans should have a field day with it. I've actually seen a few of the Toynbee Tiles, although I can't quite remember where.
Authorities have arrested a man who is accused of spending his free time talking people into suicide so he could watch. Just when you thought the depths of man's evil to man had been well and truly plumbed...
And now, a radical lefty who has been declared the messiah. One of the things which defines Britain is the country's famous encouragement of eccentricity, if not outright lunacy. If this doesn't prove the case, I'm not sure what will.
The latest "holy crap the CIA pulled some scary stunts in the 50s" story is an alleged mind control experiment which involved poisoning an entire French town in 1951. An allegation this explosive requires the evidence bar be set very high. From what's presented in the article, I don't think the author has cleared it. A bunch of unnamed sources and a single document which does not explicitly connect the dots does not a true conspiracy make.
The now she has it, now she don't saga of Anna Nicole Smith's battle to get a piece of her sugar daddy husband's fortune has now moved solidly into the "now she don't." This in spite of the fact that the two primaries involved are both, well, dead. A more clear case of, "only the lawyers ever make money" I never have seen.
Finally Ellen has a reason to visit Paris. Well, except for hunting down the tombs of various incorruptible saints, that is. Macabre? Ellen? You don't say...
No, really, when anarchists attack. As mentioned before, political belief is not a line, it's a circle. If you push far enough to become a loony in one direction, you'll quickly be indistinguishable from the loons on the other side. Deny it at your peril.
For those who've always wondered: taking a whack at a cop with your winkie will cost you about $1000. I think. Haven't gotten around to checking the exchange rate lately, but I bet I'm close. Have at you!
While hardly a true secret, it's always important to remember the "other" genocidal unit, 731. The Germans at least have done everything anyone could think of to gain redemption for their crimes. Only the current generation of adults, the first to be able to legitimately claim they had absolutely no part in any of it, are attempting to point out that Germans suffered too. The Japanese, well, one of the best ways to shock a Japanese person is to have them look up Unit 731 on the English Wikipedia. The smart Westerner, the one who doesn't want his Tokyo apartment firebombed, will do nothing more than that.
There's a reason the rest of Asia hates Japan, and it has nothing to do with their current success.
The "buried, not buried, buried, not buried" saga of James Brown seems to have been switched to "not buried." Again. I always thought his "get dragged off the stage only to come right back" schtick was annoying. Now that he's dead, well, not so much. With bonus picture of what the ex-Godfather of Soul looked like, and probably still does.
I think we'll call that fisherman: 0, enormous scary crocodile: 1. At ~ 4 meters, this one's on the small end of adult males. Sheesh!
And now, a Japanese shut-in who decided to marry his pillow. I guess "pillow" and "beer" must look the same in those "is better than a wife" posters.
Iran is openly expanding its missile launch complex to accommodate larger launch vehicles. Just when you think the mullahs couldn't get any madder, they go and prove you wrong again. Help us, Bibi, you're our only hope...
Sit back, strap in, and enjoy just how loopy the very top of the high end of the hi-fi hobby can be. And less ye think the economy has sunk all these companies we have an updated version. The super-high end speakers I think are nifty are an absolute bargain by comparison.
Who needs a forklift or a big truck when a Sumo wrestler will do the job just as well. Seems like a lot of work for an $850 payout split (presumably) two ways.
Remember, folks, guns don't kill people, giant lawnmowers kill people. Let's just say she got a real close shave...
Headline sorta says it all: Anti-gay state senator arrested for DUI leaving a gay bar. Research, he was doing res-- Oh, wait, nevermind.
Let it not be said I am one to cover up when my side coughs up the ball. Especially when they do it in heels.
Nice to see it's not just American SUV drivers who think 4WD magically transforms the road into dry pavement. I'm thinking that's somewhere either in Turkey or Iran, but I'm not at all sure. It'd be nice to think nobody got hurt, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong there, too.
Actually, I'm surprised it's taken this long for some loon to fasten onto global warming as an excuse to off themselves. It's damned sad when even maniacs do this sort of thing to themselves. It's inexcusable to take their kids with them because they can't seek help.
Hey, don't worry guys, I found a great place to park the fire truck. Meh. Detroit. Sorta says it all.
So it seems the actual next-gen home theater will be equipped with a whopping 24 separate speakers. Just what I need, another 19 cables snaking around my living room. So you heard Ellen's "yeah, no" from all the way out there, eh?
In Soviet Russia, tank sale finds you!. I swear, Mr. Customs Official, it just followed me home! Can I keep it? Please?!?
Spider Crawl...not on my floor.
In my house you can get exercise by jumping over the sudden cat vomit pile.
Ok, I'm calling sexism here, cos if guys were to sparkly-fy their junk and then post pictures of it on the intarwebs, the jokes would be endless. As if guys need another reason to scratch down there.
Remember, folks, if you want to get bizzay, do it on level ground. You'd think a 67 year-old woman would know better. You'd be wrong.
If it gets rid of an untreatable parasite that manifests itself as a three-foot long worm that burrows around in my body, I'm all for it! I definitely recall being grossed out by this concept back when I was in... junior high, I think. I just don't remember it being called a "Guinea worm." Yet another reason to stay the hell away from the desert!
Nothing like a collection of 50 of the weirdest looking critters yet found to start your day. Most I'd heard of, a few I hadn't. I've seen video of giant isopods... those things are f-d up for sure!
For peace of mind (and back, and legs, and arms), think about carrying Rest Easy, an organic spray said to repel or even kill bedbugs. You spray a defensive perimeter around your bed (you're advised against spraying it directly on the sheets) and presumably heed the age-old advice, "Don't let the bedbugs bite."
His story: The man is Thomas Beatie, who grew up in Hawaii as Tracy, becoming a model and a finalist in this contest. Beatie began dressing and living as a man when he entered his 20s. Eventually he underwent this type of surgery but elected to retain his female reproductive organs.
Keeping your V-Jay= woman.
Look, I don't care what you do, who you are etc.. just don't expect the main stream media to understand you and accept you. You have female reproductive organs and you chose to use them. That alone makes you a woman, not 100% male. You may feel you are 100% male on the inside, but you got lady parts.
Sorry dude.
Looks like even Italians have a limit to their sense of humor. Ours are too fat, old, and lazy to have any kind of flavor. Well, assuming half-puked cat food isn't a flavor, I mean.
Scientists are testing a radical re-animation strategy by draining all the blood out of dogs, replacing it with a super-cold saline solution, and then putting the real blood back after a few hours. I get why they're doing it, but I'm not going to volunteer for their first round of human trials, that's for sure.
Virginia has joined a growing list of states outlawing involuntary chip implants. Go for the weird story, stay to watch the reporter trying to reconcile the deeply conflicted "privacy, for teh win!!!" and "ZOMG!1!! FUNDIES!!!!" storylines.
I just hope the driver managed to live through it.
New from the Nanny State: Police to pose as burglars, break into houses, wake up residents and scold them for a lack of security. I think they'll also end up finding out which residents own cricket bats, machetes, and various illegal firearms. The hard way.
This is why Pittsburgh can't have nice things. Like the first comment says, if these were Saints fans, they would've been wearing more beads. And, like, fewer coats and touks.
Not only did he put the testicle from a castrated dog in his mouth but he also put a medical tube up his nose and showed a nurse a photo of his erect penis on his mobile phone. The 37-year-old, from Brighton, east Sussex, was charged with two offences by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons while working at St Runwald’s Surgery in Colchester, Essex, between April 2008 and September 2009.
I love ink...but some people are just retarded.
Today's "climate change will kill us all" debacle is brought to you by (closes eyes and throws dart)... the loss of all topsoil in Britain before the year 2070!!! ZOMG!!1q!! OH NOES!!! QUICK! SOMEONE GET THEM SOME FUNDING!!!
I remember hearing about this particular imminent apocalypse back in the 70s, when the watermelon agenda mostly revolved around fertilizers growing enough food to feed too many kulaks. It didn't happen then. It's not going to happen now.
And in the, "oh-no-they-di'-uhn!!!" file, we have hajji stuffing women's boobs with explosives. This one is so sensationalist it just screams, "slow news day." Then again, the story claims they've already caught looneys with their butts full of Semtex, so wtf knows?
And now, a girl with no vagina who got pregnant anyway due to getting stabbed in a knife fight. No, really!
Not only is Rip Torn still around, he's still getting in trouble. I guess it proves that, no matter how rich you are, it is possible to be so drunk and annoying people will throw your old ass into jail
Sometimes there's just no improving on the lede: "Days after D.C. Superior Court Magistrate Judge Janet Albert broke up with her girlfriend, the judge found her former companion unconscious in her attic, above her bedroom, with some food and an ice bucket fashioned into a makeshift toilet, authorities say."
No, really!
Now that flu season is on its way out, the MSM has the balls to ask was the whole thing exaggerated? Ah, but reading the article reveals the true source of hysteria. It's the government's fault! Really!
The saga of the secret codes appears to be over. As long as the sights keep shooting straight, I guess it's not that big of a price to keep the busybodies happy.
Serves him right, wasting good booze like that. I thought it was fake, until the smoke alarm started going off. Heck it still might be, but it was an interesting explosion.
Ok, I get it, that chicks like to change things about their appearance and, you know, upgrade stuff. What I don't get is this whole "vagazzle" thing. Yeah, you heard me, that's what she said. Seems to me that'd, I dunno... itch.
In the, "don't you have anything better to do?" bin, we have this hard-hitting investigative report which proves a small Michigan company is casting very short, very small biblical references into its gunsights. Of course someone's going to have a problem with this. Once they found out about it, anyway.
Hey, guess what? Swimming in shark-infested waters can be dangerous! The article starts out well enough, but the wheels fall completely off when the author tries to tie a rise in attacks with tourism and then (somehow) with sharks being over-fished.
NASA officials have confirmed a baggie of cocaine was brought into the hangar complex which processes the space shuttles. Junkies are stupid, even rocket scientist junkies. I'm sure they'll catch the person, but, this being NASA, I'm sure it'll involve three dozen meetings, two press conferences, and the creation of at least seven new acronyms.
Took me awhile, but I finally found the real high-end of the hi-fi hobby. Feast your eyes on a forty-two-thousand dollar set of mono amplifiers. Auditioned with a $14,000 turntable, natch. I honestly have no idea who pays for such foolishness, but I guess if it keeps a small bunch of craftsman off the bread line, it's all good.
That'd be Giant Tree: 1, Shed: 0. Explain that one to the adjuster.
Hey, if you can't link up a story about a stillborn lamb with a face like a human, well, what damned good is having your own website anyway? Let the Welsh jokes begin!
Now I have seen it all. If you can't get home early enough to walk the dog, then you have a problem.
Old dogs that have urinary problem etc.. puppies, sure.. but really, be responsible.
Problem: Effete Westerners have got all fluttery about the lead you're using on the kids products you're selling them, and now block them.
Solution: use a different poison.
I wonder if it glows?
ClimateGate just gets better and better. How much better? How about the UN IPCC Chief is making millions on side-deals with companies specializing in carbon trades and "sustainable technologies?" Now, remind me again how these are the people who's advice to dismantle our economies we are to trust? I keep forgetting that part...
Sometimes there's just no improving on the headline: crime lord's fake penis falls off during raid. A hermaphroditic crime lord sounds like something out of a David Lynch flick. It also seems to provide even more proof of Mark Twain's axiom about truth and fiction.
Nothing quite as embarrassing as calling the fire department to cut your winkie out of a steel pipe. In the emergency room, no less. Not quite as bad as the story of the guy who got his junk caught in a machine belt so tight it threw him across the room and he tried to stitch it up with a stapler*, but you can see it from there.
*I'm not kidding. Google it.
Making the rounds: a funeral home is being sued because, apparently, they sent gramma's brain home with the flowers. Ok, suddenly my own mom's plan to be cremated is getting this giant silver lining...
Coming soon to a console near you: the "ultimate" FPS accessory. I'm still amazed nobody's come up with a left-hand HOTAS solution to give me no-lift access to the number keys and other odd combos.
F- being a vegetarian, I wouldn't eat any of this stuff either. Warning: contains picture of already-prepared "mutt for dinner." Not violent or cruel, but it could upset the sensitive. As if those people still hang out here anyway.
Making the rounds: two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Good thing that was during the Bush administration, otherwise we would've been greeted with another round of "cover-up for the president" from the MSM. But by all means, let's close it down, provide a forum for the worst of them during a show trial in Manhattan, and let the rest scatter to the four winds. What could possibly go wrong?
Just when you thought the pervs had tried it all, we now have a butt-sniffing bandit. This one reeks of a hoax, but the police seem to be taking it seriously. For now.
Ok, I get that people need gross anatomy classes. What I don't quite understand is why it's being taught outside. Note: Pictures are luridly graphic, but since the dude is already seriously dead, it's not exactly violent. Gotta learn somehow, I guess.
Remember when I said the Hi-Fi hobby has a nosebleed section? This one's in the center section, mid-field. Read the first page, as much as you can anyway, and then skip to the last page. It literally took my breath away when I saw the price. Yes, Virginia, there are audiophiles far nuttier (and richer) than I.
First, the "you can't make this stuff up" lede: "A 4-year-old boy, beer in hand, is accused of stealing Christmas presents from his neighbors. It's a strange story, but also a sad one. "
And then there's "The child, Hayden Wright, was found around 1:45 am Tuesday, wandering the streets of his neighborhood. In a police reports, officers said he was wearing a little girl's dress and drinking a beer."
But best of all is: ""He runs away trying to find his father," she said. "He wants to get in trouble so he can go to jail because that's where his daddy is."
Ah, the holidays!
No, really, when monkeys attack. I've watched Olivia make almost exactly that move on a little punk at the playground when his teasing turned to touching. I had to yell at her to stop, but inside I was definitely smiling.
Annie gets a no-prize that'll fit in a pocket protector for bringing us news that girls feel they're driven out of the computer science because (waves hands around), "it's masculine geeky." Think about that one for a second. Yeah, that "smack" sound was all my guy friends doing a face-palm.
Don't worry, man. I'm raising one and I still don't understand them.
Hmm... I'll take armed, naked crazies on the lawn for $200, Alex. As noted previously, I'd wager she looks more like Kathy Bates than Uma Thurmond. Life often isn't fair that way.
Presenting Fapmapper, which combines the creep factor of public wankers with the utility of Google maps. I learned a very long time ago that people who want to be seen naked in public are 99.99% of the time the last people who should be seen naked in public. If this helps me avoid them, well, there ya go.
The shape of things to come here: brothers beat down home invaders and receive multi-year jail terms for their trouble. Well what do they expect? Sure, the robbers tied them up on the floor, but the robbers also said the family wouldn't be killed as long as they didn't move! Those maniacs went after the robbers with a cricket bat! Put one of them in the hospital! And a good thing too it happened in Britain, otherwise that poor thief likely would not have gotten the best of care!
To wit: There's no such thing as a woman so beautiful a man can't be made sick of her crap. With (barely) SFW pictures of an example. The obverse is, of course, just as true.
A 70 year old man has apparently died of a heart attack while skydiving. When I first read it, I wondered, "how could you tell that from a bunch of hamburger and broken bones?!?", but it turns out he was tandem jumping. Go grampa! Bye, grampa!
This one was so gross I didn't want to keep it up on my computer: a tongue-eating parasite has been found of the coast of New Jersey. It (thankfully) is harmless to humans, well, except for that whole "so skeeved I need a shower" feeling. With severely creepy pictures!
Making the rounds: a mysterious spiral blue light appeared in the skies over Norway last night. Not only do they have pictures, they have video. I don't know what the f- it is, but if I had to put a $5 chip down I'd set it on, "Russkie missle test gone bad."
A better, and more honest, way to put it would be, in the face of heretics and apostates, first affirm the faith. I didn't, and don't, want to turn this into some sort of humanist holy war, but the other side seem to already have.
Ok, I get that some folks could be skeeved out by transgender people. Being raised in the deep South, I know there are an unfortunate number of people so badly skeeved out they do stupid things. You know, like leave a nasty, threatening voice mail message on the phone of a transgender teen who just applied for a job at their McDonalds. A bit of a shame, really. The bottom rungs of McDs are rightfully seen as a kind of hell, but the truth is it's not a dead end. Far from it. Work at it hard enough, long enough, and McDs will make someone with a high school diploma very wealthy indeed.
But not for this guy. No, this guy let his prejudices override his professionalism, and now what likely was a bright future is now a dead end.
Karma's a bitch, ain't it?
Nothing like finding vines in the vah-jay-jay to throw your whole day off (SFW). Annie gets a no-prize that damned well better warm its hands before it sets to work for bringing us proof that old-world stabs at birth control are still alive and well.
No, really, when Christmas trees attack. Being a good German Austrian, he told the authorities, cut the tree to size, and drove it home.
So in a street full of tall buildings, these guys manage to smash a moving car. An advantage to driving an old, low-slung sports car is it increases the chances of a miss. A disadvantage is if it manages to score they'll have to scrape what's left off the wrecking ball.
That's right, folks, for about $130 a night you too can experience life as a hamster. All it would need to complete the experience is a giant, menacing cat. Oh no, ours are too old, fat, and lazy to be much of a threat to anything.
Making the rounds: a former Miss Argentina is dead from complications resulting from cosmetic buttock surgery. In other news, people pay good money to have a surgeon take a knife to their ass.
Want to know what more than a decade of progressive government will look like? Wonder no more. The best part is, most people on the left side of the peanut gallery are now wondering what, exactly, the problem is.
So now the hard left is dreaming of Diocletian. Because, when they do that, they think it goes over the heads of the plebes who would otherwise react badly if they were to use the name of the person they really want. ~ Where have you gone, Joseph Stalin... ~
Leave it to the home of everything truly weird to give us the first known case of a man marrying a video game character. No, really!
Ya know, it's just not fair setting up a realistic-looking deer made out of frikkin' concrete. A buck could get hurt, donchaknow? Killed, even!
Leave it to The Sun to find a woman who keeps having kids because all she really wants is a set of twins. It takes awhile, but it would appear she's a very hard-working housewife. Still, 14 kids does seem quite a lot.
I'm sure this'll trigger an impressive round of hysterical journalism, but leave it to the Post to get it started off right: Subway riders sealed in murder car. After reading the article, if the guy keeps his mouth shut and gets a good lawyer, I think he probably could get a self defense plea to work. Regardless, it seems a good lesson in "keep your crap into your lap, you idiot."
For proof that porn has come (ha!) a very long way indeed, one need only examine these scans of "Tijuana Bibles". Suddenly the fact that red-light districts were largely legal in pre-WWII US makes a heck of a lot more sense.
NSFW, but it's Saturday, wtf are you doing at work?
Meh, his kid, his rules: "Is this taking the whole Star Trek thing a teensie weensie bit too far? d'Armond Speers spoke only Klingon to his child for the first three years of its life."
Thing is, kids learn languages like a sponge at that age. Other than teaching him a few strange-ish sounds, I'll wager he'll be fine.
Great. Even their politicians are cooler than ours:
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin rubbed shoulders with rappers and was hailed with "respect" in a television show on Friday that could help boost his flagging ratings.
Of course, people worship Obama. Beat that!
Ron gets a no-prize shaped like a crystal egg with a crack in it for bringing us proof that the Bugatti Veyron does not make for much of a boat. Brackish water, no less. Fixable? Probably, but likely only with a complete disassembly.
Why someone should not be able to own a chimp no matter how well they can care for it.
Just because your state allows it does not mean you should own it.
Valve's on-line gaming service Steam has decided to combine the convenience of advanced download with the empowerment of the nanny state. I became disillusioned with Steam when something went wrong and it decided I'd given my password away for... well, it was never entirely clear why I would be doing that. At any rate, not only did it lock me out of all the on-line games, which would've merely been annoying, but it also locked me out of the off-line games, which was flat outrageous. Rubbing salt in the wound was their, "you're cheating. What did you expect? Get over it." attitude.
So from that point forward it's been brick-and-mortar boxes for me, FTW!
Two words you never want to hear together: stroller, and amputation. Since they're talking a stroller which cost more than $100, we can happily say Olivia had no chance of sitting in one. It took me some searching to determine this is not related to the team what makes the race cars go really fast.
There's horse whisperers, and then, well, then there's guys like this.
Via, I kid you not, Instapundit, who I am now convinced reads us all the time. Because this is exactly what we would've linked, if we'd had his connections. Kno'wha'I'mean?
Except Alfas are way cooler than Mazdas. I mean, really...
Somebody somewhere seems to think the CIA is predicting Israel's demise in 20 years. The text of the article is just barely coherent, and reeks of often-mourned Weekly World News. And don't even get me started on the comments.
Everything I've read indicates, if anything is done, as soon as the Israelis finish their wall they're going to scoop up the outlying settlers and give the Palis a state whether they want it or not.
No, really, when jellyfish attack! 6 feet across and 400 hundred pounds. If that don't define f'd up, I don't know what does.
Nothing quite like some drunken loon parking his car over the bed you're actually sleeping in to start the day. And that, children, is why people with multi-story houses put their bedrooms on the upper floors.
Just when you think the Japanese just can't get any stranger, they go and invent florescent light bulb fighting. You'd think they'd at least make them wear safety goggles or something.
No, really, when bridges attack! Missed them by THAT much. Well, actually, it didn't miss them at all. My luck, I'd be driving the (presumably) freshly-restored spider across that dratted thing when it decided to whack a motorist or two.
Personally, pouring gasoline on a camp and setting it on fire just to get rid of snakes seems a bit excessive. After all, with Ellen and Amber around, the snakes would do well to run and hide, lest they fall victim to ohmygodomygodomygodit'ssoooCYOOOTTT!!! attacks.
William Heirens, the "Lipstick Killer," is believed to be the longest-serving inmate in the United States. He turns 81 on November 15.
Good. Stay there. But, if it was up to me, you would have been euthanized a long time ago.
Scientists are trying to figure out what makes memory tick by, wait for it, merging the brains of two different bird species into one embryo. None of the creatures has made it out of the egg just yet, but scientists think it's only a matter of time. Sometimes science is way cool. Sometimes it's way skeevy.
Move over, penis pump, Jolie Lips is the new game in town. Article is completely SFW. The product, on the other hand, well...
The cold truth is, if he's as rich as he looks to be, he won't have to wait too long for a hot chick to look him up. I didn't even know you could get that much gold in a house.
I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine whether or not this really is the right answer.
At first, this essay about Stanely Kubrick's The Shining seems straightforward enough. A standard, and even a little innovative, art-house look at one of Kubrick's more popular films. Then, around, say, the third or forth paragraph on the second page, it jumps off the tracks and dives into an unexpected and completely weird abyss.
I finished it anyway simply because he did such a good job of trapping me into reading the first part.
Ok, so which would you want to try fried... a Snickers bar or an f'ing scorpion? Yeah, thought so. Advantage, rednecks!
Ok, so 'fess up... have you seen this man in your dreams? Me, I usually can't remember the faces of strange guys in my dreams. Strange women, well, the faces not so much. Just how much they always seem to resemble my wife.
My story, sticking to it.
Mark gets an electric no-prize for bringing us the sad tale of a family and their careless attempt to upgrade their hobby gear. There's a video floating around which shows an Indian guy walking around on top of a train getting careless and grabbing the high-tension wires above him. Let's just say it was over quickly, but likely not quickly enough.
With friends like these... I dunno, having someone who openly admits to pederasty defending someone who's been on the lam for child rape for twenty years seems appropriate. In a twisted European moral relative way, I guess.
Ron gets a no-prize in a raincoat for bringing us proof there actually is something creepier than what Polanski did to that girl.
Mark gets a very explosive no-prize for bringing us news of yet another Darwin near-miss. Ah well, I guess getting your hands blown off is punishment enough for screwing around with explosives. Bonus: He lived in the basement, and mom ran a daycare center upstairs.
Update: But wait! There's more! Apparently there was a pot farm on-site. You just can't make this stuff up...
Making the rounds: the place Ted Williams entrusted his head for cryogenic storage is just about the opposite of nice. If the book is true, at any rate. Bonus: said book will contain lots of gruesome pictures, making it nearly certain to end up on my shelf some time soon.
Hey man, if it's wrapped in plastic, it doesn't matter where I put it, right? I guess that proves just how nutty addiction makes a person, since I'd have to be out of my freaking mind to want to hide a bag of coke up my wazoo.
Another election cycle, another side of the aisle's married-cousin offspring learning it is in fact against the law to threaten the President. Oh sit down. I can think of half a dozen times when some lefty wackjob pulled the same stunt with Bush and then went to their blog to shriek about Bush's "suppression of their rights."
All you guys who want to give up sovereignty to international bodies like the World Court and the UN? Yeah, I totally agree with you now:
In his rambling diatribe to the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 23, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi criticized the world body for being unfair to small nations. The comment struck a chord with the Swiss, since Gaddafi has been on a self-proclaimed mission to destroy their little country.
Although the motion [to abolish Switzerland] was thrown out because it violates the U.N. Charter ... some Swiss leaders are still concerned that Libya could use its yearlong presidency of the U.N. General Assembly, which began on Sept. 15, to keep up Gaddafi's vitriolic attacks on their country.
I mean, what's not to love?
Of all the things I thought I needed to worry about if I was critically sick, getting run over by the paramedics themselves was not one of them. Homeless drunks just seem genetically programmed to turn up in the most inconvenient places at the most inconvenient times.
Nothing quite like an actual, recent, celebrity murder-suicide as the inspiration for a haunted house display. I guess whoever built it really really didn't like the Titans.
Oh noes! Things are so bad the Real Doll people are offering specials. Can a government bailout be far behind? Hey, man, I bet over time one of those is cheaper than Viagra. Make it part of Obamacare! Hey, the sex offender and "traps-women-in-the-back-yard" lobby will definitely get behind it.
As it were.
Via Instapundit.
That would be lamp post: 1, Ferrari: 0. It would seem the driver walked away. I'd wager the owner has already had half a dozen inquiries for parts.
I'm not kidding, the guy almost literally said, "watch this!" before he did his deadly-stupid deed. I once watched a drainage culvert behind my apartment building filled to its banks with rushing flood waters. Something powerful enough to sweep whole trees and rocks away is something that no red neck should trifle with. He did, and paid the price.
Leave it to kids not to run away but kill it.
Weird photos!
Scientists recently discovered that a sophisticated type of brain scanner showed activity when cognitive tests were performed on a dead salmon. In other words, they bought a whole salmon at a market, stuck it in the machine, showed it some pictures and asked it some questions, and found activity in the scanner data. Ultimately, the paper is trying to highlight the fact that using these sorts of devices isn't as simply as a point-and-shoot camera, and if proper care isn't taken, well, your results will show a dead salmon thinking about a beach picture you're showing it.
This just in: JFK was gunned down by an extreme right-wing lunatic. The only thing richer than ignoring the historic facts of Oswald's beliefs and motivations is ignoring which party benefited the most from JFK's assassination. I've been entertained watching the moonbats twirl in their belfries for about nine years now. I've just never seen them spin this fast.
Just because you might know about money doesn't mean you know a darned thing about cars. What sort of actually sweet rides can you pick up for $12k? Well, in no particular order, you could get, in ABSOLUTELY PERFECT CONDITION, a:
I'm sure your list will be different, but no less cool. And, unlike the "sweet rides" in the article, at the end of five years these cars will still be worth more or less what you paid for them. Regardless, they'll all kick the crap outta one of those goofy little Smart cars, eh?
Nothing like losing half your skull for ruining your day, eh? Even better: the guys who did it are going to walk because the prosecutors say they don't have enough evidence.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder, the saga of the "gender vague" runner takes yet another weird twist. Look, I think people who run when nobody's chasing them are a little strange to begin with, but this is ridiculous.
Ya know, I can understand doing just about anything to stay out of jail, but people have to draw a line somewhere. One of my mom's favorite stories about our old liquor store involved a guy with a colostomy bag paying cash for booze. Turns out those things are much nastier than you think they are.
In Japan, the first lady claims to have been abducted by aliens. Beat that, Michelle!
Great. Just great. If the TSA starts demanding body cavity searches, I'm just gonna walk. No amount of speed and comfort is worth that.
She said: “Losing my fingernails has been the most dramatic thing that’s happened in my life. I think it was my grandson that said, ‘Grandma, they are like your baby; you’ve taken care of them for 30 years and lost them in a second’. But then when you think about it, you know our whole life could end in a second, not just part of the body, but your whole life.”
How many bottles of nail polish she used at one time.
Seventy days after his sudden death, Michael Jackson will be interred in what may or may not be his final resting place Thursday evening.That's one stinky corpse!
Akituusaq, son of world-renowned walrus Ayveq, died on Sept. 1 of complications from pneumonia. He was two years old. Let the dissections begin!
Dozens of alpine cows appear to be committing suicide by throwing themselves off a cliff near the small village in the Alps.
Maybe they saw a comet?No purple drapes or new sneakers though.
Can't stop the little monsters from crapping in your house? Now you can. The only real drawback I see for cats is I'd need two, one to catch "inappropriate elimination" and another to catch "go cross-eyed and hork up the remains of a transporter accident." Here kitty-kitty-kitty...
So, is Michael Jackson's ghost haunting Neverland? I guess the answer would depend on what you defined as a "ghost."
The things you learn when your daughter only wants to watch Sponge Bob and all you have to do is troll Wikipedia include learning what happens to a human body when the diving chamber it's in goes from 9 atmospheres to 1 in a fraction of a second:
Subsequent investigation by forensic pathologists determined D4, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient, violently exploded due to the rapid and massive expansion of internal gases. All of his thoracic and abdominal organs, and even his thoracic spine were ejected, as were all of his limbs. Simultaneously, his remains were expelled through the narrow trunk opening left by the jammed chamber door, less than 60 centimeters (24 inches) in diameter. Fragments of his body were found scattered about the rig. One part was even found lying on the rig’s derrick, 10 meters (30 feet) directly above the chambers. His death was most likely instantaneous and painless.
How this has managed to avoid being turned into a movie I never will know.
Coming soon to a Christmas tree far, far away from mine: the pole dancer doll. Oh no, it's much worse than you think it is. Much worse.
Ok, all together now, injecting things into Mr. Winky makes him sad. And who the hell pulls out their wang at a drinking party anyway? Man, just put it away.
I don't care what Snopes says, this is a much better story if it was caused by some redneck with a backhoe. Corroded gas lines are bad, mmkay?
Like the headline says: Meet Lauren Williams, the woman with two vaginas. It's not a porno title, it's a medical condition! Article is SFW.
As if being a poodle wasn't bad enough, people have to go and do this to them. Meh. Doggies don't care as long as there's food to eat and toilets to drink out of. Ellen loves these sorts of things.
There's nothing quite like photo-realistic retouching to mess with your day. Bock Bock!
Who the hell is going to pay them after the Rapture? I mean, no pet sitter in their right mind gets paid $110 for long term watching of a pet.
Our service is plain and simple; our fee structure is reasonable. For $110.00 we will guarantee that should the Rapture occur within ten (10) years of receipt of payment, one pet per residence will be saved. Each additional pet at your residence will be saved for an additional $15.00 fee. A small price to pay for your peace of mind and the health and safety of your four legged friends.
It's the next best thing to pet salvation to a post Rapture world.
Seven Awesome Acts of Nature.
To recycle the sex toys drop it in the mail. Please clean them first. Yes, they can be used sex toys. They can also be unused. They can even be broken sex toys. When the toys arrive at the Dreamscapes Recycling location the toys are clean and disassemble into parts. The parts are then sent to select recycling facilities. Every part of each sex toy is recycled and/or disposed of responsibly: the batteries, the hard (no pun intended) plastics, the rubber, the silicone, the metal, the motor and any e-waste.
I vomited a bit in my mouth with this one.
Observation: there seem to be a few reports of iPhones hissing, steaming, or cracking.
Headline: Apple investigating iPhone explosions.
Well, it did make me read the article, after all.
Yeah. 10 foot alligators are definitely what I want to see when I take my kid over to the swing set! Welp, there we go, strike Florida off the list of "nice places to live."
A guy seen tossing his girlfriend through a window fell in after her and was fatally injured in the process. Unfortunate that such things are so unusual. The court system would be much more straightforward if it were otherwise.
Olivia: "Daddy? Watchadoin?"
Me: "I'm typing."
Olivia: "About what?"
Me: "About a guy selling a $6000 Mercedes for $100,000 because he thinks he's Christ's grandson."
Ellen: "What?!?"
There's car crazy, and then there's car crazy.
I'd like to think a furries convention would be a fun place for little kids to visit and see all sorts of amazing and cute cartoon characters. And, as long as Olivia's hand is held firmly in mine, we might even think about visiting one.
By watching it on TV.
Across the room.
With our eyes half shut.
Child leashes would seem to have more uses than you'd initially suppose. For whatever reason, we never seemed to need anything like that. Maybe girls are less likely to run off?
A friend recently wondered what a truly outraged Ellen might be capable of. This sounds about right. I can say with some pride that, while I have done any number of boneheaded things under the influence, I've never made someone so mad at me they actually set me on fire.
Problem: Lead paint is dangerous to children.
Unintended consequence: Classic children's books disappear.
Hope and change, people. Hope and change...
I have absolutely no idea what to make of this. I bet the shoes cost $300, easy.
In fact, by the end of the funeral the flies buzzing around the body's open wound became so persistent the funeral home placed a white veil over the corpse's head to protect it.
Every family's nightmare.
It's all fun and games until your reality show "performance" violates your probation. Go for the "yeah, right, pull the other one" explanations from the principal. Stay for the comments from her pimp-tastic lawyer.
Well, I'm still not completely sure if mermaids exist, but it would seem that, if they do, Allah says it's OK to eat them. Something tells me they probably won't taste like chicken. Too bad the Imam won't be able to advise if we should use a Chardonnay or a Merlot.
Leave it to the English to create a story with proper grammar, containing simple words, that makes no sense whatever. They do love their eccentrics, I'll give them that...
Annie gets a tasty but scary-looking no-prize for bringing us Steve! Don't eat that!, a blog which chronicles the various culinary experiences of its eponymous author. All those things you cruise past in the grocery store, that look curious but too scary to actually try? Yeah, he tries them.
Two words: killer chipmunks. What's that you say? The media over-hyping a crisis to sell papers? Bah. Next you'll tell me they'll sensationalize a celebrity's death just to get ratings...
Sometimes there's just no improving on the story itself:
A Chinese girl was lost her memory and had to be taken to hospital after she was hit on the head by a pregnant tortoise.
Unfortunately the chelonian missile didn't make it, and the girl looks like she'll literally be scarred for life.
Hopefully our friend Kevin does not in fact use an iPod, otherwise I'd fear for his bad-luck-self's safety:
An exclusive KIRO 7 Investigation reveals an alarming number of Apple brand iPod MP3 players have suddenly burst into flames and smoke, injuring people and damaging property.
Local media sensationalizing a story for effect? Say it ain't so!
The small fire spread throughout the wooden roof structure and appeared to be concentrated in the roof stack of the crematorium, he added.
Makes you wonder who started it.
"(The) majority of them were sacrificed using a very sharp bladed instrument, probably a copper or bronze tummy knife. And for the majority there are a several combinations, complex set of variations on cutting of the throat, " Mr Klaus said.
"The handle of the fork broke off and it went straight into Smokey's head. He ran away and after that we thought he must have gone off and died.
Say it with me: Aww..
Note: The owner has no teeth, and is a total hick winner.
Well, if nothing else at least this guy has the body to pull it off. Just what, exactly, he's trying to pull off, I have no idea. I'm just glad it's a little youTube video. That was frightening enough.
Ok, now I've seen everything: Obama administration's threat to veto F-22 purchase draws ire of gay activists. Those unfamiliar with how Washington works will be puzzled. Those familiar can repeat after me, "they must have attached a rider to the bill to get something passed."
Hehehehehehheh... rider... heheheheheheh...
I guess I'm a terrible person for smirking at this. At least a little. No, it's not nice to purposely freak out a bear cub, but I just don't know if that's how they all act, if that's how this one acts and it's a pain in the ass and they're trying to train it out of the cub, or if they're just a bunch of cruel m-f'ers. I didn't recognize the alphabet, didn't look like Chinese or Japanese. Maybe this was in Malaysia somewhere?
... progressives are now recommending banning tobacco products outright in the military. It's my understanding restrictions on where someone can smoke are every bit as strict and arbitrary as they are in the civilian world. Of course, since incentives aren't working, and this is the military, we'll just make them quit. After all, legislating human behavior works so very well!
Well, it's nice to know it's not just Americans who can take a video game way too seriously. Fallout was one of those games everyone liked but I just couldn't get into. I actually enjoy a bit of linear story telling, since otherwise I'm just wandering around getting my a-- shot off for reasons I don't understand. Meh.
I don't care this is so nasty I wanted to vomit.
I remember being asked if I even wanted to SEE mine and I squealed and told them to get it away from me.
With disgusting video included!
~ I hate life, a bushel and a peck / a bushel and a peck and a rope around the neck:
A taxi driver decapitated himself after tying a rope around his neck and a post before driving off at high speed.
If nothing else I guess he should get points for originality.
“This is something you’re not supposed to believe in if you are a believer in God, but it’s something that I’m a little worried about. But when you’re scared, you keep praying and ask it kindly to leave politely, and pray and hopefully that will work.”Just in case it won’t leave on its own, Nadya says she’s going to place up to 20 Bibles around the home to ward off any spirits.
She just can't get enough attention.
“After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learny ed that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls,” she said. “I looked around, saw a Murano glass ball and inserted it in my vagina. It took me ages to get it out!”
Ok, I can think of 5... no... 8... different ways this is just wrong. Mr. Winky does not appreciate being introduced to Mr. Nail Clipper, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE! Mmmkay?
Well this is just sad.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Former Titans quarterback Steve McNair has been killed. Police said McNair suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the head in downtown Nashville.Read the article.
An onlooker said: "The men took a lot of care unloading and moving the coffin. They did everything very respectfully."
Wow...sure hope they do it that way, since it's done for everyone else. Caskets aren't cheap. I'm surprised it's not covered in rhinestones.
Meanwhile Jacko's pal and music producer Quincy Jones yesterday vowed NOT to attend the funeral.Mr Jones said he would not be able to cope with the sadness.
You and the entire continent of Asia.
Article with pix goodness.
It's a defining moment in a parent's life: Seeing their unborn child's image on an ultrasound for the first time. Now pregnant women could have the chance to hold a life-size model of their unborn baby.
Science can do amazing things.
This one's just too weird, even for Jackson: if this report is to be believed, the King of Pop is going to be plastinated and mounted next to his (now) plastic chimp in an exhibit in downtown London.
The mind boggles...
So how is an environmental activist to make sure an obvious hazard to the health and welfare of people and animals is safe? Pretty much the way you'd expect:
The city should conduct a thorough environmental review before letting thousands of people watch fireworks from the partially remediated toxic waste site that is Gas Works Park, an environmental activist says.
If this doesn't define, "having a slow news day over there, are ya?" I'm not sure what does.
Coming to a free download site near you: allegations have surfaced that there may be a John Edwards sex tape. Not the dude who talks to dead people, the dude who keeps trying to salvage his political career. Neither of whom I have any even vague curiosity to see naked. *SHUDDER*
A very DED No-Prize to Ron!
Television "pitchman" Billy Mays — who built his fame by appearing on commercials and infomercials promoting household products and gadgets — died Sunday.Mays, 50, was found unresponsive by his wife inside his Tampa, Fla., home at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday, according to the Tampa Police Department.
Olivia and I always got a kick out of his infomercials.
Big buildings do lots of things well. Tipping over and splatting into the mud isn't one of them. With picture!
No, really, when old people attack:
A group of well-to-do pensioners who lost their savings in the credit crunch staged an arthritic revenge attack and held their terrified financial adviser to ransom, prosecutors said yesterday.
Alternate: "When getting them off your lawn just won't do."
Poor girl... 56 is a large number to ask for.
There's nothing quite like radical lefties when it comes to doing stupid sh-t to their kids:
Pop’s parents, both 24, made a decision when their baby was born to keep Pop’s sex a secret. Aside from a select few – those who have changed the child’s diaper – nobody knows Pop’s gender; if anyone enquires, Pop’s parents simply say they don’t disclose this information.
Oh I know, I know, loopy righties do just as many evil things to their kids. Thing is, when that happens the feds usually show up outside the compound and start shooting dogs and setting houses on fire & stuff. In Europe they're just arrested.
These people get admiring quotes from academics. Woo-hoo!
Ellen had a nasty habit of trying to make this work back when we lived in an apartment many years ago:
A teenage girl was discovered dead this weekend, electrocuted after dropping her laptop in the bathtub.
And it's important for Ron to remember that mudding can be dangerous. Dangerous to the dumb and panicky, that is:
Five people died after a pickup truck got stuck in a shallow pond and sat with the engine running for several minutes while the truck was submerged just above the tailpipe, West Texas authorities said Monday.
I have to think the latter was caused by a not-so-stock truck. Many modern vehicles actually clean the air of pollutants, and all of them emit so little poisonous gas it can take a very long time indeed to build up to toxic levels. A car without these devices, however, can kill very quickly indeed.
The UK government has released the most secret of all British cold war documents. Well, that's what the article says, anyway. Me, I think a detailed point-by-point plan for all events leading up to the full release of nuclear weapons is a big secret, even a really big one. But most secret of all?
You just cannot help not looking!
There are some messed up feet out there!
That's one angry lesbian.
Sometimes no explanation is needed:
The NASA moon bombing, a component of the LCROSS mission, may also trigger conflict with known extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon as reported on the moon in witnessed statements by U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, and in witnessed statements to NSA (National Security Agency) photos and documents regarding an extraterrestrial base on the dark side of the moon.
Damned government demolition projects. Even on the moon they manage to screw up some historic settlement or another.
Annie gets the coveted Snoopy no-prize for bringing us news that at least one local government wants all its employees to cough up their social networking usernames and passwords.
Making the rounds: young actor chased into street by teenage girls, nearly run over by cab. OH NOES!!! That would've meant no more... ok. Rrmm. What's that dratted vampire thing Amber's so into again? Twilight, that's it. *ahem*
OH NOES!!! That would've meant no more twilight movies! This cannot be!
Leave it to PETA to put a cherry of lunacy on top of a bit of strangeness.
He said she knew 'exactly what she wanted'.'The trouble all started when she went home and her father and boyfriend threw a fit.
'They are saying things now like I doped her or hypnotized her. What rubbish!
'She asked for 56 stars and that’s what she got.'
To remove the stars would require surgery costing £8,500.
I wouldn't get tattoo by that guy. Poor girl.
So, who do you believe, the woman claiming a stranger invaded her home, or the traveling salesman claiming he was assaulted by a drunk and his wife? I didn't even know traveling salesmen still existed.
The bottle is about 4 inches tall and 2 inches wide on either side with about 3 ounces of some kind of liquid surrounding the specimen, Gagan said.
It's not everyday you get a fetus in a jar wash up on shore!
Takes a whole new meaning on looking for sea shells.
Officials in China have arrested a father and his accomplices for digging up the corpse of a teenage girl to marry the corpse of his teenage son. And all this time you thought that movie was just fiction.
Chastity Bono has an appointment to become Chaz Bono. As if that family weren't confusing enough.
Some days I think, "wouldn't it have been better to be a little more adventurous in my youth? You know, not such a wall flower?" And then I think, "No, not really."
Plastic surgery, there he goes!
Note to self: having tenure does not make you immune to mental illness. But it does mean you get to keep your job while you're annoying the s- out of the rest of the world. Remember, folks, mental illness is not the scary, misunderstood Jack Nicholson character trying to liberate an American Indian for the good of the country. It's Phil Specter in a wig shoving a gun in some hottie's mouth after ruining his seventh party in a row insisting the Jews really are behind it all. The former is fun an enlightening, the latter scares the s- out of you when it isn't making you claw your eyes out in frustration.
Hey, man, why not yank fire alarms, smash windows, and tear apart sprinkler systems on the say-so of a phone call? Bonus: location is Conway, Arkansas.
"There's no underestimating baseball's versatile capacity for killing us." Sometimes growing up an unathletic nerd had its advantages.
Somehow I don't see him hanging this one on the wall:
A commercial fisherman reeled in a live missile in the Gulf of Mexico and kept it on his boat for 10 days, authorities in Florida said.Police said the boat's captain, Rodney Soloman, hooked the air-to-air guided missile 50 miles off the coast of Panama City. The Air Force and Navy use the area for weapons training.
Personally I think it'd make a nifty decoration, except for that whole potential to go all explody & stuff.
Ok, so, go read "confessions of an e-bay opium addict," and help me decide. Is this guy a) a tragic, youthful victim of post-modern angst, b) a coddled a-hole with a high Mach number and a (presumably long-ago spent) big trust fund, or c) a total fake? My first thought was b), but toward the end I started thinking maybe c). Regardless, he's a pretty good writer. I just wish he'd get a damned job.
All that trash they found in the Atlantic? Yeah, it's not the airliner. What I want to know is, doesn't anyone care they've found mysterious bits of ship wreckage in the middle of the Atlantic?
Sometimes a devil appears on my shoulder and says, "hey, these fancy European cars you have... they could always use a little more horsepower, right?" Then, suddenly, another devil that looks like Ellen* appears, slaps me, and says, "What's the matter with you?!? don't you know you're not the only one who'll be driving it?"
Owners of boys may point and laugh at what I'll be going through in 7 more years, but at least mine's astronomically less likely to pull a stunt like this. The trick, I suppose, is making sure she's not dumb enough to ride around with a boy who's dumb enough to do this. Ah, the joys of parenting...
With video!
* What? I wanted to say "angel", but that would've made at least three people I know pass out from laughter.
Sorry Scott...*hands over a razor*. Off.
Sunday Metro (UK): Dave Taylor, who leases the farm, said he got a phone call from his father who was driving along the motorway, telling him his cows were exploding.
Sounds... messy? Moo. Mo-*BOOM!!!*
A Russian woman got so upset by the news that her boyfriend intended to leave her that she tied several firecrackers to his penis and exploded them, the web-site reports.
It's in the newspaper, so it's got to be true!
The girl was found by her 7-year-old brother on a treadmill in the Phoenix home Monday. She had been strangled by a cord connected to the machine, said Sgt. Andy Hill of the Phoenix Police Department.This is why you don't let a 4 year old out of your sight."We believe the child was on the treadmill but it was not running at the time. She might have been playing like it was," Hill said.
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea defied world powers and carried out an underground test Monday of a nuclear bomb Russian officials said was comparable to those that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The incident drew condemnation from Washington to Beijing and set the communist regime up for a showdown with the United Nations.
Time to take that country down.
Oh, come on. You know you've thought about doing this:
A passerby pushed a would-be suicide jumper off a bridge in southern China because he was angry at the jumper's "selfish activity," Chinese media reported Saturday.
Of course, thinking isn't the same as doing.
Looks like Hajji the Mighty Pirate may be picking up some new toys for the next season. According to the comments, manpad SAMs may not be all that much of a threat. Which is fine to say sitting behind a computer far away from the action. To a pilot who sees one whooshing his way, maybe not so much.
Makes you look in the mirror and be thankful for what you have.
All those times I called the area where my in-laws lived "quiet" and "boring"? I take them back:
Four men due in court Thursday to face charges of plotting to bomb Jewish sites and shoot down military planes were arrested after planting what they thought were explosive devices near a synagogue and community center, authorities say.Officials told The Associated Press the arrests came after a nearly yearlong undercover operation that began in Newburgh, N.Y., about 70 miles north of New York City.
Still not gonna move there. :P :)
Shades of that scene from Little House on the Prairie:
A destructive menace is heading west on I.H. 10 with San Antonio in its sites. It's the crazy Raspberry ant that was first spotted in Houston in 2002. No one knows where it came from or how to control it but it reproduces faster than any insect experts have ever seen.
Raspberry tells this story of a woman who called his office two weeks ago."While the lady was talking to us she was telling to her 2 year old honey it's ok they won't bite you, They were crawling over over her baby, " he said.
Texas... it's like a whole other country planet!
Problem: Doping official shows up to your bodybuilding contest.
Solution: Run like hell:
The Belgian bodybuilding championship has been canceled after doping officials showed up and all the competitors fled.A doping official says bodybuilders just grabbed their gear and ran off when he came into the room.
This can't be right. It' doesn't have "bad makeup", "dramatic sighs at jailbait", or "form ridiculous love triangle with jailbait and weirdo reservation escapee." Don't even get me started on the wacky baseball skills...
This is why, when Ellen takes her dream storm-chaser vacation, she's doing it on her own. To paraphrase, "what good's a life insurance policy if you're not around to use it?"
The crack reporters who filed this story are accepting the local sheriff's department conclusion that the woman suffered "an accidental death due to inappropriate use of a jackhammer*." Me, I think if this had come out of Asia they would've called it what it seems to be from here... a particularly bizarre and spectacular suicide. But hey, that's just my opinion, wtf do I know?
* Read the article, or do the math.
Sometimes the pedophile is a person you'd never suspect. Other times, well, not so much. Why, yes, I do think the reverse can also be true. Stop mumbling "pot, kettle, black" under your breath! I can hear you!*
* It's a complicated joke. Think about it, then laugh.
Say what you will about progressives... they still retain the power to surprise:
Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez has just done what no other cellphone company in the world would dare do. Chavez has launched the first ever “penis” phone.
This one's just too weird to be true, but there's a picture!
Nothing like giving birth to your identical twin brother 30 years after he died in the womb to ruin your day. Now that's going to be one helluva bar bet he'll be able to win from now on.
One of the largest free-standing sculptures in the world is set to become one of the largest collapsed statues in the world. What was that? Something the Soviets built as a grand monument is getting ready to collapse, and they can't fix it because people keep stealing the money? Say it ain't so!
Every time I think I've seen furries at their weirdest, I'm proven wrong. I dunno, I guess hot, itchy sex is better than no sex at all.
Thing is, humanity's spent 90% of its existence living with these things living inside them. Those smelly leftist hippies who think the only thing wrong with us is that we're too modern? Yeah, let's stick 'em on a boat to Worm Island, see how much they like it.
Nature is only fun if there's a hot shower and a cold beer at the end of it.
Nothing like your workplace going up in a fireball to ruin your whole day. Fortunately nobody was injured. Ron gets a no-prize with a funny, dangerous smell for bringing us something that happened in one of his former back yards.
Today's "Yet Another Reason Not to Move to Australia" filing comes courtesy Queensland, Australia:
Australia is known around the world for its large and deadly creepy crawlies, but even locals have been shocked by the size of the giant venomous spiders that have invaded an Outback town in Queensland.
With "six cm of creepy goodness" picture!
Hopefully there warn't anyone inside it when the rock hit the windshield. Meh. It'll buff out.
And yes that is... well, was... a Milano.
No, really, when impressionists attack:
Vincent van Gogh did not cut off his own ear but lost it in a fight with fellow artist Paul Gauguin in a row outside a brothel, it has been claimed.
Mark gets a no-prize that'll get all stabby if he gets it drunk for bringing us yet another "conventional wisdom ain't so conventional after all" story.
So, do you believe a female Russian hair dresser foiled a robbery attempt on her store and then held the robber captive as a sex slave for the next three days? Yeah, I don't either. Still, it makes for a fun story!
After the car was hit by the van, there was a loud scream from the woman whose mouth was covered with blood,” he said.The woman later followed her lover to the hospital with part of the sexual organ.
What a more perfect way to get caught cheating
Making the rounds: Main stream media outlet "suddenly" discovers that getting rid of unionized teachers is hard. I guess the NEA must've missed a payment to the LA Times' "widows and orphans" fund.
Remind me again, why vouchers are a bad idea?
It would appear 2007 would be the year Skynet woke up:
The incident took place in June 2007 at a factory in Bålsta, north of Stockholm, when the industrial worker was trying to carry out maintenance on a defective machine generally used to lift heavy rocks. Thinking he had cut off the power supply, the man approached the robot with no sense of trepidation.But the robot suddenly came to life and grabbed a tight hold of the victim's head.
Mynd you, røbøt bites Kan be pretty nasti
Want to see what happens when nerdy types with too much time, talent, and their parent's cash get out of hand? Take a look. I've never understood why many men (and a few women) seem to think it's funny to make other people's lives annoying just for the sake of it. Life is just too damned difficult as it is to have some incompetent boob making it worse just for the fun of it. I guess I'm just too much of a wimp to "get it."
So, are the signs a warning, or an advertisement? One of the things Europeans often use to knock Americans is how hung up we are about sex. What they do not realize is that in a society as diverse as ours is being conservative about this particular human behavior is just about the only way to ensure the cab driver from Somalia doesn't rape the waitress from Amsterdam because he thought she "was asking for it." Even then, it doesn't work very well, but the alternative can only exist inside comparative monocultures like those found in Europe and Asia.
Yes, yes, I know, you're quite diverse full of immigrants look how well everyone gets along yadda yadda yadda. If that were really so, there's a whole line of questions I'd like to ask about things like riots, the rise of conservative anti-immigration parties, taffy-stretch twangs of various sub-cultures trying to pull away and make their own countries, etc.
It's easy to pick on America, because we put our problems out there for everyone to see. The reason we don't pick back is it takes quite a bit of digging to figure out just what's wrong on the other side. The thing is, the problems are still there, and harder to solve for the hiding.
It's like it's 1983 all over again:
On a rainy night last fall, a couple of months after Riner bought her Prius, she was driving toward the Houston Galleria for a sales meeting ... Suddenly she felt the car hydroplaning out of control, and when she glanced at the speedometer she realized the car had shot up to 84 mph. Riner wasn't hydroplaning; quite simply, her Prius had accelerated on its own.
Back then, Audi tried everything it could to reproduce the "sudden acceleration syndrome," but couldn't. What the Germans never really understood was the problem had very little to do with their cars and everything to do with American politics and media perceptions. Audi people who talk to car journalists seem bitter about it to this day.
Will this "new" Prius behavior have the same root causes* as the Audi phenomenon more than twenty five years ago? Almost certainly. Will the results to Toyota's reputation be a severe as they were for Audi? Hard to tell. The Japanese have always been more agile when it comes to PR, and they do have the lesson of Audi before them.
We'll see...
*to wit: alcohol, inattentive drivers, and extremely attentive lawyers.
What is it with Asians and spectacularly weird murders? Combine them with the Eastern European predilection of cutting off one's wang for various reasons and hey, you've got a real party!
A mysterious figure resembling a human being was sighted on the Doha Corniche’s parking lot, according to a report published in a local Arabic daily.
With picture! Hey, it's in the paper, it's gotta be true! An Arabic paper, even better!
Bank: 1, Pregnant Chick: 0. Money quote:
But she got distracted when her cell phone rang. Police said she began talking to the caller and left the bank without taking any money. No one was hurt.
This is also why Ellen *or* Amber would make for lousy bank robbers, but both together might be dangerous. As long as Ellen lied to Amber about the meet time by about half an hour, that is.
No, really, when bees attack! Ron gets a no-prize that'll have to be taken to the Superdome and cooled to near-freezing before it's safe* for bringing us this abject lesson in why convertible and Jeep owners should button their @#$%'ing cars up after parking them. And I thought that dime-sized spider was bad...
* Yeh, reference, go look it up.
Sometimes things need no further explanation: "There is a loud popping sound, excruciating pain and swelling."
Remember, folks, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast!
The thing is, I have yet to meet anyone who wants to give government benefits to illegal immigrants. Yet any time someone voices their opposition out loud all hell seems to break loose.
I have a somewhat warped, and obviously minority, view. I believe it's completely outrageous an illegal immigrant can have access to any government service. Well, apart from certain transportation services provided by the INS at any rate. However, I also believe it should be made easier for people to become citizens of the US.
The reasoning behind my views are detailed and various, and too long to go into at the moment. Unless someone starts waving beer at me, that is. Anyone buying?
Rumor: Bits in old Singer sewing machines can be used to build a nuke.
Result: a run on sewing machines in Saudi Arabia.
The mind boggles...
See? See what happens when you ban candy cigarettes?!?
Children will imitate what they see others doing, on TV or in person. It only takes one careless parent with a crack pipe (as if there were any other type with a crack pipe) to start a whole stupid trend.
I'm not at all certain Conjugal Harmony is for-real, but it makes for an interesting idea. The profiles on the front page just look too good to be true.
There's colorful houses, and then there's colorful houses. It's said the English value eccentricity above all other human habits. Sometimes I have to wonder if it's a case of being careful what one wishes for.
"F- you, mom, and f- dad and f- your f-ing cats! Now let's go to the gun range.
The video is not as splatterific as others I've seen of this type, but it's still pretty graphic. Very, very sad.
Sometimes you can't improve on the headline: child born with second penis in the middle of his back. With non-gross but very strange picture.
Fortunately, after removing the extra organ the child appears to be doing fine.
Ron gets a no-prize that just better stay on that side of the room for bringing us Furries for Christ. No, really!
I make absolutely no promises about how SFW it is. I clicked a few things, and didn't find anything that'd get ME in trouble.
Sophie Tucker, apparently named after a late US entertainer, fell overboard as Jan Griffith and her family sailed through choppy waters off the northeast Queensland coast in November.The dog was believed to have drowned and Griffith said the family was devastated.
But out of sight of the family, Sophie Tucker was swimming doggedly and finally made it to St Bees Island, five nautical miles away, and began the sort of life popularised by the TV reality show "Survivor."
Read entire sappy story.
Three hour tour tickets to Nina!
Having solved all other... check that, having proved to be incapable of solving most problems, the California legislature has decided an effective way to reduce carbon emissions is to ban black cars. As long as they send the Ferraris my way, I'm all for it!
The miniscule chihuahua-Jack Russell cross - appropriately named Tom Thumb by its owners - is a serious contender for the title of being the smallest dog on the planet.Little Tom was born just three weeks ago as part of a surprise litter to mum Spice, a chihuahua.
Just spay the dog.
Alternate title... when rednecks attack EACH OTHER. I love how he lights a cigarette at the end.
How to avoid a Darwin award, step 1: never, ever, ever let anyone point a loaded pistol at you.
In America, we have children's TV hosts who talk in calm voices about how farmers do their job. In Germany, the host shows you exactly how it is done:
A children's TV chef looks to have gone a little too far after killing, skinning and cooking the Easter bunny.
Different cultures, different ways. I'll bet she's from Bavaria or some other... "rustic" ... area of the country.
Looks like PETA is much more interested in publicity than it is in actually caring for animals. Placing seven pets out of 2200 is pretty pathetic. It probably represents animals taken home by employees, not any real effort at getting homeless animals new owners.
Fans of the macabre or of places off-limits should find this "unauthorized" exploration of the catacombs of Paris of interest. Considering how big and how old they are, I'd be surprised if the authorities were actually able to completely restrict access.
Being a more "technically aware" sort of family, I hope we're able to avoid things like this in the future:
The FBI Arrested 40 year-old Robert Lavern Davison and brought him to Utah to go before a judge this week. Police say he used the internet to lure a 13 year-old girl from Centerville, Utah to California.
And just wait 'till you see the pictures.
Why would she fire the nurse-nannies that were charitably provided for her by the nonprofit Angels in Waiting?She just gets stranger by the day.
Nothing like a couple of gung-ho nutjobs to ruin the reputation of a whole group:
Israel's military condemned soldiers for wearing T-shirts of a pregnant woman in a rifle's cross-hairs with the slogan "1 Shot 2 Kills," and another of a gun-toting child with the words, "The smaller they are, the harder it is."
Look, liberals don't need an excuse to flip out. Doing something like this is like pouring rocket fuel on a particularly loony fire.
Nothing like a deadly-poisonous spider to liven up your morning grocery run. Now that's fresh produce!
Abject lesson in why there's no such thing as a concourse-winning street car:
The Milano and the Cruiser would likely be fine. Well, the Cruiser would be, parts for it are obviously quite common. The Milano... well, fixable. I wouldn't put money on that driver's chances if Ellen ever caught up with him. Let's just say she's not "as forgiving as the Emperor."
The Spider would be a bashed-up little ball, its "unobtanium" stainless-steel bumpers smashed beyond recognition. Which is why I don't parallel park it. Outer-Mongolia parking spot, FTW!
In the "taxpayer outrage" category we have a whole UK family on their equivalent of disability who claim they're too fat to work and the payments don't cover their bills. The sense of entitlement and just outright balls of the people are impressive. Will that be what the US turns into after 12 years of liberal rule? Let's hope we don't have to find out.
"He's 5 feet tall and 5 feet under, the leprechaun grave digger of southern Minnesota." Oh really, yah? Youbetcha!
But... but... now that Obama is in charge this sort of thing is supposed to stop! Oh, I remember... "the outgoing Bush administration so screwed up the world that it will take years for Obama to undo all the damage. If ever." Nice careful phrasing there, Lou. Otherwise people might think you're trying to blame everything bad on Bush, and credit everything good to Obama, forever.
Oh... wait...
Olivia and I had to go around this today. I complained about the hassle the entire orange -> yellow -> blue -> orange detour we had to take to get home, but that was before I learned some dude used a metro car to cure his headache. That just couldn't have been very pretty.
All of those who think men are the only ones who do dumb things with their privates are pleased to be sitting down and shutting up now. I can honestly say it's the first time I've ever seen "sex toy" and "saber saw" used in the same story.
Yeah, I bet that's gonna leave a mark.
Lisa R. gets a no-prize that'll make everyone cringe for bringing us a story about a man, his junk, and an angry horse. And by "junk", I'm not talking about the type you take to Fred Sanford. Ptooey!!!
India has a problem. A poo problem. And no, it's not cow or elephant poo:
Until May 2007, Meera Devi rose before dawn each day and walked a half mile to a vegetable patch outside the village of Kachpura to find a secluded place.Dodging leering men and stick-wielding farmers and avoiding spots that her neighbors had soiled, the mother of three pulled up her sari and defecated with the Taj Mahal in plain view.
Yeah, I think "yuck" is a good word here.
No, really, when kangaroos attack:
Not a bird, or a plane, but a kangaroo has crashed through the bedroom window of a Canberra family's home before terrorising its unsuspecting occupants.
Lisa R. gets a no-prize with boxing gloves on for bringing us even more proof that no matter how cute they are, Australia's native denizens are out to get you.
Her husband, a Briton, travels to Lexington every year for the Patriots Day reenactment and has a keen interest in the Revolutionary War. But with three small children who play in the backyard, she's not certain she even wants to know if there are bodies buried somewhere beneath.My garden grows so well!>And if radar were to discover something, archeologists and historians might come begging to dig down and find out for sure.
"We're not going to have the garden torn up," Ringrose said. "We live out there. That's one of the most peaceful things about this home."
Goldstein and Anderson would welcome an archeological dig at the site, but recognize that homeowners such as Ringrose would have to consent.
At the time the woman died, many people believed that the plague was spread by "vampires" which, rather than drinking people's blood, spread disease by chewing on their shrouds after dying. Grave-diggers put bricks in the mouths of suspected vampires to stop them doing this, Borrini says.
Lord, bless this, thy Internet, without which we perhaps would never have known about the doctor who turned a train robber into a set of comfy shoes. Nope, not his horse, him. Bonus: the doctor requested the nipples be left on.
Rescuers have called off the search for the two NFL players missing off the coast of Florida. I guess that proves definitively there are worse things than playing for the Lions, eh?
I dunno, I guess I should've seen it coming: hospital removes hand sanitizer to keep patients and visitors from drinking it. I bet it's got a real smooth finish.
But if Douglas is to be believed, he could have had sex with as many as "over a hundred" bodies in the 16 years he worked as night attendant at the Hamilton County morgueI guess there is an upside of not having to commit to a relationship."I am sure there are more (victims). I'm certain of it," Deters said Thursday in announcing new indictments against Douglas.
"This guy's just a pig. I can't explain why someone would do something like this.
... This is off-the-charts weird."
Sure, kick your shoe at a cop and see if they all react like this.
Talk about a souvenier!"We discovered the breach today," Mayfield said. "It is not complete skeletons (missing). That's a definite. It's too early to say whether it's just skulls."
The acre of property off Alcoa Highway serves as home to 197 corpses in various stages of decay used by forensic anthropologists to study human decomposition.
I hope this guy gets some sort of severe rectal problems due to this.
Who does this to a puppy?
No way... two kids and $175 for a cockatoo? Highway robbery, that is!
Now, if they're talking about that 164Q4 we linked up a few days ago... well, I don't have two kids, but I do have one, a parrot, three incontinent cats, and a high-maintenance belly dancer. Will that do?
Mark gets a no-prize that wants a cracker for bringing us yet another case of people turning to a life of crime because they're too stupid to do anything else.
And they weren't even her kids!
More is here...
The Tunstall pub called the Ancient Briton, now a derelict site after it was targeted by arsonists, was thought to be HAUNTED.Mr Bundy, who has hung on to the footage for three years, said: "One previous landlord told a local his young son used to talk to 'another little boy'.
"And one tenant's child spoke of a COWBOY who used to pick-up his socks."
Remind me to visit that pub.
Every time I think the Japanese just can't get any weirder I'm proven so very wrong. It's my understanding that other Asian cultures hold Japan up as an example of what's wrong with Asian cultures. Sometimes I think they have a point.
Observation: The stock market's recent decline has equaled that of the Great Depression.
Conclusion: Stocks will never, ever be profitable again.
Is it just me, or does the MSM sometimes act very much like a small child after they've banged their knee? Since it's hurting now, that must mean it will hurt for ever and ever, so we must howl and cry until mommy or daddy rescues us.
Or, at the very least, vote Democrat.
It's one thing to be told India has one of the worst rates of pedestrian vs. vehicle accidents in the world. It's quite another to get a first-person view as to why. Pedestrian bridge? What's that?
Sometimes the headline just can't be beat: chair kills boy by anal penetration. No, really!
Right side bar contains R-rated NSFW pictures. Since it's Saturday, it's all good.
Alternate headline: rare bird becomes rare lunch. Hey, ya gotta eat something!
It seems playing by lawful rules makes putting pirates away a real PITA. If ever there was a case for the tactical employment of the "shot while trying to escape" rule, I think this is it. Unfortunately, in today's all-volunteer Navy, it would be inevitable that some bright-eyed teen swabbie with a razor-sharp sense of morality would blab about it, and I can't think of a captain who'd risk his career just to lob a few hajjis over the side. Can't say I'd blame him. Or her.
This story just keeps getting more weird as the days go on.
Off to work to pay for her welfare!
Today's "makes everyone get the skeevy-jeevies" article is brought to you by Uttar Prudesh, India:
It's important to have a goal in life. Indian grocer Radhakant Baijpai certainly has one - to make sure that he has the longest ear hair in the world.
With picture, of course.
Ok, I guess I'm now officially old, because not only do I not see the point in Skittle-ifying vodka, I'm actually vaguely offended by the attempt. However, I do actually remember a time when I and my (college-aged) friends would've thought this was cool. It was a long time ago.
The reaction of vodka aficionado Joshua will probably provide an equally useful barometer of his actual age.
Leave it to San Francisco to turn a winkie into a mascot. Yeah, that'll be a wonderful addition to my daughter's stuffed animal collection. Not.
WARNING: Inserting an air pistol into someone's rectum and pulling the trigger could lead to severe injury. See? Bill Engvall's been right all these years...
And what is it with Germans and buttplay? I don't think I could ever be bored enough to think jamming a gun into a friend's backside would be a fun game. W... T... F... ?!?
You know it's a bad sign when the bus's destination sign reads, "afterlife":
Jinguan Auto, a popular Chinese ambulance manufacturer, has developed a rolling execution studio. Convicts are strapped to a power sliding stretcher that extends out of the rear of the bus as it's allegedly "too brutal" to haul people on board for their final cocktail. The executions are broadcast to local law enforcement authorities to make sure they are conducted up to code.
No, Ellen, you can't have one.
LOS ANGELES - A big share of the financial burden of raising Nadya Suleman’s 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California’s taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red.Even before the 33-year-old single, unemployed mother gave birth to octuplets last month, she had been caring for her six other children with the help of $490 a month in food stamps, plus Social Security disability payments for three of the youngsters. The public aid will almost certainly be increased with the new additions to her family.
“It’s my opinion that a woman’s right to reproduce should be limited to a number which the parents can pay for,” Charles Murray wrote in a letter to the Los Angeles Daily News. “Why should my wife and I, as taxpayers, pay child support for 14 Suleman kids?”
I wonder what kind of stimulus check she is getting from Obama.
Even asleep, the f'ers are dangerous. I've always maintained that if a house cat weighed 200 lbs nobody would keep one. If tigers only weighed 6, well, you get the picture...
... an official in some part of the government in the UK (it's not clear to me which) is thinking about criminalizing more forms of sexual behavior between consenting teens. Those opposed are quoted grousing against the influence of Christian groups. The unspoken camel in the room is that if it were Muslim groups doing the lobbying the law would've been passed without debate years ago. Like all good liberals and progressives, they'd much rather throw paint at old ladies than at Hell's Angels.
No, really, it wouldn't surprise me if this kid lost an eye. The "I'm an idiot and I scream like a girl" bit at the end is just frosting on a particularly stupid cake.
Just after I graduated college, say, about 1992, a local high school gym teacher was arrested for manslaughter after a similar but far deadlier stunt during an after-game party. Instead of paintballs and a soda can, it was a .22 pistol and (surprise surprise) a beer can. Unfortunately the teacher aimed a little low at the student. Darwin, as expected, was right on target.
Another year, another zillion-dollar Navy warship foundering on the rocks. If only there were devices which would warn a crew when they were approaching shallow water...
My mom probably predicted this six weeks ago: that chick with the 14 babies? Yeah, she's been on disability for about ten years now. Qualifying for Social Security disability payments is the holy grail for the US disabled. It's an absolute b*tch to get there, but once there you're set, as they don't have the time or money to re-certify your status frequently. Or at all.
And yes, I realize it's not enough money to get rich on. It's the principle of the thing, dammit.
Cow + Lightning = well, this. Cow's Ok. Well, sorta. Look, I like rare steak, but this is taking that "make sure it's mooing" thing way too far.
Ok, whacking off one's wang and then flushing it down the toilet, to me at any rate, constitutes something much stronger than "an accident." That's sort of like saying a NASCAR pile-up at turn 4 at Daytona is "a fender bender."
No, that's doesn't even approach it. I'm not sure any analogy could.
Ron gets a no-prize he just better not shake too hard for bringing us news that the Boys in Blue have f'd up another set of nuclear security inspections. Is it because they're f-ups, or is it because the inspections are hard and meant to be failed the first few times? I'd like to think the latter, but I'm not all that optimistic.
A 16 year-old German... person? ... has become the youngest person known to have undergone sex reassignment surgery. Born Tim, Kim is now looking forward to, well, certainly a different sort of life. Ellen and I have seen a few documentaries about people who undergo this surgery, and from that information we've discovered the result is very far indeed from the surgeon waving a magic scalpel and then ting!!! what was once a 100% male body is now a 100% female body in both form and functions.
"Shunts" are neither romantic nor particularly attractive, and just because it sorta looks like a vagina doesn't make it one. I just hope no German tax dollars were spent on this. Knowing the reputation of the EU social safety net, I'm not keeping my hopes up.
Former French president Jacques Chirac was recently hospitalized after being attacked by his dog. Which sounds, you know, scary and stuff, until you get to the part where they explain Mr. Chirac's dog is one of those little ankle-biter breeds people insist on keeping for some damned reason. Me, I simply wouldn't put up with such behavior. However, the entire in-law side of my family, both sides of it, as far back as the eye can see, has put up with them for as long as anyone can remember. I therefore have to sit on Ellen any time one of these little acid-drooling demon hellspawn comes across her radar screen.
Otherwise I would be able to provide all local friends and house guests with (noisy and annoying) proof positive that there is in fact something much worse than a house full of incontinent, food-puking, litterbox-optional cats.
ZOMG!!1! Did you know if your kid signs up for JROTC, they'll teach them about guns?!? Can't have that, no it just won't do. Could lead to dancing!
Remember, folks... guns don't shoot people, idiots do:
A 21-year-old Marshfield man who accidentally shot his roommate told police he was spinning the gun on his finger like they did in the "Old West" when it fired, Marshfield Police Chief Joe Stroik said.
Gun safety is apparently something that happens to other people.
I think we'd all agree wearing a gas mask, wet suit, and galoshes is no way to go through life, so he didn't:
A security guard accidentally suffocated himself in an autoerotic accident, an inquest heard.Ralph Santiago, 31, was found dead in the men’s toilets of the building he worked wearing Wellington boots, a wetsuit and gas mask.
I always knew security guards usually had really dull jobs. I just didn't understand the lengths some of them would go to for entertainment.
And unlike the Cat in the Hat, it killed him stone dead:
A performer with an aerial acrobatic troupe fell headfirst to his death Tuesday during a show in front of hundreds of people in Scottsdale.
Video coming soon to a liveleak session near you!
Well, at least she was entertained:
Harford County authorities continued to investigate Monday after a 4-year-old girl was found alone Sunday evening at a restaurant. Police said her mother and aunt realized she was missing while watching a Monday morning newscast.
We go to Chuck-e's every few months or so. Amazingly, the places around us all stay open until 11 pm and seem pretty crowded as late as 9. I'm not completely surprised a kid could wander around for hours and not be noticed by the staff. Unfortunately, I'm also not completely surprised some low-rent parents and relatives would not notice until hours after the fact.
And now they've ruined it for the rest of us!
I've heard the advice, "don't f- with wild animals" before. I've paid close attention to it, and it has stood me well. Looks like someone didn't hear the "with" part in the sentence. And, of course, the "don't" part. Just when I think people can't be any dumber...
President Obama will direct federal regulators on Monday to move swiftly on an application by California and 13 other states to set strict automobile emission and fuel efficiency standards, two administration officials said Sunday.
Yeah, that's a great idea, seeing as how automakers are doing so well worldwide. If you like cars and enjoy high performance, you better move quickly, because once these regs hit the books they'll soon be as rare as the proverbial hen's teeth. Even the boring ones will end up being expensive. Europeans shouldn't laugh too hard... unlike the 70s, your greenies are powerful enough to strangle all the cool cars over there too.
After all, to the left TANSTAAFL is just a nonsensical acronym.
Me, I'd settle for a little snuggling without breaking out into a coughing fit. This guy was a lot more ambitious. I doubt if I'd be able to get over how cold the "water" was.
Go for the discussion of kids and cons, stay for the pictures of goofy fen. Especially the guy in the Wonder Woman suit.
We haven't gone to a convention in years. Mid-Atlantic fandom is just too cliquish for me, and while Ellen enjoyed the people watching just about everything else left her cold. That said, if Olivia wanted to go to a con, I certainly wouldn't stop her.
Having regulated absolutely everything else in sight, the British government has now imposed rules on music teachers. I'd like to think we're not due for 2-4 years of these sorts of shenanigans on this side of the pond. Of course, I'd like to think someone will just drive up in one of those new Alfa Romeos and hand me the keys. I'm not holding my breath for either.
If The Sun is to be believed, bubonic plague is stalking al Queda terrorist camps. I'll pull the cart, you shout and bang on the metal plate.
... but, I'm sincerely sad to say, I'm not missing my Washington Post subscription anywhere near as much, because they're just a little more partisan than this.
Inevitably they'll all turn on him, eventually. So will many of you. But in the meantime, to quote a favorite animated character of mine, "Oh would you just shut up?!? You're rats with wings!"
And get off my lawn.
Mark gets a no-prize with an impressively valueless number on it for bringing us news of the introduction of a set of Zimbabwe trillion dollar notes. 100 trillion, no less, which turns out to be about $30 US. Considering the ridiculously high denomination and the ridiculously low actual cost, I'm a little surprised a collectors market isn't springing up around these. Then again, considering how little they're worth, I'm not sure we'd notice if it did.
Now, we have a friend who collects WWII stuff for re-enacting*, but even they'd probably draw the line at this:
When another dusty cardboard box was uncovered in her uncle's attic, Lyn Fulton expected to find memorabilia from his days as a war-time air raid warden and chemistry lecturer.Instead, she found vials of deadly gases thought to date back to the Second World War.
Poison gas is not your friend!
* Which, as near as we can tell, is mostly an excuse to dress funny, camp, shoot guns, and drink beer**. In other words, deer hunting without the deer, sort of thing. With tanks!
** Not that there's anything wrong with that†.
Lisa R. gets a no-prize that Darwin would love for bringing us a rather distinctive form of thrill entertainment:
Without the cage you wouldn't stand a chance swimming with a massive saltwater crocodile.But for brave punters who still want to get cosy with a feisty croc, a new Australian tourist attraction is offering the chance for a close encounter in the safety of a clear acrylic box dubbed the 'cage of death'.
With pictures!
Mark gets a sick n' twistedtm no-prize for bringing us the story of the teen who killed over a Halo game. Something tells me there was more going on there than just an XBox 360.
The PETA weirdos are at it again, this time launching an ad campaign in Australia that calls fish "sea kittens". So... um... every time you masturbate under water, God kills a goldfish?
Barbie's creator was a sex perv and Ken's namesake was a closeted gay. Who knew?
I thought it was some chick who invented barbie?
Ok, this has to be some sort of record:
[Brenton Alan Erhardt, 39] was pulled over by police on the Stuart Highway in July speeding at 147 kilometres per hour, south of Daly Waters.He admitted to officers he filmed himself masturbating while driving from Adelaide to Darwin.
He also pleaded guilty to driving unlicensed, carrying two cannabis smoking pipes, administering the drug and carrying a loaded rifle.
Problem: smokers, having been banned from smoking in almost every place except perhaps the basements of their houses, still insist on smoking.
Solution: Move the goalposts. Again:
Third-hand smoke is what one smells when a smoker gets in an elevator after going outside for a cigarette, [Dr. Jonathan P. Winickoff, the lead author of the study and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School] said, or in a hotel room where people were smoking. “Your nose isn’t lying,” he said. “The stuff is so toxic that your brain is telling you: ’Get away.’”
I don't smoke, and find being in a smoke-filled room of any sort very unpleasant. That said, redefining the dangers of smoking to include the smell that comes off a smoker's clothes to me seems flat ridiculous. Second hand smoke is so dilute it took years to come up with convincing evidence of its dangers. This "third-hand" smoke would almost by definition be far more dilute, and correspondingly less dangerous.
But far be it from me to stop the nanny train from running over adults who both know the risks and take steps to prevent them from affecting their children. The anti-smoking lobby quite obviously knows better than anyone else what's good for all of us. That any of us try to hold them back just shows how irrational we all are.
More's the pity.
A British "expert in sound technology at Huddersfield University, West Yorks" is claiming Stonehenge was actually built as a sort of prehistoric disco. Hey, if that's what it takes to get your grant renewed, that's what it takes.
Mark gets a no-prize shaped like a banana peel for bringing us this graphic example of what can happen when you rush a delicate project so you can play with your new toy.
Sometimes spam is just that... "enhancements", fellows from Nigera/Poland/the US Military sitting on pots of gold which could be yours for a modest finder's fee, lonely young ladies looking for a little companionship, that sort of thing. But once in awhile, just every once in awhile, it's something quite different:
Truth is reality. That means don't stretch reality, don't bend reality, don't poke reality -- what did reality ever do to you? Who has a strong need for the mark 'of' the wild American cashcow (mooooo!), I get plasma tv/food, but you get neg value? Can't buy/sell food or cars unless a specific collateralized mark 'of' the wild American, huh.. I get plasma tv, you get neg value seems to require an apology for rest, Forrest. Apology biggest at tithing, with smiles and frowns at tithing, as the only meter for 'did I bring wholly the tithe' while monetized debt increases debt in the house of God. You know, Noah's rainbow only promised no flood, not no destruction (John 6:66, a very big heart filled with pain; Genesis 6:6, a very big heart filled with pain).
I just love it when someone wobbles off their meds in front of a computer!
Lisa R. gets a no-prize that'll make every man who sees it cringe for bringing us yet another reason to leave the spear guns at home:
A man who speared himself in the groin on the Sunshine Coast in south-east Queensland is recovering from his ordeal in hospital.
Sharks, sting rays, jelly fish, now spear guns... spear fishing must be damned near as fun as sex, considering all the dangers that surround it.
Of all the titles I've seen added to Alfa Romeo, meat importer definitely was one of the most unexpected:
Of all the weird trade deals in Australia's long mercantile history, probably none came close to the 1978 scheme to swap 7,000 tonnes of Aussie beef and offal for 2,000 Alfa Romeo cars.
As a government-owned entity, Alfa was subject to any number of goofy ideas like this, especially during the progressive/liberal 70s. As such policies are wont to do over time, they eventually sank the company. Still, having a tray of sausage patties with the cross-and-serpent logo on the front would've most likely made for an interesting bit of memorabilia.
"This is the practice of the Kurdish people for as long as anyone can remember," said the mother, Aisha Hameed, 30, a housewife in this ethnically mixed town about 100 miles north of Baghdad. "We don't know why we do it, but we will never stop because Islam and our elders require it."
Mind you this is done on 6-7 year olds.
And they still wonder why they do not get respect and are called savages.
A game of "tag" is all well and good, until the polar bears show up. No, really!
Lisa R. gets a no-prize that'll play that famous theme at the touch of a button for bringing us yet another in a long line of shark attacks in Australian waters. Just in time for the holidays!
No, really... when underwear attacks:
Thirteen people, including an 8-year-old girl, suffered injuries Saturday when an explosive device went off at a kiosk selling underwear near the Prazhskaya metro station in southern Moscow, Interfax reported Sunday.
Even though it's in Australia, I'm not chalking this one up to any particularly interesting aspect of that country's well-known deadliness. You see, I expect someone to die when they try to get at a kite stuck in power lines with a metal pole. It's a Darwin sort of thing.
What a way to make sure your family remembers the holidays: man dies when the skid loader he was driving tumbled into a manure pond. I've seen those things on Dirty Jobs. They look just as nasty as they sound.
Mark gets an explosive no-prize for bringing us evidence no matter how extreme you thought you were with fireworks as a kid, there's always someone out there willing to take it to the next level. BOOM!!!
No, really, when foot massagers attack:
So, we're not really sure what's going on here, but three people have been killed by mis-using a Japanese foot massager.
We had a back massager that would give you a nasty pinch if you weren't careful with it, but I never feared for my life around it.
Actually, I'm surprised it's taken this long for anyone to notice: it's becoming more and more common for people to be buried with their (in some cases active, fully charged) cell phones. This suggests a very interesting experiment to prove if there is in fact an afterlife. Simply make sure Ellen and Amber are buried with theirs, and then watch the phone bill. My wager: a $400 phone and $1000 text bill the next month.
Ah, to be a teenager in the 21st century:
Lord knows we encourage enough tatting around here, but like the mafia, we don't deliberately go for the face.Of course, this is on the side of her head, and this person probably wasn't looking for a high powered career in sales or games PR. Actually, it sounds like this tattoo was an impulse buy.
Once she turns 18 my leverage over Olivia regarding these sorts of things will, of course, require a bit of finesse. Before then? A face tattoo? Oh hell no.
Ok, it's official, in Australia, even the f'ing laser printers can kill you:
Snakes often turn up in strange places, but this brown tree snake has decided to join the digital age.It has set up home in a printer of Lismore couple Denis and Marie Matthews.
This is Australia after all, so the snake is naturally poisonous, albeit apparently not terribly so. No, Ellen, you can't have one.
Today's "What the F- Were They Thinking?!?" award goes to whoever runs cross promotions at the Cincinnati Zoo:
The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and the Creation Museum have made a joint marketing agreement and are selling "combo tickets" to get into both attractions for one price.
It would be nice to think that this is a clever plot to separate rubes from their cash and then send them to Kentucky where they belong, but hey, this is Ohio we're talking about here. "Never ascribe to malice..."
Ok, which is, rrm... tasteless-er... a funeral home advertising pre-planned child funeral services, or a planned parenthood clinic offering gift certificates for the holiday season? Social conservatives would most likely note they're, respectively, reactive and proactive solutions to the same "problem." I'm not one of those people, but this is one of those times when I don't care how practical the motive might be, it's just not something I'm comfortable with being promoted so openly.
Meh. Probably a no-win, because if they'd restricted the certificates to exclude abortion, the social progressives would have piled on right behind the Catholic hierarchy.
Happy holidays!
All those times I've complained about our Alfas leaking things onto the garage floor? Yeah, I think I'll stop complaining as much now:
A car left parked in front of a Sacramento [CA] man's home yielded a startling discovery Wednesday morning.The resident, who lives on the 6200 block of 40th Street called authorities to report the Ford Taurus has been parked in front of his home since Tuesday and there was fluid leaking from the trunk.
You'd think the smell would've given it away.
I'm actually surprised it's taken this long for someone to realize who's really behind all the increased pirate activity off the coast of Somalia.
All together now... JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!
Ok, it's official, the "I don't know what to make of it" trifecta is now in play:
Michael Bowers, aka Chubby Mikey, is set to be the surprise calendar hit of the year.The gay 29-year-old from Memphis, USA, is so proud of his size, he has posed nude in a series of 'sexy' shots.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. The people who most want to be seen naked are the people just about everyone else least wants to see naked.
Ok, put it a different way... me, in a thong, on a beach.
Ah geeze... you didn't have to run screaming for the mind bleach. Decorum people, decorum!
Not content with promoting a sixty year-old technology with built-in transient clicks and pops, the "indie" scene seems to be bringing back the cassette tape. Unlike the LP, which at least approaches the S/N ratio of CDs and other digital media, cassettes have always had terrible sound. People can buy 100 blank CDs for, what, $30? Heck I'm not sure it's possible to buy a computer that can't write CDs.
Bah. It never was about the sound, it's about the scene. It's your money, spend it the way you want.
She answered: 'It was when I was a child when I lived in Africa. We always went to the same butcher and then suddenly - we were there a couple of years - the meat started to get so much better.Umm....yeah...'It was only when we moved back to England a couple of years later that we realised that the butcher had been arrested because he farmed little black girls."
Well, certainly not Mark, but still:
A man wearing a World War II Nazi uniform and carrying a powerful German rifle of the same vintage quickly told police his mission: He was on the way to kill a man.
Something called an "8mm Mauser" sounds more like a pistol than a powerful gun, but wtf do I know?
When you encourage people to broadcast live videos of themselves doing things, it's inevitable that one of those things will eventually be offing themselves. I've seen video clips on the internet of people killing themselves in much more spectacular ways than a drug overdose for years now. Just because it's "live" doesn't mean it's any less sad. It just means another set of people had a chance to stop it, and didn't.
Ron gets a rare second no-prize in one day for bringing us a most... unusual... wedding (completely SFW).
Umm... I'm not completely sure that's real. If it is...
[Swing arms out, swing back in, clap hands loudly once...]
Note to self: When being an iron-clad sonofabitch, try to make sure there aren't any cameras running. I've actually known more than a few guys like this, back in my starving student days*. It's nice to see they eventually end up in jail where they belong. I just wish we could keep them there.
Ron gets a no-prize he can use to get into people's faces for bringing us this "not-quite-cops-but-shoulda-been" news clip.
* Fry cook being one of the few entry-level jobs available to felons.
Lisa R. gets yet another "so harmless it's deadly" no-prize for bringing us something else to add to the list of things that will kill you in Australia:
Australia's harsh Simpson Desert conservation park will be closed during the southern hemisphere summer to prevent tourists dying in the outback, authorities said on Tuesday.
Ah, the national park. The wilderness! The wildlife! The dead campers rotting in the sun!
Coffin: 1, Little Old Lady: 0. See, if this were Ellen's hearse, the coffin would've properly been secured. Tie-downs: they're not just for groceries, ya know?
Bah, couple of sheets of scrap metal, a little bondo, and it'll be good as new. Hopefully the driver will be ok. I amazed whoever it was got out in one piece.
Weirdly, on the way to dropping off Ellen for work we passed a similar tableau, except this one was "burly hotrodded Chrysler sedan: 0, telephone pole: 1." There were two cops on the scene but no ambulances or fire trucks, so my speculation was a drunk who hit a pole and then wandered home on foot. But what do I know?
While it's pretty obvious the thing is not really abandoned, this tour of North Korea's largest amusement park is still surreal enough to entertain. The article includes a bonus video that gives you a ride on the "roller coaster of death". And you thought the local fair was dangerous!
It's funny when it's a movie. It's Just Not Right when it's an article of clothing. Tights go on men who're engaging in winter sports/activities or are performing in a variety of (fabulous) events. Otherwise... JUST SAY NO!
Guard rails? We don't need no steeking guard rails!
And that, children, is why race cars have roll cages.
Two words: Liquid Smoking. As if a beer glass used as an ash tray didn't smell bad enough...
And they wonder why they are called 'stone chuckers' for a reason.
Human rights group Amnesty International says the victim was a 13-year-old girl who had been raped.Third World County...always a Third World Country.Initial reports had said she was a 23-year-old woman who had confessed to adultery before a Sharia court.
Numerous eye-witnesses say she was forced into a hole, buried up to her neck then pelted with stones until she died in front of more than 1,000 people last week.
I will now officially upgrade magpies to "damned dangerous":
Anelderly woman has been forced to have her leg amputated after it became infected and then gangrenous when she was pecked by a pet magpie.
This article includes a picture of an example of the miscreant.
And yes, it ended up exactly where you're thinking it did.
Sometimes you just can't do better than the headline: Aquaholic drinks himself to death by gorging on a hosepipe.
Sounds like a tragic case of unmedicated OCD to me.
Mark gets a no-prize that looks suspiciously like the ones Lisa R. gets for bringing us this report of an Australian spider caught eating a bird. Apparently it's a video, but I got such huge heebie-jeebies from the picture I didn't have the guts to find the film. YEESH!!!
Cricket as big as your open hand, anyone? Every time I think the insect world couldn't get any creepier, I'm proven wrong.
Fans of abandoned places who have lots of patience should find this collection of abandoned urban areas around the world of interest. The site is really slow, and the text isn't as informative as I'd hoped, but it was still informative, at least to me.
Lisa R. gets yet another deadly no-prize for bringing us yet another example of Australia trying its level best to kill whomever tries to live there. Australia: go for the beaches, stay because the inhabitants put you into a box.
Lisa R. gets an explosive no-prize for bringing us news of yet another meteor impact in Australia. Geeze. If the magpies don't get you, it would seem the sky will.
Ah, Switzerland, where the watches are accurate, the chocolate is superb, and even the plants have rights:
For years, Swiss scientists have blithely created genetically modified rice, corn and apples. But did they ever stop to consider just how humiliating such experiments may be to plants?That's a question they must now ask. Last spring, this small Alpine nation began mandating that geneticists conduct their research without trampling on a plant's dignity.
Equal rights for plants... coming to a progressive party near you!
More than 2100 WWII-era bombs were recently discovered during a routine property survey in Germany. "The find is the biggest in Germany this year, the state’s military ordnance disposal service said."
This year?!?
Alternate title: Paging the Church Lady, white courtesy phone please. I picked a different one because nobody under 20 will know what the heck I'm talking about.
No, really! When magpies attack:
A little girl from Mandurah [Australia] may lose the sight in one of her eyes after a terrifying magpie attack last week.
Lisa R. gets an innocent looking no-prize with a mean streak for bringing us yet another example of wildlife which is harmless everywhere else but downright dangerous in Australia.
Oh, and "sunnies?" I think she may be going native on us.
Rrmmm... ya think?
Britain is on the verge of deploying speed cameras which will monitor all highways, all the time, everywhere. The Japanese wanted similarly strict speed compliance but chose a different route. Well, they did back in the 80s when I was following such things. In those cars, any time you exceeded the national speed limit an apparently really loud and really annoying buzzer would sound. The British solution has the advantage that it can't be disconnected like the buzzer can.
Fortunately, for now, our kids are too young for their various grandparents to fall for this:
Delpha Speak has 13 grandchildren and she didn't think it was completely implausible that one of her grandsons-in-law would call her to say he was in trouble. The 72-year-old retiree could tell something was wrong, and she wanted to do whatever she could to help.But it was that concern that almost caught her up in what the state attorney general's office said is a common scam targeting older folks.
Geeze. Now we're gonna have to get gramma her own safe word.
Ok, so the Redskins dropped it in the pot and now Romo looks to be out for a couple of games. At least nobody died.
A certain regular commenting, "it would've been good if it happened to the Eagles" in 3... 2... 1...
Nothing says, "disconnected from reality" like dressing babies up as food dishes and setting them on the table. Relax, no children were even vaguely annoyed in the film. Martha Stewart's reputation, well, I can't vouch for that.
Those gear shifts, man, they can be some clever things. I love how it keeps bouncing off the rev limiter at the end of the clip.
Apparently in the UK it takes them five years to investigate why someone on the government dole isn't paying rent. And what's up with family members who don't visit for the entire time, leaving a corpse alone watching TV?
The National Enquirer is reporting that 17 year old Jamie Lynn Spears is now expecting for the second time just three months after giving birth on June 19 to baby Maddie Briann.
Hell even I thought it wasn't possible to get pregnant when breast feeding.
Sometimes, a lover's quarrel just makes a body hungry:
The first winner of the Mr Gay UK contest stabbed a man to death before carving a piece of flesh from his thigh, seasoning it with fresh herbs and cooking it in olive oil, a court heard yesterday.
And all this time I thought olive oil's smoke point was too high to make it a good stir fry medium.
Getting dragged by a bus for 4 miles just ruins your whole day, donchaknow? Explain that one to the insurance adjuster.
It's crap like this that kept me from ever really taking skateboarding as a hobby seriously. I have enough trouble just walking down the street without falling down.
Being on vacation means I get to troll some of the saucier sites, and this is no exception. Video is SFW, but surrounding ads... well, they're not what I'd call porn, but they're pretty darned close.
Ron gets a very... graphic no prize for bringing us yet another example of just how loopy the Japanese can be. There's an annual phallic festival somewhere in southern Japan (can't recall the city), I'll bet that's where this was taken.
In case you haven't figured it out, the SFW status on this is a bit vague. Winky-shaped ice cream cones most likely always will be.
When twelve years old your burger becomes, look as good it will not.
I'm a little chary of this one. What's been keeping mold and rot from taking hold? What's been holding the bugs at bay? Something else has been used to keep this bit of "food product" cool and very dry, I'd wager.
Great. Just great. Now I have to worry about wheelchairs too:
A holiday jet carrying 229 passengers narrowly avoided disaster when a wheelchair stored in the hold burst into flames shortly after landing at Manchester airport.
When on a plane, Mr. Sparky Battery is not your friend!
Lisa R. gets a no-prize that'll thwack Kermit if he gets out of line for bringing us news of a woman being held hostage by a semi-wild pig. My first thought would be, "pig, meet rifle. Bacon, meet pan," but it would appear the property owner is a distraught animal lover who doesn't want that to happen.
It's one thing to be told "hurricane causes massive damage." It's quite another to see pictures to demonstrate the fact. Reason #... well, #1 I guess, for why Scott doesn't want to live on the coast.
And that, friends, is why daddy always told you to stand behind the shooter. At least, that's what my dad always taught me. This guy, probably not so much.
While it's said a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes it just takes a few words to completely change the meaning of a picture. I think I need to take a shower now. YEEESH!!!
This week the British government quietly allowed decisions of certain Sharia law courts in Britain to be legally enforced. The mind boggles...
Via La Shawn Barber.
I guess it was only a matter of time before people started mistaking an actual tragedy for a semi-fictional disaster movie. Coming to a fall celebration near you!
Biking across the W&OD trail: fun. Biking across the Himalayas, on a unicycle, well, not so much. There's a guy in our neighborhood who has one of these "off-road" unicycles. We saw him a few times as we were taking Olivia home from day care. They look interesting, but I have a hard enough time staying upright on two wheels to even think about trying it with just one.
Go for the wacky preacher saying "Mickey Mouse should die", stay for the surreal sign-language translator in the bottom-right corner. I'm not a huge fan of ol' Mickey myself, but I think whacking him is a little extreme.
(09-11) 17:15 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A car-burglary suspect fell to his death early today after he climbed over a wall on San Francisco's Telegraph Hill while trying to flee from police, apparently unaware that on the other side of the wall was a 200-foot cliff, authorities said.
And the Parrots!
At first I thought this scheme to pay Jews $50,000 to move to a smallish Southern city was some "Jews for Jesus" - style recruitment effort. Then, after having actually read the article, I realized it was a synagogue-funded effort to revitalize a pre-existing Jewish community. I still don't know if it's a good idea... the reason most people move to a different city is they can't find good work at the one in which they currently live. $50,000 is very nice, but it won't last long if you can't find a job.
Well, it would appear there are now just two animal species in Australia which won't kill you:
An attack on a child by a large wallaby in Cairns has sparked calls for a cull of the area's growing mob before someone is killed.
This is from a Spam-Bot.... I think.
[22:11] NigglingTrout: Listen, this is going to sound very weird, but how in the world does one remove an angry spider monkey from one's...sensitive areas?
1. Why would you put spider monkeys there?
2. Why do I care?
3. I am sure there is a cream for this.
4. Please see a therapist.
"John stopped to take a photo of the canopy, and saw something that didn't seem quite right through his viewfinder. He watched it for a little bit longer and the wind blew, and caught it, sending it spinning, and it seemed to be a body."
Read entire article here.
Really neat article! Don't miss out!
Disapproving reporter: 1, castle: 0, teacher: 0. I'm filing this one as another case of, "I'm actually quite surprised they didn't arrest the property owner for assault."
Were it Texas, the property would've survived unscathed, but I wouldn't place the teacher's chances anywhere near as high, both on the "surviving" and "unscathed" odds.
I'm not completely sure that's a good thing. It really would be a shame if some damned fool got drunk and ended up dead because of a set of really idiotic actions. After all, that damned fool could be me! Then again, being an American and quite aware of the potential consequences of playing this particular game in the US, perhaps I'd be less likely to do something quite so spectacularly dumb. Deterrence at its finest!
'County fire spokesman Lt. Frank Fennell says the boy was eating "Steak on a Stake" when he pulled the wooden skewer out of his mouth and then somehow stuck the skewer in his eye.'
Read entire mini asinine article here.
This is WHY you pay nearly $20 a head to get in. Next thing that is going to happen... No TURKEY LEGS!
No, really, when crocks attack:
A crocodile killed and ate a 25-year-old man in Bangladesh after he waded into a pond next to a shrine hoping to be blessed by the animal, police say.
[Police] said about 25 people dived into the pond following the attack yesterday, but could not find the man's body.It washed ashore today and had been largely eaten...
You're doing it wrong!
There's a reason gymnastic apparatus (apparati?) are surrounded by giant pads. I'm surprised serious injury doesn't happen more often.
Paging Camel, your room is ready:
MI5 has concluded that there is no easy way to identify those who become involved in terrorism in Britain, according to a classified internal research document on radicalisation seen by the Guardian.
British-based terrorists are as ethnically diverse as the UK Muslim population, with individuals from Pakistani, Middle Eastern and Caucasian backgrounds. MI5 says assumptions cannot be made about suspects based on skin colour, ethnic heritage or nationality.
If only this group had a single thing in common, they'd be a lot easier to track, eh?
Reason # 431 on the Why I Don't Like Seafood list: giant parasites:
A man who contends he got a 9-foot tapeworm after eating undercooked fish is suing a Chicago restaurant.
The article isn't clear on the time line, and makes it sound like it all happened very quickly. If so, well, 9 foot tapeworms don't get that big overnight. I think. How the heck should I know?
We got yer state-run food bank right here:
With food prices rising, one of India's poorest states is considering adding rat meat to the menus of state-run canteens, a move officials in Bihar say could help provide cheap protein for the state's 80 million people, most of whom live off the land as poor sharecroppers or subsistence farmers.
Now that's a spicy meatball!
Via TSO.
Knowing one or to Quebecois over the years, I'm not completely surprised they'd turn poultry slaughter into a betting game. I'm just about certain you can't call betting on when and where a beheaded chicken will fall is literally cruel. The things are dead when the head parts with the neck after all. But it is damned weird and more than a little gross, IMO.
After a medically determined "early termination," a five-month old... infant? ... showed signs of breathing after spending a few hours in the cryo chamber. Such a profoundly premature infant obviously has a very slim chance for survival, but (obviously) weirder things have happened.
I'm not sure what's worse, the tragedy of the thing or that a whole bunch of anti-abortion wackamoles just got a new arrow to stuff in their quiver.
Coming to a trailer park near you: styrofoam dome houses. I'm actually a bit surprised it's taken this long. However, I'm not particularly surprised it took the Japanese to make it popular.
There's nothing like seeing Peter Pan getting hauled away in zip-tie cuffs to get a day started. No, really!
Annie gets a no-prize Mickey once used to bang on his cell bars for bringing us this most unfortunate of labor disputes.
It's dangerous to report from a war zone. People shoot at you and stuff. That doesn't look like a graze, that looks like a flat-out hole through the ol' arm.
I guess I'm surprised it took this long for some anarchist to supply the general public a tool that allows them to do what spammers have done forever. Maybe it'll raise awareness amongst the general public just how easy it is to manipulate all the varied fields that make up an e-mail message?
Pardon me while I go revive a few sysadmins who've passed out from laughing at that last sentence...
A local business owner got the shock of a lifetime when she left the Bank of America in Newport News Friday. She'd asked for money to pay her employees, but what she got has her seeing red.
You'd think there would be lots of safeguards to prevent a dye bomb from getting into the hands of a legitimate customer, ya know? I don't have clue one how they work. Maybe this wasn't really all that accidental?
No, really, falling rock:
One of the largest and most photographed arches in Arches National Park has collapsed.
Ron gets a hard-hat no-prize for bringing us news that we know will be blamed on the Bush administration, even though we're not quite sure how just yet.
"That is the coolest thing that I've ever seen," teacher Martha Gietner said. "It looks like a person. It really does. I think it's a ghost."
The black image is then seen moving into a lighted hallway and casting a shadow.
Skeptics are having a hard time explaining what could cause a shadow and appear to float in the building at 2:51 a.m.
Video is here!
I knew it was bad to ignore the "clearance: X ft" signs, but I didn't know it could get this bad. I'm not completely sure that the guy even survived it.
Take your computer in to get it fixed, end up naked on the "intartubes". Which should teach the class two things: 1) learn to use your computer properly so you don't f- it up with spyware and viruses, and 2) do like Ellen and marry your IT support. Easy-peasy!
Andrea Pininfarina, head of the famous car design company which bears his family's name, has been killed in a car accident. The Pininfarina house has been responsible for dozens of famous car designs, not the least of which is our Alfa Spider. A damned shame.
Seconded: "It's metrosexuality gone stark raving mad."
It's all Ellen can do to keep me from wearing knee-high socks and shorts. Tights?!? Fuggedaboudit!
Nothing like an 800 degree patch of ground to get your firefighters all excited. As if we needed another reason to think California is one of the weirdest places on Earth.
It's bad enough when your experimental rocket kerplooies; it's worse when it was carrying the ashes of at least a few famous people. I wonder if they'll give refunds? Probably not.
Looks like it's even harder to climb Everest's near-by companion:
Helicopters have begun airlifting climbers stranded on the world's second-highest mountain, K2, in north Pakistan, reports say.News agency Reuters said rescuers had reached two Dutch members of the group, 11 of whom are feared dead.
The fatality rate for those who reach the summit at 27% is about three times higher than that for Mount Everest.
I'd be interested to know the percentage of people who make the summit vs. the number who try. That way we could tell if you're more likely to die than to succeed.
Which is why I only watch them try on the Discovery channel!
Annie gets a no-prize that's probably photoshopped for bringing us news of the "Montauk monster". I like how they've posed it flipping us the bird. Do people really get paid for viral marketing?
You'd think they'd have used a tether or something:
DNA tests confirmed that a body found off the coast of Brazil is that of a priest who disappeared while flying over the Atlantic buoyed by hundreds of brightly colored party balloons, authorities said Tuesday.
A dye marker or something like it probably would've helped as well. Too bad.
Kids like this stay F'd up their entire lives. Chuck them in a sack and drown them while you have the chance.
New Castle County Police and officers from Delaware SPCA arrested the boy Friday after he allegedly set the kitten on fire in Edgemoor. Neighbors told police the boy, and two friends, poured lighter fluid on the kitten and then set it on fire. The kitten then ran to a nearby tree on N. Rodney Drive where its charred remains were found.
Read entire article here.
Looks like Shia LaBeouf's "good boy with an edge" image just got a lot edgier. I'm not sure it'd be quite as newsworthy if he hadn't rolled his truck. Luckily nobody seems to have been seriously injured. Time to head to rehab!
A nine-year-old girl whose parents named her Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii was put into court guardianship in New Zealand so that her name could be changed.
The ruling was handed down in February but only came to light in law reports issued today. The girl, who had been at the centre of a custody battle, has since changed her name, but it was not revealed in order to protect her privacy.
"It's my kid I'll name them how I please" should only ever go so far. Still, you'd think the girl would just not register using her goofy name. Maybe it's not as easy as I think?
Eel soda, anyone? I'm not completely sure it's a fizzy drink, but neither option does not sound particularly appealing. Stack that one alongside vegamite and peanut butter on the "have to grow up with it to like it" shelf. At least for me.
Not content with ending his own miserable life, the escaped "spam king" decided to take his wife and two daughters with him. Unfortunately, only one of the daughters, and an infant he must've forgotten about, survived.
I dunno folks, this sure does sound like a bomb to me:
A Qantas flight to Melbourne made an emergency landing today after a large hole appeared near the cargo door.The plane made the landing in Manila about 1:20pm after the cabin depressurised due to what sources have described as a "massive" hole in the fuselage.
Qantas this afternoon was still trying to establish how a large hole came to appear in the fuselage outside the baggage compartment.
It definitely wasn't a hatch failure... you can still see that, firmly shut, a few feet in front of the hole. This picture shows an intact one at roughly the same angle. Looks like a big chunk of faring came away. It also looks like this happened near the same point the bomb that took down Flight 103 detonated.
I don't like this. I don't like it one bit. Weirdly, there are probably a bunch of Boeing guys right now secretly hoping it was a bomb, because otherwise there'll be several hundred 747s grounded immediately. If it's wrong in the structure, it'll be wrong on a whole bunch of them.
Something tells me the next facility he's "enrolled" in won't be so nice:
Edward “Eddie” Davidson, a notorious e-mail spammer who was sentenced to jail time in April, has escaped from a federal prison camp in Florence, Colorado.
Davidson was housed in a minimum security facility. Minimum security institutions, also known as Federal Prison Camps (FPCs), have dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and are work and program-oriented. FPCs are generally located adjacent to larger institutions, where inmates help serve the labor needs of the larger institution.
Everyone's always suspected spammers are just barely smarter than a dead sponge. Now we have proof.
Remember that old saying, "eat like you've got a tapeworm"? Back in the recent past, some people took that way too seriously.
It would seem our wish to compulsively eat without consequences, and resort to whatever it takes, dates back well before the advent of the gastric bypass procedure.
No, really, when flowerpots attack:
Fire investigators said a fire that destroyed a Mendota Heights home last week was caused by a flowerpot.
What's on your porch?
I dunno, 30 or so catfish strolling down a street would probably give me pause too. I do know that, were this to happen anywhere near my old Arkansas home town, they'd never make it to the end of the street for all the whoopin' rednecks that'd found themselves a dinner right there in the road.
Annie gets a no-prize that Ellen can't have for bringing us this story about a most unusual thing to find in one's wash:
A woman checking her laundry Wednesday afternoon found an 8-foot-long snake wrapped around the clothes inside the washing machine at her Gorham home.
Ellen would've jumped with glee and most likely would still be on the phone with Amber about it.
I guess he really, really liked living there:
A ‘vulnerable’ man cut off his own head with a chainsaw after being ordered to move out of his home to make way for developers, police believe.
Umm... ouch?
Concrete wall: 1, bmx biker dude: 0. I never got into that sort of thing precisely because I knew without a doubt something like that would happen to me. My brother, not so much, and so when we were kids he more than once ended up in a dentist's chair for "repairs."
The things one can do with paper, upholstery foam, and way too much free time can be... Well hell, I'm not completely sure what that is. I guess that was probably the point, eh?
Their were more weird items in this murder trial than you could shake a stick at. I'm still not completely sure we know what's going on.
It's bad enough to drown while rafting down a river; it's worse if they can't even get at your body. I only thought that sort of thing happened on Everest!
While I can certainly respect the artistry, I gotta question just what went wrong in this kid's past to make him go that extreme. And dude, tattoo the whites of your eyes?!? Oh, Canada!
Leave it to New York to invent the Lutherburger. Bacon cheese burger, meet donut. Donut, cheeseburger. Ron would probably get his with extra cheese.
You'll please pardon me while I go check to make sure the wayback machine isn't set to 1437 or something:
The unsolved case of a 15-year-old girl who went missing in Rome 25 years ago has been dramatically reopened.A woman has told police the girl was kidnapped by a criminal gang on the orders of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, the disgraced former head of the Vatican's bank who was linked to the death of the Italian banker Roberto Calvi.
I've heard the saying, "old habits die hard", but this is ridiculous.
I guess it must be all the refinery smoke that keeps them from noticing the smell:
An 84-year-old Burlington County woman died and five other New Jersey residents were sickened in separate incidents after drinking small amounts of torch oil they mistook for apple juice, New Jersey poison control officials said yesterday.
NJ ex-pats Ron and Amber frequently told tales of the... piquancy*... of the native residents. For some reason they left "and they also drink kerosene like it's water" off the list.
* And I'll be damned if I didn't spell that right the first time, without even looking.
No, really, when alligators attack:
Okeechobee - Kasey Edwards said he never paid "too much mind" to alligators swimming in canals in Okeechobee County.But early Sunday morning, an 11½-foot alligator had his full attention as Edwards, 18, struggled to free his left arm from the jaws of the reptile.
Those who put their money on the "alcohol involved" outside bet before the spin can now collect your winnings.
While I'm not particularly surprised that "lost and completely uncontacted" tribe that made the rounds a few months ago, well, wasn't, I am annoyed at the completely uncommented paternalism which triggered the whole episode:
Indigenous tribes expert, José Carlos Meirelles, said the tribe had been known of since 1910, and had been photographed to prove that they still existed in an area endangered by logging, The Guardian reported.
"When we think we might have found an isolated tribe, a sertanista (tribe expert) like me walks in the forest for two or three years to gather evidence and we mark it in our (global positioning system)," he told Al Jazaera in his first interview since the images were released."We then map the territory the Indians occupy and we draw that protected territory without making contact with them. And finally we set up a small outpost where we can monitor their protection."
These are not rare jaguars or gazelles, they're people, just like you and me. They are people, moreover, who I would imagine would appreciate knowledge that would help more of their children survive their first year, if nothing else. They don't need protection, they need opportunities.
Meh. I'll bet you dollars to donuts they've been so isolated for so long not because of any government or NGO "protection", but because the place in which they live is so miserable and hard to reach nobody wants to contact them. Some Amazon tribes also have an extremely well-deserved reputation for being such miserable examples of the human race nobody else wants to contact them either, at least not for very long.
Ah well. It's not my tax dollars being spent to "protect" people who're just as smart and clever as I am. "I say, let 'em crash."
Sometimes the headlines, they just write themselves: fifth foot found on British Columbia's south coast. Bonus: police have no clues as to just to who the feet belong. WeIrD!
So, really, what is it with these urban tigers? No, really, urban tigers. There's video! I swear!
Ellen would've tried to "step up" the hawk (command it to perch on her hand). Knowing her, it'd probably be in a cage in the corner within the hour, happily "nom'ing" one of the snakes' rats.
Turkey: 1, School bus: 0. Day 2 of "news so slow it makes me worry."
Seems giraffe meat is kosher. Who knew?
Ok, I'm officially nervous now. When a news day gets this slow, it usually means something awful's in the offing. I'd say, "be interesting!", but that'd probably just set it off.
While a pro-Israel statement from a neo-Nazi organization may at first seem contradictory, I'm not so sure it is. After all, they're supporting Jews in Israel. This would be quite similar in word and spirit to the KKK announcing it's support for black folks in, say, Liberia. "Not in my back yard, for racists."
Sometimes when you're stuck on jury duty you end up sitting for an interesting murder case. Most of the time, you either sit until they turn you loose or you help adjudicate two boring people with a petty problem. Then, just every once in awhile, you hit the poo lottery. And I mean poo lottery in almost it's literal form.
Inveterate peanut gallery member Ron is justly famous for his bathroom humor. However, something tells me even he'd have his limit, and some girl crying covered in the stuff is probably six or seven notches beyond it.
Me? Hey, if everyone's happy and I'm not forced to watch it, you do what you want. But as far as I'm concerned, when one of the participants is filmed being upset? Yeah, that's not art. Not by a long shot.
Seems they're putting women's parts on just about everything these days. Puts a whole new spin on all those "do you wanna ride?" pick-up lines.
What is it with these chicks and their land marks:
Erika La Tour Eiffel, 37, a former soldier who lives in San Francisco, has been in love with objects before ... But it is the Eiffel Tower she has pledged to love, honour and obey in an intimate ceremony attended by a handful of friends.
Methinks there's a reporter or two who have too much time on their hands.
Drunk driver: 1 & 10, cyclists: 0. I wonder if they'd even closed the highway for the race?
Update: This video seems to indicate it was a decent-sized event. It would appear the well-earned reputation of Mexican police has withstood yet another test of incompetence.
Today's "commercial crop threatened by some wicked disease" is brought to you by Dole. The fruit company, not the ex-senator, that is.
It would appear having an older dad is just about as bad as having an older mom. It seems Olivia just skated in under the deadline, as it were.
The 2008 Darwin Awards are out. When the going gets tough, the stupid get dead.
... said reporter has to file a story like this:
His mother, whose residence is where the sexual activity occurred, teaches at a public school. She testified at Thursday's hearing, insisting repeatedly that she was unaware of her son's sexual acts with her male German shepherd.
Your dog wants a restraining order!
Ron gets a... a... no-prize for bringing us a rather unusual gift idea. I personally have never understood the whole extreme bondage scene, but I guess as long as they pay their taxes, stay out of trouble, and off my lawn... meh.
While this particular page is SFW, I cannot vouch for any part of the rest of the site.
Fans of medical macabre should find this collection of "unusual brain injuries" of interest. If you want to know how bad mental illness can get, short of killing the victim outright, you need look no further.
Looks like the fall of communism claimed a victim we never expected:
A woman with a bizarre fetish for inaninimate objects has revealed she has been married to the Berlin Wall for 29 years....
While the rest of mankind rejoiced when the Wall, erected by the Soviets in 1961 to halt an exodus from East to West Berlin, was largely torn down in 1989, its "wife" was horrified.
She's never been back and now keeps models depicting "his" former glory.
Rrrmm... yeah. I wonder if she's able to hold down a job?
All the more reason to move to Oklahoma!
Fencing is all well and good, until you need a walker. No, really!
I have to admit, trying to get wi-fi internet connections banned because you're allergic to them is a novel strategy. Not one that's likely to work (one hopes, at any rate), but novel nonetheless.
It would seem people are lining up at Apple's flagship store in Manhattan for no clear reason. Me, I get a whiff of publicity stunt when I think about this. However, New Yorkers are justifiably famous for taking a buck and running with it. If it really were a stunt, I can't imagine them not saying so.
Steve Jobs may be a maniac, but he most likely will go down in history as one of, if not the, most important person to come out of the first wave of the PC industry.
How wrong is this picture, let me count the ways. Now for some eye bleach...
A Canadian man who asked his lover to carve a heart-shaped symbol on his chest during a rough sex game almost died when she accidentally pressed too hard and punctured his heart, a newspaper said on Thursday.
There's a claim form that'll end up in someone's secret "best of" stash!
Actually, I'm surprised someone hadn't thought of tying tomb stones to the WWW. Now that'd be a helluva epitaph, putting the URL of this place on my grave marker, eh?
Nothing like a home-bru flame thrower and a couple of tard teens to lighten the day. Bonus: dead-on Butthead giggling in the last scene. I never did anything this stupid, but I knew a lot of other guys who did.
Code Pink has officially jumped the shark:
Members of the anti-war group Code Pink gathered Friday with a cauldron of flowers outside a controversial Marine Corps Recruiting Center in Berkeley, Calif., to use witchcraft to rally against the Iraq war.
I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that they're trying these stunts or the fact that they get press coverage Jesus would envy every time.
You'd think someone would've turned a wheel or something. I have a feeling neither of the captains in this "kiss" collision went much further in their careers.
Leave it to Asians to put an oh-so-distinctive spin on pizza. Unfortunately only one of the advertisements seems to work, but it's plenty weird enough for you to get the gist.
Scott's rule of collecting, #7: an explosive is an explosive, no matter how old it may be. Me, I'll stick to something safer to collect, like scale model kits or old Italian sports cars. I'll leave the explosives to the re-enactors, who at least have the good sense to use new powder and blow it up on-site.
Is the investigation of a single, tragic death in Minnesota going to lead the unraveling of an entire string of serial killings? To me, it all sounds way too sensational, spooky, and just downright circumstantial to be true. Hopefully the media outlets will be sensible enough not to name any "persons of interest."
The sad thing is, this guy will most likely end up on Conan in the very near future. Video is SFW, but you'll most likely want the eye bleach handy.
Meh. His (fat, sharpie-markered, shirtless) body, his business. Pay your taxes, stay out of trouble, keep off my lawn, etc.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, just because you're smart at one thing does not mean you're smart at everything:
Jurors found Linux programmer Hans Reiser guilty of first degree murder on Monday, concluding he killed his estranged wife in 2006. The verdict followed a nearly six-month trial and nearly three days of deliberation.
When police eventually located Hans Reiser's Honda CRX a few miles from his home, they found the interior waterlogged, the passenger seat missing, and two books on police murder investigations inside. They also found a sleeping-bag cover stained with a 6-inch wide blotch of Nina's dried blood...
Fans (such as myself) of CourtTV and/or various court TV dramas will rightly surmise that even though the evidence was almost comically incriminating, it was also completely circumstantial. It's the kind of stuff good defense attorneys love to sink their teeth into, because cops can and do fake stuff like this all the time. So why did he get convicted? Because of a counter-example to Scott's Plaintiff Principle: never ever ever take the stand in your own defense:
In a characteristic exchange under cross-examination, Reiser tried to explain why he'd removed and discarded the passenger seat from his two-seater Honda CRX after Nina vanished. His explanation: He'd been sleeping in the vehicle, and wanted the extra room. Asked why he hosed down the inside of the car, leaving an inch of water on the floorboard, he explained that the interior was dirty, and he mistakenly believed the water would drain out.
The description in the article paints the man as a genuinely unpleasant person to be around, and in my opinion indicates he's suffering from a pretty severe mental illness. Which is sort of surprising to me, since I actually deployed ReiserFS on a few systems around here back in 2000, and the articles on his website seemed to me friendly and conversational.
Of course, it's not known as a "descent into madness" because people start off nuts, eh?
Mike P. gets a no-prize that'll wander down the street with its pants around its ankles for bringing us news (and picture) about someone taking a blown gun to a town's pigeon population. You'd think that, instead of offering some sort of reward, those PETA folks would get some traps and take the dratted things to the vet. Priorities, people, priorities!
Everyone look out, there's penis snatchers loose in the Congo!
Sometimes these things just write themselves: Missing man found dressed like doctor with dead deer in stolen ambulance. The article includes a classic "four-stiff-legs-in-the-air" picture of the aforementioned deer in the back of the presumably stolen ambulance.
Man. Where do you start?
Reason #412 Australia is a nice place but I probably wouldn't want to live there: a plague of poisonous spiders bad enough to shut down a whole hospital. It would be just Mark's luck he'd break a leg across the street from that one.
Actual headline: Priest attached to party balloons vanishes in Brazil. And here we've been wasting our time just attaching notes to them!
Reason #134 the rain forest is evil: It's ability to generate new and entertainingly deadly viruses. Take that, ebola!
And in the "freaky, seemingly pointless, yet somehow compelling science" category we have an experiment that alters fruit fly brains so that females are genetically programmed to think they're male. Look, sometimes you have to do science for its own sake, because you never know where it'll lead.
Bacon-flavored lollipop, anyone? Something tells me this one would stay at the bottom of the ol' candy bucket for a long, long time.
Pretty sad when you get run over by the car you tried to steal. Sounds like it ran right over his head, too. Oh, and the article gets my nomination for "year's most poorly written news report."
Reason #432 not to smoke: you could get trapped in an elevator for 40 hours trying to come back from your smoke break. And be immortalized in (included) video with that awful mullet everyone thought was so cool back in '99.
Just in time for a particular anniversary, we have news that yes, it definitely could've been worse:
The daughter of a woman made a gruesome discovery while going through her bedroom closet after she'd died -- the decomposing body of another woman wrapped in plastic, blankets and a sleeping bag.
According to the article, the family never caught on (or wind) because they were never allowed near the house.
No, really, when turkeys attack:
About five to 10 of the birds have been pecking at the postal workers as they make their rounds, and some of the birds have attacked the letter carriers with the sharp spurs on their legs. One of the birds went through the open door of a mail truck and scratched the driver.
Time to carry a .410 with bird shot, I'd think.
Update: Linkee now workee.
And here I always thought it was the drivers who'd be the troublemakers:
FORMULA One motor racing chief Max Mosley is today exposed as a secret sado-masochist sex pervert.The son of infamous British wartime fascist leader Oswald Mosley is filmed romping with five hookers at a depraved NAZI-STYLE orgy in a torture dungeon. Mosley— a friend to F1 big names like Bernie Ecclestone and Lewis Hamilton— barks ORDERS in GERMAN as he lashes girls wearing mock DEATH CAMP uniforms and enjoys being whipped until he BLEEDS.
Assuming it's true, well... dude, wtf?!?
Another day, another twister tearing through my home state. It seems nobody got killed, thank goodness. Oh, and note the backhand redneck reference right in the opening.
No, really, when crocs attack:
A woman has been rescued from the jaws of a saltwater crocodile in Australia after her husband jumped onto its back and forced it to flee.
Pat gets a no-prize with a real knife for bringing us yet another reason nobody should ever live near the water in Australia.
Annie gets a strangely disturbing no-prize for bringing us this DIY knife block. Let's just make sure that stays off our Christmas list, kay? :)
I guess if you're dumb enough to think you can get rich using mercury to get at the gold inside computers, you're dumb enough to do it in your house. Mercury is dangerous, mmkay? Geeze. I thought everyone learned that back in junior high.
It would appear Comcast's efforts to stuff more channels into their digital domain aren't as unnoticeable as they'd like. This sort of thing had relatively few consequences in times past, but now that competition is a reality, it probably won't go well for the executives who thought this whole thing up.
Fark linked a single weird UFO picture, which seems to be a single shot from a series being featured on not one, not two, but at least three different web sites.
Nearly everyone thinks they're photoshopped, and those who didn't thought they were generated with some sort of 3-D art tool. I thought the "viral video game marketing ploy" idea made the most sense, but that's just me.
Of course, it could really be a space ship, so who knows?
I'd be a lot happier if they were switching off lights to dramatize why we need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. The problem I have with environmentalism is not necessarily its (prima facia) goals, but that its most enthusiastic supporters never seem to admit that keeping the environment clean is expensive.
First go watch this, (all of it! Don't think I can't tell!) then come back and yell at me about how misguided my attitudes on environmentalism are.
Where else in the world but from the Pentagon can one request a set of batteries and receive a set of nuclear missile fuses instead? Alternate title: China.Cage.Rattle(new NukeFuzes[4]);
"Never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence."
Ok, now it looks like a winky with a frilly sock on top. "Modding" the Eiffel Tower to celebrate its 120th anniversary is all well and good, but isn't this the same tower that has to be closed periodically to ensure it's not dangerously corroded?
Another day, another example which proves that storing cardboard boxes in an oven is actually a pretty tame thing. Strangely enough, Olivia has (so far) completely avoided any really destructive escapades. Well, except for exploding makeup bombs at various points around the house.
Slashdot is getting reports that X-Box 360 owners may have a long wait before their console supports Blu Ray. To which I say, "meh." The HD option is apparently a very fine DVD player, with excellent upconversion. If it were me, that'd be plenty enough for me to sit tight and wait until Blu Ray players drop far enough in price for me to pick one up.
Those of you wondering if our post-9/11 pilots are packing need wonder no more. If the tests on the popular show Mythbusters are any indication, discharging a gun in an airplane as it's flying around, even when pressurized, is nowhere near as dangerous as Hollywood has made it out to be. It is still a gun though, so it's still pretty damned dangerous.
Your safety. Let me show you it.
Your safety.
Pat gets a no-prize with a moose bite in it for bringing us news of the untimely and strange demise of a former Abba drummer. I thought things like glass doors were tempered to prevent exactly this sort of accident from happening. Who knew?
I dunno, if Glenn keeps this up we might have to accuse him of having a sense of humor as twisted as our own. Of course Lileks got all wordy on it. How did anyone survive childhood in the 50s and 60s?
The YouTube link is the best!
Vodka fans in the audience may be surprised to hear someone's come up with a recipe for bacon flavored vodka. Somehow I don't see Absolut making this one of their new flavors. Then again, who knows?
Being the parent of a daughter, I can only hope my child is at least somewhat less likely to pull a stunt like this:
An 18-year-old man using a shopping cart to "car surf" was killed when a Cadillac sport utility vehicle he was holding onto hit a speed bump and threw him to the ground, according to authorities.
Then again, I got through my teens & twenties without doing anything even remotely this stupid, so perhaps it's more a matter of parenting than it is biology.
I'm not sure if I should be comforted by that or not.
Finally, a coconut crab picture with some scale. Ok, things without spines have no business being as big as a dog, mmkay? And I'd be damned annoyed if one disassembled my fence to get at my garbage. Raccoons are bad enough!
Update: Joshua found video!
An engineer has demonstrated an implantable blood-powered display device. He configured it to act like a cell phone, but there are other potential uses. An implanted cell phone that never needs recharging. I'd never speak to my wife again.
Well, except over the phone.
Sometimes this stuff just writes itself: Twin gay porn stars arrested in rooftop robbery burglaries. Twins together in a porn flick is just a wrong no matter what. Stir in the "none of my business as long as I don't think about it OH MY GOD I'M THINKING ABOUT IT!!!" homophobia common to most heterosexual males and, well, it just don't get no skeevier than that.
Time for the brain bleach...
It's a beauty pageant that has it all: fancy dresses, fancy makeup, and muskrat skinning. No, really!
And it's in Maryland, of all places.
Ever wonder what it actually looks like when a trucker f's up and drives an oversized load into a tunnel? Wonder no more. With video goodness!
The sad thing is, the only reason we're hearing about this guy is he's famous:
The saga of Tony Rosato, in which the mentally ill comic actor from Saturday Night Live, SCTV and Night Heat spent more than 800 days in jail on a domestic harassment charge, mostly because he denies he is sick, then was transferred to a psychiatric institution in a creative legal manoeuvre that embarrassed the Crown last summer, slipped from the sublime into the ridiculous yesterday.
The vast majority of people this sick are never heard from at all. Well, until they kill themselves or others, that is.
How a constitutionally bounded free society deals with its mentally ill is probably one of the greatest unsung challenges it will ever meet. To date, not one has done so satisfactorily. They may not ever be able to, making the pathologically unreasonable the ultimate albatross to liberty.
This guy took that whole "let them eat cake" thing way too far. I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often in extreme eating competitions.
Leave it to China to take hiking to a completely new extreme. Sorta puts the Appalachia hike into perspective, eh?
Who needs an education when warm-and-fuzzy groupthink works just as well? Somewhere (hopefully an extremely warm undergroundish sort of place) Walter Duranty is smiling.
I've heard guys wanting it "stiff as a rod" before, but this is ridiculous. No hardware near the gear!
Via Mahmood.
Turns out putting fake boobs on your leg tat doesn't work out so well. I can haz infexun?
Had this happened in America, there would be liability lawyers calling him right now:
The unnamed customer from Doncaster, South Yorks, had ordered the display mannequin over the internet mistakenly thinking it was an adult sex toy. He had to use a pair of heavy duty scissors to cut the dummy and set himself free.Cheekily instead of feeling a right dummy, he then asked for a REFUND from the suppliers but they were said to have “politely refused.”
All aboard the failboat!
Four foot worth of WWI-era German torpedo will definitely put a crimp in anyone's fishing plans, donchaknow? At first I think it's amazing they're still finding explosives from WWI after all this time. Then I remember just how gleefully Europe went at itself during those years, and I wonder why they don't find more.
In the "I honestly didn't know that was a problem" file we have WATCH FOR FALLING MOOSE. Explain that one to the insurance adjuster!
Problem: Precious male snowflake decides on a novel route to avoiding the second grade by insisting on dressing as a girl.
Solution: Not exactly what I'd vote for, at any rate:
An 8-year-old boy is preparing to return to his home school district in Colorado as a girl, so school officials are designating two school restrooms as unisex facilities, and preparing to counsel other students on the issue of transgenderism.
I've known for a long time that the existing public school system structure was fundamentally flawed, but I never thought it would result in something like this. And yet, once you get your head around the incentives that our centrally-planned, government-managed, "progressive" public school systems create, such an outcome is not only logical, but inevitable.
Yet another in the legion of reasons why Milton Friedman's voucher system is so urgently needed.
When some people trash a house, they really go all the way:
A years-old mummified body has been found in a cottage bathtub beneath layers of wood, plastic, dirt and sand, Phoenix police said.
No word yet if it's the former tenant or an unfortunate victim.
I guess it's nice to know the US holds no monopoly on bizarre money scams. I hate the phone so much I just don't answer it if I don't recognize the number. However, I don't run a business, so I have no reason to expect cold-calls out of nowhere. Considering that a successful business owner will already be a pretty savvy person, I can't imagine this particular scam would work all that well. Then again, nobody who turns to a life of crime does so because of an excess of brains. Quite the opposite, in my experience.
This week's "crap literally falls out of an airplane and punches a hole in someone's roof" story is brought to you by Calgary Canada.
It falls through the roof, then you say it, then you do it. Trifecta!
I got no idea what's going on here. From what I'm able to see, I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what's going here. What is it with Asians?
Ah, Carnivale. The all-night parties. The elaborately dressed women naked in all the right places. The dancing Hitler on top of a mound of dead Jews.
No, really!
Today's miracle photo-with-story comes to you from the western German city of Ludwigshafen. Tossing babies out of windows is obviously not an optimal solution to rescue, but if it's between that or watching them fry, well, I guess it'd be time to pray the guy on the ground was a good catch.
Lane G. gets a no-prize that proudly waves its hammer and sickle flag for bringing us the latest loopy attempt by the People's Republic of Berkeley to show "We. Are. Relevant!" Reminds me of the old saying, "when God created the United States, he picked up the East coast and shook it once hard, causing all the loose marbles to roll down to California." Seems to me that the further north you go in that state, the further left the landscape leans. Must be something in the water.
Scientists (or rather, "scientists") have announced that what really caused the World Trade Center to collapse was... *shakes magic 8-ball*... directed energy weapons utilizing the Hutchison Effect:
At the end of the first show, a caller said, “This is a revelation beyond revelations…this trumps everything…If this story ever gets out, it will change the course of the United States’ and the whole world’s history.”
Note how the wording of the press release basically rubs your nose in its "trutherness." How could one possibly doubt it? Then, of course, you wake up.
Well, considering how popular truthers are along the fringe, I guess we can only say some of us wake up.
Just in time for Valentine's day, a tampon flower bouquet. I guess everyone needs some sort of hobby, eh?
Strawberry flavored Cheetos, anyone? Olivia, like most kids her age, doesn't have a definition for "too sweet," so she'd probably dive into a bag with both hands. Not being her or Japanese, I'll have to give it a pass.
The MSM is justifiably famous for trying to hammer the square peg of truth into the round hole of narrative, but can they carry it too far?
Wait a minute. This is the media we're talking about here. "Going too far" is something that happens to other people.
Why, yes, this foil hat does keep me warm in the winter. Thanks for asking!
Via Instapundit.
Somehow, I wouldn't want a chick who was doing this to then start tinkering with my teeth. Happy gas, meet happy ending!
I've always thought some warm water would do the trick, or maybe trying to warm the pole with your hands to get things unstuck. But I guess, ultimately, the one sure way not to get your tongue stuck to a frozen flagpole is to keep it in your mouth.
Pat gets a no-prize with an inconvenient hole in it for bringing us the tale of the farmer, the crocodile, and the rescuer with poor aim. There's a reason you don't shoot at things that are thrashing around, although I must say if the choice is between a survivable gunshot wound and becoming lunch, well, that's not much of a choice at all.
Dell's latest "prosumer" laptops seem to have a grounding problem. Having recently become the owner of same (merry X-mas to me from me), I can only say it hasn't happened to me yet. The operative word there being, I suppose, yet.
Geeze, Liberia's so screwed up even their genocidal maniacs are ridiculous:
A former warlord known as General Butt Naked has confessed to Liberia’s post-conflict reconciliation commission that his men killed 20,000 people during the country’s civil war.
Insert "banality of evil" quote here...
It's not often you get to watch a crazy person lose it. People think insanity is all this cool/scary raving and swatting at things that aren't there, when in reality insanity is mostly just someone being a complete pain in the ass without ever once admitting it.
Deadly explosions at fireworks factories I expect, but in a winery, not so much. They bubble a lot of CO2, but I can't think off hand just what in wine making would be unstable enough to blow the roof off.
I've had folks around here pull some pretty ballsy moves trying to get me to do PC support on personal items, but I've never had someone try to get me to recover a hard drive full of their child porn. Wouldn't surprise me if he sued them for invasion of privacy. This guy might just get away with something similar.
He's not fat, he's big boned. The only difference between this guy and the monsters who terrorized me in grade school is most likely his language. Bullies, it would seem, can be found across space and time.
No, really, they're calling it "well dying:"
The mock funeral, which aims to get participants to map out a better future by reflecting on their past, is part of a new trend in South Korea called "well-dying." The fad is an extension of "well-being," an English phrase adopted into Korean to describe a growing interest in leading healthier, happier lives.
Complete with wooden coffins, nailed-shut lids, and dirt sprinkled on top. The bonus? Companies are paying to send their employees on well-dying "retreats." Puts a whole new spin on that damned 7 Habits retreat I was force-marched to a long time ago.
Another day, another bunch of oldsters trying to cash a dead friend's Social Security check. New York, 'nach.
I tried, I really did, to figure out the Buddhist angle in this "overcoming gender" essay, but each time I got down around the "gender is a disease" section my head would explode. It was beginning to get messy around here! So I'll leave it all up to you folks (who are demonstrably smarter than I am) to try and figure it out. I'd tell you to come back and explain it all to me, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't understand that either.
These things can't possibly be real. If they are, they can't possibly be street legal. I get dizzy looking at the regular spinning wheels. Now they're gonna start talking to me?
Still, the blond is awful nice. Yo yo yo!
AIDS Patients Face Downside of Living Longer
Sensationalist? Our editors?!? I think you overestimate their intelligence.
I guess it's worthy news, after a fashion. It definitely provides evidence that, while AIDS seems to no longer be a death sentence, the cocktail of drugs you take to control it can end up killing you just the same.
Then again, we all gotta die some day, eh?
Via Countercolumn.
While this alarming picture of a great white shark investigating a scientist in a kayak may not be particularly new, I'd certainly never seen it before. And since I am the center of the universe, that means everyone else needs to see it too. So there you go.
Inflated ego? Moi?
I shit you not. They have Zombie Porn.
NSWF! I know all of our horror, Zombie flick lovers out there will be ordering this one!
What a great way to start the holidays:
A little girl thought she was getting an iPod for Christmas but ended up getting a rude surprise. She got the box but when she opened it up, she found a surprising switch: the iPod had been replaced with a bizarre note.
Just from the wording of the note, I'm thinking it'll be someone who wobbled off their meds and decided to communicate their psychic discoveries to the world via creepy notes. It happens more often than you'd think.
I've heard of setting out unwrapped presents under the tree, but this is ridiculous:
A retired businessman is believed to have killed his wife and left her body under the Christmas tree before driving his car off the road and fatally injuring himself.
Those of you who felt your local office Christmas party was pure hell are pleased to be sitting down and shutting up now:
One zoo visitor was mauled to death and two others severely injured when a Siberian tiger escaped from its grotto at the San Francisco Zoo early Christmas evening and went on a bloody rampage in front of terrified zoo patrons.
Score turned out to be Tiger: 1, Keepers: 1. Since the animal previously mauled someone last year, I'm not feeling much love for "teh kittah."
Huffing and pyrotechnics just don't mix, man. Still, gave me a chuckle to watch, from this distance at any rate.
What have they done to everyone's favorite 80's automotive icon?!? A Ford! Blasphemy!!!
Heh. Like I really care. Still, it was definitely a surprise.
The Blue Man Group is all well and good, but some people can take it just a little too far. Drinking silver in solution does some damned strange things to a person, inside and out.
Ok, I'm a straight guy, so by definition I'm interested in boobs, no matter where no matter what. At least, that's what I thought, until I saw this. Oh, and I don't know just where the author got his definition, but in my book someone with soda can bottoms stuck in his ears and more metal and paint than a Maaco body shop is not what I'd consider a "traditionally manly guy". But that's just me.
All of you people who think radical Christians are worse than radical Muslims are pleased to be sitting down and shutting up now. Children's programming produced by Christian wackos may be teeth-achingly tacky, but at least it doesn't celebrate mass murder.
Fark (of course) linked up news of the creation of the ultimate "stuffed bird" dinner. Not content with just three birds, this dish lays claim to twelve birds stuffed into each other. Incredibly, all of this stuffing-into-things frenzy is apparently inspired by actual Tudor-era recipes. No wonder Henry VIII ended up such a butterball!
All those times the realtor told you it was bad to have a house near utility towers? Sometimes, just sometimes, they may have a point. Still, just how many 1000ft + TV towers are there in the world? And of those, how many might get covered in ice?
Considering what it did to that Honda SUV, I think I'd still stay inside.
There are places which fire simply shouldn't be:
Sweden's welfare board has criticized a hospital in Stockholm after a 40-year-old woman caught fire during a hemorrhoid operation, Aftonbladet reports.
Well, of course by fire I mean the "oh-my-god-is-that-smoke?!?" sort, not the "holy-crap-you-just-ate-a-habanero" kind.
A non-profit think tank concerned with nanotechnology's potential for abuse recently issued a report. The results are pretty much what you'd expect from a bunch like that:
The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, a non-profit think tank focused on studying the economic, security, military and environmental implications of nanotechology, has developed a series of scenarios dubbed "Nano Tomorrows." And one of those tomorrows involves the cheap and easy proliferation of "fabber," or "Easy-Bake," micro-UAVs with small explosives.
I'm more interested in a fab that'll let me make my own car, but I'm funny that way.
Ron gets a no-prize with a lot of complicated bits on for bringing us a Christmas book for... someone. My own opinion is, if you didn't come with one, you really don't need one. But that's just me.
It's not how a metal ring was removed that was the question, but rather how it got there in the first place. Then again, considering how desperately dumb some men can be when their willy starts to talkin', I guess I shouldn't wonder at all.
Oh, and kudos to Dremel, for yet another use. Is there anything it can't do?
Sick F&*KS
I bring you Star Wars tattoos.
Personally, it wouldn't completely surprise me if an obnoxious documentary film maker managed to find Osama bin Laden. If Osama's intelligence network is good enough to keep him away from our SF squads, it's most likely good enough to figure out four guys from San Fran really are just useful idiots with gear. The members of the peanut gallery with foil hats firmly in place will most likely think otherwise, but that's their problem.
I say, let 'em crash.
So what happens when a colostomy bag removal goes exactly 180 degrees wrong? More or less what you'd expect. Fortunately, there are no pictures included with the article. Yeesh.
Is it just me, or do Europeans seem more afraid of climate change than the wackos in the mosque down the street preaching their destruction:
Dead bodies could be freeze-dried, shaken to a fine powder and used as compost under proposals to introduce a new, more eco-friendly method of corpse disposal to the UK.The process, which is known as promession, has been developed in Sweden and aims to address the shortage of burial spaces and reduce the mercury pollution created by dental fillings during cremation.
This is not the regular sort of freeze-drying, which can take years on something as big as a body, but rather what I would consider "flash freezing": cooling a body in liquid nitrogen and then making it disintegrate like a block of Styrofoam.
Meh. As long as it's not required, I wouldn't mind it as an alternative to the regular sort of cremation.
It seems the "in-toy" for the season this year is roadkill. Two years ago Olivia wouldn't have cared, they were all just soft fuzzy things she could hug. Now, not so much. So put the charge card down, we're gonna ask you to pass on this one.
Quiet Riot lead singer Kevin Dubrow was found dead yesterday in his Las Vegas home. Celebrity dead pool trifecta now in play.
Redskins safety Sean Taylor has died from a gunshot wound suffered during an apparent break-in of his home early Monday. Like the Redskins needed more bad news.
Ron gets a damned sad no-prize for bringing us the news.
All this girl needed was some hariball remedy!
~Don't forget to do it on carpets, couches and or other nooks and crannies that your human cannot get to.
Alternate title: Insert Meaning of Life Joke Here. Sure, trying to remove a tattoo yourself is painful, messy, and leads to scarring, but think of all the money you save!
Amazingly enough, this "modern toilet" restaurant is located in China, not Japan. I'll let you guys make up the "crappy food" jokes as you like.
Abandoned police headquarters building, anyone? Don't know much about law enforcement, but it seems to me it's most likely against the law for some of that stuff to have been left behind. Then again, it's against the law to break and enter, which is what I guess these guys did to get the pictures. Still, that wouldn't be much of a case for a prosecutor, although of course they've filed worst cases on less. All-in-all, not much of an advertisement for some local government in Michigan, in my opinion.
Lisa gets a no-prize that tries to be so inoffensive you want to strangle it for bringing us the "no ho-ho-ho" Santa training. As bad as it is, it could be worse. This is just good ol' fashioned PC group-think leftover from the early 90s. Much worse are the attempts to strangle native traditions to avoid offending Muslims.
Sometimes I troll uselessly through Wikipedia, killing time and filling my head with what may, at best, help me win Jeopardy some day. Other times, I come up with a truly strange mystery worthy of DaVinci Code treatment. A six hundred year old book completely undecipherable to modern methods, yet elaborate and sophisticated enough to be quite resistant to hoax hypotheses, is the stuff of science fiction. This is the sort of book SF authors use to allow their time-traveling heroes to communicate with their handlers in the future.
The difference, of course, is that this thing is quite real.
Paging Rod Serling, White Courtesy Phone Please...
The article says this giant inflatable vagina was made for some sort of theater production. I'll take their word for it.
Assuming this tale of an orangutan sex slave is true, well hell, let's just all hope it's not, OK?
Unfortunately I'm not holding my breath.
You know, the one where they read the labels on the salsa and then shout, "New York City?!?":
Corporate Welfare is alive and well in the farm subsidies bill. After seeing this article, I zoomed in more closely on Manhattan, just for fun. Here's the shot; red circles are proportional to the size of farm subsidies
Get a rope!
Your Democratic Congress at work!
I thought proselytizing wackos on college campuses went the same way as hair metal and jelly shoes. At least, I only remember them back in the late 80s, when I was an undergrad. They dried up a few years later, I always thought because the frat boys made it too dangerous for them.
Then again, the 80s are back, so why not this too?
Someone forgot to do a final check over the nuclear blueprints Iran just released. You'd think the explicit mention of nuclear warheads in documents released by Iran would have just about everyone else flipping out, but I can find very little mention of it on, say, the Washington Post's website. Am I missing something really basic here?
Keep in mind we're not the only ones damned unhappy with Iran's little pet project. The French have quite explicitly warned Iran it too would take whatever steps necessary to prevent the mullahs from getting their own bomb. Wouldn't it be a surprise if it turned out to be French Typhoons that did the deed?
Via Instapundit.
Robert R. gets a no-prize that wants steak for bringing us this story of a man who decided to atone for killing two dogs by marrying one.
Yes, there's a whole gold mine of marriage jokes in there; No, I'm not going to make a single one of them.
Those wacky Japanese are at it again, this time with a coin bank that "explodes" if it doesn't see activity for a long time. The funny thing is, Japan's mania for saving is widely seen as one of the things dragging the country's economy down.
Great. Just great. Now I gotta worry about the goddamned cruise ship industry:
Pollution from ships, in the form of tiny airborne particles, kills at least 60,000 people each year, says a new study. And unless action is taken quickly to address the problem – such as by switching to cleaner fuels – the death toll will climb, researchers warn.Premature deaths due to ultra-fine particles spewed out by shops will increase by 40% globally by 2012, the team predicts.
Sensationalist? Our media? Surely you must be joking!
Jimmy Carter, the mediocre president and reasonably decent humanitarian, seems to have added "cat killer" to his resume some time around 1990. Yeah, accidents happen, but why put something like that on display?
While this dishy gossip column about how David Copperfield picks up women at his shows is quite detailed and lurid, I'm thinking it's most likely a hoax. There are just too many people involved, many of whom would've been complete strangers, for this to have been kept secret for any real length of time. In my experience, the chances of a secret getting out go up by the cube of the number of people involved.
Which is not to say he's not a complete nutter. Most successful artists are. I just don't think this particular nuttiness is for real. But I've been wrong before.
Well, I guess in a way it's nice to know that in India, traditionalists find specific kinds of birth defects divine, instead of cursed. Fortunately the child was born in the 21st century, and so has a very good chance of leading a normal life, after the requisite round of surgeries.
Well of course the recent bombing of... something... in Syria was actually the work of US Air Force fighter-bombers dropping tactical nuclear warheads. I mean, come on, don't you people keep up with these things?
If loving Al Jazeera is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Today's "X-ray of knife rammed half-way through a head" story is brought to you by Iraq. Sometimes, it's just not your day to go.
Is that a lion in your front yard, or are you just glad to see me:
Using a video camera and raw chicken, state officials hope to learn whether the king of the jungle is prowling the woods of West Virginia.
Just in time for Halloween!
Of course you know this sort of thing would happen in Florida. Money quote: "Homosexual necrophilia is what the purpose was." Bonus: great "man-on-the-street" interviewing straight out of a Jeff Foxworthy skit.
Well, I guess you're still growing something, even if it does appear to need blood. Mark gets a no-prize shaped like a skinny chick in black for bringing us this great just-in-time Halloween gift.
... Ya gotta go:
If you're stuck in traffic when Mother Nature calls, Japan's Kaneko Sangyo Co has developed the loo for you.The manufacturer of plastic car accessories drew back the curtain today on its new portable toilet for cars.
Great. Now I'll have to worry about Buffy and her Cell Phone of Doom while she's sitting on the can. Ah well, at the treacly rate traffic moves around here, wouldn't be much more than a tap. And boy, a slosh from that thing'd be just about the best punishment I can think of!
Great! Now I have to start worrying about the trees:
Carnivorous trees grabbing humans and cattle and gobbling them up is not just village folklore.Residents of Padrame near Kokkoda in Uppinangady forest range sighted one such carnivorous tree trying to dine on a cow last Thursday. According to reports, the cow owned by Anand Gowda had been left to graze in the forests.
That's some serious woody pwnage right there, dude.
I'm not completely sure this astrologer's look at David Copperfield's recent troubles is legit, but it certainly makes for interesting reading. In a, "wha?!?" sort of way, that is.
Hello Kitty-themed AK-47 anyone? Olivia took one look at it and demanded one for Christmas. Said she's gonna shoot bad guys with it. Heh...
Making the rounds: a robotic AAA weapon malfunctioned and ended up killing 9 soldiers. No word yet on whether it was a mechanical or software problem that caused the failure, but anecdotes in the article seem to indicate these weapons have a reputation for flipping out.
Personally, I'd draw the line well before a tattoo needle ever came anywhere near my eye. Other people, not so much. Just when you thought people couldn't get any more extreme...
Just when you think humanity couldn't get any weirder, someone goes and proves you wrong again. I bet he can hear what one hand fapping sounds like a whole lot better now.
Ron gets a dark and scary no-prize for bringing us direct quotes from everyone's favorite Persian presidential loon on Israel, Jews, the US, and the west in general. You only thought he was a wacko.
Thing is, as I understand it anyway, the president is really not all that powerful in Iran. The "Supreme Leader" and the "Council of Guardians," both culled exclusively from the deeply conservative religious establishment, are where the real power is concentrated. In other words, a bunch of hyper-conservative Pat Robertson types with robes on who the western press doesn't even know exist are the people we actually should be paying attention to. They could be more wacky than ol' Pajamamani, they could be less. We just don't know.
Have a happy day!
Of all the loony "jump, dive, and scream" things I've seen, the catapults are the ones I find most appealing. None of that "watch the first step" panic of bungee jumping or sky diving. Then I saw this.
Yeah, even I have my limits. One rule of mine is definitely, "thou shalt not require a parachute to ensure thy safe return." Nice to have as a backup, but not required. Bok bok!
I'm not sure what's more bizarre, finding a mummified leg in a grill you just bought, or getting in a custody battle over it.
Well, if nothing else, it'd give the guy a leg up at the next BBQ shootout.
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal!
And all this time I thought flame was one of the first things they taught you to keep away from your package. Kids these days, I tell ya.
Note: video contains much man-ass and a little bit of flaming junk, so probably should call it NSFW.
Things over at Blackwater seem to be going from bad to, well, splat:
"They wouldn't pay me if they knew how much fun this was", a Blackwater contractor to the US military said just before the plane he was flying crashed, killing all six on board.
It's beginning to seem to me that all those Iraqis saying our troops were barreling through their towns shooting people at random were most likely telling the truth, as near they saw it. When a white guy with a gun is shooting at you, identifying whether or not he's a GI or a security grunt kinda takes a back seat, kno'wha'Imeen?
I'll see your taser and raise you a whole electrified jacket. I can't imagine it being particularly affordable.
First flesh eating bacteria, now brain eating amoebas. I used to regularly water ski down the Arkansas river when I was a kid. It's a wonder I survived. Now I think I'll just stick to swimming pools, thankyouverymuch.
Just when you thought Carrot Top couldn't get any weirder looking...
I've never seen his act, but he was all over the damned place in Vegas a few years ago, so it seems he still gets work. Which I guess is obvious, because it probably costs a lot of money to look that strange.
Let's hope this doesn't catch on in the US:
[Middlesex Ontario Provincial Police Const. Doug] Graham said police were aware that kids were taking body sprays, in particular Axe and Tag, spraying them on objects and lighting them on fire, but since Tuesday’s incident at a London-area school they have learned that lighting people ablaze — usually for a split second — is a popular pastime among some teens.
I did my fare share of "Lysol flame-throwing" back in the day, but I never pointed it at anyone. I guess I just missed out.
While this video of a motorcycle-truck collision is sorta fun to watch, I have to think there's more going on here than at first meets the eye. To me at least, it seems likely they practiced this several times to get it just right, and he may not have been in anywhere near as much danger as it would at first appear.
But whaddahell do I know?
Just as well Hajji was a little tight on the trigger with this one. Reminds me of old WWI footage I've seen over the years.
Via Siflay.
There's crowded market places, and then there's crowded market places. You'd think by now they'd build up instead of out onto the tracks, but what do I know?
Intensive care specialist Dr. Lina Pavanelli has concluded that the ailing Pope's April 2 death was caused by what the Catholic Church itself would consider euthanasia. She bases this conclusion on her medical expertise and her own observations of the ailing pontiff on television, as well as press reports and a subsequent book by John Paul's personal physician. The failure to insert a feeding tube into the patient until just a few days before he died accelerated John Paul's death, Pavanelli concludes. Moreover, Pavanelli says she believes that the Pope's doctors dutifully explained the situation to him, and thus she surmises that it was the pontiff himself who likely refused the feeding tube after he'd been twice rushed to the hospital in February and March. Catholics are enjoined to pursue all means to prolong life.
Read entire article here
Well, I guess it's nice to know there are people loony enough to shoot their own hand. And, of course, videotape it. Teh intarnets r wunnerful tings.
Note: SFW, but damned graphic. Keep that dude wherever he happens to be, which I hope is far far away from me.
Ron simply won't be able to resist this one. Yet another reason to drink lagers!
I knew a young idiot who swallowed a snake.
He lived, what a fake.
Dedication to education is sending your kids across a wire over a raging river to get to school (with picture). Olivia can be a helluva thrill seeker when the mood strikes her, but I'm not at all sure she'd be up for this. I know I wouldn't.
While I've known for awhile you can dip an entire computer into cooking oil and still have it run, I had no idea the oil would get so hot you could fry things with it. If it's that hot, I'd want more than a disposable baking pan to hold the oil. I wonder how (or even if) the cooling fans coped with the stuff?
I guess when someone like Mozart says, ahem, "Leck mich im Arsch", that makes it respectable, no?
Yeah, I didn't think so either. Still, was worth a try.
Seems like Christmas has come early for some activity Maori groups:
The United States returned the tattooed head of a Maori and bones from 13 others to New Zealand on Monday — the latest repatriation of indigenous remains from overseas museums, a Maori expert said.
Explain that one to the postal inspector!
Over-salted hamburger? Yep, that's an arrest:
A McDonald’s employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer’s burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.
There's definitely something else going on here. Could be an obnoxious employee, could be an obnoxious cop. Hopefully they'll keep at it and find out.
I'm not at all sure "Marry Our Daughter", a site which purports to be "an introduction service assisting those following the Biblical tradition of arranging marriages for their Daughters" is for real or not. It definitely has a whiff of satire about it. Still, if it's not illegal I don't suppose it's much my business. I do, however, reserve the right to think it's creepy.
When playing with fire, it's always better to have a chemical fire extinguisher handy, instead of a garden hose. And don't believe grampa when he tells you dish washing soap will protect you. It doesn't.
Ya know, when the skin falls off it's time to move on, ok:
It is a devotion that transcends death and social convention, for their mother, Annie, died ten years ago.Since then, she has been kept in cold storage in a funeral parlour in northwest London. Her body, which was treated originally in formaldehyde, has wasted since then, according to a relative of the sisters.
It gets weirder! No, it does!
Fried goat. It's what your flight's having for dinner:
Officials at Nepal's state-run airline have sacrificed two goats to appease Akash Bhairab, the Hindu sky god, following technical problems with one of its Boeing 757 aircraft, the carrier said Tuesday.
The article makes it sound like the sacrifice fixed the plane, but I imagine there are a bunch of wrench monkeys on the flight line who'd have an issue with that.
Besides, if all it took to fix a bit of technology was sending a goat on another spin of the reincarnation wheel, there'd be a run on the damned things wherever exists an IT department. Bet on it.
For proof that people can swirl a conspiracy about absolutely anything, one only need examine the theories flying around Denver International Airport. Hey man, sometimes I know it feels like the end of the world when you're stuck there for 6 hours, but really, maybe it's time to take your meds on schedule, eh?
Everyone's favorite air strike target loopy slap happy president is at it again:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sought to justify his confidence the United States will not attack Iran, saying the proof comes from his mathematical skills as an engineer and faith in God, the press reported on Monday.
Engineers are rightly famous for their habit of assuming they're experts at everything because they're experts at one thing*. I just didn't think one would manage to float this far to the top. Guess the pool's not all that deep, eh?
Via Yourish.
* The Pocket Protector Principle, if you will.
Lord bless Wikipedia, without which we would never have learned about the late and unlamented sport of "fox tossing." It's exactly what you think it is. Monty Python is turning out to be more of a history class than I'd ever thought (or feared) it would be.
It's official. You can now order absolutely anything from Amazon. Fresh rabbit from teh intarnets. Whodathunkit?
It would seem there's a FAQ on public restroom sex. Who knew? If this stuff is for real, it would seem the Gentleman from Idaho was doing much more than "widening" his stance.
Introducing PCOS: yet another weird thing that can go wrong with women:
During her sophomore year of high school, Jennifer Robidoux noticed a series of strange things happening to her body. She gained 35 pounds in one year. Thick, dark hair started to sprout from her chin, cheeks and stomach, and her period stopped for six months.
Two years later, Robidoux learned she had polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that stops regular ovulation, triggers an increase in masculinizing hormones and is a leading cause of infertility. PCOS gets its name from the small ovarian cysts commonly seen in patients. The syndrome now affects one in 15 women worldwide, according to a recent report by Australian researchers. The report predicts that as obesity rates increase, so will cases of PCOS.
Wtf? Who ordered that?
The more you know...
For further proof of George Lucas's marketing genius, one need only read about the original lightsaber prop being given a ride on the next Space Shuttle mission. Like they all got nothing better to do! Let me tell you, those kids he adopted? Now that, my friend, is what's known as hitting the lottery. He's going to leave one helluva inheritance, s'all I'm saying.
No, really, when pets attack:
A man who lived in his own “zoo” of lizards and insects was fatally bitten by a pet black widow spider — then eaten by the other creepy-crawlies.
Don't worry Grammas, Ellen's not allowed to have poisonous critters.
You know when the clip starts out with, "now he's gonna break something else," it's not going to end well. All things considered, I'm pretty sure I'm glad they didn't roll him over before the clip ended.
This has to be one of the weirdest cases of IM "love and lies" I've ever heard about. An old man makes up a teenage identity. Yeah, ok. Gets a different teen to fall for him. Happens all the time. Then it goes all pear-shaped. Be sure to stick with it to the end, there's one helluva twist before it's over.
Seems to me only the Japanese would be capable of this. Everywhere else there'd be mass hysteria, riots, and hell probably a few drownings. There everyone just crams together and giggles along. Now that's one pool of water I definitely wouldn't want to get up my nose.
After being lost for sixty-plus years, a group of airmen who crashed in the Sierra Nevada mountains seem to have been found. From the report, it appears two of the four have been recovered from their forlorn grave site. Now that the location is better understood, it would seem to only be a matter of time before the other two are found.
In Soviet Russia Islamic nation, weapon fires you. There's a reason why you have to be trained to use a mortar, and why they're so ineffective when Hajji uses them. If we're lucky, it got the cameraman too.
Via Countercolumn.
Naked, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Mark gets a no-prize that'll eat him if he gives it a chance for bringing us an abject lesson in why bears and drunks don't mix.
Problem: thousands of stray dogs clog the streets of your cities, some of them dangerously aggressive and prone to rabies.
Solution: MMmm... soup:
New Delhi's stray dogs lead a difficult life. But if it was up to one city councilor, they would find themselves in more hot water -- soup, to be precise.Shipping the thousands of strays to Korea, where dog meat is widely consumed in soup, was one of the more outlandish ideas proposed at a city council meeting to deal with the problem, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported Thursday.
When a quote from a city councilman in a country half way across the globe makes it to the front page of a major news service, you know you've got a slow news day on your hands.
I can't help but think this "world's creepiest children's book is a hoax. Kid's books for teen problems? Then again, considering how f'd up the world seems sometimes, I wonder...
A Dutch bishop has publicly called for God to be referred to as Allah during Christian services. The reaction was, to the credit of the Dutch, almost exactly what your reaction was just now. How such a complete nutball ended up in such a position of power is rather a mystery to me. Then again, most things Catholic are.
Guns don't shoot people... turtles shoot people. Funny enough, this didn't happen in the south. From what I understand, there's not much else to do in the state it in which it did happen.
I'm just sayin'...
While everyone's playing up the cynical "make it prettier so it's more marketable" aspect of the Church of Death's change to its patron saint's image, I find the whole concept of the church rather fascinating. Not in a, "oh lord I just talked him out of a Buddha statue in the yard now what" way, but in a, "wow, what an interesting idea" way. Could this be a re-casting of LeVey's Church of Satan, filtered through the unique experiences of Catholic Mexico?
I dunno, while this curricula of a Christian high school math department makes for some unintentionally surreal reading, I can't help but wonder. The secular schools have made a damned big mess of things, and if these kids actually learn from these courses, why not?
In my opinion, the truth is as long as you know the basics, have the discipline and motivation to apply yourself, and the tools needed to learn the hard stuff, the rest is just decoration. Meh, their kids, their money, their business.
While This new traffic cam footage of the ramps to the collapsed Minneapolis bridge isn't as spectacular as the security cam, it does graphically demonstrate how the bridge had been choked down to just 2 lanes because of construction. Fewer lanes meant fewer cars, which probably explains at least part of the (IMO) low injury and death count in the disaster.
I still can't believe less than a dozen people died in this thing.
Cranky old men + hornets nest + gasoline = boom! I am rather surprised the nest made it through unharmed. Fireballs tend to be pretty effective against, well, against most things actually. He's lucky he only lost his eyebrows!
Of course the MN bridge collapse was caused by a secret US military sonic weapons test! I mean, Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick... get with the program people, willya? And hand me that foil hat, mine fell off when the bridge hit the water.
Via Drumwaster.
Night-vision equipped cannon: 1, Bomb-planting Haji: 0 Video contains some loud cursing at the end, and while it's not blood-and-guts graphic, it does clearly display what happens when someone gets busted planting an IED in Iraq. Unfortunately, it's my understanding these bomb-planters are not much more than patsies, looking for a quick buck. The ones we really want are the builders and the leaders. Still, that was definitely one less bomb and bomb-planter our guys had to worry about that night.
I had a feeling video of the Minneapolis bridge collapse wouldn't be long in coming. From what I can see, it looks like perhaps a dozen or more cars went into the water. It will be a miracle if only (at my last check) 4 people were killed in this.
Bridges don't "just" collapse. Something, probably a whole chain of somethings, went very wrong here.
Australian security officials are claiming Second Life and World of Warcraft are being used to recruit and train terrorists. I would've thought a more realistic multiplay shooter like Counter Strike would've been more useful, but what do I know?
Of course, this assumes we would want to sleep with them:
A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of you are what you eat to the extreme.Vegansexuals are people who do not eat any meat or animal products, and who choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners whose bodies, they say, are made up of dead animals.
Considering the looks of the couple featured in the article, doesn't seem to me to be much of a loss. Besides, I thought vegans didn't like being around people who eat meat because they smelled funny.
And that's another thing... I mean, if the milk comes from a free-ranging cow who's destined to live a long life of pleasant munching and farting, why not drink it? Yeah, yeah, I know, we're talking fringe-left politics, not facts. Expecting these people to be rational is like expecting a fair hearing of evolution in a creationist museum. But still...
Via Misha.
Alternate title: paging Tim Allen, white courtesy phone please:
A consignment of potentially deadly petrol-powered roller skates have been impounded amid fears they could end up being used on the streets.The adapted inline roller blades travel at speeds of up to 20mph with no way of braking and could explode in an accident, Trading Standards said.
Now that's a party, folks!
Considering my skills with the regular sort of in-line skates, I think I'll have to give these a pass. But if you pick up a pair be sure to send some video of your stunts!
What would we do without athletes and the screw-ups they perform on national TV? This time with personal-injury goodness!
No, really! giant jumping sturgeons:
Boaters and other watercraft riders are being hit and injured by giant jumping sturgeons at record pace within a 40-mile stretch of water in Florida.
The fish can grow to enormous size, so getting hit by one is not something to put on your to-do list. Explain that one to the insurance company!
An "amateur scholar" claims to have found a secret image hidden in Da Vinci's famous painting, "The Last Supper. By superimposing a reverse image of the painting onto the original, he claims to have found an image that includes a Templar knight and another individual holding a baby.
Unfortunately no examples are provided. You'd think someone over at MSNBC would have a copy of Photoshop handy, eh? To me, sounds like something along the lines of the Jesus Toast, but I'm a hard-bitten old cynic. Now get off my lawn.
Always remember folks, no matter how weird you think you are there's always someone out there who'll make you look like Ned Flanders:
Here’s a good case-study on both the creepiness and the pitifulness of the Furry Community. Meet Nekobe, the skeeviest furry ever. Wearing a filth-encrusted tiger outfit as his second skin, Nekobe — aka Bart Bervoets — is a toothless homosexual who has had unprotected anal sex with, by his own admission, “hundreds” of other people. He’s so creepy and insane that the furry community has put together an entire site to warn people about him.
Site has graphic descriptions, which may require mental bleach, but seems safe enough for work.
Meet Oscar, the fuzzy feline harbinger of doom! Now I know why mine are always laying on our bed watching me. They're just not as good at it as this one is.
I thought I'd heard of it all until Liz found a scam that involves a freaking reality TV show. Getting college kids to work really awful jobs nearly for free just on the off chance they'll end up on TV is damned devious. Unfortunately I'm not sure it's illegal. Another thing to file away for when Olivia is old enough to have her own checking account.
Looks like Lindsay Lohan is going to be the next tenant at the Paris Hilton LA Jail suite. There. We've mentioned it once. We will now go into "I officially don't give a crap" mode on this story.
I'm sure portraits made of chewed bubble gum are art, of some kind. I'm just not sure what sort of art it'd be. None for our house, Olivia would be picking it apart in moments.
For today's serving of "Those Arabs and Their Wacky Safety Regs" we have road skating. At least this bunch doesn't have explosive belts tied around them. For now, at any rate.
We just wanted to announced that crocodiles waking up with your hand in their mouth is bad mmkay?
Note: article contains very graphic, "look what the cat croc dragged in" picture. SFW, I suppose, but not particularly nice.
Lisa gets a no-prize that'll turn her off of hamburger for awhile for bringing us this rather grisly, albeit suitably bizarre, tale.
I was grateful, but a little puzzled, at the sudden pop of the boy band balloon. Seems that some of the reason behind it is the engine behind the movement has been tossed in the pokey.
Problem: Your economic (mis)management has created inflation reaching 60,000%, making prices so high they have zeros falling off the end.
Solution: Wal Mart-ize the prices, and arrest any shopkeeper who wants to stay in business.
Mugabe's in his 80s now, but he's done such deep and lasting damage to the country even if he died tomorrow it'll take decades to dig it out, and even then only if absolutely everything holds together and is done right. Considering most of Africa's governmental track record, that seems a vain hope indeed.
Unfortunately there are far too many of you out there who think simply commanding prices to be set really is a valid way to manage an economy. If that thought has ever even skittered across your radar screen (say, at a gas pump) watch Zimbabwe carefully, and learn.
Via Econlog.
Making the rounds: quarterback Michael Vick has been indicted by a federal grand jury in a lurid dogfighting scandal. Comes complete with tales of vicious cruelty!
I enjoy watching NFL football in part because the players are distinctive and colorful. Sometimes I just wish they'd be slightly less so.
What's about four feet long, can weigh over a hundred pounds, and swims? I don't know either, but Siflay does, and he includes some very impressive pictures of said monster of the deep. Hell he even links up advice for keeping one in a (very large) tank.
No, Ellen, you definitely can't have one!
China executed the former head of its food and drug watchdog yesterday for approving untested medicine in exchange for cash, the strongest signal yet from Beijing that it is serious about tackling its product safety crisis.During Zheng Xiaoyu's tenure as head of the state food and drug administration from 1997 to 2006, the agency approved six medicines that turned out to be fake. One antibiotic caused the deaths of at least 10 people.
Because this guy, you know, isn't. Breathing, that is.
Via TSO.
Hey Achmed, there's something fishy about that squirrel over there:
Police in Iran are reported to have taken 14 squirrels into custody - because they are suspected of spying.The rodents were found near the Iranian border allegedly equipped with eavesdropping devices.
I expect this thing to have been proven a hoax in a day or two, but for now it's fun to think these guys are really that loopy. Well, until you consider how much they want their own bomb.
That there's what we call a "comprehensive meltdown." Looks like something important let go, and then when he tried to start it again broken fuel lines and an electric fuel pump did the rest. It's a wonder nobody got barbecued.
Here's to third world sporting even safety standards!
No, really, when bikini wax attacks:
'Brazilian' bikini waxes are increasingly popular among women who live nowhere near the bikini-clad beaches of Rio de Janeiro. For one 20-year-old woman in Melbourne, Australia, this routine procedure nearly took her life.
Turns out she's a poorly managed diabetic who, from the article, sounds like she's got a whole lot of other issues which combine to suppress her immune system and make her more susceptible to infection, which the ol' b.b.w gave her. It's just as well there are no pictures. Something tells me this one's not likely to be a keeper.
Leave it to the Japanese to take a simple concept like "air guitar" and run it straight through weird right out the other side into silly surreality. Sometimes things just don't need much translation.
While I definitely enjoy air travel for its own sake, trying to optimize the whole thing so as to maximize airmiles seems a little extreme to me. Maybe when I was single, it would've held more appeal?
Ron gets a no-prize that'll scare little children for bringing us the latest in Grim Reaper automotive style. With a center of gravity that high, I'd be more than a little nervous taking it around a cloverleaf at speed.
No Ellen, you can't have one.
Wrecking ball: 4, POS Ford: 0. Explain that one to the insurance adjuster!
There's party leftovers, then there's party leftovers:
A Belgian man appeared in court on Friday after a woman at his dinner party found the bodies of his wife and stepson in the freezer as she put away the leftovers, prosecutors said.
Yet another argument for an open bar at the reception, and for only letting the most lit guest put things away in the freezer. You may not find the cake in the morning, but they may not spot the bodies that evening!
Leave it to the Japanese to take asceticism to a fanatically looney extreme. Considering there seem to have only been twenty-eight recorded instances of "self-mummification" in nearly 1000 years, it's not like just anyone was able to take some eight years to transform themselves from a (presumably) healthy person to a quite dead mummy. Take that, all you Christo & Islamo loons!
I'm not sure what the hell this is, but the artwork is certainly interesting. Macabre and grotesque, but also interesting. Anybody speak Russian?
Rockets do a lot of things well, but bouncing isn't one of them.
Olivia, while watching over my shoulder, "Daddy, what happened?"
"The rocket launched, and then it fell down and crashed."
"Yeah. They're gonna have to fix that."
50 mph, in a wheelchair, stuck in the grill of a semi truck. Amazingly, nobody got hurt.
Yeah Mark, you are f&^$'d up.
Iz Nazty.
International environmental movements are calling on China to sharply limit its tiger farming industry. In other news, China has tiger farms.
I'm definitely of two minds about this. While I personally find the concept of raising tigers specifically to harvest their bits distasteful, if a percentage of the profits could somehow be funneled into conservation efforts for the wild ones I can't really categorically state I'm against it. I mean really, how different is this from, say, a cattle farm?
The very existence of a legal, reliable source of tiger parts to help keep superstitious Asian wangs at full-mast will considerably ease the pressure on wild populations. After all, if the market is allowed to work the domestic stuff will inevitably be cheaper. Why trek through the jungle when you just have to pay a visit to farmer Ming to get what you want?
Introducing the Lilac Chaser, a new-ish (well, to me anyway) and fun optical illusion. Most of the time these sorts of things don't work for me, especially those "stare at it and see the pattern" things, but this one worked right off the bat.
Cucumber flavored soda, anyone? No more making fun of Olivia's fruit punch and grapefruit sodas, eh?
Kiwi flavored sausage, anyone? No, really! Soon to be featured at a San Francisco sporting event near you!*
* Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Well, I don't really like them all that much, but I do think they're interesting. As long as they stay on that side of the TV, that is. The article includes the first video I've ever seen of a goliath spider in the wild. Reason Never to Visit the Rain Forest # 423, far as I'm concerned.
Hippos keep a strict watch over their territories and threaten anyone who invade them. Their teeth are as sharp as razor blades and they kill more people than any other African animal. Despite this, they are actually vegetarians and feed exclusively on grass.
Read the entire article with picture goodness here.
you happen to be stacked on top of someone you don'tlike?
On the web site you can find: -- Peoples stories, both those of voice hearers and people who work with voice hearers as well as stories of hope and recovery.
-- A challenge to the medical model and ideas psychiatry has about voices as well as information about a more empowering and helpful alternative.
-- Information about the work and the contact details for all of the hearing voices groups and networks working across the world.
-- Information about research and publications on this new ways of thinking and working.
-- A news service, an events calender and a links page to other helpful organizations and sites.
I shit you not, this is a real site.
And in the "slow news day" department we have the announcement of an expedition to find the hole that leads to the center of the Earth. No, really!
The alpha boar, which weighed 75st (477kg) and measured 9ft 4in (2.8 metres), has been declared the new Goliath of the hog world, making Hogzilla, a 57st specimen killed in Georgia in 2004, look like Piglet by comparison. It has now been turned into sausages – 2,800 of them.
I could have titled this "Hog Kills Hog", but that would cause an uproar. No wait, I just did. My blog, bite me. Perhaps he needs to exercise his body a bit more than sitting still in a tree waiting for animals to pass on by.
No-Prize! to Nina for the submission!
And the latest entry in the "Captain Obvious" file is news that Cannes film-goers find a film documenting bestiality is shocking. With quotes like, "the men heard in the film are remarkably honest about their motivations. One of them argues "mammal to mammal" love should not be seen as wrong." And, "another firmly rejects the tag "bad person" his employer lays upon him before he is sacked. They all say the horses were willing participants. " you just can't go wrong, I guess.
'Scuse me, I need to go shower.
This has got to be the dumbest quote yet:
Ambulance spokeswoman Helen Robinson said: “The injuries were so severe that the woman was already dead at the scene.”
OK now look up at the Title of this story. Ya think?
Read asinine article here.
Do these things have bullseyes painted on them?
A millionaire businessman is suing a bus company, claiming a bungling driver caused more than £300,000 of damage to his rare Ferrari Enzo.Property tycoon Frank Mountain has issued a High Court writ after his 220mph supercar was hit by the bus in one of the most expensive prangs in motoring history.
From the pictures, it doesn't look like it was totaled, but still. And trust me, this guy is almost certainly out-of-pocket for this. Most insurers will hang up before you even finish the word, "Ferrari." They all will on a model this expensive and rare.
All those people across the pond who make fun of American schools that don't teach evolution for fear of upsetting a few religious nuts are pleased to be sitting down and shutting the hell up now:
[UK] schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed.
Of course, they haven't tried to formally ban the teaching, so I guess we're still one up on that. Comfort's not so nice when it's cold, is it?
Monstrous armored freshwater fish, anyone? Gar always scared the heck out of my brother and me when we were kids fishing on the Arkansas river, and I can't recall ever seeing one much bigger than 2 or 3 feet. If I had any idea they could get that big I probably would never have gone near the water.
Alternative title: when vegans attack:
An adult who was well-nourished in utero and in infancy may choose to get by on a vegan diet, but babies are built from protein, calcium, cholesterol and fish oil. Children fed only plants will not get the precious things they need to live and grow.
We have a few relatives who are vegans, as I understand it quite hard-line at that. Should they decide to ever have children, I do hope they take a cue from the world's oldest vegetarians and add dairy and eggs to their diet. If both are organically raised, it would seem to me an adequate "cover" to maintaining one's vegan credentials.
Ron gets a no-prize he better keep in the closet for bringing us this documentary clip about a boy and his doll. Realdoll, that is. This is possibly the first time I had to look away from a video that didn't have blood and guts in it. Video is SFW, if not for stomach.
In fact, it's so over-the-top creepy, I have a sneaking suspicion it might be a hoax. If it is, it's a pretty good one. *shudder*
... lawnmowers kill people. Let this be a reminder to everyone: if someone around you grabs a high-voltage line, they will not be able to let go and you must not touch them with your hands, or anything conductive, otherwise the electricity will get you too. Grab a broom handle, a stick, a (wooden!) bat, a board... anything non-conductive, and use that to push them off instead.
I've gotten popped a few times in my life, but have always been fortunate that the electricity "bounced" me off instead of locking me on. Very dangerous stuff if not handled with care!
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party. I always knew they were green on the outside, red on the inside. I just didn't expect the seeds to sometimes be shaped like swastikas. This was just too much, but research seems to indicate it's not a hoax.
Insert Blues Brothers reference here...
30 foot jump into a kiddie pool full of water, anyone? I thought the Guinness Book people had long ago stopped accepting records that were actively dangerous. Maybe, as the article speculates, it's not as hard as it looks? And I'll bet the unitard was used to reduce the sting. I hope.
Via Instapundit, who seems to be stealing our shtick with this one.
Inside joke: Brian?!? Is that you?!?
Far as I'm concerned one of the joys of maleness is a distinct lack of pregnancy. At least one guy disagrees.
Um... well, ok. Pay your taxes, stay out of trouble, keep off my lawn, and I guess I don't have too much trouble...
Oh hell who am I kidding? That's some seriously skeevy stuff over there, man.
Fat, drunk, and electrocuted is no way to go through life, son. I think the worst we ever did in college was get drunk and fry CDs in the microwave. Well, that and stealing an entire pre-mix soda dispenser system, complete with cannisters. Needed it to keep the beer cold, donchaknow?
Good times. Good times.
While the author of this "Top 10 weirdest medical anomolies" list clearly knows English as a second language, the result is still quite interesting. I'd read or heard about most of the disorders described, but not in quite such a succinct (if sometimes bizarrely broken) fashion.
Remember those stories about a fish that'd swim up your wee stream and lodge itself in your willie? All true man, all true. Unlike other stories I've read, this one has pictures of the lovely little critter. Language is a little blue, but otherwise the article is SFW.
The best part is how unflappable the anchorwoman is at the end. Hopefully the old coot was OK. Remember folks, zippy the electric arc says, "it's dangerous to touch uninsulated wiring!"
Recent reports seem to indicate everyone's favorite self-promoting heiress is brazenly driving around on a suspended license. This article seems to imply that's not the case, at least when the photos in question were taken.
Alternate title: Dammit! I ordered this to go!
Nothing like a known object to put an unfamiliar one, such as a goliath bird spider, in perspective.
Via Instapundit.
People are claiming to see all kinds of things -- orbs floating across the highway, apparitions on the side of the road hitchhiking, phantom trucks, you name it," book author Charlie Carlson said. "There are dead people beneath interstate 4."
What are you waiting for! Head out to I-4.
Photographing 25,000 people naked in the middle of Mexico City is definitely a unique thing to put on your resume. Nice work, if you can get it (SFW).
I'm sure these designs are supposed to promote safe sex.
Two words: tampon taser. Sorta makes that whole "sticky side up" incident pretty lame, eh?
It's nice to see that, in spite of market reforms, the Chinese communist party is still adept at double-talk. He wasn't "shot while trying to escape," he just got SADS.
Karma's a bitch, ain't it? I can't tell you the number of times some asshat ruined an on-line community I was participating in just for the hell of it. Everyone on-line wanted to find one of these freaks and beat the crap out of him, but (unlike this case) we never actually did. The fact this guy told the people he was tormenting where he lived and defied them to take action speaks volumes about his on-line attitude. I'm not condoning it, but I definitely take a certain amount of satisfaction from it.
Bad! Bad Buddhist! No biscuit!
I'm not completely sure this one's for real, but if it is hopefully the guy learned his lesson. Do not pee on electric fences!
It's nice to know foil hats will fit under all sorts of headgear. I'd like to think I'd be strong enough to walk away from someone making ridiculously antisemitic remarks. However, when I consider my track record with people who make ridiculously racist remarks, well, I'm not so sure.
Dinner whilst hanging from a crane, anyone? Finally a place we can have dinner without Olivia crawling under the table switching sides.
Seems like on-line love is alive and well out in cyberspace. Ellen and I are so old-school we remember when shenanigans like these were carried out on talkers and muds. The fact that a lot of you out there don't have any idea what a talker or a mud actually is just makes it worse.
Oh, and by the way, it is cheating. Period. Here are some rules that might help.
Ya know, I'm such a fan of 'za,
I'm not completely sure a loon wacking his own wang off would really put me off my slice. Certainly I'd make sure to grab it said slice* on the way out!
* Just so's the grammar police don't get all confused.
From song writing to toilet advice. Is there anything Sheryl Crow can't do?
I can't help but think this will turn out to be some sort of joke the folks at the Beeb just didn't get. At least that's what I hope, at any rate.
~ All I wanna do, is wipe some butt ~
The quartet duck is now a trio. Of legs, that is.
While the skills involved to create something like this are impressive, I can't actually see a steering wheel anywhere. That would seem to make this thing an exercise in creating a monstrous self-powered portable stereo system. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but in my opinion if I'm going to spend that kind of dough I better not have to push the damned thing anywhere.
Tractor Trailer: 1, 120 mph motorcyclist: 0. One can only hope what's left won't end up on Consumption Junction or some other place. Not that you'd be able to recognize it.
Having solved all other problems, the New York City government is considering promoting circumcision amongst male residents. The motivation appears to be the heightened AIDS resistance the procedure seems to provide. Then again, it also appears that NYC legislators simply have too much time on their hands. Personally, I recommend re-deployment as meter readers. At least then they'd do something useful.
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A zoo worker had his forearm reattached Thursday after his colleagues recovered the severed limb from the mouth of a 440-pound Nile crocodile, an official said.The crocodile severed Chang Po-yu's forearm on Wednesday at the Shaoshan Zoo in the southern city of Kaohsiung when the veterinarian tried to retrieve a tranquilizer dart from the reptile's hide, zoo officials said.
Read article and see picture here.
Nice to know the US doesn't have a corner on loony lefties. For whatever reason, the 2007 Tokyo gubernatorial results are available, and it looks like Pol Pot's spiritual twin ended up with 15,000 votes. Maybe his name looks like some other famous guy?
No, really, when elephants attack.
Note to self: When on safari in Africa, do not let the guides steer the boat anywhere near a shoreline containing large, pissed-off pachyderms with little babies in tow. Nothing good comes of it.
Running around fat, drunk, and stupid with a bikini on is no way to go through life, son. Pictures are SFW, but probably not SFE (safe for eyes).
I'm sure there's a story behind that, not sure what it is. Hopefully it just had the crew on board at that point (she looks like she's under power). I'd be one unhappy customer to have paid a ticket for that ride.
Alternate title: cop car: 1, crackhead: 0. Hey, at least he was wearing a helmet!
If this fark-linked article is to be believed, that's exactly what NASA did when it plunged the nuclear-powered Galileo probe into the Jovian atmosphere four years ago. The guy claims that the 144 pellets of plutonium-238 used to provide electricity for the probe not only survived re-entry, but held together long enough to be imploded by the atmospheric pressure of Jupiter's atmosphere.
While the concept of a nuclear implosion being triggered by atmospheric pressure alone is a staggering concept, it's definitely not out of the range of possibility when it comes to Jupiter. As I understand it, the pressures there are so great the planet is thought to be covered in thick layer of superconducting solidified hydrogen. However, I can't help but think that, considering the violence of the re-entry was utterly beyond any sort of design specification of Galileo's power supply, the pellets were simply scattered to the winds like dandelion seeds on a breeze.
Still, I suppose anything is possible. I mean, look at Al Gore...
The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals. The magazine’s investigations into this form of cannibalism took them to Liaoning province.
Read entire weirdness here.
To me, they are the extreme strange of the Asian world. I mean what do you expect? They eat dogs and cats.
If you have been denounced they toss you in prison. You get pregnant in prison, they abort you, even at 5 months. Hide it? They kill the children.
They are savages.
But back to the bunnies!
An east German pensioner who breeds rabbits the size of dogs has been asked by North Korea to help set up a big bunny farm to alleviate food shortages in the communist country. Now journalists and rabbit gourmets from around the world are thumping at his door.
Read entire article here
Communism is a shitty thing. It does not work out.
Comments? Fuck You. You don't get them this time.
Virtue(R)'s subtle blend includes top notes of apricot, pomegranate and fig that transition to a gentle heart of iris, warming to a golden base of rich, exotic woods of frankincense, myrrh, aloe, and spikenard. Several ingredients cost up to $4,500 per kilogram, making Virtue(R) a truly precious mixture of oils. It is available in a 1.7-fluid ounce French bottle and over cap, with 24-kt gold raised lettering on the bottle and embossed gold foil lettering on the box, pamphlet enclosed. Virtue(R) retails for $80 and is available only via the Internet at
Rush your order now!
Read article here.
15 million gallons of sewage don't just disappear, ya know? Something tells me there's a picture of guys in hard hats peering down a hole featured in a local paper this week. Push!
One in ten people in the world live less than ten meters above sea level. One in eight city dwellers do the same.
... and? They live there now because coasts enable trade, and trade enables growth, and growth is what lifts people out of poverty. It's only when people are no longer poor that they will begin to care about the environment*, and growth is the only thing that will improve the infrastructure to the point it becomes possible to live on higher ground.
So of course one of the things mentioned as a "problem" is "continuing economic growth." It just won't do to have all these brown people working their way toward wealth and happiness. We must lead them to the correct behaviors! Start massive building projects! Take corporate profits to pay for them! Just because it's never worked before doesn't mean we can't try again!
Maybe I should put a watermelon category up. You know, just to emphasize the reality of the situation.
* From memory, this is actually a low number, a per-capita wage of about $8500.
Even more obscure reference: Paging Georgia Lass, white courtesy phone please. No-prize to the first one to recognize it. And no Googling!
Ron gets a no-prize he can pick up at the weirdest confectionery shop in London for bringing us news of the capture of a monster toad in Australia. Big as a damned football! Unfortunately if the implications of the article are followed to their logical conclusion, Mr. Monster Toad is likely frozen stiff awaiting transformation into fertilizer.
No, Ellen, you can't have one.
Scientists are now reporting the creation of a sheep that's 40% human on the cellular level. The goal is to create animals that will provide perfect transplant organs for patients. While the "Frankenstein-in-fleece" creep factor looms large, I think the real concern will be for cross-species disease transfer. Critics are already bringing this up, but considering the value of a transplanted organ, it would seem to me an engineering problem to create an environment which would keep these sorts of sheep completely disease-free.
Ron gets a no-prize that'll look snazzy in a Tuxedo for bringing us yet another example of advertising disguising itself as journalism. I never did get much into magazines like Esquire precisely because the stuff they recommended was always so ridiculously overpriced. $750 for a pair of brown wing-tips sure does put my high-zoot bicycling shoes into perspective.
...that will shut them up!
"Hand-rearing a polar bear is not appropriate and is a serious violation of animal rights," Bild newspaper quoted animal rights campaigner Frank Albrecht as saying."In fact, the cub should have been killed," he added.
Like I said, we can solve the problem easily.
All men rejoice!
"I strongly believe that the Hooters concept is something that Israelis are looking for," Ofer Ahiraz, who bought the Hooters franchise for Israel, told Reuters Monday. "Hooters can suit the Israeli entertainment culture."At Hooters, waitresses the company calls Hooters Girls serve spicy chicken wings, sandwiches, seafood and drinks.
Ahiraz said a specific location in Tel Aviv, Israel's most cosmopolitan city, had yet to be chosen, but he said it would not open restaurants near large religious populations, and they would not be kosher.
Because if you do, they might mistake your thumb for lunch. This one takes awhile to unfold, but it works because for once you know one of these geniuses is going to get exactly what he deserved.
"Excuse me sir, would you like soda, juice, coffee, or a corpse?"
Having a flight crew load a dead body next to your first-class seat sounds like something out of a black comedy. Knowing how original Hollywood is, it most likely will be made into one soon.
Ron gets a no-prize with a surprisingly authentic grunt for bringing us news of ringtones based on the calls of endangered species. It's bad enough Ellen's phone detonates with this blaring trumpet fandango from who knows where. Now she can actually have it roar like a tiger? Just what I always wanted.
Slime: check. Bizarre shape: check. Weirdly made up model: check. That settles it, it's definitely high fashion.
A 13 year old monster from a small town near Columbus, Ohio who's managed to rack up 128 felonies in a single year. There's a really grim, ugly story somewhere in this kid's life, and while I'd like to think the Juvenile system will rehabilitate him, I can't say I'm holding out much hope.
Fark (of course) linked up news of a family promoting their own daughter's career in porn. Promoting it all the way to lobbying Real Doll to make a copy of her. Definitely the gold-standard story for the sheer number of skeeve factors.
... every day you see one of those funky dental picks incorporated into a bird's nest. The strange things you see on the way to buy a sandwich for lunch!
Is there nothing environmentalists won't try to ruin? European automakers only started to pay attention to environmental controls on automobiles when German scientists linked damage to Germany's Black Forest to auto emissions back in the early 80s. As noted in the article, congestion has forced speed limits to be imposed in many sections of the Autobahn, and obviates the lack of a speed limit in many others. Setting a mandated speed limit may be just a formality. More's the pity.
Don’t move that rock. You’ll kill the fairies! If nothing else, we now have definitive proof that the Luddites in Northern Virginia have not in fact tried everything under the sun to stop developers.
And from the, "what-were-you-f'ing-expecting?" department, we have the discovery that circumcision does not in fact halve the chances of HIV infection. The reason? The idjits aren't waiting for their incisions to heal before they start having sex again.
I can't think of a better place for a high-speed run in a street car than a closed airport runway. Well, except for the seagulls, I suppose.
Supercar owners, like their more common SUV cousins, sometimes need to be reminded the laws of physics still apply to them. Smashing a Bugatti Veyron doing 100 mph in a 40 mph zone in the rain is quite an accomplishment! You get a gold star!
The damage doesn't look any worse than a "substantial" crash of any other sort of car. Were it, say, an Audi or a Jaguar, I'd judge it to be expensive to fix but not a write-off*. However, this Bugatti is mostly carbon fiber (if not completely), so who knows? They might be able to screw the nose off and put a new one on, or there may be cracks that go all the way through to the back bumper.
Definitely glad it wasn't my car.
* Being a car guy who is a) into classic cars that often need bodywork and b) was somewhat... careless... early in his driving career, I'm actually pretty well versed in how body repair assessments work. I'm not a professional insurance adjuster, but I could probably play one on TV.
I guess all those people who, like me, thought it would be Federline who imploded are pretty amazed right about now. Definitely glad I didn't put any money in that race. For once.
I guess it sort of confirms what every man in America has known on some level for a long time: a lot of Britney's appeal was based on the "You can't have me, and you know if you did I'd hurt you 'cos I'm out of my freaking mind" buzz you could see behind her eyes. Also goes a long way to proving God is a guy, because only a guy in a bar would think it's funny to hard-wire his creations to reflexively want chicks like this*. We all do, but we all grow out of it. Usually through painful experience.**
Hopefully her sister, who is a regular on some Disney channel show Olivia sees ads on between Sponge Bob episodes, has her head screwed on straighter. Not putting any money on that one either, but having your older sister act as such a signal warning has to help.
* Call it the Jackass effect, writ large.
** Typically involving an emptied bank account and jail time. So I've heard.
Mark gets a very ex-no-prize for bringing us an example of why Haji should keep his head down. Apparently this is Hamas v. Fatah, although from the voices in the background it seems (to my tin ear anyway) to have been caught by an Israeli camera.
Update: Sometimes you get them in bunches.
Something you don't see on Jerry Springer every day.
Totally NSFW!
Melinda S. (whom I grew up with as Melinda M.) gets a very scary no-prize for bringing us the most detailed look I've seen so far at what's left of Dumas after the big tornado. So much for a sleepy little town never changing!
Looks like some people in the British government were looking into UFOs as late as the mid-90s. The conclusions were to be expected, but it's interesting to see "legitimate" researchers still looking into the matter occasionally.
I guess it was only a matter of time before someone turned a Fiero into a Jeep. Since it's a mid-engine car, it probably wouldn't be too shabby off-road (original Volkswagen Beetles are good off-road for most of the same reasons). Esthetically though, not so much. Any body kit that starts out, "first, chop the front foot of your car off" is automatically going to be suspect to me.
Meh, your car, your money, your business.
More updates on the Dumas tornado. Fatalities still standing at zero, although there are a few people with "critical injuries." This is the town I grew up in, and by the looks of it there's not too much left. A real shame, as last time I visited (this previous summer) was the first time I saw evidence of recovery/growth in more than a decade. Article includes a link to a video story.
Sink hole, meet city block. City block, sink hole. And we all thought sink holes that'd eat a few cars were impressive.
Possible tornado tears through Arkansas town
Several Dumas restaurants, a Mad Butcher grocery store and some nearby homes were leveled, KTHV reported. Video from the scene showed several buildings rendered nearly unrecognizable. A sign for a street located a mile away was lying in the grocery store parking lot.
Scary thing is, Scott grew up there. He has family there. All of those stores I saw, gone. Even my beloved Sonic.
Trust me, if the government really were spraying poisons and disguising them as aircraft contrails, whole swathes of the deep South would pay to have them loaded up with malathion and flown regularly over towns and fields in the summer. The mosquitoes really are that bad.
And these people really are that nuts.
And thank goodness for Fark linking up this far more reasonable article, otherwise there would've been a whole class of crazy I'd otherwise would've let pass me by.
The whole concept of a small south Pacific tribe worshiping Britain's Prince Phillip as a god just reeks of hoax to me, but apparently they've been documented as doing it for something like 50 years now. If it is a hoax it's a damned good one. Considering all they seem to have gotten for their troubles was a few pictures, it doesn't seem to have been that great a gambit.
"At the most, she should be flogged." I'm so glad he's here to tell us the real reasons why it's so important for women not to masturbate.
The sad thing is, if this speech had been tweaked only slightly and then read out in English, I'd probably have mistaken the speaker for one of the fundie preachers that infest the deep South to this day. More proof belief is a circle, not a line.
Pop quiz: evolution is:
Could be worse; he could be running for president.
One good thing about cats: they can't eat turtles. Untrained golden retrievers have to be one of the most enthusiastically stupid pets I've ever known. Happy and sweet, but dumb.
Policy: Arbitrarily set prices for foodstuffs based on what one set of damned fool know-it-alls (perhaps just a single know-it-all) think is "fair."
Result: Since prices can't rise and fall based on supply and demand, businesses stop selling and producers stop producing. In other words, shortages. If it goes on long enough, famine.
Reaction: Steal the stores.
It would be freaking hilarious if it weren't so damned depressingly familiar. In the early decades of the previous century, the poverty and suffering that inevitably result from command economies was easy enough to hide. In today's era? Not so much.
That said, this still isn't going to end well.
Alls I gots ta say is, if you think people are "donating" taxes to anything, toots, it's time for some remedial economics courses. Then again, I find it to be a pretty common belief on the left, that taxes are really just another form of charity. When I point out that donations are by definition not mandatory, whereas taxes are, I either get a look of startled realization, or of annoyed befuddlement. Unfortunately the latter is far more common than the former.
The whole, "US troops are just a bunch of bloodthirsty mercenaries pickin' cotton for the massa on the hill" theme of the essay itself I won't be making many comments on. I'll let Jason do that.
Being (presumably) protected by tenure and secured from the plebes and bourgeois by her ivory tower, I wonder if Dr. Terpstra will be as surprised by the vociferous reaction to her screaming example of unrepentant Marxism as was our good friend Billy Arkin? Perhaps more importantly, will the senior staff and faculty of Loyla University take any notice at all? All the world wonders.
I guess it was inevitable someone would start ricing up Alfas. I guess we'd call these "risotto", no?
"It could be worse!"
Kudos go again to Wikipedia, without which I may never heard of Able Archer 83, considered by some to be the closest the world got to nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Having quite vivid memories of what the world was like at the time, I'm amazed the government was up to such shenanigans. Everyone with nukes was pointing them at each other, finger on trigger, safety off. Both sides were engaging in such damned fool things for so long it's a wonder any of us are here at all.
The article does point out there's actually quite limited evidence for such an alarmist Soviet response. However, I've been doing quite a lot of reading about the first and second generations of Soviet revolutionaries, and such a paranoiac reaction was completely within their character. Can't say it happened, but can't say it didn't either.
Scary times indeed.
This story just keeps getting weirder!
The line of those claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter — a baby who could wind up being worth nearly a half-billion dollars — got a little longer Friday when the husband of 90-year-old Hungarian actress Zsa Zsa Gabor made the incredible claim that he fathered the child, and not two other men already wrangling over her paternity.
A really odd NO-PRIZE! to my Mom for bringing up the next part of this Anna Nicole saga.
Carrie gets a damned foolish no-prize for bringing us evidence that wacky fundamentalists trying to screw with natural history museums are not just a US phenomenon. Having bored journalists who'll stick a microphone in anyone's face is also, apparently, quite common elsewhere as well.
Not content with the milquetoast "sort of real, sort of functioning" socialism currently implemented in Europe, the EU has decided it's time to introduce some of the old-time (Marxist-Leninist) religion to their regulation:
The European Commission has proposed forcing carmakers to increase the fuel efficiency of new cars by 18%, by 2012.
Industry Commissioner Guenter Verheugen urged the industry to see the commission's proposal as a spur to innovation."The motor industry faces a major challenge... I would urge them to face up to it and not consider it a burden but consider it a positive challenge," he said.
Comrades! I have recently reviewed your production reports for the previous year and find them unacceptable! The targets set by the central committee are not to be questioned! Complaints of unrealistic goals and burdensome regulation are the workings of Trotskyite-facist saboteurs , and must be dealt with in the most extreme way possible! You must respond to this positive challenge!
-J. Stalin G. Verheugen
At least their car companies can blame the government when they fail. Ours, not so much. I'm sure such comfort will keep their former employees warm on the bread lines.
Dude... I mean, where do you start:
Deary Abby: I am writing on behalf of my friends at work. We have a co-worker, "Madge," who had a stillborn baby last year. It was tragic. Our problem is, she keeps a photo of the deceased infant with its little eyes sewn shut on her desk in plain view, so that if we must interact with her (we have an open cubicle layout) we have to see it.
Fortunately, the article is completely picture-less. I know that something like this can create long-lasting emotional trauma, but holy freakin' jeebus on a stick, we gotta have limits people. Limits!
Via WTF is it Now?!?, whose icon on this story is much better than our own.
I remember quite clearly when this British Airways flight nearly went down because it had flown through a cloud of volcanic ash. At the time, I thought staying away from such things was a complete no-brainer. As with all such things, the reality of the situation made it much more complicated than people realized at the time.
And from the "slow news day" department, Reuters discovers just how weird Mormons can be. The fact they've been baptizing by proxy for more than a century, usually quite openly, doesn't matter. Always remember The Reporter's Maxim: "If I've never heard of it, it must be news!"
I will have to admit I'd never heard of the "marriage by proxy" bit. I thought heaven was a place where bad things didn't happen to you!
Being unreasonable and tenacious isn't a crime. Or is it? I guess it depends on the group with which you are being unreasonable, especially when that group is the Church of Scientology.
Don't forget to scroll down to the comments, which to me bear a striking resemblance to our own encounter with the loopy unreasonable fringe (ignore the article, check the comments). The primary difference, it would seem, is that the Scientologists are a helluva lot richer than our kooky vampire hunters.
Via Instapundit.
Those crazy people from Singapore are at it again!
I spent good money on them to make sure they didn't
And that whole 48 inch waist thing? So not me.
To the general public, people like me are sick and strange, and that's where it ends. I think it is a question of fearing the unknown. I have something called body identity integrity disorder (BIID), where sufferers want to remove one or more healthy limbs. Few people who haven't experienced it themselves can understand what I am going through. It is not a sexual thing, it is certainly not a fetish, and it is nothing to do with appearances. I simply cannot relate to myself with two legs: it isn't the "me" I want to be. I have long known that if I want to get on with my life I need to remove both legs. I have been trapped in the wrong body all this time and over the years I came to hate my physical self.
"To the general public, people like me are sick and strange, and that's where it ends."
Uh...ya THINK!?
Read the whole f'd up article.
Mark gets a no-prize you better not eat for bringing us news of mysterious orange snow being found in a remote part (is there any other kind?) of Siberia. The fact that the snow is oily, and the region is at the center of Russia's oil industry, makes the culprit pretty obvious to me. Must've been a slow news day or something.
Soldiers say, "it's not possible to support us and not support our mission."
A lefty replies, "Just feel lucky we're doing that much, you mercenary coup-plotting punks. Now apologize and give me 20."
No, really!
This one's got the right side of the blogosphere in attack mode, and rightly so. I've got friends who do hold the "troops, not mission" line, and I've never heard anything even remotely like this from them. The comments section makes it even worse, since it seems all the loons from the thread we linked up yesterday went barking over there today.
You think I'm exaggerating. I'm not. If this is the best the hard-left can come up with, I'd hate to see what they'd get up to if they actually got hold of the levers of power.
Oh... wait...
Via Countercolumn (although essentially all the blogs I read are linking to it. Whee! Lemming time!)
Hooray! It's Skippy the Funeral Home Squirrel and His Topless Girlie Show Dancers!
No, really!
And 20-somethings wonder why it's so hard to start renting an apartment. Not a girl to be found anywhere, imagine that.
No, I wasn't like this in college. But I had friends who were.
While any site that purports to offer escape from the bondage of space time is worth a look to me, viewing it revealed a strange but rather happy old man bopping to 40s swing music and cooing "yes, it is" at random times. I'm sure Master Teacher had a point somewhere in there, I just wasn't able to find it. The Internet is a wonderful place!
Guard dogs protecting a fruit orchard in Malaysia have met their match – a 7.1-metre-long python that swallowed at least 11 hounds before it was finally discovered by villagers.
No biscuit!
Or, in this case, a body in a box:
The partially mummified body of a baby, wrapped in 1950s newspapers, was found Monday by a woman going through her deceased parents' belongings in a southeast Florida storage facility, according to police.
The things we hide away, forgotten and alone.
Making the rounds: pop singer Brandy was recently involved in a fatal car accident. The linked report gives much more detail than the blurb I read in the Post this morning, including a weird note about how many other "Moesha" stars have kicked the bucket recently (Brandy's fine, it was some other unlucky SOB who got her ticket punched).
Actually, I'm surprised it's taken this long for God to start hating goths. We have several friends who inhabit the gothic sphere, but even they admit they're out on the edge. I've been told more than once the really scary goths are the ones that come out for specific festivals and parties held around the region, and that the people I've met and/or hung out with are quite tame in comparison*.
Concerning my own child, I'm of two minds. If she eventually wants to dress in black and wear weird jewelry, well, she'll mostly just be emulating her aunt and her mom. If she starts hanging out with people who are No Damned Good, well, that'll be something quite different entirely.
Telling the difference is I suppose one of the most challenging aspects of being a parent. I'm so not looking forward to 13...
* Which, considering some of the folks we've seen over the years, is really saying something.
While the question was not directly asked of me, the correct answer is no, demonstrated bigotry is far from endemic in and definitely not limited to the GOP, and neocons world-wide have no particular corner on the intolerance market.
I expect the reply will be, "yes, but that's different." The problem is I'm not completely sure how.
Via LaShawn Barber.
The Kangaroo Scrotum Bottle Opener comes in a variety of colours, mostly shades of grey, brown and white and is Close up of Kangaroo Scrotumpresented tastefully; gift boxed, as are all products in our Gifts Of Distinction range.
Robert William Pickton is charged with the deaths of 26 women, mostly prostitutes and drug addicts who vanished from Vancouver's impoverished Downtown Eastside neighborhood in the 1990s.
Makes you want to read more. Especially since he was a pig farmer.
With this vintage chastity belt, I officially declare there is Nothing Under the Sun which is unavailable at E-bay. This is definitely one I don't want sniped, ok?
Oh yeah, definitely, gotta get me some of these:
Leggings made of microfiber cotton and wool, shown in violet, forest green and Milan fog gray, all of them with stirrup straps, except of course for a couple of them cut above the knee, accompanied half the looks in this poetic, polished and unexpected collection.
Probably cost $5k per pair too. Meh, what do I know? I regularly ride around in public in spandex. But stirrups?
Who the hell is sick enough to do shit like this?
The woman behind Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting may be buried near a now derelict building in the heart of Florence, according to archival documents.Read entire article hereThe exact location of Mona Lisa's burial site, the convent of Sant'Orsola, was just a about 900 feet away from the house of the artist's father, according to the historian, Giuseppe Pallanti.
Ever wonder what baseball-sized hail looks like falling from the sky? Wonder no more. Looks like the other end of a batting range for the world's largest little league practice to me.
Pop quiz:
World standard time should be based on Mecca and not Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) because:
Nice to know DC-area drivers aren't the only ones utterly helpless in ice and snow. Be sure not to miss the video!
Personally, I can't think of a more perfect article for our Weird & F'd up section than this extensive look at "TIs", people completely convinced they're victims of government-sponsored mind control. As with most people with very very esoteric interests, the internet is finally allowing them to find each other and organize in a way that brings more attention to their cause. While long, the article is still quite good. The descriptions of the victims' experiences are particularly compelling.
Don't get me wrong, I still think they're loons. But if finding someone who believes as whole-heartedly as you do that The Government is beaming messages into your head is what keeps you from eating a bullet or a whole bottle of pills in one sitting, I don't necessarily think it's all bad. As long as you stay out of trouble, pay your taxes, and keep off my lawn, you can believe in any damned fool thing you want. Just like the rest of us.
Except for me. I know the only reasonable choice of vehicle is an Alfa Romeo. The reason the rest of you don't own one is because you're all on the government's payroll.
Hey! Quit throwing rocks! I'm out here on the street, haven't set foot in your lawn!
Via Countercolumn.
Making the rounds: a woman recently died attempting to win a Nintendo Wii during a radio promotion. The cause? Water poisoning. Seems the trick was to see who went to the bathroom last. To make sure people finished in a radio-friendly time span, they were given increasingly large bottles of water to drink. Can you say, "massive liability lawsuit?" I knew you could.
Ron gets a no-prize that'll make Beavis and Butthead giggle themselves into a stupor over for bringing us the sad story of the "butt-printing" art teacher. I don't think I'd have a problem with his art projects, but a video of him producing same circulating on the internet would most likely make it impossible for him to teach. People always seem to take it that one step too far.
Hey, anyone who claims to represent "Beings from many parts of the universe that are connected to the planet Nibiru." can't be all bad, can they? I tried to read some of their articles, but then my head 'asploded. Reily Martin, eat your heart out.
Via Mondo Skepto.
Coin collectors in the peanut gallery may need to stock up on foil hats. It seems the Canadian government may be bugging their own money. The whole thing is so strange I suspect it just might be an elaborate hoax. Still, stranger things have happened. I think.
The recuperation of places and buildings that were once mosques or sacred Islamic sites is the primary method employed by Muslims to reconquer Al-Ándalus. So-called moderate Muslims are oftentimes more effective than extremists in gaining concessions because of their attempts to portray Western democracies as intolerant if those countries don’t cede to certain demands. This technique has been used repeatedly in the case of the Córdoba Cathedral.
Oriana Fallaci encountered something similar many years ago, and her reaction was instructive:
As to the sons of Allah that urinated on the Baptistery and defecated in San Salvatore al Vescovo, [the Italian Minister of the Foreign Affairs] quickly gave in to their demands. (The results as I have ascertained them are that the fathers and the mothers and the brothers and the sisters and uncles and aunts and cousins and pregnant sister-in-laws now live where they wanted to live). That is in Florence and other European cities. Therefore I changed my methods. I telephoned a likable policeman that is in charge of the office of internal security and I told him: “Dear officer, I am not a politician. When I say I will do something, I do it. Further, I am acquainted with war and I am knowledgeable of certain things. If by tomorrow the fucking tent is not down, I will burn it. I swear on my honor that I will burn it, not even a regiment of cops would be able to stop me, and for this I want to be arrested. Brought to jail in handcuffs. This will ensure that I end up on the front page of all the papers”. Well, being more intelligent than all the others, in a few hours he had the tent taken down...
And if that doesn't remind you of a certain co-author of this website well, you're just not paying attention.
Well, this is definitely one way to protest a tenure decision:
A professor who was denied tenure at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has vowed to start a hunger strike on February 5 outside the provost’s office.“I will either see the provost resign and my hard-earned tenure granted at MIT, or I will die defiantly right outside his office,” James L. Sherley, who teaches biological engineering, wrote in a letter to colleagues that he provided to Inside Higher Ed. While not commenting directly on Sherley’s claims, MIT issued a statement that he has been treated fairly.
The article seems to imply (correctly, IMO) that perhaps Dr. Sherley's stance on fetal stem cell research influenced the department's decision to deny him tenure. Tenure proceedings at all universities are famous for their Machiavellian politics in selection. Considering that, once granted, the person chosen for tenure is by definition going to be there for life, it does not seem completely unreasonable to me that the personality and views of a candidate are a real (if unacknowledged) consideration.
The fact that the guy is playing the race card and resorting to a stunt like this also implies that, in my opinion, he's an utterly unreasonable loon. I hope that MIT takes steps to ensure everyone's safety. My alma-mater U of Ark had a professor murdered by a rejected PhD candidate.
Via Econlog.
I don't know, man, personally I think damming yourself to hell should be worth more than a YouTube video and a DVD. Then again, being one of those people who believe in "the stuff spiritual", I probably would. Others, maybe not so much.
But hell, you'd think they'd at least send you a T-shirt or something.
This just in: Hitler was a self-hating Jew who helped found the state of Israel. Brought to you, of course, from the edifying insights of a close adviser to everyone's favorite loopy Persian, the president of Iran.
Via Yourish.
And in the, "what-happens-when-computer-lab-people-pull-a-night-shift" department, we have this extremely detailed and apparently completely serious essay on the injuries of Darth Vader. I found it interesting in spite of myself, but I only hide my nerd merit badge with difficulty. Others, probably not so much.
We found the video of Saddam's execution.
~Enjoy! I know we did!
Fark linked up this collection of photos detailing various escalating efforts to dislodge a huge group of bees from (what one hopes is) a disused swing set in the back yard. Seems to me it would've been much simpler/safer to call animal control, or just wait until they went away. I can't help but think somewhere in the vicinity is a honey farmer wondering what the hell happened to one of his hives.
Double the uteruses (uteri?), triple the fun. Human biology is weird.
Nina sent me this.
Vomit flavored Jelly Beans?
Now here's an unexpected Christmas tradition:
BARCELONA, Spain - The Virgin Mary. The three kings. A few wayward sheep. These are the figures one expects to find in a traditional Christmas nativity scene. Not a smartly dressed peasant squatting behind a rock with his rear-end exposed.
That's right. A baby Jesus, a manger, a few animals, some snotty tourists and smelly shepherds, and a squatting peasant. I mean, what's not to love?
No, Ron, you can't have one.
Or, at least in one case, that they were never told:
I saw pictures of masses of skeletons, even of kids. I heard horrifying accounts of some of the people who had survived the terror of Auschwitz and Sobibor. I told my half-sister all this and showed her the pictures in my history book. What she said was as awful as the information in my book.With great conviction, my half-sister cried: "It's a lie! Jews have a way of blinding people. They were not killed, gassed or massacred. But I pray to Allah that one day all the Jews in the world will be destroyed."
She was not saying anything new. As a child growing up in Saudi Arabia, I remember my teachers, my mom and our neighbors telling us practically on a daily basis that Jews are evil, the sworn enemies of Muslims, and that their only goal was to destroy Islam. We were never informed about the Holocaust.
And they're building a bomb. Tell me again about the "religion of peace"?
Sometimes electricity is your friend. Sometimes, not so much:
Every cable that was connected to the laptop, Ethernet, Firewire, Power, and USB, was forcibly shot out of each portal, and each portal covered with the black soot. Metal bits and electronic debris from the power cable hub and other cables was scattered around the room and some wires had split apart into copper shreds. Molten silver metal flecks are still lodged in the windowsill.
Of course, since this is the cable company we're talking about here, this person is now in tech support hell trying to get them to replace all the gear. Now that's what I call a class-A screwup!
Nina gets a no prize she definitely didn't leave there for bringing us yet another case of a giant snake found in a toilet. See, years ago when we first linked up a story like this, I said it'd be a great way to become single. Nowadays, it'd be all I could do to keep her from adopting the dratted thing.
The Grammas, well now, that would be a different matter.
All does not appear to be well in aging evangelist Billy Graham's world:
[A memorial "library"] designed in part by consultants who used to work for the Walt Disney Co., is not a library, [crime novelist Patricia Cornwell] says, but a large barn and silo -- a reminder of Billy Graham's early childhood on a dairy farm near Charlotte. Once it's completed in the spring, visitors will pass through a 40-foot-high glass entry cut in the shape of a cross and be greeted by a mechanical talking cow. They will follow a path of straw through rooms full of multimedia exhibits. At the end of the tour, they will be pointed toward a stone walk, also in the shape of a cross, that leads to a garden where the bodies of Billy and Ruth Graham could lie.
Not surprisingly, at least to me anyway, some of the Graham family appear to have a problem with the whole talking-cows-as-recruiting-tools" angle, hence the controversy. I mean, didn't Chick-fil-a patent that whole thing decades ago?
Don't blame the environment, blame the food:
Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products.
I kept waiting for him to say, "impurify all of our precious bodily fluids." But, sadly, he did not. Came pretty close though.
Joshua gets an incomprehensible but strangely entertaining no-prize for bringing us the trailer for the upcoming David Lynch movie, Inland Empire. As long as I can get beyond the whole, "I'm just making this movie to screw with your head, not tell you a story" angle, I tend to enjoy Lynch's stuff. Well, except for the talking cockroach behinds anyway. But 3 hours? Just don't know about that.
Sure, why not let these people have nukes:
Iran on Monday hosted a conference gathering prominent Holocaust deniers that it said would examine whether the World War II genocide of Jews took place, drawing condemnation from Israel and Germany.
I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Don't be hatin'!
While I'd heard of several people on this list, there were definitely a few new ones. Who knew that Jesus was a Japanese politician?
MEMRI has translated this TV segment with a Saudi chief executioner. Includes efficient-sword goodness, but (thankfully) no actual beheadings. Not to be missed: the extremely surreal "Today-show-like" give and take interview at the end of the clip.
Some people are taking this whole "constantly connected" thing way too far. I can just see it now... "This movie is about to start. Please be courteous and turn your ass off."
Ever wonder what it looks like when someone actually lands one of those monster catfish? Wonder no more. I can't believe anyone would be crazy enough to stick their hand in the mouth of something that big, but the thing didn't seem to fight it much, so maybe it's not all that dangerous after all. Doesn't mean I'm going to do it!
I guess Muslims the world over will be glad to know that stunning an animal before its throat is cut does not affect how it bleeds out. I'd probably have a much higher moral ground from which to disapprove if I were a vegetarian, but hell I eat meat like most folks and I know the "stun-and-cut" method is probably similar if not identical to industrial meat preparation techniques. Helpful people who wish to provide links to edify me on this are advised to just hold off. On this, I'm OK being wrong.
Hell at least they're killing them for a higher purpose. All I want is a burger.
MMmm... burgers...
Remember folks, monkeys are not pets, they're wild animals. The number of people who do not know or refuse to admit this astound me.
What is this, 1962 all over again?
A former Russian premier was poisoned in Ireland the day after Alexander Litvinenko was killed by radiation, it was claimed last night.The pro-Western Yegor Gaidar was close to death after the poisoning but has since improved and is now under guard in a Moscow clinic.
I mean, come on people, what the hell is going on here?
SANTIAGO, Chile - A boy has been born with a fetus in his stomach in what doctors said was a rare case of "fetus in fetu" in which one twin becomes trapped inside another during pregnancy and continues to grow.
For once I'm glad this one comes without pictures.
White buffalo, meet white lightning. And in this case I mean the bad kind.
A soul, anyone? Why the dedicated atheists in the peanut gallery (you know who you are) didn't think this one up to finance a few high-dollar purchases I'll never know.
That's what ya call a real close shave.
Ron gets a once-hot, now-creepy no-prize for bringing us the latest on everyone's favorite lusty 80s music video star. Every guy I knew understood Tawny Kitaen was out of her mind the minute they saw her. The sort of crazy that convinces you to empty your checking account so she can go with her girlfriends for a weekend at Cabo. We all wanted her just the same.
Men are stupid.
Pay attention folks, in about an hour someone important's going to die. Well, an hour plus forty three years. Kinda bizarre to me to think that this event will be nothing but pictures in a book to Olivia. Clocks may be stopped, but time does seem to march on.
Of all the things I expected to see around work when I got back from lunch, one not on the list was a great big steaming pile of (what I hope is dog) poo. No, really. It's stinking up the whole place right now. I'd like to think someone's assist dog had themselves an accident, but around here anything's possible.
Just when I thought the day couldn't get any more surreal...
Normally one would think spontaneous orgasms would be kinda fun. However, it's probably like that disease which causes men to have permanent stiffies. By what I've read, neither one is any damned fun at all.
Making the rounds: only 1% of web sites are dedicated to porn. Yeah, well, they're sure a really noisy 1%, I'll tell ya that.
Spam, meanwhile, now seems to be making up 99.58% of e-mail. At least, that's the percentage our network's spam filter snags nowadays (four months ago it was only 60%).
No, really, when deer attack:
A deer being kept in a pen attacked and killed his owner Sunday, state police said.The buck that killed Ronald Donah, 43, was among about a half dozen deer penned up on his property in Ellenburg, about 180 miles north of Albany, said state Trooper Joseph House.
Who says rednecks only live in the South?
The below-linked article about an MoD official got me to thinking about the only "big" UFO event I can personally remember, so I went and did a little research on the Rendlesham Forest Incident. I seem to remember the Today show ran the audio tape mentioned in the article, but thought it was much earlier than 1984. No matter, it would seem the event has been pretty thoroughly explained as weird weather combining with a lighthouse to scare the beezejus out of some American servicemen.
Say what you will about Rumsfeld et. al., at least he wasn't worrying about aliens:
UFO sightings and alien visitors tend to be solely the reserve of sci-fi movies.So when a former MoD chief warns that the country could be attacked by extraterrestrials at any time, you may be forgiven for feeling a little alarmed.
Just because the guy once held high office doesn't mean he's not a complete nutter. The ultimate truth is, if an alien society builds a technology base capable of interstellar flight, it will ipso facto have a technology base capable of slapping us around like the uppity chimps we really are. Seeing it coming will just mean we get to party before they arrive.
"Insert obligatory Simpsons 'I, for one' reference quote here..."
Remember that infomercial on Oxycise? Ya know, the one you can lose weight by just breathing?
Here is a video clip on what it is really like.
Hopefully this never happened in your hot tub.
This time with film-clip goodness!
See mom! There are worse things than holding a firecracker in your hand!
Duct tape, the stuff of uncounted uses, actually can't cure warts. Hey, at least it wasn't my tax dollars at work!
Note to self: If Olivia ever gets behind the wheel of the Spider when she's learning to drive, make sure she knows to put the thing in neutral before starting it. Yeah, a Shelby is a lot more expensive than our Spider, but at (by then) nearly 50 years of age, the Spider's parts will mostly be made out of "unobtanium".
Looks like nobody got hurt. Well, at least at first anyway.
Someone should make a movie about this. Reeks of urban legend, but a guy on Fark actually lives in that town and says the story's all over the local papers. SpOoKy!
Surprisingly, a hockey play is not number one in this video list of the "top ten dirty plays". Sorry, Ron, no Eagles moments.
Fark linked up this surprising picture found via Google maps. It's weird looking enough to me that I had to check twice to make sure it wasn't some sort of hoax. Looks like it's coming from Google to me. Bizarre...
Democrats gain a majority, and what happens? Put them behind the wheel and the first thing they'll do is try to run over the guy in front of them.
Personally I think this is a bit of right-wing twitching, but hell I thought all the left-wing twitching was over-wrought when all the right-wing loonies started baying for Clinton's hide back in '92. Look how well that turned out.
Me, I'm all for it. Getting in touch with your inner fringe for that warm n' fuzzy lunacy is what poked a hole in the current majority's balloon, and they've been sinking ever since. If the first action the other side takes is to shove a stick through their's, all the better.
Means we don't have to rise as high to pass them after we patch ours.
Fark (of course) linked up yet another example of just how manic the Japanese can get:
Imagine something like "Rocky 3" with sex.The magazine provides a written account, accompanied by plenty of nude photos, of four women who enrolled in the three-week summer session --- veteran sex workers at pink salons, soaplands and other businesses. Their jobs were clearly starting to take a physical and mental toll on them, and they were worried that unless they took drastic remedial measures, they'd wind up slack, listless and wrinkled --- prematurely worn-out old bags.
At the demanding three-week camp, the four undergo no-nonsense discipline by their tough male drill instructor, Mr. Nonomura, who aims to whip them back into top shape.
Oh it gets even weirder from there. No, really!
Having solved all other problems:
The United States has slapped a ban on Vegemite, outraging Australian expatriates there.The bizarre crackdown was prompted because Vegemite contains folate, which in the US can be added only to breads and cereals.
Now, I've never tried the stuff myself, but from everything I've read or heard vegemite is an... acquired taste. However, I have it on good authority that the stuff is reasonably popular in Australia. One would think that, if it really were all that dangerous, we would have more reports of, say, two headed Australian babies and whatnot.
Welcome to technocratic regulation at its finest! Coming soon to a Congress near you!
Thing is, this is most likely weird enough to stand on its own:
A leaping stingray stabbed an 81-year-old Florida boater in the chest, authorities said Wednesday, leaving its poisonous stinger lodged close to his heart in an incident recalling the one that killed Australian TV naturalist Steve Irwin last month.
Leapin' stingrays!
You just can't make this stuff up.
Actually, there might be a bright side to this:
O.J. Simpson is confessing. Hypothetically, that is.The former football great, who was acquitted in criminal court 11 years ago of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman, reportedly has been paid a whopping $3.5 million to write about the double murder that shocked and riveted the nation in 1994, according to a detailed report in the new National Enquirer.
The silver lining? Assuming he doesn't back down and pull the plug on the project over the uproar, Ron Goldman will be the one getting all the profits. Well, I hope.
Maybe there isn't a bright side after all.
Tamara gets a psychotically misguided no-prize for bringing us this story of a redneck gone wrong:
A Little Rock man was arrested after he allegedly shot at a motorist with a crossbow after police say the motorist made an obscene gesture at the man.
Why yes, Virginia, alcohol was involved. Clever girl!
"AMCLTD," we hear you ask, "I'm fed up with my wife, my children monopolize the computer, mistresses cost too much, and prostitutes are too dangerous. But me so horny! What am I to do?"
Fear not, friendly pervert, AMCGLTD is here to help! Presenting The Doll Experience Room, where for a mere $26 per hour you too can experience the joys of plastic love. The article states these are cheap inflatable companions, but a careful read indicates they are in fact the Caddilac of toys, the ever-so-creepy "real doll". The authorities might decide this is illegal on sheer gross-out grounds, so don't delay! The nut you bust could be your own!
Even I think this is a bit much just to get a 360 view. Then again, it's most likely a prototype. Being able to just turn my head to see things in a gaming environment would be beyond cool, so if they miniaturize it I'd sure be interested.
The environmental movement exaggerating something? Oh I simply don't believe it:
Leading toxicologists have warned green groups are "misleading" the public with chemical contamination campaigns.They said they are deliberately and unfairly scaring the public.
In particular, they criticised a WWF campaign that has highlighted the presence of chemicals in blood, food and in babies' umbilical cords.
And why are we suddenly getting these notices?
The researchers said the chemicals were being found in trace amounts because of advances in detection techniques that could uncover substances at ever smaller concentrations.
Just like if you take a big enough dose of anything it's poison, if you look hard enough you'll probably find trace amounts of anything everywhere.
Two words: bile farms. I wonder if anyone's really done a study to see just how many rare and exotic species have been driven to the brink of extinction just to keep some old Chinaman's wang stiff?
Those clever Norwegians are (apparently) at it again, this time with the creation of "animal bordellos":
On the Internet Danish animal owners advertise openly that they offer sex with animals, without intervention from police or other authorities, Danish newspaper 24timer reports.In correspondence with the animal owners, the newspaper was told that the animals involved have many years of experience and that the animals themselves wanted sex. The cost to the client varied from DKK 500-1,000 (USD 85-170).
Well, it's probably for the best that I haven't seen this. *SHUDDER*
The discovery of radioactive snails at a site in southeastern Spain where three U.S. hydrogen bombs fell by accident 40 years ago may trigger a new joint U.S.-Spanish clean-up operation, officials said on Wednesday.
We lost more than a few H-bombs during the hieght of the cold war. Most were recovered, but others fell in places that made them nearly impossible to find. I guess this is a good thing, since it may help find a few more, but if one of those snails meows I'm outta here.
There were dozens of jokes I spun up when I first read about the lady trying to un-adopt her own child, but then I RTFA, and suddenly it doesn't seem all that funny. Sad and weird, but not funny.
It's hard to know where to start with this one:
A U.S. tourist who told airport inspectors that dynamite in his bags was a souvenir from South America has been charged with breaking two security laws and could face up to 10 years in prison and steep fines.
So I guess some people really do answer those questions at the ticket counter truthfully. And look what happens!
I'm sure the fundies are gonna love this:
Scientists are planning to create a "frankenrabbit" by fusing together human cells with a rabbit egg.It is hoped the "chimeric" embryos, which would be 99.9 per cent human and 0.1 per cent rabbit, could lead to breakthroughs in stem cell research which could one day cure diseases such as Alzheimer's or spinal cord injury.
From the article, it looks like they're mostly interested in researching techniques to harvest stem cells, with no real goal to do anything with them if they're successful. The idea would seem to be akin to learning anatomy by studying cheap things like frogs and pigs, and then practicing what you've learned on far more expensive things like chimps or people.
You'd think after the first guy went off, they'd put a flag up or something. Then again, considering how looney European rally races are, and that the next car was probably going even faster than the first, I wouldn't want to be the guy who had to wave it.
No idea if these guys were OK or not, but I've seen people walk away from worse. Can't think of a better example of why real race cars use real roll cages, and why people who try to race real street cars on real streets are homicidal maniacs.
Pat gets one scary no-prize for bringing us this harrowing account of a journalist who survived a mid-air collision between a business jet and a 737. And he was in the business jet. The article includes a picture of the damage to the plane the author was riding. Unfortunately the 737 crashed with all aboard killed.
Latest craze in automotive widgetry? Telematics. According to the article, it's all about getting your car to connect to other cars, various emergency and information services, and even a dealership or repair service so that (presumably) all the information it knows about itself can be transmitted to relevant parties, and all the information the outside world knows that may be of interest to you can end up in your car.
While a simple and nifty enough concept, the execution has some mind-boggling complexities to deal with, not the least of which is just how it all takes place. The service is also very expensive right now, acting as a brake on widespread adoption.
Which doesn't mean it's all just going to go away. Far from it. Which is why I'm hanging on to my ancient Alfa. Can't wait to see the look on some punk road hacker's face when he points his jac-u-matic 2000 at it and I just smile.
Well, as soon as I fix the oil leak, anyway.
You knew it was only a matter of time before Rep. Foley's chat transcripts showed up. I only got about 1/3rd of the way through before it exceeded my skeeve factor. YMMV, but even the article warns about NSFW language.
You'd think by now they'd figure out it's a bad idea to fondle the help. If the president can't get away with it, how can they?
Hey, if it's from PETA, it's got to be rational, level-headed, and appropriate, right?
New York City health officials are seeking to ban the use of "trans fat" in the city's 24,000 restaraunts:
The city’s health department proposed a new health code on Wednesday that, if implemented, would give restaurants six months to switch to oils, margarines and shortening that have less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. In effect, restaurants would then have until 1 July 2008 to ensure that everything on their menu has less than 0.5 grams of trans fat, per serving.
Paternalistic policy-making at its finest. "You don't know what's good for you! We do! Obey!"
Just because it's supposed to be for our own good doesn't make the whip crack any softer.
Looks goth, dances techno. A kind of bizarre light beer, if you will. Just about as tasty. I wonder if bleach works on ears?
Couples in Amsterdam are writing out their dreams of passion for the chance to spend a night in a small car fitted with a bed and hoisted up on poles.For a free overnight stay, couples must write to the Italian artist who converted the hatchback, and explain their romantic intentions -- ranging from marriage proposals to re-enactments of teenaged backseat fumblings.
My luck, the damned door would open at the just the wrong time. Explain that one to the emergency room!
Having solved all other problems and put all other bad guys in jail, the state of California is now turning its sites on car companies. Again:
California sued six of the world's largest automakers over global warming Wednesday, charging that greenhouse gases from their vehicles have caused billions of dollars in damages.The lawsuit is the first of its kind to seek to hold manufacturers liable for the damages caused by their vehicles' emissions, state Attorney General Bill Lockyer said.
Only those on the extreme left side of the peanut gallery will be surprised to find out Mr. Lockyer is running for election this year. Scariest of all is that he's not doing it just to please himself. Apparently at least some citizens of the People's Republic of California will be happy enough with this to vote for the guy.
The mind boggles.
The world's most photographed nation appears set to add "and the most yelled at" to their title:
Street offenders on Teesside are being shamed by "talking" CCTV cameras.Seven cameras in Middlesbrough town centre have a facility, which allows operators to bark orders at those involved in anti-social behaviour.
Of course, if they don't follow it up with cops or something, I'd imagine all that would happen was a rude gesture or two.
And now for something completely different. And I do mean different. Safe for work, but very different.
Everyone's favorite trashy Texan just became a lot more human, and a lot more tragic:
What should be a time of celebration for Anna Nicole Smith has turned into a time of mourning.The former Playboy Playmate's 20-year-old son died in a Nassau hospital Sunday, three days after Smith gave birth to a healthy baby girl in the Bahamas.
Never been that much of a fan, but still...
I've heard of long-distance on-line romances before, but this is ridiculous:
A teenager who flew to the Middle East to be with a man she met on the social network site has detailed her online romance and the fallout her trip caused in Seventeen magazine.
Ok, that's it. I'm going to lock Olivia up in a room and not let her out again until she's 21. Make that 30.
Yeah right...
Hey, at least they were practicing safe... rrmmm... something:
A photo that accompanied a newspaper obituary apparently led to an attempt last weekend to dig up the grave of a 20-year-old woman who was killed in a motorcycle accident Aug. 27, authorities said Tuesday.
Crystal meth's a bitch, ain't it boys?
Pat gets a myserious no-prize for bringing us reaction to the tale of Natascha Kampusch, an Austrian girl who claims to have been held captive by a stranger for eight years.
I hadn't heard of this at all until I read this Washington Post story this morning, which seems to summarize things well enough. The whole thing is a little too neat, in my opinion. It sounds like some lurid '70s kidnap novel, complete with a climactic suicide of the bad guy at the end. Still, one would think the police would have lots of evidence in hand to legitimize the whole thing. Or not.
Very, very strange.
Many people have experienced the phenomenon of receiving a telephone call from someone shortly after thinking about them. Now a scientist says he has proof of what he calls telephone telepathy.Rupert Sheldrake, whose research is funded by the respected Trinity College in Cambridge, England, said on Tuesday he has conducted experiments that proved such precognition exists for telephone calls and even e-mails.
I still don't buy it, but the guy seems to be dotting all his i's and crossing all his t's by doing falsifiable research. I hate the phone, so there's no psychic involvement for me... if the phone rings, I already know I don't want to answer it.
Via Siflay, who already knew we were going to link it.
Personally, I take a strange sort of comfort in this:
The global debate between scientists and conservative Christians over evolution has hit Kenya, where an exhibit of one of the world's finest collections of early hominid fossils is under threat.As the famed National Museum of Kenya (NMK) prepares to re-open next year after massive EU-funded renovations, evangelicals are demanding the display be removed or at least shunted to a less prominent location.
Hey, at least now I know America doesn't own all the Christian fundie wackos in the world! We spread it around!
A priest has died after trying to demonstrate how Jesus walked on water.
"He walked into the water, which soon passed over his head and he never came back."
Hey, at least he didn't take his whole congregation with him!
Well, at least he doesn't have to worry about Kieth stealing it:
To help him get through his grueling live performances, Mick Jagger has an oxygen tank backstage. At 63, the Rolling Stones lead singer struggles to keep his energy levels up for an entire two-hour performance, so when guitarist Keith Richards plays his two solo songs, Mick goes backstage and straps on an oxygen mask.
Because, as we all know, Keith's been dead for about fifteen years now. He looks like they keep him in a shipping trunk between tour stops.
Something tells me inveterate coin collector Mark won't be eagerly seeking to add this one to his vault:
It's truly unique, created using two distinct struck pieces. First, the base is struck with gleaming buildings on a frosted background. Then the inset of the Twin Towers is magnificently engraved and fitted into the skyline on the face of the commemorative with jeweler precision, able to rise up into a breathtaking standing sculpture. The effect is dazzling - it is literally transformed into a standing sculpture of the Twin Towers!
Things like this have been bashed out by opportunistic entrepenuers throughout history*, no reason to think it'd stop now. However much we'd like it to.
* Several famous ancient Greek temple statues are known to us only through the small votive representations sold to help support the temple. The originals are long since gone, but people simply tossed the tacky statuette their Auntie Blopherous bought them last year in the trash. Two thousand years later the same trash is used to make an Archeological post-grad's career. Think about that one the next time you pass a kiosk filled with tiny Eiffel Towers or Empire State Buildings!
Ron gets a no-prize dressed in a fake black-and-gold uniform for bringing us an example of how clever some people can be when they find out how stupid other people can be:
A man charged with impersonating Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger to get dates was accused of stealing $3,200 from a different woman by telling her he was another player on the team, tight end Jerame Tuman.Brian Jackson was charged with theft by deception for borrowing the money and not repaying it. The woman lent the money to the 32-year-old Jackson because she believed he was Tuman, District Attorney Stephen Zappala Jr. said.
The next step for creeps like this is to start threatening to kill themselves if they don't get what they want. Ellen had a guy try to manipulate her like this a very long time ago. Her reaction was, if you've hung around here all that long, not surprising.
She has appeared on a grilled cheese. Then, a highway underpass.Now, behold, the Virgin Mary has descended upon the belly of a Burbank pet turtle.
Read article here. Picture of the turtle can be seen right here.
Hard to believe anyone got out of this alive, but if the news report is to be believed everyone walked away. Scary stuff when a multi-ton machine looks like a leaf in the wind. Didn't look like a tail rotor failure, but what the hell do I know?
This is actually a problem somewhere:
Striptease send-offs at funerals may become a thing of the past in east China after five people were arrested for organizing the intimate farewells, state media reported on Wednesday.Police swooped last week after two groups of strippers gave "obscene performances" at a farmer's funeral in Donghai County, Jiangsu province, Xinhua news agency said.
Boy that'll liven up the old wake in a hurry, won't it?
Fark linked up this extra-freaky article-with-picture about gigantic yellow jacket nests being found in Alabama. Ok, if you see one of these, then see this big bunch of egg things next to it, do not walk up and peer down into an egg. If you do, I'm not going to lunch with you tomorrow, mmkay?
I think we may have linked this up before, but this novel method of attaching clothing is definitely worth a second look. At least to readers of this website.
You sick puppies you!
When we first moved to the DC area (well, back then it was just me, but Ellen joined me just less than a year later) we didn't exactly live in a bad neighborhood, but, since we were on the top floor of a high-rise, we could see them all around us. There were lots of mysterious sirens most nights, and one memorable occasion when it seemed the entire Arlington police department was raiding the garden-style across the street, but we never saw anything like this.
Via Siflay, who also linked up this OCD-afflicted cat.
Users of Apple notebooks can no longer sniff at exploding Dells:
Of course, combustible materials, poorly designed wire stress management and fragile insulation isn't alone enough to start a fire. What makes this so dangerous is the fact that the Apple power adapters do not integrate sufficient short circuit protection on the DC side. This means, when the wires touch or nearly touch, they will arc and generate a spark - not once, but again and again, as long as the adapter remains plugged into electricity. And because it happens on the DC side, it does not trigger any circuit breakers, household fuses or GFCI outlets.
This from a guy who had his Apple's power adapter sizzle and fry right in front of him. So far Apple seems to have done nothing, but since I found this on Slashdot, something tells me a fire lit under Apple's butt will most likely follow.
Well, tortoises anyway:
A trail of droppings led Kenyan airport staff to 228 live tortoises packed as “shells” and destined for Thailand, officials said on Thursday.
Good ol' leopard spotted ones, just like Om. Except these seem to be about softball-sized (right now Om is sorta lime-sized). Considering the destination, something tells me they weren't going into the pet market, so hooray for the inspectors!
No, Ellen, you already have one!
No, really, when turtles attack:
A graduate student from the University of Central Florida is missing after he was pulled underwater by a large sea turtle, according to Local 6 News.
See, Ellen? There's a reason you can't have one!
We have, well, this:
Imagine your body pocked by erupting sores. The sensation of little bugs crawling all over you. And worst of all, mysterious red and blue fibres sprouting from your skin.It may sound like a macabre science fiction movie, but a growing legion of Americans say they suffer from this condition. And now the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating.
Personally, sounds to me like a bunch of wacks have latched on to the latest "craze" in fad medicine. But maybe not...
Does your skin itch at night?
Pat gets a no-prize that's listening for bringing us news of a most peculiar wire tapping case:
Scotland Yard has pounced on three men, including the royal editor of a leading London tabloid, over suspicions that telephones in Prince Charles's household have been bugged.
And all this time I thought it was governments who spied on their people.
Having solved all other problems, Argentina seems to be determined to dredge up some old ones:
It seems an unlikely scrap of land to squabble over. Treeless, remote, and blasted by the full fury of the South Atlantic, the Falkland Islands are home to less than 3,000 people, and thrilling only to those who love nature, big winds, and spectacular isolation.But Britain and Argentina considered the archipelago important enough to fight over in 1982. And suddenly, unobtrusively, a new row is simmering over the British-owned outcrop, known universally in South America as Las Malvinas.
I don't think I ever will understand the Latin personality.
Via Siflay.
There's bound to be a better word to describe this, but cigarette smoke blowing through the nose is as close as I can get. If you look hard enough, you'll find someone who thinks anything is cool. Site is SFW as far as I could tell, but I didn't troll through the whole thing.
Dad always told me to always stand beside or behind someone firing a gun. I didn't realize the same thing could apply to people driving cars:
Police say a 15-year-old girl in New Jersey accidentally struck and killed her mother while being taught how to parallel park.
More than thirty years later my mom still harps on about my learner's permit days. To think I could've taken care of it all with just a parking lesson.
Oh stop it. It's a joke. Anyone? Anyone? Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week, be sure to tip your waiter!
Obese face greater risks from heat wave
Ya think?
Yes folks, they really think this is news. Sometimes I think all it takes to get AP to run it is a press release and a fax machine.
For even more proof that if it doesn't happen in New York, DC, or LA, it doesn't matter, we have a serial killer whom I only heard about after his apparent arrest. This guy they think killed at least six people and shot dozens more, yet no national hyperventilation like we got with Malvo et. al.
Pack mentality? Our media?
Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up:
"Let's listen to a very beautiful story to learn about the courage of a child, and how, when a child is brought up in a good home, and receives proper education in faith, he loves martyrdom, which becomes like an instinct for him. He can never give it up," Sheik Muhammad Nassar told children on the program, which aired on the Al-Nas [Egyptian] television channel.
On a previous broadcast on Egyptian television in 2002, a three and a half year-old girl was asked to describe Jews. "They are apes and pigs… our God said so," was her reply. The girl's answer was enthusiastically received by the program's host. "Allah be praised. May our God bless her. No one could wish for a more devout girl. May God bless her and her parents," the host said.
My only hope is this is some obscure weirdo religious channel that nobody really watches. Something tells me that hope is a bit of a long shot.
Personally, I think "yoni" sounds like some kind of squash. But what do I know? I'm not completely sure what a "charka" is either, but it's probably up to no good.
I suppose if you try hard enough, there's a market for anything:
At a scorching two bucks a liter this water already takes more from your pocket than the cost of the gas you put in your car.So perhaps times are ripe for purified ice cubes.
Hey now, these are Canadians... they know ice!
At first, this description of the Chinese creating a 450 x 350 km "scale model" of some real-estate in India is kinda weird. Then, when you start thinking about why anyone would want to create a gigantic scale model of disputed real-estate in someone else's back yard, well, things take a rather sinister turn.
There's a reason India has gotten a whole lot friendlier to us lately, and it got nothin' to do with Appu and the Kwik-e-mart.
For another entry in the "convince-everyone-to-send-me-a-buck-get-rich-quick" file, we have Alex's "American Dream" fund, wherein someone (presumably Alex) is trying to raise money for a gold-and-diamond "grill". I'm so old-school I kept wondering why the hell anyone would want to put gold and diamonds on their cookout gear and what exactly did it have to do with teeth anyway? Then I re-read it. And then I re-read it again. Which was then followed by the ol' lightbulb over the head slowly sputtering to life.
No, Ellen, you can't have one.
There's sports, and then there's sports:
In what must surely be one of the summer's more bizarre events, hundreds of people are expected to gather in a hall in central London on August 5 to pleasure themselves in aid of charity.
But wait, there's more:
Prizes will be on offer for those who clock up the most orgasms and those who can masturbate the longest - the current record, according to the organisers, is a chafing eight-and-a-half hours.To qualify for the record, the organisers say "at least 55 minutes of every hour shall be spent self-pleasuring by manual or sex toy stimulation" with participants getting just five minutes to "replenish and renew".
Now that, my friends, is some serious wanking.
Fark linked up an article that graphically describes why Ellen can't have a wild cat sanctuary:
Captive wolves used for hybrid breeding may have eaten their owner in Pennsylvania, NBC Pittsburgh station WPXI reported.
And yes, she actually needs reasons. Welcome to my world...
Okay, considering that I'm blog-sitting a site that has cats as a major subject, along with oddity, I figured I'd do a quick search on "sweater kittens" (figuring that this might be especially appropriate considering recent events). The first link is a YouTube video.
I'm not quite sure this was what I was looking for, but it's what I'm linking.
Just check it out.
Lovely Las Cruces, NM experienced a lack of power due to a bird dropping a large snake on their powerline, causing it to short out. Too bad it didn't happen before NMSU finals and all - at least students could have used the excuse as to why their papers were late.
Odd thing is this is another problem in a town I've visited that occurred at some point after my visit (Boston story below, visited these guys almost 10 years ago). Makes me wonder who's next...
As a semi-frequent traveller to Boston, this piece caught my attention. Especially since I've driven through this exact tunnel on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, a woman was killed and her husband only escaped by climbing out through the crushed driver's side door. When I've talked to the natives, they're not particularly happy with the project - seems that it's completely screwed up traffic for so long that it's hated (and now it's already insufficient for the traffic flow). On top of that, once the tunnel was opened, they immediately started tearing down the detour roads, so something like this could really put major chunks of the city in a bind. Maybe I'll postpone my next trip up there...
I'm genuinely surprised my mom hasn't managed this one yet:
A Chicago man is lucky to be alive after a bizarre accident. He ran himself over with his own car.With picture!
Note to self: playing with power lines = bad:
Hundreds of people have flocked to a hospital in the Indian city of Calcutta to see a man holding a sizeable chunk of his head in his hands.Doctors say a section of electrician Sambhu Roy's skull fell off on Sunday, months after he suffered severe burns.
Story comes complete with grizly-weird pictures.
Headline says it all: Teen Who Cut Off Corpse's Head To Make Bong Sentenced
Now ain't that one to make a family proud?
Owner Dougie Freeman installed a stripper pole at West End Salon & Spa on Sunday for “Dancing for Discounts,” a summer promotion offering appealing prices for customers who dance at the pole.
Thats a lot of little old ladies looking for a discount.
I don't know what to make of this.
I think the axiom "everything tastes better fried" is gonna get a workout from this:
If Morio Sase has his way, hungry teenagers around the world will soon be snacking on something more exotic than McDonald's hamburgers: takoyaki, or octopus dumplings.
Bah... if people eat sushi, they'll eat anything. Olivia will probably want hers dipped in ketchup. Or Diet Coke. No, really!
Fark linked up this wild video of starlings "favoring" a tree which isn't really equipped for it. The only way you'd get me to stand that close to that many of them is by giving me an umbrella.
No, Ellen, you can't have one. Site is just barely safe for work, at least that page is anyway.
Turns out rubbers, of a sort, actually had been invented:
The oldest surviving condom in the world has gone on display in an Austrian museum.The reusable condom dates back to 1640 and is completely intact, as is its orginal users' manual, written in Latin.
I think we may have linked this up before, but if we did I know it didn't have a picture like this article does.
There's parks, and then there's parks. Olivia loves parks, but I think the one with the giant rat in it might give her pause.
Do you know where your loved ones are? Because they might be dead:
Over-excitement during World Cup games has been blamed for the deaths of at least three fans in China and one man broke several bones when he fell from a Hong Kong balcony, the Shanghai Daily reported on Wednesday.
I'd make fun of Ron, but on a recent visit to their house I discovered Amber's just as bad.
Somehow I don't think they'll taste like chicken:
Banner-wielding animal rights protesters swarmed into a restaurant on Lianhua Road in Buji Subdistrict serving cat meat and forced it to shut down, Xinhua reported yesterday.The 100 or so demonstrators, including women and children, held up banners reading "cats and dogs are friends of human beings" as they entered the Fangji Cat Meatball restaurant and demanded the owner free any live cats on the premises, Xinhua said.
Now that's-a spicey... oh nevermind.
Hornet as big as your palm, anyone? Site includes a risque but relatively SFW advert.
Probably some Amazonian monster. *shudder*
What is wrong with kids today:
Move over Budweiser. College life isn't just about drinking beer.In a rare instance, Apple Computer Inc.'s iconic iPod music player surpassed beer drinking as the most "in" thing among undergraduate college students, according to the latest biannual market research study by Ridgewood, N.J.-based Student Monitor.
Ron complaining about how beer tastes bad* in 3... 2... 1...
* Thinks beer tastes bad, soccer is a real game, carries his pets up and down stairs, married Amber... it's not that I question his taste, more like his sanity**.
** It's a joke Amber. You know, ha-ha? No, wait... put the skillet down! Ididn'tmeantoimplyany--*CLONG*
Fark linked up this morphing video montage of Michael Jackson's face through time. Hey, he said himself he's only had a little bit of nose work. I saw it, he said it with a straight face and everything, so it must be true!
Pat Robertson: religious nutball, presidential also-ran, carnival side-show freak:
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says it is the God's honest truth — he did, indeed, once leg-press a ton when he was almost 73 and had prostate cancer, and he still regularly lifts up to 1,200 pounds with his legs.
Got a picture and everything, but details in the article reveal it isn't quite the he-man stunt the headline makes it out to be.
If you have ~ 1 hour to kill and don't have access to cable or DVD, it would appear a full version of the movie Freaks is now available on-line. At least until whoever owns the thing catches up with it and drops some DMCA goodness on them. Web piracy... it's a good thing.
Robert H. gets a no-prize that'll fall from the sky for bringing us this meteor impact animation. The narraration is in Japanese, but from what I could gather from the visuals it looks to simulate what would happen if the impact that formed the moon happened today.
The results are pretty much what you'd expect from something the size of Mars hitting the Earth, but it's pretty wild to actually see it.
Because if this was 1971, he'd probably get his wish. As it is now, not so much:
A man serving a life sentence for the murder of his wife is asking a federal judge to order the state to pay for a sex change operation for him, saying that denying him the surgery amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.
Yeah, no... think we'll hafta pass on this one. Nice knowing ya. Well, ok, probably not.
"Paris Hilton Plans Reggae, Hip-Hop Album"
I'd like to think it couldn't be any worse than, say, Bill Shatner's efforts, but that might tempt fate to prove me wrong. Another problem: our satellite radio subscription may make us more likely to accidentally hear some of it.
The horror!
Folks fascinated by mortuary sciences in the audience (you know who you are) should find this website dedicated to embalming of interest.
Hey, if prostitutes can have their own political party, why not perverts:
Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.
You know, sometimes the whole "morality is relative" movement takes their ball and runs right through tolerance and out the other side of "what the hell is wrong with you?!?" This, to me at least, is most definitely one of those cases.
Why debate the existence of absolute evil when there is so much of the banal stuff just lying around?
All those times I complained about how cold our community's pool is? I take them all back:
A Nepalese sherpa stripped and stood naked on the summit of Everest in sub-zero temperatures for three minutes, sparking an immediate row today over defiling the sacred mountain.
Completely unaddressed is why he did it?
Ok, wasn't the WORLD supposed to end yesterday?
Pat gets a no-prize that should've been dead years ago for bringing us news of another high-concept boomer self-love-fest, yet another Bob Dylan biopic project, this time with a twist:
Cate Blanchett will play Bob Dylan in his "androgenous phase" in a new biopic of the great poet-songwriter's life, it was announced, as Dylan turned 65.
As far as I'm concerned, decades of swilling various kinds of booze down his throat long ago kept Bob Dylan from any sort of resemblance to a singer. Yet through his admittedly talented song writing and some sort of bizzarre synergy between various media elites who came of age during his heyday, we're made to feel we should still care about this old weirdo.
He's a musician. He wrote some really good songs. He was a mediocre singer at the best of times, and at his worst a sad joke. Like many musicians I've personally encountered, he seems to have a special-intensity weirdness that's just coherent enough to keep him out of the hospital. He's also rich as Roosevelt.
But that's it. Not a God, not a scion of Western civilization, not even someone to pay big bucks to go see. He can't sing anymore!
Bah. As if it'll make any difference. Go on and see the movie and play his records and put his picture on the wall. It's you're money, do what you want with it.
Excuse me, there's some kids on my lawn I need to go throw rocks at.
Remember that guy awhile back who created a stir by insisting on attending college class in the nude? He is, as they say, no more. For those who don't remember... well, RTFA, you'll find out.
I'm actually surprised Berkeley expelled him the year after he became famous. Their hyper-liberal stance is well known and deserved.
Hey, at least they didn't make it into the fryer:
Workers at a factory making chips were evacuated two days running last week after bomb parts turned up in potatoes imported from France and Belgium, the site of battles in World War One and Two.
Chips as in "french fries" in this case. Danged British, can't speak proper.
The winning bidder will inherit not only the building -- and possibly the furniture, kitchen equipment and liquor license -- but also the 15 to 20 spirits that believers say live there.`I've seen things that even the most pragmatic man would have to believe,'' said Ken Roberts, who bought the building with his wife, Margarita, four years ago.
Those ``things'' include missing and moving objects, a ghost stroking a woman's hair, sounds of boots walking across the wooden floors when no one is there, and the sound of the 1930s freight elevator door closing when no one else is in the building, he said.
See entire story here.
Drawing while on acid.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder:
I have been to Iraq nine times since the American invasion three years ago, for a total of about 10 solid months. (My wife is counting.) During that time, I have seen bombs and blood, I have seen rebuilding and restructuring, and I have seen death and democracy. So what have I heard? That's easy: Lionel Richie.Grown Iraqi men get misty-eyed by the mere mention of his name. "I love Lionel Richie," they say. Iraqis who do not understand a word of English can sing an entire Lionel Richie song.
Well, hey, if Hasslehoff can become a German pop god and Jerry Lewis can be made a French knight (or something), I suppose anything is possible.
What's next? Barry Manilow's Copa Cabana as the Nigerian national anthem?
Ok, this aughta put the whole "biker bit by dog" thing in perspective:
A cyclist attacked by a bear in Banff National Park is recovering following surgery to repair torn muscles in his arm. Park officials say it appears the 41-year-old victim was stalked by the bear, before being viciously mauled.
Yet another reason why this biker is a roadie through and through. To Ellen and me, "roughing it" means no Tivo.
I'm not completely sure what a Lotus Omega is, but it certainly handed this cop his own ass. Cool, yes, but the cop got plenty close enough to see the plate number, and I don't care how fast your car goes you can't outrun a radio. When they catch this dude it will be... unpleasant.
Which is fine with me. I'm either minding my own business in a sedan that can be outrun by a kid on a big wheel, or a sports car built when "safety standards" meant a lap belt and a kiss on the cheek. I don't need maniacs in supercars screaming by at mach 2. Toss him in jail and take away his car.
Then give it to me.
Like Olivia needs another excuse to fart alarmingly:
Consumers will soon be able to prepare baked beans on the toaster. Heinz is launching a frozen sandwich which cooks the beans inside the bread.The student staple is popped in the toaster and heats up in around 60 seconds in a similar way to Kellogg's Pop Tarts.
All I can think of is how awful it would be to clean up after one that leaked.
I'd make a crack about these "Sci-Fi themed" fetish accessories being German, but something tells me they're probably just as prevalent over here. God only knows what the Japanese wear.
People are weird.
I only thought North Korea frothed like this:
Venezuela's military is considering selling its fleet of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to another country, possibly Iran, in response to a U.S. ban on arms sales to President Hugo Chavez's government, an official said Tuesday.
The Foreign Ministry said the U.S. move was aimed at weakening Chavez's government in preparation for an attack.
According to this, Venezuela has 21 F-16A block 15s. In capability, they're vaguely like 1982 Corvettes. Nice, especially if you're hunting Paco the cocaine farmer, or trying to keep the mob from taking your Fearless Leader to "hang out in the plaza", but not something of which one should be overly proud.
I don't doubt they're having trouble with them. US hardware, especially the aviation stuff, has a well-earned reputation for being fussy and high-maintenace (as well as elegant and extremely capable... sorta like my wife.*) They're designed with the assumption that large groups of highly-trained volunteers will be dedicated to keeping them running. They should've bought Soviet gear long ago, which is designed with the assumption that three teenage conscripts drunk on brake fluid** are all that stand between you and the cumulo-granite.
Threatening to sell them to Iran because you can't get parts? You think Iran can get parts? They've got a whole bunch of F-14As that've been sitting on various tarmacs for more than thirty years because they can't get parts. Even if F-16 parts are easier to get, you're still bringing an '82 Corvette to a race with '06 Corvettes, Vipers, and hell even a few McClaren F-1s. Achmed does not need these sorts of troubles.
But hell we're not the target for all of this. Clueless press monkeys and the folks back home are, and I'm sure it plays quite well with both.
* Badoom-CHEE. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.
** They may have changed by now, but back in the 80s Soviet combat aircraft had brake fluid that was essentially high-grade ethanol. Teenagers, in the middle of the steppe, with gallons of booze in big drums? You do the math. It's a wonder any of their aircraft ever made it off the ground.
Suzanne gets a no-prize with a secret companion for bringing us The Binary Research Institute, a place apparently dedicated to proving the Sun has a hidden, massive companion causing all sorts of irregularities in our solar system. You know, like cheese whiz and Hillary Clinton.
Personally, I blame George Bush:
The gate at the entrance to this tiny Sicilian village has come off its hinges and swings in the wind as cats wander into homes abandoned after a series of mystery fires.Spontaneous fires started in mid-January in the town of Canneto di Caronia, in about 20 houses. After a brief respite last month, the almost daily fires have flared up again — even though electricity to the village was cut off.
With that many people nosing around I guess it must not be some enterprising unemployed teenage "yutes", but that's still my first choice as to what's going on.
Making the rounds: a set of conjoined twins has been born in the DC area. Only word that I've seen so far is that they're "joined at the back", whatever that means. Here's to hoping it's a simple thing which can allow them to be easily separated!
Like they always say, don't bid if you aren't going to pay:
A Chinese businessman who bought a Russian fighter jet online wants his money back after finding it could not be shipped to China, state media reported on Tuesday.
Since the guy still has his jet, I would imagine this would be pretty straightforward. With a minor deduction for processing, of course.
While it's not uncommon for bits of crashed machinery to wash up on shore, I can't say I've ever heard of something traveling this far:
A tail section from a U.S. Navy fighter jet that crashed 3 1/2 years ago off Key West, Fla., has turned up 4,900 miles away on a beach in Ireland.
Fortunately the crew in the F-14 which once owned the tail section got out just fine.
Problem: Adults are getting fatter, all over the world. Women in denial about this try and buy clothing too small for them, leading to any number of feminine fashion emergencies and men trying to claw their eyes out.
Solution: Cheat:
While Americans have statistically gotten larger, women's clothing has gotten smaller -- that is, if the numbers on the size labels are to be believed. It's no secret that retailers have been playing to women's vanity for years by downsizing the sizes on garment labels, but the practice has reached an extreme in recent months with the introduction of the sizes ''double zero" and ''extra, extra small." If vanity sizing continues on this path, analysts say, it is only a matter of time before clothing sizes are available in negative integers.
Ok, how to relate this to your garden-variety beer swilling male pig. Hmm... ok, remember when insurance companies started raping people when they tried to buy a high-performance car, so the car companies started low-balling the horsepower ratings? It's sort of like that, but in a skirt.
Didn't momma tell you to always check where something's been before you put it in your mouth:
Hungarian builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel, a police magazine website reported.
Horrific pun from Joshua in 3... 2... 1...
Insert Bush administration joke here:
A Philippine judge who claimed he could see into the future and admitted consulting imaginary mystic dwarfs has asked for his job back after being fired by the country's Supreme Court.
Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy.
The thing is, motorcycles have suspensions, and brakes. Shopping carts don't.
And you thought it was just homeless people who stole shopping carts.
As if we didn't already know Hollywood was completely out of ideas:
Kyle Newman has signed on to direct "Revenge of the Nerds," a remake of the seminal 1984 teen comedy.
Oh hell what do I know, damned thing will probably end up being pretty good. NERRRRDSSSSSS!!!
A warm evening and a broken air conditioner prompted a 38-year-old woman to sleep naked with her window open Friday night.She awoke to a tongue being slipped inside her ear by a stranger, whose body was partially inside the window.
It never ceases to amaze me the crap some men think they can get away with when they're around women. The dude's also lucky to be alive, as there are many women who routinely sleep with a gun nearby, and there's not a jury in this country that'd convict in this situation.
"Look Martha! There's porn in that there house!"
The tale of the Hayvenhurst cul-de-sac, where several adult productions have been shooting almost nonstop for two weeks (and were booked to continue through Monday), pulls back the curtain on how one of the region's most thriving industries — pornography — coexists with the city itself.
Which just goes to show a paper which most likely accepts advertising for escort services can be just as prudish and self-contradicting as the people who create it. Had the cops actually tried to shut it down, I have no doubt we'd see a story on "the oppression of free speech."
That is, if the porn guys had a good publicist anyway. What, you think the LA Time just stumbled onto this story? Hint: rich people know how to create press releases too.
Slashdot linked up news of the "trumpet emulator". The device sits inside the bell of a trumpet and plays a collection of calls, including reville and taps. Since the Pentagon is paying the bill, I probably don't want to know how much they cost.
Remember folks, when trying to steal power company equipment, make sure it's not on:
A Sumter [South Carolina] man was found in critical condition after officials say he tried to steal something from an electrical pole.Barely conscious and trapped between transformers is where Sumter police found Wayne Odom.
His stepfather says a bad crack habit led to the serious injury. Marshall Knotts says, "He would do anything he could do to get it. He was so strung out."
In other words, he got high, then he got high, then he got high?
... and that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus:
Believing they had a botched burglary on their hands, police in Hayward, California, called to a house instead found a naked man wedged in its chimney, a police officer said Monday.
Officers booked [the man] for being under the influence of drugs...
Yah don't say!
James H. gets a no-prize he can't refuse for bringing us a rather novel proposal:
Provenzano’s “pizzini” reveal that the Mafia is meditating on the eventual need to resolve staffing problems by outsourcing crimes to occasional freelancers or by hiring Greek and Albanian thugs to fill gaps in the ranks. These are, frankly, stopgap solutions that underline its internal weakness and will eventually spell the end of the organization. Something similar happened at the decline of the Roman empire when the defense of the imperial borders was entrusted to barbarian mercenaries.We understand the moral objections, but classic “realpolitik” suggests that it would be in Italy’s national interest to do something about the problem. There are already proposals to create a Mafia “theme park” at Corleone. It is hard to imagine a clearer symbol of increasing irrelevance or anything more shameful for what was an undoubted national glory than to see the children of real mafiosi making a living selling souvenirs and cotton candy to tourists.
Don't look at me, man. All I do is work on Italian cars!
And in the "too-much-time-on-his-hands" department, we have Toddlerpedes. As with most modern art, Olivia does these sorts of things all the time, just not as neatly.
The Boomers' practice of living like a grasshopper is finally catching up with them:
Here are the stark financial facts. Together, Dick, 55, and Shari, 52, earn $110,000 a year. So far they've saved less than $10,000 for Jake's education ($4,000 in mutual funds in the parents' names and $5,500 in a 529 account). Total annual expenses at his first choice, the University of Oregon at Eugene, will top $25,000. The shortfall over four years is an eye-popping $90,500.
For us it's eye-opening for another reason. Thanks to the generosity of family members as well as our own savings plans, Olivia's already better placed for college than the example above, and she's not quite 3. Even then, considering the growth of college expenses far exceeds inflation, we'll still have to be very careful to ensure her security. Welcome to parenting 101, I guess.
And $40k in combined retirement savings, at their age and their income levels?
Smile, Ellen! I told you stuffing money under every financial mattress we could get our hands on would pay off some day.
"Cool" new party tricks for sharing jello shots don't look like fun, they look like a good way to catch any number of nasty diseases. Besides, I never did go out much for the "get hammered stupid in public" school of drinking. To me, puking and hangovers just never were that much fun. Much better to get a warm slurry glow from wine that makes me jabber so much people throw pillows at me to get me to shut up.
But I digress...
Being a guy, I'm most likely politically prohibited from making such a judgement, but to me at least coochie != purse:
A Salvadoran woman was detained after she tried to smuggle a military grenade and marijuana hidden in her vagina into the country's main prison, authorities said Wednesday.
There are just so many levels of "wrong" in this one... the mind boggles.
All those times I complained about traffic in the DC area? I take them all back.
Well, ok, I don't take them back. If you put drivers from around here in a situation like that, you'd have blood up to your ankles running down the gutters. And cellphones. Lots and lots of cellphones.
Fark linked up news of the discovery of a monster shrimp. 40 cm is, what, ~ 18 inches or so? Da-yum!
With pic-ful goodness!
Lane G. gets a creepy latex-rubber no-prize for bringing us news about who faked those "Alien Autopsy" films:
The creator of Max Headroom, a 1980s television cyber-presenter, has claimed he was one of the hoaxers behind the Roswell film, the grainy black and white footage supposedly showing a dead alien being dissected by American government scientists after a UFO crash.
Never watched them myself, but I know people who did. Can't say I ever knew anyone who believed them. I guess I don't run with the right crowd.
they wouldn't be in so much trouble:
The library books on multiple births crowded the couple's coffee table. The bedroom-turned-nursery awaited the arrival of six newborns.But in the end, authorities say Sarah and Kris Everson never had the sextuplets as claimed. All they had was what appears to be a big lie.
Pat gets a no-prize that comes in six different boxes for bringing us this tail of greed and stupidity.
Personally I'm a little weirded out that she was carrying two hearts around in the first place:
British doctors have revived a 12-year-old girl's dormant heart and removed a donor heart which she had started to reject, hospital officials said late today.
According to the article, artificial "assistant" hearts are used in cases like this today. I think perhaps I'm just not understanding what the heck is going on here. Regardless, it's still a good thing for the girl.
New Scientist is carrying this report detailing a bizarre animal which might represent an evolutionary step toward mamals:
Nursing mothers of Boulengerula taitanus – part of a group of tropical, legless terrestrial amphibians called the caecilians – transform the top layer of their skin from its usual flat, dead cells to a thicker layer of large cells rich in protein and fats in order to nurture their young. The nutrient content of this skin layer is similar to that of milk.
The thinking is this could represent an intermediate step toward both live birth and nursing. Kinda creepy, if you ask me.
Making the rounds: the bizzare saga of a rich man wrecking his toys has reached a rather conventional end. This was actually in the post yesterday morning, but the CNN article has a picture of what's left of the car. In spite of the fact that it's a total loss, the Ferrari guys should be quite proud, since even though the driver was an idiot he did walk away. Can't say that about too many 160 mph crashes.
No-prize to Ron for reminding me to link this!
He may be able to dig up signs that ETs have been visiting us for thousands of years, but it seems he can't keep a theme park open:
Long ago, astronauts from outer space visited earth to lay the foundations for human civilisation, Erich von Daeniken says.Now, the Swiss writer and businessman hopes for a visitor wealthy enough to save his Mystery Park theme park in Interlaken from financial collapse.
I'm just barely old enough to even know who this guy is. I'm sure blank looks will be had from several younger friends and relations who read this. Lord only knows what Olivia would make of it.
So the media will be extra-helpful by throwing a few sensationalized stories your way to help:
If a high-fat cholesterol-laden snack doesn't trigger a heart attack, then a healthy economy just might.The risk of a fatal heart attack rises when the U.S. economy strengthens and increases further if macroeconomic conditions remain robust over the next several years, according to a study published last month.
Straight from the "pull-data-out-of-your-ass-and-make-shit-up-with-it" department!
Via Jason
Here I didn't know "digital tombstones" even existed and now I go find out a competitor has already made it to the market. This one turns on when you walk past it. In a graveyard.
The possibilities for scaring the bejeebus out of passersby in some final juvenile prank from beyond the grave are endless.
I want one. Someday, anyway.
Well, at least they didn't ask to be eaten:
At least six men came to western North Carolina, some from as far away as South America, to have their genitals mutilated in what police described Friday as a sadomasochistic "dungeon."
Mutilated as in cut off. I guess if you have a big enough sample of people, you'll find some who want to do stupendously ridiculous stuff. Since the Internet has brought most of the world together, the sample has gotten very large indeed.
There's probably a bit of a cultural, and perhaps even sexual, bias as well. Women who cut themselves up seem to be quietly bundled off to the nearest hospital, while men like this make the front page. Then again, I can't say I've ever heard of a chick flipping out and doing this sort of thing at a party.
People are weird.
The neck-less baby with its head almost totally sunk into the upper part of the body and with extraordinarily large eyeballs literally popping out of the eye-sockets, was born to Nir Bahadur Karki and Suntali Karki at the Gaurishnkar Hospital in Charikot.
Read article with picture of parade here.
Update: Link works now.
I'm actually surprised this hasn't already happened to Ellen:
A man crashed his car after a pet snake he had wrapped around his neck began attacking him, authorities said.
She apparently regularly takes one or the other snake out of its cage while traveling from or to dance rehearsals (they're going to be stars in an upcoming show). Says she gets the most interesting looks from drivers.
Baron Dave Romm (no, really!) gets a makeup-challenged no-prize for bringing us even more pictures of... "Klingons"?
I'd like to think I wasn't that nerdy "back in the day". Then again, I also like to think I could hang with Lance Armstrong with just a few extra miles worth of training. Prevarication in these cases is always a positive.
Two words: Klingon Elvis. Site is SFW but NSFE (eyes).
An Egyptian girl who survived an operation to remove a second head has died from a brain infection.
I guess her sister wanted her back.
Reason to hate cellphones, #48: calls from Satan:
Authorities moved to quash panic among mobile phone users in eastern India after a rumour that "devil calls" from certain numbers have led to death and illness.People started turning off their handsets after a rumour swept Orissa state of phones exploding like bombs killing their owners when they answered the calls.
Then again, if I could make other cellphones explode at will...
Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston," believed Pro-Life's first monument to the 'act of giving birth,' is purportedly an idealized depiction of Britney [Spears] in delivery. Natural aspects of Spears' pregnancy, like lactiferous breasts and protruding naval, compliment a posterior view that depicts widened hips for birthing and reveals the crowning of baby Sean's head.The monument also acknowledges the pop-diva's pin-up past by showing Spears seductively posed on all fours atop a bearskin rug with back arched, pelvis thrust upward, as she clutches the bear's ears with 'water-retentive' hands.
Fark linked this up a few days ago but I wasn't able to access the article and view the picture, without which one cannot truely appreciate the impact of this... artwork? Picture is vaguely NSFW and definitely NSFE (eyes).
Lisa gets a no-prize for reminding us just how odd odd art can be.
Some chimps fling poo, others choose a more original approach:
Before cops threw the book at him, Jakub Fik threw something unusual at them -- his penis.Fik, 33, cut off his own penis during a Northwest Side rampage Wednesday morning. When confronted by police, Fik hurled several knives and his severed organ at the officers, police said. Officers stunned him with a Taser and took him into custody.
Sounds like some sort of drug-induced mania to me, but what the hell do I know? Kudos to the officers for not shooting him where he stood.
Lisa gets a well-decorated no-prize that crawls around a lot for bringing us this video story about "living cockroach jewelry". No, really! Ok mom, this is one set of sparklies whose hiding place you don't want to forget.
No, Ellen, you can't have one.
Now you can look up who's dead on My Space!
Freak show, get yer freak show here. I'd seen a few of them before, but not all in one place. The purple polar bear was definitely a sight.
I wonder how many more of these there are lying around:
New York workers have discovered a trove of Cold War-era supplies within the masonry of the Brooklyn Bridge, a cache meant to aid in survival efforts in the event of nuclear attack.City Department of Transportation employees were conducting maintenance on the structure Wednesday when they found the cache on the top floor of a three-floor space inside the bridge's base, agency spokeswoman Kay Sarlin said.
Typical of the Big Apple, the "shelter" was actually a well-ventilated storage area, not the typical sealed area you'd normally expect. Hey, woulda been expensive to do it any other way!
I'm actually surprised it's taken this long:
Hundreds of well-off Japanese and other nationals are turning to China's burgeoning human organ transplant industry, paying tens of thousands of pounds for livers and kidneys, which in some cases have been harvested from executed prisoners and sold to hospitals.
In a perfect world, where people are rational and Democrats actually make sense, I have no particular problem with this. Unfortunately, since we don't live in a perfect world, I'm afraid this has to go. The potential for corruption around this in a relatively stable law-and-order place like the US is bad enough. In China? Fuggedaboutit.
Two of my favorite fitness competitor are being charged with murder. I had NO clue this was going on untill I got my latest issue of Oxygen Magazine and saw it in the 'letters to the editor' section.
Get more information here.
While I'm not particularly surprised someone's come out with a calendar centered on serial killers, I wish they'd have picked a better artist. No, I can't do any better, but I know a lot of people who can.
It's true. Sci-Fi fans now have their own dating service.
That's right. Now every man and woman who resembles the 'comic book guy' from the Simpsons can find love.
Don't forget to check out the video of the entire accident!
ABOARD USS CAPE ST. GEORGE, At sea (NNS) -- USS Cape St. George (CG 71) and USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) returned fire on a group of suspected pirates in the Indian Ocean, killing one and wounding five, approximately 25 nautical miles off the central eastern coast of Somalia in international waters at 5:40 a.m. local time, March 18.
What dumbasses try crap like this?
Raymond Martinot and his wife were the toast of the world cryonics movement. For years they were France's best preserved corpses, lying in a freezer in a chateau in the Loire valley, in the hope that modern science could one day bring them back to life.But the French couple's journey into the future ended prematurely when, 22 years after his mother's body was put into cold storage, their son discovered the freezer unit had broken down and they had started to thaw.
When you're talking about technologies that will probably take centuries to materialize, if ever, you need to rely on mechanical systems which will last centuries, or forever. Which are expensive, where they exist at all, and usually require expensive upkeep as well. Since whole governments aren't very good at lasting more than a century or so, the whole cryonics movement would seem a sucker's bet.
Of course, Las Vegas is nothing if not a monument to the sucker's bet, and it's doing just fine. Something tells me cryonics will too.
BBCnews is carrying this report detailing DARPA's recent efforts at creating controllable insects for use in combat situations. The primariy stumbling block does not in fact appear to be inserting control electronics:
What adult insects want to do is basically reproduce and lay eggs. You would have to rewire the entire brain patterns.
However, tricking the insects into thinking explosives are food (and thereby causing them to swarm) seems to be more promising. Unfortunately, that too failed in the face of the same stronger imperatives to eat and, well, boink.
Hey, when your lifespan is measured in weeks, ya gotta have priorities!
All of the evidence that is required to expose and destroy the counterfeit Copernican Model of a rotating and orbiting Earth--and the entire evolutionary paradigm resting upon that counterfeit--is set out in scores of links on this web page.Those who read some or all of these links will quickly realize that this is no idle claim. Rather--as will become evident with each subject listed--there is abundant hard proof that both the Copernican Counterfeit and the Big Bang Evolutionary Paradigm that is built upon it are factless frauds from start to finish.
Sometimes I think it would be worth it to pay to send people like this into space, just to listen to the rationalizations they come back with.
Now, I'm not completely certain this isn't just an elaborate hoax a-la Landover Baptist. But there's just enough lunacy, spittle, and bad HTML formatting to make me believe he might really believe all this stuff.
Then again, if a poorly disguised chick-flick masquerading as a "shocking cowboy love story" can do well, I guess anything is possible:
The production is meant to be an irony-free look at life in a North Korean prison camp that could change the way the North is depicted in South Korean entertainment.Songs in the musical include "You are just like germs" and "All I want is rice". The producers hope audiences can find beauty in the misery of life in the prison camps.
Amazing to think the cold war is still dominating this small corner of the world.
We only thought some of our friends got into big unreasonable fights:
A Mexican couple were recovering separately after a marital spat got out of control and saw them firing guns, throwing knives and hurling homemade bombs, Mexican daily Milenio said yesterday.
Mr Espinosa told reporters he was glad his wife had suffered burns, while Ms Contreras said said she was only sorry she had not "hacked off his manhood" during the fight.
Damn. That's harsh!
You only thought that lamp your parents gave you was inappropriate:
Letters to Santa are always cute, especially those asking for new genitalia.
Nobody brings this to movie night. Bad Friends! Bad! No biscuit!
Ok, no more making fun of our buddy Mark's coin collection. At least his used to be real money. Olivia not only knows what they are, she knows how to use them.
Meh. Man's gotta have a hobby I suppose.
Fark linked up this example-with-pic of why one should be very careful when parking one's seventeen-year-old Oldsmobuick anywhere in Canada.
It's eleven o'clock, do you know where your parents are:
A 75-year-old woman accused of robbing a bank with an unloaded pistol was arrested after a tow truck driver blocked her in after a short chase, police said.Marilyn Divine of Baldwin said after her arrest that she acted "to help people who are starving to death and nobody cares about them." She didn't specify to whom she was referring.
Which sounds exactly like someone wobbling off their meds and then tottering off to make mischief. Time to make sure neither of our grammas have access to a weapon!
Hey, it's gotta be real 'cos, you know, it's got "interdisciplinary" in it:
The recently discovered “UNERTAN SYNDROME” consists of quadrupedal gait, severe mental retardation, and primitive language.
[A] new theory was suggested for the human evolution. Namely, the unique behavioral trait of man, the emergence of the habitual bipedality with Homo erectus (1.6 million and 250.000 tears ago) may be coupled with a resistive mind, which forced man to stand up against the gravitational forces with consequent success in tool making and hunting, using free hands for survival.
See! See! Anti-gravity really is all in your head!
Ron gets a follow-up no-prize for keeping us informed on the latest developments in the "Enzo v. Utility Pole" case:
Most mysterious of all are the two men who turned up minutes after the crash, claimed to be from "homeland security", talked their way past police lines by flashing badges, interviewed Mr Eriksson and left again. Nobody has a clue who they were. They are now being sought by police.Mr Eriksson says he has an official governmental function in counter-terrorism - a remarkable twist for a man better known for loving parties and fast cars, whose company just collapsed under huge debt. In the first interview he gave to deputies at the scene, he said he was the deputy commissioner of the San Gabriel Valley Transit Authority's police anti-terrorism unit.
I think eventually this will end up being a case of a really smart drunk who smashed up his fancy toy and then danced fast enough to keep everyone guessing. For awhile, at least.
Where are these parties, and why am I never invited:
The glistening white Santiago Calatrava addition has made the Milwaukee Art Museum one of the city's classiest social addresses. But a recent martini fete held there turned into an overcrowded, drunken affair. Some unruly guests accosted artworks, which have been taken off display for a checkup.People threw up, passed out, were injured, got into altercations and climbed onto sculptures at Martinifest, a semi- formal event organized by Clear Channel Radio and held at the museum Feb. 11, according to several people who attended or worked at the event.
Then again, considering I get loopy after two glasses of wine and tend to go to bed at about 9 pm, it's probably just as well I wasn't there. Something tells me a whole bunch of people wished they weren't either the next morning.
Those quirky Japanese are at it again:
As Japanese waistlines expand, so is the market for girdles -- for men.A new line of male underwear that flattens the stomach and lifts the hips proved so popular when introduced on a trial basis last month that some stores quickly sold out.
According to a Health Ministry report issued last month, some 29 percent of men aged 20-60 are overweight compared with 24 percent in 2000.The Triumph spokeswoman, however, said most of the demand is due to new styles in pants that are cut to emphasize the hips. "It's really more about style," she said. "After all, there aren't that many men in their 20s and 30s whose figures are giving way."
The mind boggles...
Going at it in the car, OK. Leaving the car running, in the garage, with the door closed... not so good:
A Milwaukee man and a 17-year-old girl died of carbon monoxide poisoning while having sex inside a running car in a closed garage last week, according to a Milwaukee County medical examiner's investigation report.
But wait! There's more!
The man's mother said the dead 17-year-old was not her son's girlfriend, and she did not know her, according to the report.
I remember something like this happening in my area when I was in High School, so it's probably more common than people think. Somewhere Darwin has his fist in the air with this two-for-one.
Ron gets a fast but smashed no-prize for bringing us the strange and twisting tail of a supercar, a telephone pole, and a video game executive:
The Plot Thickens in Ferrari Crash
A gun's magazine found near the wreckage may be connected to the accident, and a Scottish bank says it might own the destroyed car.The mystery deepened Monday in the case of the puzzling crash last week of a $1-million Ferrari Enzo on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.
Maybe a better title would've been "when grownup toys attack"?
Ok, so our first flight to Vegas got cancelled, and then the next day the limo service got me to the airport too late to catch the backup, forcing me to buy a new (expensive) ticket just to get there. I won't complain (much), because I know it most definitely could have been worse:
A panic-stricken air stewardess sparked terror on her turbulence-hit flight by screaming: "We're going to crash."The hostess, named only as Wendy, stunned hundreds of passengers on the Gatwick-to-Las Vegas Virgin flight by repeating the outburst three times.
There was a video some years back of (as I recall) a trans-pacific flight which experienced something similar. It was filled with screams, debris, and hapless passengers hanging from the ceiling. From that point on I have made it a point to keep my seat belt on whenever possible.
Of course, knowing my luck, it'll happen when I'm using the bathroom. Meh, as long as I land safely, it'll wash off.
There's pets, and then there's pets. Get a load of the leashes they have on those heyenas.
Thing is, I'm not sure if I should warm up by it or toss flowers into it. Why yes, I watched Star Trek obsessively while I was a child. Why do you ask?
When I first started watching this video of Moscow's Lefortovo highway tunnel I thought, "hey, another day on the beltway!" Then I saw the bus go by.
All those times I called DC area drivers idiots? Well, ok... they're still idiots, but it's a benign, cow-like stupidity. We got nothing on those maniacs.
People will eat ANYTHING over there!
Ok, cutting = bad, we already established that one. Now we must also add that pencils = bad:
A Serbian man needed emergency surgery after sticking a pencil inside his penis to keep it stiff during sex.
Dude... I mean... Dude!!!
It may only be 2mm long, but its spider-fu is strong:
They may be small, but Assassin spiders are among the most dangerous spiders on the planet – if you’re another spider, that is. These tiny arachnids in the Archaeidae family are only about 2 mm (less than 1/8 inch) long, but their bizarre fangs and spider-hunting practices have earned them a reputation as the world’s most grotesque spiders. They hunt by stabbing their prey with venom-filled fangs that are attached to the ends of extremely elongated jaws.
With picture!
Well, all I can say is this TSA employee certainly earned their pay that day:
Airport baggage screeners found a human head with teeth, hair and skin in the luggage of a woman who said she intended to ward off evil spirits with it, authorities said Friday.Myrlene Severe, 30, a Haitian-born permanent U.S. resident, was charged Friday with smuggling a human head into the U.S. without proper documentation.
Yeah, documentation. I can just hear it now, "Allo? Allo? TSA? 'ow do eye go about takin' dis 'ere 'ead on de plane wi' me? Yes. It's a 'ead. A 'EAD. You know, da ting on top o' ya shouldas? Well of course it not attached to anyting girl, it's a 'ead. Just a 'ead. Because I wanna take it on da plane, dat's why.
Allo? Allo?"
Even though I've seen it discussed time and again on just about every form of media out there, if the level and type of spam I get about it is any indication there are still men who don't get that penis surgery does not work. So, once more, with feeling:
Nim Christopher, a urologist at St Peter's Andrology Center in London and his colleagues, who questioned 42 men who had the surgery, found the dissatisfaction rate was very high. Often the men requested another surgical procedure.
In all likelyhood, it's probably for the best. If these sorts of things did work, they'd probably have to start making new furniture to accomodate what some loons would try to do to themselves.
Ron gets a curvey no-prize for bringing us scientific proof that just looking the part isn't enough for a girl to get ahead in this word:
Dressing sexy can have negative affects at work especially the higher you climb on the ladder, according to a recent University of Lawrence study led by professor Peter Glick.The study found that risqué dress on the job is viewed as inappropriate for those in all positions. Managers who dressed provocatively, however, were perceived less intelligent and less competent, while those in lower level positions (like receptionists) were not. The study also suggests that women who wear racy clothing are perceived as using their sexuality to advance professionally.
Ellen wears scrubs and I think white socks with black pants is high fashion, so neither of us has too much to worry about. Now if we could just get Ron to stop wearing stilettos to his meetings...
Problem: A male group of rare penguins are hanging out amongst themselves at their zoo home, refusing to help their species stop being rare.
Solution: Bring in some new females in the hopes of "getting the party started".
Result: Politics happens:
The initiative to "turn" the penguins and make them mate had prompted a furious response from gay rights groups.
Because we all know how oppressed the gay penguin population is these days. Stonewall! Stonewall! Stone... rrmm... glacier?
Ron gets a rotten no-prize for bringing us an inside look at small-town politics:
LONOKE, Ark. - The mayor was arrested in a corruption probe, the police chief is accused in a drug-making scheme, and the prosecutor says the chief's wife took prisoners from jail to have sex with them - and more arrests could be coming.It's a lot for a town of fewer than 4,300 residents to stomach in one day.
Dropping it all in a single day is a bit much, but I remember hearing about things like this swirl around the local government of my old home town (who's population was about thhe same size) through the years. And it's not something exclusive to Arkansas. From what I've read, many if not most small towns run into trouble like this at one point or another.
Thing is, doesn't everyone know how dangerous these damned things are?
Kevin Freels has been a vet for three years. He has seen his share of injuries, but he never thought he'd be on the receiving end of a potentially deadly attack from his own pet.“I was just doing the routine weekly maintenance on the (saltwater) tank,” Kevin recalls. “Apparently she didn't like what I did."
The “she” Kevin is referring to, is his lion fish, named Lily. Lily charged Kevin's hand and jabbed six of her poisonous spines into him.
I see them in larger pet stores all the time, so I guess people don't know.
Somewhere, Darwin is re-calibrating his scope and grumbling about a near miss.
For another entry in the, "why should I have to pay attention in life, isn't that something the government should do for me?" category, we have this article on an "unintended consequence" of the growing popularity of hybrids:
As hybrid sales skyrocket, there's a growing concern that the battery-gas powered vehicles pose a risk [to pedestrians] because they aren't as noisy as gas-powered engines. When idling, hybrids run on the quiet electric battery. Most, with the exception of GM and Honda hybrids, can also operate on the battery until the car reaches higher speeds, when the gas engine kicks in.
Yeah, that colorful ton-and-a-half of metal moving toward them just isn't enough to grab everyone's attention. And of course drivers shouldn't be expected to, you know, look around and be aware of nearby pedestrians. Can't you see they're on the damned phone?
I ride a bike on city streets all the time, and my assumption that essentially everyone else on the road with me has no idea I'm there has saved me from many a crash. Look around, make eye contact with cross traffic drivers, and "check six" when you need to switch lanes or pull to the center and you will go far indeed.
Karma being what it is, be sure to watch the papers tomorrow morning for news of an inattentive cyclist in Northern VA getting creamed by a hybrid he didn't hear coming.
Fark linked up this Reuters article which answers the "burning" question, "where in the heck are the Palis getting Danish flags from anyway?" The answer is pretty much what you'd expect: they're buying them from clever and enterprising businessmen. See a need, fill a need.
Now if they'd only learn to be as efficient at providing basic needs like food and clothing...
A 50-STONE giant dubbed the fattest man in Britain has died after enjoying his final fish supper.Jack Taylor, 60, tucked into the jumbo special fish treat before going to bed.
He died in the night of a heart attack and his niece found him next morning.
50 stone = ~ 700 pounds. Yoiks.
Update: Apparently they made a film about him and another guy. Coming to a Discovery channel near you!
And to think we put these things against our heads:
Many students, and other young people, have little in the way of cooking skills but can usually get their hands on a couple of mobile phones. So, this week, we show you how to use two mobile phones to cook an egg which will make a change from phoning out for a pizza.
We only have one cell phone, so no way for us to test if it's true. Others in our group of friends are better off mobile-wise, so your assignment for this week is to test if this actually works. Bonus points for photos!
Wouldn't ya know it, some people just can't leave well enough alone:
A Michigan environmental group is charging that at least part of the so-called "new car smell" is toxic, and that the interior of an automobile has dangerous levels of various chemicals.The report, "Toxic at any speed," comes from The Ecology Center, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based group. It reports that PBDEs, used as fire retardants, and phthalates, used primarily to soften PVC plastics, are found in dangerous amounts in dust and windshield film samples.
Yes, standard press release reporting, but even the newsie seems to try to distance themself from these cranks.
Gotta deal for you greenies who buy into this. You give me your new car, I'll give you my old one.
Definitely not something you see every day:
A fully grown moose has been spotted surfing down a rain-swollen river in Norway on a large chunk of ice.It's not clear whether the moose got caught on ice that suddenly became free or whether he grabbed his chance for a wild ride down the Namsen River, reports Aftenposten.
No word on the ultimate fate of the moose, but I have an ugly feeling it was probably "pretty nasti".
Everyone's favorite vampire-for-governor may have some trouble with fundraising soon:
Self-described vampire and Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Jonathan "The Impaler" Sharkey has been arrested on Indiana charges of stalking and escape.
Lyndon Larouche (as I recall) regularly ran for president while behind bars, but that was a federal position. State position, state laws, so who knows?
So what does it mean when you see sneakers hanging from powerlines? It would seem nobody knows for sure. I first noticed this sort of thing five, maybe six years ago near our old apartment. I've seen them elsewhere now, I figured because of some copycat instinct.
Me, I'm impressed people can toss them up there without some sort of handle or clamp. Then again, I have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time, so I guess you'd say I'm easily impressed by this sort of thing.
Hey, alls I can say is at $100,000, it better come with its own groupies and tour bus.
Of course, this could simply be showing my ignorance of the "l33t" hand-built guitar industry. In my own hobby spheres, I'm not even sure it's possible to pay that much for a new bicycle, but it's quite easy to drop that kind of money on hi-fi equipment. Not that I will, mind you.
Having gotten angst-ed up over their selfish response to their teenage years (the hippie generation), then over their selfish response to early adulthood (the "me" decade of the 70s), then over their own children's equally self-involved narcissism as they grew up (the yuppie and soccer-mom riven 80s and 90s), boomers now seem to have moved smartly on into self-obsessed grand-parenthood:
The new G-Mother -- that's a hipper moniker, don't you think? -- has short red hair, a Mini Cooper, frequent-flier miles, and an iPod in her Kate Spade bag. The average age of a first-time grandparent today is 47, which was, incidentally, the average life expectancy just a century ago. We are the same age our grandmothers were, but we're in the middle of our lives, not at the end.
Look, I'd love to nip over and whisper secrets into 1-month-old Maggie's ears, or to dress 2-year-old Ryan in the black leather jacket I bought her recently and take her to look for late blackberries in Golden Gate Park on my bike (with its deluxe new kid seat). But I have a job. I'm a reporter, I have two books to write, a husband who wants to go to France, and I just bought an investment property in Portland, Oregon. I love my grandchildren, but being a grandmother got added to my to-do list.
The crass materialism, let alone the staggering self-involvement, would be funny if it weren't quite obvious the author is deadly serious.
I think the whole thing is more about who a very wealthy woman in her fifties living in San Francisco associates with than it is any sort of generalization about her generation at large. Suzanne is ... ahem ... around that age and is quite enthusiastic about being a grandmother. Her older sister is just tickled about being a great aunt. My own mom, who technically isn't a boomer but can definitely see them from there, is fairly nuts about both her grandkids.
So why my own broadside at the start of this article? Keep in mind it's people like this, people who have to "place limits" on their grandparent duties, who by and large are chronicling their generation's progress through history. The boomers seem like narcissists with their lips superglued to the mirror because the people who write about them are narcissists with their lips superglued to the mirror.
Thank you, thank you. We'll be here all week. Try the veal!
Via Dr. Helen
The thing is, nobody's sure:
University of Georgia archaeologists have been puzzling over finding an apparent manmade object buried in a historic Civil War cemetery.Ground-penetrating radar on parts of Myrtle Hill Cemetery, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, found a reflection that did not look like a grave during a scan of two Civil War grave sites earlier this month.
"There definitely is something manmade there, something big and metal," said Sheldon Skaggs, a member of the archaeologist team. "Now we have to determine what it is."
Which shows that the field has indeed come a long way in the past twenty years. When I was an undergrad, the first step in the survey would've been to hammer a rod into the ground in a regular pattern. That would've revealed a solid mass, and its rough outline. The next step would've been to dig some small exploratory trenches (oftentimes with a backhoe, for speed). If that revealed anything interesting it'd be off to the lab and offices to gin up a grant proposal to fund a full dig.
Nowadays it would seem they pay a few grad students to drag a lawn mower-sized gizmo back and forth, and then work from that. Ain't technology grand?
No, really, when octopus attack:
Rare video footage shows a giant octopus attacking a small submarine off the west coast of Vancouver Island.Salmon researchers working on the Brooks Peninsula were shocked last November when an octopus attacked their expensive and sensitive equipment.
One would expect the scientists to "ooh" and "ahh" while the octo taste-tested their equipment. One would be wrong:
"I go full reverse and blast him with all these seabed particles," said [Mike Wood], describing the attack shown in the video. "Finally, he lets go and disappears off into the gloom."It was desperation. It's a $200,000 machine, and it's not insured," said Wood, who runs SubOceanic Sciences Canada in Duncan, B.C.
That sounds like a Discovery channel documentary-in-the-making!
All those Britons who snickered or jeered over the recent dust-ups over here about evolution and intelligent design are pleased to be sitting down and shutting the hell up now:
More than half the British population does not accept the theory of evolution, according to a survey.Furthermore, more than 40% of those questioned believe that creationism or intelligent design should be taught in school science lessons.
One of those "Ha-ha... rmmm... oh boy..." sort of moments.
All I've ever managed to find was a bunch of sea shells:
They call it a beachcomber’s dream, but the chances of finding it, are slim to none. This is why a recent find at Streaky Bay of the rare substance ambergris, which is essentially sperm whale vomit, is a coup for a South Australian fishing family.
The South Australian West Coast ambergris weighs around 14.75 kilograms.Mr Jury says that SA Director of Fisheries Will Zacharin has quoted his estimate of the price of ambergris at approximately US$20-a-gram.
The stuff's used in perfumes, and it has a really appetising "manufacturing" process. And to think we make fun of how loud Olivia burps...
James H gets a no-prize you shouldn't look at for bringing us news of a startling discovery:
Human eyes possess destructive power of laserIt was known long ago that people could kill with their eyes
Hey, it's in Pravda! It's gotta be true!
Actually, I know it's not, because if it was my wife would've been in jail long, long ago.
Scripting tools + too much time + too much talent = a phone number you can call to post anonymous voice mail messages onto a website. Can you say "defamation, death threats, then de-activation"? I knew you could...
If the Cowboys get to the playoffs next year, and something similar happens, that is:
Terry O'Neill, 50, of Pittsburgh, was watching the game at a bar and had a heart attack seconds after Jerome Bettis fumbled trying to score from the 2-yard line late in the fourth quarter. Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger prevented the Colts' Nick Harper from returning the recovered ball for a touchdown and the Steelers hung on for a 21-18 win.
Ron and I were watching this game and we were shouting at the TV as it happened, and we didn't particularly care who won. A great game if you weren't a truFantm. A miserable one if you were.
Remember kids, eat your fruits and vegetables:
A lad who only ate chips, toast and baked beans was killed by his junk diet — aged just 20.After years of unhealthy eating, Scott Martin’s liver began to fail, he developed hepatitis and his blood would not clot.
Sixteen-stone Scott refused a life-saving liver transplant because he was too scared and was so weak he needed a wheelchair.
The longer I think about this, the less I believe this was just caused by overeating. The parents claim he wasn't much of a drinker (what the heck is the drinking age in the UK anyway?), but I actually know someone who's diet isn't much better than this guy's was and, while not exactly healthy, he's nowhere near a liver-damaged invalid. There's something else going on here.
Well, more like an ex-ostrich mystery:
When dispatchers called Trooper J.J. Creech to check out a big bird strutting down N.C. 39, he thought it probably was a chicken loose in the morning fog.He chuckled as he turned his cruiser north to chase the poor critter off the Johnston County highway before somebody hit it.
But sure enough, Creech spotted an obstinate ostrich -- tall enough to peer over the roof of his patrol car.
Then out of the fog came a yellow Ford pickup...
Thing is, according to the article anyway, nobody in the area farms the things, and the nearest zoo is miles away. I wonder if it tastes like chicken?
You are going down to the super scary basement at work(building is from the 20's) and a bird flies out from behind the dryer and attacks you.
Apparently what came from my mouth was "Jesus F*&Ing Christ", along with a shrill scream.(So I was told)
Hey, you would scream too if a bird attacked YOUR head if it flew out from a dryer!
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure this one is serious:
The Mystery and Meaning of the Message in Our Cells: Discover that the ancient message and the name of God are encoded into the cells of your body and all life; learn and understand the lost key that allows DNA to be translated into language and words; cross the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to discover how the message in your DNA holds the power to heal your body, resolve conflict and create peace between families and nations; and see how to switch the healing codes of your body to "ON"! Presented by Hay House Publishing.
Via Improbable Research.
Thing is, I'm not at all sure Amazing Prehistoric Dogs is for-real or simply a bizarre satire. The text is a very nice foil hat vintage (classic, with a full body and overtones of unreasonableness at the finish), but the illustrations are like something from a lampoon paper of some sort.
Maybe he'll finish up his site on cats soon. More information might help.
It's often said, "if you want to send a message, use Western Union." A possible corollary could be if you want to get rid of a mouse, use a trap:
A mouse got its revenge against a homeowner who tried to dispose of it in a pile of burning leaves. The blazing creature ran back to the man's house and set it on fire.
I live in a house full of cats, so mice are pretty much a non-issue. Even if we did have them, they'd be considered food sources (for the snakes), not pests.
A number of prestigious libraries -- including Harvard University's -- have such books in their collections. While the idea of making leather from human skin seems bizarre and cruel today, it was not uncommon in centuries past, said Laura Hartman, a rare book cataloger at the National Library of Medicine in Maryland and author of a paper on the subject.
Read entire article here.
Time to make a trip to the library!
For the weirdo who has everything, we're proud to present concept skinbag, a site that offers various leather goods made from "artificial human skin". There are so many different levels of skeevy here I'm not sure I can begin to count them.
Wherein a spider as big as an adult's hand is merely termed, "large":
A tarantula-like spider which has been biting an elderly man in his sleep has been in his house for several weeks, according to the RSPCA.
The arachnid is described as being as large as a human hand.
[RSPCA spokesman Gethin Russell Jones] told BBC Wales' news website: "He's quite an elderly gentleman. He noticed a large spider months ago when he bought [a box of bananas].
Suddenly those guys who unload the grocery trucks in our area seem a lot tougher than I'd previously thought.
I know it's only a matter of time:
If you're a suburban cowboy hankering to raise a herd and short on ranchland, mini-cattle may be for you.New breeds of pint-sized heifers and bulls are making it easier for small farmers to raise cattle for milk, meat or just fun. On Bill Bryan's 20-hectare spread on Maryland's Eastern Shore, he has sold seven calves this year.
No Ellen, no! Bad Ellen! Bad! No cows!
Ron gets a devilish no-prize for bringing us jeans with a message:
A punk-rock style, trendy tight fit and affordable price have made Cheap Monday jeans a hot commodity among young Swedes, but what has people talking is the brand's ungodly logo: a skull with a cross turned upside down on its forehead.The jeans' makers say it's more of a joke, but the logo's designer said there's a deeper message.
"It is an active statement against Christianity," Bjorn Atldax told The Associated Press. "I'm not a Satanist myself, but I have a great dislike for organized religion."
There are any number of people I can think of who'd probably try to wear them to a church.
Killer described as polite, sensitive.
Aren't they all?*SnArK*
They are everywhere now!
In one reported sighting, an indigenous man claimed he saw a three-metre-tall ape standing on two legs beside a river in heavy rainforest in Johor state, the director of the state's national-parks service told Reuters on Sunday."He said it was hairy all over, like a gorilla," said Hashim Yusoff, director of Johor National Parks Corp.
Read entire article here.
Workplace experts say Generation Y will need direction as the thundering herd enters the workplace.
The [Chicago Sun-Times] said it's a generation that Steven Mintz, author of Huck's Raft: A History of American Childhood, says has been "coddled."
Because lord knows the boomers, who've essentially defined neurotic self-indulgence, were nothing but tough guys, right?
As with nude beaches, this probably isn't as fun as it sounds:
The Delbecchis, husband and wife since 1978, are "echangistes," French for "swingers," who for the past 21 years have been visiting clubs like L'Orage (Thunderstorm) to have consensual sex in a group with one or more other people.For future outings, they will no longer have to fear police will raid the club and arrest them for being in a "bawdy house," a place where prostitution or acts of public indecency take place.
In a landmark decision on Dec, 21, the Supreme Court of Canada lifted a ban on swingers' clubs, ruling that group sex among consenting adults is neither prostitution nor a threat to society.
Not fun because, as with the above mentioned beaches, those who wish to be seen at such places tend to be people you don't want to see at such places.
Meh... pay your taxes, stay out of trouble, yadda yadda yadda...
Also from Wired, the latest in on-line porn doesn't even use actual people:
You've heard of machinima -- films made by altering video-game footage -- but that's not the only thing coming out of games these days. Players of the massively multiplayer online title Second Life have started a new type of pornographic magazine, one that passes up real-life models for sexy, in-world avatars.The magazine, Slustler, is both shot and distributed in the world of the game. There, after throwing down 150 Linden dollars (approximately 60 cents), players can browse Slustler's 100-plus pages per issue whenever they choose.
Meh, their money, their choice. Doesn't mean I won't make fun of it though...
What is it with David Letterman?
Attorneys for television talk show host David Letterman want a judge to quash a restraining order granted to a Santa Fe woman who contends the celebrity used code words to show that he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host.A state judge granted a temporary restraining order to Colleen Nestler, who alleged in a request filed last Thursday that Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" since May 1994.
My first reaction was, "restrain away", considering she's in New Mexico and he's (usually) in New York. As I read the article, and thought about it a bit, I realized if they don't stop this, it could easily turn into grounds for some sort of bizarre lawsuit.
What I hope is that the publicity from all of this will allow this woman to get the help she really needs. It's all well and good to make fun of people's delusions (lord knows people make fun of mine all the time), but folks with serious mental illnesses like this need treatment to ensure they don't become a danger to themselves or others.
The great Christmas ideas just keep coming. This time, it's a Japanese neck stretcher. No, really!
Just when you thought psychological studies couldn't get any weirder:
Barbie, beware. The iconic plastic doll is often mutilated at the hands of young girls, according to research published Monday by British academics."The girls we spoke to see Barbie torture as a legitimate play activity, and see the torture as a 'cool' activity," said Agnes Nairn, one of the University of Bath researchers. "The types of mutilation are varied and creative, and range from removing the hair to decapitation, burning, breaking and even microwaving."
When I was a kid, I can vividly remember how cruel some of my peers could be with their toys. Peer pressure being what it is, it usually didn't take long before such play degenerated into chimp-like bash fests that to this day make my stomach churn a little bit. I always thought it was just testosterone-addled boys who did stuff like that, but it would appear I was wrong.
All I can say is that, while she's indifferent to the dolls themselves, Olivia sure does like watching the videos and wearing the clothes. Then again, she's only 2.
Via Siflay.
We're from the government, and we're here to help:
When the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association passed a rule requiring high school soccer players to wear mouth guards in 1999, Amherst-Pelham Regional girls coach Derek Shea remembers joking about what changes would come next."When mouth guards came up, we sat in the (coaches) meeting laughing, and someone said, 'helmets are next,'" Shea said. "I said that was ludicrous."
Ludicrous or not, soccer players on all levels from youth league to college could be required to wear helmets under legislation currently being considered in the Statehouse.
Alas, this comes far too late to help inveterate soccer-player Ron.
Of course, this would happen in Arkansas:
SILOAM SPRINGS, Ark. - Shayna Richardson was making her first solo skydiving jump when she had trouble with her parachutes and, while falling at about 50 mph, hit face first in a parking lot.Although badly hurt, she survived — and doctors treating her injuries discovered she was pregnant. Four surgeries and two months later, Richardson said she and the fetus are doing fine.
Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes is bad, mmkay?
"Is that an iPod in your pocket, or... oh, I guess it is."
The Play iBox Solid Boxer is an ideal knit boxer for trendy, gadget-savvy music lovers. Made from a cotton/spandex blend, this button fly boxer has a discrete front pocket which is perfect for holding your iPod, other mp3 players or your cell phone.
Drat! I already got Joshua his Christmas present!
It looks like the Arkansas man who was arrested after he jumped the fence onto the White House grounds was after Chelsea Clinton, not anyone from President Bush 's family.
Reminds me of one of the better quotes describing "The Natural State": If the world were to end tomorrow, I'd want to be in Arkansas. Because there, I know, it would end twenty years later."
There was a young rapper from Dayton
Whose pen gun he lately was hatin'
It seemed to be dead
Which just went to his head
And so did the gun, which then claimed him:
Steven Zorn had put the pen gun to his head and clicked before, thinking it was jammed and would not work.But on the third try, the tiny, silver pistol went off as the 22-year-old budding rap singer was drinking to celebrate an impending record deal. He died later at the hospital.
I ask you though, was it art?
Fish sausages, once almost a staple of the Japanese diet, fell into decline around the '70s.But the outbreak of mad cow disease in 2001 has seen the reemergence of the fish sausage, albeit with a variety of mad flavors that bring out the wurst in some food makers, according to Weekly Playboy (12/20).
But wait! There's more!
And the most notable part of the fishy feasts is the freaky flavors that they have spawned, like strawberry milk, which is made out of marine life, but tweaked to taste like a sweet lactose drink.
Just when you thought the Japanese couldn't get any weirder!
Pat gets a no-prize only a junkie would mistake for drugs for bringing us another entry in the chronical of stupid criminals:
In an unusual case of mistaken identity, a woman who thought a block of white cheese was cocaine is charged with trying to hire a hit man to rob and kill four men. The woman also was mistaken about the hit man. He turned out to be an undercover police officer.Jessica Sandy Booth, 18, was arrested over the weekend and remains in jail with bond set at $1 million on four charges of attempted murder and four counts of soliciting a murder.
~ Bad boys bad boys... ~
Either they misjudged the distance or they couldn't take the traffic. For reasons that mystify authorities, five deer that made their way onto the top of a five-story parking garage suddenly leaped to their deaths Sunday.Police Cpl. Steve Cox found the does' bodies on a service road to the Charles Town Races & Slots, next to a security van they'd narrowly missed.
Nature equipped deer to do many things, but coping with a cave-cliff thing filled with stinking moving metal things that reek of people isn't one of them.
It's sometimes said, "money can't buy happiness, but it can make misery more comfortable." Which is all well and good, until you realize just how miserable it can really get:
For Mack W. Metcalf and his estranged second wife, Virginia G. Merida, sharing a $34 million lottery jackpot in 2000 meant escaping poverty at breakneck speed.
Mr. Metcalf's first wife sued him for $31,000 in unpaid child support, a former girlfriend wheedled $500,000 out of him while he was drunk, and alcoholism increasingly paralyzed him. Ms. Merida's boyfriend died of a drug overdose in her hilltop house, a brother began harassing her, she said, and neighbors came to believe her once welcoming home had turned into a drug den.Though they were divorced by 2001, it was as if their lives as rich people had taken on an eerie symmetry. So did their deaths.
Pat gets a pretty but tarnished no-prize for bringing us this abject lesson in being careful for what you wish.
Amazingly, this actually worked:
In an unusual case in a Scarborough, Ontario, courtroom, Jan Luedecke was acquitted of sexual assault after a judge ruled he was asleep during the attack -- a disorder known as "sexsomnia.
This guy's attourney should get a medal, right before he gets the crap beat out of him. The DA (or whatever they're called in Canada) should just be... well, shot is probably too strong. Fired definitely isn't.
Also making the rounds: if Hell refuses to freeze over, maybe Britain will instead:
The ocean current that gives western Europe its relatively balmy climate is stuttering, raising fears that it might fail entirely and plunge the continent into a mini ice age.The dramatic finding comes from a study of ocean circulation in the North Atlantic, which found a 30% reduction in the warm currents that carry water north from the Gulf Stream.
The real problem is that nobody really knows what this means. We've only been studying ocean currents seriously for fifty years or so, and ocean temperatures have been studied for an even shorter period of time. Believing this is the harbinger of an ice age is like believing aliens have sucked your house into their spaceship just because you heard a "bang" downstairs.
Do I think global warming is real? Yeah, I think it's real, and pretty obvious at that. Do I think it will lead to global catastrophe? Nope. The timelines most people who take baths and get haircuts advocate telescope these changes across a full century or more. Over that period of time we can not only cope with the changes, we'll probably make money off them.
If it all drops in the pot tomorrow, will it be more expensive to fix than if we'd taken a longer view? Well, yes, that too. But I'm not going to let the prosperity of my country be held hostage to a political tug of war over something that might happen.
Put it a different way. When one nation got frightened by a basketball-sized orb twirling around the planet, it reacted by placing men on the moon in less than the lifetime of a cat. If it became patently obvious that global warming's effects were going to compress down to years instead of decades, I'm quite confident the industrialized nations of the world would be up to the task of finding a solution.
Naive? Maybe. But my naivete doesn't cost us a dime, and lets the proven-to-work efficiencies of the market handle the problem in the meantime. Yours would risk my child's future on a theory based on a model that even its proponents can't get to work properly twice in a row.
Doesn't sound like much of an improvement if you ask me.
Contrary to widespread reports in the media, the Manganos did not abandon St. Rita's during the flooding.Nor did they seal the fate of their elderly residents by strapping them to their beds before leaving, as was widely reported. They worked alongside their staff and a few Good Samaritans during the frantic rescue effort, according to Cobb, Alonzo and other witnesses. Bertucci says none of the bodies recovered from St. Rita's was strapped to a bed or a wheelchair.
Per usual, the entire incident is far more complex than the media ever reported. I'm not sure which is worse... that the media did this, or that I'm surprised that they did this.
Quick! Someone tell Tom's publicist that he's gotten loose again:
Not every family can afford one at a price tag of up to $200,000 but actor Tom Cruise says he bought a sonogram machine for his pregnant fiance Katie Holmes so that they can monitor the development of their child.In an interview with ABC's Barbara Walters to be aired on a November 29 television special about the "most fascinating people of 2005," Cruise said: "I'm going to donate it to a hospital when we are done."
From what I remember of it, there's a bit of a trick to getting one of those things to work right. Of course, we all know how smart and talented Mr. Cruise is, so he shouldn't have too much trouble with it.
Occupation that Looks Cool but will Get You Killed so Don't Do it, #421: rally car driver. There's a reason they put full roll cages in those things, ya know?
Note: this particular spot on the site seems SFW, but I can't vouch for the rest of it. Text ads look pretty squirrely, but no pictures.
Pat gets a creepy-crawly no-prize for bringing us yet another reason we're glad not to live in "The City":
They're the scourge of hobo encampments and hot-sheet motels. To impressionable children everywhere, they're a snippet of nursery rhyme, an abstract foe lurking beneath the covers that emerges when mommy shuts the door at night.But bedbugs on Park Avenue? Ask the horrified matron who recently found her duplex teeming with the blood-sucking beasts. Or the tenants of a co-op on Riverside Drive who spent $200,000 earlier this month to purge their building of the pesky little thugs. The Helmsley Park Lane was sued two years ago by a welt-covered guest who blamed the hotel for harboring the critters. The suit was quietly settled last year.
SOMETIMES words are not enough — well, English ones anyway. Enya, the reclusive Irish artist, has invented a new language after deciding that English was too “obtrusive” for her lyrics.The Dalkey-based singer also rejected Gaelic and Latin, both of which she used on previous records. So a quarter of the songs on Amarantine, her new album, are in a tongue called Loxian, which she devised with her lyricist Roma Ryan.
3 Utahns try to open door for polygamy Legal challenge: Salt Lake City lawyer Brian Barnard says the ban is unconstitutional.
Read entire asinine article here.
Two words: Iron Crotch:
The ancient Greeks worshipped it. Freud said women envy it. And on Tuesday, a man pulled a truck with it.Yes, you read that right.
He pulled a truck with his penis.
Grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng, best known for his "Iron Crotch," attached himself not once, but twice, to a rental moving truck and pulled it several yards across a parking lot in Fremont...
Kinda brings a whole new definition to the term "stunt dick."
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but the sentence "Man hit in head by train for second time" just parses wrong.
Way back when, I was famous for getting beaned by baseballs during little league games. But at least someone was throwing something at me then. Something, you know, small.
Pope is discovered to be a Catholic
Family of bears accused of defecating in forested areas
Microsoft product crashes:
"There have been several postings over at Xbox-scene complaining of crashing Xbox's on new games, with default settings on single player. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup have been reported too, and Project Gotham Racing 3 crashes before finishing the first lap. Screenshots and Video are available showing the crash."
Nice thing is, since I think they all have built-in networking, it should be possible to quickly get a patch out. Assuming it's not just a bunch of gorillas beating down their poor little systems.
World's ugliest dog dead at 14. He never looked real happy, but I guess he did end up spending his end years with a loving family. Here's to hoping the next turn of the wheel puts him in a less challenging body!
Fetish readers may have already heard of Cathie Jung, but I hadn't:
Of course, Ethel Granger and Cathie Jung are among the best known corset wearers of contemporary corset history. Both ladies appear in the Guinness Book of World Records. You can find Cathie on the website of Guinness Books of World Records under Human Body/Smallest waist on a living person. The entries state Ethel's corseted waist of 13 inch (33 cm) and Cathie's 15 inch (38 cm) but in a way, Cathie has beaten Ethel...
Includes a brief but fascinating FAQ on just how to get a waist down to this size. The things people do to themselves, I tell ya.
According to London’s Evening Standard, the British TV network Channel 4 is launching a new reality TV show that claims to be the biggest hoax in TV history. The show, called Space Cadets, aims to fool 9 contestants into believing they have been blasted into space. According to the report, the series has been under wraps since its inception 18-months ago.
Well, I guess if they paid me enough I'd probably pretend to believe anything. I'm actually a little afraid to find out just how many of these bubble-heads never noticed the lack of gravity...
Sometimes you find old clothes in the attic; sometimes you find old letters. But sometimes, well, sometimes you find a little bit more:
With each step up the ladder he took, Evansville resident Steve Mohns became more perplexed by the mysterious picnic basket sitting in his attic.
As he prodded and tugged at the basket, the handle fell off."I need the big flashlight," he said to Jessica, expecting to find old bottles or cans inside.
Instead, what he found left him trembling.
"When I pulled the basket out of its resting spot is when I saw the jaw and the foot," he said. "I thought, 'OK, I'm not sure what this is … that's when I decided I better get it out.' "
It would be all I could do to keep Ellen from re-stringing the thing and hanging it over the TV.
Today's "grown woman diddling a teenage boy" story is brought to you by Gainesville GA:
A 37-year-old woman was charged with child molestation after being accused of having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old boy whom she married last week.The woman also is allegedly pregnant with the boy's child, though paternity hasn't yet been determined, his grandmother and guardian told The Associated Press on Monday.
With scary-yet-disturbingly-not-ugly picture.
Reason to move to Britain #124: they have "better wind":
The UK's wind is better for generating electricity than that of its rivals, according to a government-backed study.
"We have a vast and dependable wind resource in the UK, the best in Europe." [said Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks.]
Um, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night, man.
Not content to rest on their "you turned what into a soda flavor?" laurels, the folks at Jones Soda Co. are at it again:
For beverage connoisseurs tired of turkey-and-gravy or green-beans-and-casserole flavoured sodas, there's a new choice being offered this year by speciality U.S. soda maker Jones Soda Co.: salmon.
It's even orange! How can you resist?
The People's Republic of California is at it again, this time proposing to build a highway tunnel through an earthquake zone:
Traffic is so bad along the eastern rim of Los Angeles' suburban ring that regional planners are considering the once unthinkable an 11-mile tunnel through a mountain range in earthquake country.
Considering the absolutely staggering number of special interests this would involve and the utterly glacial speed of California courts, I'm thinking this one is definitely DOA.
First Hooters, now Hustlers?
Porn peddler Larry Flynt is most famous for his XXX Hustler magazine. Now he wants to open a restaurant chain with the same name. Company officials have targeted Memphis, and say Beale Street would be ideal."We want to give them a new version of Hooters," says Flynt. "A lot less hooter and a little more beef," he adds.
Now I'm all for chicks and burgers, but if handled poorly this has the potential to be the most unappetising restaraunt ever opened.
As it were...
File this one under well, duh:
A hand grenade being used instead of a ball in a game of catch exploded early on Saturday killing three youths in this Bosnian town, police and news agencies said.Two youths aged 19 and 20, one of them from neighboring Croatia, were killed instantly while a 20-year-old woman died on her way to hospital, police said. Her sister was slightly injured but two other youths suffered serious injuries.
I bet that shape puts a mean spin on it.
While this report about "a cartoon that encourages young people to become suicide bombers" is weird enough, to me stranger still is ITN's unwillingness to name MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, by name:
The cartoon was put on the internet by an Israeli-linked media research centre who claim it was broadcast on Iran's IRIB TV channel last week.
Fortunately I already knew exactly who they were talking about, so it was a simple matter to find the original story. That's when things got really weird.
Pat gets a no-prize with an eye patch for bringing us news that piracy is far from dead:
A luxury ship carrying at least 600 tourists from Europe narrowly escaped seizure by gunmen off the pirate-infested Somali coast when it sped off to the high seas amid a trail of gunfire.The vessel was destined to the Kenyan Indian Ocean city of Mombasa, where it was expected to arrive Monday, Andrew Mwangura of the Kenyan chapter of the Seafarers' Assistance Programme (SAP) told AFP.
I've been reading about piracy in this area and the area around the South China Sea for years now. As long as they stuck to tramp freighters and the occasional hapless sports tourist, I suppose they were just ignored. Now that they're starting to take on bigger fish, maybe someone will finally take care of them.
Doesn't have to be us. China and India both have navies more than capable of squashing thugs in speedboats. If the pirates make commerce expensive enough, I'm sure those navies will.
A Japanese high school girl has been arrested for gradually poisoning her mother to the brink of death and keeping a blog of her progress - all done as a grim homage to a serial killer she idolised.The 16-year-old student is alleged to have laced her mother's food with increasing doses of thallium, a potent rat poison. Her mother is now in a coma and critically ill.
The girl, who is from rural Shizuoka, in central Japan, was apparently inspired by Briton Graham Young, the notorious Teacup Poisoner of Bovingdon who, in 1962, aged 14, slowly killed his stepmother with what was thought to be the same lethal substance.
Ok, that German guy who got a volunteer to eat is still the creepiest thing I've ever heard. Still, this is definitely up there on that list.
Ok Ellen, all those times I made fun of you for "hovering"? I take them all back:
A hardware retailer Home Depot has found itself in a sticky situation, defending a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the chain's Louisville store ignored his cries for help after he fell victim to a prank and was glued to a toilet seat.Bob Dougherty, 57, of Nederland, said he became stuck to a bathroom toilet seat on which somebody had smeared glue on Oct. 30, 2003, and felt "tremendous panic" when he realized he was stuck.
This being America, of course there will be a lawsuit. Because we all know how utterly odorless and colorless all adhesives are.
Alternative title: paging Buffalo Bill, white courtesy phone please. Site is (as far as I can tell) SFW.
Not quite "Man bites Deer", but close:
BENTONVILLE, Ark. - It looked like a crime scene, but no charges will be filed after Wayne Goldsberry killed a buck with his bare hands in his daughter's bedroom.The engagement lasted an exhausting 40 minutes, but Goldsberry finally subdued the five-point whitetail deer that crashed through a bedroom window at his daughter's home Friday. When it was over, blood splattered the walls and the deer lay on the bedroom floor, its neck broken.
It's definitely the season for it. The number of deer carcasses on our main commute route has risen significantly, and now we're starting to see them on regular surface streets as well. It's all I can do to keep Ellen from taking pictures of them.
Not quite getting hit by a bolt of lightning, but close:
A pastor was electrocuted during a baptism in Waco, Texas, after grabbing a microphone while partially submerged.Rev Kyle Lake, 33, was standing in a small pool used for baptisms at the University Baptist Church when he was electrocuted on Sunday morning.
Actually, even I'm surprised there's that much current flowing through (what I presume to be) a standard microphone. Pow!
Remember folks, be careful what you click:
Worms on IM networks can spread rapidly. They appear as a message from a buddy with a link that looks innocent, but in fact points to malicious code somewhere on the Internet. Once the user clicks on the link, malicious code is installed and runs on the computer. The worm then spreads itself by sending messages to all names on the victim's contact list.The advice to users is to be careful when clicking on links in IM messages--even when they seem to come from friends--and to use up-to-date antivirus software. When receiving a link in an instant message, the best practice is to verify with the sender if the link was sent intentionally or not.
It took Ellen about three years before she was finally tricked into unzipping a virus on her old computer, but this'll be a lot harder to spot. I guess it's time to finally install some anti-V on the stuff at home.
Never think humanity is already as weird as it can get:
A new Indian documentary focuses on a secretive sect of Hindu ascetics who eat corpses in the belief that ingesting dead flesh will make them ageless and give them supernatural powers."Feeding on the Dead," a 10-minute documentary, delves into the little-known world of the Aghori sect, whose holymen pluck dead bodies from the Ganges River in northern India.
I wonder what they do when a member of their sect grows old and dies?
No, wait. I don't want to know.
Not content with various elaborate carving techniques, people seem to be moving to a pumpkin of a different color.
I haven't messed around with carving real pumpkins since the mid 70s. Too much mess, and all that really happened was teenagers would come by and ruin them. I think the hollow "carvable" styrofoam ones you get at craft stores are a much better idea.
Tattoo fans in the audience will probably find worth a chuckle (or groan). Of course, one person's bad tat is another's work of art, so don't shoot me I'm just the messenger!
Note: the site is large. The bits I looked at were SFW, but I have no idea if the entire site is.
See! See! When you institute controls on a commodity, shortages always happen:
A Brussels fertility clinic claims it is being swamped by demand from French lesbian couples seeking fertility treatment."Last year, of the inseminations using a donor's sperm, 72 percent of patients came from France, with a majority of them being homosexual," the Erasmus fertility clinic's head Anne Delbaere told La Libre Belgique.
"We haven't got enough sperm samples in stock to meet all the demand," she said. "We don't want to close access to French female couples, but we can't welcome them at the expense of heterosexual couples," said Delbaere.
In a perfect world, someone out there would set up a business that connected willing couples with willing donors at whatever price they thought would make a profit. While the US has the entrepenurialism to make it happen, we're so hung up on the social implications it probably never will. Somewhere in Latin America though, a businessman probably has a cunning plan...
Welcome to the next in a long line of looney right wingers wishing to save the United States, one state at a time:
Cory Burnell wants to set up a Christian nation within the United States where abortion is illegal, gay marriage is banned, schools cannot teach evolution, children can pray to Jesus in public schools and the Ten Commandments are posted publicly.To that end, Burnell, 29, left the Republican Party, moved from California and founded Christian Exodus two years ago with the goal of redirecting the United States by "redeeming" one state at a time.
The difference between these loons and, say, the Earth First'ers is that at least this bunch won't give it all away to the bears and the bunnies. And, at least for now, they don't go around setting stuff on fire in the name of one cute furry creature or another.
Ron gets a sculpted no-prize with a purpose for bringing us images from a rather... unique... art exhibit. Safe for work, but I'm not so sure for the bathroom.
But don't you dare put any restrictions on their licenses:
St. Petersburg, Florida -- Police are investigating a bizarre hit and run crash.Investigators say 93-year-old Ralph Parker hit a pedestrian on 34th Street and 46th Avenue South on Wednesday night. He then he drove three miles with the victim's body lodged in the windshield.
I fully support mandatory driver's tests at least every 2 years for anyone over 70. The reason why it's not a law in all 50 states? Old people vote. Think about that next time you decide heading to the polls is too much trouble.
What is this, a Mel Brooks movie or something?
An elderly blind woman who lived alone was burned and died after trying to microwave clothing at her home in Newcastle, north of Sydney.
Authorities believe the woman removed the clothes from the microwave, not realising they were on fire, and set her nightgown alight in the process, a police spokeswoman said.
See mom, it's bad to store flammable stuff inside ovens!
Hey, at least it didn't happen in Arkansas:
St. Louis police believe that a woman who was found dead Tuesday afternoon in a rear window in the 5400 block of Mimika Avenue had become wedged there while trying to burglarize a house and died of asphyxiation.
And isn't that a lovely thing to come home to?
Not quite the iceman, but strange nonetheless:
It was a plane crash back in 1942 that wasn't discovered until 1947. Now, hikers made a frozen discovery in connection with a World War II plane crash.Hikers found the frozen body of an airman while scaling Mount Mendel Glacier in the Sequoia National Park. Now, the military is working to find out who this airman is and whether he was ever reported missing.
It's believed the airman has been frozen in the glacier for decades until a pair of climbers got much more than ever imagined on a hike.
The Sierra Nevadas are apparently littered with crashes from the WWII era, which I suppose is what you'd expect when you put hundreds of low-time pilots in an area where most of the landscape points up.
These guys just take what they want.
Their partnership involved carving body parts out of corpses for eventual sale to legitimate transplant businesses: bone for dental implants and orthopedic reconstruction and skin and fat for burn victims and cosmetic procedures.
I know you want to read more.
Remember folks, beds make poor ash trays:
A 67-year-old Redding [CA] woman who promised her sister she would give up cigarettes November 1st has died in a fire that started when she fell asleep while smoking.Evon Wood called 911 late Thursday night and told the dispatcher that her clothes and mobile home were on fire. Firefighters found Wood's body near her kitchen sink.
A rather nasty way to go, even for a Darwin candidate.
Fark linked up one place we'll never be having a movie night:
Almost one in three people attacked by crocodiles were drunk at the time, Australia's most comprehensive review of croc attacks reveals.The figures show why it's not a good idea to drink too much if you're in or near water in northern Australia, says zoologist Dr Adam Britton of Wildlife Management International, who has co-authored research showing a 30-fold increase in crocodile attacks over the past three decades.
Because, you know, I wouldn't want any of my friends to get drunk, wander off, and get eaten. Yeah, friends. Me, I don't touch the stuff.
Clover tomorrow. I didn't like it at first, but it sorta grew on me. Well, him, actually.
See! I knew tattoos were bad for you:
A Brooklyn father getting a tattoo called "Last Rites" inked into his flesh passed out and crashed headfirst into a glass counter yesterday, killing himself, police and witnesses said.Joaquin Laguer, 27, nearly was decapitated during the horrific accident inside Buzz Tattoo, an unlicensed parlor in East Williamsburg.
What service... a tattoo and a close shave!
So says my lace-ensconced daughter (see pictures below), for the last two or three days. Now it looks like she'll be saying it for a very long time indeed:
Toy maker Mattel Inc, known for Barbie fashion dolls, is expanding the plastic icon's domain to include high-end designer clothing and accessories for adult women.The merchandise, which includes jeans, shirts, handbags and jewelry, is designed by well-known fashion designers and will sell under the name Barbie Luxe.
There's all sorts of inappropriate comments involving undressing I could make, but considering the two year old sitting next to me, well, there just aren't enough words to express how skeevy it would be to note them. See! See! I can be grown up!
The rest of you, probably not so much. :)
Struggling to lure customers back amid increased competition, McDonald's is adding a new item to its menu in Japan: the shrimp burger.The $2.40 burger, shown to reporters Friday and set to go on sale this month, is the latest effort by the Japan unit of the U.S. fast-food chain to win over Japanese palates -- and spark sales.
If the original Iron Chef is any indication, there isn't a thing that gets dragged from the ocean that a Japanese won't eat. This should go down (as it were) well.
Looks like PC groupthink is alive and well in England:
An injured pedestrian has complained that she was ticked off by a police officer for using the word “fat” to describe a hit-and-run motorist.Mary Magilton, 54, said she was simply trying to give the officer an accurate description of the female driver whose car mounted the pavement and hit her at a busy road junction.
Instead of the officer taking a note of her description, he paused and told her she could not use such language to describe an alleged offender.
The British have a reputation for being so polite it's a wonder they're able to reproduce, but even good manners have their limits. Sometimes you just gotta call 'em like ya see 'em.
Because there would definitely seem to be a killer on the road:
Long used to kidnappers and drug hitmen, Mexico's capital is now in fear of another type of criminal: a serial killer in women's clothes who strangles and batters old ladies in their homes.Police believe a single murderer is responsible for the unusual killings of four elderly women in the city so far this year and may have committed some of 37 others since 2003.
True-crime fans (you know who you are) should have a great time with this one.
Just in time for the holiday, a list of some really weird diseseases. Most are (big surprise) rooted in mental illnesses, but others... I mean, come on, "blue skin disease?"
I almost put it under "funny" because I can remember so many guys in college who wanted to do just this:
Smurfette is left for dead. Baby Smurf is left crying and orphaned as the Smurf's village is carpet bombed by warplanes — a horrific scene and imagery not normally associated with the lovable blue-skinned cartoon characters.These are the scenes being shown as part of a new UNICEF ad-campaign on Belgian television.
Yes, college. Hey, most of my college buddies were engineers, it's not like they had girlfriends or anything.
Does anyone even watch the Smurfs anymore? Around my house we're transitioning out of the Wiggles and Barney and into Pixar and... *shudder*... "Bah-lee Bah-bee!!!" [Ballet Barbie]
Well, maybe as a nation they are, but individually they don't got nothin' on this roadkill-eating British retiree. Hey, it's in the Sun, it's got to be true.
Yet another reason why very large predatory animals are challenging to farm:
A Chinese man who raised bears to tap them for their bile, prized as a traditional medicine in Asia, has been killed and eaten by his animals, Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday.Six black bears attacked keeper Han Shigen as he was cleaning their pen in the northeastern province of Jilin on Monday, Xinhua said.
When you read the details of what this guy was doing to these critters, the headline will start making a lot more sense. Sometimes I think if it weren't for "traditional Asian medicine" the whole concept of endangered species would've been obsolete long ago.
I'd always read and heard about Japan's obsession with vending machines, but I'd never actually seen any, until now. Includes a picture of the infamous "used school girl panties" machine. No, really!
Mothers use his name to scare their children while even adults hope they don't bump into him in the dark -- for more than 40 years Gopal Haldar has been making his living in India's Sunderbans mangrove region as a ghost.
With picture!
Today's entry in the "don't you have anything better to do?" category comes to us from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:
Filed yesterday in D.C. Superior Court by an organization that promotes vegetarian diets, the suit charges that Giant, Safeway and other milk retailers have failed to warn lactose-intolerant consumers of the risks of drinking milk.
Now pardon me sparky, but it would seem to me that if someone knew they were lactose-intolerant, that would pretty much clue them into the fact that drinking milk would be, you know, bad?
But wait! There's more!
The lawsuit is not the first time that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has dueled with the dairy industry in court. In June, the group filed a lawsuit accusing the industry of defrauding the public by claiming in ads that people could lose weight by consuming more dairy products. The industry has stood by its claim that consuming dairy products helps with weight loss when coupled with calorie restriction.
Yeah. Calorie restriction. Also known as, you know, "eating less." Sort of like saying gas prices won't affect you if you hang this special air freshener in your car and drive a hybrid.
I'm going to be really pissed if it turns out my tax dollars are getting anywhere near these two.
Waitaminute... dairy farmers?!? Noooooo!!!
No, really, when birds attack:
A Sunshine Coast university student will need to have an artificial lens fitted to his right eye after it was speared by a wild darter bird perched on a railing at Australia Zoo at Beerwah.The freak accident happened last Thursday in the open wetlands area of the zoo, which is frequented by wild ducks, herons and other waterbirds.
~ "What'll we see at the zoo / what'll we see at the zoo-zee-zoo / what'll we see as w- ARRRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!" ~
The various nurses and veterinary technicians in my life will be greatly disappointed to learn medical examiners would appear to be on to their "secret sauce":
A jury convicted a woman Tuesday of murdering her 71-year-old husband with injections of her diabetic daughter's insulin to keep him from learning she had gambled away $4,000.Barbara Garcia, 63, of Hobart faces a maximum sentence of 65 years in prison when she is sentenced Nov. 15.
Extra-creepy "what an amateur! She should have done XYZ instead!" comments from said family members in 3... 2... 1...
Pat gets a mysteriously glowing no-prize for bringing us news of confirmation of the mysterious phenomenon known as the "milky sea":
Mariners have long told of rare nighttime events in which the ocean glows intensely as far as the eye can see in all directions.Fictionally, such a "milky sea" is encountered by the Nautilus in Jules Verne classic "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
Scientists don't have a good handle what's going on. But satellite sensors have now provided the first pictures of a milky sea and given new hope to learning more about the elusive events.
The article linked pictures, but they wouldn't come up for me. Maybe for their next trick they'll finally get some pictures of those UFOs that are based in the Bermuda Triangle.
The Religious Policeman, via our other fav Arab blog Mahmood, linked up a rather graphically... unfortunate "boy-and-his-camel" story. Poor thing ended up as camelburgers.
Well, that may be, but this guy obviously didn't think so:
Japanese private broadcaster TV Asahi showed footage of a man standing on an iron frame on the exterior of the 333-meter Tokyo Tower and unfurling a banner adorned with a large red heart and words that appeared to be the name of a girl.
I saw a documentary about base jumpers a few years back, and they noted you could only spend so much time near powerful TV transmitters before you started feeling the effects. The one they noted was tooth fillings getting hot enough to burn your mouth. Maybe he didn't have any?
Ok, sorry, but the words "heliotherapy" and "penis" just do not go together:
A Mr Kang who went to a private hospital to have foreskin resection has lost more than he expected, the Xinmin Evening News reported Friday.Kang, a middle-aged man, read an advertisement and went to a private hospital in Jinshan District on September 8. He followed doctor's instruction to take a course of microwave "heliotherapy". After one hour, Kang noticed that his penis had been burned black and was painful. He had difficulty passing water but the doctor had gone off work and he could find nobody to help him.
Microwaves are bad, mmkay?
Jim over at Jimspot made a rather startling discovery about his pool recently:
So, out to the pool I go... it's an ARROW!!! ... Not a toy, mind you, an honest-to-goodness, real arrow shot from a bow. It was embedded in the side of the pool, too, so it must have been shot over the fence.
The ultimate culprit: teenaged boys. Which should surprise absolutely no-one. I'm amazed any male manages to get through the ages of 12-22 alive. Myself included.
Oh what could possibly go wrong here:
Roadside speed cameras will be redundant eventually because vehicles will automatically cop themselves for speeding.This is the plan of the Department for Transport, which has commissioned companies to develop aircraft-style black boxes for cars.
This one just bursts with alternate headlines:
Statist interference at its finest. Hey, at least it's not our tax dollars at work.
I mean, who would've thought she could make it even worse:
Sentencing for a Colorado woman who had sex with high school boys has been postponed. She's been hurt in an auto accident that could land her in even bigger trouble.Police say she was a passenger in an SUV being driven by a 14-year-old girl.
I think I can smell the booze on her breath from here. At least nobody got killed. This time at least.
An Australian man has told how he narrowly escaped being crushed to death inside a rubbish lorry after he fell unconscious following a night out.CCTV footage shows a group of men tipping Wayne Griffin into a bin which hours later was collected by a compactor in Perth.
In Australia drinking seems to be treated as both a science and an industrial project. Before she left, our lone Australian employee would regale me of various Amusing Incidents and even detailed her purpose-assembled "drinking outfit" (t-shirt, sweat pants, special flat-soled sneakers). Makes me wonder why this sort of thing doesn't happen more often.
From Slashdot, a story of what could be the most bizzarre fallout from hurricane Katrina:
... Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.
Not frikken lasers, but close.
Hey, with a headline like this you know we have to link it:
Getting rid of illusion of time, reaching the state of integrated singularity type IV advanced alien civilizations travel instantaneously
Well, duh, of course getting rid of the illusion of time will do all that. Don't you guys watch the sci-fi channel?
none of my [college] students was alive, for example, when Ronald Reagan was elected president... a quote from a review of this book.
Nobody said the 1980s would become more than 20 years ago! I am not supposed to have a 20 year high school reunion next year! I did not vote for this! You! Ticking clock! You stop that, right now!
When I was little I was amazed that my mom and dad could remember a time when there was no such thing as TV. Amazed. But they were kids, little kids, when The Great Couch Potato Creator made its debut. I can't even begin to count the number of technologies Olivia will take for granted that didn't exist when I graduated high school.
Oh shut up. Shut up. You're catching up with me. And don't worry, I have your walker right here...
Sometimes posession isn't 9/10ths of the law, it's 10/10ths of getting arrested:
Police found cases of food, clothing and tools intended for hurricane victims at the home of the chief administrative officer for a New Orleans suburb, authorities said Wednesday.
Considering Lousiana's and New Orleans's well-deserved but mostly unreported reputation for spectacular corruption, I can only think this is the tip of a gigantic graft-driven iceberg. Personally, I'm expecting about 1/3rd of our heard-earned and well-intentioned donations and tax dollars to end up lining various politico's pockets*. It's the only way to make sure the other 2/3rds get there as fast as possible.
Really, it's a no-win scenario (for honest people at any rate). The only way to make sure relief gets where it needs to go is audit, audit, audit. However, audits take time, and pretty much define bureaucratic red tape and slow government movement. It only takes one soft-headed bleeding heart (or heard-headed political machiavellian, both of which the Democrats have in abundance) to start screaming, with a megaphone only our sycophantic "anything-to-stick-it-to-the-president" national media can provide, "faster! Sooner! Only racists are this slow!" to force their hand.
Keep your eyes open folks, this is just the beginning.
* They'll be Democratic pockets, but that's mostly a coincidence. Shoving this much money down the throat of any government this fast, really anywhere in the world, will always lead to endemic corruption. I am continually amazed that people are amazed by this.
Man, when some folks talk about how bland US TV shows are, they're not kidding:
A television presenter on a new Dutch talk show plans to take heroin and other illegal drugs on air in a program intended to reach young audiences on topics that touch their lives, producers said Wednesday.The show, scheduled to premier on late-night television Oct. 10, is called "Spuiten & Slikken," or the "Shoot Up and Swallow" show.
I especially like the fact they plan on the host doing LSD while under the supervision of his mom. And all this time I thought my mom offering to buy me a beer when I turned 18 was liberal!
There are a lot of dead people in that building.
Part of the marquee of a strange/funny haunted house thing that was part of the VA Beach strip.
Reason #324 not to visit Antarctica: hungry glaciers:
Fears are growing over the fate of two Argentines who fell down a deep crevasse in Antarctica on Saturday.The two - a scientist and a member of the navy - were crossing the Collins Glacier, on King George Island, on a snowmobile when they disappeared.
Sarlaac unavailable for comment.
I guess it's sort of like the adult version of the "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" So come, gentle reader, and explore how many condoms one can fit on a penis:
We set about to examine the results of our work in detail. First we measured the length of the finished specimen, which now measured 17” from base to tip. The condoms added 9 ½” of length, more than doubling the dildo’s original length, and representing an increase of more than 125%. Measuring around the thickest part of the condom-wrapped dildo, we found the girth was now 10 ¾”, an increase of 5 ½” over the original circumference of 5 ¼”. Again this represents an increase of over 100%.
If a picture of a fake plastic wang would get you in trouble at work, leave this one for when you get home. Blogging on vacation rocks.
I guess he should be glad he never had to touch a doorknob:
An Australian man built up a 40,000-volt charge of static electricity in his clothes as he walked, leaving a trail of scorched carpet and molten plastic and forcing firefighters to evacuate a building.
I always grab a doorknob or metal bit forcefully when I know I'm carrying a charge, seems to take the sting out of it. Otherwise I tend to throw arcs across three inch gaps at times.
Because only over-sensitive PC holdouts would have a problem with this thing:
The undershirt the white student wore had a confederate flag on the front with the words "Keep it flying."
"Well Scott, that might be a bit tacky, but it's not too bad."
On the back, a cartoon depicted a group of hooded Klansmen standing outside a church, waving to two others who had just pulled away in a car reading "Just married."Two black men in nooses were being dragged behind.
Good thing it happened in Florida. If this idiot had pulled a stunt like this where I grew up, getting hit on the head would be the least of his worries. And it wouldn't just be the black kids he'd be running from.
What I want to know is, where are you supposed to put the gigantic "old school" handset for your cell phone? I seem to recall we featured something like this years ago, but that was in Asia. Seems to be spreading. Like, you know, a tacky pink bakelite plague or something.
guns don't kill people, tombstones kill people:
An inebriated Belgian woman died in a freak accident when she ended up beneath a heavy grave stone at a cemetery, local news agency Belga said Wednesday.
Now if that's not a gothic way to go, I'm not sure what is.
Finally Fark leads us to the people who are really responsible for hurricane Katrina:
A meteorologist in Pocatello, Idaho, claims Japanese gangsters known as the Yakuza caused Hurricane Katrina.Scott Stevens says after looking at NASA satellite photos of the hurricane, he’s is convinced it was caused by electromagnetic generators from ground-based microwave transmitters.
Dammit, those Japanese just keep getting more and more clever!
Ron gets a no-prize that'll sound an alarm when he picks it up for bringing us this story of a most unusual crime wave:
Beavercreek [Ohio] officials knew they had to do something when their 250-pound fiberglass beaver statues started going missing from the streets.So they embedded tracking devices in the six-and-a-half-foot-tall sculptures, which are being displayed to celebrate the city's 25th anniversary.
Time to start checking e-bay!
A parasitic worm that makes the grasshopper it invades jump into water and commit suicide does so by chemically influencing its brain, a study of the insects’ proteins reveal.The parasitic Nematomorph hairworm (Spinochordodes tellinii) develops inside land-dwelling grasshoppers and crickets until the time comes for the worm to transform into an aquatic adult. Somehow mature hairworms brainwash their hosts into behaving in way they never usually would – causing them to seek out and plunge into water.
Includes creepy "worm pulling out of bug" picture. *shudder*
I used to think this sort of thing was how I'd quickly collect on Ellen's life insurance (via panic-induced heart attack):
A 12-year-old boy awoke to an unpleasant surprise this week when a python bit him in his bed. Michael Rodriguez discovered the 4-foot snake clinging to his right arm early Monday morning. He flailed his arm, flinging the snake to the carpet.
Now I know it'd be all I could do to keep her from adopting it. Thing is, these people don't even own a snake!
Hell with phone police, looks like they've got phone enforcers over in the UK:
A householder has received a letter threatening to put him in hospital if he did not pay his phone bill.
The letter reads: "Dear Mr Harding, With regards to your bill, your balance presently stands at £292.65p as from 23rd August your bill will be £600."Failure to pay will result in you being hospitalised. If you thought the events of July 7th and July 21st were bad that is nothing compared to what will happen to you."
I always roll my eyes at my wife's panicky reactions to strongly worded collection notes. But this one, this one I'd probably take seriously.
Looks like the US isn't the only country with unusual obesity problems:
A German court has ruled that Mercedes must release a man from a car lease deal after a dispute over whether he was too heavy to drive the luxury vehicle, Bild newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Of course, the question I'm wondering about is, how'd he fit in the car in the first place?
RentMyDaughter is a subsidiary of ChildNet Services, with its corporate headquarters in San Diego, CA. In addition, we also maintain 4 regional offices across the United States.RentMyDaughter provides safe and trustworthy child-rental services in multiple metropolitan areas. Our service area is growing every year and we are on target to provide services in 50 cities by the end of 2006.
Ok de-bunkers, go find out if this thing is for-real or not. I got a kid that needs to start earning her keep.
It's a joke mom, a joke. I'll wait at least a few more years before renting her out.
Remember folks, to liberals this is actually a very sensible policy:
Grieving families across the West [UK] may find the homes of deceased loved ones taken over by bureaucrats to help the homeless, it was claimed yesterday.Under Government plans, local councils are set to be given sweeping powers allowing them to take temporary control of empty private houses and then rent them out. Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott is proposing that the tough new orders could be brought into play when a house has been unoccupied for as little as six months.
As I recall, it took my mom and my uncle quite a bit longer than a year to sell my grandparent's home after their deaths. I can only imagine what said mom's and uncle's reaction would be if they came with a realtor to the property and found a homeless family had been placed there by the city. I'm sure it would do wonders for the resale value as well.
That's the glory of ivory towers... you can't see the details of your engineered tragedies from way up there.
He's gonna need a bigger smokehouse:
Hunter Wayne Haldane has caught what is thought to be one of the biggest ferals in Queensland near his home in Kennedy, north of Cardwell.The boar weighed 270kg and the only scales that could hold it were electronic ones used to weigh cattle.
Most feral pigs, which hide in sugar cane, weigh 60kg-150kg.
Even at the smaller size, feral pigs are dangerous. They were a leading cause of childhood death in pre-industrial Europe, and even domestic ones need to be treated with healthy respect.
My relatives think my snake is horrible, but they have not seen this yet!
This is literally something from an Ozzy video!
Jellyfish Cause Reactor Shutdown in Sweden:
A Swedish nuclear power plant shut down one of its three reactors Monday because of an abnormal accumulation of jellyfish in the cooling system.
Where are Dory and Marlin when you need them?
Crime author Patricia Cornwell has taken out full-page ads in two national newspapers to deny she is obsessed with Jack the Ripper.
Read entire article here.
Well, I guess we have to give him points for trying:
A Mexican city at the heart of a raging drug war is trying to woo back jittery Texan day trippers by offering free bus tours with an armed police escort."The aim is to shake off the bad image that we have and give a boost to the craft markets and restaurants in the center, where business is almost nil," Nuevo Laredo's tourism director Ramon Garza told Reuters on Wednesday.
Nuevo Laredo has been singled out for special "stay the f- away" mention by the State Department, since apparently the drug gangs have been shooting RPGs at each other lately. Oh, and did we mention the 30 kidnappings of US citizens? Yeah, definitely the garden spot of the Mexico border, donchaknow.
This made the rounds a few days ago on a forum I couldn't link up: not only does he work with goofy props, he can also kick your butt to the moon.
The comments seem to include people who've actually been in a gym with him, and the general consensus of those is "no 'roids, just work". Which is all well and good, but I can't get over how weird he looks. To me, it's like he's got contacts in or something.
Oh well, as long as he stays out of trouble and pays his taxes, none of my damned business what he looks like. Although I would suggest perhaps a belt or suspenders next time the camera guy comes around.
Janes, via Fark, is reporting some suspicious activity around Varyag, the never-completed Russian carrier the Chinese bought seven years ago:
Chinese shipyard workers have been repairing a badly damaged ex-Russian aircraft carrier and have repainted it with the country's military markings, raising the question once again of whether China is pursuing longer-term plans to field its first carrier.In the latest developments, images show that workers at the Chinese Dalian Shipyard have repainted the ex-Russian Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier Varyag with the markings and colour scheme of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy (PLAN). Additional new photographs show that other work, the specifics of which could not be determined, appears to be continuing and that the condition of the vessel is being improved.
Long-time military buffs should remember Varyag... it was the hapless hulk that was towed around the Black Sea for several years (I think as many as three) while people figured out how to get it to China. Most of its hatches and elevators had been open to the elements for years previously, and it did not have a powerplant or rudder. The thing was widely considered a rusting pile of junk then, although it's hard to say what four years of industrious work may have done to improve the situation.
While a single carrier is enough to raise eyebrows in the west (and give its primary target, India, an ulcer or two), this will definitely not threaten the US's Pacific fleet, which at last count has six. If it is eventually turned into a military asset, the Chinese will learn what every other nation has learned about big-deck carriers... they're very expensive, insanely complex, and more than a little dangerous to operate. There's a reason only seven nations in history have ever operated them, and of those only one in any real numbers since WWII. With a name as incongruous as "The People's Liberation Army Navy", I think it may be a long time indeed before Varyag ever gets underway.
Well, there go two careers down the toilet:
Two Norfolk-based guided missile destroyers collided off the coast of Jacksonville, on Monday afternoon while conducting exercises, The Virginian-Pilot reported.
Nobody was hurt, so maybe it was just a kiss? Considering ships aren't designed to be bumper cars, I kinda doubt it.
Fark links up news that the myserious "Piano Man" has returned home... to Germany. Confidentiality laws prevent the complete story from being told, but it would appear the guy was mentally ill (duh), trying to kill himself when he was picked up, and couldn't really play the piano all that well after all.
Boy, am I glad my battleship-nut brother Jeff doesn't live in San Francisco. 'Cause if he did, he'd probably be pretty pissed off right now:
Veterans groups and history buffs had hoped tourists in San Francisco could walk the same teak decks [of the battleship USS Iowa] where sailors dodged Japanese machine-gun fire and fired 16-inch guns that helped win battles across the South Pacific.Instead, it appears the retired battleship is headed about 80 miles inland, to Stockton, a gritty agricultural port town on the San Joaquin River and home of California’s annual asparagus festival.
[San Francisco] city supervisors voted 8-3 last month to oppose taking in the ship, citing local opposition to the Iraq war and the military’s stance on gays, among other things."If I was going to commit any kind of money in recognition of war, then it should be toward peace, given what our war is in Iraq right now," Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi said.
Just when you thought soft-headed PC lefties couldn't get any dumber.
Of course, one city's politically incorrect monument is another city's impressive tourist attraction, so let's hear it for the city planners of Stockton! May the sales taxes and admission charges they reap from this impressive bit of history enable the funding of many a small-town improvement project.
Via Jason, who quite rightly notes:
Yes, a museum ship that fought in World War II, Korea, and the Gulf War, and a piece of our nation's history isn't good enough for San Francisco.Just don't question their patriotism.
[T]oday’s Transom has a downright disturbing item about Brooklyn artist Chris Hackett ... who is constructing a fully-functional suitcase bomb. The piece is courtesy of the Madagascar Institute, a radical art organization which is organizing an exhibition to be shown at either Cooper Union or South Street Seaport the week of September 11.
The saddest part is, when the various local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies come and shut this down, they'll actually have the nerve to a) act surprised, b) claim censorship, and c) blame neoconservbushitlercans.
You know, I actually did try to figure out what a preeventualist is, but then I got to this:
On the contrary, preeventualism is founded on the understanding that hope will always prevail in any mode of thinking. The preeventualist simply opts for a primitive philosophy, wherein concepts are abstract and ideas have not grown to a point where hope can be inspired.Which is why many have referred to preeventualism as surintellectualism.
and my head exploded. Maybe Joshua can figure it out.
Pat gets an unpredictably powerful no-prize for bringing us news (and pictures!) from the wonderful world of MRI screwups.
Go in like a conscientious person to make sure you're not going to get killed by cancer, get killed by a flying fire extinguisher instead. Can't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor...
Because all his plastic might melt:
Steve Erhardt is a man in search of perfection. A virtual human "Ken" doll, the celebrity hairstylist and makeup artist has undergone approximately 30 cosmetic surgeries and subsequent maintenance and has spent close to $250,000 out of his own pocket to achieve his current look.
He works in Hollywood, duh. I'm always amazed how people try to look fabulous with plastic surgery and just end up looking freaky.
Ah well, it's their money. People like this keep an entire industry's worth of other people, from doctors to teachers to drug reps to receptionists, employed.
No, really, when child stars attack:
A former child actor and his wife were ordered to stand trial on Tuesday for the murder of a wealthy California couple who, prosecutors say, were tied to the anchor of their yacht and thrown overboard alive, never to be seen again.Orange County Superior Court Judge John Conley ordered 26-year-old Skylar Deleon, who once starred in the "Power Rangers" TV series, and his wife, 24-year-old Jennifer Henderson Deleon, to stand trial for the murders after a two-day preliminary hearing in Santa Ana, south of Los Angeles.
And we all thought Todd Bridges and Dana Plato were bad seeds...
Ron gets a... *gAk* ... Ron gets a no-prize for bringing us... this:
A Seattle man died after engaging in anal sex with a horse at a farm suspected of being a gathering place for people seeking to have sex with livestock, police said Friday.
Definitely some sort of lifetime achievement no-prize, in the category of "skeeve-ment", is deserved here.
Exactly how he stumbled across this one... no, no... NO!!! I *DO NOT* want to know!
Billy, Ellen's inveterate fisherman step-dad, better watch out... those fish are getting smart:
A fish caught in an east German lake near the Polish border not only got off the hook but also lured a 46-year-old fisherman to his death, police in the eastern town of Eisenhuettenstadt said on Tuesday.
Some day I need to get one of her family to write up the time Suzanne (Ellen's mom) caught a snake with one of Billy's prized rod-and-reel kits.
Ok, as far as comfort food goes, for me there's nothing like pizza. But in a cone? Apparently already successful in other parts of the world, this... novelty... will make its premier in California very soon.
Those out there who hold Cindy Sheehan up as some sort of example, well, if this isn't retracted or clarified soon...:
Anti-war protestor Cindy Sheehan, whose soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq, is calling for Bush's "impeachment," and for Israel to get out of Palestine!"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," Sheehan declares.
If it does prove to be true, I'll be disappointed but not particularly surprised. She wouldn't be the first person to use the death of their own child to score political points.
Hmm? Insensitive? What part of "cats, anger, and science fiction" didn't you understand?
Since so much of the MSM has latched on to this story in the hope it'll find traction against the current administration, I don't expect any real reporting of these quotes. If they can't refute it, the MSM will simply engineer a sudden disappearance of Ms. Sheehan from the stage as the timer on her 15 minutes ring up. To the likes of Maureen Dowd, retractions are things that happen to other people.
But then, that's exactly what you expected me to say, hmm? Being right can be funny that way, after all.
No, really... when golf courses attack:
A nearly 40-foot tree limb fell next to the fourth green at the PGA Championship on Friday, injuring a spectator and two television employees.The limb sheered off a red oak next to the green and a television tower at Baltusrol Golf Club, and fell approximately 60 feet.
A spectator and two employees of Turner/CBS Sports were injured, the PGA of America said in a statement. The names of the injured were not immediately released.
Pat gets a no-prize that talks softly into a microphone for no reason for bringing us this bit of golf "excitement". She gets a special bonus for this bon mot: "At least there were no boy scouts around the tree."
Olivia has loved "eh-fants" ever since she went to the National Zoo. However, I don't think she'll be seeing this one any time soon:
Elephant experts are getting ready to send an ill-tempered 38-year-old pachyderm to Tacoma, where she'll join two other females not known for their social graces.The move is expected to ease tensions at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo, where Bamboo's intolerance for younger elephants and their calves has forced handlers to separate the herd at times.
I wonder if they offer a similar service for cranky retired nurses? I'm just asking...
Not content with Mr. Abominable, the Himalayas now seem to have new residents:
On June 22, 2004, the photographer went to Tibet’s Amdo region to attend the Qinghai-to-Xizang Railroad laying ceremony, and then took a plane from Lhasa to fly back inland. When flying over the Himalaya’s, he accidentally caught these two "dragons" in a picture that he took. He called these two objects "the Tibet dragons."
The picture is very small on the website, but to me it looks like it might be some sort of glacier oddity. Assuming, of course, it exists at all.
Is Canada less a country than it is a bunch of squabbling provinces flying in formation? Sometimes it sure does seem that way:
Canada is going through another spate of separation anxiety. Usually it’s the product of Quebec’s Parti Quebecois' cultural and political demands, but according to CNEWS, a chunk of Western Canadians have had it with the Maple Leaf. Disgust with the ruling Liberal Party's "Adscam" money-laundering scandal, elements of which reach to Canadian Prime Minister and Liberal Party leader Paul Martin, has spurred some of the grumbling.
The last time I heard these sorts of grumblings around here (when people though California should be split into two to four states, about twenty years ago) the conventional wisdom was it would take something like three or four constitutional amendments to even make it possible. The Civil War placed a padlock on our states... they're not going anywhere.
It would appear Canada does not have this "problem", hence they seem to regularly and seriously discuss the hand-grenading of their own country.
Fark linked up exactly what happens when a truck carrying 35,000 pounds of explosives rolls over and catches on fire:
The explosion left a crater in the two-lane highway estimated to be between 60 feet and 80 feet wide and between 20 feet and 35 feet deep, Utah Department of Transportation spokesman Tom Hudachko said.“The entire road is gone, shoulder to shoulder, there's no asphalt left,” he said.
Didn't get the "cool" tag because, although nobody was killed, the driver seems to have gotten himself messed up pretty good.
I'm just glad it didn't happen around here. People will slow down and look at anything on the highways in this area... car crashes, police, even mowers on the other side of the highway. There would've been some damned dead rubberneckers if this thing had rolled over on I-66 or the Beltway.
Considering how irritating it is to get stuck in a ten mile backup because of the gawkers, I'm conflicted as to whether or not that would necessarily be a bad thing.
I've seen some strange children's art shows, but this thing takes the cake. The contrast to our current eggshell walk when it comes to Islam is instructive.
If you have not seen it yet. I suggest you watch an episode.
James H. gets a no-prize with a funny bulge in its jacket for bringing us news of the latest goings-on in the Japanese ganster world:
Yoshinori Watanabe shocked Japan's underworld late July with the announcement that he was standing down as the kumicho, or chairman, of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's biggest yakuza syndicate, according to Asahi Geino (8/11).Even more surprising than Watanabe's retirement after 16 years at the helm was the announcement of his replacement - Shinobu Tsukasa, a 63-year-old who was only appointed as the gang's wakagashira, or number 2 man, just two months ago following an eight-year hiatus when nobody had occupied the position.
I've read in numerous places over the years that the difference between Yakuza organizations and the more garden-variety Zaibatsu was more nuanced than most folks in the west realized. While still just as destructive and parasitic as our own mafia, it would seem (even from this report) they are far more corporate, organized, and accepted in Japan.
In other words, they're Japanese mafia, with all the whip-snap weirdness that implies.
Sounds like a "TV Movie of the Week" to me:
Doctors fear that the identity of a mysterious mute pianist found wandering on an English beach in April might never be known, a British newspaper reported on Monday.
The so-called "Piano Man", a tall blonde-haired stranger thought to be in his 20s or early 30s, was found on April 7 on the beach at Minster, on the south coast of England, soaking wet but fully dressed in a black suit and tie, with no clue as to his origin.He has not spoken since and has not responded to written appeals while being kept under observation in the psychiatric hospital.
When given a pencil and paper by hospital staff, he drew a grand piano -- and then, when shown a piano at the hospital chapel, he impressed his carers with a remarkable virtuoso performance.
I mean, really...
Today's garganto-catfish catch is brought to you by Barcelona, Spain. Includes this bon-mot:
After weighing the fish and burping her to get rid of the air in her stomach, she was released.
So exactly how do you... oh nevermind.
You have got to watch this video!
Brought to you by Planned Parenthood.
Calling the crime ‘‘repugnant,'' a federal judge Wednesday sentenced a former Gardiner woman to five years in prison for encouraging her toddler daughter to smoke marijuana.
A key prosecution witness was Brandi Nichols, an admitted drug user who turned Durham in after taking photographs of her holding a water pipe while her 18-month-old daughter put her mouth over the top. The water pipe, called a bong, allows smoke to be drawn through water into a glass tube and inhaled.
Now, I've gone on record before stating I think Marijuana is no worse for you than cigarettes, which is why I think it should be legalized. That said, I think it's just as stupid and probably not much less dangerous to give your toddler a cigarette. Five years seems to me a pretty intense sentence for something that caused no lasting harm to the child, then again if someone is this stupid I'm pretty sure they have no business with kids anyway.
Oh, and kudos to the Billings Gazette for the "so-hayseed-they-think-Cheech-and-Chong-is-a-burrito" description and explanation of a bong.
Sunglasses specifically designed for funerals, anyone? I always thought Ray Bans were the "in" thing, but maybe I watch too many gangster movies.
Bias? Here? At the BBC? Say it ain't so!:
Following on from much disparaging blogosphere comment (for instance Stephen Pollard, Clive Davis, Harry's Place, etc.) about the dreadfully biased studio audience selected to appear on last week's BBC news special, Questions of Security (surely Questions of Terrorism?), the BBC has admitted that "there was a deliberately disproportionate number of Muslims in [the] studio audience". Truly astonishing.'Disproportionate' hardly begins to describe the situation - according to the BBC, "around 15% of the audience" was Muslim, "as opposed to 2.7% of the country as a whole" - in other words, Muslims were more than five times over-represented. Judging from the aggressive self-righteousness of so many of the apparent Muslims among the questioners, they weren't even representative of British Muslims as a whole.
Even our network newsies didn't have balls this big a month after 9-11. Then again, they didn't have the advantage of gauranteed government finance either. Lordy I do so love socialism.
You would think people would be smarter than this.
Then again, it is the Japanese. They will do anything with electricty.
You know, if July's "Robert O' Brian idiot of the month" winner's theses were true, America would look like a George Romero film:
Thanks to the latest advances in neuroscience, we now know that pornographic visual images imprint and alter the brain, triggering an instant, involuntary, but lasting, biochemical memory trail, arguably, subverting the First Amendment by overriding the cognitive speech process. This is true of so-called “soft-core” and “hard-core” pornography. And once new neurochemical pathways are established they are difficult or impossible to delete.Pornographic images also cause secretion of the body’s “fight or flight” sex hormones. This triggers excitatory transmitters and produces non-rational, involuntary reactions; intense arousal states that overlap sexual lust--now with fear, shame, and/or hostility and violence. Media erotic fantasies become deeply imbedded, commonly coarsening, confusing, motivating and addicting many of those exposed. (See “the Violence Pyramid” at Pornography triggers myriad kinds of internal, natural drugs that mimic the “high” from a street drug. Addiction to pornography is addiction to what I dub erototoxins -- mind-altering drugs produced by the viewer’s own brain.
Ed Brayton's dissection of Ms. Reisman's thesis is predictably devestating. Yet more proof that if you go far enough to one extreme of belief, you usually end up meeting people coming from the other direction.
In the annals of the great conflicts, will we soon be adding Canada vs. Denmark?
In Greenland, it's being called an unjustified occupation, while Canadian diplomats won't even deign to call it an irritant.But behind the rhetoric, experts say there is a good reason why Defence Minister Bill Graham plopped down on a barren little island in Canada's High North. Arctic sovereignty will become an increasingly important issue as global warming melts the polar ice caps, and even the government of Greenland appears to know it.
Yesterday, a key government official in Greenland chose strong words to describe Mr. Graham's move, while reports in the Danish press said the country expects to send a ship to the area next month.
And I thought the fight over Cypress was stupid...
We Tivo'd the shuttle launch yesterday and in the last minutes of the count down I remember commenting to Ellen, "look at all those damned birds! They so won't want to be there in about five minutes!"
Kinda looks like one of them didn't hear my warning.
The shuttle is fast, but as I recall it's not that quick. Of course, even if the bird didn't get splatted, there's the small matter of that whole "pillar of fire" thing coming up from behind. Something tells me this bird got thumped, had just enough time to think "wha--?!?", and then suddenly found itself standing in line for reincarnation with a guy up front yelling "next!"
Must... Not... Gloat... Karma. Level. Falling...
Vardan Kushnir, notorious for sending spam to each and every citizen of Russia who appeared to have an e-mail, was found dead in his Moscow apartment on Sunday, Interfax reported Monday. He died after suffering repeated blows to the head.
Personally I wouldn't mind them twisting ankles or maybe getting fingernails folded back, but getting beaten to death... well, that's a little extreme IMO. Plus there's the problem of the thousands of other spammers.
And just never you mind that heavily dented can of Spam in my pantry. Never you mind at all.
Making the rounds: Proof positive that the US isn't the only place in the world where some people will believe anything you tell them:
PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - An Italian couple stole 50,000 euros from a woman in the Sicilian city of Palermo after convincing her they were vampires who would impregnate her with the son of the Anti-Christ if she did not pay them.
Hell I ended up with the daughter of the Anti-Christ and nobody demanded any money from me. Maybe Ellen's hiding the invoice...
It's a joke mom, a joke!
"Get people involved in your training!"
"Build team work around themes!"
"Provide original incentives to set performance goals!"
Which is all well and good (even if it makes "the line" gag every time they hear one of these slogans), but sometimes the middle managers, they get the wrong idea:
The internal campaign, named "Mission Jehad," addressed sales agents as "Dear terrorists" and compared selling life insurance policies to killing people, the Times of India newspaper said.The posters were used at a meeting of sales agents for the ICICI Prudential Insurance Company in the northern Indian city of Kanpur.
"Kill 10, take a branded T-shirt and be the best terrorist in the group," agents were told on posters ostensibly signed by bin Laden, the newspaper said.
However, (at least this time) India seems to have a rather neat approach to dealing with this particularly lunk-headed set of PHBs: "Police in Kanpur said five employees, including the branch manager, had been arrested Tuesday and charged with sedition."
If only that could happen to them all...
Carrie gets a voracious no-prize for bringing us news of the region's latest insect scourge... Japanese beetles:
Last summer's rains coupled with this season's scorching temperatures and tropical humidity have fostered what entomologists call the perfect climate for Japanese beetles to thrive. What's more, the region's lush green foliage has accelerated the beetle's reproduction activity."It's warm 24/7, so the beetles are up in the trees partying. They're feeding; they're mating," [Mike Raupp, who has studied insects at the University of Maryland for decades] said. "It's a big beetle party right now."
They bounce off of me regularly on my bike rides, like little buzzing marbles flying through the air. Worse still is when they manage to land on me... one actually started crawling on the strap of my helmet, right next to my ear, on a trail ride last week. I stopped so hard and so fast I could smell the brakes on my bike. And other rider's reactions? I mean, come on... just because I suddenly stopped the bike, threw my helmet off, and began swatting at my head like it was on fire... sheesh... it was like they thought they had a license to gawk...
Not content with the old standards of animals, existing dieties (ancient and modern), or even themselves, a Malaysian cult has instead chosen to worship... wait for it...
A mob fire-bombed the headquarters of a bizarre Malaysian cult built around a giant teapot Monday, police and a fireman said, two weeks after the sect was raided by religious officials.
And you people thought the Scientologists were weird!
Oh, and if those folks need a new one, my daughter has several teapots to choose from in a variety of attractive colors. Some even come with original and very cryptic colored wax* inscriptions perfect for the mystery cultists in their sect. I think one even plays music!
* A.K.A. crayon.
What I want to know is where do they get the money to do this crazy crap? Because there's not a business in the world I can think of that'd hire someone who put a giant bulge on their forehead on purpose. Except maybe a tatoo shop. Ok, nevermind, just answered my own question.
The fact that the guy was over seventy, never ate well in his life, and was under enormous pressure over things he could not control had nothing to do with his death. Nope, Arafat was poisoned, and of course it was the Joooooos!!!:
Late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was fatally poisoned by Israel, the head of the dominant Palestinian movement Fatah claimed on Monday."I can categorically confirm that Abu Ammar (Arafat's nom de guerre) was poisoned," exiled Fatah chairman Faruq Qaddumi told reporters.
Which begs the question, if Israeli agents were actually able to poison him, why'd they take such a damned long time to get around to it? Such bungling and delay is far more characteristic of the Palis. Hmm....
He was an old man, people. Old men die. It's what they do. Of course, expecting the "Pali on the street" to be rational, mature, or discerning is rather like expecting a rabid ferret to understand differential calculus.
What happens when you take some frat boys, a nifty infra-red video camera, and an old house and put them together? Well, this...
I wonder if the DVD makes it any clearer the "ghost" is just a guy on a ladder?
While most people are concerned with exterminating any roaches inhabiting their homes, artist Garnet Hertz ensures they can zip around in style.Taking a cue from technology that looks to biological systems for inspiration, Hertz has constructed a three-wheeled robotic vehicle that lets a Madagascan hissing cockroach navigate a room while perched atop a ping-pong ball.
Hertz rotates 15 giant Madagascan cockroaches in and out of the driver's seat of the vehicle. Instead of brains, the roaches have ganglia: clumps of nerve cells on various parts of their bodies. Their relatively large size make them easier to work with than other types of roaches, and their tendency to hiss when they are upset lets him know if it's time to give one a break from playing Dale Earnhardt. They have a life span of about three years, so he has plenty of chances to let them drive.
Roachbuggies. Roachbuggies. What will they think of next?
Ron gets a badly synched no-prize for bringing us news of a rather unexpected re-make of the Disney classic, Snow White:
The Wicked Queen will not know what hit her. Snow White is about to be transformed into a martial arts epic with Shaolin monks replacing the seven dwarves of the original Grimm Brothers fairytale.In a sign of the times, Walt Disney is behind the kung fu retelling of its 1937 animated classic, which is part of an intensifying strategy to make inroads into the Chinese cinema market ahead of Hollywood rivals.
I think kung-fu movies are a hoot, so I say "why not?"
I'm actually a bit disappointed the Democratic Underground didn't think of this first:
As counterfeiting capers go, this one was not particularly noteworthy.A group of young people got together, made about 227 fake $20 bills, spent them around town and got indicted by a federal grand jury.
But then one of the conspirators' lawyers raised this routine federal case out of the ordinary with a unique legal argument: The U.S. Secret Service had "illegally seized" his client's thoughts when he confessed.
I mean, some of them sincerely believe Republican death squads are just around the corner, come to sieze anyone who didn't vote "the proper way". In a land of anonymous voting, how else would they tell?
For proof that the US isn't the only country with a sometimes wonky justice system, we have this note about Canada's most notorious female "sex killer" going free after only serving 12 years. This is not to knock the Canadians... from the article, they seem just as pissed off as anyone else that this is happening. It just seems that to get a justice system that doesn't toss people in jail (or worse) on a whim, humanity seems doomed to the occasional homicidal loon going free.
Well, free for now at any rate. As a buddhist, I'm supposed to at least leave monsters like this alone*, but as a father, if my child was a victim of this maniac... well, I'm not sure there's a place remote enough to hide, karma bedamned.
Something tells me there are probably a whole bunch of Canadians who feel the same way, and some of them may just be angry enough to act on that impulse. It's going to be very expensive to ensure this "person's" days aren't numbered in very low denominations.
*If I recall correctly, buddhism doesn't want them to go free, it just doesn't want them dead. They can't achieve enlightenment when they're dead. But they can achieve it from the bottom of a deep, dark hole, which is where I think "people" like this should always end up. Forever.
Joshua gets a completely unsurprising no-prize for bringing us... well, this.
Ok, no more making fun of how weird southerners are, mmkay?
Jul 4 1826
A comatose Thomas Jefferson dies on the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, only a few hours before John Adams also expires.
Thanks to The Daily Rotten for the tidbit!
Tons of readers are e-mailing me about NBC News anchor Brian Williams' comments tonight in which he apparently compared the Founding Fathers to modern-day terrorists. The remarks seem to pooh-pooh the story about Iranian president-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's alleged involvement in the 1979 hostage crisis at the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
Attaboy Brian! You show 'em!
Show 'em what expensive leather-soled shoes taste like, that is.
They'll go on and on about how unfair it is Bill Gates et. al. are so very rich, all the while letting pass without comment the millions they make each year looking pretty and reading out loud whatever's put in front of them.
The name says it all... Hooters Shooters.
Ok, maybe it doesn't say it all. Imagine, if you will, two giant fake boobies mounted to a wall in a bar...
Nah... just trust me on this one, it's for real and it's way weird.
Well, she didn't get eaten by it, but she sure did take some freaky pictures:
Then, suddenly, in a week when sharks have attacked two tourists off Panhandle beaches, Mathias had her own too-close-for-comfort encounter."It leaped out of the water about 5 feet away from me. I pulled my feet up really fast and it started snapping its jaws. I was so scared I forgot to take my finger off the button and just kept clicking."
Sometimes point-and-shoot is good.
With Taiwanese youngsters increasingly drawn to Western hamburgers and fries, government researchers are trying to lure them back with something more traditional - sort of: rainbow-colored rice.The ancient Asian staple will soon be available here in pink, green, yellow and purple, each with its own nutritional boost, said scientist Lo Tze-yen of the Hualien Agricultural Improvement Station in eastern Taiwan.
And I thought blue corn looked weird. With pictures!
Pat gets a sharp n' toothy no-prize for bringing us news of yet another "taste-test" off the coast of Florida:
Another teenager was the victim of a shark attack in the Gulf of Mexico, law enforcement officials on the Florida panhandle said Monday.The boy was in critical condition with severe injuries, said Christa Hild of Bay Medical Center in Panama City, where the boy was flown.
It would appear that we don't, in fact, taste like chicken. Or tuna, or seal, or whatever it is they're expecting when they chomp on a person. Of course, considering the size of these fish, the tasting is plenty bad enough.
Don't look at me man, I didn't even know they made tube amplifiers for car audio:
It's rare to win over 90% of all car audio competitions entered in a 5-year period and even more rare to be featured not only in all of the major car audio magazines but also to appear in Time, on MTV and CNBC, and in more than 211 newspapers in the US as well as 27 magazines worldwide, yet that's only part of the acclaim and attention awarded to Earl Zausmer's BMW 540i.Below are some articles detailing Earl's legendary car audio system, which sports two gold-plated Milbert BaM-235 vacuum tube amplifiers. The system received many awards over the years, including "best of show," "best in class," and "best sound quality."
Car audio, like home audio, is a hobby I'd love to get back into if I suddenly hit the lottery or something. As it is, I'm amazed by the amount of crap I still hold in my head about this stuff (to this day I can tell you what RMS is and why anything rated above .1% THD is crap), even though I haven't been serious about it for more than a decade.
But for now the "cash required to fun acquired" ratio is simply too large for me to have a go at it. I mean, why spend thousands of dollars on hi-fi when there are bicycles around?
First Tigger, now Piglet:
John Fiedler, a stage actor who won fame as the voice of Piglet in Walt Disney's Winnie-the-Pooh films, died Saturday, The New York Times reported in Monday editions. He was 80.
I'm too lazy to actually research this, but I'm pretty sure Fiedler was also in at least one original Star Trek episode. Can't recall the title (see! see! I'm not that nerdy!), but it was the one with the murderous spirit that kept jumping from body to body and hacking various expendable but creatively dressed trollops to pieces.
No Prize to Rich for the link!
Sarah Michelle Gellar is attached to star in a feature version of the Electronic Arts video game "American McGee's Alice," which is itself based on Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" novels.
Read entire article here.
A puppy with two extra legs and a second penis is drawing curious stares at a temple in Pandamaran town near here.
Read entire article with picture here.
Nina! This one is for you!
TONTITOWN, Ark. - Arkansas' best-known big family will be getting bigger in the fall. Michelle Duggar and her husband, former state Rep. Jim Bob Duggar, say they're expecting their 16th child.Michelle Duggar was honored in April 2004 with the state's Young Mother award. At the time, she was pregnant with young Duggar No. 15, a boy named Jackson born May 23, 2004.
The next child, a girl, is expected in October.
Well there really is nothing to do in that town except just have sex.
Per Ron: "The mom is probably her children's sister too!
Ok, ok, I admit. I will poke Scott awake or shake him if he snores. But I have never done this.
A woman upset about her husband's snoring is accused of stabbing him with a pen and hitting him with a dumbbell to wake him up.
Contact with the stiff-haired spines of oak processionary caterpillars, which have multiplied by the thousands in recent days in trees in the central state of Hesse, can lead to skin rashes and asthma attacks, a spokesman for the town of Dreieich said.
Now don't go running outside and squash every caterpillar you see.
With pix!
In yet another cost-cutting move, Northwest Airlines said it would shut down one engine on each of its flights within the continental United States.
Read entire scary article here.
I guess it really is true that some people will pay money for anything:
Targeting self-conscious 4x4 owners whose rugged vehicles seldom see obstacles bigger than a speed bump, the enterprising British e-tailer behind Sprayonmud sells the scent of the countryside in a squirt bottle.For 8 pounds (about $14.50), buyers get 0.75 liters (.85 quarts) of genuine filthy water, bottled from hills near the company's premises on the rural England-Wales border. The aim, says the website, is "to give your neighbors the impression you've just come back from a day's shooting or fishing -- anything but driving around town all day or visiting the retail park."
Reminds me of the time I saw box turtles priced at $40 each at a Houston pet store. I would've sold them mine for $15, and gotten three more behind my house the next day.
Actually, a dead fish would probably do well in Philly's offense too:
A bald eagle crashed through a window of a home and landed in the living room, scattering broken glass, feathers and a salmon carcass across the floor. Homeowner Jean Stack heard the crash and initially wondered if someone had thrown a dead fish through the window.
"They were fighting, thrashing around; there were leaves and limbs (shaking)," [neighbor Kurt] Haskin said. "This was all within 50 feet of me, and I was thinking this was pretty cool."Then one eagle swooped out of the nearby tree, up past Haskin's head, around the eagle on the roof and back behind the tree, said Haskin.
"I didn't notice it was packing a fish when it swooped over me," he said.
The eagle re-emerged and bore down on Stack's bay window, which is about 15 feet off the ground.
"It just grenaded that window," Haskin said. "The window didn't even slow it down."
Eagle's fine, owner's fine, fish... well, fish wasn't fine before the encounter. Yet another thing you have to explain to the insurance adjuster. Good thing they've got witnesses.
This week's "aren't you glad you have liability insurance" story comes to us courtesy of Disneyworld:
A 4-year-old boy died after passing out while aboard Walt Disney World's ``Mission: Space'' attraction _ a ride that has caused previous concerns because of its intensity.Daudi Bamuwamye passed out Monday afternoon while on the attraction, which simulates a rocket launch and trip to Mars. The Orange County Sheriff's Office said his mother carried him off the ride and employees helped her place him on a bench.
Paramedics tried to revive him, but he died about 5 p.m. at Celebration Hospital.
Which is just about as sad as it gets, yet I can't help but think something else was going on. Little kids don't just drop dead because of an intense a/v experience. If they did nobody'd ever come out of an amusement park alive.
I've been interviewed for a lot of jobs over the years, and while, well, distinctive, I'd hardly call this guy's technique productive:
A man who tried to conduct a job interview naked has been sentenced to three years probation and placed on the sex offenders' register.Glasgow Sheriff Court was told that Saeed Akbar, a manager at an interpreting and translation company, "had wanted a bit of excitement".
Sheriff Brian Lockhart described the behaviour as "wholly unacceptable".
He heard that Akbar, 35, left the interview room and came back in naked clutching a clipboard.
When the job candidate refused to strip as well, he put his clothes on and attempted to continue the interview as normal, the court was told.
I'd normally chalk this one up to someone wobbling off their meds, but the rest of the article makes him seem otherwise quite sane. Perhaps drugs were involved?
Today's "mother-of-the-year" story brought to you by
The mother of a 12-year-old boy killed in his own home by one of the family's two pit bulls said she had been so concerned about one of the dogs that she shut her son in the basement to protect him.Maureen Faibish said she ordered Nicholas to stay in the basement while she did errands on June 3, the day he was attacked by one or both of the dogs. She said she was worried about the male dog, Rex, who was acting possessive because the female, Ella, was in heat.
They may crap on my floors, pee on my walls, and puke on my dinner table, but at least our cats can't kill us. Well, directly anyway. It's a damned shame when kids have to pay the price of their parents stupidity.
Wrong I tell you, just plain wrong:
1979 Alfa Romero [sic] spider ... the engine compartment had been on fire. So it has a Reconstructed title.... now for the good part. I pulled out the alfa motor and trans and cleaned up the motor compartment. I put in a 1976 toyota 2TC Motor and 4 speed transmission out of a corolla.
For the amount of work required for the conversion he probably coulda...
Oh hell, why am I wasting my time with you Phillistines? Make vodka with molasses, change the Cowboy's colors to green and white, put a Ford engine in a Pontiac, change out all those diamonds for CZs, make Rachel Brice dance in blue jeans, make Manowar play bluegrass. I don't care. I'm taking my goofy Italian sports car with its goofy Italian motor and going home.
It may leak a quart of oil every month, but it damn well starts every time I turn the key!
Harumph I say! Harumph! Hey, I didn't get a Harumph outta that guy!
Update: Deleted. Bugger. And I didn't even save any of the pictures. Noooooo!!!!
Update II: It's baaaack.
While not as utterly skeeve-worthy as that German cannibal guy, this macabre discovery certainly should be worth its own place on the "wha???" mantle:
Russian police have found four people from three generations of the same family dead in their apartment where they had lain for at least two years.A spokesman for Moscow city prosecutors told local media skeletons were all that remained of the man and three women who seemed to have died at different times in the past decade.
You'd think someone would've notice the smell...
Today's "stowaway tries to find America but discovers Darwin instead" story brought to you by the New York Daily News:
A man's severed leg - with a white Adidas sneaker still attached - plummeted from the sky onto a garage roof and bounced into the backyard of a Long Island home yesterday morning.
The leg, hip and chunk of torso apparently fell from the wheel well of a South African jetliner about to land at Kennedy Airport.
Explain that one to your insurance company!
Don't you just wish they actually wrapped them correctly and sucked the air out of the packages.
A MYSTERY animal, said to be a cross between a cat, kangaroo and monkey, is being hunted by cops.The bizarre beast — dubbed the Catgarookey — has been spotted three times roaming a city’s streets at night.
Read entire article here.
With pix! (ok really this story is a SUN feature. If you can't take a joke, don't look at it)
Somehow, when it comes time to remodel our bathroom, I don't think this one will be on the list of "upgrades". This thing is so wrong on so many different levels, you know we had to link it.
Slashdot today linked up this Wired story detailing the shadowy world of Torah theft, and what synagogues are doing to stop it. Not as easy as you'd think, because to remain, well, I guess you'd say either "legal" or "kosher", absolutely nothing can be added to the 304,805 letters of the Torah's text. However, since Torahs are, you know, sacred, ways have been found to at least curb the theft problem.
Stealing Torahs. Man, it doesn't get much more "do not pass go do not collect $200 go to Hell" than that.
Damion gets a rubbery no-prize that swings from trees for bringing us, well... this. And you people think I have too much time on my hands.
Remember folks, these are the people who consider themselves Gaurdians of Civilization:
"The conservatives have got us, as a country, now believing that balance -- giving both sides -- is the same as truth, and there are some things that are just false," said Linda Foley, president of The Newspaper Guild, during a panel discussion on media reform at the "Take Back America" conference in Washington, D.C.
Because, you know, if you presented both sides of an argument, why... that might mean the plebes could make up their own mind! Think for themselves! Come to a decision we don't agree with! The horror!!!
Tell me again, and slowly because I'm obviously too stupid to understand, why it's Fox News that's the enemy?
I'm telling you. If you click the link, your life will not be the same today.
Noooo...It's not the fruit! But a loop!
Hey man, don't ask me, I just report the news, I don't make it:
A cup of coffee nearly cost a Twin Cities family the biggest investment most people will ever make: their home.It is only fitting a story about something so destructive, one that sounds cooked up, would take place in a kitchen.
"I was in shock, I didn't know what to think," Ron Greenberg said.
Understandable, considering a cup of coffee forever changed Greenberg's morning routine.
"That's what I was doing here, is holding onto the thermos here, by the handle, twisting this, when the thermos broke away, the handle broke away from the thermos and it started shooting black stuff out there," Greenberg said.
Greenberg's two-year-old breakproof Stanley thermos broke.
"It was like a smoke bomb going off," Greenberg remembered. "It filled up the whole kitchen and the whole living room with a cloud of black smoke."
I mean, where do you start?
Sometimes I wonder why Celine Dion doesn't seem to be doing real well in Las Vegas (she recently complained of audience members falling asleep). Then I see something like this, and then I don't wonder so much. Not at all sure I could sleep through that though.
Got a gun but no game? Try Sweden's new moose stock exchange, launched by the Scandinavian country's state-owned forestry firm Sveaskog Thursday.See the løveli lakes
Sveaskog rents its grounds to 3,200 hunting teams with allotted kill quotas and teams will now be able to offer moose they do not expect to shoot to would-be hunters.
The wøndërful telephøne system
Interested hunters can also post requests to use part of a team's quota on Sveaskog's Web site,, the company said in a statement.
And mäny interesting furry animals
Moose hunting is something of a national pastime in vast and sparsely populated Sweden, with 250,000 hunters felling some 100,000 moose each year.
Including the majestik møøse
No mention of swallows (laden or otherwise), nor any advice as to whether coconuts actually migrate or not.
A fight about gambling started a married couple down a path that would end with their pickup being driven into a Tuttle pond.
So begins one of the more elaborate "so drunk they went right out the other side of stupid" tales I've read in a long time. Hey, at least they're not from Arkansas!
Thank the heavens for Wikipedia, without which we may all have remained ignorant of Spring Heeled Jack:
Spring Heeled Jack was described by his victims as having a terrifying and frightful appearance, with diabolical physiognomy that included clawed hands and protuberant red eyes, which "glowed like fire". One of these victims also recounted that, beneath a black cloak, he wore a helmet and a tight fitting white garment like an "oilskin". Many depositions also mention a "Devil-like" aspect, wearing a tight fitting oilskin outfit, although its colour alternated between white (the most frequent) and jet black. Many a witness stated that Spring Heeled Jack's physique was athletic and sturdy and that he was capable of effecting great leaps. Several reports mention that he could breathe blue and white flames from his mouth, and that he wore sharp metallic claws at his fingertips. At least two testimonies denote that he was able to speak in comprehensible English, albeit with an uncommonly deep voice.
Eons ago I remember reading in our local paper about a farmer who had an "encounter" with a similar creature after a bad storm blew apart his barn. It must have been a practical joke story (this was the Dumas Clarion after all), but the story scared the bejeebus out of me for years after.
Well, not exactly, but I can definitely get the circle to draw over where I work. I'm in a low-rise office that faces the other way, so as long as the terrorists don't field anything really big, I might actually live through it. Ellen's place is an old converted residence a few miles up the road from here. It'd probably get flattened like a swatted bug if they managed to light one off in the 200 KT range.
Cynical? Shocking? Hey, I grew up in the heart of the cold war. From that perspective, it's actually an improvement to talk about a nuke only taking out a single city.
Turns out suicide is not painless, at least if you're going over the Golden Gate Bridge:
The very moment John Kevin Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, he knew he'd made a mistake.His eyes wet with tears, he had finally consented to the voices that commanded him to take his own life. But at 10:40 a.m. on that overcast September day, just as he catapulted over a 4-foot-high railing and began his frantic free fall, the college freshman asked himself: "What did I just do? I don't want to die."
Plummeting head-first toward the churning waters 220 feet below, he tried to scream, but the force of the descent sucked the air from his lungs. He felt an odd euphoria as winds buffeted his body. But to survive, he knew he had to right himself before hitting the water.
At last, the former high school wrestler and football nose tackle tipped his head back, plunging below the surface feet first. Pain raced through his legs as the impact fractured an ankle and shattered two vertebrae in his lower back.
Includes lots of macabre details about the dark side of the nation's most recognizable bridge.
Via The Politburo Diktat.
The bizarre suicide of a well-loved man has baffled his friends and family, who knew him for his great sense of humour.
PC James Burgess said: "The whole bathroom was sealed from external sources of oxygen and in there was this barbecue, which clearly had been going for some time."
Ya'll have a great time at the grill today, ya hear?
Always the trend-setters, Japanese school girls now have decided to try and look like anime characters. I've never completely understood the whole giant-eyes thing, but its most definitely a lietmotif of the art. No Ellen, you can't have any.
Newsweek’s Washington Bureau Chief Daniel Klaidman appeared on Al Jazeera TV on May 19, and told the Arab world that, despite their retraction, Newsweek is “neutral” on whether any of this happened.
Just because your buddies stopped caring about it when you made your "retraction" doesn't mean we will. As with Eason Jordan, this sort of reflexive bias only seems to come out when they think nobody's looking, and always speaks to a much more endemic problem. It's time for the Washington Post Company directors to put a stop to this while Newsweek still has some credibility left.
And you thought police raiding the wrong address was bad:
Upset villagers came to Maranhao state [Brazil] capital Sao Luis on Wednesday claiming the police had demolished their hamlet of Vila Baghdad instead of a squatters settlement about five miles away.
Sometimes greater efficiency simply allows people to screw up faster.
Lord Nelson is rolling in his grave:
A re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar is not an opportunity for "French-bashing", says the Royal Navy.Instead of the British taking on a French/Spanish fleet at next month's event to mark the battle's bicentenary a "red" force will take on a "blue".
Because, you know, nobody on a certain side has a reputation for surrendering. Right?
Ever wonder how they really did the surgery?
A case of stupid f'ing, irresponsible people.
- An unusual dispute has a St. Louis dog owner in a fight against the city. The controversy started two weeks ago and could end with the dog turned over to the city.Saturday is the last chance for Oran Ambus to get his dog out of the city pound. The city says it's a simple matter of getting the dog neutered. Ambus says that's not an option according to the holy word.
Leviticus Chapter 22 is part of the scipture Ambus says applies to his case. Ambus, an israelite, says the holy words are a direct reference to the importance of animals left untouched for entrance into heaven. He says his personal beliefs extend to his nine month old rottweiler, now caged at the animal pound.
Read entire article here.
If I get some Christian Wacko Fundementalist trying to justify this article, you can take your bible and shove it where the sun does not shine.
That Hardee's super-sandwich is now officially p3wned:
So I got an idea in my head. A particularly stupid idea. This makes it even harder to simply pass up.I think to myself: "I can top this guy - he didn't fry anything!"
And it begins.
The result will be… appalling. A tyrant of a sandwich, so gargantuan and calorically blessed that the mere sight of which would cause Jesus himself to break down in an explosive torrent of tears and fury.
30,000 calories and 6.5 pounds of sandwich later... well, you go see the result. Note: completely SFW, no puking pictures or anything like that.
Lift the lid if you dare, and find out what's in The Trunk. Far as I can tell it's SFW, if not for reality.
So, you've invented yourself a genuine "telepresence" system, that allows you to touch something in one location and have it felt by something else in another. What's the first thing you do with it?
What? What were you thinking of touching? Hmmmm?!? Remember, lying makes baby Jesus cry!
No, really, when grackles attack:
Like a scene from the horror movie "The Birds," large black grackles are swooping down on downtown Houston and attacking people's heads, hair and backs.
"They were just going crazy," said constable Wilbert Jue, who works at the building. "They were attacking everybody that walked by."
I guess we'll have to take up a collection to get Lair a football helmet or something.
No-Prize to my Mom for the link!
Discovering what happens when you die.
While not even remotely pretending to be an unbiased site, PETA Kills should still be interesting to those of you who always suspected these loons were up to no damned good. Remember folks, the lynchpin of every good socialist movement is the understanding that you should do as we say, and not as we do.
No, they aren't just for cars anymore.
Not a great time to be a greyhound owner, or a greyhound for that matter:
A mysterious respiratory disease is sweeping greyhound tracks across the country, killing dozens of dogs and forcing owners to halt racing as researchers hunt for a vaccine to control the outbreak.Dr. Lisa Zerbel, a veterinarian in Massachusetts who is treating some of the sick dogs, said she thinks the illnesses are caused by a new strain of the influenza virus that is more virulent than the common one known as “kennel cough.” But other experts say it is too soon to pinpoint the cause.
I'll let the resident vet expert take a look at this one when we get home this afternoon.
FYI: Your wang is not a water baloon:
Thailand's health ministry warned size-obsessed men on Friday to avoid trying to enlarge their penises with liquid injections, saying it could cause deformities.The warning followed media reports that male teenagers in central Thailand had rushed to have their penises injected with olive oil or other liquids.
Maybe it's best there really is no way to enlarge it. Considering the popularity of pedestrian penis pills (ha!) and more extreme stunts like this, if there really were a way to enlarge it a significant percentage of the world's male population would be unable to leave the house.
I don't know man, you try and figure it out. And then come back and explain it to me.
Or not. I'm getting a sneaking suspicion I really don't want to know.
Ok, this is why when you have a rather large snake, you don't take it out unless there is a second person in the house to help you.
If I am recalling correctly, you don't get crushed. You die of hypertension.
WTF!?? First it's dolls that look like corpses for men to have sex with. Now you can get hamsters!
You have got to check the site out! A real laugh!
Especially when the firework in question is a 10" mortar:
A 38-year-old suburban man allegedly admitted to police he drank 10 beers before lighting a commercial firework inside his home, blowing up the house and seriously burning himself and a female companion.
"Apparently, he thought he would light it, was kind of goofing around, and figured he could put it out," [Pat Barry, spokesman for the Will County sheriff's department, said.]The man was wrong.
The device exploded seconds after being lit, blowing out a wall and every window in the home and setting it on fire. Neighbors heard the blast, called 911 and rushed to the scene.
Yet another Darwin near-miss. And I want to know where in the world there's a flea market that carries firework mortars nearly a foot across. I got some birthday money I need to spend...
They're evil I tell you... evil:
A camouflage-clad hunter was shot in the arm and leg by another hunter who mistook the man's turkey call for a real bird, state police said.Jerry White, 28, of Dennis Township underwent surgery Friday to repair damage to his right arm. Doctors removed 150 pellets from the arm and four from his leg.
I mean, where will it all end?!?
For the "Ripley's Believe it or not" crowd and all other fans of the macabre, we have these... interesting... anectdotes regarding what can happen when people really lose their head:
Another interesting story was published in the magazine Miracles and Adventures, as told by soldier Boris Luchkin. He was in an intelligence group during World War II. They had to cross the front line and go behind German lines. The commander of the group, a lieutenant, stepped on a mine. One of its fragments chopped his head off. Yet, the beheaded lieutenant remained standing, he unbuttoned his coat, took the map of their itinerary out, held it out to Luchnik, and then fell down on the grass.
No, we don't actually subscribe to The Weekly World News. We have this place; why would we need to?
Of course, some would claim this is just a more formal version of a party college's sorority:
The 25 students in jeans and T-shirts could have been in any career that requires hustle. The classes, covering topics such as effective marketing, stress reduction and legal issues, could have been part of any professional development seminar.But this was "Whore College," and any illusion it was just another corporate how-to for young go-getters abruptly ended at the sex toy display and was stripped away for good during a graphic demonstration that put a whole new twist on the concept of hands-on training.
It's a joke people. Get over it!
~ Chi Ro, Chi Ro
It's off to bed we go
We paid our buck we want our ****
Chi Ro, Chi Ro~
Tasteless? Crude? Us?!?
Jeff gets a no-prize with a big "M" stamped on it for bringing us evidence that there is absolutely nothing George Lucas will say "no" to when it comes to making a buck.
I don't know man, there's just something surreal about seeing death squads, maniacal mass-murderers, and weapons of planetary destruction turned into cute M&M characters. Let's just say I'm damned glad Saddam Hussein wasn't smart enough to hire Madison Avenue in 1990. He'd probably be a regular on Oprah by now.
The weird thing is, Ellen would actually be happy about this:
A two-foot snake found its way into a packet of breakfast cereal, it emerged today.Five-year-old Jordan Willett, from Dawley, Shropshire, discovered the live reptile inside his box of Golden Puffs on Bank Holiday Monday.
An expert called in to examine the corn snake, which is non-venomous and feeds on mice and birds, said he had no doubt the animal had been kept as a pet in England and had been well looked after.
However, it would probably make for an excellent vehicle toward speeding us to our various inheritances. Both grandmothers would experience that "clink-clanky" feeling of crapping bricks if Olivia were to start giggling and playing with a 2 foot snake on their watch.
Come to think of it, so would I.
This would be perfect with a chocolate crunchy frog:
Peruvian officials saved some 4,000 endangered frogs from being whizzed into popular drinks after they were found hidden in an abattoir.
Frog cocktails are popular in the Andes because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Shops in central Lima selling the drinks have tanks where customers can choose their frogs.
People bitch and moan about the west's insatiable desire for material goods causing the destruction of both environment and species. What they willfully ignore is that the vast majority of this destruction is done to ensure old men in their cherished "traditional" cultures can continue deflowering virgins and buggering little boys.
And you thought your workplace was strict:
A white South African farmer and one of his employees were convicted of feeding his former black worker to lions while still alive in a premeditated murder, a court ruled on Thursday.Investigators found little more than a skull, a few bones and a finger last year in the enclosure for rare white lions in the northern Limpopo province, where the murder took place.
Somewhere a Sigfried and Roy producer is saying "been there, done that."
The more morbid and/or odd-history fans out there should find this Washington City Paper article on the history of body snatching in the DC area of interest:
When it came to professional grave robbers, the District of Columbia—which boasted four medical schools and some 50-odd cemeteries—had them in spades. In the last two decades of the 19th century, it was home to some of the most infamous resurrection men—and women—in the United States. William Jansen, the brother-and-sister team of Percy and Maud Brown, and the trigger-happy Marlow Gang all conducted business in the city during those years. All of them achieved the kind of public notoriety that is reserved, nowadays, for upper-echelon Mafiosi and high-profile killers.The city's laws against grave robbing were, until the very late 1800s, remarkably lax. Indeed,Washington had no law against body snatching per se until the 1890s. As long as the "ghouls" left the victims' clothing behind, they couldn't be prosecuted for larceny. As a result, police who caught grave robbers even in the act were reduced to charging them with violation of obscure laws that brought about only token penalties.
I'm sure there really are loons on the left who think Bush is targeting Venezuela for invasion:
Telephone callers at Venezuela's oil ministry are getting the low-down on the country's oil strategy direct from President Hugo Chavez."What is the reason for the imperialist aggression against our country? Venezuela is the world's top oil reserve and the world's oil is running out," the short, repeated recording of a recent Chavez speech tells phoners as their call is put on hold and transferred internally.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my old Argentinian boss, maybe in 1997:
A: [Must be imagined in ridiculous Ricky-Ricardo-style* Latin accent] "It will be such a shame if America and Argentina don't repair their relationship. It could lead to a war."
ME: "A war? Really?"
A: "Yes!"
ME, quietly, after a really long pause: "Well, that would be kind of a short war, don't you think?"
No, I've never been one for subtlety.
* Yes yes, I know, Ricky Ricardo was from Cuba. If I said "in ridiculous Argentinian accent" you'd have no idea what I was talking about. Trust me, this is close enough.
Ok, that's it, under no circumstances am I going anywhere near a turkey:
Two elderly men who had gone turkey hunting together died from apparent heart attacks just minutes apart, authorities said.
CHEECH: "I mean, don't you see it? They're psychic killers now man! Like, they got, I dunno, turkey death rays or something. We'll all be, you know, walking through the forest and, like, all of a sudden WAOWAOWAOWAO! The turkey's eyes'll start all glowing and stuff man, and we'll just all keel over!"
CHONG: "I dunno man, psychic killer turkeys sound pretty cool to me."
CHEECH: "Well, yeah, I guess so. Except around, you know, Thanksgiving and stuff..."
25 year old Brandon Erickson of Portland, Oregon will attempt what few have achieved - a non-stop marathon play of the original Star Wars Arcade video game. From noon May 16th to the midnight screening of Episode III on May 18th, he hopes to break a 22 year old record standing since Return of the Jedi in 1983.
I was top-dog on this game back in high school (it was a small town after all), but I honestly can't remember what my highest-of-high scores was. I guess it's time to hang up the ol' nerd badge after all.
You just can't make this stuff up:
Hundreds of toads have met a bizarre and sinister end in Germany in recent days, it was reported: they exploded.According to reports from animal welfare workers and veterinarians as many as a thousand of the amphibians have perished after their bodies swelled to bursting point and their entrails were propelled for up to a metre (three feet).
Includes a great non-sequitor shot of some toads gettin' bizzy. If this story is to be believed, the male may find himself in the next county if he's not careful.
No, really, when chimps attack:
When St. James Davis adopted an orphaned chimpanzee he found while on safari in Africa almost four decades ago, he hardly could have guessed how that relationship would lead to devastating trauma today.Davis, 62, currently lies in a medically induced coma in a California hospital, his nose chewed off and his genitals and limbs severely mauled. Last month, Davis and his wife, LaDonna, were visiting the chimp they adopted at a wildlife preserve, when two other chimps attacked them.
Essentially a more detailed account of what exactly happened a few months ago when some berzerk chimps got loose and mauled two people. Even stranger, Ellen thinks she knows the "perpetrators". She once worked at an animal research facility, and when it closed some of the chimps went to this place.
Actually, that was a pretty good shot:
A driver is recovering after a frozen sausage was thrown through the window of his moving car, breaking his nose.The man was driving near his South Woodham Ferrers home in Essex on Monday afternoon when the "bizarre incident" happened, the ambulance service said.
I've owned convertibles for nearly twenty years now, and from experience getting stuff tossed into one is not uncommon. Typically it's the stuff that gets in at low or no speed that's the worst... wasps and spiders are particularly common. However, I've nearly been set on fire twice from flicked cigarette butts, and a bird once kamikazed into the windshield and tumbled through the cabin between Ellen and me before careening into the street.
Worse were the things I've found after leaving the top down overnight. Empty beer bottles and (just once) a condom have "mysteriously" found their way into cars I've owned over the years. Which is why I put the top up if the current spider's going to be sitting outside somewhere overnight. All together now... ewww!
Because I'd hate to think he got this education on my dime:
hat said, perhaps some readers will understand why my friends and I rip yellow ribbon "support the troops" magnets off of cars or wherever people have affixed them. By ripping off these ribbons, we find a way to deal with our guilt, as though with each ribbon swiped we take back a life that was taken by this senseless war started by our senseless president and those who support him.I will never say, "support the troops." I don't believe in the validity of that statement. People say, "I don't support the war, I support the troops" as though you can actually separate the two. You cannot; the troops are a part of the war, they have become the war and there is no valid dissection of the two. Other people shout with glaring eyes that we should give up our politics, give up our political affiliations in favor of "just supporting the troops." I wish everything were that easy.
I don't remember being this much of an idiot in college, but then again who does?
Members sitting on the left side of the peanut gallery should take note... these are the people who get you called "unamerican." Not fair you say? Perhaps, but keep that in mind next time you read a far-right editorial. We all have loons in our attic.
Via Jason.
Oh, and by the way? Allergies suck. I'm on three different meds for them right now, and I still feel like someone's shoved my head in an overfilled vacuum cleaner bag. *ACHOOO!!!*
Lucky' former owner, Nick Sigmon, 19, and his friend Paul Collins, 21, pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty charges for taping an M-1000 -- a firecracker with the power of a quarter of a stick of dynamite -- into Castro Valley's Lake Don Castro on July 13.
Read more about these sick little bastards here.
I hope they are in counseling for a long long time.
Let's just say this idiot should be happy he did this in the UK, because in many (not all) states in the US it's legal to shoot people in defense of your property:
An artist who randomly vandalised nearly 50 cars for a project said the owners should be happy they were part of his "creative process".Mark McGowan, 37, will exhibit pictures of himself scratching the vehicles' paintwork in London and Glasgow.
Would I shoot someone if I caught them running keys down my car? No, but I might introduce them to Mr. Louisville Slugger. You see, I have it on good authority shooting them causes too much paperwork.
OW! OW! Ok, who was the one dumb enough to give the stick to the buddhist in the first place?
Another day, another drunken celebrity with a warrant:
A New York judge issued an arrest warrant on Monday for "American Pie" movie actress Natasha Lyonne, who failed to appear for a court hearing on charges stemming from a rampage during which she was heard threatening to molest a neighbor's dog.
I'm not sure why I care either, but there it is.
I mean, what better place can you think of to have a child:
A Berlin couple plan to have their first baby at an art gallery, the gallery owner said on Saturday, confirming a newspaper report."It's a gift to humanity, a once in a lifetime thing," Bild newspaper quoted Winfried Witt, partner of mother-to-be Ramune Gele, as saying.
Been there, done that, toddler has the t-shirt. It may be a miracle, but it's not a very pretty miracle. Kinda smells funny too. I'm not sure who is weirder... the couple who want to do it, the gallery owner who's going to let them, or the (presumably) hordes of people who will try and watch. They do have something like the Discovery channel over there, don't they? Trust me, it's a lot like professional sports... it's much better to see it on TV.
Ok, that's not normally what you'd want to happen during surgery:
Seattle police launched an investigation on Friday to determine how a patient undergoing emergency heart surgery caught on fire at a local hospital in 2003.The male patient, who was not identified, went up in flames after alcohol poured on his skin was ignited by a surgical instrument.
The article says the patient died, but from heart failure, not burning. Not knowing just how big a fire they're talking about, I guess it could be true. Then again, if I were that family I'd be pretty interested to find out just who did the autopsy.
I mean, I can see trading her for, I dunno, an Alfa or something, but a Cougar?!?
A woman was arrested for allegedly forcing her 12-year-old daughter into prostitution and trading a 14-year-old daughter for a car.
The older daughter refused to be a prostitute and was allegedly sold for a car."She was sold to a man for a Mercury Cougar," Ammons said. "But he never gave the mother the vehicle." He was arrested in the case.
I mean, come on... standards people, standards!
Making the rounds: the UN, in it's role as "the world's most famous qualuude-addled traffic cop", has decided to make nuclear terrorism illegal. I can just hear it now...
"Dammit Achmed! I told you we needed to act sooner! Now these camel fleas have closed our loophole!"
"I know, I know, Osama, and I'm sorry. *Sigh* ... ok boys, let's pack it all up and go home."
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Fark this morning brings us proof there's no such thing as a story that's too weird:
There is a new twist in the case of a woman who claimed she discovered a human finger in a bowl of chili at a Wendy's restaurant.San Jose police are investigating a woman who had part of her finger bitten off in late February by a pet leopard.
You just can't make this stuff up...
~Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!~ To the 1890's, that is.
Indianapolis News Channel 8 released a video taken Thursday evening of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City showing what appears to be an unidentified flying object moving across the upper left portion of the screen. The video, taken from a network feed camera at around 6:00 am Roman time, was filmed as Pope John Paul II lay in state.
Read entire article here.
Remeber that German guy who killed and ate another man at the victim's request and with is co-operation and participation? Well, Hee's baaa-ack:
A German cannibal and prosecutors launched rival appeals at Germany's top criminal court Wednesday against his manslaughter conviction for killing and eating a willing victim.
The prosecutors are trying to get the case reconsidered for stronger sentence, and the defense is trying to get it knocked down to "killing on request", which would peel 3 years off his sentence.
The details of the case are still incomprehensible to me. It would be tempting to try to assign blame... to parents, society, culture, TV, carrots, really anything just to try and find a grip on something like this. The truth is probably a lot more frightening... it was all of those things that made these people, and none of them, both at the same time.
Which is merely the existential angst the self-styled post-modern intellectual inside me goes through when I read about something like this. The practical redneck inside me knows there's no such thing as too much crazy, and the only real solution to folks like this is either a bible or a gun. The buddhist inside me stands between the other two, whacking them with a stick whenever they get too far out of line.
And you thought your head was complicated...
Remember the "finger-in-the-chili" lady? Turns out she has something of a history:
Anna Ayala, 39, who hired a San Jose, Calif., attorney to represent her in the Wendy's case, has been involved in at least half a dozen legal battles in the San Francisco Bay area, according to court records.
Speaking through the front door of her Las Vegas home Friday, Ayala claimed police are out to get her and were unnecessarily rough as they executed a search warrant at her home on Wednesday.
Yeah, I know, "just because you're paranoid..." But keep in mind most of the time nobody actually is after you.
For those of you ladies that want to be Jewish under your clothes.
While I understand that neurologic research is important and good, I still find the concept of headless remote controlled flies downright creepy:
Yale University researchers say their study that used lasers to create remote-controlled fruit flies could lead to a better understanding of overeating and violence in humans.Using the lasers to stimulate specific brain cells, researchers say they were able to make the flies jump, walk, flap their wings and fly.
Via Daffodil Lane, with whom I will have to disagree about the success of "scaling up" this technique to other creatures. The biological complexity of a rat as compared to a fly is astronomical, and I do not expect to see headless remote controlled mice any time soon. Which is just as well. Skeevy!
Storm chasing? Storm chasing? Aw hell son, we're gonna do a lot more than chase the damned things. We're gonna catch us one!
Tornado Attack is accepting bids on eBay for the co-pilot of "Tornado Attack One." The winner becomes part of the "Team Tornado," which will chase tornadoes with a special vehicle engineered to enter and record inside the eye.
Apparently it's a modified Baha race truck, which is about as tough as non-military vehicles get. Which should cover you just fine if it tosses you around, but I wonder what sort of protection they're planning against the 110 mph iron fenceposts?
For those of you men out there that need to learn how to do feel up your nuts.
All those times I made fun of American ricers? I take them all back.
Well, ok, no, I'm not going to take them all back. But I will stand in awe of what are quite obviously the masters of taking unsuspecting family sedans and doing... things... to them.
Weirdest of all are the unexpected numbers of American 1970s-era sedans in the mix. Those things started falling apart as soon as they rolled off the assembly line, and were ugly. Or at least, I thought they were ugly, until I saw what these guys do to them. Then I realized in their original encarnation they were just a little homely. Sort of like having your overweight female cousin show up to a family reunion wearing pink and chartreuse spandex, trailing a very small, very enthusiastic Asian man in her wake.
Number 129 on the list of "why Ellen and Scott don't like camping":
A Hong Kong hiker washed her face in a freshwater stream, not noticing that leech had wormed its way into one of her nostrils, according to the Hong Kong Medical Journal.
I don't begrudge people who do like camping, it's just not for me. You see, my idea of roughing it is hotel cable TV.
Ok, I take it back, there actually is something worse than a house decorated with hundreds of cats. And people think my one Alfa sign is tacky...
You'd think that after two thousand years of getting it wrong, Christians would quit putting a deadline on the end the world:
As you know the world didn't come to end today.Now for the third time, Warren Jeffs is wrong about his doomsday predictions.
2,500 of his most faithful followers gathered at a mysterious sprawling complex in Eldorado, Texas. Wednesday, Jeffs prophesied he and his followers would be caught up and sent to heaven, while the rest of world would come to an end. But you can see they are still there, and continue to work on their new temple.
Now, I could make a nasty comment involving the previous administration, its Attorney General, various gung-ho federal agencies, and another bunch of Christian loons, but I won't. Not that I'm that big, mind you, it's just that I've spent the past six hours unsuccessfully trying to get a wobbly and extremely non-standard part of our network to migrate to a shiny new server, and trying to be clever on top of that just makes my head asplode.
Instead, I'll just goggle like the rest of you at the power of one man to command otherwise normal people to do whatever he wants.
Ya know, if she'd had a digital camera, it wouldn't have taken so long to be noticed:
A Swedish woman who photographed a swan in the river outside the royal palace in Stockholm made a grim discovery when the film was developed: a hand sticking out of the ice.
Remember folks, cold hands, warm heart! Well, at least for a few minutes anyway.
Punk: "Gimme yer money and yer car old man!"
Old Man: "Say hello to my little friend."
Four juveniles could face homicide charges after a joyride in a family van ended in the fatal shooting of their cousin in a Milwaukee gas station parking lot, according to a hearing in Milwaukee County Children's Court Monday.
.44 caliber gunshot wound to the head. That'll be a closed casket funeral for sure. Considering how hard it is to hit anything with a pistol in a panic situation (cops receive hours of training and still miss some of the time), I'd say "good shot".
As noted yesterday, making a habit of being an a-hole inevitably means you will eventually run up against someone or something to stop you. So let's all try to be a bit nicer out there, k? Because karmic paybacks are a bitch.
Ellen likes cats, but I'm pretty sure she'd draw the line well before this:
A lactating woman in Myanmar has volunteered to breastfeed a pair of endangered Bengal tiger cubs recently born at a Yangon zoo and separated from their aggressive mother.
Ron gets a mewling no-prize for bringing us this graphic example of just how far some folks are willing to go to help a cat in need.
I like his prom dress. It's a good color for him.
Oh be quiet! Rub your eyes! We are sick of your bitching. You looked! We know you did!
There's always the pandemic superbug:
A virulent type of community-acquired MRSA “superbug” that attacks healthy, young people has been found to be the descendent of a penicillin-resistant strain that caused serious infections worldwide 50 years ago.Scientists fear that this offspring superbug strain - which causes serious boils and abscesses and can lead to a severe pneumonia - could pose a major public health threat in the future.
Includes a strain that causes pneumonia nasty enough to kill you in 24 hours. That's a spicy meatball!
And you thought hitting one with your car was bad:
A small plane crashed into a deer on the runway of a far-flung Miami-Dade County airport this morning.The twin-prop plane sustained serious damage. The left prop appeared to be destroyed and pieces of flying propeller penetrated the fuselage. A pilot and copilot on board the plane were not hurt.
Bambi's fate? Let's just say it was very quick.
The scariest part is that, from the picture, it would appear at least some of the prop blades departed through the passenger cabin. It seems no passengers were hurt simply because there weren't any. Yikes!
What happens when you combine the finest in moonbattery with a bit of whimsy? The Cannibal Flesh Doner Program, that's what.
You know, I might be willing to at least listen to some of these ideas if it weren't patently obvious their proponents were purile loons. The sad thing is, having read a great deal about the various protest movements in the 1950s and 1960s, they really haven't changed at all. These are the same wacky ideas and self-destructive indulgences their grandparents engaged in. The only thing that changes is the hairstyle.
At first, I was quite outraged when I stumbled across this:
Nationally recognized geneticist William A. Doty and clinician Joseph Peacock began a program in private practice whereupon overweight men in the Bay Area could receive vasectomies free of charge. Their philosophy: When engaging in clinical decision making, physicians tend to value primarily information about the effect of treatments on physiological functioning and disease progression, rather than information about the impact on the patient's quality of life [9-11]. By focusing on the quality of life of future generations, we greatly improve the psychological impact of genetics on the human condition.
But then I thought, "that's stupid... this would only work if you talked them into a vasectomy before they had kids." Then my Landover Baptist Church warning system kicked in.
Not wanting to give Joshua another opportunity to place a whoopie cushion under my intellectual arrogance, I decided to do a bit of digging. The story was linked up on FARK, so I went trolling in the comments. Once I waded through the inevitable eltist eugenic "what a great idea, fat people = stupid!" crap, sure enough someone else had discovered the rest of the site looked an awful lot like this one.
So I'm going to call this one satire, although I'm not completely sure I understand its point. Which I find a little worrisome, since satire is nearly always missed by its intended targets. However, with a little squinting I could see it as a jibe at the whole "the state knows best, obey the state" stance that liberals, especially California liberals, are justly famous for. So I'll call it that for now. To quote a certain Cheshire Cat:
"Tell yourself, 'I've seen worse at Rutledge's.' Prevarication, in this instance, may help."
Liz gets a leather-bound no-prize for bringing us news of a rather interesting new technique for treating depression:
Russian scientists recommend the following course of the whipping therapy: 30 sessions of 60 whips on the buttocks in every procedure. A group of drug addicts volunteered to test the new method of treatment: the results can be described as good and excellent.
Oklahoma! Oklahoma!
People who've seen Napoleon Dynamite will recognize this, and be amazed. They really do exist!
What? Haven't seen the movie yet? Ugh! Gross! Freakin' idiot!
Yeah, I know, I know, "get out more" ... it's raining outside... Ugh! Idiot!
Ellen's always badgering me to wear aftershave or cologne, but somehow I think even she would draw the line before I got to this stuff:
A worker with India's main opposition party displays an antiseptic aftershave made of cow urine at a stall in party headquarters in New Delhi February 25, 2005.
Of course, nowadays a modern chemical plant can turn just about any fluid into any other fluid with relative ease, so who knows what it actually smells like. Well, actually I don't care, but you can go find out and tel me.
Colombian police have found a homemade submarine capable of carrying $200 million (107.8 million pounds) worth of cocaine on a Pacific Ocean smuggling mission, police say.Police, who acted on a tip, made no arrests after finding the submarine hidden in the port of Tumaco, near the border with Ecuador, the Administrative Security Department detective force said on Friday.
~ We do blow in a yellow submarine ~
Just in time for the holday! WWJSL? (What Would Jesus Smell Like?) I dunno, I guess I am a little curious as to what, exactly, myrrh smells like. Not sure if I'd want it in a candle or not.
No, really, you just can't make this stuff up:
A diner at a Wendy’s fast food restaurant in San Jose, California, found a human finger in a bowl of chili prepared by the chain, local officials said on Wednesday.“This individual apparently did take a spoonful, did have a finger in their mouth and then, you know, spit it out and recognized it,” said Ben Gale, director of the department of environmental health for Santa Clara County. “Then they had some kind of emotional reaction and vomited.
Ya think?
What I'm wondering is... fingers are, you know, kind of important to people. Folks normally will notice their sudden absence. Maybe Wendy's is secretly involved with a Yakuza-run processing plant?
Personally, I think it would be better if they ran with the bulls:
The annual "running of the bulls" in the northern Spanish town of Pamplona could get some serious competition this year, in the form of a rival run by naked humans protesting cruelty to animals.The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) group, which has protested against the event in the past, even announced that it was asking the town authorities to replace the traditional bull-chase with its "running of the nudes."
I mean, anything that gets obnoxious hippies run over is fine by me. Too bad that's not what they're asking. Wusses.
Look, I never said I was a good buddhist, okay?
I can't help but think our old friend the Bishop must be involved with these people somehow:
he leader of a secretive Spanish sect who said he was the true Pope and that the Vatican was controlled by the devil has died, a town hall official said Tuesday.
Unfortunately he wasn't crucified, and therefore the apocalypse would seem to have been delayed once more. Nothing quite as annoying as the world ignoring one's eschatological prophecies. Well, I guess it did in fact end for him.
~ Bad Burkhas Bad Burkahs Cha-dor Cha-dor / Whatcha gonna do? / Whatcha gonna do when dey come for you? ~
The first part looks like the above mentioned nuns on wires. The second reminds me of a giant female Three Stooges fan club. The third, well the third makes me think of the Keystone Cops. Only, you know, with robes.
Let's remember folks... never let logic get in the way of religio-political beliefs! We must enforce purity to uphold the revolution!
This time Fark leads us to the obvious conclusion that the government created the 9-11 plot in 1976. Damn that Jimmy Carter... I knew he was up to no good!
In the "Just in Case You Haven't Lost All Hope in Humanity" file, we have this... interesting... admission:
A Belgian man on trial for having sex with dogs claims he did it out of compassion for man's best friend, a Belgian paper said on Friday.
Well... now isn't that just special. *blink* *blink*
Ok, gross. Just gross.
Joshua gets a warm and fuzzy no-prize for bringing us the ultimate in pet therapy:
Jeanette's Taxidermy proudly introduces Pet Pillows as an alternative way to remember your pet. Each pet pillow is hand made from the fur of your pet and made into a pillow that you can display.
"Wow, Jane! What a great night's sleep! I need to remember to visit your place any time I have insomnia!"
"Ah! You must've slept on Mister Whiskers! Isn't he great?"
"But Jane, I thought you said Mister Whiskers was dead?"
"He is."
I shouldn't make too much fun. We have, and I am not making this up, a tiny household shrine in one corner of our ground floor room on which are lovingly stacked the the ash boxes of all the cats waiting for Ellen on the other side. When I pointed out the startling resemblance of what she'd built to a Roman household gods shrine, she blinked twice and said "well, our people ruled the world for a reason you know."
Ah, Italians...
Why waste money on expensive surgery when all you really need is a pack of gum:
A chewing gum which the makers say can help enhance the size, shape and tone of the breasts has proved to be a big hit in Japan.B2Up says its Bust-Up gum, when chewed three or four times a day, can also help improve circulation, reduce stress and fight ageing.
I guess I'll have to concede my wife's pack-a-day chewing gum habit may actually prove useful. Will New Jersey and Long Island beaches ever be the same?
Sometimes pretty comes with a price:
The U.S. Army is investigating incidents of unexploded World War I-era munitions showing up in clamshells used as paving material for driveways and parking areas in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.The ordnance was dredged up during the past 18 months from the ocean floor during mechanical clam harvesting operations off the New Jersey coast, in the vicinity of Atlantic City, according to Robert Williams of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is conducting the investigation.
Some grenades were found inside the clams.
And just how big are these clams? Boy, that'd be a nasty surprise for some seafood cook, eh?
Ron gets a rusty but potentially explosive no-prize for bringing us this "your driveway, it asploded" story.
The South African government, having solved all other pressing problems, seems to have instituted a draconian gun control policy (because we all know how effective those are, right?) In the meantime, citizens are doing what they must:
Tighter gun ownership laws are pushing South Africans to buy crossbows, spears, swords, knives and pepper sprays to protect themselves from violent crime.
With some homeowners worried about prosecution if they kill intruders, the crossbow is particularly popular because of its silence and the difficulty of tracing the firer from forensic evidence, he said.
Joshua gets a no-prize that, like, totally fell in two pieces before it even knew it was cut for bringing us HOLY SH*T! NINJAS!.
No, I didn't completely understand it either, but it came from Joshua, what do you expect? ;)
Remember folks, just because they look like overgrown housecats doesn't mean they are:
Dane Kieser, 16, was stroking the ear of a lioness at a breeding enclosure at the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve on Sunday when he was attacked and pulled under the fence into the lion's den.
Technically not a Darwin award nominee. Why? Hey, the dude had a reason:
Dane apparently took his girlfriend with him to the enclosure where he stuck his arm through the fence to stroke the lioness.
Yup, he was trying to impress a chick. Guys around the world are nodding their heads sagely and thinking, "there but for the grace of God..."
But ya know, now that I think about it, if my house cats weighed 1300 pounds I'd keep them in a cage too. Small+evil = harmlessly amusing. Large + evil = not so much.
There is no nekkidness, but it is kinky!
How a guy wants you to eat a banana!
Me, I'd just chomp it once and it would be gone. None of this banana foreplay crap. When I told my husband this, he got scared and crossed his legs. Men are such wimps.
There are some sick people out there.
At least five dogs have jumped to their deaths from a bridge over a burn at Overtoun House in the past six months.
Read entire article here.
Don't the people walk them on leashes?
Well, I'll give 'em points for thinking outside the box:
After many residents [in Hyderabad, India] ignored repeated demands to settle overdue property taxes. authorities in a city in Andhra Pradesh state have sent 20 groups of drummers to play outside offenders' houses for the past week.
18% have paid up after just one week, so it seems to be working.
Problem 1: Life is too much. Time to exit.
Problem 2: Too chickensh*t to do the deed yourself
Solution: Get someone else to do the dirty work:
The man, 30, knew the two young men and paid them $5000 each to kill him. Police said he told the men, both 18, he wanted to kill himself but feared he would botch the job. His plan was to take sleeping tablets, then if he was still alive 10 minutes later his paid assistants were to beat him to death with an iron bar.
Did it work? Oh, come on. If it worked it would we be linking it?
One of the biggest lessons I got from watching the A&E show Airline was: don't show up drunk. If you do show up drunk, stay very very cool, keep your mouth shut, and stay away from the bar. Otherwise they can and will keep you off the flight. Now I know what it looks like when that policy isn't rigidly enforced:
We noticed you right away when you got on the plane – I mean, it would have been hard not to, what with your overly loud conversations on the phone with your friends regarding the NFL football player who bought you 4 shots of Patron in the airport bar after you already had a ton of drinks already. We were all really proud of you, and ever so happy to hear that you had exchanged numbers with him and you guys were such buddies and honey, I was crossing my fingers for you to hook up with him at some later date. We also sympathized with your requests for “something to smoke” when you got home, and by the way, thanks for keeping it so loud so that we could all share in that happy conversation. I think some of the older folks were particularly impressed.
Oh it gets much better. Well, better for us on the ground at any rate.
And for all of you travelers who glare, sigh dramatically, roll your eyes, or swear under your breath when my child gets fussy on the airplane? I bet you thought parents didn't notice you doing that. I guess you all seem to think we enjoy sitting next to our own shrieking child, that we do it on purpose just to rain on your little day. F- you, because if you read the linked story you'll realize it can get a whole lot worse than a little kid yelling for ten minutes.
The right action for the wrong reason?
A group of men were detained for helping a woman who screamed as she was being dragged off by a member of the Saudi religious police after he spotted her in a car with a man, a newspaper reported on Monday.
Although a Muslim man should not touch any woman not related by family ties or marriage, the religious policeman reportedly grasped the woman, attempting to drag her into his police car.
Those of you muttering under your breath "we should've started with them first" should keep in mind Iraq's is one of the more secular societies in the Arab world. Compared to what Saudi Arabia would be like, Iraq is a dream to rebuild.
Now, those of you wondering why we can't just build walls around the oil fields and let the rest of them starve... well, take a number and go sit over there.
Via Silflay
The thing is, if Jeff hit the mound it'd probably only improve his score:
Human remains found buried under the fairway of a Georgia golf course were identified Wednesday as those of a woman missing since July 2003, authorities said.
Well, it'd improve as long as it bounced the ball to the left, that is.
Jay Tea gets a neutered no-prize for bringing us a man and his vasectomy, in pictures. Amusing, informative, a little skeevy... what's not to love?
Warning: Contains non-sexual but still graphic photographs of said person's wang. Probably fine in a doctor's office, but anywhere else, maybe not so much.
Well, at least they caught the thing:
A 5-meter-long (16 ft) crocodile said to have eaten more than 80 people has been caught alive in Uganda and transferred to a sanctuary, officials said Tuesday.
Of course, it was locals who gave the body count, so who knows how many people this thing actually killed. Still, at least it's not going to be eating any more of them.
Tacky, horrid PETA ad campaign in 3... 2... 1...
My God! People... people are actually buying and selling things to each other without government regulation or oversight! This... this cannot be! This is impossible! Government is good! Government keeps people safe! Without it, there would be disorder, chaos, hysteria! Hurry, dear legislatures, hurry with us to fix this... this... debacle!!! After all, nothing is more rational, more safe, more good, than government regulation:
Ohio residents selling goods on eBay would have to get a license and be bonded under a law set to go into effect May 2, although authors of the legislation vow to make changes before that date to exempt individuals.
Besides costing $200 and posting a $50,000 bond, the license requires a one-year apprenticeship to a licensed auctioneer, acting as a bid-caller in 12 auctions, attending an approved auction school, passing a written and oral exam. Failure to get a license could result in the seller being fined up to $1,000 and jailed for a maximum of 90 days.
Because we all know how important acting as a bid caller is to an E-bay auction. Now, tell me again why government is always the first choice to solve a problem?
Everyone's favorite chess champion/Howard Hughes wannabe is at it again, this time getting tossed into solitary for... well, for being Bobby Fischer:
[Fischer's fiancee, Miyoko] Watai said Fischer became involved in a dispute with guards when he asked for an additional boiled egg at breakfast. The dispute escalated to a scuffle, leading Fischer to be placed in solitary confinement.
Normally I'd be incensed at such juvenile behavior from someone old enough to be my dad, but Fischer is just so ludicrous I can't work up the energy. I really think we need people like him, because they remind us of just how loony smart people can get.
Ron gets a not-so-delicately scented no-prize for bringing us this story of one woman's perfume problem:
A woman has filed a lawsuit against the city of Norwalk for exposure to her colleagues' perfumes and colognes, alleging officials have failed to lessen her exposure to such scents in the town clerk's office and that she is being harrassed.
City worker. Who suddenly seems unable to cope with perfume. Oh yeah, this is totally just about someone's health.
"I love the sound of sirens in the morning," said the lawyer. "Sounds like... money..."
Look, I get the heebies standing close to a regular mannequin because I keep expecting it to move. I'd have to change my pants if one actually did:
The mannequin moving in the store window is no longer a fantasy. A Japanese firm has developed a mannequin robot that can strike a pose for customers - and spy on who they are and what they're buying.
Can The Stepford Wives really be that far behind?
It's not the camera that'd bother me, it's the head following me around and talking to me that'd do it:
The teddy bear sitting in the corner of the child's room might look normal, until his head starts following the kid around using a face recognition program, perhaps also allowing a parent talk to the child through a special phone, or monitor the child via a camera and wireless Internet connection.The plush prototype, on display at Microsoft Corp.'s annual gadget showcase Wednesday, is one of several ideas researchers have for robots.
The basic problem with this idea in our own household is Olivia's tendency to grab whichever stuffed animal catches her fancy, hug it cutely, then drop it on the floor and thunder away after an unsuspecting cat. So until Teddy can talk and walk, I see limited utility here.
Ellen, being a former tech at a primate lab, will probably find this story grim but unsurprising:
Several chimpanzees broke from their cages at an animal sanctuary Thursday and attacked two visitors, seriously injuring them, authorities said. Sanctuary workers shot and killed two of the powerful animals.Officials did not immediately release the victims' names, but a television station reported that they were a couple who were visiting another chimpanzee that had been removed from their home years earlier for his own aggressive behavior.
Every primatologist I've spoken with or read has remarked that chimps are unusually excitable primates, most often compared to three year old humans. They tend to, well, freak out. In a toddler, this can be amusing. In a 150-pound-plus creature that is nearly as smart and can unscrew your head with its bare hands, not so much.
Hunter Thompson was working on WTC collapse story before mysterious sudden death, warned he'd be 'suicided'
*Oh oh oh!! I know I know I know!!!! You see, Bush was wearing a sparkly pink tutu when a bunch of monkeys riding on seahorses came knocking on Hunter's door for a tea party. But the monkeys didn't like Earl Grey tea so they got mad and made cherry jell-o instead. Bush decided that there should be fruit inside the jell-o so they had to wait a little longer. In the meantime, a bunch of Republicans were waiting on the front porch twirling like ballerinas creating a whirlwind to make the jell-o cool faster. This is when Hunter had a fit and decided to eat some lead instead of the jell-o.*
See... see... both paragraphs are ridiculous. The challenge, of course, is figuring out which one is actually fiction.
The sad thing is, we're pretty sure our moonbat readers are actually thinking about this one.
Update: Linkee now workee.
Ron gets a buff no-prize for bringing us news of a most interesting dining experience:
The diners arrived at a nice Manhattan restaurant on a cold February night and stripped off coats, hats, gloves and scarves. They didn’t stop there.Skirts, shirts, pants, underwear and stockings all ended up stashed in plastic bags by the bar as the patrons got naked for the monthly “Clothing Optional Dinner.”
The thing is, it's been my experience that the people who most want to be seen naked are the ones I'd least like to see with clothes on. And then there's a whole host of folks who just don't care, who simply enjoy the lifestyle. So we're almost certainly not talking about a night filled with naked Claudia Schiffer and Jonny Depp clones. Instead, it'd probably be a night filled with people like your aunt Judy and cousin Frank. Again, nothing wrong with that, but definitely not the "lookee-loo" sort of thing people initially imagine when the word "nudist" pops up.
Life, according to the British band The Verve, is a bittersweet symphony. But for one musician in Switzerland who can "taste" sounds the symphony is also disgusting, and tastes of mown grass and low-fat cream.
The originating article appears in Nature, so I'll refrain from coughing "Bullsh*t" on this one. For now at least. I wonder which music tastes like chicken?
PROVO, Utah - Residents in Provo, Utah, can now officially own both cats AND dogs.Read entire article.City Council members voted unanimously Tuesday to replace the word “or” with the word “and” in existing city code, which means residents can now own up to two cats — and — two dogs at the same time.
Mixed households!? Oh no!!
Actually, the title isn't a Butthead-style joke:
Some will think it a romantic gesture, others will find it grisly. But one willing couple in the UK is about to get the chance, thanks to a government-funded project intended to promote awareness of the issues surrounding tissue engineering.
What chance? The chance to make wedding rings, or really any other ring-shaped jewelry, out of their own bone tissue.
Actually, I think the flutteriness of the UK ethics board and the article's author is more interesting than the article itself. Why not come up with a commercial venture to do this, if you can actually make money at it?
Ron gets a very obedient no-prize for bringing us this story of the "smart" prisoner:
Stark County jailers let Ricky Lee Claycomb go on Tuesday after he was acquitted of a rape charge he had been brought to Ohio from Colorado to face. Jail officials apparently never saw the paperwork to return him to the prison.
I grew up near Cummins prison farm in Arkansas, and every few years we'd hear about trustee inmates left behind by the farm busses. Almost without fail, these short-time and/or older prisoners would remember the adage "you can't outrun a radio" and simply sit and wait for the gaurds to figure out the mistake.
After a long drought, AMCGltd is happy to report the real foil hatters are doing just fine, thank you:
The political aspect of mind control concerns its use in a "free" society: the testing of the technology on nonconsensual subjects, its use in political persuasion and in suppressing dissent, as well as how the very existence of the technology is covered up and concealed.
I mean, you wouldn't want us to get boring would you?
To think all this time Ellen could've just gotten a piercing:
After years fighting frames that seemed to always slip down his nose, Sooy got a bridge piercing — a relatively common piercing through the bridge of the nose. In December, he and his friend Oliver Gilroy affixed the prescription lenses to it.
Just goes to show nerds get piercings too. No, I don't have any, but that's because I'm not a nerd.
Right? Right?!?
Fark linked up this Gaurdian article about a rather interesting assertion about ancient Norse cultures:
Being hung like a Norse was key to social hierarchy and being considered a real man in 10th-century Icelandic society, according to a new paper, Size Matters: Penile Problems in Sagas of Icelanders, presented to the International Medieval Congress in Leeds, England, this week.
"This week" being October of last year, but still...
Well we definitely won't now, because it appears they've outlawed... well... you know:
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected on Tuesday a constitutional challenge to an Alabama law that makes it a crime to sell sex toys.
The law, adopted in 1998, allowed the sale of ordinary vibrators and body massagers that are not designed or marketed primarily as sexual aids. It exempted sales of sexual devices "for a bona fide medical, scientific, educational, legislative, judicial or law enforcement purpose."
While this won't prevent someone from defending their purchase of a two foot long flesh-colored plastic fist as educational, it will make it awfully amusing to hear them try.
Oh be quiet. It's their damned state, let them outlaw sex toys if they want. Since interstate commerce is controlled by the feds, a "vibramatic" is only a catalog order away.
For proof positive that, given enough time and gumption, anything can be stolen, we have this AP report:
A Norwegian family's swimming pool wasn't just bolted down, it was in the ground, but that was impediment to a band of determined thieves.When the Nicolaysen family visited their mountain cabin over the weekend, they discovered a big hole in the yard in place of the swimming pool that had been installed 20 years ago.
Beats the hell out of the blow-up kind anyway.
There's nothing quite like an encyclopedia for coldly detailing just how loony loons can be:
In Scientology doctrine, Xenu is a galactic ruler who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth, stacked them around volcanoes, and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to cause people problems today. These events are known to Scientologists as "Incident II," and the traumatic memories associated with them as The Wall of Fire or the R6 implant. L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, famously warning that R6 was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it." The Xenu story was the start of the use of the volcano as a common symbol of Scientology and Dianetics from 1968 to the present day.
Amazingly, that's just the start of the article. Now, tell me again why we should listen to anyone in Hollywood?
Ok, while on the face of it this story about a knife getting through airport security is a bit worrying (if not particularly surprising), it's the other part of the story that has me thrown:
[Katrina Bell, 27,] had put the knife in her bag "just in case" before going on a blind date earlier that week, her sister and travel companion, Tikisha Bell Gowens, 30, said in The Sunday Star-Ledger of Newark.
Yeah, what a great idea! I'll stick a big horking knife in my bag. There's no chance I'll fall down, or bump into something, or reach the wrong way and hack a finger off. Nope, no chance at all.
Jennifer C. gets a no-prize (but she'll have to visit the island of Doctor Moreau to get it) for bringing us Freaky stuff!
It's a surprise.
This is what you get when you look at a friend's online journal and see a quirkly little link. Thanks Damion!
Because smart men know women don't do a damned thing you tell them to do:
A man who used an internet chatroom to try to set up a mass suicide on Valentine's Day had been trying for at least five years to persuade women to engage in sex acts with him and then kill themselves, it has been revealed.
The family does their best to cover up the fact this guy has a severe mental illness and is completely unmedicated, even lying to the sheriff:
He was arrested last week at his mother's home in Klamath Falls, southern Oregon.He moved to Oregon about a year ago from Sacramento in California to take care of his ailing father, Sheriff Evinger said.
Yeah, right, whatever.
At least nobody got hurt. Hopefully privacy laws won't prevent authorities from getting the women who agreed to this some help as well.
James H. gets a no-prize with a siren on top for bringing us a classic "and this is a problem, how?" political hairball:
Forty-six air-raid-style sirens, purchased for $1.6 million more than a year ago for Pickering and Darlington nuclear stations [as part of an emergency alarm], are gathering dust in an Ajax warehouse while Pickering politicians try to come up with an alternative that doesn't make as much noise.
In Pickering, local opposition to the 27 planned sirens has been strong in the Bay Ridges and West Shore communities, where residents feel the sirens would lower property values and possibly create panic if they ever sounded.
Because, ya know, radioactive fallout is not something anyone should really panic over, right?
Instead of the sky falling on the bird, the bird falls from the sky:
There are two reports of houses being damaged by plucked chickens crashing through their roofs in Newcastle in the New South Wales Hunter Valley.
Includes our Best quote of the week award winner:
"I don't have all the answers or anything like that, but birds or chickens or whatever it is, they don't just fall from the sky and put holes in people's roofs.
Good lord! If this is what Welshmen do to celebrate a victory, I'd hate to see what they do when they lose:
A Welsh rugby fan cut off his own testicles to celebrate Wales beating England at rugby, the Daily Mirror reported on Tuesday.
This being Wales, there's bound to be a sheep involved. I just can't quite figure out how...
Have drug sniffing dog, will travel:
A Canadian couple has launched a business offering worried parents or concerned employers private drug-detection services that will search homes and offices for everything from marijuana to heroin.
I mean, come on, nothing says trust quite like a German shephard going through your kid's backpack, eh?
Don't you think someone needs to strap this chick is some machine and shake her till she has seizures and dies?
If it was my child this happened to, you would all be visiting me in jail after I was done with that person.
Semen makes you happy. That's the remarkable conclusion of a study comparing women whose partners wear condoms with those whose partners don't.The study, which is bound to provoke controversy, showed that the women who were directly exposed to semen were less depressed. The researchers think this is because mood-altering hormones in semen are absorbed through the vagina. They say they have ruled out other explanations.
Read entire article here.
Instapundit lets us know Mr. Eason's recent statements are nothing new (emphasis added):
it's an assertion Mr. Jordan has made before. In November, as reported in the London Guardian, Mr. Jordan said, "The reality is that at least 10 journalists have been killed by the U.S. military, and according to reports I believe to be true journalists have been arrested and tortured by U.S. forces."
As the article notes, there's not one shred of proof for any of these outrageous statements. This isn't some DU loon, or a congress critter shooting their mouth off, this is the freaking executive vice president and chief news executive of CNN!
Now, tell me again, and slowly because I'm obviously too stupid to understand... why is Fox News the "real enemy"?
For evidence that our federal government has no monopoly on wacky ideas, we have this "progressive" legislation attempting to curb graffiti in New York City:
Hoping to put a lid on graffiti vandalism, the City Council's public safety chairman introduced a bill yesterday to ban the sale of spray paint to almost everyone.
What kills me is that this area of the US has probably the most extensive public transport system in the country. All the kids have to do is hop a light rail line into Jersey and they'll have their paint. Sheesh...
The headline says it all: "Woman Accused of Giving Lethal Sherry Enema."
Warner, 58, was said to have an alcohol problem and received the wine enema because a throat ailment left him unable to drink the sherry, Turner told the newspaper.
The woman admitted administering the enema, but denied causing her husband's death, the Chronicle said.
It would seem that "true love" is not wine, roses, thoughtful notes, or soft kisses; it's pouring 3 liters of booze in your significant other's ass.
And I thought this was gonna be a slow news day...
Ron gets a no-prize he can take on the subway for bringing us the latest development in mobile phones:
The local branch of British mobile giant Vodafone on Monday unveiled the V603SH, billed as the first phone in Japan to respond to movements, which will let users perform basic mobile functions through programmed shakes and jerks.
Considering the legendary crowds on Japan's commuter trains, I can't help but think this'll just be an excuse to beat the crap out of everyone around you. "No, no, officer, I was just practicing my golf swing!"
Making the rounds: Everyone's favorite media quisling Eason Jordan is now claiming the Army is fragging reporters:
At a discussion moderated by David R. Gergen, the Director for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, the concept of truth, fairness, and balance in the news was weighed against corporate profit interest, the need for ratings, and how the media can affect democracy.
During one of the discussions about the number of journalists killed in the Iraq War, Eason Jordan asserted that he knew of 12 journalists who had not only been killed by US troops in Iraq, but they had in fact been targeted. He repeated the assertion a few times, which seemed to win favor in parts of the audience (the anti-US crowd) and cause great strain on others.
Hell I'm sure there are any number of soldiers out there who would've liked to plug, say, Geraldo or Arnett, but actually doing it? And if Mr. Jordan knew it, why the hell hasn't CNN screamed to the high hills about it? I mean, Abu Graihb is still on the goddamned front pages, and the Army was just screwing around with Iraqis back then.
I've thought Jordan needed to go ever since he admitted to covering up Hussein's excesses to maintain access. Since the MSM seem to be trying to ignore this one, maybe bloggers can keep the heat on long enough to get rid of another machiavellian careerist self-appointed "guardian of truth".
Now isn't this just what you've always wanted:
The bag from the hospital should have held his recently deceased father's belongings.But when Christopher Runyan emptied it out on the kitchen table of his Long Island home yesterday, he made a grisly discovery: a human leg.
I could make a joke that pulled together organized crime, severed body parts, New York, "Loo-wong Oiyland" (say it quickly... that's it, you've got it), and my lovely wife's ancestry, but I'm afraid it might be the last thing I post.
With apologies to John Landis et. al., Oregon Nazis. I hate Oregon Nazis:
The American Nazi Party has volunteered to pick up trash along a quiet stretch of rural road in Oregon state, causing an uproar after getting a sign placed there crediting its work.
Damned shame I don't have a '74 Dodge Monaco, but Jeff's old Trans Am should suffice (we keep expecting it to fall apart any day now). I wonder if we could get them all to line up on a bridge?
Now it's official: cats actually are the spawn of the devil...
Clearly, the Bible - by using this kind of terminology - shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the basic nature of cats, while created perfect by God, has become evil or 'beastlike' since the fall of Adam six thousand years ago, and more probably, since the Great Flood of Noah's time (c2350 B.C.E.)
Yeah, and they crap on your floor and throw up on your dinner table too! Beasties I tell you, beasties!
Originally seen at IFOC, but it was Cobb who reminded me of the thing.
Sometimes they can be a little too moble:
A Kirbyville [Louisiana] family is searching for answers about their missing home and they’re hoping you can help them. The Roth family believes crooks made a cool getaway when they drove up to their trailer, hooked it up and simply drove away.
For once, not in Arkansas!
Do you suffer from the nightmare of suspicion and doubt caused by the infidelity of a cheating spouse? Now you can find out what's really going on, the quick and easy way, with the CheckMate semen detection test kit. The CheckMate test kit is an "amazing" semen detection product that is used on underwear to quickly and easily monitor your spouse's sexual activity outside of the home.
Outside the home? How about a detection kit to monitor how many times your significant other whacks off to porn? Now thats a kit!
I mean come on, do you *really* want to find out what that stain is?
Check it all out here.
Here in the United States we call them *caskets* Only Europe and the Brits call them coffins. Don't get me started on the whole corporate funeral industy BS. Thats another article.
In the meantime, check out these cool pixes.
Pamela Stonebrooke is reviewing a portrait of a former lover painted by a friend. But there's something not quite right about the nose."It should be more alligatorish," she says.
So begins the wacky, wonderful tale of Pamela Stonebrook, the Alien Lizard Jazz Goddess. While most people greet the thought of alien abduction with fear, Ms. Stonebrook greets it with open arms, and eventually open legs.
Sometimes these stories just sort of write themselves.
Jeff gets a bashed-in no-prize for bringing us the first published pictures of USS San Francisco, the nuclear submarine that ran aground earlier this month, killing one crewmember and injuring several others. A rather stark reminder that even the most complex ship in the world is no match for a big, dumb rock.
Every man should have a stash of these next to their computer.
Hey Lair!! I think you need to do this to your peppers!
One of my most favorite inventions!
The toilet!
Joshua gets a no-prize with a runny nose for bringing us the sneeze fetish forum. Just when you thought people couldn't get any weirder...
Carrie brings us this interesting story on the newest Saint in Mexico!
A very mummified No-Prize to Carrie!
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hundreds of jumbo squid washed up dead over the last two days in one of southern California's most popular beach communities, authorities said on Thursday.Read entire article hereThe Newport Beach Fire Department said some 500 squid, measuring roughly five feet and weighing about 10 to 15 pounds each, added to the tons of debris already littering local beaches after recent heavy rains.
I'm sure all the mOOnBats out there think this is all Bush's fault. So to this I say, I hope you enjoy calamari.
I guess it really is true; people will buy anything:
Genuine dried squirrel scrotum preserved in all it’s glory. Perfect gift for that special someone who has everything - everything except some balls. Come in a 3” tall miniature glass apothecary jar. Are permanently preserved for years of entertainment.
Who am I kidding. Ellen has "the goods" from both our male cats in jars somewhere. I am not making this up. Living with a vet tech can be... educational... sometimes.
Teacher to world: stay home January 24th. Actually, since we're supposed to be getting ~ 6-8 inches of snow this weekend, there's a pretty good chance we will be staying home that day. It's not that we can't drive in the stuff, it's that we have just one very long and very straight commute route that will be dominated by lemmings who think SUVs give them a free pass from the laws of physics.
Fark brings us the latest in a long line of "why we need tort reform" cases:
A jury awarded $75 million in punitive damages Wednesday to the family of a 7-year-old girl paralyzed in a car wreck caused by a drunken football fan. A day earlier, the family was awarded $60 million in compensatory damages.
The compensatory damages were assessed equally against [the football fan] and Aramark Corp., the Giants Stadium concessionaire that sold beers to him at the game. The jury ruled Wednesday that Aramark was liable for the additional $75 million.
Sell some beer, get hit with $135 million worth of fines.
Problem: You're the dominant Formula-1 team, representing arguably the best drivers and race technology in the world. You're also an Italian team, and want to do something, well, nice for the Pope, who unfortunately can't drive anywhere any more.
Solution: Give him a car. A little bitty car:
Pope John Paul got a flame red Ferrari from the Italian world championship racing team on Monday -- a model of one, that is -- for having what they said was the inside track on the roads of humanity.
Many painful metaphors, of course, followed. Includes picture of said tiny car.
The difference is, of course, that most guys only do this in their head:
Tzaneen [South Africa]- Sexily-dressed women in a small Limpopo town have fallen prey to a group of teenage street kids that masturbate in public whenever they see them.
It would seem to me a largish can of mace and/or pepper spray would be a nice addition to this lady's purse. You'd certainly have more things to aim at.
First we had Christ on Toast, now we seem to have the Oyster Jesus:
A bar manager in Switzerland has announced plans to sell an oyster shell resembling the face of Jesus Christ, according to local media.
With suitably bizzare pic.
My sister-in-law for years collected her Husky's sheddings, and because it was a Husky she ended up with bags of the stuff. Now there's a place for her to send it:
Victoria Pettigrew started VIP Fibers three years ago in Morgan Hill, Calif., and according to a December report by the Knight Ridder News Service, has an enthusiastic clientele of pet owners who pay her to make specialty items (blankets, pillows, scarves) from their animals' hair - ''Better yarn from your pet than a sheep you never met.''
My brother's wardrobe may never be the same.
I have found the ultimate in Arkansas tackiness. A themed casket.
You heard me right. A casket. Complete with a Razorback on it.
How bout a Furby?
OR try some of these!
Paranormal Rattlesnake Hiking Stick?
There are currently 2917 items that are 'haunted' on Ebay! What are you waiting for!? Go bid now!
Craig B. gets a no-prize that'll scream at him and give him bad dreams* for bringing us the Curious Case of the Cacaphonous Chondrite:
While repairing the joists in the attic I found this stone in a small cardboard box and thought it was interesting enough to take home. During the time this stone was in my home strange things happened. I noticed the house was cooler than usual, especially in the room I kept this stone in, and my dog wouldn’t go near the room. I never thought to connect this stone with the strange occurrences until one night I heard "singing" (or strange sounds) coming from the room about 2 months after I had taken the stone! Really! I have heard the "singing" or "songs" about 12-15 times after that. It’s hard to explain the sounds coming from the room but they are definitely coming from the stone. Other people have heard them also and they always originate from the area this stone is being kept!
It is, of course, an auction, so anyone who feels like dropping a minimum of $9.99 + s&h can have their very own haunted rock.
Where's my checkbook...
* No, it just sounds like I'm giving Ellen away.
This was actually an episode from Dr. G, Medical Examiner. Except the person died in that episode.
And in the "you do know they blow people up for these things, don't you?" category of Most Questionable Magazine Covers, we have Poland's Forum Magazine:
A Burkha-wearing babe baring her breasts on the cover of a Polish magazine has ignited a culture mini-war in Brooklyn.
Of course, had an Islamic magazine carried a picture of a topless nun on the cover, I'm sure staunchly Catholic Poles would have absolutely no problem with it, right? Then again, as noted above, Poles do not have a reputation for blowing up those who cross their medieval cultural hang-ups.
I'm on a roll tonight!
For those of you who are into fart fetishes!
How to bang just about anything in your house. A self-help guide.
Anyone need to rent a midget?
Only$19.95 for the economy model!
Well, probably not exactly irony, but this tale of a preacher collapsing at his pulpit certainly is damned strange:
A Presbyterian minister collapsed and died in mid-sentence of a sermon after saying "And when I go to heaven ...," his colleague said Monday.
A real killer of a sermon, I'd say.
Weirdest. Flash. Ever. Not quite as bad as the dirty umbrella skin on the wall in the Hirshorn, but close. Artists are odd.
Holy Shit!!! Our local radio station has been changed into spanish rock!!
This means no more WHFS festivals! I must find a new radio station!
FYI: If you're going to get high with your prostitute, don't do it in a convenience store bathroom:
A man found partly disrobed with a woman, cocaine and marijuana in the one-person restroom of an Iowa convenience store in an area known for prostitution had no absolute right to privacy, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
Fans of the movie mentioned in the title will note that hey, at least the guy was alive. I wonder if the COPS crew caught this one?
While I respect the craftsmanship that goes into stuff like this, I gotta wonder... can you actually drive any of these things? And if not, should they really be called cars anymore?
Ah who am I kidding. The only transistors in my car are in the radio, and that doesn't work. These guys definitely aren't targetting me.
The bondage experts in the house will have to tell us if The Humiliator represents the mainstream of their hobby or the fringe. Do bondage people even have a fringe?
Nevermind... don't answer that... No, really, we were just leaving, please don't get up--@$#@I*@#4
Why is it only men that are doing this?
And in the left corner of the "terrorism as technocratic opportunity" ring we have this 60 minutes report about every gun nut's favorite "too big to exist" toy:
"I just think there are certain occasions when we say in our society, [the Barrett .50 caliber rifle] is such a threat to our health and safety...our national security, we will not allow it," he tells Bradley. "Thousands have been sold to civilians and, as far as federal gun laws go, it is treated like any other hunting rifle."
Which is, of course, exactly what it is. Yes, it's gigantic. It's also gigantically expensive. This is no .38 special. The fact that the company probably employs dozens (if not hundreds) of people in an otherwise low-wage rural area of the country is just icing on the cake. But of course none of that matters, because they're making something someone disapproves of, and, far worse, they're selling them to just anybody.
I wonder how many police training sessions and gun safety classes could be paid for with the time, money, and energy 60 Minutes spent trying to promote a ban on what is essentially an esoteric and expensive tool? Of course that's not as sexy, not as interesting, not as self-righteous, as chasing after the ultimate elephant gun. Everyone knows "commoners" have no business with one of these things. Only unelected bureaucracies and their duly designated enforcement agencies should be allowed to make these sorts of decisions. They know best! Trusting the plebes with this sort of power... why, next thing you know, they'll be demanding to govern the country! The horror!
James H. from Milan gets a fragrant no-prize for bringing us this Defense Tech article about some... innovative... ways at "degrading" the enemy:
[As] irritating as a swarm of bees or rats [summoned by artificial chemicals] might be, it's nothing compared to the distraction generated by a man in heat. No wonder, then, that the Air Force document calls for "chemicals that affect human behavior so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely effected. One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior."
Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "make love not war", eh?
Need a toupee for your twat? Fear not! AMCGLTD can lead you in the right direction
Who the hell would buy this shit?
You know the snake caused the accident.
DODGEVILLE, Wisconsin (AP) -- A kangaroo that went on a walkabout in frigid Wisconsin was captured Wednesday. But where the marsupial came from remained a mystery.
Read entire article here.
Two words: nose filters. No, really!
Via Improbable Research.
Did we say big oil caused the tsunamis? We really meant giant Russian tsunami bombs:
Would the Russians, being aware of an event such as [the imminent nuking of Houston], realizing the power it would give to Bush to go "Empiring", would they do one better and not only stall Bush's "warring" but also show off their ability to rule the world as well?
Yup, this is our "Houston to be Nuked by the Mossad on December 27th" guy. Since Houston is now a giant smoking hole whose radioactive glow Karl Rove uses to read his newspaper with, it's obvious we all have to start taking this guy seriously.
I think Lair should go first.
Via AmberGnat.
I used to have scary nightmares about a third world war,
With mushroom clouds and firestorms and blood and guts and gore,
So Mom explained the reason we won't get blown away:
We've got a little buddy who protects us night and day
A little green bug-eyed monster flew in from outer space.
She's hanging out in orbit just to save the human race.
So if Karl Rove or Cheney decides to drop the Bomb
She'll zap those deadly missiles and preserve our peace and calm.
-- Alan Thiesen.
As proof positive there's nothing in this world that can't be turned into a conspiracy, we have this site that purports to link the recent south Asian catastrophe with "Corporate Oil". Look, a 9.0 earthquake releases energy on a scale that basically dwarfs anything man has ever created, nukes included. Compared to that, sonic exploration is quite literally nothing more than puffs of air.
Always comforting to listen to the foil hats rumbling in the night. Sounds like... lunacy...
Via Cobb.
What the hell is wrong with people today?
A judge has refused to grant a divorce to a pregnant woman trying to leave her husband two years after he was jailed for beating her, ruling instead that she must wait until the child is born.
Read entire asinine article here.
You never know what you might find in a storage unit - among the boxes and furniture and old records, there is the occasional surprise. "We had a guy in San Francisco about six years ago - he brought stuff to his house and opened a box and inside that is another box," said Guy Denos, owner of California Storage Auction News of Oakley. "He opens that box and sees a Levi's jacket, which might be special because they can be valuable. Well, the jacket is wrapped around something - he thinks it's maybe a vase or something - and he takes the jacket out and unwraps it."And . . .?
I know you want to read more! So here is the link.
Scientists say grinding geologic circumstances similar to those in Sumatra also exist just off the Pacific Northwest coast. They are a loaded gun that could trigger a tsunami that could hit Northern California, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia in minutes — too fast for the nation's deep-sea tsunami warning system to help.
In its own way, this is very much like stating "holy crap! There's a really dangerous volcano located next to a US city! Run for your lives!!! Look, you're much more likely to get run over by Buffy the Cellphone Slayer and her Impressively Robust Four Ton SUV than you are to be washed out to sea by some surfer dude's wet dream. Quit watching the doomsday video and start driving safer. It'll do you a helluva lot more good.
I don't know. I guess growing up living in the shadow of nuclear holocaust has made me a little blase about environmental armageddon. Am I the only 30-something who's completely unimpressed by predictions of doom which nobody has even the slightest chance of controlling?
First sandwiches, now monitors. At this writing it's sitting at $100, so bid early, bid often!
James in Milan* gets a... well, he gets a no-prize for bringing us a story of some really, really desperate women, and a cat:
Two women attempted to experience sexual pleasure from an intimate contact with a cat. The weird endeavor ended rather sad for one of the women: she was hospitalized with severe genital injuries.
I've heard of chasing pussy before, but this...
* Who, because of his location, automatically makes it into our Hall of Heroes. Why? They make Alfas near Milan. My car has "Alfa Romeo - Milano" stamped all over the goddamned place on it. Now to convince him to smuggle a new one to us...
And so begins the Weird Tales section of the disaster:
Sri Lankan wildlife officials are stunned -- the worst tsunami in memory has killed around 22,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast, but they can't find any dead animals.
I have a feeling when they really start looking some will turn up. However, it wouldn't surprise me to learn many animals did head for the hills when things started to come apart. There must be a whole host of subtle environmental cues that happen when zillions of gallons of ocean water draw back and then suddenly surge forward, and just because we ignore them doesn't mean others will.
Remember folks, sometimes power assist is bad:
A 21-year-old Perth man is lucky to be alive after having his stomach ripped open during a beer-skolling game using a home-made device powered by an electric pump.
Being a cheap drunk has its advantages, one of which was I never tried to get mixed up in any of this sort of foolishness. Never did understand the point of having fun you can't remember and then feeling like you've been run over by a bus the next day for your trouble.
FYI folks, when you're in a barfight two days before Christmas, pay attention to where you're walking:
Fairport police say three people were hit by a CSX train in Fairport Thursday night, two of the pedestrians were killed.
Witnesses at the scene tell News 8 Now that a bar fight spilled out into the railroad crossing on Main St. in Fairport just before the train came thru.
To repeat: Jesus doesn't want a bunch of drunks appearing on his doorstep as a birthday present. Give Darwin a break and let's all stay home for the holidays, mmkay?
Women sometimes like to make a deal about how fascinated men are with their wangs. Notwithstanding the ultimate truth of this conjecture, I must say you ladies somtimes seem equally fascinated with your own privates:
The Velvet VulvaA line of fine purses and magickal bags
Of course, when men do it we're just being crude animals. When women do it they're expressing a quirky sort of feminism.
Ah who am I kidding. I giggled like Beavis when I saw these things.
Being a social retard who is now married and therefore done with the dating scene, I cannot judge the effectiveness of this dating tip. So, I'll let the ladies in the audience be the judge:
Well, did you know you can meet single women like crazy by using a hand puppet? I know you're thinking, "what in the hell is he talking about? A puppet?"
This is just crazy enough it might work. However, I get the sneaking suspicion the best a guy could hope for was a drink in the face and a quick escort out by the burly gentlemen at the door. So lemme know...
The thing is, I'm beginning to think these people believe this:
From a former Bundesnachrichtendienst member-- Intel ExpertPaul Wofowitz will authorise the detonation of a nuclear payload in the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network (Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe job with zero chance of discovery.
An "I'm not at all surprised" from Mandrake in 3... 2... 1...
Ron gets a bank-shot no-prize for letting us know Lair linked it up.
Ron gets a soft, comfy no-prize for bringing us the male counterpart to those "half-man" pillows for chicks. Of course, being for guys, there are other problems:
“I think this may be good for single men, but it could cause trouble for someone who is married,” said Shingo Shibata, a 27-year-old company employee browsing at a toy store which sells the pillow.
I'd ask "what will they think of next?", but I won't, because it'll probably involve tentacles. *shudder*
Ron's next no-prize will fall mysteriously out of the sky for bringing us the story of the "mystery poo":
Police in a small village in southeast France are probing a mystery that is as puzzling as it is insalubrious: a rain of feces that has dirtied houses and cars for years.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking... airplanes. Thing is, airplanes haven't been designed with dump-able, well, dumps, for years. Yet this... phenomena... is still happening today.
I mean, come on, this is France. If they don't know who's doing it, they won't know who to surrender to!
Check out the top 10 urban legends of the year!
On the one hand, this analasys of what, exactly, Tolkein said about elvish sex shows just how detailed the guy's vision was. On the other... dude, don't you have anything better to do?
Via Silflay.
New Scientist is carrying this report of the auction of an on-line island that went for the cash equivalent of $26,500 real dollars.
"Equivalent" is pretty important in this report, and leads me to a bit of confusion. The on-line game this "property" exists in has what is in effect a genuine currency. You can "buy" more "Project Entropia Dollars" with real dollars, and then (apparently) you can cash them back out for real dollars. So, while it's possible this 22-year-old Australian had the scratch to write a check for this thing, it's also at least as likely he spent "in-game" money he made inside the world.
There's bound to be more to it than this. Allowing currency you "made" in the game to be cashed out in real dollars would to me be a magnet for grifters who are a lot smarter about cash than most programmers. "Bankruptination" would seem to ensue rather rapidly. I'll bet they allow you to pull out money you put in, but not money you made "in-game" over that.
Yeah, I know. I don't have the energy to go look. Children should be classified as bio-weapons. Second cold of the season so far!
As the proud owner of an 18-month-old toddler, I can say definitively that they get into everything, find things you thought were lost years ago, and merrily bang on and play with whatever fits in their hot little mits. However, I think this one deserves a gold star or something:
A quick splash in the backyard turned into an emergency when a central Queensland woman discovered her toddler playing with an old World War II bomb.
A close reading seems to indicate it was in fact a practice weapon and not dangerous, but you couldn't tell just by looking. I'm enough of a weapons nerd that I think I'd recognize it right off. Which only means I'd have a heart attack faster than these people did.
Ya know, at first I thought someone making Half-Life 2 cookies was gonna be lame. Then they got out the welder. No, really!
Stops bullets, cuts cookies. What more does a guy need?
Let's just say I'm glad the one mom sent us was fake:
Yup, someone stuffed a real foal and the taxidermist mounted it as a rocking horse (the foal was stillborn, they didn't do anything horrible. Well, sort of.) It's got rebar in it, so it must weigh a ton. Ya know, it's not so much that they had the thing stuffed... far as I'm concerned once someone's moved on it doesn't matter much what you do with what's left. It's the rocking horse mount that gives me the willies. *shudder*
Note to horse lovers: it's not exactly gross, but it is sad and more than a little weird.
In the neverending quest to see just how stupid people can be, we have a man, a fire, a soda bottle, and just a little bit of diesel fuel:
Five people, including two young children, were burned over the weekend, when a plastic bottle containing diesel fuel exploded while they were gathered around a bonfire, officials said.
My dad once tried to light a fire in our fireplace with (as I recall) about 1/4 cup of gasoline. He had us all stand back while he tossed in a match. The resulting fireball extended a good three feet out of the fireplace, roiled black smoke along the ceiling, set the smoke alarm off, and set the chimney on fire. My brother and I, who were I think maybe 8 and 10 respectively, had a predictable reaction:
We were all sworn to secrecy, and it would've worked too except for the flames shooting out of the chimney, lighting up the whole neighborhood just as mom drove up. It sorta looked like a redneck Lighthouse of Alexandria. Fortunately the chimney was made of masonry, so all we had to do was hose the sparks down as they bounced along the roof.
From that day forward Jeff insisted we should start all fires with gasoline. For some reason dad didn't think this was funny.
Joshua gets a shiny, confusing no-prize for bringing us the Nibiruan Council, who's mission is:
To assist those who came to earth to be the teachers, healers and inventors who will usher in the 5th dimensional reality. Most of these individuals are starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers. In this site you will find a vast repository of higher dimensional knowledge needed to help you remember and complete your missions, recode your DNA and ascend, while at the same time helping others to do the same. In addition, we provide you with emotional and physical support.
I'd normally chalk this one up to a joke, but it's too damned elaborate. You have to be seriously cracked to be this earnest about... well, whatever it is they're actually about. My head 'asploded about three paragraphs in, so I'm just not completely sure.
You knew it had to happen some day. Let's all use a synthesizer and sing a praise for Miss Plastic Surgery 2005:
Twenty "man-made" beauties will parade their surgical nips and tucks next Saturday in the hope of taking home [China's] first Miss Artificial Beauty crown.
We've come a long, long way from the "worker's paradise", that's for sure.
This Reuters update to the "man falls out of moon roof" story at least sheds a bit of light on what happened:
A top municipal official in Phoenix died in a bizarre incident that saw him crawl out of his fast-moving vehicle, stand atop its roof and extend his arms outward before tumbling off, authorities said on Thursday.
So aliens didn't in fact come by and suck him out of his seat. Seems it's possible some weird tropical disease was involved, but nobody's really sure why the guy did what he did. Remember kids, surfing is for boards, not cars.
I'm not completely sure what to make of this:
A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God — more or less — based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.
Maybe sending in the nuns does work?
Hey, your poodle has to work out too!
Work those pom-poms!
If you don't check this out, you are missing something very bizzare!
Gotta love it when the only thing you can legally do to protect yourself in your own home is "play nice":
[In Great Britain] when individuals are confronted by intruders there are some actions they should follow. Direct contact should be avoided whenever possible. If unavoidable, the victim should adopt a state of active passivity. In most cases the best form of defence is always avoidance. If this isn’t possible, act passively, be careful what you say or do and give up valuables without a struggle.
Now that we've had various experiments with gun regulation and control around the world for a significant period of time, some things are becoming clear:
These results are not at all surprising. Criminals may not generally be the biggest heads of cabbage in the field, but like everyone they have an instinctive feel for risk versus benefit. Interviews with arrested felons quickly bear this out.
No, I will not provide hard statistics. This isn't the place for that. I'm a strong supporter of second amendment rights, and feel the vast majority of gun-related accidental deaths are the result of poor education and carelessness. I believe bloody gang wars in the inner cities are a law enforcement problem, one that gun control laws will not solve.
You can disagree. That's your right. But know this: I am damned grateful our founding fathers decided the best defense against tyranny* is an armed citizenry.
* Yes, yes, yes, the 2nd amendment is vaguely worded and isn't "militia" a funny little word anyway? The Constitution itself is riddled with intentional vagarities throughout, not just within the 2nd amendment. However, reading the "fathers's" other writings will in my opinion clearly reveal they felt a citizenry armed with the best weapons available was required to preserve the republic.
Again, you can disagree. Just stand behind me when you do it, and here, put these hearing protectors on. I need to send some lead down range.
The dishes, garbage and dirty laundry would pile up for days when Cat and Harlan Barnard's teenage children refused to do their chores. So the Barnards went on strike, moving out of their house and into a domed tent set up in their front driveway. The parents refuse to cook, clean or drive for their children — Benjamin, 17, and Kit, 12 — until they shape up.
Which sounds exactly 180 degrees out of what I personally think should have been done. Disobedient kids are not going to be "punished" by leaving them in a rent-free, fully furnished house, no matter how dirty it gets. Any college student will tell you that. Even more outrageous:
Benjamin [the oldest boy] returned from school on Wednesday to find a dozen reporters in his parents' front lawn. He refused to say anything to them and went into the house followed by his mother, who tried to console him.
Nope. To me, this is dumb and sends the wrong signal. The kids are being punished. Consoling them just confuses the issue.
I hope my kid will have enough discipline and respect for themselves and others to ensure some sort of extreme punishment is never required. However, I do know that I'm quite cold and heartless enough that, were something like this to be necessary, it wouldn't be me sleeping on the lawn.
And the award for "best death by defying the laws of physics" goes to: an Arizona man who fell out of the moon roof of his Mercedes:
Witnesses told police the man opened the moon roof near 64th Street and Camelback Road, rose up and stretched out his arms. He then fell out of the vehicle and died on the side of the road.
See! See! Guns don't kill people... moon roofs kill people.
Waitaminute... the Cruiser has a moon roof. Time to get out the plywood and the nail gun...
Just when you thought roadside attractions couldn't get any weirder... Bubblegum Alley comes along. Rrmm... yeah. I think I'll give that one a pass.
Presenting Mark Morris, our leading candidate for the "can't even catch a break trying to kill himself" award of the year:
An apparent suicide attempt Monday morning sent one man to the hospital after he accidentally blew his house up.
According to police reports, Morris also tried to kill himself Nov. 5 by carbon monoxide poisoning. He allegedly taped one end of a garden hose to his tailpipe and placed another in his passenger side window. However, after several hours the vehicle ran out of gas. He then tried to use a small propane tank, but that also ran out of gas.
Includes most impressive post-explosion picture.
He is not considered the hero he thought he would become in April 2003, when he stabbed one man and lit fires at two buildings where at least seven convicted sex offenders lived.
As odious as sex offenders are, I can't agree with this guy's actions. First, he uses a state-run internet site to "track down" these people. Yep, a loon with a knife and a bat relies on the people who've turned the DMV into such a streamlined and trouble-free experience to decide whether someone lives or dies.
Second, anyone who resorts to the "attempted murder? Judge, if I'd meant to murder him he'd be dead" defense is too stupid to be trusted. If this guy were allowed to run loose it'd only be a matter of time before he got an address wrong, or the state posted the wrong information, or he nailed someone who really was wrongly convicted.
As far as I'm concerned, the only good places for citizens to take the law into their own hands is at the ballot box and in the jury room. Change the laws, vote for tax and bond issues that'll fund enforcement, and make sure technicalities and slick lawyers do not allow the guilty to go free. Anything else could allow a maniac like this to hold the power of life and death, and the address a typo could lead him to might be yours.
Instead of tanked-up businessmen and hen nights murdering cheesy hits, pornaoke participants are being asked to provide the soundtrack for silent porn films - supplying grunts, screams and groans.
Read entire article here.
You know you are dealing with a stupid person when they pull shit like this.
A woman's effort to assuage her 6-year-old son's fears of his grandfather's ghost by selling it on eBay has drawn more than 34 bids with a top offer of $78.Mary Anderson said she placed her father's "ghost" on the online auction site after her son, Collin, said he was afraid the ghost would return someday. Anderson said Collin has avoided going anywhere in the house alone since his grandfather died last year.
Beware the "stealth cell phone tower":
Being a curious person I investigated, and discovered to my great surprise that "stealth towers" are being hastily erected throughout the country, by the thousands. Camouflaged microwave and cell phone towers are being disguised as cacti, palm trees, church crosses, rock formations, water towers, and pine trees. This is happening without any of the dissent or protest usually surrounding cell tower erections.
With the U.S. Presidential election coming up in a few short months, it is likely that the stealth cell tower network being rapidly constructed is destined to play an important role in remotely influencing the perceptions, thoughts and decisions of American voters.
We actually see one of these things on the NJ Turnpike when we're visiting the in-laws in NY. It looks kind of goofy but it matches so well I bet most people really haven't noticed it.
Just when you thought the art world couldn't get any more insular or disconnected, they go and pull a stunt like this:
Cloaca, the latest work by the Belgian conceptualist Wim Delvoye (b. 1965), has just closed out its run at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MuHKA) in Antwerp. It was a room-sized installation of six glass containers connected to each other with wires, tubes and pumps. Every day, the machine received a certain amount of food.
I'll just leave to the imagination what the machinery does with said food. What I want to know is just how he "signed and sold" the resulting... product.
Nevermind, I don't wanna know.
What happens when you don't wash your hair.
Now you can tell your friends, "Um.. yeah, I'm wicking out an illness."
If you have ever wondered to yourself, "Gee, my life would be perfect if ONLY I had a crocheted vagina?" -- and who hasn't -- then this is the product for you. Now you can have your very own crocheted vagina!
Use is as a coaster! Use it in biology class as an ameoba.
Scott, over my shoulder, "That looks like something you find on a coral know, like a sea cucumber, sort of thing. Oh great! Now I'm going to hell too."
In the "no, you really gotta be kidding" file, we're happy to add Ballsies, "The Jewelry With The Most".
As goofy as these things are, they're actually not all that different from what was very common jewelry in ancient Rome. God, I'm such a geek.
Arrg! If only this had been available sooner:
Forget desktop photographs of your children.Doting South Korean parents can preserve their child's umbilical cord in acrylic resin to make a personal seal or even have it gold plated.
Yeah, boy, nothing says "class" like using a petrified umbilical cord as a seal. All together now... Ewwwww!
Remember folks... guns don't kill people, lava lamps kill people:
A man who placed a lava lamp on a hot stovetop was killed when it exploded and sent a shard of glass into his heart, police said.
But wait! There's more!
Philip Quinn, 24, was found dead in his trailer home Sunday night by his parents.
Sometimes it's tempting to think one ethnic or racial group has a corner on stupidity, and then something like this happens. God I love the Internet!
It's often said "be nice to your children, they'll be picking your nursing home." There's a rather grim corollary, not often mentioned: if you're not careful, they could be picking your grave:
Rachelle Waterman solicited help in the killing of her mother, according to a criminal complaint charging her with first-degree murder.
Talked about it on LiveJournal, no less. Look, just because she's vicious doesn't mean she's bright. We're talking about a teenager here.
And Ellen, it's only funny to say "bah... amatuers" on the inside.
Ok, yet another reason to stay away from India:
A plant dubbed the suicide tree kills many more people in Indian communities than was previously thought. The warning comes from forensic toxicologists in India and France who have conducted a review of deaths caused by plant-derived poisons.
The reasons are as sad as they are predictable:
Three-quarters of Cerbera victims are women. The team says that this may mean the plant is being used to kill young wives who do not meet the exacting standards of some Indian families. It is also likely that many cases of homicide using the plant go unnoticed in countries where it does not grow naturally.
Ok Ellen, if I suddenly start seeing "fresh spice" boxes arriving from India, consider yourself busted. :)
Folks, you just can't make this stuff up:
The woman whose Chihuahua got stuck in the cavity of her uncooked turkey will live on in infamy at the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line.
The story goes like this: The caller had the turkey on her kitchen counter. Somehow, the little dog got up on the counter, crawled into the turkey and got stuck. She couldn't get him out and called the talk line in a panic.
It's impossible to make an idiot-proof set of instructions, because the universe keeps producing more effective idiots.
Carrie gets a no-prize locked in a penthouse hotel somewhere on the Vegas strip for bringing us this nice summary of the archtypical rich kook, Howard Hughes. Interesting to me is the implication Hughes's psychosis was perhaps drug-induced. Until now, everything I'd ever read tended to indicate the classic signs of adult-onset schizophrenia. Of course, it could simply be that his adult trauma and drug addiction broke whatever tenuous hold he'd managed to impose on his miswired brain, but unfortunately we'll never know for sure.
It's been said that while money doesn't buy happiness, it makes misery more comfortable. I think Hughes's story throws a rather stark light on the logical, and horrific, conclusion of this particular axiom.
So, is a series of snow-globes depicting the story of the Donner party art, or is it just really tacky?
You know, sometimes even I think this place is getting a little... well... weird, and hell I even know the owner! At least we have 5 or 6 years before Olivia learns to read. I hope.
Not to be out-done by tacky protestants, it would seem Catholics, too, have a loony cult all their own, complete with an "awareness network" to fight it:
The Opus Dei Awareness Network, Inc. (ODAN) was founded in 1991 to meet the growing demand for accurate information about Opus Dei and to provide education, outreach and support to people who have been adversely affected by Opus Dei.
Yeah, probably old news to most of you, but we'd never heard of it. Therefore it is, of course, very very important news indeed. Hey, it works for the NYT!
Joshua gets a no-prize dressed up like a college mascot for bringing us possibly the weirdest Christian ministry on the planet:
This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel in the werewolf and furry communities. It is my hope that many trans-species people will accept Jesus as their Savior through this ministry.
The oxymoronic flavor of "trans-species people" is unique in its piquancy and quite delicious besides*. Which is to say: "cor, this 'ere is a weird one, ain't it?"
* Well, yes, actually, I did just finish a book on popular constitutionalism and judicial review. What difference does that make?
Ron gets a blaze-orange no-prize for bringing us the story of a hunt gone very bad:
A deer hunter shot and killed five people and wounded three others in northwestern Wisconsin following a dispute about a tree stand during the hunt’s opening weekend, authorities said.
Coming from a rural area myself, I can say that hunting accidents are pretty damned common, and I wouldn't be surprised if a few of these "accidents" were more of the intentional variety. However, I never heard of anything on this scale. Arguing with people who're carrying high-powered weaponry just doesn't seem like all that good of an idea to me.
I am sorry, but if Olivia had a doll like this, his ass would be sold on Ebay with the rest of the freaky haunted toys on there.
Sometimes you don't really want to know what your parents have stashed away in storage lockers:
A mother's deathbed confession led police on Thursday to a dead body in a storage locker freezer, and officials said the corpse may be that of the woman's husband whom she murdered more than a decade ago.
As I recall, something strangely similar happened in the town I grew up in (all from memory, Pat can probably straighten out any inconsistencies): Back in the 1950s, a reclusive farmer reported his wife missing, and police were never able to find her. In the late 1980s, the farmer died and the government bought the land his barn stood on for a new town post office. As workers were demolishing the barn, they found the remains of what would later be identified as the farmer's wife, entombed for some thirty years in the foundation of the barn.
I guess it just goes to show it's not the violent, loud, foul-tempered people you have to watch out for. Rather, it's those quiet, mousy people who keep to themselves that seem to be getting away with murder.
I'm not sure what weirds me out more... the fact that "spandexman" seems rather fond of himself, or the existence of this FAQ question:
Q: I am a big guy,6'4" 220lbs, what do you have for me?
A: We can make larger sizes, just e-mail us.
Well hell, I guess wrestlers have to get their outfits somewhere. All I can say is it's called a jock strap... learn it. Use it.
Why sit in a cold, dark deerstand when you can plug them from the comfort of your office chair:
Hunters soon may be able to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet, a prospect that has state wildlife officials up in arms.A controversial Web site,, already offers target practice with a .22 caliber rifle and could soon let hunters shoot at deer, antelope and wild pigs, site creator John Underwood said on Tuesday.
Now folks, that's slacking!
Ya know, I don't really have a problem with this. Oh, I think it's plenty weird, but if a farmer wants to let you blast away at game on his land and can make sure you don't shoot him or anyone else while you do it, more power to him. Of course, the trick is how to ensure farmer Ted's "blast-'" system isn't going to put a bullet through his neighbor's kitchen window (or his neighbor, for that matter).
Ron gets an x-ray vision no-prize for bringing us the latest in airport security tech, and the busybody controversy it seems to be raising:
A new X-ray machine at London's Heathrow airport, which sees through passengers' clothes, has been attacked by civil liberties campaigners as a “voyeur's charter”. The machine uses low-level radiation to see through clothing, producing an anatomically detailed black and white image of the body underneath.
To their credit, passengers tested were quite level-headed about the whole thing:
“I don't mind if the pictures are a little more personal as long as I'm safe in air—that's what matters,” [passenger Pernille Nielsen] told Reuters.
Which seems to make no difference to our stasist self-appointed protectors, who of course know better than we do:
British civil rights group Liberty called the X-ray images unjustified and intrusive. “We obviously do not object to taking security measures, but I remain totally unconvinced that it is necessary,” a spokesman said.To justify the intrusion, the airport should show current detectors are inadequate, he added.
I mean, Richard Reid's shoes didn't explode, so that case does nothing to prove the inadequacy of current detectors, right?
I wonder how often these neo-Victorian protestors fly?
James H. gets a bronzed no-prize for bringing us the strange story of Saddam's left leg. No, they haven't decided to take a fillet knife to the old man (more's the pity), instead this is the story of what appears to be the left leg of the statue so famously pulled to the ground when Baghdad fell. It seems some enterprising Brits decided that, since the statue didn't need it anymore, they would do their own imitation of Lord Elgin and take one of the legs into "protective custody". Well, now it's in Germany, although nobody's sure why, and in the hands of customs agents.
Hmm... I'm in need of a lawn ornament. I wonder what the condo association would think of a 6 foot bronze leg in the front yard?
"AMCGLTD", we hear you ask, "I like the phone, a lot. I think I like it too much. I also like sex. But I'm not sure what I like more. Sex? Phones? Sex? I mean, I think I have the same amount of cell phones as I do sex toys. I even have them all set on vibrate. The phones too! But I'm having trouble making ends meet. My phone bills are so high from me calling myself. What am I to do?"
Fear not friendly cell phone pervert! AMCGLTD is here to help! Presenting How to Become a Phone Sex Operator.
Inside you will find such eligtening answers to questions such as:
And many, many more!
Earn more cash for that 5th cell phone! Pay off your college tuition! Act now! Don't delay!
Rick P. gets an incomprehensible red flashing no-prize for bringing us the Grammatron. I actually did sit thorugh all 78 pages of it. Took about 5 minutes. I think I want my 5 minutes back, but I'm not sure. Maybe you guys can figure it out. Joshua should consider it just punishement for Zardoz. :)
Warning: has a few pictures of boobies inside. Just a few, and nothing you wouldn't see in Cosmo Stuff or Maxim. Because you know I never read those chick magazines. Not me. Nope.
Gah. Stupid weird artsy site!
Why go for pizza when mouthwatering muskrat is available?
This modern convenience of home-delivered muskrat began this week and is made possible by Kolakowski's recent union with Capri Pizza, a company that bakes its pizza in Kola's Food Factory restaurant but offers delivery, too.
No, Ellen, they're not from Arkansas. Arkansans eat squirrel, not muskrat.
Proposed alternate title: "Insert Captain and Tinnille Joke Here." Ditched it because anyone under 30 probably wouldn't know who they were. Damned kids.
Joshua gets a gaudy no-prize he can stick to his dashboard for bringing us You59's homepage. Scroll down a bit, friend... they got a little silly with the <big> tag. I especially like how Christmas justifies idolatry. Just in time for the holidays!
Booze + Tigers = Ouch:
A tiger pulled the flesh off the right middle finger of a woman at the Wild Wilderness Drive Thru Safari in Gentry on Saturday.
Pruitt admitted she was drinking that afternoon, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
I learned the hard way not to mess with house cats after a few beers. Ellen would probably just thump one on the nose and say "NoNoStopThat!" Funny thing is, it'd probably work.
Leather-scented football soap, anyone? Oh don't worry Amber, no need to thank me, the pleasure's all mine.
Hey, it may be the only way to get him to quit playing Halo2!
Wow. If this article is to be believed (no promises there), I've been tossing out fifteen pounds of packing material every three days for the past sixteen months. All those times I insisted Ellen was OCD'ing with the recycling thing? I take them all back.
Remember last year's turkey-and-gravy flavored soda? Well, guess what, it's back, and it's got company:
After the startling success of its turkey and gravy-flavored soda during last year's U.S. holiday season, a Seattle soda company will be serving up green beans and casserole, mashed potatoes, fruitcake and cranberry flavors.
Well there ya go. Thanksgiving in a six pack. Now if they'd just figure out how to add alcohol to it...
In the "Darwin Award in the Making" category, we have this example of "car surfing" that didn't go exactly as planned:
A 29-year-old man is in serious condition after he was apparently car surfing in North Las Vegas.Police say Ralph Brooks was lying on the hood of the car when the driver suddenly came to a halt near Decatur and Grand Teton.
What I want to know is, when did riding on the hood of a moving car become so common it got its own name?
Well, I guess you gotta put 'em somewhere:
A woman undergoing cancer treatment has had an ovary transplanted into her left arm which is functioning normally.
Apparently it was to protect her fertility while she underwent radiation treatment. Which (according to the article) she didn't undergo, and has since gone home. With a mighty weird lump under one arm. Yeesh.
Ah, golf tournaments. The fresh air, the sunshine, the prostitute tents:
Two golf course managers and a tournament organizer were sentenced to house arrest for hosting two competitions featuring prostitutes and strippers stationed along the putting greens.
Just goes to show golf isn't always boring.
NEW YORK Nov 7, 2004 — A 25-year-old man from Georgia who was apparently distraught over President Bush's re-election shot and killed himself at ground zero. Andrew Veal's body was found Saturday morning inside the off-limits site, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. A shotgun was found nearby, but no suicide note was found, Coleman said.
Read rest of pathetic moonbatish article here.
He didn't do it right. Moonbats are supposed to douse themselves with gasoline and light up. I would've helped, but the post office woundn't let me send him a pint of gasoline. (Yes I'm being mean. Yada, yada, to you.)
The left continues its transition through the five stages of grief with this absolutely pitiful site. Yeah, I know, it's supposed to be a joke. I stopped laughing at stuff like this, oh, about three years ago. They don't want our apologies you stupid simpering twits, they want our heads.
And I'm sorry, I really don't care why they want them anymore. That part stopped mattering at around the same time. No, I won't just get over it. I won't just get over it for a very, very long time. Which is why I'm going to do my best to see that you and yours can do nothing more than whine to the rest of the world. That way all they can do is laugh at you.
Oh yes, I know they'll be laughing at me harder. Hell I'll laugh with them. As long as they stay on their side of the goddamned fence, that is.
See you in two years!
Joshua gets a fishy no-prize for making me realize that suddenly, I'm even less inclined to shoot the Potomac rapids:
Something fishy is happening in the headwaters of the Potomac River. Scientists have discovered that some male bass are producing eggs—a decidedly female reproductive function.
Scientists have their suspicions about what's causing this, mostly having to do with domestic sewage treatment techniques. Apparently, they're beginning to find some correlation between these weird fish and trace levels of both natural and artificial estrogens coming from households (perhaps caused by urine and birth control pills, respectively). However, much more data will need to be gathered before any firm conclusions can be drawn.
"Umm, Scott... why is Olivia acting so cheerful?
Nearly 100 fruit juice boxes containing liquid heroin were intercepted Wednesday in a shipment from Colombia, federal officials said.
Yeah. Juice boxes. From Columbia. What could possibly go wrong there?
Not content with regular prayer service, this Taiwanese man decided to throw himself to the lions:
A man leaped into a lion's den at the Taipei Zoo on Wednesday to try to convert the king of beasts to Christianity, but was bitten in the leg for his efforts.
Yeah, I know. Best I could do. Odd news has been completely pushed aside for some damned fool reason today.
Teeth, they're the other brain:
When your dentist pulls an aching tooth he could be yanking out some of your memory at the same time, according to a new Swedish study to be presented in Stockholm on Friday."Teeth appear to be of the utmost importance to our memories," said Jan Bergdahl, an associate psychology professor at the Umeaa University in northern Sweden, a dentist and one of the authors of the study.
So that's why we keep having to tell Olivia no time and again. She really isn't a short, willful, obscenely cute monster bent on world domination. Or, at least "giant-bucket-of-cheese-puffs" domination. Trust me, to her they're nearly the same thing.
So, all I have to do is wait until she gets all her teeth in, and we'll have a content and obedient child. Right?
Ok, I'm not really sure what's going on in this movie clip, but it seems to involve Ghengis Kahn, and a bunch of really cheerful and colorfully-dressed Russians. And maybe the Solid Gold Dancers, I'm not sure.
From the "rumors of my demise" department: a woman in Flint MI reading about her own kidnapping and murder in Iraq. The Islamo-wacks even posted a picture of her driver's license on their website, even though she's never been near the place.
Making the rounds: the suprise appearance of this "super-secret" weapons system. Almost bought it, but only for just a second. A system that big would take more than a decade to get to flight trials, and Aviation Week would end up with at least an article on it before it ever got near a flight deck.
Still, made me stare for awhile.
Ron gets a gigantic roaring no-prize for bringing us one reason why it's bad to brew your own hooch:
Wild, drunken elephants trampled three people to death and injured two others in a tribal village in India's northeastern state of Assam, wildlife officials said Wednesday.A herd of 12 elephants entered the village of Marongi Tuesday and ran amok after taking long swills of rice beer brewing in casks outside the homes of the tribal people.
Dang. And I thought hikers had it bad because they had to hide their food from bears. When the elephant is pink, have a chat. If it's gray and bellowing and charging into your beer brewery, run like hell.
A man accused of attempting to run over U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris with his Cadillac was arrested today ... “I was exercising my political expression,” Seltzer told officers, according to the arrest report. “I did not run them down, I scared them a little.”
"Attempted Murder?!? Officer, if I'd meant to kill that fool he'd be dead."
Yeah, that won't work either.
Here at AMCGLTD we are proud to announce a new exhibit in our ever-growing collection of genuinely f'd up scientific loons. Please welcome Ancient Gravitics, a site created by "Reverse Engineering Specialist" (no, really!) Robert Patterson. Mr. Patterson seems to have made giant strides in anti-gravity research by first tossing such staid scientific conventions as contextual evidence rules:
In deed [sic] under archeology's non-evolving rule of 'contextual evidence' we have witnessed a worldwide misrepresentation of the artifact data stream leading to "faulty accuracy" based on a 130-year old assumption, which is that all that came before our modern era of man was pervasively primitive in nature enveloped within superstitious beliefs.
So, dear readers, come with us and explore how, by simply ignoring every scientific convention created in the past four centuries, you too can create your very own anti-gravity machine! Oh, and if someone could please tell me where I can get a syllabus for a "vortex science" class, I'd appreciate it. A copy of the "Anti-Gravity Handbook" would also probably come in handy.
While I don't believe the story, these pictures of a Continental Airliner having an unfortunate encounter with a terminal are still pretty wild. Hopefully nobody was hurt.
Expect to see giant yellow poles appearing in front of all the terminals soon.
Attention... [phut phut phut] attention please...
Ok people, settle down, this is important...
That is all.
I once thought, after looking at the wreckage Hurricane Olivia left behind one Tuesday night, that our house was cluttered. Then I found this, and realized Olivia is just a little kid compared to the damage a deranged adult can do.
Airplanes are meant to do a lot of things really well. Cargo, speed, altitude, great stuff. Motors falling off, not so much:
Federal Aviation Administration officials believe an engine that sheared off a plane early Thursday may be resting at the bottom of Lake Michigan.
What the quote doesn't tell you is this wasn't some Cessna, it was a 747-100. Somewhere there's a fisherman desperately trying to convince his wife of the most amazing thing...
Content with his puree of the Florida landscape, God appears to be moving on to Japan:
The deadliest typhoon in a decade has raced across Japan, killing at least 54 people and injuring more than 200.
Includes some spectacular pictures.
There are your garden variety loons (of the moonbat variety and others), and then, well, then there's Bobby Fischer:
Chess genius Bobby Fischer has lashed out against what he sees as doubts about his virility, boasted of being hugely endowed and claimed his incarceration near the site of Japan's worst nuclear accident is aimed at making him impotent.
Via Synthstuff.
Not to be out done by a former pop superstar, Jocelyn Wildenstein, aka "The Bride of Wildenstein", has gotten even more work done. I didn't think anything would make Joan Rivers and Cher look good. It would seem that I was mistaken.
Fark linked up this local Washington State news story about recent "not-quite giant" squid activity:
An estimated 1,000 to 1,500 Humboldt jumbo flying squid - typically found off the coast of Mexico - have washed up on southwest Washington beaches in the past few days, said Greg Bargmann, a marine fish manager with the state Fish and Wildlife Department.
Yup, Humboldts, which to me are damned near as interesting as the real giant squid. Apparently they're good eating, because the article leads off with a guy stuffing his freezer full of them.
Ok, even I'll admit sometimes Alfa made some screwing looking cars. Take this ugly-duckling convertible also known as a "2600 Touring" Spider. In fact, please take it and shoot it, because it's what I call a "Frankencar":
This is a hand built touring bodied Spider, with a Buick V-6 high performance drivetrain.
To put it in perspective for the members of the gallery I know personally:
Ah, Alaska. Beautiful vistas. Wonderful fishing. Amazing forests. Hanging Moose:
In one of those only-in-Alaska stories that will shock even the sourest of sourdoughs, a trophy-sized bull moose was accidentally strung up [by its antlers] in a power line under construction to the Teck Pogo gold mine southeast of Fairbanks.
The prevailing theory is that the moose came across the sagging and swaying wires and, in a testosterone-filled moment, decided to challenge the power line to a fight.
See, ladies, it's not just human males that get themselves killed thinking with their wangs. Never bring a moose to a power line fight...
One of the things that usually impresses the tourists but is nearly invisible to the locals are the hobo-loons that park themselves around various places in DC, protesting God knows what all over the city. Some have been at it for decades, and a few even have their own websites.
Ron gets a no-prize made out of a giant billboard for going the extra mile and taking pictures of just what, exactly, one mobile-hobo-loon looks like. Click MORE to continue...
Kerry is unfit for command, and I am unfit to typeset
Aerodynamics? Aerodynamics??? I'm trying to save America here, one cheap Japanese truck at a time.
Note the flag bend. Sad thing is, I bet they weren't doing much more than 35.
You be there! You be square! You be a safety hazard!
Ok, all those things I said about ricers? Well, ok, I won't take those back, but I definitely stand corrected on the statement "can't get any worse than a Honda with a four-foot wing."
I know mom has wanted to do this to some of her patients, but I also know she hasn't:
A nurse turned down an audio alarm on an AIDS patient's vital-signs monitor and failed to notice when the man had a heart attack and died, county officials said.
The thing that makes this extra-special dumb is that if a nurse really wants to kill someone, they have a gigantic number of nearly undetectable ways to do so. Stupidity really does sometimes kill.
Just when you thought it was safe to round up all the lobbyists for a game of "who can hold their breath underwater for... 2 hours?", another damned interest group starts clamoring to be heard:
Until recently these people felt isolated, never suspecting others felt the same. But now ... they are finding each other and identifying themselves with a common label. They call themselves asexual, and are coming out to parents and loved ones, declaring their asexuality to be as valid an orientation as being straight or gay.
They even seem to have a bit of science behind them:
About one percent of adults have absolutely no interest in sex, according to a new study, and that distinction is becoming one of pride among many asexuals.
I can just hear the parade chant now...
"We're here! We're not queer! Get... um... bent?"
Look, I think sexuality is a continuum, a sliding scale with "is A/likes B" on one end and "is A/likes A" on the other. It makes perfect sense to me that somewhere on that scale there's an "is A/likes NULL" setting. "None of my business who you sleep with" applies the same even if "nobody" is the answer.
But the first one that tries to pry loose some of my tax dollars for any damned fool "asexual studies" thing is going to get a clubbing that'll make a baby seal hunter wince.
Second story link via Daffodil Lane.
Old and busted: saggy man-boobs. New hotness: fake man-boobs:
Breast implants are becoming more and more popular with a surprising group of Shanghai citizens -- men.The Shanghai Daily said Wednesday that most of the male patients seeking implants in China's financial hub wanted to impress women, or clients, or in some cases their boss.
I mean, where do you start with this one?
As proof positive that cranks don't all live in California, we have this German's proof that the Earth is, in fact, a hollow sphere and we're all living on the inside surface. Sort of like standing inside gigantic gourd and looking up. Stars, planets, cosmos, the works, are all compacted into an "inner" sphere that floats in the center of the shell. He even has explanations for why we can't wave at people in Mongolia and don't need to worry about old Japanese perverts peering into our houses with telescopes.
I think. Modern cosmology is tough enough, and it's supposed to make sense.
I can sorta see paying, oh, maybe $10 for a goofy e-bay novelty item, but $500?. Hmmm... we have some nice wood boxes containing Ellens "other" cats...
Problem: Need to transport semi-liquid cargo from one location in a city to another, and no tanker truck is available.
Solution: Line a regular bin-style trailer with plastic and throw a tarp over it. What could possibly go wrong?
A load of pig entrails sloshed out of a truck hauling the guts to a dog food plant on Monday, leaving the slop across a busy Little Rock intersection.The Monday accident occurred when an 18-wheeler driven by Billy Day, 55, of Russellville, made a quick stop. About 1,000 pounds of the innards gushed past a tarp that covered the trailer.
I hope he had his windows rolled up. Well, hang on a minute. Someone this stupid... nah, I hope he had both windows down and was smoking a cigarette.
Via Res.
Ok, just reading the title of the patent should be enough:
Penis locking and lacerating vaginal insert
Via Mahmood, who "helpfully" includes illustrations of said device. Yeeeikes!
No, really:
These e-cards appear funny, sexy and hip, but if you're lucky, you won't be seeing one in your inbox anytime soon.They're the newest way for gay men diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease to tell their sex partners about their condition.
[Internet Sexuality Information Services, A local San Francisco health advocacy group] devised six pithy slogans, including: "It's not what you brought to the party, it's what you left with," "You're too hot to be out of action" and "I got screwed while screwing; you might have, too."
And you thought a "Dear John" letter was bad.
CaptainHowdy gets the statistical no-prize for bringing us the ultimate in mortality tables. From car crashes to acid spills, if kills people it's there, with statistics on just how likely it is to kill you. I can't think of a more appropriate story for this icon.
What's worse than hitting a squirrel in traffic (well, thats sad in iteself but those little fu*&ers commit squirrly suicide)? How bout an arm.
Q: "What do you get when you cross Botticelli with Barbie?"
A: Umm... well... this?
Warning If looking at Andy Warhol-like scupltures of strangely proportioned but otherwise naked statues would get you in trouble, wait until you get home for this one.
Via Infinite Pink. No, really!
In the "way beyond spooky" category we have this story of a family who recently made a grisly discovery while remodeling their house:
The family of a Georgia fifth-grader found bones of a child under the floor of their home and the child believes the bones belong to her imaginary friend.Stephanie Ogden said a friendly black girl in a white dress began visiting her room about five years ago.
"She told me that somebody put her in the floor," Ogden said. "She said he had a mask on, and that he chopped her up. She didn't know who the person was, because he had a mask on."
Yeah, I know. Probably lots of after-the-fact "memory" and stuff like that. Doesn't mean it's not creepy to think about. *shudder*
Also from Countercolumn, this "everything old is new again" set of pictures from a recent People's Republic of Berkeley protest. What were they protesting? Hell, I don't know, pretty much everything a soft-headed college kid or washed-up hippie can think of, from the pictures. In other words, exactly what their parents and grandparents were doing, on the same spot, with most of the same signs, in 1965.
Warning: Contains not-safe-for-work (and, to be honest, not-safe-for-eyes) pictures of nekkid hippies wandering around with misspelled protest signs. If only they'd used them for cover. Remember folks, marching is not good for the dangly bits!
Update: Ok, I was blinded by naked hippies and didn't actually read any of the text. They really weren't protesting, they were marching in a sort of self-parody parade. I think. Damned hippies.
File this movie link under why I'm glad I have a daughter and not a son. I don't think Jeff and I ever were this dumb, but we definitely had friends who were. Then again, there was that time when Jeff tried to jump his bike off a ramp made out of small stacked pieces of wood just because someone dared him...
A elderly Romanian man mistook his penis for a chicken's neck, cut it off and his dog rushed up and ate it, the state Rompres news agency said on Monday.
The report seems to play up the "stupid accident" angle, but I can't help but think he was a) doing something really really weird to get his jollies and sorta lost control or b) has alzheimer's or some other form of dementia. And of course we all know how reliable Easter European news agencies are, right?
Still, should make for some amusing 3rd shift conversation at mom's VA.
It's the wrong boobies, Grommet!
Actually, in retrospect I'm rather surprised nobody's used Real Dolls in stop-motion animation before now. Then again, at, what, $3500 a pop (as it were), they're rather pricier than your conventional lump of clay.
Note: No sex acts, but does contain extra-creepy naked "pretty corpse" movies. If a naked but 100% fake person would get you in trouble at work, wait until you're home to take a look at this.
Catches all. For example, just by searching for the default names of digital camera files, you can find a gigantic number of "first shots" thousands of strangers have taken with their digital cameras. Sort of like looking through someone else's photo album. Freaky.
This is the men's version to boobs in a box!
The fruit of designers' imagination called The Bulge is easy to put on, to take off and can be worn both inside boxers and briefs. The discreet insert can be washed in a washing machine, which is definitely an advantage for lazy men. The insert keeps its form even if it is worn 24 hours a day.
See pix and article here.
Buy the product here.
This product is machine washable for all you lazy bastards out there.
Brought to you by The Ocean.
Sea Pearl sponges are sustainably harvested by a family owned and operated business in Tarpon Springs, Florida.What are you waiting for! A whole ecosystem can be started in your crotch!# Sea Pearls do not contain any Dioxin or synthetic fibers.
# Sea Pearl comes in packages of two.
# Enviromentally safe
Sea Pearl Sponges come in a package of two with an illustrated brochure and Muslin carry bag
Sea Pearls™ Deluxe( I wonder if the Deluxe package comes with Sea Monkeys?)
The Deluxe package contains 2 sea sponge tampons, fully illustrated brochure, lunar calendar, tea tree oil for disinfecting sponges, and a muslin carry bag.
Now I have seen everything. Just when you thought Fisher-Price had gone too far with its Nativity set and Hanukkah home celebration, we find you this!
Guess what you are getting for Xmas Joshua!
The peanut gallery's viceral hatred of GW has now been beat. From beyond the grave, no less:
While, traditionally, yard signs are ways to support a candidate, in Jane Buffet's obit, her final statement reads, "To honor her memory, please do everything you can to elect John Kerry."
Hey, if rumors prove true, she'll be able to vote anyway! Why, if she lived in Chicago it'd be a dead certainty.
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal!
Fark linked up this story about a not-so-welcome find revealed after hurricane Jeanne blew through:
Hurricane Jeanne's vicious winds and water did more than destroy a few homes in the Ocean Ridge subdivision. They also unveiled a 10-foot-long World War II bomb buried underneath a beachfront driveway.
Turns out it was the warhead from one of those giant "Tiny Tim" rockets used late in the war. I think I've seen some pictures of them hanging from the wings of Corsairs... they were a lot bigger than the "regular" 5" rockets normally used. There'll be a construction crew somewhere having a retroactive heart attack once they realize what they were driving a bulldozer back and forth over.
Mighty Silverstone has struck out:
The British Grand Prix has been dropped from the Formula One schedule for the first time in over 50 years, it was reported on Thursday.
The guys on Speed channel had mentioned this as a rumor during the last British GP. It'll be the first time in the series's history no race is scheduled for Britain. Imagine NASCAR without Daytona, or if Indy just got closed up one day. And I like Silverstone! Very cool track! I don't understand how they can justify racing in the glorified alleyways of Monaco and yet not go to the for-real Silverstone. Bugger.
Jeff gets a no-prize for bringing us news of this dark day in F-1 history.
I'm not at all sure what the big damned deal is with finally figuring out the identity of the model for "Sunday on the Pot with George", but if it makes fun of Ashcroft I'm all for it.
Oh sit down. I've never liked the guy nor agreed with most of his policies. Then again, can anyone name an attorney general that was actually liked by anyone in the past fifty years?
You think you got problems... at least the ground's not trying to swallow your town:
The town of Kiruna in remote northern Sweden is seeking a new home before the earth swallows it up.Its centre is in danger of sliding down a hole left by the iron ore mines which put this Arctic outpost on the map a century ago.
Apparently it's very slow-motion, so it's not like one day we'll wake up and there will be this hole where a a bunch of Volvos and Saabs used to be. Maybe they can become a "sister city" to one of those places in Florida that periodically disappear entire parking lots of SUVs?
Ok, now we have an answer to the question what happens when you have too much free time, some knitting needles, and some yarn? If they had one shaped like a cat, I guarantee Ellen and Amber would get one.
Walt Disney is mounting a comeback, from the "heavenliest place in the universe." Jenifer Whisper, a San Diego clairvoyant and songwriter, claims she channeled Walt Disney not long after he died Dec. 15, 1966 ... What came to her, she claims, was Walt Disney himself who shared his new creation Buddah Mouse and a classic Walt Disney-style song, "Buddah Mouse," to go with it.
A California address... why am I not surprised? Remember folks, when God created the US, he picked up the East coast and gave it a good shake so all the loose marbles would roll down to California. Of course, then a whole bunch of other people moved in, but I guess loons are the price you pay for living in paradise.
They came for a Lincoln, and I stood by. They came for a Cadillac, and I said nothing. Then they came for me.
Is there nothing sacred to the Mary Kay commandos?
Every Krispy Kreme doughnut cake will be unique, since the cake should reflect the individual personality of your special occasion. Let your cake decorator know what kind of event you are planning (elegant, humorous, casual, formal, etc.) and discuss colors or any other pertinent information.
Well, at least now Amber won't have to pick out a wedding cake! Oh don't worry, you can thank us later.
Joshua gets a no-prize with a characteristic bulge for bringing us the world's most bizzare pregnancy site:
Thank you for visiting Pregnant Men. This site is dedicated to everything related to the idea of men being pregnant. Whether it be stories, movies, real life news, or anything else. If it pertains to men being pregnant, you can be sure to find it here.
You know, science being what it is, I actually have little doubt one day men will be able to have babies. I take comfort in the fact that, at age 36, I should be comfortably dead before this actually happens. Otherwise...
"I don't think so, ass-goblin. You want another one, you have it."
Cybil Sheppard has what seems to be a well-earned reputation as an impossible witch to work with. Well, if these pictures are any indication, she's actually beginning to look the part. Good God woman, didn't they have a hairbrush somewhere?
See mom, there are people in the world who go outside looking worse than I do!
Just when you thought Brando was done being a neurotic wack job:
Some of Marlon Brando’s ashes were scattered with those of comedian Wally Cox — said to have been his GAY LOVER.
Of course, this is in the Sun, so it has to be true, right? Oh be quiet mom and go read your Enquirer. Don't forget to pick up Amber's copy of The Star!
Remember Mary Kay LeTourneau, the teacher who went to prison for having sex with a 13 year old student of hers? Well, if this report is to be believed, she's now out of prison and is getting ready to marry that very same (now very legal) guy. After having two children with him, of course.
I dunno. Banging a 13 year old ranks right at the top of the skeeve chart, but it seems to be working out. Of course, anyone who would do something like that probably can't be trusted to tell the whole truth on camera.
Feh. She served her time (7.5 years). I officially am not caring any more.
Let's hear it for the good ol' USA, land of the free, home of the wacky:
To hear Jake Jenkins tell it, he's battening down the hatches in a battle against evil.As he opens the door on his Waller Street home, the sound of scraping metal and wood escapes through the cracks. He's pulling back the bars and beams that keep his family secure.
And the witches out.
And yes, folks, he has kids, 8 of them. Home schooled no less. Liz gets a no-prize that weighs less than a duck (look it up) for bringing us this story of just how quirky quirky can be.
While researching that story, I also stumbled across this follow-up:
A man who spoke about his fear of witches says he's concerned his comments will prompt the county's child-welfare agency to conduct an unwarranted investigation of his family.Jake Jenkins said a story in Wednesday's Times Leader made him sound "like I'm crazy." He didn't deny talking to a reporter about what he believes is his battle against evil, but he said he thought his name wouldn't be used and that he could give a "generic story about the witches out there."
Further research revealed he has in fact registered properly for home schooling, apparently with better-than-average plans and paperwork. The family keeps to itself, doesn't bother neighbors, pays their taxes, and doesn't seem to have broken any laws. To their credit, law enforcement has therefore left them alone.
But I do worry a bit about this guy. The original report makes it sound very much as if the father has some form of untreated mental illness, and that can be dangerous. However, it would seem he's been living like this for at least twenty years, so it may just be he's really, really weird.
I'm happy the current administration is one that doesn't seem inclined to go after people just because they are extremely weird. Those who think we now live in a police state would be well served examining these other incidents. Not that it will make much difference. It's only a police state when it's attacking my weird hangups. Otherwise it's just rational, no?
Joshua gets a no-prize that won't communicate with him for bringing us this story of an apparent Borg meltdown:
A major breakdown in Southern California's air traffic control system last week was partly due to a "design anomaly" in the way Microsoft Windows servers were integrated into the system, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
It would seem they've been slowly migrating to Windows systems, replacing their Unix systems with them. According to the article, these new "more efficient" Windows systems require regular reboots (every 2 months or so) in order to continue functioning. Someone forgot to, and so eventually the whole thing crashed.
Ya know, now that I think about it, this is almost certainly not a classic case of "Borg meltdown", but is instead a far more mundane example of bureaucratic CYA. While not as stove-bolt reliable as Unix, modern Windows installations are actually pretty bulletproof. What are not always so reliable are the applications that these Windows systems run.
The symptoms are actually classic indications of what's known as a "memory leak". This happens when a poorly written application uses a bit of memory, is done with it, but then doesn't give it back. Imagine a bucket brigade... someone scoops water into a bucket, then passes it down the line so eventually the water gets dumped on a fire, then the bucket gets passed back to the person with the water. Now imagine the water gets dumped, but the bucket never gets back. Pretty soon, no buckets.
So, from the article description, it would seem SCAT (ha!) has purchased (at the expense of Cali taxpayers mind you) a poorly written application that gradually eats away at the memory of the servers that run it. Only by rebooting the system does this "greedy" app release all the memory. Now, a Unix system wouldn't require a flat reboot, but it would require some sort of user intervention (technically, a process reset).
In utterly classic government butt-covering, instead of actually explaining the problem (and accepting blame for it), they are instead blaming Microsoft. Because everyone knows how bad they are. Now, don't get me wrong, I think the Borg are as tacky and nasty as any slashdot weenie. But when some ninny tries blaming the road for their truck throwing a rod, well, that's when I have to call bullshit.
Pardon me. I have to go pick Jeff up off the floor. Yes, Virginia, I actually defended the Borg. Mark your calendars, 14th sign of the apocalypse, etc. etc. etc.
Problem: You're an unelected bureaucrat given the task to enforce "equality" regulations in housing practices, but where to begin?
Solution: Start telling people how to write classified ads:
The [new EU] rulings will make it an offence for home-owners to stipulate whether they want men or women in their houses ... The plan is part of a European Commission anti-discrimination directive.
During the run up to the Iraq war, some pundits floated the idea that that UK should ditch the EU and enter into some sort of equivalent treaty relationship with the US. When the propeller-heads in Brussels come up with crap like this, I'm not sure I'd disagree.
"What is... Kropserkel?"
The rest of their stuff is pretty cool. And the "severed horse head" pillow is just morbidly weird enough to be interesting to some of our darker friends. But if it ends up in my bed one morning someone's gonna pay.
Note to self: a Pakistani kite festival should not be mistaken for the one that happens in DC:
Seven people were killed and more than 100 injured in Pakistan during the annual kite flying festival marking the arrival of spring, officials said today.
Garroting, electrocution, stray bullets, vehicle crashes, you name it, someone got killed by it. Sounds more like a scene out of the old Deathrace movie than an actual celebration.
No date on the story, so the reference to spring is pretty weird. They're on the same side of the equator as us, and last time I checked it was fall coming in, not spring.
Not to be outdone by the Japanese, the Germans are coming out with their own extremely... clever... gizmos:
The "lazy thing" is reminiscent of a rubber respirator. A woman puts it on her head, placing the little vibrating latex cylinder between her lips. The cylinder makes the oral cavity vibrate, giving extra oral pleasure to a partner.
And also probably sound like a didjeridu. How romantic!
Now you can walk in Jesus's shoes!
*Shoes do not allow you to walk on water.*
Ron gets a well-endowed no-prize for bringing us bumper nuts, the car accessory that delcares to the world that your vehicle's got a pair. They even sell them for kid's toys!
A 20-year-old waitress has been arrested for allegedly ordering the slayings of two customers who allegedly made rude remarks and tried to grab her as she served them drinks, authorities said.Ellen: "Amateur. I'd do it myself. The fewer people involved the better. Heh."*
She's read Death's Acre and taken notes. Let's just say it's good that Ellen went into medicine.
* Actual quotes from AIM conversation regarding this article. No, really!
Meet Lina Medina, who, in 1939, became (according to the article) the world's youngest mother at the tender age of 5. Yes 5.
Oh, and don't bother, I already checked Snopes for you, and apparently it's true.
Just when you thought the world couldn't get any more bizzare...
The sound you're hearing is a campaign staffer chomping on a hook:
Three-year-old Sophia Parlock [pictured] cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va. Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwardsmade a brief stop at the airport as he concluded his two-day bus tour to locations in West Virginia and Ohio.
One side will play up the mean grownup making the little kid cry. The other side will play up the mean grownup using his little kid to hold up a sign at a place it really wouldn't be welcomed. Both sides are, of course, right. But, like that crude little saying about the special olympics, winning this particular argument still means you're retarded.
Are we having fun yet?
Update: As noted in the comments, it looks like this guy is a "serial disruptor" who likes to play with signs a lot. See? Retarded.
After reading this, I think the correct phrase is, "that's mister moonbat to you, bud":
A piledriver is a screwdriver with a kick, is what I usually say with a sheepish grin when someone wants a taste of [the drink I invented]. The primary ingredient is of course Pure Grain Alcohol (PGA) and orange juice. I sometimes put a splash of vodka on for taste to fool the weak-minded who lack the ability to distinguish between PGA and orange juice.
Which is why I think I'll be sure to bring my own drinks whenever we visit. Lord knows what he'd get me to agree to after one or two of those things. Gotta make sure I lock away all the cameras, at the very least.
Johnny Ramone lost his battle with prostate cancer yesterday, dying at age 55. He'll be playing his four chords for a different audience now.
I mean, the review for Dead Alive says it all:
Lionel and Paquita are falling in love when his mother is bitten by a "rat monkey" at the zoo. Vera soon succumbs to the beast's poison and transforms into a zombie, killing her nurse and a few others while driving her son crazy. Lionel is unable to kill his undead mother or her victims, since people killed by zombies become zombies, so he keeps them drugged and locked in the basement.
A catholic priest enters the picture at some point. I think.
I can't remember if Joshua's talked about this one before or not. Something tells me I just stumbled onto another "surreal movie night" pick.
Far as I'm concerned, the whole first half of this senses test is just about impossible without a ruler. Then again, since you guys are all a lot smarter than I am, I imagine you'll have little trouble beating 7/20. Bastards.
Japanese professor Asaki Geino claims that the type of pubic hair a woman has affects her sexuality. He classifies women into five types, the most likely of which to be unfaithful being the type whose hair resembles the mouth of a river.Read entire muffed up article here.
As proof positive that there's no such thing as "too big" of a truck, we have the Navistar CXT:
At 258 inches, or 21-1/2 feet long, the CXT is about 4-1/2 feet longer than the new Hummer H2 pickup, and about 2 inches longer than the F-350 Crew Cab ... At 108 inches, or 9 feet, the CXT stands only a foot below a basketball rim and more than two feet above the Hummer or the F-350.
With, of course, pictures. Looks like a cement truck that got its butt chopped off.
Actually, I wouldn't worry too much about this one. Both Ford and GM are having trouble moving their monster SUVs in numbers big enough to make them profitable, and this one just takes all their troubles and makes them bigger. At a planned production of 50 per year, even if they sell out you won't be seeing one any time soon.
But hey, if it takes a rich guy's toy to keep three hundred employees working between cement truck orders, I don't really have a problem with that.
Jeff gets a no-prize smashed to bits for bringing us news that the famous giant B-52 scale model has recently augered in. The video is all weird and funky for me, but from what I could see it appears to have fallen victim to the exact same phenomena that destroyed a for-real B-52 back in the early 90s. This is all from memory, so YMMV, but anyway: the B-52's design uses spoilers, not ailerons, to generate bank. Unfortunately, once the wing goes past a certain degree of bank, the spoilers become ineffective. At that point, you either go all the way around and hope the wings don't fall off, or you auger. Since B-52s aren't supposed to be operated at high bank angles, it's almost never a problem.
Well, unless you get a gung-ho pilot (either real or remote) who gets a little careless. The real accident killed six people, I think. I imagine the pilot of the model simply wishes he was dead.
A car-carrier loaded with vintage Porsches was struck by a freight train Sunday after becoming stranded on railroad tracks, officials said.
Somewhere in America an insurance agent is having a mild heart attack. And somewhere else, a lawyer is beginning to smile.
Ok, I've been around chicks long enough to know this "distinctive" cell phone design is supposed to evoke a makeup compact thingy*. But to me, it screams "pill case".
Eh, I wear white socks with dark blue pants. What the hell do I know?
* Just because I hang around them, doesn't mean I read the labels on all the crap they carry. What the hell is that thing called anyway?
You sick fucks of California can no longer have sex with corpses
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Having sex with corpses is now officially illegal in California after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill barring necrophilia, a spokeswoman says.The state's first attempt to outlaw necrophilia, in response to a case of a man charged with having sex with the corpse of a 4-year-old girl in Southern California, stalled last year in a legislative committee.
Read entire article here.
NSFW. WHY? you ask? Well because of all the hick ass rednecks that should not get naked. EVER.
So come one down to 22 miles next east of Missoula and eat some testies! Dates are September 16-20th.
PENSACOLA, Fla. - A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver's trigger.
Read entire article here.
What I don't get is people would rather shoot a poor animal than to drop it off at the local shelter. SPAY AND NEUTER PEOPLE! Then shit like this won't happen!
Thanks to Joshua for this puppy revenge story! A dog bone shaped No-Prize! to you.
Guns don't kill people. Puppies kill people!
From the Taipei Times
Doctors remove beer bottle A man with the habit of inserting odd objects into his rectum was admitted to the emergency room of National Taiwan University Hospital yesterday. Doctors spent two hours removing a bottle of Taiwan Beer he had inserted into his anus. What particularly complicated the procedure was that the bottle had been inserted wide-end first. The man was required to remain in hospital for thee days for further observation. Records of the Veterans General Hospital over the past 20 years show that the man's habit is by no means an unusual one. Other objects retrieved from anuses include flower vases, glass bottles, vibrators and table legs. The largest object ever removed was a bowling pin. One of the hospital's male patients was admitted on three separate occasions with a different object each time.
Thanks to Joshua at Blue Lens for bringing us this strange story! A 5 cent No Prize Refund to you!
Rats climbing up through toilets are relatively rare, but they routinely move into yards, burrowing beneath doghouses, sheds, or sidewalks or hiding out in woodpiles. And young rats in search of new territory sometimes climb through dryer vents. They can squeeze through openings as small as a dime.
Read entire article here.
And Ron wants to move back to Ohio?
Not only is Air Supply, the bane of my early teen years*, still around, they're still freaking touring!
I'm just glad my nephew will be too young to remember if his dad drags him to one of these things. He might be permanently scarred otherwise**.
* For some reason, my brother decided one of their songs, "All Out of Love" I think, was the World's Best Pop Song. Had it been even a year earlier, he'd have simply worn a hole in the 45 or cassette. But no, no, that had to be the year I bought a CD player. Never before or since have I ever rued the creation of a music medium that could not be worn out by overplaying.
The horror... the horror...
** Oh geeze C, it's a joke. Laugh. Anyone? Anyone? Ok, then, read this and laugh because Jeff doesn't get it.
Washington Post today carried this article detailing the re-emergence of the "B.T.K." (blindfold bind [thanks Ron!], torture, kill) murderer. After disappearing for nearly twenty-five years, new letters purported to be from the killer have started arriving at Wichita investigator's offices, claiming responsibility for a whole new slew of murders.
Just when you thought the North Koreans couldn't get any weirder:
An American army sergeant who spent 40 years in North Korea has revealed that the Stalinist state operated a programme to breed spies who could pass themselves off as Westerners.
You know, if even half the rumors that have come out of the DPRK are true... well... geeze man, just how screwed up can a country get?!?
Wait... nevermind... when someone asks a question like that, God smiles, and the North has nukes. They're plenty f-d up enough Lord, ok? You don't have to prove it can get even better!
For the paranoiac who has everything, we're proud to present the Q-sleeper, a fortress-like bed that promises to protect you against everything from terrorist attack to biological spills. Personally, I think they should've named it "coffinette". Then maybe Damion would buy one.
Joshua gets a slithery NO-PRIZE for bringing us this disgusting photo.
Just when you think you've found the outer edges of extremisim, someone goes and punts the football another sixty yards:
Who benefited then from the US war?... The only major beneficiary of the war is the State of Israel, which succeeded in having the US destroy its most consistent Arab adversary in the Middle East ... The plan to “democratize” the Middle East proposed by US Zionists in the government in essence meant a joint control by the US and Israel over the entire Middle East via a series of wars.
It's the JOOOOOOOSSSS!!! I'm sure the kids who got blown up on that bus a few days ago, and the ones who managed to escape from that school today, were just part of a third-tier coverup to ensure the real plans are never exposed.
See? See? I don't just make fun of the tree-huggers!
Why link it? I'm with Stern on this one... the best way to show how completely wack these people are is to let them say whatever they please. Like all loonytards, the longer they speak the less sense they make. Plus, it puts them in a spotlight, so they can't sneak off and do something really destructive.
NSFW due to PrOn! Pop-ups!
What happens when an alligator has deer for lunch.
Boy, now this would make basic training pretty interesting:
A massive search is underway at Fort Polk military base in western Louisiana for a Bengal tiger running loose in the base's pine-covered hills.
Includes Captain (well, Major) Obvious quote of the day:
The tiger is wearing a collar. How it got on the base is a mystery, said Fort Polk spokesman Maj. Ron Elliott."We think it belongs to somebody," he said.
Your ROTC program at work!
I've heard of people being obsessive about their wedding rings, but this is ridiculous:
An x-ray of the lump [found on a newly admitted patient's finger] (Box 1, B) revealed a wedding ring totally encased in the soft tissue.
With extra-freaky x-ray & exam pictures. Yet another example of what can happen when mental illness strikes and nobody's around to help the victim get treatment.
Joshua gets a deeply paranoid no-prize for bringing us the "evidence" that the airplane which crashed into the pentagon was not American Airlines flight 77. If the pretentious intro screen ("may challenge assumptions") doesn't clue you in to the general soft-headedness of the piece, the rest of it will make it obvious. I wonder if this guy knows the "Paul is dead!" guys personally?
Hmmm? Oh, well, let's just put it this way... Aviation Week (who's penchant for uncovering secrets got it labled "aviation leak" more than a decade ago) reported salvage crews removing the engines of the airplane a week or two after the disaster. They weren't the engines of a private aircraft or missle.
We have a one-hundred-five pound world eating champion. 38 lobsters in 12 minutes no less. Single too! Now where's Damion's phone number...
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. - It wasn't a grizzly bear that killed him, although a grizzly did nibble on his body after he was dead. Instead, it was probably his decision to continue hiking off-trail through the night while still wet that caused the death of 24-year-old David Anderson.Read entire article here.Hypothermia, noted the Jackson Hole News & Guide in telling the story, can cause a delirium that results in bad decisions.
He kept hiking, blooded by a tumble that fractured a vertebrae in his neck and caused other injuries. Finally, he laid down in a meadow and died of hypothermia. He was only an hour's walk from a highway.
Ron gets a no-prize for bringing us news of the weirdest toy prize ever included in a box of candy:
Small toys showing an airplane flying into the World Trade Center were packed inside more than 14,000 bags of candy and sent to small groceries around the country before being recalled.
I've seen something like this making the rounds in places like Egypt and Gaza, but I can't say for sure if it's the same thing. Tacky doesn't even come close...
There are two main techniques involved in causing the sensation of pain within the testicles. They are administering a sharp blow (as in punching/hitting/kicking etc) and crushing (as in squeezing etc). Personally I've always enjoyed striking my nuts with a sharp blow as this simulates the effect of being hit in the groin by a woman. It also causes a more severe wave of pain to wash through them (having said that, any man who has had his gonads squeezed by an angry woman will know how debilitating a good squeeze can be!).
You know you want to find out more.
Sometimes I think freaks are having fun on the fringe. Other times, well, I think they're just too dumb to come in out of the cultural rain:
Upon further questioning, the patient said that approximately 4 hrs earlier he and his boyfriend had been "fooling around." After stirring a batch of concrete mix, the patient laid on his back with his feet against the wall at a 45-degree angle while his boyfriend poured the mixture through a funnel into his rectum. After the concrete mass hardened, it became so painful that he sought medical care.
And you thought that picture of the guy with a mason jar in his butt was impressive...
Site has one abstract art picture of a perfect concrete cast of a colon, and another of an x-ray of said object in-situ. I guess you'd call it safe for work, if not safe for the imagination.
A Tanzanian who went to a witch doctor in search of the power to resist bullets and knife attacks died when ritual cuts made on his body proved fatal.
Oh sit down, I'm not talking about you. Far as I know there aren't any greenies around here. Which is why we should talk about them more often!
Joshua gets a no-prize shrouded in mist for bringing us this pictoral story of "a camera found in the woods":
Last week I drove to a nearby town. The town is surrounded by tall hills and mountains, and you can have a very pleasant hike down any of the numerous trails there. Anyway, I was climbing one trail and enjoying the good weather when I saw what looked like a silver box. When I approached, I saw it was a digital camera ... I pity the fool who dropped it so carelessly ... It also had some nice pictures on it, and I'm putting those up in this thread...
I know it's a hoax, and it still creeped me out. Recommended.
Meanwhile, as I read through the comments (also recommended, as they point out some subtleties you may otherwise miss), I found out something nearly as weird... there actually are cat-shaped spiders out there. No, really!
I don't know, I guess it's because I've spent the last hour cleaning the spyware off someone else's computer, but I think "g00n's" auctions are more asinine than funny. Pretty much proves a pet theory I've had for years... a significant number of human males between the ages of 14 and ~ 25 are just chimpanzees with a driver's license.
The 7-footer was one of five big gar Frank and his longtime buddy Johnny Pantoja shot with their bows and arrows during a midday "hunt" in a section of the Trinity where Frank has taken numerous monster gar in the past. The other gar they shot that day measured 6-3, 6-1, 5-9 and 5-8.
With most excellently weird picture!
I actually have a gar-related fish story... Back when I was a teenager, oh, say, about 13 or 14, dad took us down below the navigational dam near our house to fish. It's mostly "trash" fish down there... drum, carp, and the like, but it's easy fishing and it's fun. The tricky part was that (again as I recall) Jeff and I were both over the age where we would be covered by his fishing license, and he hadn't gotten around to getting us one yet.
"There's game wardens all over the place at the dam," he said to us as we drove out to the place, "so if any show up I want you two to shut the hell up and let me do the talking. No ratting your brother out, Jeff, and no trying to come up with some damned fool story, Scott. Understand? I do the talking, you two be quiet."
So we clambered down the gigantic sun-hot gray rocks the Corps of Engineers scattered on the lower banks like multi-ton packing popcorn and started casting. Sure enough, couldn't have been more than half an hour before two tall, smiling gentleman in olive-drab uniforms came up to have a chat with us. At that precise moment, almost as if on cue, my rod nearly bent double as something big latched onto it.
Now, the rule at our house was that mom's commands were a framework for negotiation, while dad's were dictation from on high. "Thou shalt not mess with me while talking to the law" was what I heard, and I knew better than to test it. So I slowly started to reel in what felt like a small nuclear submarine without so much as a peep. Jeff finally noticed the drag tracks appearing behind my shoes (I think I weighed 75, 85 pounds at that point) and came over, but again not a word was said to the grownups a few feet up the bank.
"What do you think it is?!?" Jeff whispered.
"Dont. Know." I hissed back through clenched teeth, "Big. Gar?"
Gar were cool. They looked like scaly torpedoes and had teeth like a picket fence from hell.
"It's not moving much... I think you've caught a log!" Which would be a major embarassment, which explained the gleeful tone in my brother's voice. And it wasn't moving... if it was my "Jr. Sportsman" reel would have come apart faster than a Kerry campaign idea.
Around about this time three things happened almost at once. One of the game wardens said, "hey there, I think your boy has something big.", dad came over and touched the rod to help me pull, and what was probably a five foot (memory says six, but I was only about 5'2 at the time) gar decided the funny poking thing he'd grabbed was not actually going to lead him to a big catfish. He snapped the line like it was spider silk and departed with a whooshing splash that soaked myself and my dad.
"Ha-ha! You're in trouble! Mom said if you got your new shoes wet you're dead!"
No, really, when otters attack:
Police said Ethan Pederson emerged from the water with the otter hanging onto his back and legs. Lifeguards wrestled it off, but the animal ran in and out of the water several times, chasing after others in the class, police said.
Byline is Putnan Valley NY. I wonder how far that is from Orange County?
Fark linked up this interesting story about the recent discovery of the bodies of three WWI soldiers in the Alps:
The preserved bodies of three Austrian soldiers killed in World War I had been found at the foot of an Italian glacier, 86 years after their deaths, a museum in northern Italy said today.
See? Sometimes global warming is a good thing! :)
Personally, I think if you served your time in the Military and want a nip and tuck, hey why not. You deserve it.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A group supporting natural breasts staged a small street protest in Hollywood on Wednesday against a U.S. military policy offering free breast implants to female soldiers.The group, led by porn star and former California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey, said the military should spend its money on "bullets, not boobs."
"I think girls should have natural boobs and natural beauty," Carey said after unveiling her own breasts in the protest at an Army recruiting office on Sunset Boulevard.
Carey, who wore green camouflage shorts and bikini top, assured all that her own breasts were real. ( See WHY her boobs are real. )
Read entire article here.
Kick Ass Pictures owner Mark Kulkis, has issued an open letter, via email, to the media in which he insists that Carey's breast are real. Along with the email, he included photos that Kulkis suggests prove that her breasts are natural, because they "show a little natural sag." ( A LITTLE natural sag!?! Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble two and fro...)
You get what you deserve. He is lucky thats all they did to him.
AUGUST 18--An apparent peeping Tom was sexually assaulted with a tree branch after being discovered peering into the bedroom window of a five-year-old Ohio girl. The 44-year-old male victim was viciously beaten by a group of six attackers, including the child's mother, 28-year-old Stacy Umstott.
Read entire article, with pictures, here.
Yes, Virginia, they are still a bunch of savages.
On Sunday, August 15, a 16-year-old girl in the town of Neka, northern Iran, was executed. Ateqeh Sahaleh was hanged in public on Simetry Street off Rah Ahan Street at the city center.The judge personally pursued Ateqeh’s death sentence, beyond all normal procedures and finally gained the approval of the Supreme Court. After her execution Rezai said her punishment was not execution but he had her executed for her “sharp tongue”.
Read entire asinine article here.
Focus on the REAL problem people! Maybe then you will come out of the stone age.
Avila Beach, UKIAH - The Coast Guard on Monday recovered the headless body of a diver who was killed Sunday by a shark off the Mendocino County coast.Read entire article here.A friend who witnessed Sunday's attack on Randy Fry estimated the shark to be between 16 and 18 feet long.
"It was over in five seconds," said Red Bartley of Modesto, a friend of the victim's, who witnessed the fatal encounter from a boat.
When they tell you not to get out of the truck, don't.
[LuAnn] Crim was in the bathroom at her home in Perrinton, north of St. Johns. She had just combed her hair, applied a dab of lipstick and was adding a little eye makeup, when the water in a nearby toilet sloshed ... "I looked in there," Crim wrote, "just as a very wet, bedraggled, dark-colored ANIMAL swam up out of the toilet trap and scrambled to get out."
Via Silflay.
Jeff and Sherri get to split a no-prize for both sending us this story of an unfortunate confluence of politics, doctrine, and biology:
An 8-year-old girl who suffers from a rare digestive disorder and cannot eat wheat has had her first Holy Communion declared invalid because the wafer contained no wheat, violating Roman Catholic doctrine.
It's the mother's politics I first disagree with, because I can't help but think that an extremely small amount of glutin (contained in special wafers mentioned in the article) in what is after all an extremely small serving would not be life-threatening. But again, it's not my child, and I do not in fact know much about this disease. Maybe it's like a peanut allergy?
The diocese needs to get a better PR flack and a more flexible bishop... there's bound to be a compromise of some sort in there somewhere. This got out of hand a lot faster than it should have. But, of course, it may be that mom said "my way or the highway", which is not the most productive way to motivate a senior member of the heirarchy.
Fark linked up this story of a real disaster waiting to happen:
Small signs attached to the masts [of the SS Richard Montgomery] inform those who sail by on the Thames estuary: "Danger: unexploded ammunition." There are 3,172 tonnes of high explosive in the forward holds.
And for a look at what such a thing might be like, we have the Halifax explosion of 1917:
The Mont Blanc drifted by a Halifax pier, brushing it and setting it ablaze. Members of the Halifax Fire Department responded quickly, and were positioning their engine up to the nearest hydrant when the Mont Blanc disintegrated in a blinding white flash, creating the biggest man-made explosion before the nuclear age. It was 9:05am.
If they figure out a way to blow up that wreck on purpose, I'm buying a ticket to England.
Joshua gets a cross-shaped no-prize with a black belt around it for bringing the Ki Sanctuary to our attention:
This site is here to help martial artists and energy practioners alike to become more open-minded and fulfilled individuals by introducing not just qi, but psi and any other related topics in a clear-cut fashion, that is both understandable and practical.
Well, I guess everyone's got to have a hobby.
Oil prospecting seems simple enough... find a likely spot, drill a hole, and see if there's any oil down there. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
The crew suspected that the drilling rig was collapsing under their feet ... The water of Lake Peigneur slowly started to turn, eventually forming a giant whirlpool. A large crater developed in the bottom of the lake. It was like someone pulled the stopper out of the bottom of a giant bathtub.
The whole thing reads like something out of a disaster movie. It fairly screams for CGI special effects. I guess the reason we haven't heard more about this event is because nobody got killed.
I don't know, maybe it was too many 70s scary movies, but store mannequins freak me out. I keep waiting for one to grab me by the shoulder. Lord knows what I'd do if they were actual sculptures (site is safe for work).
Still, an interesting look at just how these things are made. Lord only knows how much they cost.
Liz gets a... well, a no-prize, for bringing us this picture of a model who should've worn boxers the day he was modeling his new bondage-wear. Picture is safe for work, but probably not for eyes.
Two words: nasal cream.
A new pollen-blocking cream applied to the inside of the nose may alleviate hayfever without the side-effects of other remedies, suggests a new study.
Those taking part in the trial applied either the cream or the placebo four times a day for nine days.
I've suffered through two colds because I couldn't stand to swab... grr, can't think of the name... that "anti-cold-stuff"... in my nose. I think I'll just sneeze instead.
Dang. To think all this time all we needed to sell baby toys on ebay was to make up a cool story:
It was at this point our son noticed the other toys in the tub changing shape, distorting and losing their color into the water. He didn't understand what was happening but he knew something wasn't right, he also noticed that Yella was eerily positioned at the end of the tub, dead center and facing him directly. He also noticed the ducks shape hadn’t changed and his color appeared to be as bright as ever.
Because it's an auction link, and this is just too weird to let go, I've included the entire description below.
This is a crazy story that I wouldn't have believed had it not happened to me. I am not prone or drawn to the supernatural, and in fact I have a strong Christian support system, but what I experienced has no other explanation than the unexplained. This is a true story about a Rubber Ducky. I don't feel that in good conscience I can keep this thing in my house, it wouldn't be fair to my family and frankly I've lost enough sleep over it as it is. I spoke at length with my Pastor and together we came up with the idea to sell it with full disclosure, any other method and we would risk the Duck falling into unsuspecting hands. We knew that the only way to get rid of him without personal condemnation was to be open, honest and forthright. We knew the person getting the duck would have to know the whole story and accept the consequences freely. We felt the only way to do this was to be sure the story would be read, understood and accepted.
So here it is. My son, now 2, received this rubber ducky as a gift from an Aunt when he was approximately 10 or 11 months old. He was very enthusiastic about his bath time and loved the new addition to the tub. He named the duck "Yella", his personal pronunciation of Yellow and of course the color of the duck. Now as with most kids their tastes change and can be at times fickle, in fact suggesting that all kids have some level of ADD would not be a stretch. Soon Yella had lost some of his appeal in the eyes of my son, he requested the ducks company less and less as time wore on, until such a time where Yella was all but forgotten. We originally thought nothing of it, then as time went on my son began to speak more and was able to articulate his thoughts he started referring more and more to his old friend Yella. The problem was that it wasn’t in a positive or childish manner. In fact it was really quite disturbing, he repeatedly made reference to fights he and Yella had, and a subsequent scar inflicted on the left side of the ducks head. At first we just figured he had an active imagination and that eventually he would forget about Yella, but he never did. In fact each time he told the story he did it with more detail and more emotion until his Mother and I finally forbid him from telling the story at all. In fact my wife was so distressed she searched out the duck and vowed to dispose of it. At this point our son had an unnerving attachment to Yella, he would never let the duck out of his sight. He was never affectionate towards the duck, he just insisted that the toy always be around no matter what. He was about a year and half by now and there was certainly no bargaining with him, every time we tried to take the toy our son would lose it, literally crying bloody murder. Needless to say there was no way of coaxing the duck away and despite our best efforts the stories continued. We hoped and prayed that his obsession with Yella would pass with time, we even found ourselves spoiling him in an effort to replace the duck. It was useless.
One night our Son and Yella were having a bath together with several of the other bath toys collected over the course of the previous year, there was a boat, a whale, a starfish, a small action figure and some miscellaneous plastic tools. Our Son's overall interest in Yella had dwindled to the point of sheer indifference. In fact if he had his way the duck wouldn't have even been in the tub, instead it was because of his Mother's lapse in judgement that Yella was included at all. He went about playing and splashing with his other toys, all the while ignoring the duck, intentionally or not. It was at this point our son noticed the other toys in the tub changing shape, distorting and losing their color into the water. He didn't understand what was happening but he knew something wasn't right, he also noticed that Yella was eerily positioned at the end of the tub, dead center and facing him directly. He also noticed the ducks shape hadn’t changed and his color appeared to be as bright as ever. It seemed as though the toys were melting before him. It was at this point that he reached out to grab the duck, almost mesmerized by his yellow body. As he grabbed the duck he felt a piercing pain in the palm of his hand and immediately threw the toy back into the water, he was sure he had been bitten. Anger flooded our son and again he grabbed at Yella and this time he wasted no time in throwing the duck across the room. The duck crashed against the raised corner of the toilet paper holder, bounced off the wall and came to rest at my feet as I now stood in the doorway of the bathroom. By now my wife was aware of our son's rage and the events taking place, she threw down her magazine, jumped off her stool and lunged across the washroom toward our son. She scooped him up into her arms. My wife and I looked at each other as we tried desperately to process the evidence before us, all the while our little one cried and shouted at the Rubber Ducky on the floor.
As I mentioned before, if it had not happened to us I would've never given it a second thought and I certainly would have dismissed the author as a quack and the story as a farce. We immediately checked the temperature of the water, it was luke warm. We searched the bathroom high and low for chemicals or agents which may have caused this reaction in the toys, nothing was found. Our son was not burned and with the exception of a small cut on the palm of his hand, there was no sign of injury. Being cautious we packed our son in the car and headed for the emergency room, as expected nothing was found to be abnormal. We then rushed to the home of our Pastor, We've never been fanatical with respect to our religious beliefs, but we felt like there was something unholy and unexplainable hear that needed to be addressed. Our Pastor assured us there had to be an earthly explanation, but at the same time he had an unsettled look that left us feeling doubtful. We left and headed home, exhausted and anxious to put this night behind us. At home we rushed upstairs to our sons room, got him into his pajammas and said our good night prayers. Our son seemed distant and agitated but soon relented to his own exhaustion. My wife and I returned downstairs to the main floor bathroom and the scene of this evenings event. Everything was as we left it, with one exception, Yella was back in the tub, dead center and facing us directly. We looked at each other in the hope the other would appear calm and composed, it didn't happen, instead we starred at each other waiting for an acknowledgement of who had put the duck back in the tub. That didn't happen either. I immediately grabbed up the duck and without hesitation placed him in the closest container I could find, a Tupperware style container on the counter in the kitchen. I then stormed out the garage and tossed the container on the workbench while I headed back in the house to try and comprehend what had just happened. It was at this point I picked up the phone and called our Pastor and how we find ourselves in the position we are in today.
I can't explain what happened, and the sooner I can put the events of that night and this duck behind me, the better off I'll be.
I will not be responsible for the duck after shipping, I will not field questions or help to explain its unusual mystique. I want nothing to do with it. The winning bidder must understand this. I don't want someone to find this thing in a Dumpster or buy it at a garage sale, I want the person who gets it to understand what they have and not to take it lightly, and for Gods sake I don't want it near children. I'd be just as happy if you buried it in the Tupperware container it's still in.
I hope you can respect my wishes.
This is the story from the original listing. I myself, a headstrong idiot, bought it from a third party. This duck is truly inhabited by the devil himself. I cannot live with it. The OUjia board that was in my house kept setting itself up at night. I threw it outside went to bed, and woke up the nest morning. The board was sitting on the table, set and on the word YES. The next morning, after i had decided not to touch the board, i was skipping through channels. As i skipped quickly words from ramdom tv shows begain to form a word. The word i could of swore i heard was Lucifer. This story is true to what i have told you. I do not know about the outer-world, but what i have seen and experienced is true. The picture i have listed was a picture i took with my child. I did not know this was the duck until my wife told me. The next morning there was a burn mark on my childs hand. I cannot, aloow this to be in my house any longer.
Well, At least I know where mom's casket is coming from now:
On Monday, Costco Wholesale Corp., better known for bulk chicken and cases of soda, started test marketing caskets along side mattresses at a North Side Chicago store and one in suburban Oak Brook.
Too bad Sam's isn't following suit, or she'd probably buy it herself. And then, of course, stuff it full of Beanie Babies and forget where she put it. Heh.
Jeff gets his second no-prize of the day for bringing us this abject lesson in why you shouldn't mess with bees:
Kids throwing rocks stirred up more trouble than they bargained for when they dislodged a swarm of bees from an enormous hive built in the wall of a Southern California apartment building, authorities said on Friday.
The quarter-ton honeycomb, which may have accumulated inside the apartment wall for years, was so big it was threatening the structural integrity of the two-story building.
Where's Pooh Bear when you need him?
For the goth in all of us: From coffee (coffin?) tables to stereo speakers, if you can shape it like a casket it's there waiting for you. Includes kits, plans, even a whole line of items for pets. Visit today!
Fark linked up this harrowing tale of one skater's unfortunate encounter with an overheated manhole cover:
"I landed with my arm and back straight onto the metal cover," Wallenberg said. "I noticed it was kind of hot, but I didn't realize how bad it was until my skin started to sizzle."
Apparently this was very near a spot where a woman was flat electrocuted by a manhole cover while walking her dog. And all this time I thought the streets of DC flinging manhole covers ten feet in the air was impressive.
NSFW due to pop up ads
You just have to look .
If you pucker up, then pucker up with some of the most unique anal jewelry available. These all stainless steel plugs are designed for a nice comfortable fit for long term wear. They weigh more than other plugs reminding the wearer of what is inside. The glass cut gemstones finish off the plug and attracts lots of attention to the wearing party. These are true work of art collector pieces.
See the attactiveness here.
SALISBURY, Md. -- A woman was beaten and arrested after she smeared her feces on an officer who tried to question her for trespassing, police said Wednesday.Tammy E. Johnson, 36, of Newark, Md., was charged with second-degree assault and reckless endangerment for exposing the officer to a potential biohazard, resisting arrest, disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct, said Capt. Mark Tyler, Salisbury police spokesman.
"She resisted arrest, continued to smear the fecal matter on him and gouged and scratched him in the upper chest and neck," he said. "The officer did use his pepper spray on the woman, which had no effect as she continued to fight. He then used his baton in the area of her legs until she finally stopped."
Read entire article here.
Fark linked up what has to be the latest entry in the "women will wear any goddamned uncomfortable thing to look good" category: the "backless" g-string. Trust me, you need to see the picture to believe it (it's SFW).
Apparently the music video Soccer Practice has made the rounds, but it's the first time I've seen it. Personally, I'm not sure why I haven't seen it on MTV2. I mean, it's no worse than the stuff Jessica Simpson puts out. As it were.
And people think an airport moving next door is bad:
Activists in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside want a "safe inhalation room" for people who smoke crack cocaine, building on the success of Canada's first safe injection site for those who shoot up with other drugs.
Now, I'm one of those loony libertarians who thinks we should legalize most drugs and then tax the snot out of them. Use the money to, I don't know, buy an extra stealth bomber or two, or finance Frank's space laser... something useful and cool like that. But as soon as it happened here, some liberal moonbat would come along and try a stunt like this with my tax money. Gaurantee it.
Now, I wouldn't necessarily mind "safe junkie rooms" per se, but since I'm also a greedy bastard capitalist, I'd want them run by something like "Junkies R Us, Inc.", with a dollar slot on the door. Unfortunately, since junkies spend all their money on dope, none would use the thing (or they'd all get shot/arrested/electrocuted trying to jimmy open the dollar slot for more dope money), and so they'd be out on the streets anyway. And round and round it goes.
I think the only people in the world that annoy me more than hippies are junkies. At least hippies won't shoot you for the change in your pocket.
This rambling and somewhat incoherent post brought to you by: too much Cold Fusion coding.
Ron gets a well-adjusted no-prize for bringing us news of the "new" flouridated water:
Britons consume the anti-depressant drug Prozac in such large quantities that traces of it can now be found in the country's drinking water, The Observer newspaper reported Sunday citing health officials.
Sounds a wee (as it were) urban-legendish to me, but considering our more recent encounteres with various Britons, not completely unbelievable.
Fark linked up this notice that it can be illegal to wear Dallas Cowboy logo clothing in the city the team is holding summer camp in:
Dallas Cowboys souvenir T-shirts, helmets and ballcaps are flying off the shelves during the football team's summer camp despite a gang injunction that prohibits some residents from wearing anything with the Cowboys logo.
The titular question of this post is, of course, What Would Ron (a Cowboy fan who's dedication to his team makes the Emperor's dedication to the dark side seem a mere flirtation) Do? I mean, a city that outlaws wearing Cowboy logos?!?
Hopefully Amber has the keys to his car somewhere safe.
It will, of course, surprise no-one that the city in question is located in the PRC (People's Republic of California).
Note to self: don't walk near Phillipino women dancing:
A man and his two sons have been arrested on suspicion of murdering a neighbor and then eating parts of his body after he tripped over a woman relative at a dance, Philippine police said on Tuesday.
I just plan on scaring the hell out of future boyfriends. Actually, as I watch Olivia develop into a (currently rather wobbly) version of her mother, I'm not sure I'll need to be all that scary.
With schools like these, who needs morons?
Students [attending the California Alternative High School] learned that Congress had two houses -- the Senate for Democrats and the House for Republicans; that the U.S. flag had not been updated to reflect the addition of Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico to the "original" 50 states; that the federal "administrative" branch oversees the Treasury Department (news - web sites); and that World War II occurred from 1938 to 1942.
I mean, come on, everyone knows the Senate is for Republicans and the House is for the Dems! Ha-ha!
Reading the rest of the article, I at first thought it might just be possible that some right-wing attorney general was distorting the facts to get a school educating the "wrong" sort of people shut down. Such things have been known to happen. Thankfully (or not, depending on your perspective), TSG is carrying excerpts from the manual in question. It's actually worse than the media are portraying it.
I guess there really are times when government intervention is a good thing.
Oh geeze. Someone go pick Joshua and Mandrake up off the floor. Don't forget to check their pulse!
Making the rounds: Japanese nuclear power plant accident kills 4. IANAPPW (I am not a power plant worker), but it sounds as if the leak ocurred in the secondary circuit, which by definition is not radioactive. Stilll, getting parboiled is definitely pretty far down on my list of "desirable ways to die". Ouch.
Of course, Reuters, being (as I understand it) UK based, couldn't resist a pot shot at nukes in general:
The incident [...] is certain to increase public distrust of the nuclear industry in Japan, which depends on nuclear power for a third of its energy needs.
Doesn't matter how much they distrust it sparky, if it provides 1/3rd of the electricity it isn't going anywhere. I do so love it when reporters editorialize in a "news" story.
Fark linked up this report of bizzare critters washing up on a Hawaii beach:
One woman reported being stung Thursday by one of them, said lifeguard Steve Clendenin, who described them as a "nightmarish cross between a centipede and a sea urchin."
Turns out they're some sort of worm that normally lives deep in the sand. Why Ellen likes the beach and ocean I never will know...
There's crazy cat people, and then there's crazy cat people:
Teachers claim that at least a dozen girls have taken ill under mysterious circumstances in the past two weeks, all fainting without a cause, only to wake up and start behaving like cats.
Kinda brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "chasing pussy", don't it?
Proof positive that even medical professionals can have too much time on their hands, we have the mounted frog 69 display. No, really. We're not smart enough to make this stuff up!
Presenting Debbie Does Dallas, the Musical:
A spoof based on the classic porn film that featured Bambi Woods as a cheerleader who needs to make money through, ahem, sweat and tears to join the pom-pom squad of the Texas football team.
I wonder just how "off" off Broadway this one was?
Lucky the bunny is living up to her name.Read entire article here.Lucky, a mixed breed rabbit was rescued after being strapped with explosives and thrown in Lake Don Castro in Castro Valley, Calif. on July 13, 2004.
It had seemed like luck had run out: Strapped to a powerful explosive with a lit fuse, Lucky was tossed into a lake.
But the explosive didn't blow up, and the rabbit was pulled out of the water.
Sigmon said he adopted the bunny after almost running over her with his car, but can no longer care for her because he's starting college this fall at University of California, San Diego, where he plans to study biology.
Alapaha, Ga. — Around these parts, they are calling it Hogzilla: a three-and a half-metre wild hog recently killed on a plantation and now quickly becoming a part of local legend.Read entire article here.With Pix!-The only proof being a photo that shows the dead beast hanging from a rope.
Stephanie gets an 'every man squeals like a girl' no prize for bringing us this article.
BUCHAREST (AFP) - A Romanian surgeon who underwent a fit of madness while operating on a man's testicles proceeded to amputate his penis and cut it into three pieces.
Yahoo News, in their apparent campaign to scare the bejeezus out of all men, is responsible for posting the article.
So, you think you go to a hospital to get better? Well, studies show that might not always be the case. This article shows that the percentage of errors that are bad for the patients are on the rise. As one who works in the field, I can say that a lot of this is preventable with technology or better processes - but that there is a HUGE amount of resistance from doctors (who are all prima donnas) and the nursing staff (because it means more work).
Key note to self - if you're going to have a 17yo girl over to have sex with your 13yo son and 15yo daughter - DON'T VIDEOTAPE IT!!! Okay - the best policy is not to do this - it's sick and they need help, I realize (though I don't think they do). However, the plain stupidity of taping it is beyond words.
A Bothell woman and her boyfriend were each charged Monday with three sex crimes after they allegedly encouraged her 13-year-old son to have sex with a 17-year-old girl and then videotaped it. Her 15-year-old daughter also was taped engaging in sex with the older girl, prosecutors said.
Read the entire story here.
According the BBC, some teachers in India were spiking the meals of their schoolchildren with pot and alcohol.
And they thought this was a good thing?
A soiled underwear no-prize to Captain Howdy for bringing us the story of man, his truck, boat, and a cliff.
Wonderful (but big, d/l-wise) pic of a man trying to climb out of his truck - as it hangs over the edge of a cliff, held up only by a boat trailer...
The rest of the site my be NSFW, but this one is clean...
Thunder storms in Arkansas are pretty spectacular. Especially at 2 A.M in a 'prefabricated home'. It sounds like the world is going to end out there!
The roof on this place is flat and obviously a bit thicker than tin foil. Rain does not sound like rain. It sounds like somone throwing a bucket of rocks on the roof.
LONDON (Reuters) - Two Britons were found guilty on Wednesday of an elaborate plot to smuggle cocaine into the country by surgically implanting packets of the drug inside two Labrador dogs.Gregory Graham, 27, and Kaye Chapman, 20, plotted to smuggle 1.3 kilograms of cocaine into Britain hidden inside the stomachs of golden Labrador Rex and black Labrador Frispa.
Read entire F'd up story.
LOS ANGELES -- Chesty swimsuit models and Hollywood starlets are running scared -- because of a new disease that whittles large breasts down into teensy nubs not much bigger than mosquito bites! * OH THE HORROR!!*At least 500 cases of the bizarre boob-shrinking disease have been reported, the majority in California.
Researchers believe the disease is caused by a bacteria that feeds on body fat -- in particular, fat generated by the female hormone estrogen. * Can I get this injected in my ass!?!*
Read entire article.
And the winner for "grossest auction item to-date" is:
The "mounted" hairball paperweight.
It's already got one bid!!! Ok folks, all together now...
Looks like Maryland has its own new "mystery critter":
The beast is not shy, and visits most often under bright sun. While no one here knows what it is, they do have a name for it -- the hyote, a combination of a hyena and a coyote.
With pictures!
For the Big Foot lover in your life.
NO! this is not a sexual foot fetish site! It's about the hairy beast. NO! not the person that sleeps with you at night and farts under the covers... no wait... dammit Scott!
Now, I'm all for consenting adults doing whatever they want to each other, but I reserve the right to be weirded out by it:
Law enforcement officials in the Florida Keys are mystified by a bizarre new pastime -- young people dangling themselves from meat hooks on a popular sandbar.
Just when you thought people couldn't... well, ok, no... that story awhile back about the guy running a classified ad because he wanted to eat someone and getting an answer was way weirder than this. But still..
Ya know, it's bad enough that you get drunk and shoot your own nuts off. I think this pretty much defines "adding insult to injury"
A man who shot himself in the groin after drinking 15 pints of beer and stuffing a sawed-off shotgun down his trousers was jailed for five years Tuesday for illegal possession of a firearm.
Ron gets a sawed-off no prize for bringing us this not-quite-Darwin-award winner.
Instapundit linked up this harrowing account of what certainly seemed like a "dry run" by a new bunch of terrorists on an airline. While the account is quite frightening, I also found reasons to be optimistic:
Bottom line: we're all inconceivably more aware of suspicious people moving around on airplanes, and as scary as it is the system does seem to have worked this time. For comparison, James Woods noticed and reported suspicious activity on a flight he was on prior to 9-11, and that report was simply filed away. It may not have been as public or reassuring as the reporter would've liked, but the wheels did seem to be turning here.
In the "revolving door recidivist" category, we're proud to present Gary W. Rogers. When he's got his teeth in and has had a recent bath, he actually stops looking like a cartoon. Also, check the dates... he's probably sober at least as often as he's drunk.
God bless the Wikipedia, without which I would never have heard of the Coconut Crab the largest terrestrial arthropod on earth.
Ellen: "Says they're hermit crabs. Do you think they'd make good pets?"
Scott: "NO!"
Ellen: "Geeze... just asking..."
Last thing I need is a 10 pound bug crawling around my house. *shudder*
Update: Speaking of big bugs, how about A 6"+, 1/4 pound cockroach?
Yeah, ok, technically not a cockroach, but sure as hell looks like one. And I thought the ones infesting our first apartment were big! At least Ellen doesn't want one of these as a pet!
In the "just-when-you-thought-you'd-seen-everything" category, we have Darkfurrs, a group that seems to be a cross between furries and goths. That's right, furries and goths. They've even got pictures.
I really do think God puts these people on earth to remind us we're nowhere near as weird as we think we are. Even the goths! :)
Sometimes the guys over at Homestar are damned funny. Sometimes they're just... well... I'm not even sure if I can call this weird. It's definitely something.
Remember folks, the image is actually not moving.
Plastic swords confiscated by French customs Two-year-old twins had their dream Disneyland holiday ruined – when French airport customs officers swooped on them for carrying plastic swords.The Luton girls, dressed in Peter Pan outfits, were making their way home through Charles de Gaulle airport when they were stopped for 'posing a security threat'.
Read entire article here
They must be mad cause they are going to lose the Tour De France AGAIN! .
The sad thing is, there are probably folks out there who would actually give these people money:
GRDI Select, L.P. is a private, unregistered investment pool that is unencumbered by disclosure and filing requirements imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission ... all monies will be safely held in off-shore tax havens ... GRDI Select, L.P. will not track recognized indexes. GRDI Select, L.P. will seek out unconventional investment strategies, which will guarantee much higher returns.
Yeah, returns for them. Looks like some of those pay-pal scam guys have grown up, eh?
Via Jason
This has to be a record of some sort:
A man caught driving naked from the waist down while watching kiddie porn on his laptop computer has become the first man in Toronto charged with allegedly stealing an Internet connection.
Looks like "stealing an internet connection" was just what the cops charged him with to hang on to him until the detectives could show up. Paperwork for that sort of arrest must be easier in Toronto or something. Sick, stupid, and dangerous. Boy, now that's a trifecta.
Ron gets a deadly-but-cute no-prize for bringing us this story about Australia's killer kangaroos:
Australians living in the nation’s drought-ravaged capital were warned on Wednesday to keep their distance from aggressive kangaroos after the iconic marsupials attacked one woman and killed a pet dog.
Vorpal bunnies, killer kangas... what's the world coming to?
Three words: home circumcision kit. Single use, to gaurantee sharpness and sterility. No, really!
Joshua gets a uniquely shaped no-prize for bringing us the ultimate tool for those of you too cheap to get a hospital or rabbi to do the job.
And by it, we mean, well, it:
As Kristopher Schau and his band Cumshots were in the middle of their concert; a young couple entered the stage, stripped and had sex.
The young couple, Tommy Hol Ellingsen, age 28, and Leona Johansson, age 21, are members of the environmental organization "Fuck for Forest." They have sex in public in order to put focus on the rainforest.
Note: Includes not-safe-for-work photos.
Just when you thought hippies couldn't get any weirder...
For the narcissist who has everything, we bring you the home face casting kit:
The ArtMolds Face Casting kit contains professional quality instructions and materials to create a mold and casting of a similar famous person or more importantly that special someone.
"Honey! Come downstairs! I need you to stick your face in this bucket of plaster because you're my special someone."
Boy if that's not romance I don't know what is. And imagine the looks of surprise and delight when you give bronze-painted copies of your own face to friends and family! What a tremendous gift!
Aaron over at Uppity-Negro somehow stumbled onto my worst computing nightmare:
Hello Kitty responds to your keyboard motion by talking and moving!Hello Kitty will talk with you along with the input motion of the keyboard (moves both arms and head). Hello Kitty is able to talk in both Japanese and English. The languages can be switched. There is an English or Japanese manual available to you.
Includes excruciatingly-cute pictures of said product.
I'm so glad Ellen went for eye surgery instead of a new laptop this year. However, some of this stuff might make nice wedding presents...
As we quest to bring you the weird-and-f'd-up in the world, we've come across our fair share of "critter in the cup" stories. However, this story of a Missouri judge finding a mouse in his beer is probably the first we've found with pictures. Includes this "understatement of the year" caption:
The mouse appeared not to have gone through the pasteurization process.
Ya think?
From the "things-you-should-know-but-don't-really-want-to" file, we have this breakdown of the highest calorie burgers available at various restaraunt chains. Surprisingly, McDonalds only just makes it on the list, with one of their "double" sandwiches.
1300 calories in a single burger. Damn.
The Post carried the story this morning of our state government's foot-shooting, but they didn't exactly detail how the screwup ocurred. This newsleader story does a much better job:
The problem came about because state legislators attempting finally to remove [laws requiring a "sabbath" day off be granted to employees] from the books goofed, only completing half the job. They left the actual laws, but repealed later amendments that nullified the law and others that listed businesses and government agencies that were exempt.
My state tax dollars at work this time. As always, it has to be a crisis of epic proportions before any real action can be taken. God I love government...
Remember that really cool "Chernobyl-on-a-motorcycle" story we linked up awhile back? Well, turns out it was a damned dirty hoax:
I am sorry to report that much of Elena's story is not true. She did not travel around the zone by herself on a motorcycle. Motorcycles are banned in the zone, as is wandering around alone, without an escort from the zone administration. She made one trip there with her husband and a friend. They traveled in a Chornobyl car that picked them up in Kyiv.
The pictures are of Chernobyl, which means they're still extra-freaky weird, but any visions of a lone chick on a bike in a big empty silence are just that, visions.
Not to be outdone by the "pile-of-ham-in-a-bedroom" school of New York art, New Jersey has decided to comission the Western Hemisphere's most tacky sculpture. What they don't mention, but the Post did a few weeks ago, is that the center clitoris "teardrop" will be chilled well below ambient so it will constantly "weep" real water. If they build it, this thing will be to tasteful memorials what Tammy Fae is to evangelisim.
Things like this do happen. Ellen's dad's bedroom community decided to show how civic-minded (and conspicuously wealthy) they were by comissioning a well-known sculptor to put something avant-garde up in their new park. What they didn't seem to notice was the person who won the contract was a radical far left feminist lesbian. The result was a somewhat abstracted representation of a rather intimate portion of the female anatomy erected (as it were) in the middle of a conservative "family-values" town.
The unveiling ceremony must've been something out of Waiting for Guffman. To this day I regret missing it.
The 12-month-old baby, who had been playing in the backyard, was rushed to a hospital only after his parents noticed fang marks on the diaper and swelling on his bottom while giving him a bath in the evening.Doctors said there was no need to administer an antidote but the baby would remain in the hospital for observation.
Read entire article here.
The annual duck celebration in Stuttgart, Ark., was winding down — the Queen Mallard beauty pageant was over and the world's best duck dog had been determined. Then Daniel Duke stepped onto the Main Street stage.Read entire article here."I knew I had a shot at it," the 19-year-old said of the $1,500 award, which he hopes to use to attend the University of Arkansas. "And I think it's pretty great you can get a scholarship for calling ducks."
You know it's a busy world indeed when even the perverts start time shifting:
Boulder, Colo., police want to find a man who gained access to rooms at the Broker Inn during a recent cheerleader camp and used cameras belonging to some participants to take photos of his genitals resting on the girls' personal items.
No word yet if he was dumb enough to have a picture of his face on the roll, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Sometimes dogs are annoying, sometimes they can save lives, in the most unexpected ways:
A Canadian man, driving a car packed with weapons and ammunition, was intent on killing as many people as possible in a Toronto neighbourhood but gave up the plan at the last minute when he encountered a friendly dog, police say.
Not content with the now undeniable progress of blacks in America, academics have now decided the problem is America isn't helping the right blacks:
While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier, a Harvard law professor, and Henry Louis Gates Jr., the chairman of Harvard's African and African-American studies department, pointed out that the majority of them — perhaps as many as two-thirds — were West Indian and African immigrants or their children, or to a lesser extent, children of biracial couples.They said that only about a third of the students were from families in which all four grandparents were born in this country, descendants of slaves.
What would have been far more useful would be a survey of the entire student body to see just how many of all the students have grandparents who were born in this country. Harvard being Harvard, I don't doubt a significant number of whites would, but I imagine a significant number would not.
I'm currently working through Someone Else's House, an excellent and shocking chronicle of the struggle to integrate the US. So far, one of the main lessons of this history seems to be meddling, no matter how well intentioned, is still meddling, and often leads to disaster. Make sure the laws don't allow discrimination to be legal, and then let people sort it out themselves seems to be the only long-term road to success.
True, it does mean it's taken 40 years to make even this inadequate progress. But it is progress, and we are still moving forward, even if the steps are shuffling and painful. It's only the arrogance, bloody-mindedness, and willful naivete of academics and radicals that allows them to think the only reason they can't wipe out some three hundred years of slavery and discrimination with the wave of a legislative, regulatory, or rebellious magic wand is that they simply haven't found the right one.
I guess that's one definite difference I can see between radical conservatives and radical liberals. Radical conservatives want to change what you do. Radical liberals want to change what you think.
Damion gets a fashionable no-prize for bringing us, your one-stop-shop for everything related to everyone's favorite short-in-the-front, long-in-the-back hairstyle.
Scary thing is, if trends hold, these things will be in fashion just as my daughter is entering junior high. *shudder*
Want to know why US currency, after being so stable in appearance, has changed so frequently of late? How about this:
Millions of dollars of the fake cash have been passed into circulation since [the superdollar's] existence was first noticed over a decade ago.The money, officially known as Note Family - C14342, is thought to originate from communist North Korea.
Guess it's a good thing North Korea sits on some of the most worthless real-estate on the planet. Imagine what they'd be like if they had natural resources.
After gathering dust for most of the past ninety years, the gun that kicked into motion the events that would lead to WWI is scheduled to be put on display. Been sitting in a Jesuit community house the whole time. Damned monks, never up to any good.
It's a joke people, a joke.
Pleased we are to be welcoming Tran Van Hay, a Vietnamese national looking to set a Guiness world record for the longest hair. Mr. Hay hasn't been to a barber in more than 30 years, and his hair now has reached a claimed 20 feet in length. Includes freaky-weird picture!
First Christian rock, then Christian theme parks, now Christian debt relief. Where does it all end?
Sometimes being the guy who cleans out the spam bin for a 60-user network has its uses.
The woman [who went to the gynecologist complaining of a malodorous discharge], upon questioning, finally confessed that her husband was a hunter. He had recently brought home a deer and gutted and dressed it in their garage. She saw the tongue, admired its length, and had snuck off with it to use as a masturbatory aid.Although we can't confirm all the details of the item quoted above (it may have become embellished through multiple retellings, or it may derive from a source other than the one we located), we can verify that the basics of the incident related are true.
Ok, all those times the women in my life sighed and rolled their eyes at how disgusting men are? [Nelson voice]HA-ha![/Nelson voice]
First, they brought back that bug-spray-in-a-bottle pachouli and every other damned thing hippies thought was cool, and we did nothing. Then, they convinced kids leisure suits and the Sunshine Band were it, and we stood by. Now they're trying to bring back polo shirts and penny loafers! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!
I will. Oh yes, I will.
Well, we're done dodging the red-eyed devil bugs, but looks like now we need a pied piper:
Health officials in [Washington DC suburbs] are recording an unusual increase in complaints about rats, which are feasting on the carcasses of cicadas.
Somehow I don't think K&D will find these guys as cuddly. Or they might. Never can tell sometimes. :)
Freaky-weird photoshop goof, anyone?
So my friend ... was home one night, probably on his computer, when he heard a shreak coming from downstairs. It was Emily, his younger sister. Upon running down to see what had happened, he found a very traumatized Emily to be reading the latest Victoria's Secret catalog.
Via Red Sugar Muse
Ok people, if you're going to use Kazaa and other p2p file sharing programs, be careful where you put your digital pictures mmkay?
Actually, a pretty surreal experience. Sort of like going through an old dresser drawer in someone else's house.
Sara G. gets a hungry no-prize for bringing us this discussion of what happens when the "dietary dingus" is removed from a fly, causing it to never feel full:
Such a fly began to eat in the normal fashion, but did it stop? Never. It ate and ate and ate. It grew larger and larger. Its abdomen became so stretched that all the organs were flattened against the sides. It became so big and round and transparent that it could almost be used as a miniature hand lens.
Only gets better from there. Also mentions a book, "To Know a Fly", which the blog author highly recommends. I may pass, but I wonder if Ellen will?
Let's all take a moment to meet Mr. Glenn Taylor Helzer:
A lapsed Mormon accused of bludgeoning and dismembering five people in an elaborate extortion racket intended to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Whose band of merry "men" included:
his younger brother, a former girlfriend turned Playboy centrefold model, and a self-described "good witch" who once offered to raise money for Armageddon by appearing in porn films.
What they did was almost as sick as that German guy who ran an ad in the paper so he could find someone to volunteer as his dinner. Ok, no, that's a lot sicker. Anyway, looks like a standard (if lurid) case of a charismatic guy with a severe and unmedicated mental illness managing to lure yet another bunch of soft-headed losers into a death cult with him. Manson family, anyone?
Ok, nearly an XXX item. The name should say it all: The Auto-Suck. With, of course, cigarette lighter adapter. Well, it's one way to make sure your truck driver husband stays awake on the road I guess.
Just in case anyone out there was starting to think Hollywood had any sort of moral compass, or more scruples than a junkie looking for their next fix, we have this:
Nicole Kidman has sparked outrage with her new film in which she gets passionate in the bath with a ten-year-old boy.
This is just too weird for words. Kidman seems a bit flakey, anyone who plays pretend for a living and gets paid millions of dollars to do it generally is, but this sounds a bit twisted even for her.
Oh yeah, I know, "it's just skin, God you Americans are so uptight we're surprised you can even walk straight, you can't even spell art let alone understand it..." etc., etc. However, the situation as described in the article is not just nudity, but nudity in a clearly sexual context, with a real-life minor no less. Where were the parents? Where were the lawyers? Is everyone in Hollywood insane?
I'm just as outraged at the utter "bone-headedness" of the entire project. 99.9% of parents out there, in every English speaking country that I can think of, will flip when they hear about this. You might not have kids, you might not care, but a whole bunch of the movie-going public does, and will. To be this disconnected with the market, to commit PR suicide in such a spectacular manner... it's just staggering.
Because they could have been a lot more clever about this. The whole point of a visual medium is it allows you to explore metaphors and abstracts in creative ways. Hell, even I can think of ways of keeping the "creep factor" high without involving a minor in the shooting. Just have the kid step into the tub, cut to the apposite actor looking away, looking back, being shocked, cut back to the tub, big grown man standing there now, talking with kid's voice. Have lots of scrub-a-dub-is-that-a-bar-of-soap-you-have-there? action, then have the last shot be of the kid standing there in a towel. Done. Moral outrage, skeevy feelings, gets across the character is an utter loon, all without giving the fundies a free shot.
I hate it when I can out-think people who get paid millions of dollars to be creative.
I'm not sure which is scarier: the metal undewear or the 80s hair of the chick modeling it. Well, at least it won't give you a wedgie. But I bet pinching would really suck.
I've been involved in not quite a dozen weddings over the years, and there's one thing that's consistent: brides gradually go insane as the wedding approaches. Don't believe me? Check this out:
Here comes the bride, and there goes her veil - all 1.7 miles of it. Eva Hofbauer went to her wedding on Wednesday claiming to be wearing the longest bridal veil in the world, the Austria Press Agency reported.
2 km of wedding veil is a difference in degree of craziness, not kind. Of course, women are bonkers anyway*, but trust me, there's a difference.
* Every time I say this around women, there's always at least one that will immediately take a deep breath to "educate" me that not all women are alike I'm not crazy you must be some sort of sexist pig you're just an ignorant man why do I even bother, that sort of thing. Just as they reach the top I say this:
"Women are crazy, men are stupid."
And pow! out goes the breath. General nods all around.
Which, of course, doesn't make me any less of a pig. But it also doesn't mean women are any less crazy.
At first, I thought Truth for Youth Ministries was another scam site, a "Landover for Teens" if you will. However, after reading a few of the comics (click any link on the left), I'm of the opinion it's probably real.
Notwithstanding the horribly corny dialogue and at times subtly racist themes, I must admit whoever designs the comics has the paradigm down flat. I wonder if the team behind them are actually professionals in the field somewhere?
Just in case your life isn't surreal enough, we have Ouchy the Clown, a full-service "dom" and DJ. Well, now we've found the entertainment for Amber's wedding. See! That was easy wasn't it?
Well, it's good to see at least one bastion of the left is not hiding its colors just because a Republican died:
i don't care what killed him, alzhiemers or the black plague, i'm glad he's dead and i don't care how many times i'm scolded or chastised for it.
The follow-ups are just as rich.
Oh yes, I expect at least equal vitriol from the fringe right when Clinton finally goes. I just wanted to point out the right doesn't have a monopoly on people we wish we could keep behind locked, barred, and chained attic doors. I vote Republican because I don't want them anywhere near the levers of power. Many of you vote Democrat because of the same reason (but with different targets).
Instead of pissing and moaning about it, we should all be grateful that the politicians who actually get elected are almost to a person conniving narcissistic elitist bastards who grab for our wallets with one hand while swearing on a bible to place our interests first with the other. Because if they weren't around these people* really would be in charge.
Via Iraq Now.
* Radicals and True Believers in our political system prefer to style themselves as polar opposites. In reality, no matter what it smells like, an asshole is still an asshole.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised someone who bills themselves as a "cheese artist" is capable of this:
Cosimo Cavallaro, who once repainted a New York hotel room in melted mozzarella, has covered a bed in processed ham. "I feel like I am back in my mother's deli," the artist said Thursday.
Which only proves what we've always known... the New York art scene is capable of anything. Hopefully he (somehow) earns a living this way, but I have a sinking feeling at least some of his income is probably written out on Social Security checks.
Fark linked up the latest in stupid-is-as-stupid-dies morons:
A northwest Iowa man illegally making powerful fireworks died Friday after the materials ignited, causing an explosion so powerful that it blew off his hands.
Kaiser was mixing together gunpowder, sulfur chlorate and phosphorous in his living room at the time of the blast, Bloomendaal said.
(Emphasis added)
I remember an Alfa guy who was nice but a little, well, off. He had the carcass of a 1971 Ford Mach-1 automobile sitting in his living room. Hey, at least that couldn't kill him.
Fark linked up this AP news article that confirms what we've all suspected about the Jackson family's "other" famous member:
Now, [Janet] Jackson says she expresses more grown-up urges through one of her alter egos, named Strawberry: "She's the most sexual of them all, the wildest."The other character living inside her is Damita Jo, which is her middle name and the title of her latest album. Damita Jo, she says, is "a lot harsher, and quick to put you in your place."
Sometimes I think the only difference between a rock star singing on stage and a homeless schizophrenic singing on the streetcorner is that one of them can afford a good lawyer.
Here's a ripe little mystery for you: can you name this animal?
About the size of a fox, but with short brown hair and a long cat-like tail, it looked more like an animal in a National Geographic spread out of Africa than any critter native to the woods of central North Carolina.
With, of course, a "[something]-in-headlights" picture!
Via Silflay
Yes, Virginia, someone has actually duplicated the Kama Sutra using Kenner AT-ST walker toys. And you people think I need a life.
Note: Contains images of plastic toys posed in weird positions. If this could get you in trouble at work, you need another job.
For the ultimate Star Wars chick (we hope it's a chick) in your life, we found Leia', a clearinghouse site of sorts dedicated to every guy's favorite Star Wars costume. Be sure not to miss the "fans in constume" section, where a surprising number of women are actually able to pull it off. However, note to ladies: if someone's taking your picture in a bikini, don't slouch!
Ok, now, I'm all for people finding "the one". Happy for you if you manage to actually hook up with a soul mate. However, certain people should, like, not put roses on their keisters as a way of advertisement.
Bah. French Canadians. They're capable of anything. ;)
Jeff gets a no-prize with a (now illegal) big wing on the back for bringing us this worrying report about a Canadian insurance development:
As with muscle cars of yore, which faded away as much because of jacked-up insurance rates as the triple whammy of high gas prices, government emissions rules and safety regulations, insurance companies are embarking on a collision course with the booming population of drivers who insist on tuning their sport compact rides
I've seen insurance companies do this twice now, once to the original muscle cars in the early 70s, and again in the mid 90s when the pony cars and "serious" Japanese stuff got really fast. They're not all ricers, and dammit it's my car let me do what I want to it. This is definitely a trend to keep an eye one.
In the "just-when-you-thought-it-didn't-get-any-weirder" category, we have The Case of the Blood Spattered House:
Police called in bloodstain experts and specially trained dogs when they arrived at the Stacys' home Tuesday to find gore splattered in the kitchen and several other rooms, mostly on the floors and low on the walls.
Thing is, both of these people were home the whole time, and they apparently heard and saw nothing. Of course, they're in their 90s, so anything is possible. However, both are completely fine, with no obvious injuries. The blood is human, so it's not like a wounded possum was wandering around or anything.
Still, something's very fishy (as it were) here. Houses don't normally bleed human blood. Well, most houses don't anyway. Maybe the Amityville Horror has decided to go into retirement?
First the UK, now Malaysia:
A Malaysian medicine man claims to have trapped a shape-changing vampire in a jar ... It is reported to be the size of two tennis balls and resembles a big wad of cotton with a small face.
Somehow I don't think this one will be seducing young innocents walking through the graveyard. Well, maybe an innocent tennis ball or two.
Christian Science Monitor is carrying this tidbit that notes after 12 years ultra-uptight Singapore is finally lifting its ban on chewing gum. Of course, it's never as simple as that:
Before Singaporeans even think about unwrapping a pack, however, they must submit their names and ID card numbers. If they don't, pharmacists who sell them gum could be jailed up to two years and fined $2,940.
No surprise that the primary motivator for lifting the ban was a congressman in whose district Wrigley Co. makes its home. Well, hey, that's how it's supposed to work.
Don't like the "gummint"? Think it's all sliding into a cesspit of uncontrolled dancing and guys kissing each other on TV? Decided the government isn't part of the problem, it's the only problem? Boy, have we got a solution for you:
Christians must now draw a line in the sand and unite in a sovereign state to dissolve our bond with the current union comprised as the United States of America.
Those of you in the peanut gallery shouldn't laugh too hard. After all, radical lefties want to move us all into enclaves so Bambi & Thumper can roam free once more.
First site via Reflections in D Minor.
Medical professionals may be interested in this study by an Israeli med student:
Among 42 male surgical clinicians surveyed at the New York Hospital, Queens, nearly half were toting infection-causing pathogens on their ties.
See! I told you the damned things were dangerous!
Most of the time it's a bee, but this morning's "moron drivinig into scenery" story is brought to you by a cicada:
A Montgomery County woman said a cicada caused her to crash her car into a fire hydrant on Sunday.
Normally I'd laugh a lot harder, but Ellen yells every time one thunks into the windshield. Which of course does me no end of good. Of course, if one actually flew in the car, well, there'd be some frantic braking for sure. Which is not great on the highways around DC, where the "2 second rule" has grown a decimal and become the ".2 second rule". Damned tailgaters.
Currently we are fine with our neighbors. They are quiet, polite, and nice people. Of course, we've had our share of not-so-nice-neighbors, like the family of nine illegals in a single-bedroom apartment, the guy who would dump our laundry out of the machine and then take them over for the next six hours, and of course the Rasta with an amazing Marijuana habit (although Ellen tended to stand next to the wall and sniff a lot when he lived next door).
But they were nothing, nothing, like what these people discovered about their neighbor. Now, when we've moved, we've tended to leave things cluttered and certainly quite a bit smellier than normal (5 cats will do that), but our fridge and bathrooms were spotless compared to this horror. I'm sure the landlords were oh-so-happy when they did their post-moveout inspection.
Update: Mom will probably not be surprised to learn the guy was a Veteran who's next stop was a VA hospital (third-from-last question).
It's called persistent sexual arousal syndrome, and it seems to be the female analog of whatever it is that cause guys to have stiffies for days at a time:
Ten victims of the rare condition have been documented by Boston University's Institute of Sexual Medicine.
Of course, unlike permanent woodies, this doesn't seem to cause injury in the long term.
The seducer of the night. You are the Faerie of
Darkness. You do things your own way. People
are toys to you, and you like to mold them to
do what you want. You have a lot of friends, or
a lot of people who consider you a friend(or a
lover). People are drawn to that wild smile of
yours, and your promise to allow them to enjoy
life. Ignoring the consequences... You live for
risks. Even if the risk is breaking someones
What's your inner Faerie?
brought to you by Quizilla
Fark linked up news that pringles is going to start printing stuff on their chips:
The questions will be printed with red or blue food coloring. Someday there could be ads printed on the chips, too. But Egasti says no decision has been made yet on the edible advertising.
I can't wait until they figure out how to put videos on them.
I've seen computer cases made out of wood, metal, PVC pipe, even plexiglass. I bet you have too (well, Damion has anyway). But I've never seen a computer case made out of a life-sized anime sculpture before. Props to the guy's skills, but all that styrofoam... I wonder if it overheats?
Remember AIM'ers, never click links people send you:
This is a website that allows you to set other peoples' away messages on AOL Instant Messenger™. Yes, you read that correctly. I am fully aware that unleashing this will fuel a surge of guys setting their friend's away messages to gay-themed messages in purple type. Who can blame them?
Anarchic fun for college-age morons. At least until AOL catches up with him. Users of non-AOL chat clients are not affected.
I'm not sure if I believe this story about the ultimate in sexual ignorance:
A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless - they weren't having sex ... A clinic spokesman said ... "We are not talking retarded people here, but a couple who ... were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate."
Yeah, religion is involved. Good to see not all of Europe's Christian wackos were stuffed on boats and shipped over here two hundred plus years ago. But sex is essentially instinctive. There's something else going on here I'll wager.
In the "people will steal any damned thing" category, we have this theft of two-and-a-half tons of used cooking oil and grease:
Police in Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, said on Thursday the grease bandits have hit an area of Mexican, Chinese and steak restaurants over the past three months.
I used to work at restaraunts, and I can tell you this stuff reeks. While it's worth money (about $380), one can't help but point out that if the thieves put this much effort into a real job, they'd be a lot better off. Further proof people turn to a life of crime because they're too stupid to do anything else.
Teens and twenty-somethings around the world take note: it's not cool to burst into flames just because your cell phone rings:
Flames shot up around a 21-year-old college student whose cell phone rang while he was pumping gas.
Sorta poetic revenge, in a way. As long as the kid wasn't seriously injured anyway. Now if I can just figure out how to make that happen in a restaraunt...
Well, maybe not dead, but a phone call from this accident scene was certainly extremely strange:
Someone called Ron Burth on Friday afternoon to tell him that his wife, Linda, had been killed minutes before in a traffic crash on Interstate 4.The female caller's identity isn't known ... But [police] don't know how she learned Burth's name and cell phone number.
First thing I thought was, "hey, probably just grabbed the purse", but the accident description basically says the lady crossed the median and was run completely over by an 18-wheeler. Can't reach into a car that's squashed flat. Of course, now that I think about it, her ID may have been tossed out of the car. That would explain it. Still, definitely weird & creepy.
Fark brings us a very heebie-jeeby-worthy entry with this cicada-related emergency room visit:
A man who cooked and ate nearly 30 cicadas sought medical treatment after suffering a strong allergic reaction to the sauteed insects.
And, in what must be a qualifier in the World's Biggest Understatement contest, we have this:
"He said they didn't taste too bad, but his wife didn't care for the aroma," said Dr. Al Ripani, the doctor who treated the man at Promptcare East.
Ellen, my Yankee sweetie, has acquired an unhealthy fascination with these weird bugs. Growing up in the South, they were just part of nature's summer jukebox to me, so it took a long time for me to understand that not only had she not ever seen one, she'd never heard one either. In building the development we live in, it would seem all the cicada larva got, well, moved out, so (at this point) we don't have any at all, so she still hasn't heard them. I expect that to change, but in the meantime I'm left with, "hear that high pitched thing, coming from the air conditioner? It's like that, only louder."
*blink* *blink*
But if I find one in the freezer, well, we're gonna have a talk.
Updated with picture!!
There is one exhibit in the museum which makes Knyazkin be especially proud of. This is the 30-centimeter preserved penis of Grigory Rasputin. “Having this exhibit, we can stop envying America, where Napoleon Bonaparte’s penis is now kept. … Napoleon’s penis is but a small ”pod“ it cannot stand comparison to our organ of 30 centimeters…” the head of the museum said.
See pix of dix here.
When I go to the bathroom, I usually expect it to be a non-event. After so many years, there are few surprises left for me sitting on a toilet. Yet that's where I first discovered an uninvited entity that called me home.
Read entire funny story here.
No, it didn't happen to me!
Fark linked up this NY Daily News article that shows Nick Berg had actually been connected with Al Qaeda well before his murder, in an extremely weird way:
In a bizarre coincidence, Nick Berg crossed paths with Al Qaeda years before its henchmen beheaded him, when his E-mail and password wound up in the hands of 9/11 suspect Zacarias Moussaoui.
Exactly how it ended up with Moussaoui, nobody seems to know, although the FBI cleared him well before the later incident. Also goes into some detail about how occupation bureaucratic bungling may have contributed to Mr. Berg's murder.
Not satisified with stale old "who's really behind 9-11" and "connecting the dots between Waco, Oklahoma City, and the New World Order" conspiracies, the manic right has manufactured all sorts of pipin' fresh "inconsistencies" on the Berg tradgedy.
It's getting to the point that I have to be really careful which direction I think the moonbats are leaning. They're really starting to all look alike now.
Ever get the feeling, wandering along a map in a computer game, that it all seems a little too familiar? Sherri gets a no-prize for showing us sometimes there's a reason for that feeling.
Those of you who don't play computer games... wtf is wrong with you?!? :)
For the computer deli freak in your life, we have webdeli, a collection of, well, deli meat wallpaper.
Let's see, this girl seems to have it all... pretty, rich, famous, slutty...
Movie starlet Scarlett Johansson has confessed to having sex with actor Benicio Del Toro — in a hotel [elevator].
Considering how long most elevator rides last, this guy must've been quick
A link on a different site reminded me of Disturbing Auctions, your one-stop-shop for every bizzare thing on E-bay. We featured it last year, and it's every bit as weird now as it was then. People will save, and then try to sell, the weirdest crap.
While the text of they Mysterious Miniature Castle of New Jersey certainly sounds spooky enough, what I think is wierd is that someone would go to all that trouble just to fake a photograph. But then again, this is New Jersey, hell anything is possible there (it's a joke people, laugh).
"AMCGLTD," we hear you ask, "I'm sick of these nosebleeds. My bed has nearly shaken apart from all the times it's been levitated into the mothership. And every time the Grays show up it takes a week to coax the cat out of the closet. What can I do?!?"
Fear not, gentle reader! AMCGLTD is here to help! The Alien Implant Removal and Deactivation Method will free you from those embarassing nosebleeds, startling encounters with beings who have "huge, dark, watery-looking, almond-shaped eyes and wrinkled, gray skin", and those annoying Reptilian rapists. You'll also learn the answers to questions that have been bothering you for years, such as:
Don't delay! Act now! Supplies are limited! You cannot afford to miss this spectacular offer! Your family and your butt will thank you.
For the fetishist who has everything, we're disturbed to present The Fetish Empire's "Electrosex Shop" (Warning: contains some not safe for work pictures). I'm especially skeeved out by the electrified speculum.
In the "I-knew-they-were-big-but-not-that-big" category, we have this story about an eagle's choice of "take-out" dinner:
Wildlife experts were stunned this week to see an eagle attack and carry off a bear cub in view of its mother. The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research said it had not been able to find any other such attack documented anywhere.
Not for the faint of heart, especially if you have a soft spot for teddy bears.
From one of my car digests comes One laptop, "professionally" crushed. See, old cars are good for lots of things!
Sometimes Sunday afternoons are simple times, watching saved up TiVo shows, doing laundry, and gaming. Sometimes, though, reality tosses a boomerang through the screen:
"Hey Scott... you know those two guys who directed those dumb movies you like so much?"
"Ellen, the next time you make fun of the Matrix..."
"Look, I know all you did was drool over the chick in the leather, and you know all you did was drool over the chick in the leather."
"I'll have you know I was paying more attention to the metaphy--"
"Wach-- Wok-- Watch--"
"Yeah, well, says here Larry's becoming Lana"
And then she got evil: "Kinda makes you wonder just who Trinity was supposed to really be, eh?"
This reeks of urban legend to me, but it's Hollywood... anything's possible. Just when you thought life couldn't get any weirder.
Oh. MY. God.
Remember Kirk Cameron? Well he is still out there. He went from T.V. to being a bible thumping nut job.
All you 'non christians' out there need to check out this site.
Are you good enough to go to heaven? Wait a second, do I care?
Hey, even satanists need radio right?
AMCGLTD is not involved in nor do we care what kind of religion any of you asshats out there practice. Got it?
I mean, really, are the Palestinians that fascinated with death? You be the judge:
The cards are the depressing and all-too-familiar scenes from a child's life here, such as an image of a child killed in a demonstration against Israeli soldiers ... Another image, of a little boy dressed up as a suicide bomber, they have seen in regular marches by the extremist groups.
The author tries really hard to present an evenhanded account, mostly by emphasising how tragic it is that kids have to see this stuff. But even they seem not to be able to overcome the horror of it:
There are prizes for the first kids to complete their Intifada album ... normal, harmless rewards for a game that seems to perpetuate an abnormal culture of suffering, martyrdom and revenge.
Just when you'd thought you'd seen everything:
There is one exhibit in the museum which makes Knyazkin be especially proud of. This is the 30-centimeter preserved penis of Grigory Rasputin. “Having this exhibit, we can stop envying America, where Napoleon Bonaparte’s penis is now kept. … Napoleon’s penis is but a small ”pod“ it cannot stand comparison to our organ of 30 centimeters…” the head of the museum said.
Let's see... 1 cm = .39 inches, times 30 = ... whoa... no wonder he was so popular with the ladies.
David Farrant (of Vampire Hunters fame) has requested space to post up some of his own vampire lore. As a home to some of the weirder things in life, we were happy to oblige. We also appreciate this look at a fascinating bit of British pop culture that history seems to have passed by. Certain parties may have opposing viewpoints, and they are welcome to submit their own account or comment below. Nothing like primary sources, eh? --Scott
HIGHGATE CEMETERY - a rapidly decaying relic of Victorian architecture - has now become the center of the growing interest in the occult sciences.
First reported in the Press in 1970, the now almost legendary vampire of Highgate Cemetery started the trickle of interest, which has now become a flood.
On the eve of Sabbaths in the occult calendar, hundreds of people gather outside the gates of the cemetery to catch a glimpse of the "vampire". For the last two Hallowe'ens police have been called to control the mob that forms at midnight.
Many local people have reported seeing the "vampire", several of whom wrote to the local Press describing their experience. The British Occult Society decided to investigate after I had witnessed the phenomenon on two occasions.
The investigation was carried out to a strict schedule for a period of six months, during which there was always at least one member of the society watching in the cemetery. The parts we concentrated on mainly were the Columbarium ((a sunken circle of tombs) and an area close to the top gate where the sightings had been most frequent.
As you can imagine, a thorough investigation of this type in a cemetery is not an easy matter. Every vigil carried out by the society met with obstacles whether it were Satanic worshippers, vandals or the police. I have been arrested twice although fortunately I was able to clear my name by proving that I was a genuine occultist.
Not all our investigations, however, have been entirely unsuccessful and as a result of our findings I have no doubt in my mind as to the existence of the "vampire-like creature" which haunts the cemetery.
I think at this stage it is important to explain a very important factor, that being the actual definition of a "vampire". In so doing perhaps I can remove the element of ignorance from the minds of the many skeptical people who regard vampires among the absurdities of the supernatural. Indeed, with the true facts buried deep beneath so much fallacy and exaggeration, it is hardly surprising the truth has been lost amongst the legends of the misty past. So in order to be able to draw any sort of accurate conclusion, one has to go to the heart of the legend.
There is no doubt, however, that legend is based originally on fact however misdirected and exaggerated it may have become through the centuries.
But it was during the 19th century that the vampire made its impact. In 1847 "Varney the Vampire" (a novel by Thomas Priest) became so popular that it was reprinted many times, before it was finally over-ridden by Bram Stoker's "Dracula" - written with all its Victorian authenticity - that has given birth to the vampire as we know it today.
It is the Dracula of this book which makes the vampire seem like a "fanged blood-sucking beast" which has escaped from a Hammer horror film: but this is not a fair conception. At least not quite. Although it would be untrue to say there is no connection between the two; there can be no doubt that by becoming commercialised the vampire has lost much of its original authenticity. This is a pity becomes even more difficult to separate fact from fact, or fiction from legend.
By this it must not be presumed that the legend has originated from the book. The book has originated from the legend. It is even likely - in an uncanny way - that the Highgate phenomena inspired Stoker in the writing of "Dracula." (It is interesting to note that Stoker makes direct reference to Highgate Cemetery as one of the resting places of one of Dracula's disciples.) From this an interesting point arises. Was Stoker's knowledge derived from ancient myth, or was he too that perhaps something of this kind was in existence? It is unlikely that we shall ever known, but if the latter is true, it could provide an interesting clue to the present phenomena.
One thing is certain however, and this is the actual legend has been in existence long before it came to light in the 19th century. The actual date is not clear, but references is made to vampirism as early as the Medieval era.
Although there is no evidence to substantiate that the Highgate vampire is recorded as far back as this, there are too many reports to ignore its authenticity.
One of these came to light as recently as 1971 when a young girl claims she was actually attacked by "something" in the lane outside the cemetery. She was returning home in the early hours of one morning when she was suddenly thrown to the ground with tremendous force by a "tall black figure with a deathly white face." At that moment a car stopped to help her and the figure "vanished" in the glare of the headlamps.
She was taken to the police station in a state of shock, luckily only suffering abrasions to her arms and legs. The police immediately made a thorough search of the area , but could offerno explanation to the incident. More mysterious still was the fact that where the figure "vanished", the road was lined by 12ft walls.
Part Two
Another interesting case is that of the man who was "hypnotised" by "something" in the cemetery. He had gone into the cemetery one evening to "look around," and as the light began to rapidly fade he decided to leave, but became hopelessly lost. Not being a superstitious person he walked calmly around looking for the gate when suddenly he became aware of something behind him. Swinging around he became "hypnotised with fear" at the tall dark spectre which was confronting him. So great was the intensity of his fear that he stood motionless for several minutes after the spectre had vanished. He later recalled that it was almost as if he had been paralysed with fear by some force.
There have been many reports such as this all describing "the tall black figure with a death-like countenance." Unfortunately, these are too numerous to describe in detail, but I myself, having witnessed the phenomena, have no doubts as to their authenticity.
However, it is not only the possible existence of the vampire which has caused such controversy lately. Satanic worshipping and desecration are increasing at an alarming rate. Graves are violated and remains are used as emblems in black magic ceremonies.
Recently the charred body of a woman was found headless impaled by a stake. It had been used in such a ceremony. The fact that it was found by two schoolgirls makes the incident even more gruesome.
In a part of the cemetery - which I am not prepared to disclose - Satanic Masses regularly take place and have been observed by myself and other members of the British Occult Society. The people concerned are not youngsters "out for kicks", but genuine Satanists who take part in bizarre rites, and include sexual practice as part of their worship. It would be wrong to mistake their rite for harmless orgies. They are, on the contrary, using this tremendous sexual power - generated by many people - to direct and help them in the practice of their magic.
Although the motive is not clear, their main aim seems to be invoking certain spirits to establish contact with the devil. There is also some likelihood of their being responsible for - or having some connection with - the frequent sighting of the vampire. Unfortunately, lack of evidence prevents me from commenting further on this at present.
Being an occultist, it is only my job to present the facts as we have found them, and not to bias people with my own personal opinions.
I think at this stage however, I should make some comment regarding my own position in the occult. As I have been the subject of much publicity lately, I, together with my associates have come to be regarded as "mysterious". The "Sunday People's" recent reference to me as a "white witch" and "vampire hunter" has only served to increase this "aura of mystery" which surrounds us, and subsequently we are made scape-goats for any unexplained occurrences in the district.
It is true that I am the founder of a magical society, and our activities do involve our going to Highgate cemetery, but we are in no way connected with the black magic which is practised there. Our Society is well-versed in many fors of white magic - including Kabbalisting - but we (and indeed all the witches I know) would never break our code and use this for an evil purpose. the rites and ceremonies, however, must remain a secret as they have done through the ages - for to betray these secrets would be to violate a sacred oath.
I am constantly having to protect our beliefs and justify our actions in to disbelieving authorities. In the midst of such scepticism it is ardly surprising that the public in its ignorance has come to regard us with suspicion.
Our investigations, however, will continue. The vampire has become sensational, and the more sensational it is, the more difficult it becomes to differentiate between actual happening, the possibility of there being a logical explanation or hoaxing. The Loch Ness Monster can be taken as a typical example of this.
It really is impossible to draw a line between relevant aspects, and what is just sheer fantasy. One thing is certain, however, there have been so man sightings and authentic reports (which cannot all be dismissed as wishful thinking), that there must lurk an element of truth. It is for this that we search.
NB Exclusive copyright Mr. David Farrant. This article first appeared in the Camden Journal on May 5th 1972, a (then)sister paper of the Hornsey Journal.
I have a hard time believing this interview is not bullshit.
Karen Greenlee is a necrophiliac. Five years ago she made national headlines when she drove off in a hearse and wasn't heard from for two days. Instead of delivering the body to the cemetery she decided to spend some time alone with the corpse. Eventually, the police found her in the next county, overdosed on codeine Tylenol. She was charged with illegally driving a hearse and interfering with the burial (there is no law in California against necrophilia). In the casket with the body Karen left a four-and-a-half page letter confessing to amorous episodes with between twenty to forty dead men. The letter was filled with remorse over her sexual desires: "Why do I do it? Why? Why? Fear of love, relationships. No romance ever hurt like this ... It's the pits. I'm a morgue rat. This is my rathole, perhaps my grave."The letter proved to be her downfall. For stealing the body and the hearse, she got eleven days in jail, a $255 fine, and was placed on two years probation with medical treatment recommended. Meanwhile, the mother of the dead man sued, claiming the incident scarred her psyche. She asked for $1 million, but settled for $117, 000 in general and punitive damages.
The press had a field day, the lawyers got rich, and Karen lost her career and source of sexual satisfaction. Karen is now more comfortable with her sexuality. "When I wrote that letter I was still listening to society. Everyone said necrophilia was wrong, so I must be doing something wrong. But the more people tried to convince me I was crazy, the more sure of my desires I became."
The following interview was held in Karen's apartment, a small studio filled with books, necrophilic drawings and satanic adornments.
Read entire interview here.
Conspiracies! Get yer pipin' hot conspiracies here! Physics911 has it all... F-16s hitting the Pentagon, thermite explosives in the towers, remote control jetliners, the works! Shiny, crispy, foil-hat goodness with that great "no, really, this is scientific" spice dribbled on top. I love it when they're crazy enough to believe this crap but not so far off their meds to be incoherent.
Anyone else struck by the similarities of the moonbat left twirling on their bell towers about 9-11 and the moonbat right doing the same thing about Waco? If it takes a village to raise a child, how many bellfries does it take to hold all these wailing wackos?
Fark linked up this Reuters report which seems to indicate the press monkeys have done it again:
Several dozen photographs of coffins recently identified by news organizations as remains of U.S. soldiers who died in Iraq are really images from the space shuttle Columbia explosion last year, U.S. space officials said on Friday.
Personally, I did find it strange that such high-quality photos would be taken of something the Pentagon was supposed to be hiding. I chalked it up to perhaps a staff photographer just doing his work, but now it would seem I was wrong.
Tin-foil-hatters will, of course, have their own opinion. I'm not sure I'd disagree with them, at least until NASA can tell us why they think the photos are theirs.
Ellen will be very annoyed to hear what some half-brained twit did to her favorite "frozen concoction":
"Drink up," she said, mixing the drinks and refilling Cerveny's 16-ounce glass. "Come on, Kris, I'm drinking faster than you. . . . Have some more."But Plambeck's margaritas weren't just mixed with tequila and lime. During that two-hour drinking session at 4511 S. 12th St. last August, she was pushing Prestone, disguised in the green liquid.
As always, the perpetrator is taking the tried-and-true redneck "if I'd meant to kill her, she'd be dead" defense.
I've heard of cut-throat competition before, but this is ridiculous:
Tim Wyatt with Huntersville's Carolina Airships told police that a man had pulled up in a black Chevrolet pickup near the car wash at Team Chevrolet.The man stepped out of the truck, shotgun in hand, and fired at the blimp.
The truck had a dealer tag registered to Team Chevrolet, according to the police report.
Some of our readers would say they should've just shot the cars instead.
Fans of Star Trek who don't keep track of these things (like me) will be surprised to learn Persis Khambatta, the "bald chick" from the original Star Trek movie, died in 1998. And would someone please explain to me how the hell 1979 ended up being 25 years ago?!? I didn't request this! I demand a recount!
I'm babysitting the g-d backup system, which has been extra special cranky this past week. Nothing like watching numbers slowly crawl upward to induce bizarre google searches.
The latest incarnation of nanny-state-ism seems to be protecting your children from your own weblog:
But if, in the future, a prospective partner, friend or employer should type the child's name into Google, will they appreciate having so much of their childhood documented for all to read?
And of course, we have to raise the next logical "so-extreme-no-reasonable-person-could-discount-it" possibility:
And what of the remote possibility that a paedophile will find the photos, and re-use them in unspeakable ways? It's enough to make any parent want to switch the computer off.
Oh please save us from people who think they know more about raising my child than I do. You want to protect your kid? Teach them common-sense rules, keep an eye on your local offender database, and make sure you know who their friends are. You want to protect my kid? Mind your own damned business.
Proof positive Arabs aren't the only nasty things in the desert, we have these camel spiders for your enjoyment. Kris should know better, but probably won't be able to help herself. The rest of you, repeat after me... ewwwwww!
One of the biggest problems with Sci-Fi costume contests is people with the talent to do the work but lacking the body type to pull it off. Props to the guy for giving it a go, but dude, you couldn't sew a girdle into it?
I was once an inveterate "con" attendee, but I swear to God I was not this geeky. Really!
The Post today carried this article explaining that not all DC area residents are upset at the expected cicada explosion this summer:
Jacques Tiziou, a Frenchman-turned-American who lives in a tree-fringed colonial in Northwest, will gather as many as he can, eating a few right away and saving the rest for later.
Yes, yes, I know, they're good for you, chock-full o' protien, etc. Still don't mean I'm gonna eat 'em.
The name sorta says it all... Apparently they drove over 13,000 miles on 600 gallons of "hemp fuel". Actually, looks to be an alternative proposal for another form of biodiesel. Considering what an utter racket the current methanol-based programs are, well, it couldn't hurt to explore it I suppose.
Get yer anime wig here!
Complete with ears! Now you can be one of the Puma Twins you've always wanted to be!
See pix of them here.
This is rather sad.
The elderly parents of parody recording star "Weird Al" Yankovic were found dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning Friday in their modest Fallbrook home.A blaze had been in a fireplace in the hillside house when three family members discovered the couple about 1 p.m., said sheriff's Sgt. Conrad Grayson, a fire investigator. "The house was full of smoke when they opened the door," Grayson said. "We examined the fireplace. They were burning wood. They (family) had found the flue closed. They opened it."
Read entire article here.
Heard this on the radio yesterday, but hadn't seen a picture until now:
Body piercing and tattoos make way. The latest fashion trend to hit the Netherlands is eyeball jewelry.
Ok, look, I have a hard enough time watching people put contacts in. I can't imagine watching them do something like this. *shudder*
Fark linked up this otherwise academically interesting update on the US's ICBM arsenal because of this choice quote:
The last of the Minuteman III missiles will receive their new motors by 2008. It costs about $5.2 million to replace the rockets on each missile. The new rocket motors, which have to comply with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) rules, will have a shorter range than the original motors.
(emphasis added)
Yeah, we have weapons that can end the world, but they're really clean as they go about their business! Mindless bureaucracy, thy name is government.
I adopted a cute lil' kitty fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
Thanks to DawnDesiree at Live Journal for the linkage!
BBCnews is carrying this report of "fairy circles", extremely bizarre circular formations that seem to spontaneously form in the Namibia wilderness. Thing is, nobody has any real idea how they form. Very strange...
In the "addle-brained journalists are not a US monopoly" catagory Fark helps us find this stay-puft piece on US soldiers going AWOL to Canada:
The story for many of these deserters is the same: a life in the military appeared to be a good choice at first, not to mention a quick and easy way to further their education. But few expected that they would be sent overseas in very hostile conditions such as Iraq.
Note the heavy "poor-American-forced-to-fight" spin versus the "teenager-thought-the-gun-was-for-show" truth. Germany requires all citizens to either perform government service or serve in the military for a few years (I think it's 4, but I could easily be wrong), so I guess this poor German fluffer just couldn't get his or her head around the fact that the US military is all volunteer. Oh, it's mentioned, but you can tell just by reading that the author didn't really understand it.
As for the moronic cowards who are actually doing this? Here's a tip for all you teenagers marching against Bush: don't want to go to Iraq? Don't sign up for the Army!
Welcome to geeky 3l33t-ism (elitism) in all its glory, right down to the misspellings:
In the beginning, Linux was pretty cool. It was free (always a plus), had a rapid development cycle, a moderately knowledgeable user base, and a funny mascot.Then the pinheads arrived.
I don't have an issue with Linux so much as the user base it attracts. More and more I'm reading about and experiencing what I like to refer to as the "dumbing down of Linux".
Everyone goes on and on about how helpful "the community" is with open source software. What's not talked about is that most of "the community" are guys like this.
From the "colorful ways we do unto each other" file, we have this WikiPedia entry on that ever popular method of execution, "Crushing by Elephant":
Most rajahs kept execution elephants for the purpose of death by crushing and the executions were often held in public to serve as a warning to any who might transgress. Toward that end many of the execution elephants were especially huge, often weighing in excess of 9 tons.
Insert "Excedrine Headache #6" commercial here...
Thanks to Cheri for the link! No- Prize to You!
This totally creeped and grossed me out.
Btw love you guys..keep up the great work!!
A MAN who lived in his own “zoo” of lizards and insects was fatally bitten by a pet black widow spider — then eaten by the other creepy-crawlies. Police broke in to Mark Voegel’s apartment to find spider Bettina along with 200 others, several snakes, a gecko lizard called Helmut and several thousand termites had gorged on his body.Neighbours alerted police after becoming alarmed by the stink.
Read rest of the story here.
BERLIN (Reuters) - A hamster called "Teddy" sparked a police rescue mission after he climbed inside a computer printer and got stuck because he was too fat to get out again, authorities said Wednesday.
Read entire article here.
I remember when I worked for Banfield that we could not close the printer for some reason. Turns out there was a mouse stuck in the back of it and the receptionists kinda squashed it trying to close the drawer.
I've also washed a mouse at the same hospital. Apparently he was in the wash load and when I got the laundry out of the washer, there he was, stuck to the side of the washer. Poor mouse.
This is what happens when the animal hospital resides in a pet store.
New Scientist is carrying this summary of the latest invention from the oh-so-clever Japanese:
A new device can track an individual, shoot an aroma directly at their nose, and leave the person next to them completely unaffected.
Just what I always wanted... scent spamming!
Now, personally I'd go for one of those F-1 race tours in a heartbeat, but that's just me. You might want to blow up a cow instead:
Pressing them further on price, [the Cambodian Army's tourist center] announced their special combo was a cow and a rocket-launcher for US$400: US$200 for each. On the bright side, you got to keep your US$200 for the cow if you missed.
Can you say, "Monty Python"? I knew you could...
Ellen will probably find this list of botched executions interesting, but don't expect much sympathy from her. She's of the "hangin's too good for 'em" school of capital punishment.
The "botched" lethal injection executions sound a lot like what Ellen describes happening very occasionally when very old or very sick cats are put down. However, she's emphatic that this happens well after death has ocurred. I wonder if that's what's happening here?
The true crime fans in the audience will find this chilling account of the re-emergence of the "BTK" killer interesting:
After 25 years of silence, police have apparently heard again from the BTK Strangler, a serial killer who terrorized the city during the 1970s.
My mom was all about true crime in the 90s. As I recall she said something about the FBI tracking something like a dozen of these maniacs across the country. No faces, no names, just dead people showing up occasionally with the same MO. Sleep well tonight folks!
Proof positive that fashion has absolutely no connection with taste, reality, or common sense, we have the $150 (to start) Janet Jackson Boob Purse:
New York's celebrated wearable art designer, Edwin Atkins, will honor this political and social event with his latest creation. The "JANET" This handmade leather black lambskin bag is molded around a 34C bra, complete with soft foam breast, sunburst nipple shield and stud.
Well, since it doesn't have a cat on it, I know it won't end up in our house!
Not content with adding cameras, cellphone manufacturers seem to be attempting to literally stuff the kitchen sink into their creations:
- The Encyclo-phone, containing the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica, complete with full-motion video illustrations;
- The Defenderfone, with a 200-volt stun gun and a design reminiscent of "Star Trek" "phaser" weapons;
Although none of these imaginative features have much hope of adoption by major handset makers, Prophy-Lectric's Nippit 3000 electronic spermicide has a fighting chance to beat the odds and show up in every responsible single's mobile phone before this year's New Year's Eve parties.
Yup, that's right folks. There's now even an add-in for you horny cellphoners who don't have time for a condom. I was going to ask, "what will they think of next?", but I'm pretty sure I just don't want to know.
Update: Busted. It's a hoax. Gah. You'd think by now I'd know to read the whole article before commenting on it. Of course, if I did that, I wouldn't be much of a blogger, would I?
NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania (AP) -- The body of a woman believed to be a missing Canadian porn actress was found in a ravine in Pennsylvania, and a man was arrested in the death, prosecutors said Wednesday.The family of 23-year-old Natel King, who was known by the stage name Taylor Sumers, was notified that the body was found near the Schuylkill River Tuesday.
Read entire article here.
Hey Rich, do you have an autograph from this chick? It may be worth $ soon.
Into our growing collection of medication-wobblers we now add Citizen Hell, a site that seems to be about music, hell, and a really really annoying soundtrack. I mean, what's not to love:
This is the most UGLY and frightening song you will ever hear! If it doesn't scare you then its because you're SAVED or you're REPROBATE!
Ah well, guess I better get in line then. I'll be sure to save you a spot!
Rather Good is up to it again.
No-Prize to Nina!
NSWF- or anybody. You'll NEVER look at your toys the same way again!
Too bad my brother does not have his Transformers anymore. He could be making Transformer pRoN!
What's your horror story? Inquiring minds what to know!
I guess the motto of Liberty University should be step out of line, pay the fine. Hey, Nina, if Boston doesn't pan out, there's always this!
Isn't this called prostitution?
A lesbian university student who auctioned her virginity on the internet to pay for her studies is reported to have had sex with the highest bidder.
For the person in your life who wants to look tough but feels "oogy" when confronted with needles, we have Sleeves, "original tatoo'd clothing". I don't have any tatoos, probably won't get any, but c'mon people... I can't think of a single thing that would scream "poser" more than this.
Angry? Radical? Desperately needing to calm down? One Angry Girl Productions is probably all that and more.
I respect her ability to manipulate me into feeling unqualified to pass any judgement on her opininons. However, I can't help but note radical racial sites, including "white power" sites, tend to make me feel the same way. But I guess every society needs a few bomb throwers, if only to make sure we're paying attention.
Robert H. gets a taco-shaped no-prize for bringing us the weirdest "404 not found" web page I have seen to date.
Ever wonder what the upstairs of Graceland, Elvis's mansion, looks like? Wonder no more! Apparently nobody, but nobody goes up there, and if these pictures are to be believed, it's yet another time capsule stuck in the 70s.
However, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's simply been turned into a giant attic for various kinds of memorabilia and souveniers. But you never know!
Welcome to The Secret Underground World Society, where you will learn all about things like:
At first I thought this might be a hoax site. I'm still not completely sure it's for real. However, while the author starts out with outlandish but relatively coherent ideas, as you scroll down you'll see the disconnects so common in people who have wobbled off their meds. In my opinion, this one's probably schizo-affective instead of in the midst of a manic fugue.
Mental illness is disturbing when you see it from the outside. Looking inside is downright terrifying.
BRITAIN'S Science Museum is considering a particularly gruesome new exhibit, a report said on Sunday - a decomposing human body displayed in a glass box.Read entire bit here.
I hope they get special ventilation, or is the smell going to be part of the attraction too?
Eysenck's Test Results |
Extraversion (52%) medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, optimistic, and sociable. Neuroticism (86%) very high which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous. Psychoticism (48%) medium which suggests you are moderately offensive, uncooperative, and rebellious. |
Hooray! I'm mentally fooked up! *smirk-we all knew that.* Now where's that rock so I can beat myself with it. Found Via Bluelens at his Live Journal. Take a read and give a thunk.
Take this test, see where you are.
Ok, normally I'd make fun of this sorta thing, but, well, it's ninjas we're talking about. You never know, I could end up with some nerdy spotty white guy with a folded T-shirt over his head sneaking up behind me tonight.
Or is he sneaking up right now?!?
Damion and I joke all the time about stuffing outrageous powerplants into his Civic, up to and including various sorts of turbines and rockets. However, as crazy as that would be, it wouldn't be anything to someone actually building a four-wheeler around a small-block Chevy. The results were, well, Darwinian in their predictability.
Carrie gets a cute no-prize dressed in pastels for bringing us news that Menudo may be coming back. Well, hey, if it was good enough for Ricky Martin...
4 Submaries
Low milage, exc. cond.
No rust, always garaged
New: $570 mil.
Yours for $142 mil. ea.
Whatabargain! Let's get all four!
Canada said on Tuesday it was looking at ways to cool down four trouble-plagued submarines it bought from Britain after a report revealed temperatures in one craft hit 65 degrees Celsius (149 degrees Fahrenheit) on a patrol.
Damion gets a... well... Damion gets a no-prize for bringing us the poop thesaurus, a compilation of different words, phrases, and links dedicated to our best friends' primary obsession. They found it by searching for "corn nut butt plugs." Everyone who has a website ends up with really bizzare search strings in their logs. Well, I know of at least two people who generate them now.
The list itself is proof again there are many more people with far more time on their hands than I.
Want to know what the inside of a manic fugue looks like? Wonder no more. I can't think of a more textbook example of it, right down to the Jesus complex. Hopefully this guy is getting some help, because it's awfully hard to hold down a job when your moods swing this wildly.
Introducting Ciganot, the cigarette that doesn't smoke, doesn't need to be lit, and doesn't have any tobacco in it. Yup, you guessed it, for $5.99 you can get a pack of plastic tubes packed with herbs & spices.
No, not those herbs.
Also from FARK, this article detailing a bizarre cluster of keyless entry failures that ocurred last month in Las Vegas. The town's proximity to Nellis Air Force Base and the mysterious Area 51 does not go unnoticed. What's not mentioned in the article but has been mentioned numerous times in Aviation Week is that the military is quite close to fielding microwave-powered munitions. They're designed to fry electronics even in underground bunkers over a very large area. As I recall, last year AvWeek had someone tell them on background the military only had to get around the "make sure it fries the bad guys and not you" problem and they were done. Seems like they might be.
Next up? Solid-state lasers mounted on Humvees that'll fry incoming ordnance. No, really!
I'm guessing that, at least once per relationship, your partner will ask you if he or she is being used just for sex. Even if you're inclined to stop humping their leg for a minute and deny, deny, deny, more often than not, their gut instinct is well founded. If this is a recurring theme in your relationships with people, you might consider investing in a Real Doll, a high-end humanoid love toy that is guaranteed to love you long time — or, indeed, any time. A little creepy? Somewhat degrading? Sure, but so is making nice at Thanksgiving with the family of the person you can barely stand to look at anymore.Real Dolls are certainly more natural. The skin responds to a squeeze like a healthy nineteen-year-old Midwestern girl's might. The shocking difference — something I hadn't really anticipated — was that my date was stone cold to the touch. (Matt later told me that Real Doll owners put the dolls under electric blankets or in the tub to heat them up; apparently, silicone retains warmth.) Undeterred, I popped a boob out of her chiffon dress. This would be the true test of anatomic accuracy. I breathed on Karen's perky orbs like a grandmother cleaning her spectacles, attempting to take the chill off. I took one in each hand, and it felt good. Really good. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine I was feeling a real woman's C-cup boobs. Oddly enough, aside from the slightly tacky feel of the silicone, these boobs felt more natural than the fake sets that reside on real people. I was so zenned out that I didn't notice Aaron sneak back into the room. "Looks like you've made friends," he said, jolting me out of my daydream.
Read entire article here.
![]() |
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To? |
Apparently trees will eat just about anything you feed them.
Kinda reminds me of the poltergeist tree in a weird way. CrEEpY!
Kris gets a no-prize shaped like a "W" for bringing us If Bush was a Girl. And you people think I have too much time on my hands.
From the "our politicians are just as stupid as yours" file, we have Governor Ibrahim Shekarau of Kano, in northern Nigera. Mr. Shekarau's claim to fame? He's decided he has a very good reason to prevent his citizens from being vaccinated against polio:
Governor Shekarau maintains that Kano state will only allow the polio vaccination exercise to be held if his trusted scientists are proved wrong.They say that the polio vaccine is in fact a western plot to make African women, in particular Muslims, infertile.
Of course, we all know the real reason Africa is such a basket case is because of colonialism imposed by the great European powers, and the racist imperialistic policies of the United States in the post-WWII decades. Forty years of independence and utterly incompetent political leadership have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Carrie gets a no-prize that'll break into pieces at the touch of a button for bringing us the latest in wacky patent applications for airplanes:
Canada has issued a patent for a futuristic commercial jet design that would protect passengers in an emergency by breaking apart and letting the sections parachute gently to the ground.
As noted in the article, it's a pipe dream, unattainable with current or even near-future technologies. Not to mention how nervous people would be flying around in an airplane that's supposed to come apart.
Well, it's from NIH, so it can't be a hoax, can it? Behold the case of "Accidental Condom Inhalation". No, really!
Kerry Carrie gets a no-prize on a leash for showing us
it's a pet's life indeed:
Pet owners in a central Italian town must pamper their dogs, cats and birds and even show mercy to supper-time lobsters or face fines as high as 500 euros.
Sounds like something Singapore would pull to me. Now, I'm all for making sure people take good care of their animals (my wife is absolutely draconian, as a recent drama has proven), but I'm not sure you can show mercy to a bug that crawls on the bottom of the ocean. I mean, how else do you off a lobster while making sure it stays edible?
Update Carrie. Carrie. Carrie. Carrie. I blame the Democrats for that one!
Dressing up as Frakenfurter to go to a Rocky Horror show: good. Dressing up as satan to go to The Passion: bad:
”I always like to push the limits,” [Tyler Wendell, a 19 year old freshman at the University of Southern Indiana] said. Many were upset that Wendell chose to wear a devil costume to a religious movie. Many patrons jeered Wendell as he stood in line for concessions.Once inside the movie, Christians began pelting Wendell with Gummy Bears, Ju-Ju Bees, and popcorn. Management got involved after a 75-year-old woman, Hazel Meyer, poured a 64-ounce Coca-Cola on Wendell.
Typical teenaged moronitude. Have to admit though, it worked. He got his name in the paper and everything.
My "weird and quirkieness" has always been low key. Well, ok, except when it comes to cats. Everything MUST be cats. But, there is always room for the [cue wavy 50s horror music and echo]weird... and... unusuaaaal... [/cue]
I have a tiny little fetish for funeral stuff. Always have, probably always will. We're talking the full deal here... graveyards, cemeteries, and hearses (Scott even helped me stumble on what I consider a modern mini hearse, which K&D made even cooler!). Once I even applied to Mortuary School, but thought a veterinarian would make more money. Which just goes to show teenagers really don't know a goddamn thing (Nina).
Went digging around tonight and stumbled onto this which I think is hot as, well, you know, but my mother would kill me since she bought me a 'gothic style' chandelier already. So I think, "maybe a car?", but Scott says that our neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate me parking a hearse in the driveway. He also says real-estate appraisers get all fluttery when a funeral car with a blower through the hood and chrome pipes under the fenders is sitting in front of the house.
So, Skullie, it's time that we re-evaluate our lives and open that funeral parlor. Battie can do the books ;). My mom said she would do the hair and makeup (No really! I come by my quirks naturally!).
Update: Link repaired and spelling checked. Should all work now.
Those of you who've ever been addicted to Super Mario Bros. may find this bit of animation entertaining. Personally, I never did understand what the point of all that jumping was for.
Our socialist brethren at the PRK are at it again, this time showing us what a music video looks like when it's done by real workers in the paradise up North. I'm sure this is all very entertaining to the seven or eight people in North Korea who actually have a TV.
Yet another good reason to stick with cats:
A man who lived in his own “zoo” of lizards and insects was fatally bitten by a pet black widow spider — then eaten by the other creepy-crawlies.
To paraphrase Mark Twan, truth will always be stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense. Everyone all together now...
BlueLens gets a no-prize he can stick to his dashboard for bringing us the ultimate in poor taste marketing, The Passion of Christ licensed merchandise site. From mugs to nail-shaped necklace pendants (we are not making that up), they got it all. Dying was his reason for living, and I suppose making a buck is theirs.
Now, to me, this story of a family isolated for 20 years from the outside world sounds an awful lot like an urban legend, especially with details like this:
Four members of the family - aged 26, 22, 18 and 14 - have never had contact with the outside world. Their behaviour is animalistic and they can't even communicate in an understandable language, officials said, adding one of them walks on all fours, almost like a monkey.
But it's from The Hindu, which means it must be true, right? Hey, certainly no worse than the Enquirer!
Why buy a bottle of this when you can just rub some skank's day old panties behind your ears?
Yeah, I know, some of you sick F*&ks out there would do that. Hell some guys buy dirty panties.
Excuse me, I'm going to vomit now.
American Capitalist pigs beware! The superior power of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea will destroy your culture and widdle in your azaleas if you so much as look cross-eyed at us! Do not trifle with the Great Leader! Visit our website for cool gifts!
There's tourist attractions, and then there's tourist attractions:
Visitors to Britain will find a new stop on London’s site-seeing route this spring: a usable public toilet enclosed in one-way mirrored glass situated on a sidewalk near the River Thames.
And all this time I thought the UK had exported their kooks to California. That's definitely one you don't want to smoke in.
Presenting the case of Mr. Dudley Hiibel a 59-year-old cowboy from Nevada who, according to the purple prose of the website, is trying to get an extremely important case put before the Supreme Court:
On the 22nd of March 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether Dudley and the rest of us live in a free society, or in a country where we must show "the papers" whenever a cop demands them.
Reading "the facts", the account written by Mr. Hiibel's lawyers describing the incident, makes you believe this man really was done wrong. Fortunately, they let you watch the video to judge for yourself. You can also read the Nevada State Court Opinion, which provides a more even-handed account of what actually happened.
What I saw was not much different than what's shown nearly every week on COPS. A belligerent, unreasonable, excited, and potentially intoxicated man confronting a lone police officer and refusing to co-operate in any real way. The cop made what seemed to be some real errors, mainly not adequately separating Mr. Hiibel from his vehicle and not checking on the occupant of said vehicle. The cop also seemed to get hung up on a procedural issue (asking for ID) which allowed the incident to escalate. Had the officer simply asked, "are you Mr. Hiibel?" and then continued his investigation, I wonder if it would have all turned out differently.
That said, Mr. Hiibel was definitely acting erratically and did not co-operate. The officer therefore secured (handcuffed) him and placed him under arrest for that offense. Had Mr. Hiibel simply handed over his driver's license, I think it almost certainly would have ended differently.
The assisting officer would also appear to have made an error by not seeming to inform Mr. Hiibel's daughter that she should, essentially, calm down. Instead a really poor effort was made to restrain her, which predictably failed, resulting in another escalation that required Ms. Hiibel to be violently restrained.
The Hiibels were unreasonable and irritating, but cops are supposed to be trained to deal with unreasonable and irritating people all the time. Were Mr. Hiibel's constitutional rights violated in the process? Probably not, but the Supreme Court will ultimately decide that aspect. Certainly I don't expect us to devolve into a police state over what happened when one wobbly cowboy got pissed at his willful daughter.
Fark linked up the Straight Dope on the Candiru, the famous Amazonian fish that supposedly swims up pee and lodges itself in the urethra. Turns out it exists, and may do something like that, although apparently it's safe to pee into the river if you're standing on the bank.
Well, except for the dinner-plate-sized spider hanging from the tree beside you. *shudder*
Jeff gets a piston-shaped no-prize for bringing us the infamous "rotten apple" story. It answers, in graphic detail, the question, "just what, exactly, would happen if I dropped a cap full of BBs into the intake of a running car engine?"
That's right, BBs. As in "Red-Ryder". I just kept saying, "oh my god!" every time I looked at a picture. Gearheads shouldn't miss this one.
Ok, from this site, I gather that national ID cards, the new world order, Bush, Hitler, and the Jooooos!!! are inter-related. However, when I tried to understand exactly how, my head exploded. Maybe you can figure it out.
There's music videos, then there's I Love Death, the Music Video. Original? Yes. Obscene? Most definitely. Addictive? You be the judge.
What do you get for the cellphone fan who has everything? How about humungo old-school handsets? Sometimes things circle back on you in the most unexpected ways.
Wear your seatbelts people, mmkay? When my mom was going to college and working the graveyard shift she'd get stopped once or twice a month for weaving because she was falling asleep. Scary stuff.
Ok, being a buddhist I must say I find it horrible that nearly 180 people died in a huge train crash in Iran today. However, being a mean old bastard means I also question who the hell would hook up a train filled exclusively with sulphur, gasoline, fertilizer, and cotton? The thing sounds like an attempt to mix a gigantic batch of guncotton ferchrissake!
Seems every two or three months we get a story out of Asia or Arabia about a train stuffed so full of people it's a fleshy playdough factory on wheels rolling over, blowing up, or catching fire. Is there just something in the water of third-world nations that makes train engineers morons?
SEVEN people were killed and more than 100 injured in Pakistan during the annual kite flying festival marking the arrival of spring, officials said today.
Read entire story here.
Whats really F*%d up is that one of the victims is an 18 month old kid that was not even involved with the fesitval itself.
bin Laden et. al. call Americans a bunch of godless heathens, and sometimes he's right. Of course, sometimes he's wrong:
Forget buying that special someone a diamond necklace or a heart-shaped box of chocolates this Valentine's Day: a Dallas-based ministry thinks it has a better idea: "Her gift for Valentines? Stop looking at porn."
I got a whole bunch of friends who are going to have very disappointed girls in their life if this ever becomes a requirement. Umm... yeah... friends!
Instapundit brings us the latest breathless worry of the right: those fiendish lefties might cheat to try and win the election!
Say it ain't so, Joe, say it ain't so! All it really proves is Moby's political sophistication is just above the level of yanking ponytails on the playground. It's like something out of a basement sequence on "That 70s Show":
Kelso: "Aw man, Jackie dumped me again!"
camera spins
Forman: "Aw man, Donna dumped me again!"
camera spins
Moby [giggles, barely see him through the smoke]: "So, like, what we need to do is [giggle] call everyone up and tell them, like, [eyes wide, whispers] Reagan's gonna put the National Gaurd in your living room!!! Man, nobody will vote for that guy!"
camera spins backward
Forman: "What?!?"
camera spins to Moby
Moby [giggles]: "Yeah, man, it's the only way! Then we could call people up again and say, like, [giggles, whisper]the Republicans are gonna give all your jobs to the Mexicans! This will totally work!"
camera spins
Hyde: "What are you talking about, man?"
camera spins to Kelso
Kelso: "No, man, lay off... [giggling, snorting] I think he's onto something here!"
camera spins to Eric
Forman: [stares at Kelso]
camera spins to Moby
Moby: [uncontrollable giggling]
camera spins to Steven
Hyde: [stares at Moby for a moment, looks at Eric] "Who is that guy?"
Snap to black, sound of door slamming.
Nina gets a see-through no-prize for bringing us this story of a "super" girl:
Russian scientists have been unable to disprove a teenage girl who claims she has x-ray vision and can see inside human bodies.
In Soviet Russia, teenager sees through you!
Those of you who think Kerry is a lock, think again:
A frantic behind-the-scenes drama is unfolding around Sen. John Kerry and his quest to lockup the Democratic nomination for president, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.Intrigue surrounds a woman who recently fled the country, reportedly at the prodding of Kerry, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Now, since I think all politicians are spineless nanny-state cheerleaders with the morals of a gerbil on meth, I'm not surprised something like this has floated to the surface. Depending on what it is, it may not even affect my vote choice all that much. But in a nation that goes all wobbly at a two-second flash of a boob, expect the sparks to fly and the mud to sling. I can't help but have a few chuckles when a pundit-laden pick implodes with a bang. Could it actually happen twice in a season?
Can you say "Gary Hart"? I knew you could...
AIM users take note: do not under any circumstances accept or install a "humorous Osama bin Laden game" if offered to you:
Some users of the popular AOL Instant Messenger program were bombarded Wednesday with messages seemingly from friends that linked to a humorous Osama bin Laden game.Downloading the game, however, installed a piggybacking program that broadcast the advertisement from the infected computer to all correspondents on its AIM buddy lists.
No word on MSN Messenger, so that seems safe enough. For now.
Ok, so I have to tell my kid not to run with scissors, play with knives, or remove underwear with chainsaws?
A German actress was taken to hospital after an artist injured her breasts while trying to cut open her bra with a chainsaw during a rehearsal for a stage show, she told a newspaper on Wednesday.
Now that's what you call a boob job.
You knew it would only be a matter of time. Yes, Virginia, someone has stuck a webcam in a casket. I'm getting about eight different levels of heebies just thinking about it.
Buddha: All existence is impermanent. This is actually a good reminder of that.
Scott: That doesn't mean I want someone to stick a webcam in my coffin.
Buddha: Of course that won't happen to you. You'll be cremated and mixed in with all of Ellen's other pets.
Scott: Don't you have some karma to distribute somewhere?
In the "tought-job-but-somebody-gotta-do-it" category we have this reporter "assigned" to cover the latest trend in Japanese entertainment... orgy busses. Ellen and I always peer suspiciously at limos that drive by*. Now I guess we'll have to keep an eye on the busses too.
Liz Ditz gets a no-prize with a horned helmet on it for bringing us this report of even more Norwegian quirkiness:
[The Gathering is a] youth festival which is generally tagged as a nerd exposition, is a huge cult event, with participants bringing along their machines to install them in the hall and commune with peers for days on end.
The article is long on snarkiness but short on facts, so it's difficult to say exactly what this thing is all about. It kinda sounds like the world's largest LAN party. But after reading the previous two stories I've decided Norwegians are capable of anything.
Carrie gets a... hmm... well, Carrie gets a no-prize for bringing us this tale of a mom that did what she had to do:
A 23-year-old Norwegian woman who's been nursing her infant son suddenly found herself faced with 10 more hungry mouths when her dog died after giving birth to a large litter of puppies. She literally took them all to her breast.
First "dead sheephead metal", now this. What is it with Norwegians? Suddenly the Viking rampages are making a lot more sense.
No Prize to Rich for sending me this F*#d- up site.
In the "never-think-it-can-get-any-weirder" department, we have this account of the Norweigan "black metal" band Gorgoroth's nationally televised concert:
On stage there was blood everywhere. About ten decapitated sheep heads and naked people, alive, on large crosses. Everyone was painted with 100 liters of sheep blood. Also there were Satanist symbols everywhere.
Televised in Poland, that is. I wonder what the NFL'd make of that. Now, I'm all for naked chicks, don't get me wrong. It's all the blood and gore that'd bother me. A lot. Certainly I'm not going to talk about how extreme Marlyn Manson is now.
There are faces, and then there are faces. No, I don't know what to make of it either. Kinda creepy, actually.
This one's bad enough to make me suspect misquoting:
David Hasselhoff has complained to museum curators after finding his photo absent in a collection of memorabilia about the fall of the Berlin Wall. The actor and producer, who says he is working on a film version of TV series Knight Rider, claims he is partly responsible for the fall of the concrete divide.
Much scarier is the admission that Knight Rider is in the works for a movie treatment. Ellen nearly clawed her eyes out when I made her watch the "evil KITT" episode (an evil twin episode in the first five is never a good sign). I think making her watch this would definitely be paybacks for making me go see Battlefield Earth in the theater.
And from New York we have the latest trend in Valentine gifts:
Looking for a little something special for your valentine? How about a hissing cockroach? That's the suggestion from the folks at the Ross Park Zoo in Binghamton, N.Y
Well, actually it's a way for the zoo to raise money. Still, somehow I think Ellen's reaction to such a gift would define the word "nonplussed".
And on the right side of Wingutville's street, we have someone comparing the US with North Korea as far as our freedoms are concerned:
The [Heritage Foundation's 10th annual] index [of economic freedom] delivers the comforting conclusion that the US is the 10th most free country, far ahead of 155th ranked North Korea.The Heritage index is ahistorical. It is blind to the enormous loss of freedom in the 20th century, especially in the US and the UK. It takes as its starting point the re-enserfment of populations and predicates a “freedom” index on unfree labor.
Or, to summarize it much more succinctly, we have Delong's take:"Slaves Were Happy! And Well Cared-For! Really Happy! Much Happier Than People Like Me, Who Have to Fill Out Schedule C!"
And people call me extreme...
Via cobb.
Why waste time on a face when you can find numbers just lying around on rocks:
The truth has turned out to be almost as terrifying with the discovery of the number "19" clearly etched into a Martian rock, and captured by the fearless Spirit rover:
Now where's my foil hat...
Ellen and I actually had something similar to this happen to us:
Once the couch was extinguished, [Fire Prevention Officer] Gibson reached into a hole burnt into the sofa and found a glass gazing ball. Soon, sunlight shining through the ball burned two holes in the leg of his pants.
In our case Ellen had a very impressive crystal ball (well, it's probably glass, but still) sitting on the windowsill of our west-facing apartment. All through the first summer we lived there we were constantly bothered by the smell of smoke. We figured it was just the neighbors smoking. It was only after we'd bought a bookshelf and moved the books stacked next to the ball that we learned the truth. One book near the ball had a fingernail-sized hole burned nearly through it, and another's spine had been completely destroyed, a hole burned in nearly the size of a golf ball.
We moved the thing to the other side of the room on top of a video tape cabinet. Later that year Ajax the cat tried to jump to the top of that, knocking the ball off and nearly braining my sister-in-law who was sleeping on our floor that night*. We just put it away after that.
Joshua gets a no-prize with a people's choice award grafted into the middle of it for bringing us the worst case-mod ever. Reminds me a lot of the kid who wanted to trade in a brand-new Dodge Neon RT4 (cheap, fast) his parents gave him for a ten-year-old Supra because he thought Supras were cool. Or the people who think it's fun to put a Chevy drivetrain into an Alfa.
Hot-rodding is just fine, but it also has its place.
Jeff gets a saw-toothed no-prize for bringing us this discussion about a guy making his own clutch. He's using, wait for it... a circular saw blade.
Yeah, I'd put a scatter shield on it too. Sounds like a clever hand-grenade to me.
Being the father of the only female grandchild on one side of the family and the first grandchild at all on the other, my life has turned into the inside of a pepto-bismol bottle. I didn't know there was this much pink in the whole world. But, as always, it's a mistake to think it can't get any worse.
Via Aaron.
I found this via the DaGoddess.
Apparently vegans need animal friendly S&M toys too!
Passion for the Compassionate
Sakai, an award-winning tattoo artist, was tired of seeing sacred Japanese words, symbols of his heritage, inked on random white people. So he used their blissful ignorance to make an everlasting statement. Any time acustomer came to Sakai’s home studio wanting Japanese tattooed on them, he modified it into a profane word or phrase.Read entire article here.
No-Prize to Nina for the submission!
From the Ostrim "nutrition meat stick" to the apple cider donut to Atkins's own "Beanit Butter", McSweeney's food reviews has it all. Your one-stop-shop for all foods new and unfortunate. We've definitely got to get Jeff some of this stuff.
Now, being the libertarian that I am, I don't particularly care what you do behind closed doors amongst yourself and other like-minded adults. I do, however, reserve the right to be skeeved out when I read just exactly what some of you pervs are up to out there. But hey, I haven't had a good case of the heebie-jeebies in awhile, so I guess it's win-win for the both of us!
First tatoos, then piercings, now implants. "We can get it for you, wholesale."
Where do people get money for this stuff?
And in the "house-bites-car" category, we have the tale of the truck-eating garage. With pictures, of course!
Ok, well, I guess converting a Honda into a sorta-kinda Star Wars fighter isn't any worse than some of the things Damion has shown me lately. At least the guy makes no claim to high performance. I think of it more as an art car than a silly custom job.
And really, it's his car. Why not?
Update: Many more detail shots are here. Again, in spite of the fark-tards (where it was originally posted) crying "moron!", I sorta respect the guy. This stuff isn't easy. It may not be something I'd do, but I've seen much worse done to unsuspecting Hondas before.
Just to prove we're not only about poking fun at the left, we have, a web site run by some Darth-Vader-was-such-a-pussy far right Christian bunch.
The problem with politics is not that it brings out the worst in people. The problem is it brings out the crazy in people.
Update: This story does a much better, and more readable, job of summarizing what is all about.
Via Site-essential.
I am at a loss for words.
Naughty but not graphic.
Ok, no more making fun of Arabs who think God is scrawling stuff on their kids' cheeks:
David Albury was at home recuperating from surgery several months ago when he noticed the black fur on his cat's back was shaped in the number "3." The fur screamed "Dale Earnhardt" to Albury.
I wonder how long it will be before someone floats the theory that Earnhardt faked his own death. I mean, it worked for Elvis...
Update: Ellen found a picture. Took me a bit to see it.
It's been awhile since we've had a good redneck story coming out of Arkansas. Glad the drought has finally broken:
18-year-old Eugene Weston Junior and his cousin planned to drown their pit bull in an old abandoned cotton gin across the street from their home.The gin hadn't been used in more than 30 years and inside the pit was a thick combination of water, oil, diesel fuel, hydraulic fluid, and dirt. As the son looked into the eight to ten foot pit, he slipped and fell in.
The cousin ran for help and called 9-1-1. That's when the father, 42-year-old Eugene Weston Senior, jumped into the pit after his son.
The pit bull is still alive and unharmed.
But not for long I'd imagine. Trained fighting dogs, especially pit bulls, are not what you'd call "pet quality". The "training", if it can be called that when managed by such as these, would be just as vicious and cruel to a puppy as it would to a child.
I don't take pleasure in anyone's demise, but I can say that people such as this drowning in a pit full of oil, fuel, and chemicals certainly has a poetic ring to it.
In the "and-you-thought-Congress-was-petty" bin we have the diplomatic row between Macedonia and Greece:
The new Macedonian republic, in voting for a new flag ... was immediately interpreted by parties in Greece as a clear statement of territorial ambition.[It was seen as] a symbolic threat to Greek national identity and its relationship with the past.
Already angry at the use of the name Macedonia, which is also one of Greece's northern provinces, Athens insisted the flag be changed.
It eventually was, becoming the current yellow-and-red Sun flag, and the country agreed to go by the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Yeah, I know, I'm an insensitive American thug who doesn't even attempt to understand the nuances of this tender issue. Doesn't mean this isn't the dumbest thing I've heard out of the balkans since the media made the "shocking discovery" that ethnic cleansing was about more than making smelly people take showers. Well, take showers in water anyway.
New Scientist is carrying this article summarizing some freaky-ass news about tap water and contacts. Their advice: if you wear contacts, don't wash your face with tap water. You could catch a really nasty bug that can cause a potentially blinding condition.
On reflection, sounds kind of Weekly-World-News-ish to me. "MAN WASHES FACE WITH TAP WATER AND EYES FALL OUT", sort of thing. Just how rare is rare?
Jimspot is noting that the 2003 Darwin Awards have been given out.
As suspected, the world's largest python shrank quite a bit when someone who wasn't charging for tickets to see it got out a measuring tape. Still, an 18 foot long snake is quite enough thank you very much. Ellen's probably shivering just reading this.
STEVE Irwin sparked outrage yesterday when he held his baby son a metre from the mouth of a crocodile at his Queensland zoo.Child advocates branded the Crocodile Hunter reckless for holding one-month-old Bob while feeding the giant crocodile a dead chicken.
Read entire article with photo here.
You don't need to teach a 4 week old to be 'croc savy'. Irwin at this point is no better than Jackson dangling his kid over a railing.
ps. His wife is just as fucking nuts as he is. If you have not seen it, try to catch the rerun of them on Larry King.
Ok, Britney is now just being stupid.
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Wearing a baseball cap and on the arm of a hotel bellman, pop star Britney Spears married a childhood friend in a Las Vegas wedding ceremony on Saturday, according to published reports.
Read entire store here.
No-Prize to Rich for the Britney update!
"We are the oldest Hearse racing group in America Never advertised - Never boring - Always a blast".
Don't forget to check out the coffin drag racer!
The site is under construction, but worth a look!
Tired of soggy dogs? Well, the dog umbrella is for you!
Somehow I don't see my brother's dogs sprouting these any time soon.
Fark linked up this story noting that for the past five years scientists haven't needed to add a "leap second" to keep hyper-precise atomic clocks in synch with the earth's orbit. They needed to do it for more than twenty years, then suddenly stopped. Nobody knows why.
Jeff gets another no-prize for bringing us news of potentially the largest snake ever caught:
Indonesian villagers claim to have captured a python that is almost 49.21 feet (15 meters) long and weighs nearly 992.07 pounds (450 kilograms), a local official said Monday.
Of course, they're saying it's that big. Without more concrete proof, this could just be a way for wiley villagers to separate credulous tourists from their money.
BBCnews is carrying this amazing before-and-after sequence of photographs of the city of Bam, which was leveled last week in a massive earthquake. Am glad to hear we're already sending tons of aid their way, lets hope it makes a difference.
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Queen Elizabeth is mourning the death of one of her beloved corgi dogs after it was savaged by her daughter's bull terrier, newspapers reported on Wednesday.Anne was fined $882 in November last year after Dottie attacked two children, aged seven and 12, in Windsor Great Park near London.
Read entire article here.
Hrmm... a history of biting? Now it kills another animal. Sounds like the dog will be a PTS soon.
BBCnews is carrying this article summarizing the progress The Sims On-Line has made since its inception. In a nutshell, they seem to be discovering, or rather re-discovering, the universal principle that when given opportunity, people cheat.
What's really remarkable is we get to watch a sophisticated social matrix evolve on the spot. The developers (not just of TSO, but others like Camelot and Everquest) initially start out with a set of overly simple checks and balances on the assumption that the rest will be taken care of with a sort of "honor system."
Unfortunately they all seem to forget that for a small but significant minority successfully cheating a system, any system, is a reward unto itself. When the developers are quick and responsive, what results is an escalation of increasingly sophisticated checks and balances, closing loopholes as fast as they can be opened.
The lessons in civics and the evolution of laws alone are fascinating.
Proof that even lobstermen can have too much time on their hands, we have the tale of Lobster Barbie:
Practical jokers Jim Bright and Chris Costello never imagined that their idea of dressing a female lobster in a Barbie outfit — accessorized with pink high heels — would save her from the steam pot.
Yet another item I don't want to see under the Christmas tree.
You know, there's "not right", and then there's "not right". Like going through a deceased person's belongings and finding a severed foot. Insert "Six Feet Under" joke here. Or not...
How creepy is this?
I won't be spending the night there anytime soon.
Me: Scott, check this out. Pretty creepy huh!?
Scott: If I believed in ghosts it would be.
Me: WHAT?!? You don't believe in ghosts?
Scott: Nope.
Me: So, you're saying if you spent the night in one of these creepy-assed places, you wouldn't be scared at all?
Scott: Of course I'd be scared. I'd be scared stupid. But it'd be me scaring myself, not some ectoplastmic purple haired troll doll.
Later on he had this to say: "I'd sleep in just about any haunted house. But before I went to bed, I'd very loudly announce to everyone within earshot that, seeing as how this is a haunted house, I had decided to bring my trusty 12-gauge Browning semi-automatic ultralight shotgun along, which I would then shake most dramatically. I'd then explain, again very loudly so that all may hear, even (especially) those I can't see, that those ghosts won't have a chance because I'll sleep with it across my lap with the safety off and my finger on the trigger. Because, since everyone agreed I'd be left alone, the only things I'd shoot would be ghosts or rats.
Of course, I wouldn't load the damned thing, or maybe I'd just put blanks in it. I don't want to murder the sneaky bastards perpetuating these haunted house myths, just scare them into leaving me alone."
Personally I think he's full of crap. But I'm most definitely going to spend the night in a hotel on the other side of town if he ever tries this.
Thanks to Carrie! You get a Creepy No-Prize!
Ok, first I found it over at site essential, then I followed the links to WindRider and ASV. I simply could not believe it was true, so I went to the source and found out for once, it's not a hoax at all.
You know, I smiled at Ellen's extra-tasty rants whenever the subject of PETA came up. A bunch of kooks throwing paint on rich people and looking stupid and saying stupid things, what harm could they do?
I guess this just shows how utterly out of touch an organization can get. Your reach exceeded your grasp with this one PETA. From now on every celebrity joining your cause is going to be dropped in my "boycott" bin. Every group that associates with you will also be boycotted by myself and anyone else I can convince. The only real difference between your organization and the White Aryan Resistance is you have money and they don't. Well, I'm going to do what little I can to go about fixing that.
I would recommend the rest of our readership do the same.
And if anybody out there tries to associate these wingnuts with the Dems or the left in general, please be sure I'll show you the door.
This is why I am not a security guard doing the grave yard shift in a museum.
Ancient Egyptian shabti - funerary figures that represent servants in the afterlife - are causing unease for those working at Bergen Museum. Professor Henrik von Achen says colleagues don't like working there at night, and the figures appear to be moving in their glass cases, newspaper Bergens Tidende reports.
Read entire article here.
From the Weekly World News of Japan, Mainichi Shinbum is reporting the Ark of the Covenant may have been in Japan all along. So on top of blaming them for everything else, we can now blame the Jews for manga and giant animated tentacle penetration?
The title sort of says it all:
The Amazing Horror Masked Karate Killer Girl from Mars Wishes You a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Yeah, terrorpilot seems to have been around awhile, but I'd never heard of it before!
All those advertisements and newspaper inserts are so ubiquitous nowadays it's as if they just magically create themselves. Not so. They're laid out by people, and as is widely known, people can screw up in the most spectacular ways:
A holiday shopping flier that's been distributed to thousands of households in north Texas is creating controversy because a message of hate is included within an advertisement.
According to ADVO, the company that printed the advertisement, a graphic artist working on the ad had left his desk for a moment, and a co-worker with the initials C.C. changed the text on the ad.
How to completely sink a company in one easy step: Allow a dipwad retard to alter ad copy and never check it before sending it to print.
Oh, hey, remember when we told you the world was going to end, but, like, it didn't actually end, it just sort of sat there and sucked like usual? Well, it turns out we were listening to the wrong bunch! Instead, we've found a much more convincing argument that the US will be experiencing a Holocaust oh, just any damned day now:
The infrastructure is set up. There are at least 130 concentration camps — quietly modified facilities which have sprung up and continue to spring up across the country, seemingly devoid of activity, yet requiring strange accoutrements such as barbed wire-topped fencing (with the tops turned inward) and helicopter wind socks.
Who will be doing the actual picking up? Foreign ‘cops’ (United Nations Internal Security Forces). Over 30 foreign military bases under the United Nations flag are already set up in the US., all with the approval of special appointees in high Federal positions. These bases are already manned with over ONE MILLION troops from Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Great Britain, Nicaragua, and Asian countries.
See! See! I told you those British were a crafty bunch, not to be trusted one bit no sir-ree-bob. And we all know what an utter threat to world stability that crack army from Nicaragua is.
From the dates this looks like it came from Right Wingnutville some time in the middle of the Clinton administration. Yet it looks oh-so-similar to some of the stuff coming out of Left Wingnutville right now. Belief is a circular construction. If you drive far enough out onto the extreme, you'll eventually meet up with people coming from the other direction.
Tuesdays are boring. How about a little bit of surrealism, courtesy of our friends in Japan?
I think this is some sort of political commercial. It's definitely a great example of the frenetic non-stop enthusiasm only the Japanese can pull off.
Well, better late than never I suppose. After more than 200 years, France will be giving an official burial ceremony for Louis the XVII, son of Louis the XVI and Marie Antionette. All they seem to have left is the heart, "stone hard and held in an urn", but you gotta get rid of it somehow.
Your Moralising Quotient is: 0.25.
Your Interference Factor is: 0.00.
Your Universalising Factor is: 0.33.
How do you do on the taboo test?
The test is a prime example of why academia is so utterly f'd up.
"There's nothing so absurd an academic will not believe it" is an axiom proven none better than here. Only people who can deconstruct, in 2000 words (or more, preferably more) why a carrot resembles genetalia can actually have the nerve to ask you, "why is having sex with a frozen chicken at least a little wrong?" The sad thing is, these are the people setting the agenda for the left in America. They're in charge in the EU.
We can thank the Greeks for all of this. 2500 years ago a unique set of circumstances allowed a people culturally inclined to hit each other over the head with rocks (when they had perfectly good swords at hand) to have a political system that allowed free speech and an economic system that allowed a lot of free time. The result was a bunch of pooftas who would argue things like "is it wrong to bugger a sheep as long as it doesn't affect the taste?" while they lounged on couches and pawed the help.
"Do you think it's wrong if someone f's a frozen chicken in the privacy of their own home?"
"Umm... yeah."
"Enough to put them in jail?"
"Well, no. Why are you asking me this you freak?"
"Ah-HA! You, my friend, are a primary example of the moral equivocacy of the common man, and the illogic of their position. Now, sign here so I can get a government grant to survey 10,000 more of you cretins."
"Sign this" *thump*
Oh yes, America, there are significant, and noisy, segments of your countrymen (mostly holding Berkely zip codes) who think you should spend your tax dollars to help them demonstrate a) most people think sex with poultry is wrong and b) there's no dialectically logical defense for this stance.
The "chattering classes" (academia, punditry, most of the left) decry the ignorance and chattle-like tendencies of those who ultimately control the most powerful country in the world. But really, would you want people who thought brother-sister sex wasn't at least a little weird in charge of your country?
Via Silflay.
Ok Nina, be glad you're moving out of your teen years soon. Because otherwise we'd probably have pictures of you with panty elastic on your head. God knows what they'll come up with in 12 years.
First feathered hair, then bell bottom jeans (yes, dammit, bell bottoms. "Flair leg" just helps you sleep at night), now hair metal is returning. Courtesy of the Brits no less. Time to break out the aqua-net.
Jeff gets a... well, Jeff gets a no-prize for bringing this extremely bizzare court account of a cannibal and his willing victim:
Offering a full account of the killing that has gained him worldwide notoriety as "The Cannibal of Rotenburg", Armin Meiwes said there were "hundreds, thousands" of people seeking to fulfil their desires to eat humans or be eaten via Internet adverts in forums called "Cannibal Cafe," "Guy Cannibals" and "Torturenet".
I think we may have featured a bit on this awhile back, but I don't remember this much detail. Trust me, the intro doesn't do the account justice.
Now, this story about how Icelanders believe in Elves so much they even give out a degree on "elvish studies" is so silly I think someone's exagerating out there. We get hits from all over the damned place... anyone from Iceland out there who can confirm or deny all of this please feel free to chime in!
Nina gets a black ribbon and lace no-prize for bringing Memento Mori, Death and Photography in the Nineteenth Century to our attention. A nice chronicle of the changing customs of grief in the face of one of the most important inventions of the nineteenth century.
Warning: The nineteenth century was the last century of very high infant mortality in the west. Therefore, the subject of many of these pictures (dead children) may be upsetting to some folks. It's not gross, just very, very strange to 21st century eyes.
Want to know what life is like inside the last country surrounded by an iron curtain? A look at some of their press releases is rather instructive:
The Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland and the National Reunification Institute made public a memorandum on November 28 after making a joint comprehensive survey of the human and material damage caused by the U.S. imperialists to the south Korean people since it occupied south Korea on September 8, 1945 and estimating its total amount.
Welcome to the land of delusion and make-believe. Please keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times. Shackles and chains will be provided to all passengers who are unable to comply. Shackles and chains will be provided to all other passengers as well. We hope you enjoy your stay in our worker's paradise!
I mean, I like Japanese animation and all that. Ellen and my friend Damion are absolute fiends about the stuff. But I think even they'd draw the line at dressing up as an anime character , complete with huge-eyed fake head. Note: video link, may take a few minutes to load up. Seriously creepy at times, but completely safe for work.
And for the religiously pure in your life, who may have an unfortunate problem with wanking, we present Anti-Masturbatory Chewing Gum. No, really!
What do you get when you mix too much free time, too many hand tools, and an X box? Project Plex-Box. I'm not doing anything to mine until the warranty runs out. I probably won't do anything even then.
iPods are nifty little devices I know, but if, as this movie tends to imply, it has unreplaceable batteries that last about 18 months, well, it's not all that nifty after all. Who the heck designs a gizmo with unreplaceable batteries anyway?
Update: Joshua points out that, while Apple may not know about it, battery replacements do seem to be available.
Slashdot features an article that tells us The Peoples Republic of California has struck again:
The County of Los Angeles actively promotes and is committed to ensure a work environment that is free from any discriminatory influence be it actual or perceived
One such recent example included the manufacturer's labeling of equipment where the words "Master/Slave" appeared to identify the primary and secondary sources. Based on the cultural diversity and sensitivity of Los Angeles County, this is not an acceptable identification label.
People who work on computers will be groaning, while others may be puzzled. Master-Slave is a common technical term when talking about one-way communications controlled by a primary, well, controller. I'm actually surprised it's taken them this long.
Update: Always read the comments, wherein I found an even better example of moronic idealism so completely typical of college campuses everywhere:
Members of Feminist Majority, Queers & Associates, and the Center for Gender Studies organized [a panel on bathroom design] as part of the Coalition for a Queer Safe Campus. “Going to the bathroom is a moment where definition is very important in choosing a door,” said Mary Anne Case, one of the panelists.She pointed out that many women’s restrooms have a caricature of a person in a dress on it. “Going into it implies that we are willing to be associated with that image. There are only two [images] to choose from. This moment involves an act of self-labeling.”
Enjoy college while you can folks, because you can't keep this Eutopian muddle going when you have to hold a real job.
Just in time for the holidays, a detailed analasys of the real secret behind Santa Clause:
Obviously, not every person that believes in Santa Claus as a child will refuse the Lord Jesus Christ. The truth is, the author of this article "believed in" Santa Claus as a child. And the truth is, the author of this article did not trust the Lord Jesus Christ until he was 20 years old. And furthermore, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that the lie and god-like attributes of Santa Claus influenced my early beliefs and confusion about the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm making a preliminary judgement that this one's for real (well, in their own tightly-wound reality of course). If it really is a hoax please let us know.
And people say Americans are Godless...
It took me a second to realize this article is describing a modern operation:
A team of negotiators and former soldiers from Tokyo has been sent to the jungles of the Philippines to try to bring home soldiers of Japan’s Imperial Army who are still fighting the Second World War.
The most famous of these old holdouts was Hiroo Onoda, who held out until 1974. Discovery channel ran a documentary about Mr. Onoda a few months ago, and you could tell this guy was still bugnut crazy. Total fanatic, the kind that still throws bombs at the doors of newspapers who criticise the emperor.
Looks like ol' Jacko's accusers may have trouble denying an ulterior motive:
The 13-year-old boy's father was arrested last year on a variety of child abuse charges, including counts alleging that the man, a 37-year-old supermarket employee, may have "endangered" his son's health through "cruel and inhuman corporal punishment" that resulted in "a traumatic condition."
In a recent court bid for spousal and child support, the woman reported that she was unemployed and that her income was limited to a $769 monthly check from the federal Aid to Families with Dependent Children program. The woman stated her family had monthly expenses totaling $1340, which included rent of $425. The woman's support request was approved this March by an L.A. judge who ordered that $1499 be automatically deducted from her estranged husband's paycheck.
Sounds so much like Kenny-from-South-Park's parents its kinda scary.
So far, the only real innocent I see in this whole thing is the kid.
Listen up folks, just because you want a Ferrari, and can hang tacky sh*t off your Japanese car, doesn't make the result a Ferrari. Or even a pseudo-Ferrari.
At least this time around the guy actually did a good job 'rodding up the motor... an overbore, balance job, and new turbo are things you actually have to remove the motor to do (and therefore add horsepower). So, while it may be ugly, it probably scoots.
Still, none of that stuff is cheap. I have a feeling if he'd pooled the money he spent on this thing he'd get most of the way to, say, a mid-70s Ferrari 308. If he's got the skillz to do all that engine work, he'd have the ability to keep it running I'm sure.
Ah well. No accounting for taste.
PINE BLUFF, Ark. - A wild boar like the University of Arkansas' beloved porcine mascot wasn't a welcome sight for schoolchildren in Pine Bluff on Tuesday, who needed police to save them from the hog's tusks.
Read entire article here.
And in the "don't you people have anything better to do?" category, we have this report of congresscritters protesting the paint job of an airplane in the new Smithsonian annex:
Just weeks before the opening of the Smithsonian's new aviation museum, 20 House members have asked the Smithsonian to remove beer logos from a historic aerobatics plane.
Dems and Reps are in on this foolishness, so neither side gets to claim the busybody high ground.
Ok, I've seen 'em in lots of different colors, but this one's a real doozy. Auction link, so check it while you can. No, I don't want it for Christmas, not even in a scale model. Yeesh.
Yup, it's true, guys really do buy Real Dolls. Two of them no less. And it's not like the guy weighs 400 lbs or anything. Umm... yeah...
Note Has pictures, but all are complete safe for work.
Well, I found the trash can. It was several blocks from the house hinding behind some bushes as if it was not wanting to be found.
So there I am, walking away with Olivia in her SOOPA STROLLER and dragging a trash can behind me. ( I KNOW it's my trash can due to the variety of car jizz and grey paint splattered inside of it as well as some ad that has been stuck to the bottom of it for 3 months.)
The lid is still MIA.
Thursdays is trash day here. We have a large green trash can that sits on the curb that day with an assortment of trash goodies. Used diapers, kitchen trash, used litter, you know, stuff you don't want in the house.
Yesterday morning we put the trash out like we normally do. Yesterday evening there was no trash can. This morning there is no trash can.
Either the garbage men took the trash can OR it blew down the block.
This morning Scott can't find it. Must've been the strong wind that blew it away.
So now I have to go out this morning and get a new trash can.
This is just wrong!!!
Ok, I'm genuinely sorry to hear when a child dies from something, anything. People tell me you can't imagine the grief and pain, and I believe them. However, I do feel there are limits to the demonstrations of grief, and after some consideration I think this lady may have found them:
A grieving mother said on Thursday she plans to fight after her town set a deadline for her to remove decorations on the grave of her 9-year-old son or have his remains moved to a different cemetery.
Armstrong decided to bury the boy in a nearby public cemetery but found it to be "cold and raw" -- and so she covered the grave with mulch, white stones, fencing, plants, toys, Halloween decorations, solar-powered lighting, prayer cards and other objects.
Now, hysterical grief can cause people to do all sorts of things, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Turning your child's gravesite into a landing strip definitely sounds like that line has been crossed.
For the person that has almost everything.
No corpses were harmed in the making of this product.
Some weird pictures and videos of ghosts. I'm going to sleep with the lights on tonight.
One persons experience from the famous Bunny Ranch.
This photographer has way to much time on his hands to hunt for stuff like this.
Ok, not that I'm judgemental or anything, but anyone who'd want to stick themselves in what is essentially a giant vacuform machine for fun is basically nuts. I wonder if it'd make your ears pop?
Ok, if the peanut bag feels like its got sugar in it, just give it to the feds:
Federal investigators Thursday found about $20,000 worth of cocaine disguised as snack-sized bags of peanuts on an Avianca flight from Colombia to Miami.
Hmmm, let's see... an airline flight from Columbia. Nah, we won't search that one at all.
Ok all you dope heads out there, let's keep the stash away from the kids, mmkay?:
A five-year-old girl allegedly handed out hard drugs to classmates at a Hilversum school last week, leading to the arrest of her mother and the girl's three brothers.
Chong: "Hey man, these Strawberry Shortcake lunchboxes are great! They, like, hold a huge amount of grass!"
Cheech: "Yeah, dude, that's great... so where is it?"
Chong: "Where's what?"
Cheech: "The lunchbox dude... where's the lunchbox?"
Chong: "Oh, the lunchbox? Oh my daughter takes her lunchbox to school every day, man."
Cheech: "!!!"
Bethany Hamilton was lying on her board off Kauai's North Shore, a shark bit once and then disappeared, taking off her left arm just below the shoulder."It was a very clean amputation," Dr. David Rovinsky said.
Read entire article here .
This site is for all of our gothic friends out there.
I know all of you will be running to 'adopt' one of your own.
2 VERY talented people make those dolls.
Ok, you're a thief rummaging through an old man's house looking for some bling, and you stumble upon his box of pwerno. On examination, you find its full of pictures of little kids. On closer examination, you find one of those little kids is your sister. What're you gonna do?
Well, if you're this guy, you turn his ass in:
A Piqua [Ohio] man was arrested Friday after a burglar broke into his home and stumbled upon a metal box full of illicit photos of young girls, including the thief's 4-year-old sister.
Like Mark Twain said, truth will always be stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense.
Anton Szandor LaVey, founder of the First Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible, dies from a cardiac arrest at St. Mary's Hospital in San Francisco. His death certificate incorrectly lists the date as October 31.
From my most fave site,
Ok, just so we're all clear on this: Hearse + Sleepy driver = bad
A hearse overturned on a German motorway Wednesday, shattering the coffin and ejecting the corpse onto the tarmac along with a bag of coffin nails that brought traffic to a standstill, authorities said.
Just wanted to make that clear.
Scott and I saw this bus in D.C. outside of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. We did not take this pix.
Fark linked up this bizzare account of the discovery of 400 lb + boulders perched high in the branches of various trees in a remote part of Yellowwood forest, in Indiana.
I lean toward a flood explanation. I used to hike around the Buffalo River valley occasionally in college, and you'd come across all kinds of weird things stuck high in trees... mostly rocks and the occasional canoe. All were caused by the spring floods that rocketed through the valley every year.
Of course, I don't remember anything that big up in a tree. Ah well...
The civet cat has long been highly prized for its tender meat, which is reputed to help blood circulation, but there are growing signs that more Chinese believe it could pose a health threat.
The Chinese will eat anything that will keep their winky up. I especially like it how they add to the problem of the endangered animal list. If they catch any nasty goodies from what they eat, thats their problem.
Read entire article here .
Tonight, for your viewing pleasure, we bring you dancing weenies.
Kris gets a very erect No PrIzE!
Had to happen some day. What do you get when you cross Iron Chef with Survivor? Oh hell, I don't know either, but it might look a little like Battle Fishing, the new sports-reality game show. Billy, Ellen's step-dad and inveterate fisherman, will probably never be the same.
MAKUHARI, Japan (Reuters) - General Motors Corp will rename its Buick LaCrosse in Canada because the name for the car is slang for masturbation in Quebec, embarrassed officials with the U.S. automaker said on Thursday.Read entire article here.
I thought LaCrosse was a game.
Thanks to Joshua for the article!
Those wacky Germans are at it again, this time they've invented "porno" karaoke:
Porno karaoke is similar to traditional karaoke - but, instead of standing in for Whitney Houston or Frank Sinatra, contestants belt out the soundtracks of adult movie stars.
I'm just happy I could spell "karaoke" without having to look it up first. This'll be one I leave gramma and baby at home for...
TORONTO (Reuters) - A "smiling" man survived a 150-foot plunge over the fast-flowing Niagara Falls, and police said on Tuesday that the unusual case was still under investigation.Read entire article here.The man, who has not been identified, is believed to be the first person to survive a drop over the falls without any life jacket or flotation device.
Jeff gets a potato-shaped no-prize for bringing this interesting find to our attention:
Workers at a Kettle Foods potato chip plant were feeding potatoes into a machine that sorts out stones and other debris this week when a 3-pound military bomb popped out.
Not to worry, "only" a practice bomb, from when the fields were used as target ranges. Still, a potato with fins... has potential...
Are they rabbits or are they powder puffs?
No, I have not tried this.
There are ridiculous ricers out there, and then there are ridiculous ricers. This one doesn't seem to know if it wants to be a Mercedes, a BMW, a Honda, or a, well good lord who knows what else. Look closely at the underhood pic and you'll see the owner has a put a way-cool tiny crown on the oil filler cap.
Warning: Pics are fine, but some of the ads surrounding them can be a bit raunchy. One of the very few advantages of being at home sick is I get to cruise the really naughty sites.
One armed man, please meet the one-armed Yeti.
Remember the guy that loved bears so much he became bear food?
Apparently they found an audiotape recording the last 3 minutes of the attack before the couple met their maker.
Timothy Treadwell can be heard desperately fighting off a grizzly bear on a 3-minute audiotape of the fatal mauling that claimed his life and that of his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, in Katmai National Park and Preserve earlier this week, Alaska State Troopers disclosed yesterday.Interesting? Read some more.
A self-taught bear expert who once called Alaska's brown bears harmless party animals was one of two people fatally mauled in a bear attack in Katmai National Park and Preserve - the first known bear killings in the 4.7-million-acre park.See entire article here.
Want some dessert with that human?
If you want to get people to notice you're different, wear unusual clothes. If you want to seriously F- with them, wear weird contacts.
I can think of at least four people in my circle that will probably order some of these. If you do, please send us pictures (but stay off our lawn!)
I mean, really, who in the world would think it might be a good idea to display a Nazi flag on Rosh Hashana:
Band director Charles Grissom said the song and flag were part of a musical performance called "Visions of World War II." It was performed at a Dallas high school Friday, which was also Rosh Hashana, the start of the Jewish new year and one of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar.
Texas! It's like a whole other country! Having spent most of my life in next door Arkansas, I can say sometimes it seems like a whole other planet.
And everyone thought "Waiting for Guffman" was just a silly movie.
The Japanese are at it again, this time with a very ... ummm... "innovative"... male sex toy. At first I thought it was even weirder than it actually is. When did I get so damned perverted?
Warning contains one relatively harmless diagram that *might* get you in trouble, but probably won't. If you're not sure, just wait until you're home.
The fark headline says it all:
Would someone please explain to me why the press hasn't made the most obvious point about this? Mainly, what does a country that has so much oil it limits production have any business doing developing a "peaceful" nuclear reactor? Yeah, wow, I can just see the board meeting for this one:
Achmed: "We can have peaceful, safe, hassle-free, cheap oil-fired electrical generators. Or we can have really expensive, hard-to-build, complex-to-administer, nuclear powered systems nobody but North Korea wants us to have."
Ahmed: "Well, of course we'd only be using the nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes. By Allah, let's go with the nuclear option!"
I mean, am I the only one who sees the "peaceful use" excuse as thinner than an "ultra-sensitive" condom and more full of crap than my kid's last diaper? I guess the media won't, at least until someone puts out a press release.
If Iran doesn't scare the hell out of you you're not paying attention. We're so damned busy with Iraq I can only hope Israel steps up to the plate again. Because all Europe (i.e. France and Germany) will do is "negotiate" via the oh-so-effective UN process all the while selling them the bits they need to finish the damned thing.
God I love international politics.
Scott always thought if I really went into personal training (which is what I want to do REALLY bad, just don't have the time to quit my REAL job right now to do it) he would say I would be a bad ass mean instructor.
Scott has always hated working out with me, and I've never been able to find a workout partner with the same umm..craze for the pain than I do. ;)
Which brings me to this:
Even the most dedicated fitness fanatic occasionally needs extra motivation to make it to the gym, but a novel craze for slovenly New Yorkers takes encouragement to the extreme. Slavercise will raise your heart rate but there isn't a treadmill in sight. Be very afraid - and prepare to be whipped, slapped and intimidated into shape.Slaves pay $20 for an hour-long weekly group session of verbal and physical humiliation, beatings and being bullied into shape. Latex, leather and rubber catsuits are optional - the only thing you need to bring to Slavercise is a pair of trainers and a bottle of water. The tone for the class is set when Mistress Victoria tells her students: 'You all look so pathetic.'
Interested to read more? Check it out here.
Now thats a job that I WOULD do.
How to destroy a vaccum in a day.
Never trust your boss, or take a note to a bank without reading it:
Two men face charges in connection with a robbery last week at an RBC Centura bank -- an incident that one of the people involved says was simply a prank that misfired.
Assuming it's true, and trust me I have my own doubts, this has to rank high up in the "America's Stupidest People" list. And trust me folks, cops don't care what your intentions are... if you order a bank teller to give you money, and they do, and you take that money out of the bank, you're a bank robber. I know from an experience of a friend that it takes a long time and very expensive lawyers to talk your way out of a felony. Even that requires the plaintiff to be a moron, which banks are not. These guys are going to be looking at the inside of a jail cell pretty damned soon.
Robert Palmer, dead at 54. Seemed like a classy guy. Damned shame.
When celebrities take it a bit to far.
Btw- I am collecting for the Ellen Needs New Boobs Fund! -but nice ones...not scary ones.
Oh, those crazy Japanese. This time we get to hear about the details of a celebration after a baseball championship. Roving bands of molesters, naked people jumping off bridges, mass hysteria!
But no riots per-se. I guess that does make them more civilized.
Fark linked up this bit of silliness in an op-ed about cats, madness, and toxoplasmosis.
I've got a pretty good idea who worked on the original study, and if I'm right he's been trying to prove a link for years and hasn't gotten anywhere with it. Plus, living with a vet tech like I do I know that not all cats have toxo, and it's not all that communicable. Ellen had worked with hundreds of cats for years and tested negative (i.e. "no exposure") during her first pre-natal exam.
If you keep your cats inside, make sure they don't get in fights, and scoop the box regularly you'll be fine. Of course, this goes a long way toward explaining Lair and Amish Tech...
Also via Jody, Russian sex doll raft Contests. No, really!
Can't afford diapers? The open crotch pants are for you! No, really.
*Shrug* Who am I to judge... I wear white shoes with black pants!
Geeze, like women don't already carry enough crap in their purse, now they can bring along their own urinal
All together now... EEEEeeeeewwwwwwww!!!
Ah, Finland... the fijords, the piny forests, the long dark winters, the homicidal TV stars:
With her former boyfriend’s head in her backpack, the Finish TV-star went bar hopping. She is now charged with a double murder, and her new boyfriend admits to cannibalism.
Ok, I've heard of "lover's revenge" before, but that's carrying it a bit far...
(CNN) -- Actor and comedian John Ritter has died unexpectedly after he was rushed to the hospital for a "dissection of the aorta," his publicist Lisa Kasteler told CNN.
See entire article here.
(CNN) -- The "Man in Black" died Friday. Johnny Cash was 71. Cash died early Friday of complications from diabetes at Baptist Hospital in Nashville, hospital spokeswoman Nicole Bates said.
See entire article here.
All that crap about Americans suing just because the wind blows the wrong way? Well, we're not alone:
An Egyptian lawyer said Wednesday he was planning to sue the world's Jews for "plundering" gold during the Exodus from Pharaonic Egypt thousands of years ago, based on information in the Bible.
And people thought slave reparations were ridiculous.
Colorful reaction from Amish Tech Support in 3... 2... 1...
Slashdot linked up this Kansas City Star article about "Toyenbee Tiles". These strange artificial tiles have been embedded in streets all over the country, and in some other countries, with a strange message about Stanley Kubrik, 2001, and ressurection on Jupiter. Nobody has any idea who is doing it, but they're going to an awful lot of trouble.
Sometimes they're just Urban Legends, but sometimes...
FORT WORTH, Texas -- A veterinarian accused of using a mallet to kill a miniature dachshund that had entered his yard has been charged with felony animal cruelty.Read entire story here.Dr. Mircea Volosen, who was indicted Thursday, could receive up to two years in prison if convicted of killing his neighbor's pet.
Police say the dog was killed July 4 after it entered Volosen's Fort Worth-area yard, where he keeps chickens and rabbits.
Mind you this is the SECOND neighbors dog this guy has killed. He offed a golden retriever for messing with his livestock also. I hope he gets that jail sentence. I hope he gets his license revoked and his clinic taken away. I hope he gets shunned by the veterinary community.
Apparently dots do fart.
Olivia is better at it though. Scott and I wonder why she has not flown around the room yet.
IN THE STILL of night, doors rattled and stairwells creaked in the citys police department. In the light of day, a secretarys desk drawer opened on its own. A city worker who toured the building late one night even reported feeling something grab her leg.So the police took the probe to another dimension. The way I treat it is not that there is a ghost, theres just things that I cant explain, said Officer John Wilson, who contacted the Scientific Investigative Ghost Hunting Team, based in Louisville.
Yeah, I'm sorry, if something not there "grabbed" my leg, my ass would be out of there faster than a cat on fire.
Read the entire story here.
Scott: "There is no such thing as ghosts Ellen".
This is comming from the person that gets creeped out if he watches "Aliens" at night.
"AMCGLTD," we are so often asked, "my son stubbed his toe last week, and now his head is spinning around and he keeps screaming 'swallow your soul! swallow your soul!' I've already worn out two steam-vacs cleaning the oozing yellow pus and green vomit from the carpets! What am I to do?!?"
Fear not gentle reader! AMCGLTD has the answer for you! is your one-stop-shop for everything a budding exorcist needs to remove those stubborn, hard-to-get-at demons from the souls of your friends and loved ones. From chants to books to those impossible-to-find props you'll find it all here. Best of all, it's free!
So don't wait! Supplies are limited, so act now! Get rid of all your demon problems today!!!
The Japanese are at it again with some weird ass toys.
Rub them and they can give you magical powers!
Wanna wash your bod with a fetus? Now you can! For $5 a bar and 6 fetus choices.
Don't forget to check out Fetopia for all of your fetal needs!
*Warning! We file this under weird well, because it's WeIrD!! I would normally file this under XXX, but it's just wEirD!*
What happens when you break your Real Doll and it needs some surgery?
Now they're going after college and high school kids:
The industry plans to pursue pirates with some vigour, using a carrot-and-stick: pay quite a lot for past free down-loads and we'll call the dogs off, or resist and get hit by a mega-penalty later.
My sister-in-law was an inveterate downloader... making her a criminal worthy of felony-level fines in the minds of RIAA. Run girl, run!
When Babelfish attacks... the weirdest warning screen ever.
Note:: This first page contains little or nothing to get you in trouble if you're at work, but it most definitely links to other sites that do. Be careful or just wait till you get home.
Ok, as a former pizza delivery man myself, I find this one to be completely f'd up:
Autopsy results expected to be released today could help investigators begin to unravel whether there was a link between the deaths of two pizza delivery men, including one killed when a bomb strapped to his chest exploded after a bank robbery.
Apparently they have video of the first poor bastard going up, which I'm sure will be on one of Ellen's sicko websites any second now. It gets even weirder:
Wells allegedly entered a PNC Bank branch in Erie, some time after leaving Mama Mia's Pizza-Ria, where both he and Pinetti worked, to deliver two sausage and pepperoni pies to a rural location along a main road, near a television transmission tower.
This thing just screams slasher movie. Like something out of that Rob Zombie flick we saw last winter. Sheesh...
Ok, it's the beginning of the football season, you're a starter, and you're team has a pretty good shot at going all the way. What happens? You get shot in the butt:
[All-pro linebacker Joey] Porter was standing outside a Denver sports bar following Saturday night's game between alma mater Colorado State and rival Colorado when he was struck by a bullet that entered his left buttocks and lodged in his right thigh. Police say he was an innocent bystander during what may have been a gang-related shooting.
Ok, no more complaining about my bad luck because I've got a siezed lugnut on my Spider.
A woman who switched beds to be closer to the window died after she was given the wrong type of blood during surgery at Inova Fairfax Hospital. A technician had taken a blood sample from her roommate, hospital officials confirmed this week.Hospital leaders described the transfusion death as the first at the Falls Church hospital, the only trauma center in Northern Virginia. The 753-bed facility performs about 57,000 transfusions a year, officials said.
Good thing I did not have my baby at Inova Fairfax Hopsital.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - A woman in Cambodia has given herself up to authorities after accidentally killing her husband in a scuffle in which she squeezed his testicles until he fainted, a newspaper reported Friday.
Thanks to CrAzY Aunt Maru! You get SquEEzalbe No Prize!
Love hotels throughout Japan are apparently rushing to carry out repairs to improve their image.Anyway, this young woman came in with a guy in his 60s. After a while, we got a call at the front desk asking for help. It was the old man. He was almost crying as he begged us to save him. They'd been doing it doggy style and got stuck together.
One guy came in with a woman he didn't know had a death wish. They had stripped off and were getting down to business when the woman suddenly pulled out a knife she'd hidden under her pillow, held it up at the guy and told him it was time for them to die together.
Go read the entire thing!
Errm... I don't think I would want to stick my hand in this kind of purse .
Volcanos are cool... from a distance .
I hate flying in bad weather. Once we went to NY to visit my family and got stuck in this 10 passenger turbo prop airplane. OK, not bad, until we flew through a thunderstorm. I thought I was going to puke. Good thing the ride was only an hour.
This plane was not so lucky!
Just when you thought it was safe to take your gaming books out of the closet, something like this pops up. The amount of energy the fundie right wastes on this sort of thing completely amazes me. Stop telling smart kids what to do with their lives, and start trying to actually help the poor like you're supposed to.
They'll never do it though because you know that most poor people are [whisper]those kids of people*[/whisper].
* i.e. anyone undesirable or difficult from their narrow point of view. Insert black, hispanic, asian, single mothers, etc. in the blank.
Can't you just grow one in a petri dish ?
Doctors have grown a new penis on a Russian boy's arm after he lost his old one in a bizarre accident.Say it with me people. DON'T PEE ON AN ELECTRIC FENCE! *with picture!*The 16-year-old, named only as Malik, lost his penis after receiving an electric shock while urinating on an electric wire.
This was always a favorite of mine. I had the poster of it when I was in college above my desk.
As if shark week weren't bad enough, we now have whales jumping on sailboats:
A British family's holiday was rudely interrupted when a 30-foot (9-meter) whale crashed onto their sailing boat off the east coast of Australia.
In America I'm sure the family's cell phone would be dead from all the lawyers ringing them, but that's just us. Ah, the good ol' US-sue-ya-till-ya-die-A.
There's not a one of you out there in the US who didn't wonder at some point, "if I'm under age, and if the other person is under age, is it still statutory rape?" Well, it would seem it is in Wisconsin:
When an Oak Creek woman found her 14-year-old daughter nude in the woman's bed with a 14-year-old boy, the teens didn't strike her as being overly concerned."They both freely admitted that their intention was to 'have sex,' " records quote the woman as saying. They "were confrontational and remorseless."
The teens even "challenged" the woman to call police. So she did.
Of course, they picked a real pair of winners too:
The boy is being held in secure detention on a charge of attempted second-degree sexual assault, a felony that carries a possible juvenile prison term.The girl pleaded guilty to fourth degree sexual assault, a misdemeanor, but is charged with violating her probation; a warrant has been issued for her arrest.
Trailer trash yankee joke from Ellen in 3... 2... 1...
If you thought slasher horror movies were just an American thing, you were wrong. Be sure to check out the trailer. Warning: Probably not safe for work. No boobies, but lots of freaky bloody stuff going on. Joshua and Richie will probably love it.
The demand for increasingly bizarre cosmetic surgery has taken a new twist, with women undergoing genital operations in order to boost their sex life and their self-esteem.Read entire article here .More than 100 women over the past year have been to private clinics around the UK to undergo surgery which is aimed at improving their relationships, particularly after childbirth.
A doctor was killed today at Christus St. Joseph Hospital when an elevator malfunctioned, decapitating him, authorities said.
See entire article here .
Now, I've been mad at my mom before (not now mom, everything's fine!), but this is a little ridiculous:
French police held a 62-year-old woman in custody Wednesday on suspicion of manslaughter after discovering the skeletal remains of her mother hidden at her home.
Sealed her up in a room and never went back in. It doesn't get much more "Edgar Allen Poe" than that.
We just need to make sure Ellen's grandmother doesn't clue in to the technique for room sealing. "G-rizzle" (a name given to her by, no surprise, the grandkids) has already stated on several occasions that if diagnosed with something nasty she's just going to kill herself. As a retired registered nurse, we have no doubt she'd do it. Of course, Suzanne, her daughter, my mother-in-law, and the "queen mother" of my child, has simply requested notification so as not to disturb the neighbors. If "rizzle" sealed the room it'd be weeks before anyone knew.
No, my extended family isn't quirky... why do you ask?
New Scientist is carrying this article detailing what must be one of the weirder side effects of a drug I've ever heard of... a new Parkinson drug apparently causes a spike in uncontrollable gambling. No, really!
It's one thing to be told "I shot a 1200 lb. grizzly bear." It's quite another to realize just exactly what that means.
Warning: Contains trophy-style pictures of a very large, very dead bear. If you don't like that sort of thing, well, don't go there!
Or: Yet Another Urban Legend.
Sometimes managing our spam pile can be entertaining. In addition to the various Nigerian money scams and penile enlargement drugs, you get an occasional legitimate but extremely gullible user forwarding something so many times the filters catch it anyway. That's how I learned about The Legend of the Ball Pit, relating how a kid died from a) a bite from a snake hidden in the balls or b) a heroin overdose from a hidden hypodermic needle.
It never ceases to amaze me how otherwise rational, functional people can take this sort of ridiculous pap as gospel. And don't even try to convince them otherwise. I've been labeled a rude troublemaker more than once for trying to point out the logical inconsistencies in, say, someone getting their leg cut by a mugger hiding under a car (I've worked under cars folks... it takes a pair of TALL jackstands before you can even squeeze underneath them) or flashing headlights at people can get you killed in "bad" neighborhoods. Nowadays I just smile to myself and try to find someone a little smarter to talk to.
This sort of thing used to regularly end up in my inbox courtesy of my mom, but after several embarassing gaffs involving viruses and other nonsense, she's finally wised up and is almost as skeptical as I am.
Well, I giggled a bit at this, mainly because it reminded me of watching my teenage sister-in-law's AIM conversations. Only in German. With penises. I think.
Safe for work, unless your boss speaks German I suppose.
Funny thing is, I know people who probably would join Larry Flint's "pray for the death of Bill O' Reilly" day. Still, it does seem a little extreme. I guess "pray for Bill O' Reilly to sprain an ankle and get hemorrhoids" just doesn't have the same sort of ring to it.
Of course, at the rate they're going this could be California's next governor. No, really:
State officials now say the special election will cost more than $60 million, double their original estimate. There is no limit to the number of candidates who can appear on the ballot. All it takes to qualify is 65 voter signatures and a $3,500 filing fee. And all it takes to win, if voters decide to recall Davis, is the most votes -- not a majority.Political strategists say that if Davis is ousted, his successor could emerge from a huge field of candidates with less than 15 percent of the vote.
And to think we wonder why the rest of the world believes America is insane.
In her Brentwood, California home, Marilyn Monroe dies in bed, naked, after swallowing an overdose of sleeping pills. Or maybe she's killed by the CIA with a barbiturate enema. Either way, she's dead.
Ok, I don't know about you, but dying from an enema does not sound very pleasent
Guinea pigs as govenment spies.
VENTURA, Calif. -- The father who dissected his daughter's guinea pig because he thought it was a government spy was sentenced to 50 days in jail -- time he's already served.After dissecting the animal, he called relatives and said, "The good news is guinea bleeds. The bad news is guinea's dead," Connors told jurors during the trial.
From the Village Voice! Weird ass sexual questions!
How do you get rid of a sexual fetish? I've got an incest fetish, and while I don't plan on acting on it, it's still very annoying. I was raped by a sibling as a child. Repeatedly. At first I was upset by this, but I eventually began to enjoy the sex. So I hate myself. Is this common? I'm seeing a therapist, but due to my guilt and shame I'm unable to ask her these questions. Sick in BostonGo check out the great advice given at the Village Voice.I was hoping you could provide some insight as to whether my behavior is, for lack of a better word, normal. At work I can clearly see who is going in and out of the restroom. When I go in there and no one is around, I wipe the hairs off the urinal. If my "distraction stud" enters and leaves the restroom after I wipe down the urinal, I go in, lock the door, and sometimes find two or three of his pubic hairs. I collect his pubic hairs and take them home and sterilize them. I store them in a plastic sandwich bag, which I bring out when I masturbate. Imagining that I have just orally serviced him, I place his pubic hairs in my mouth and let them rest on my tongue. Then I climax. Is this healthy? Should I stop behaving this way? Sick in Nashville
Even though I am on birth control and have been with my boyfriend for over two years, he still won't come inside of me. He insists on coming on my stomach. What is this all about? Why do men like coming all over your body instead of the natural way? Is this some primal instinct of marking his territory? What is the deal with this behavior? Sticky Mess
Transnasal penetrating brain injury with a ball-pen.
See entire article here.
Too bad they did not have something like this on Fox's 101 Things Removed From the Human Body.
Joshua bring us this disgusting feature for your enjoyment!
WARNING: This special circus exhibit contains shocking documentation of Plush-toy Tragedies. Some viewers will be stunned; others appauled. Entry is not for children or the faint of heart! These gripping, real images may haunt you for all time. By clicking on the above image to enter, you agree to not hold, the artists, or anyone else liable for what may result. Enter at your own risk.
KINGSTON, N.Y. (AP) -- A 37-year-old woman gave birth to a baby boy weighing 12 pounds 5 ounces.Matthew Joseph Potyak was born by Caesarean section at 11:10 a.m. Tuesday in Benedictine Hospital in Kingston, 50 miles south of Albany.
See entire article here.
My college was near Kingston, NY
'Nipple Huggers' Adult Nipple Jewelry are the latest craze! Our Nipple Huggers Nipple Jewelry makes you 'hot' in more ways than one! Real soon you will be seeing our nipple jewelry in photographs of professional models, in videos, and in magazines. Worn with evening gowns, street clothes and even office clothes (as well as lingerie of course)!
See and buy them here .
Don't forget to fill out the contest form to win a free pair!
Just found yet another entry in the "stabbed in the brain" category. As always, with cool-and-freaky x-ray pic.
You end up with something like this:
The Australian-based Tissue Culture and Art (TCA) project is growing a third ear fashioned out of the skin and cartilage of Stelarc, a performer who plans to implant it on his forearm.
And all this time I thought people who pierced their tounges were radical...
Thanks to Sherri who submitted this article!
BERLIN (Reuters) - A motor-mad three-year-old German boy crashed his father's car twice in four days, police in the western town of Borken said on Monday.See entire story here.
There are many things to remember when operating a nuclear reactor, but one rule is paramount: Stay awake.Between 6:09 and 6:15 on the morning of June 29, however, the only operator in the control room of the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, in the heart of Cambridge, was snoozing. There was never any threat to the public, scientists say, but the incident could bring a fine from the US government and is an embarrassment for a university proud of its technical prowess.
See entire article here
Those crazy Japanese are at it again !
Japan's lavatories are already a step ahead of the rest of the world.Heated seats are routine, while some toilets come festooned with buttons and control panels.
Thanks to Jeff for this strange article.
Good thing Scott is not that crazy about cast iron.
Now you can reproduce a perfect replica of your bone.
For about $40, you get a complete kit and a FREE 4oz tube of KY. Not only that, you can purchase a vibrator for $10 and put that in your bone for muscle relaxing pleasure.
What the hell is wrong with some people?
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A California man accused of stealing heads and other human body parts from a local hospital and stashing them at his house, posted $10,000 bail over the weekend, police said on Monday.
See entire story here.
Thanks to Jeff for the oddities! No-Prize!
BERLIN (Reuters) - A pair of flying underpants caused a crash on a German highway when they landed on a driver's face and blocked his view, police said Tuesday.
Kansas IS Flatter than a pancake!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kansas really is flatter than a pancake, U.S. geographers reported on Monday. A scientific comparison of the topography of Kansas to a pancake shows the state, known for its vast, even fields, is in fact really, really flat, geographer Mark Fonstad of Southwest Texas State University and colleagues found.
Agressive Pig Sparks Helicopter Chase
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police deployed a helicopter Monday to track and kill a ferocious little pig after it attacked some cows, chasing one around a barn until it died.
Well, once I actually started reading the site, it turned out that really wasn't that bad. The guy's just trying to promote some understanding ya know. I still think Ellen will get the heebies, but that's because she's going to hell.
Just kidding! We don't call them heebies, we call them heebie-jeebies.
Well, you knew it was only a matter of time before someone came up with it. First we had "re-virginizing", now we have uncircumcising. You just can't make stuff like this up.
You'd think that something called Mr. Brain's Faggots would be some sort of Engrish-ism for, I don't know, baby wipes or something. You'd be wrong. I'm sure everyone in the UK is already rolling their eyes, but apparently, according to the web site anyway, it's some sort of ball-shaped pork product. Once I saw that their "Faggot Family" was called "Doody", I started to smell (as it were) a rat. If someone over there can confirm or deny the existence of this... well, "food", it'd be appreciated.
Ok, all those things I said about how weird my mom is? I take it all back:
A distraught Kazakh mother kept her daughter's mummified corpse in her apartment for three years hoping she would be resurrected by aliens, police said on Thursday.
Very sad. Very weird.
No-prize to Jeff!
Well, someone out there might be interested in in the "sensual" art of caning. I'm just not sure who.
Well, ok, I might know one or two people. We try not to move suddenly when we're around them though.
And all this time I thought it was protestants who were hard-core:
Court papers filed last month say Rev Scott Mansfield said at Martinez's funeral last year that the deceased was "living in sin", "lukewarm in his faith" and that "the Lord vomited people like Ben out of his mouth to hell"....
One of the plaintiffs says the townspeople "are staring at her, thinking her father is in hell".
I do remember attending one of Ellen's friend's wedding and being rather impressed at the dressing-down the priest gave the couple while they stood at the alter. He didn't approve of them living together before marriage, and got in several shots to make his point.
Jeff sent this to me from
Scott and I were listening to The Don and Mike radio show yesterday and this was one of the topics. Scott said under no circumstances would he play paintball without some eye goggles or head gear. There was no mention to whether or not he would play naked though.
FLATULENCE is responsible for the death of hundreds of cattle exported to the Middle East each year.Cows gas themselves to death by emitting fatally high levels of ammonia during the lengthy voyages, a University of New England conference has heard.
Read entire story here.
Ok, hunting for prostitutes is f*&k'd up!*
More shocking than anything you've ever seen before. Labeled by CBS News as a cross between Sex and Violence a deadly combination! Women are being hunted down like animals and shot with paintball guns. This Raw and completely Uncensored video is a cross between Bum Fights and Girls Gone Wild and is sure to be the topic of many Howard Stern Show fans. You will be completely stunned when you see some of the wildest, most outrageous moments ever caught on tape. This is without a doubt one of the sickest and most shocking videos ever made. When it comes to hunting women if you can think of it we probably show it. Women are screaming with fear as our Team Bambi hunters track them down and blast them with paintball guns...
Here's where it gets real good.
If you would like to fly out to wonderful fun filled Las Vegas, Nevada for the hunt of a lifetime now is your chance. You can actually hunt one of our Bambi sluts and shoot her with paintballs while we film the whole thing and tape it for your own home video. We will send you a complete list of wall hangers to choose from once your reservation is confirmed for your hunt. With over 30 women ready to be chased down and shot like dogs we guarantee a wide variety of Bambis to choose from. Whether it is a fat ass cow or a perfect 10 we have an abundance of these beauties. So if you are the ultimate sportsman and are seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush then come out to our ranch and shoot one of these nagging whinny bitches where it hurts and shut her the fuck up. Then mount her like a "Real Man".Private hunt includes:
· Round Trip Airfare for hunter
· Lodging for hunter (3 Days 4 Nights)
· Meals for hunter
· The Hunt
· Video of the Hunt
· Mount (not for virgins, you figure it out)
Price: $10,000.00 U.S.
Deposit: $2,500.00 U.S. ** NON- REFUNDABLE**
British police charged two men with manslaughter Tuesday following the death of an Oxford University student who was flung from a giant catapult.
And to think all this time I thought it was bungee jumping that was crazy...
This is just nasty.
The economy is down, unemployment is on the rise, but people are as horny as ever. This has led to more and more folks economizing in the bedroom. Whether its the Good Will, Yard Sales, or the recycling bin the hunt is on for sex toys - almost new, handy man's specials, or as-is. Not all toys are amenable to reuse, and not all toys can be refurbished, so Uncle Melon put together this guide, breaking down selection and assessment into several easy steps.
Ok, I've heard of "filling the bowl", but this is ridiculous:
A pet python missing over the last two months made its reappearance by scaring a Dutch woman when it slithered out of her toilet bowl.
If this happened at my house there'd be one of those cartoon-cutout silhouettes in my bedroom wall. On the 2nd floor.
And anyone who wants to take a shot at exactly what this is all about is also welcome to it.
D: ok, thats messed up. some mean looking yakuza dude ate my car.
Yet ANOTHER death at the National Zoo.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Officials at the National Zoo suspect that a large cat got into a bald eagle's enclosure and killed the bird, perhaps already weakened by fierce storms and unable to fly.
A large cat? A bald eagle is much larger than a cat. Then again, it was in a zoo. Maybe one of the large cats there snuck out and killed the bird? *sarcasm*
The zoo is in Rock Creek Park and bobcats can be found in Maryland and Virginia.
Maybe they can catch it if it was a bobcat and put it back in the zoo exhibit since they put theirs to sleep due to an ingrown toenail that was misdiagnosed? *more sarcasm*
"Whenever you have an organization that cares for literally hundreds of animals you're going to have some deaths on occasion," Cecere said. "It's just sad that that happened, especially on the Fourth of July."
No, it's damn sad that your zoo spends thousands of dollars on pandas that we are renting, and the other animals tend to be forgotten. It is also quite sad that the zoo tends to just hire anyone to help out in the form of animal husbandry and not take into consideration that maybe they should all have some sort of veterinary or zoo technology backround. *but thats just my opinion
This site is only meant for adults who aren't afraid to see uncensored material.
Check it out!
~ Can you handle life?
You know, parents (and grandparents) have it tough enough without God commenting on their skills:
Noisy Children Save Grandma's Life
1,000-Pound Log Nearly Kills Woman
With pic!
Ellen thinks the Thunderbirds (TV show, not airshow) are freaky, so I can only imagine what she'll make of these things. Weird, correction very weird, hand-made marionettes. Kinda reminds me of Nightmare Before Christmas. Do ya think?
The progressive escape of reality towards delusion is expressed in the pictures below. They have been painted by Louis Wain, an European artist in the beginning of this century. Since Wain was young, he used to draw and paint cats for calendars, albums, postcards, etc. When he became 57 years old, he was affected by schizophrenia, which overtook his life as well his art. The last 15 years of his life were spent in psychiatric institutions. His cat's paintings started to change and to show startling images. Quite revealing of his psychotic condition were the cat's eyes. See how they become fixed with hostility, even in the earliest paintings, because the psychotic probably tends to think that the world is looking upon him in a menacing way. Another sign is the fragmentation of the cat's body. They become altered in a strange way under the psychotic's gaze, and almost always are represented as distorted and phantastic shapes.
See the paintings here .
I don't think Scott will be digging anymore post holes with Jeff for a while.
Not quite sure what to make out of this very abstract yet hyperviolent flash animation, so I figure I'd let you all work it out. Maybe it's a re-creation of a movie of some sort.
Also from BBCnews is this story about a mysterious (30+ foot diameter!) blob that was recently discovered off the coast of Chile. Nobody knows what it is. Looks like a gigantic loogey to me, but who knows. With pIc!
Jeff also gets a hi-power amplified no-prize for letting us know about the latest custom car audio craze:
Troy Irving's 18-year-old Dodge Caravan has a heck of a sound system: 72 amplifiers -- you got it, 72 -- and 36 big 16-volt batteries to put out the 130,000 watts of power needed to rumble his nine 15-inch subwoofers.
You can't drive them, and they don't even really play music. Some people have more money that sense.
A Virtual Tour of Highgate Cemetery
There are some really neat photos! Check it out!
Ok, let's just say I'm glad momma smurf is an RN.
Welcome to everyone's nightmare.
Live in a small town with a weird name? Need some cash for a new bus? Have some grant money laying around? Why not build a 31 foot long Enterprise replica? With Alberta tax dollars no less.
Men with too much time on their hands.
No-Prize to Joshua for this submission!
Damion gets an extra-creepy no-prize for pointing out yes, you can even get caskets on e-bay. Guess where I'll be getting mom's...
One of the great things about the Arab press is also the most obvious thing -- it's in Arabic. This means they can, as the TV show title goes, say the darndest things and get nary a mention in our "if-it-ain't-in-English-why-should-we-care" press corps. That's where MEMRI comes in. We've mentioned them before, but in a nutshell MEMRI's purpose is to inform the English-speaking world's debate on Arab problems by providing timely translations of their media.
One of the latest reports is a doozy. In May MEMRI took a look at The Zayed Centre for Coordination and Follow-Up, a prominent think-tank advising the Arab League. It's very long, and very scary. Not to be missed:
[Purim, a Jewish holiday] has some dangerous customs that will, no doubt, horrify you The Jews' spilling human blood to prepare pastry for their holidays. ... A needle-studded barrel is used; this is a kind of barrel, about the size of the human body, with extremely sharp needles set in it on all sides.
Israel has indulged in spreading lies and exaggerations about [the] Holocaust in order to squeeze out huge sums of money from European countries through [the] worst forms of blackmail, and to create false legends in support of the concept of Semitism and [the] establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.
We know that only four planes took part in the attacks [on September 11th]. Earlier it was suggested that eleven planes were involved! The bombing of the White House Annex, known as the Old Executive Building of Eisenhower, was not mentioned. Yet, ABC transmitted live on 11th September, pictures of the fire which damaged the presidential headquarters.
(For those who might be wondering: the Old Executive Office building is fine. I walked past it more than a year after the attacks. I guess that makes me an active participant of the Zionist conspiracy to take over the world. If so, I'd appreciate them making the check out to SCOTT J.)
This one sounds suspiciously like the writings of a Berkely-based "Jews for Justice" treatise that was sent to me via e-mail by someone who told me "The Stand" was factually incorrect:
[The report] points to several Jewish religious documents based on Torah and the Old Testament that prove clearly that there hadn't been any real, permanent, and continuous existence for the children of Israel in the annals of history. Palestinians had defeated the Israelites several times and even enslaved them. The Jews remained dispersed, lost and displaced in areas of Egypt, Babylonia, and Assyria Palestinians throughout history remained in Palestine without leaving it. This is what the Old Testament verifies, but [is] denied by the Zionist Jews.
Not to be missed:
Former president Bill Clinton sent a July 17, 2002 letter of admiration to the Zayed Centre.[41] The Zayed Centre website states: "In a letter sent to the ZCCF, President Bill Clinton expressed his appreciation of various efforts exerted by [the] Zayed Centre." The Zayed Centre also released a report on June 5, 2002, titled "Bill Clinton."Al Gore, the former American vice president, lectured at the Zayed Centre on January 19, 2002.[45] A transcript of his speech on the Zayed Centre website states: "I have admired the research done here I compliment this centre for promoting a rare dialogue between the Arab world and the rest of the world.
Some may claim the two above are out of context. If so, it would be terribly important for them to provide the proper context to back that position up. No, I don't think either politician is antisemitic or out to get Israel. Yes, it's true that George W. gave a speech at Bob Jones University, probably due to a similar lack of research and staff manipulation. However, it goes without saying that the citizens of South Carolina are not trying to fly airplanes into the U.S. Capitol.
These are the folks advising Arab leaders. This is the stuff that regularly trots across the front pages and editorial columns of Arab-language newspapers in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and far too many other places in which a man in a minaret acts as a morning alarm. This is what they really believe.
Anyone who thinks Israelis are not anywhere near as innocent as they make themselves out to be or that Islamic militants and Palestinian militants are not necessarily the same thing should take a very long, very hard look at the entire MEMRI archive.
I took a stand for Israel for many reasons. MEMRI is definitely one of them.
Via Yourish.
Throwing a goat from the church belfry was a premeditated violation of the law that protects animals, The National Association for the Protection and Wellbeing of Animals said in a statement.A fiesta without throwing a goat is like Christmas without a Christmas tree.
No, really! No need to worry, apparently no goats were harmed in the making of this... colorful... tradition. With picture!
Well, if this site is any indication, the survivalist movement of the 70s and 80s is alive and well. Includes some really cool targetting maps, complete with rings of destruction, for the entire country. I thought Virginia looked bad until I saw Maryland. The maps themselves are pretty outdated... Arkansas's still shows the old Titan missle complexes, now long gone. Still, yet another artifact from those wild-and-wooly days of the apocalypse!
Jeff gets a no-prize with its very own chador for bringing us this story from the Kingdom of Wisdom and Light:
A woman who tried to get around a ban on female drivers in Saudi Arabia by dressing up as a man was caught out when she was ordered to undergo medical checks, a newspaper reported on Thursday.
This is the "advanced" civilization who's superiority its religious leaders are rabidly declaiming from rooftops and minarets all over the Arab world. Pay attention folks, they aren't kidding.
Least desirable way to die, #41: terminal methane buildup:
More than 2,000 hogs died in a weekend explosion and fire that destroyed a building at the Big Sky Hutterite Colony, 35 miles northwest of here.
I didn't know who or what Hutterites were, so I did a little digging and found this:
Doctrinally the Hutterites are closest to the old order Amish. They stress separation from the world and the communal ownership of all property.
Can Hutterite Tech Support be far behind?
Ok, this may be the very first flash game that should be noted in our favorite 'zine, The City Morgue. Five Finger, good when you want to play a mindless flash game and are feeling a bit, well, twisted.
Jeff gets a mud-tired no-prize for bringing this unconventional use of a new H2 humvee to our attention:
Police said that [the store owner], identified only as Peter, followed the [robbery] suspects through a neighborhood and eventually caught up with them. He then rolled his Hummer over their car.
With picture!
Children, the word for today is Scopolamine, a wonder drug of zombification:
There are so many scopolamine cases [in Columbia] that they usually don't make the news unless particularly bizarre. One such incident involved three young Bogota women who preyed on men by smearing the drug on their breasts and luring their victims to take a lick.Losing all willpower, the men readily gave up their bank access codes. The breast-temptress thieves then held them hostage for days while draining their accounts.
Ah! So that's how women do it!
Just in case you need to buy a friend .
Lingam Gnosis:
The Ancient Art of Penis Reading:
Forget palmistry, everything you need to know about your man is written on his cock. Tell your friends and lovers to whip íem out, then let them sit back and prepare to be amazed. Lingam gnosis is here and it beats the crap out of reading tea-leaves.
Check it out here.
~No, I have not tried it out yet.
SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - Mormon crickets, the plague of the western United States, are on the march again, ravaging farms and turning roads "blood red."
See entire article here.
I did not realize crickets were Mormon. They really are everywhere! No wonder that damned choir is so popular.
We've linked up plenty of "so freaking crazy they're setting monkeys on fire" Christian sites, so it's only fair we bring you, "Islam's answer to Trinitarian beliefs." Some of you may think we're being anti-islamic by making fun of this site, but really what we're doing is making fun of fundamentalist wackos of all stripes.
Of course, it goes without mentioning that as crazy as our Christo-wackamoles are, they have yet to manage to blow up a Bali nightclub. Or even the Delta Landing nightclub, the finest nightspot Dumas Arkansas could come up with. Trust me, it would've been an improvement.
Only a guy would come up with something like this .
It's bad enough I have to put up with the "juice guys" on the radio all the g-d time. Now I've found liquid nutz. No, really!
Proof positive that the United States is not alone in its collection of oddball left-wing artists, we have a Canadian theater troupe putting on a live sex act as a form of protest. Ellen is a rabid fan of Sue Johansen, the Canadian "talk sex" lady. Considering her callers's prediliction for questions about, as she so delicately puts it, "butt sex," it was with a bit of trepidation that I examined the article. It would appear attendees will instead be treated to a long discussion of the principles of Canadian obscenity law and then presented with two "amateur" actors performing oral sex on each other. Leave it to theater to suck (as it were) the life out of even basic fun.
But is it art?
Wow, I think I may have found two, count them two bits of memorabilia for our favorite not-quite-wookie photographer. Let's all hope Joshua hasn't heard of puppet terrors either. Oh, and if you have, let's just say blood clashes with purple, mmkay? My kid's going to have enough problems...
You know what? No matter how weird this is (click the yellow box to get it to start), I'm sure either Ellen or Damion will be able to tell us if it's taken from an anime show, and if so which one. Olivia has no chance I tell you, no chance at all.
For the truely twisted person in your life, we're happy to present toxic teddies. A perfect desktop decoration to help you fight off the legions of too-cute troll dolls and those weird mouth-less children things.
From golfing dead frogs to naked soldier dolls to the hall-of-fame gator bride and ram's head snuff mull (no, we don't know what it is either), is your one-stop-shop for the completely bizzare things people think other people will pay money for.
This makes me glad that the only thing my e-bay mom is obsessing over right now is baby clothes.
What? Tell me these are NOT true!
It is illegal to visit a cemetery for any other reason than visiting the deceased.
It is against the law to have a bathtub inside your home. (If this one is true, then EVERYONE needs to be arrested in VA, and I would REFUSE to live in the state)
It is illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas while within the state.
The state legislature passed a law that the Arkansas River can rise no higher than the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.
How messed up are those?!?
The british are just odd! I mean, restoring fossils is a neat thing, but a piece of fossilized Viking poo?
Was the Roman emperor Caligula as crazy as they say?
A really neat article on one of the many notorious Roman ancestors.
I unfortunately have not been able to see this so called 'movie' Caligula that people say is out there in the porn world. A really interesting read, and some cool books recommended to read!
Welcome to Wal-Mart, where we have every day low prices and absolutely nothing to offend the Christian wackamoles that infest our corporate offices:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will begin obscuring the covers of some women's magazines stocked in checkout lanes, shortly after a decision to stop selling some men's magazines over their racy content.
The quote says it all:
"In truth, no one would ever find Nemo and the movie would be called 'Grinding Nemo,'" wrote the JWC Environmental company, which makes the trademarked "Muffin Monster" shredding pumps.
Who the hell names a sewer pump a "muffin monster" anyway?
It just doesn't get any more f'd up than this:
A Manassas couple returned home from a weekend vacation yesterday afternoon to find two strangers slain in their longtime home, apparently shot to death in recent days, police said.
And you thought the homecoming to your vacation was bad.
Joshua gets a ... well, Joshua gets a no-prize for bringing the Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health to our attention. I mean, when you think about it there's bound to be a lot of interesting stuff going on there, and certainly a museum of women's health sounds justified. I just can't get past the "ick" factor. Cultural caveman, that's me.
Oh, and by the way, the end of the world is nigh. I know these constant announcements keep dinking up your schedule, what with the need to schedule around dentist appointments and piano lessons, but as they say "knowing is half the battle."
The best end of the world announcement I ever saw was on the door of a horn instructor:
Due to a lack of adequate trumpet players,
the end of the world has been postponed 22 days.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
A very f'd up Anime No-Prize goes to Damion for sending us a link on Jesus as an anime character.
Mute your computer! The music will make your ears bleed!
In yet another example of what can happen when someone wobbles off their meds in front of a computer, we present the AI Wheel for Windows. Um... yeah, ok. Let's just say I don't expect to see this ported to a game console any time soon.
Man, there are ways to go, and there are ways to go. Getting stabbed to death by a home appliance is definitely not one I'd be interested in :
A woman has died after slipping in her kitchen and landing on knives lying upright in a dishwasher.
Note to self: Find someone else to empty the dishwasher.
Ok, first of all, want to go on record saying leaving toddlers in the median of a highway is dangerous and bad. However, I doubt if there's a parent out there who hasn't thought about doing this at least once. I know my mom threatened to do it more than once. Well, that and giving me and my brother away to the gypsies.
Of course, the difference is none of you ever actually did it. Which is why she's in jail, you're not, and the kids turned out all right after all.
Escalators are not your friend, as this story proves. In D.C. they've had to add all kinds of funky things to keep people from getting hurt, and even then I think something like 20-30 people have been injured and killed on them since the system opened in the 70s.
I actually saw a jam-up happen at an airport "moving sidewalk", a similar contraption. I was running late and decided to trot alongside the thing. Just as I came even with the end of it some twit with one of those three-ton carry-on roller things got a wheel caught in the mechanism. The sidewalk kept moving and it looked just exactly like someone had dropped a rock in a fast moving stream... people just shot over, around, and on top of this monster bag.
I kept going. I was late!
Check it out! A toilet seat that glows in the dark!
Scott really needs one of these. Poor Goblin has been peed on several times in the middle of the night. Maybe having a seat that glows in the dark will give a more accurate target! *Hence, not the cat!*
In Sweden it is a bit of a custom for the groom to be kidnapped and whisked off somewhere for his stag night... these usually last all day..and all night... and rather than the typical English stag night where you all arrange it beforehand.. go out get drunk and hire a stripper... The Swedes do it different.. The groom has no idea until he gets nabbed..he might be dressed up in something crazy... and go do something fun...and then the fun starts!
You have got to read the story on what happened to this guy!
This good story found via
Click on the story above to go to the blog entry!
I don't know, I just get a giggle at the irony that it was MIT that developed the no-touch 80,000 volt jacket. I mean, come on, these guys need help touching women.
You know, I have some pretty colorful friends in my life. But I'm pretty sure none of them would want to drop $500 on something like this. I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't drop $5 on it, but hey, just in case, there it is. Enjoy!
This one is weird enough I'm not sure it's real:
Reclusive pop star Michael Jackson, wearing a red-and-blue Spider-Man mask, popped into a congressman's field office, seeking an answer to a critical issue.
Oh, and this marks our 2501st entry. Go us! :)
Joshua gets a no-prize wrapped in a really long strand of hair for bringing us the Secret Technique #87.5: Exploding Nostril Hair Ultra Fist video game. No, really, that's what it's called! And no, that's not a mistranslation... swear to god this character appears to use nose hair as a method of attack. All together... EEEEwwwwww.
I hate bugs. They just creep me out. The bigger the bug, the bigger the heebie-jeebie they cause. So I just want you all to know if you're one of these weirdos that keeps cockroaches the size of a teacup saucer as a pet, I ain't visiting. I'm not gonna do it I tell ya, I'm not gonna do it.
Geeze people, buy a cat or something!
Scott Weiland, our favorite stoned rocker, has gotten busted yet again. At least as interesting was the revelation that the non-Axle Rose portions of GnR seem to have formed a different band and are getting ready to release an album.
Well, I will say that gets my vote for "most morbidly fascinating blog." Gives all the details on executions around the country, including (as noted) their last meal. Warning: no pictures, but graphic details of their crimes are included. Not for the squeamish.
Guess which freshmen took intro to psych this semester:
Three college students were arrested for allegedly staging a kidnapping as a part of a psychology experiment to see how bystanders would react.
Finals are the ultimate freak time for a full-time college student. You have amazingly intense crunches, followed up with absolutely nothing to do. They are both the best and worst times to be living in a dorm or a frat house, because everyone gets so wound up. We didn't do anything quite like this, but there was the raid on the cafeteria with super-soakers and sun glasses...
A recycling coffin. Or rather I should say, "earth friendly".
Mind you, they do not recommend cremation. It apparently caused 'pollution'. But what they don't tell you is that all those nasty embalming fluids your body gets pumped full of when you are dead, prevents you from rotting at a natural pace.
Hence, what could of taken the earth to do it's job in a matter of days to weeks on you, can take up to several months to even years with the aid of embalming chemicals.
Remember the goldfish in a sling we featured awhile back? Well, he's finally on his way to the big goldfish bowl in the sky. 14 years is a good run for a goldfish, so no sadness, let's just hope the next time around he comes back as something that doesn't need a swim bladder to survive!
Cool and fun facts about one of our favorite topics
I will never ever eat at this resturant again.
Damion gets a naughty-shaped no-prize for bringing The Americans for Purity (winning the war on masturbation) to our attention. Go check it out, then come back, we'll wait.
Outraged? Can't believe we linked such stuff? HA-HA! (3rd site down). I told you mom, just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true. But don't feel bad, Damion and I both thought it was real until Joshua pointed out all the links lead to parody sites.
Unfortunately this is probably not a hoax.
Christianity's penchant for asceticism is very weird, and very old. Early Christian writing is filled with tales of naked people eating dirt, castration, and, most interesting of all, the curious practice of standing on columns for decades at a time. Even weirder was how these and other ascetics would be forced to constantly move around because enormous groups of people would gather around them in the desert, making their own practice untenable.
The first time you see the Life of Brian the crowds of people who follow him out into the desert are funny because it's silly. It becomes far funnier when you later learn that such things actually happened, and what they show is merely an exaggeration.
Just wanted to post a reminder that the world is going to end day-after-tomorrow. You know, in case you have a doctor's apointment scheduled or something.
Apparently, Elton John is making a musical out of Interview with a Vampire.
Thanks to Rich, you get a No-Prize!
Buddhism teaches me I must love all human beings and not take pleasure in their suffering. But when I read about dumbasses being dumbasses, it's really, really hard not to smile a little:
An 18-year-old tried to imitate a stunt from the television show Jackass by jumping into a pool from the roof of a five-story condominium. He missed, shattering both legs, police said.
Hard to believe, but I really do hope he survives with as little permanent injury as possible. That way he can meditate on his stupidity and perhaps come a little closer to enlightenment. I hope.
The iLoo being developed by the MSN division of Microsoft Corp. in Britain is a standard portable toilet — a loo to the English — with a wireless ... keyboard and extending, height-adjustable plasma screen in front of the seat.
From the sight and smell of the things I know people sit in them, but I sure never have. Most of the women I know are so creeped out they do the "hover" thing.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "blue screen of death," no?
When God made the United States, he picked the country up by the east coast and gave it one good shake. This caused all the loose marbles to roll down to California:
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - More than 100 men and women gathered in famously liberal San Francisco this past weekend for what organizers said was the city's second annual public "Masturbate-a-Thon."
All over the country teenage boys have suddenly found another thing to shout through the bathroom door: "Leave me alone! I'm raising money for charity!"
Pat gets another no-prize for bringing this NY Times article on "new" kitchen gadgets to us. Is it just me, or do they all look like something you'd see on those old 40s "Popular Science" newsreels the History Channel shows sometimes?
For you men out there, you can finally give your car the set of balls it always dreamed of!
The siamese twin phenomenon is quite odd. Sometimes they actually develop into 2 living entities, or you get some sort of 'tumor' like effect of one twin developing inside the other one.
Ever need a bra for your ass? Look no further! Get a Biniki.
Ex-Wrestling Star, 'Miss Elizabeth' Dies.
You remember her right? She was the glamourous one that married Macho Man Randy Savage in the wrestling ring. He used to hoist her on his shoulder after every event he won. Everyone was smitten by her.
I think she was wrestling's "sweetheart" at the time.
Sent to me by my brother, Richie. You get the No-Prize!
Joshua gets a pink-and-white no-prize for bringing this adventure of weebl to our attention. There are some very creative, yet at the same time disturbingly weird, people out there.
The criminal carefully jams the token slot with a matchbook or a gum wrapper and waits for a would-be rider to plunk a token down. The token plunker bangs against the locked turnstile and walks away in frustration. Then from the shadows, the token sucker appears like a vampire, quickly sealing his lips over the token slot, inhaling powerfully and producing his prize: a $1.50 token, hard earned and obviously badly needed.
Ok everybody, all together... EEEEEWWWWWwwwwww!!!!
Strange, yet true medical facts (or so they want you to believe).
On a rope no less!
100% all natural ingredients and cruelty free!
FYI, in case, like, you've got your car scheduled for an oil change or something, the world's going to end some time in May 2003. Damn. And I just waxed the spider...
We visited the National Museum of Health and Medicine on Sunday. Actually, it was our second visit, and our friends's first. Small, but interesting in a somewhat creepy way. Turns out it's nothing like the Russian version. I wonder if we can get it to travel over here?
Yeah, I guess at 17 years even a popular goldfish should get a break. Goldfish are not the brightest of critters though. We had two that swam upside down for the better part of a year, never seemed to bother them that much. Both have gone to the Great Bowl in the Sky, to be replaced by the evil Oscar, which plots to destroy the world daily. As soon as it's had it's catfood anyway (yes, Ellen feeds it cat food... it CRUNCHES it... weird.)
Back woods roller-coaster anyone? Somehow I don't see K & D taking a ride on this one, although the kid sure does seem to be having fun. No, it's not in Arkansas, at least I don't think it is, so shaddup.
There are on-stage performances, and then there are on-stage performances:
A full-frontal assault of sexual excesses based on the Marquis de Sade's writings hits the London stage on Tuesday with a play featuring scenes of sodomy, rape, incest and genital mutilation.
Being what it is, and people being what they are, I'd imagine the producers won't be able to print tickets fast enough. But folks, cigarette smoking vaginas having a conversation with each other isn't theater... it's a bad acid trip.
Hell Michigan, that is. America is a land of busy folks, sometimes too busy to come up with a really good name for their town. This article gives us a nice overview of places like Gas KS, Tightwad MO, and Climax NY.
In Arkansas I remember a town called, I think, 56. No, not fifty-six, but 56. Had a population of 35.
Everything you always wanted to know about the five worst wines in the world but were afraid to ask. My parents ran a liquor store for 11 years or so, I'm sure they both know the names of all the rest of the stuff winos drink. I distinctly remember one booze called, I kid you not, "fighting cock." Was a whisky, I believe (but probably only in the broadest of terms), and it had a flammability warning on it.
Scott and I, we like our steaks rare and or medium rare. But we really take execption when it walks up and MOOS at us.
Does this count as SBC? (spontaneous bovine combustion)
I don't want any of you talking about toadsuck days or the ding-dong-daddy festival or calling the hogs or any of the other weird things Arkansas is famous for, because I just found out Britain is way weirder in the summer. Things like marbles championships, worm charming contests, coal carrying races, "bog snorkeling", and many more lead me to believe the UK could give California a serious run for its money in the "weird for weirdness's sake" category.
Weirdlinks calls it the most bizzare site of the year, and we're inclined to agree. How do we know? Five words: Roy Orbison in Cling Wrap.
I know I shouldn't have to say this, but these are teenage boys after all: It's stupid to stick your head in front of a misfiring potato cannon. Mmmkay?
Maru gets her no-prize delivered on a golf cart for bringing us this summary of the "protests" at Augusta. Two ways of detecting a cirus: when the media people run out of participants and start interviewing each other, and when there are more media than participants.
Now we have the bean-foot bandit:
A female shop assistant had beans and other foodstuffs poured over her feet by a man who falsely claimed he was raising money for charity.
From March, so it looks like he may be ready to strike again!
Well, if Italy can elect porn stars to their parliament there's no reason Japan can't elect a masked professional wrestler to a local assembly position. Could this be a sign that Japan's infamous "system" is losing its grip? Oh, probably not. If someone does a little digging I wouldn't be surprised at all if they find he's the son or cousin of a graduate of the Tokyo University Law School (it has a name, I've just forgotten it).
But at least you won't have trouble spotting him!
Want to know what customization taken so far it goes out the other side and turns into a rolling road side attraction looks like? Wonder no more. Apparently this is a regular event. At first it looks like yet another tacky Texas ritual, but the longer you look at it the more you realize just how much work musta gone into them.
This is just as bad as my father in-law telling me his mobil home has 'tornado straps' on it so it won't blow away!
If a tornado wants your house, it will take it.
Ever wonder what a spider the size of a standard wall clock would look like? Wonder no more. Once you're done getting the heebies from looking at this monster thing, be sure to read the comments underneath.
What I want to know is who had the guts to take the clock down. All I'd need to do is see just one of those legs move and I'd be out the door so fast it'd come off its hinges.
Ok, no more making fun of Arkansas squirrel eating! Not when there are yankees that'll pay $20 each to eat muskrat.
I always wondered if those guys who did the knife throwing acts in the circus ever screwed it up. Now I know:
A record-breaking knife thrower shocked viewers when one of his daggers sliced into the head of his assistant on live TV.
Just when you thought food couldn't get any weirder, someone goes and makes up an icecream that's 40% fish meat. Apparently it's not fishy tasting at all. Just hand it to me and don't tell me what's in it, k?
Well, someone's gotta do it I guess:, your one-stop shop for all things, well, butt-plug-ish. No pictures to get you in trouble over, but definitely some weird gizmos over there.
Well, all those people who thought Europe was so much more sophisticated by not re-naming American stuff with native language names can now all officially sit down and shut up:
A group of German university professors, angered by the U.S.-British war against Iraq (news - web sites), have launched a campaign to replace many popular English-language words used in Germany with French terms.
Why do I think the French won't return the favor?
And US citizens got no reason to get righteously indignant, because it was the US that started this weirdness.
Further proof that it's people who are stupid, not Americans, Brits, Germans, Japanese, etc.
Always read the comments, wherein at fark I found Kopps Erotic Bakery, your #1 source for extremely strange, mostly naughty baked goods.
Warning: if photographs of baked goods shaped like giant frosted wangs and boobs would get you in trouble at work, then check this site out after you get home.
Mmmm... frosted boobs....
While reading up on the middle ages, I was surprised to learn that one of the leading causes of child mortality in that era was pig attacks. Looking at this half-ton brute, I can see why.
Yes, I know, pigs didn't get anywhere near this big a thousand years ago. But neither did people!
The "infamous" haircut bandit, whom I had never heard of until just now, apparently has been caught and sentenced to 8 years in prison for sneaking up on women with long hair and cutting it off with scissors. Apparently he had suffered from some personal setbacks, turned to cocaine, then decided hair was, well, the answer. Just when you thought humanity couldn't get any weirder...
My mom served on the city council of our home town and was always complaining about the doofus mayor and his "if you tell us to sh*t we'll just want to know what color" councilmen cronies. Well, hard to believe I know, but there are worse things:
Former mayoral candidate Paul Tay has been arrested again. Tay has been a lightning rod for controversy lately for riding his bicycle around Tulsa with a giant, inflated penis on the back. Tulsa Police can't arrest him for that because of freedom of speech issues.
I've been to Tulsa several times. Not exactly a bike-friendly place, although the inflated penis must make him a bit easier to see.
"Top class information on aliens, mind control, etc." is what Meta Tech promises, and boy does it deliver. Where else can you:
Learn how YOU can stop military & alien abduction, and radionic attack! Plus learn the kinesiology Wernicke's Correction
and learn about:
Amazing accounts of alien and reptilian involvement in Africa. Read about Mutwa's own abductions - and the effects of eating Grey Aliens!
and discover how:
'They' Can Mind Control People to do ANYTHING!
Actually, this might be a huge prank site, but if it is it's very well done. You be the judge.
This is probably old hat to most veteran bloggers out there, but Lileks's Gallery of Regrettable Foods was new to me. In it you will find all the weird and extremely un-wonderful recipies from days of yore. It's no wonder my grandparents were not known for their grilling abilities...
Oh sit down mom, it's a joke. I mean, who else in the world could cause a chromium-plated grill grate to rust by cleaning it so much?
Warning! Not for the faint of heart or humor-impaired, Morticia's Playhouse is definitely an... experience. Funny in a kind of pulp-fiction sort of way, with plenty of the toilet humor you've come to love and expect from AMCGTLD!
Succotash flavored ice-cream, anyone? What the hell does succotash taste like anyway?
Human nature being what it is, believing that a dog gave birth to kittens via witchcraft is much more popular than, say, a farmer looking for some attention getting kittens to nurse off a lactating dog. Makes for a good story though, unfortunately too many people will believe it.
Don't feel like dumping fido on a roadside? Worried a shelter might kill him because you don't want him anymore? Now, apparently, you can have someone else dump them on a deserted island for you.
I think these people have their heart in the right place, but it seems to be not much more than abandoning a dog, which is never good.
Yeah, all I can say is 'who the hell thinks of this stuff' ?
Now you can have the perfect dildo for that holy moment.
Thanks to the Reverend Heathen at The City Morgue for the *inspiration*.
I'm sure this happens at other stores too.
Yah know what? I can only let this one speak for itself:
A fish heading for slaughter in a New York market shouted warnings about the end of the world before it was killed, two fish cutters have claimed.
A disbelieving Mr Rosen then rushed to the back of the store, only to hear the fish identifying itself as the soul of a local Hasidic man who had died the previous year.It instructed him to pray and study the Torah, but Mr Rosen admitted that in a state of panic he attempted to kill the fish, injuring himself in the process and ending up in hospital.
The fish was eventually killed by Mr Nivelo and sold.
Many members of the city's Jewish community are now certain that God, troubled by the prospect of war in Iraq, has revealed Himself in fish form.
Rabbi Blogman(stein), what could this possibly mean?!?
An example on what not to do with a battery and some electrodes.
Damion gets a lace-and-mascara'd no-prize for showing us this slice of Japanese gothic. As usual, they seem to have a talent for taking an idea and running with it so far they fall off the opposite edge.
What do you get when you combine Norwegian (I think it's Norwegian) death rock, a video camera, and a hamster? Umm... well, actually, I'm not sure... you be the judge.
Note: Does not feature cruelty to hamsters.
I mean, really, how do you train for something like this?
A Moroccan publication accused the government Monday of providing unusual assistance to U.S. troops fighting in Iraq by offering them 2,000 monkeys trained in detonating land mines.
You'd think they'd need more than 2000. So long and thanks for all the bannanas!
Ectoplasmic double exposures! Spiritual developer goofs! Diaphanous camera straps! Haunted old film! Freaky Photoshops! All this and more more more can be found at
Not content with graphic biblical descriptions, one Russian main has claimed to have recorded the actual sounds of hell. Warning, as noted, these are the actual sounds of the souls of the eternally damned. We cannot be responsible for those who click this link. If you have a pacemaker, high blood pressure, or a history of angina in your family, please do not click the link. Not for small children, the faint of heart, or the weak of stomach. At least one woman actually gave birth prematurely after listening to the awful, horrible sounds of millions of souls in eternal agony. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Don't you just hate it when things like this happens?
How do you clean a mess up like that?
Say you're an ex-member of the Soviet Union, just chock-a-block with ugly buildings, monstrous statues of your oppressors, and more guard towers and barbed wire than you can shake a stick at. What're you gonna do? Well, if you're a canned mushroom mogule (no, really!) in Lithuania, you buy it all up and turn it into Stalinworld!. According to the article: It combines the charms of a Disneyland with the worst of the Soviet gulag prison camp.
Now don't that just sound like more fun than a tree full of monkeys on meth?
In a bizzare kind of reverse-carpetbagging, looks like everyone else is "stealing" New England's barns. Got news for ya folks... there's nearly as many barns in upstate New York, I've seen them. Oh, sure, there's probably a ganster or two in the foundations, but whaddayagonnado?
I guess because it's a translation, this article doesn't make any sense to me. Seems it has something to do with baseball, and wanking, and "shooting for distance", but I'm not real sure how it ties together.
What I want to know is who did they get to go in after and measure these things?
I was actually wondering how long it would take, but it seems someone's finally hooked up the Masons with the government's secret weapons programs. We really don't make this stuff up... but boy do they ever.
A bank-shot via Right Wing News.
I'd never heard of the complete, unrepentant, spiral-eyed wackos also known as the "Westboro Baptist Church" until weirdlinks featured their oh-so savory notice about how Mr. Rogers is now burning in hell. But apparently lots of other folks have, as this nice ADL write up shows. Reading their FAQ simply proves once again that you can be well educated and remain utterly insane. I'd compare them with Nazi's but they'd just think it a compliment.
At least they're not in Arkansas.
And people thought BB guns were dangerous:
THIS astonishing X-ray reveals how a boy cheated death by a millimetre when he was shot in the face with a harpoon.
Proof that just because you're well educated doesn't mean you can't be a complete spiral-eyed looney, we bring you the real reason the Bush administration wants to go to war with Iraq. Freedom? No. Oil? No. Terrorism? Nope. As should be obvious to anyone by now, the real reason is to aquire ancient extraterrestrial technology buried in the remains of Iraq's ancient city-states.
Yup. We're invading Iraq to capture E.T.'s phone. You heard it here first!
A bank-shot via NakedWriting.
Nina should be sure to show Billy (the veteran fisherman in Ellen's family) this pic of, as the article says, "the hammerhead that got nailed". Warning: somewhat graphic. Apparently some gents hooked a 15 foot hammerhead on a drag line. While reeling it in, a much bigger tiger shark decided to turn the hammerhead into a hammersnack. The pic shows what was left (head).
If I ever visit Australia I think I'm just going to look at the beach from my hotel room... much safer that way!
I dunno, I started out wanting to hammer a company putting a naked 80-something in their annual report as a demonstration of their "transparency". But really, when's the last time you ever heard of an executive board with a sense of humor? I mean, its obvious they're no good at it, but they're trying.
Feeling like getting your tongue pierced? Be sure to read about the brain abscess connection.
Me, I'd leave the damned thing where it ended up, but according to this report, three guys died trying to fish a mobile phone out of an open-pit latrine in Kenya. There's something seriously scary when someone climbs down into a muck-filled pit and simply never climbs back out. I don't care how much money they were offering.
Ok, we all make fun of our "dubya", but at least he doesn't want to be wrapped in toilet paper when he gets a headache. And no, mom, that isn't because he just hadn't heard of it before.
Scott sent me this today.
I'm opening up my email, and see this link, I click and there are cute fuzzy bunnies on the screen. Woohoo! New E-card thing! Nope. Cute movies!? Nope.
No really, it's not what you think it is at all. Watch the movies.
This was brought to our attention by My Daily Conundrum, who basically sent me a message that said this: "Hey, guys. I love your site. Here's a f'd up story you might be interested in. Yuck!"
Yuck is right! What would YOU do for a ticket to a game?
No Prize!
In a reprise of one of the less savory parts of our national history, looks like the practice of renaming food because we're p-o'd at a country is spreading. Not too surprised Congress started up with this one. They even got my girl's favorite breakfast food this time! "Freedom" toast just doesn't sound right to me.
Look, I'm as pissed off at France as the rest of you, but the naming thing is just dumb. We could call them "booger fries" for all the French would notice. Far better is to boycott everything and anything carrying "made in France" on it, and contacting the importers of said products notifying them of this fact. That'll hit them in the pocketbook, and it will get noticed.
Me, I buy Italian wines. They're better, cheaper, and, as far as I know, don't ever contain anything other than grape juice and yeast.
Ya know, I consider myself pretty liberal in the ol' music department. I grew up with Ozzy Ozbourne's prediliction for consuming small animals and Prince singing about chicks "doing things" with magazine, then watched the rise of the "gangstas" and groups like Insane Clown Posse when I was in college. I may not listen to it, but I sure don't care if you do.
However, I think there's a line being crossed somewhere when a group starts butchering dead sheep on stage as part of their stage act. Especially when they start flinging the parts out into the crowd. Sad to say, I'm pretty sure I'd have to be a hard ass and prevent any kid of mine from going to a show like that. I guess that means I'm becoming socially conservative. Whodathunkit?
Oh, and this gets my vote for choice quote of the week: My relationship to sheep is a bit ambivalent now. I like them, but not when they come flying through the air.
Not sure if this is a joke or not, but BBCnews is reporting a new reality-based internet show in which "contestants" get to play on a virtual Noah's ark. The whole article is a little hazy, but it seems 12 people will be put in charge of caring for X number of animals and one gets voted off every week. Weird.
Ok, we have UK readers out there, so what I want to know is: do you actually have to buy a license to own a TV in Britain? Why would I ask such a weird question? This story:
The Daily Telegraph said Richard Butler-Stoney, owner of the Norman-era Mileham Castle in Norfolk had received two demands for payment of 1,000 pounds for having failed to buy a licence to watch BBC television.
Well, ok, maybe not have a TV, but watch TV? Isn't BBC free?
No accusations or implications, just a confused Yankee (oh be quiet... anyone not from the US thinks we're all Yankees) trying to puzzle it out.
While I know it's not good to root for people to go off their meds in front of a computer, if they didn't we wouldn't have things like UFOs and Art, wherein we find gems like:
THE HAARPO BROTHERS PROJECT BLUE BEAM AND THE FLYING NAZI TWINS... so now we now why they have been spraying us with barium and aluminum and poisoning our brains etc..
You just can't make stuff like this up without some serious chemical imbalances going.
I know at least a few of our readers (well, one) will be interested in The Vampire Church, which appears to be what it says. A little weirdness to brighten up your morning!
I'm sure this one will be picked up by the blogosphere quickly enough, but that's never stopped me before.
In yet another fine example of a completely whack leftie wobbling off their meds in front of a reporter, we have a woman in New Zealand offering to have herself crucified, by Bush, if he'll promise not to command US forces into a war with Iraq. People like this set my teeth on edge, because they think this kind of stunt is perfectly OK but will come completely unhinged if, say, a radio talk show proposes to march all the Arabs into the sea.
And kudos to the NZ press, and the wire services, for picking this thing up and giving it a worldwide audience (present company included, of course). Every editor out there knows that if someone were to actually come at this nutjob with a hammer and some nails she'd be out the door so fast it would come off its hinges.
It's one thing to be a coward by staying silent. It's quite another to spew yellow from your mouth and call it bravery.
Because apparently you you can get your insurance company to pay for boobies and other forms of plastic surgery there. I'm deeply conflicted about the US's health policies. I feel very uncomfortable about industries figuring out how to make a profit on people's health. Yet I also believe our comparative lack of "socialized medicine" and the use of competition has been a factor in our economy's flexibility. I also know the entire issue is so complicated there's not one person on the planet with the answer to all the problems, or even a particularly large chunk of them. I sure as heck don't, and neither do you.
But hey, any country that'll pay for boobies has to be doing something right!
oink oink oink
It's just not fair that someone can get paid to create the Camel Toe museum (probably safe for work, not safe for mom, who thinks all men are pigs anyway). Does anyone get the "Bob and Tom radio show" out there? They look to be a version of our own Don and Mike show... a couple of smart-asses
When garage bands attack! Mariachi meets metal in the chupacabra song. Ayeeeeee!!!
Ok, sometimes I think people take that "detachable penis" song way too seriously. Cutting off your own penis just to prove your fidelity to your wife is, shall we say, a bit extreme?
CHONG: "Hey maaan." [fwwwwppp] "All these elections man, everyone's so boring."
CHEECH: "Yeah man." [sssssspp] "It's like, George this, Al that, Robert and, " *giggle*, "Trent. I mean, who the hell names their kid Trent anyway?"
"I know what ya" [fwwwwwp] "mean man. They need to get some better, you know, candidates and stuff."
"Yeah! Yeah! Waitaminute... I gotta idea..." *giggle* [sssssspp] "wouldn't it be cool if, like, Frankenstein ran for president?" *snort*
"Dude! Oh man! That would be so" [fwwwwp] "cool man. And, like, we could vote for, like, old has-been movie stars like Tony Curtis." *giggle*
"Oh man, I had an even better idea!"
[long silence]
"Well, dude, what's your idea?"
"Huh? Idea? Oh! Oh yeah! Like, we could have politicians with names that didn't make no sense man, like 'Britain War' for governor."
"That'd be so cool man. Too bad nobody ever thought of that."
"Yeah. It sucks. Nobody'd ever do anything cool like that"
Scott and I were watching a show on The Jersey Devil last night. *Yeah ok, I have NO idea why I do that to myself before bed and insist I stay up and watch the whole show!*
Scott, being his light-hearted self kept trying to make fun of the show and scare me at the same time. *Like I said, I don't know WHY I am drawn to these damn shows* So he kept referring to this silly cartoon and making fun of the show. I was still spooked most of the night.
Can't you give away a free coffeemaker or something as an incentive for people to use your funeral services when buisness is down?
Banks do it. :)
Kris over at Demon Wurkz sent us a new site called Poop
Read stories about crap!, Have fun with feces! Read about intellectual crap!
It's rather funny, you all need to check it out.
I guess that leaves Kris with a skid-marked No Prize!
My Aunt Donna sent me this.
Make sure you move the mouse over the pix for the full effect.
Seems the latest smuggling trick in Sri Lanka is to swallow condoms full of gems. My mom's a jewelry freak, but I think even she would find this a bit much.
Sure, let's add to the list of animals we will make go extinct in the next few years.
My brother's family is legendary for their ability to inadvertently deer hunt with their vehicles. Not their fault really, as they live out in the "fields and streams" of Western MD. Ellen's family has the same problem, for most of the same reasons, near the Catskills of NY.
But I think if any of them claimed their car damage came from a moose falling out of the sky we'd have their heads examined. To paraphrase Mark Twain, truth is always going to be stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense.
I'm sure you all heard on the news this past month of a person that jumped out of a window and got decapitated on a fence? Now you get to see the picture!
Otherwise you end up believing in stuff like this:
Congolese villagers have stoned and beaten to death four teachers accused of casting an evil spell to cause an outbreak of the deadly Ebola disease that has killed nearly 70 people, a local official said Friday.
Hook these people up with the ones who think their country is run by vampires and you've got yourself a party!
Stay in school kids.
Damion gets a chrome-plated Hurcules no-prize (ask him about the tire iron) for bringing this... well... cartoon? to our attention.
I'm getting a sneaky feeling that I'm linking up something that says "stupid Americans are a bunch of war mongering bunnies", but it's just too damned weird to let go by. Anyone out there willing to translate what the hell they're singing?
Ok, so if you're a guy and a genie floats up to you, make sure it isn't holding anything sharp.
Help! Rabbi Blogman(stein!), what's a goyim to do when confronted with a crazed Arabic spirit holding an izmal in its hand?!?
Get it now!! Your own possessed skull! On Ebay!
Just when you thought flashlights were a tool used to see in the dark, you get an item like this rear it's little head.
Don't forget to read the caption for it!
I mean, cutting off the hands and feet of your mother-in-law because she pisses you off is a little much, no?
Us? What do we do? Our respective in-laws are a joy and light in our eyes, we are constantly greatful for their divine wisdom an@$#%@
Ever wonder why parking lots and anything else a car gets near always has concrete-filled poles surrounding it? Wonder no more
The Wal-Mart in the town I grew up in didn't have them for a long time, and roughly every other year someone would drive right through the place. Audi nearly went bankrupt in the early 80s because of lawsuits over "sudden acceleration syndrome". Extremely uncritical and sensational reporting on behalf of the press monkeys nearly destroyed their business.
It took some really ugly, intense, and (not surprisingly) unreported cross-examination to get moms to admit their foot slipped or they just got confused and hit the wrong pedal, and that's why they ran over their kid. This is why modern cars require you to put your foot on the brake before you can place them in gear.
It was only a matter of time, really, until some guy got his back up and decided to name them "Freedom Fries". Inspired by one of the nastier periods of xenophobia in our country no less.
I don't want to move to another place because my fellow Americans are so messed up. But I wouldn't mind putting some on a boat and sending it to, say, Greenland.
Found via Amish Tech Support.
*Warning! Not Safe for Work!*- not because of the pix I'm going to show you, but cause of all the XXX pop up ads.
Just when you thought nature didn't get any more bizzare, someone goes and finds plants whose "parts" mimic peoples' "parts". No, really. Go read the article, you'll never be the same.
I will state it again. I've known several Mormons throughout my life, and I still get freaked out because they just don't seem this weird. I mean, what's up with these folks?
Ya can't move to the Bahamas because of the hurricanes. Ya can't move to California because of the earthquakes. Ya can't move to Seattle because of (according to my mom) serial killers. And ya can't move to Florida because the ground swallows up your car. YOU JUST CAN'T WIN!
As if you needed a bigger gun .
I don't have to tell you all about the saying of a man and his gun right?
Let me know if I do.
As for women who want a bigger gun? We are just that pissed off.
Ok, this site is just f*&d up. Thanks to Battie over at Demon Wurkz , we can all become veggie-tarians. Cause Jesus wants us to.
ermm.....Battie, you get the F*&d- Up no prize of the day.
Note to husband:
"Stop sending me stuff like this , I almost gave birth 4 months early".
Well no, not really. But I almost wet my pants.
For the Goth who has everything, helps fulfill your new and used skeletal needs. Not to be missed: the MCD art gallery, where customers get a little funky with the company's products.
Even worse than the City Paper here in the metro area!
God is my co-pilot, Jesus is my lawyer. Thing is, I can't tell if this guy is clinically psychotic or simply an unreasonable wacknut. If it hadn't been for Versaille and the Great Depression, I'm convinced Hitler would've been a German-speaking version of this guy. Which is why he and his kind should be watched very, very carefully.
Since "sky burial" (the buddhist practice of simply leaving dead bodies in remote fields for scavengers) is not an option in the modern world, when I go I have left explicit instructions that my remains be placed in a simple wooden box. If I go by "unnatural" causes (probably involving someone named "Celeste"*), I have been given explicit instructions there will be nothing to be found.
In either case, I don't want to be left laying in front of the door to my house like this little old Japanese lady did to her husband.
Of course, Ellen tends to leave coats, hats, socks, underwear, etc. in a trail from the front door to the bathtub, so I guess anything is possible.
Great, just what I always wanted, crows bad-assed enough to kill a sheep. At least they're in Germany.
Crows infested our old place, numbering literally in the hundreds in a space not much bigger than a football field. Well, if Battie & Skully (who still live in our old building) ever stop answering their phone, we'll know the crows got them.
So, what I want to know is, just which TV exec was smoking crack the day they decided to let Anna Nicole do her "reality" show live? This thing has "debacle" written all over it. Sorry, watching the highlights of an overweight blond stoner's life was boring enough. In realtime it'll be more painful than trying to stop a car on a gravel road in your bare feet.
I like the Ozbournes because it shows someone who is widely considered to be a big scary freak is really just a normal, even charming, every day guy. I dislike the Anna Nicole show because it shows someone who is widely considered to be a big fat freak is actually a lot fatter and freakier than we ever thought possible.
Don't even get me started on Jacko... Oh. My. God.
You are are stable and practical, and
sometimes thought of as stubborn. You can have
trouble with non-tangible ideas.
What Element Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks to BogieBlog for the link.
Toothbrushes are for your mouth, not your ass.
Remember to brush your teeth, not your hemorhoids.
Proof positive that religious wacks and gullible knuckleheads aren't just confined to the US, we give you the Australian "Fencepost" Virgin. Seems some folks have determined that, if you stand far enough away during the right time of day, a set of fence posts supposedly casts a shadow in the shape of the Virgin Mary. If it were in Arkansas they'd probably put a tent around it. If it were in New York they'd probably charge admission. :)
Before you shake your head and think we shouldn't make fun of these people because they mean well, understand that a person who would find salvation in a shadow is exactly the kind of person who would believe that Jews eat babies in the dark, or that homosexuals "recruit" small children, or that black people are forsaken by God because of the color of their skin.
Ignorance, stupidity, and uncritical thinking are never forgivable, no matter what the intent of the person.
I knew Leona Helmsley wasn't much to write home about, but I never thought she'd look like this. Nice eyebrows lady.
A bank-shot via silflay
I mean, why couldn't the jerk have driven a boring car like, I dunno, a Honda?
(Exit stage right dodging empty beer bottles from Damion)
Jeff wins another no-prize by bringing us this unfortunate "stupid-lady-meets-clever-lion" encounter.
Sometimes, though, I think domestic cats and big cats really are a lot alike. It's just that since my cats don't weight 300+ lbs, they're not as dangerous as tigers.
But this could just be me not knowing a helluva lot about big cats, so YMMV.
An archive on strange ways people have died.
Can you tell we are on a weird kick tonight?
Some really weird auctions from Ebay!
People will sell anything!
NOT for the faint of heart. Extremely graphic!
This is what happens when some poor bastard gets too close to rotor blades of a helicopter. GO NAVY!
Just when you thought ice skating was a fun thing to do on the local pond/river, you wind up finding something like this.
Ghosts just don't speak english ya know! :)
If I heard a voice in a house telling me to "get out", I would. Fast.
Ever wanted to become a whore but didn't know how? Go here for more information!
And I thought barcoding kids was just something that happened in bad SF TV shows. As I recall, and this may not be a real recollection, my mom had a friend who had twins and was so obsessed with making sure which was which she drug my mom to the hospital for foot printing several times. Apparently the thing to do is tatoo a small dot on the heel of one of them. *shrug*
Where are they now.
I'm watiting to see how many Scott knows ;)
It's weird, macabre... just plain creepy, but I know some of you out there really are curious about what happens after someone is beheaded.
Only the media. Ok, you do the math. A fishing boat wandering around north of Australia and south of Indonesia is eventually discovered abandoned but with a hold full of fish. A few weeks later, one of the shipboard phones is found to have made many calls from somewhere inside Indonesia. The media, not being able to do any actual research since parroting press releases from law enforcement is so much easier, call it a mystery.
It might seem like one until you realize the seas around Indonesia and south China are riddled with pirates, and most commercial vessels, even really big ones like tankers, only have at most a dozen or two crew members.
Can you say piracy? I knew you could...
"AMCGLTD", I hear you all asking us, "just how are we supposed to tell fake UFOs from the Real Thing? I mean, even when I wear my tinfoil hat, sometimes I'm just not sure... I keep getting that 'not so legitimate' feeling... what am I to do?!?"
Well, dear friend, you've come to the right place. Tired of mistaking that hubcap hanging from a wire for an intergalactic starship? Not quite sure if the spaceship coming to take you away is just that damned Stevens kid with his battery-powered frizbee again? Having trouble figuring out which Raelian to trust?
Fear not, fellow believers, for we have found just exactly how to tell a fake UFO from a real one.
And always remember...
Keep watching the skies -- but use caution!
Rural white America scares the hell out of me sometimes. Why? Because guys like this are regularly put in positions of power, especially in the south.
This guy just happens to be in Georgia, but I heard things like this constantly while I was growing up in Arkansas. I didn't go to church, but I found it no coincidence that the kids around me would assume the cadence and phrasing of a protestant preacher whenever race, religion, or politics was brought up.
My mom will probably instantly rise to the defense of all the decency that is the "true" south, and accuse me of apostasy (she's done it before). But really, was Billy Free any different? How about Mike Huckabee?
I like the south, from a distance. I think it provides a valuable, important counterweight to the loopier "rational" ideas that come from liberal yankees and Californians. In their turn, said yankees and Berkely residents provide an equally valuable service by keeping an eye on the loopy paranoaics which seem to infest positions of power at the state and local levels of government in the South.
However, I'm very glad I don't live in a small southern town any more.
There are friends, and then there are friends.
Paging Hannibal Lechter... white courtesy phone please...
On a hot July day New York police are called to a site in Central Park where a body has been discovered. On examination, they find that every bone in the man's body has been broken, including his neck. Naturally suspecting violence and foul play, they call the coroner to perform an autopsy. On completion, everyone is stunned to find that the man died of hypothermia. He froze to death on one of the hottest days of the year. What's going on?
I'd always thought the answer was an urban legend, but reading this story (which was probably an unintentional case) makes me wonder.
Every time the lights go out, a squirrel gets its wings.
Just when you thought the Japanese couldn't get any weirder they come out with hentai fighting video games. Hentai, for those not in the know, is Japanese ...erotic... animation, which from what little I've seen ranges from school girls with no panties to super women getting gang raped by giant sticky tentacles. No, really! So take that, then combine it with a fighting video game like Mortal Kombat, and you get hentai fighting video games.
So all of you who bemoaned the decline of youth culture and blamed it on ultraviolent video games, you're all obliged to take it back. We got nothing on the Japanese. Nothing.
Here's January's listing who is being executed this month. Texas comes in first with 6 on the list!
How in the world does an airplane clip the side of a hangar at an airport, killing everyone on board? Doesn't that mean the plane was not taking off on the runway?
This makes me not want to fly even more so then before now.
Do you think if this person really worked for the NSA, and published a book on alien existence, he would still be around? Especially if he had certain clearance to information and is now sharing it with the world?
Now mind you, I do believe we are NOT the only ones out floating around in the universe. Hell, I believe in ghosts. But I don't think this book is going to go very far as in making everyone believers). I mean, look at Whitley Strieber and his book "Communion". Huge success, but many people think he is a total whack-nut.
I just may get my hands on that book to see what it's all about. Of course, I will wait for the paperback version.
Putting a car up on cinderblocks in your front yard not annoying your neighbors? Sitting on the front porch in a lawn chair with a beer in your hand not getting enough stares? Just can't seem to find another pink flamingo lawn ornament? Well, how about holding funerals in your front yard?
Note found in laundramat washing machine:
fEeD uS moRE wHiTe, unMaRkeD SoCKs toMMoRoW aT 10:30 oR wE CUT tHe OThEr oNe oFf.
Apparently the bones of the 'real' Santa Clause, aka: St. Nicholas are really buried somewhere, in Italy! Turkey is pissed and wants them back!
There's not a guy out there who doesn't know, or weren't actually, a bunch of guys like this. I bet their landlord (you know this wasn't a house either of them actually owned) was real happy.
Funny thing is, this interview with a radical muslim wacknut reminds me a whole lot of conversations I've had with Christian fundawackamoles over the years. Change "Islam" to "Jesus" and switch the topic from international terrorism to the Davidians and evolution in the schools and I'm not sure you could really tell them apart.
Seems like its only the color of their shirts that change.
Ok, this is just plain messed up. 10 day old infants should not need to have fetuses removed from them. Mmmkay? Gah. Be careful what you wish for!
Ok, Scott shit his pants.
Thanks to Fierce Fade-Away! You get the X-mas wrapped NO- PRIZE!
Lots of teenagers sit in class bored out of their skulls wondering why they have to be put through the Chinese water torture of public school. Well, let's put it this way. Without such schoolin', you'd end up being a grownup convinced your government is colluding with vampires. Convinced enough to riot no less. Stupidity international!
Of course, Ellen would say that in Arkansas it's more like 50%
I give you, your #1 source for adult diapers, supersized baby clothes... ah hell, I can't even finish this, it creeps me out so much.
Which is a damned shame too. I mean, if it weren't for the completely, irretriveably icky subtext, I might actually be interested in "feety" pajamas. It'd be kinda cool to go skidding across the kitchen floor in the same... AAAGG! NO! I STILL CAN'T GET PAST THE CREEPY PART! ICK ICK ICK ICK!
I'm going to take a shower now.
The last apartment complex we lived in ended up being this bizzare crow convention center. Thousands of the things would nest in the trees around our complex, to the point that they literally looked like they had their leaves back. You walked outside between 4 pm and 6 am at your peril, and there just wasn't much point in washing your car.
What I didn't know was we could've used these "facts" to make a website. Birdpoo as art. Brilliant!
Why are relative still like this with married people?
Hell, my parents were not like this when I was not married. Well, to my sister they are. She's just 16 and not married, but her boyfriend gets to sleep over at night. They do it camp out sleep over style. Hence, one couch for each or he crashes on the couch, and she goes to her bedroom.
When I was dating Scott, there were no seperate bedrooms. But I was also 19.
If I were ever to be faced with a circumstance like that, I would find the nearest hotel to crash at. Families that seperate husbands/wives/fiancees have their own sexual problem to deal with.
I so want this Barbie Doll.
It's not Barbie, it's her friend Midge!
You actually have to read the article to find out what's going on, I'm not going to give it away.
PETA is at it again, this time giving fur coats to homeless women. Now they'll be warm crack whores, at least until their johns take them away. Gah. There's nothing more annoying than a freshman with a cause.
Proof that completely weirdo new age cults don't just set up in Texas, Arkansas, or California, I present to you the Raelians, who appear to be set up near montreal. It seems they're working hard to make a human clone, which would fulfill their prophecies of an alien return
The line for the tinfoil hats starts over there --->
When I was 7 I'm not sure I could even reach the pedals of most cars, but this kid apparently could. Twice.
The thing that just blows me away is that you have to have a permit to own a gun (most places), a license to drive a car, but anybody, anybody can have a kid without so much as a "mother-may-I". Anybody in the world can put themselves in charge of the smartest, handiest, deadliest predator the world has ever seen without even a test.
This scares me way more than Saddam ever will.
You only thought uncle Ted was a mean drunk. Howsabout a herd of pissed off drunken elephants?
Arafat and his cronies have been going at it all the wrong way. I mean, who needs C4 when you can just use bananna gas?
I guess you could file this one under What Would Jesus Eat?
Just about every modern car today will zap you as you get out of it after driving awhile. Sometimes when it happens to me you can see the spark in broad daylight and hear it on the other side of the car. According to Road & Track, this is because the carbon content in tires has changed over time, making them less conductive and therefore allowing a static charge to build up on/in/around the car. When you step out and touch the door to close it, POW, the difference is discharged through your body.
Why do I bring this up? Well, because avoiding the ZAP can cause other problems.
I present to you the bizzare case of a man who answered a classified ad asking for "someone willing to be slaughtered".
I'm going to go take a shower now...
I knew, in an offhand way, that mormons had a tendency to do postmortem baptisms, at least to their own families. I wasn't aware, though, that they tended to do this with Jews. A lot, apparently.
I've known a lot of people who were mormons over the years, and they're just not this weird. Are they just hiding it well?
It's one thing to have to deal with death and carnage in a car crash, a whole other when dozens of snakes start pouring out of one of the vehicles.
Well, I guess everyone needs a hobby of some sort.
Ok, sometimes cute customization can go just a little too far. Ah well, at least they didn't paint nighthawk on it.
I would literally shit in my pants if this happened to me.
Question is, how did the snake get in there?
A guy has come up with a website dedicated to humping stuff. Well, if we can put a man on the moon, why not demonstrate our primate anscestry to the entire world?
I have to admit that this pic did make me laugh out loud though.
I'm not sure what's weirder about finding a guy who's been missing for 44 years walled up in your home. The event in and of itself is bizzare enough, but really, what were the cops searching for this guy in 1958 thinking? "Nope, nothing here, but boy he was sure crappy at home improvement... look at the quality of this brickwork!"
Something else is going on here.
And boy, how's that for a home improvement project?
Found this one over at slashdot (which means the 'dotters are busily trying to crush it out of existence, so be patient). Just when you thought legos couldn't get any more creative, someone comes up with, a satirical look at misfortune using our favorite plastic blocks.
Umm... Rap Snacks anyone? Richie's gonna love this one...
I'm always teasing Ellen about spending the night somewhere spooky like an old haunted house or a graveyard. Now I see sometimes it's not a good idea to even live near a cemetery.
No-prize to Nina!
I'm not at all sure what to make of this one. A long, probably too long, story of two guys who widen a passage in a cave and find, well, something weird. It was creepy (eventually), but I'm not real sure it's true. Still, a fun diversion.
Found via crazy-auntie-to-be Maru.
Well, I guess you gotta get it somehow.
Folks, I am now happy to present to you, at no small cost in research and development, your very own "production" tinfoil hat. What will those clever Norwegians think of next...
UPDATE: Ok, nevermind, now I have officially seen it all.
Just to prove we're every bit as juvenile and gross as Larry over at ATS (you still out there Lair?), I give you the all-semen diet. You can commence your gag reflex demonstration now.
Can you ruin chocolate by putting weird sh*t in it? I dunno, you decide!
One of the few times Ellen freaked out about being pregnant was when she discovered she'd lost the taste for chocolate. It was sort of like the pope saying he hated God.
Note to all you pervs with porn collections: get rid of them before the feds search your house!
My first reaction, and the one almost certainly intended by both the feds and the press monkies, is revulsion. But, after reading the whole article and remembering you can only trust these two organizations about as far as you can throw them, I have to wonder if perhaps someone out there has an axe to grind against these two. Keep in mind not everything someone is accused of is even actually true.
But heck, I've been wrong about this stuff before. Let's all join in the peasant's brigade carrying pitchforks and torches to their house!
We have PETA, and the Brits, apparently, have the BBFC, who have got all worked up over a movie containing a scene with a chicken and a fake burning stick of dynamite. McNuggets, anyone?
Finally a typed police report I can read. One Steven Bailey has been accused of 2nd degree manslaughter in the S&M-related death of Maceo F. Brodnax. Note: only a mug shot, no gross pictures, but boy howdy that police report is something else.
The scary thing, well, one of the scary things, is this is probably just one of many.
Ok, one of my friends at work sent me this one.
You must watch them in ORDER!!!!! All I can say is that its fuxed up!
Well archelolgists have done it again. They have found the arms of Venus De Milo in someones basement.
* If you believe this article, there is no hope for you after all. *
WHY would you even want a baby after the age of 50?
Not only does it increase risks on both ends, but by the time your kid is in high school, you are way into retirement!
Hey, if ya want a kid after the age of 50, just don't get my tax dollars involved in it. OR better yet, go adopt. You should have the money to do that by now. Oh yeah, when I say adopt, prepare to have between 20-50 thousand dollars on hand to pay for the kid. I did say adopt not buy right?? (How do I know this??--a friend at work in looking into adopting a baby and they sent her pictures of the kids, and the COST for them. CHA-CHING!)
Unusual Kentucky is a big, interesting site about all things, well, unusual in Kentucky. Mostly a photographic collection of weird and unusual places and things, it definitely lives up to its name.
Be sure not to miss abandoned places, which I'm sure will remind Ellen of all the spooky little towns we went through when visiting Arkansas, and also the cemeteries section, with some of the most bizzare inscriptions and memorials you have ever seen.
The webmasters seem like nice enough people, but the longer I visit the more creeped out I get. Recommended!
Ok, now, I'll admit exploding electric razors in and of themselves are pretty interesting, but what I want to know is who the hell uses an electric razor they picked up in a McD's bathroom?!? Anything in one of those places is by default way past the 5 second rule.
Well, I guess everyone's got to have a hobby... how about someone who collects photographs of giant fiberglass people? Actually, it's kind of cool, in a strange sort of way. Enjoy!
Go ahead, read the first sentence of this article, because there's not a damned thing I can do to write a headline better than that.
Ok, all those things I said about the British being more bizzare than we are? I take it all back. A "superheroine" dedicated to protecting drunk women from themselves and predators, while admirable, is still, well, kinda quirky. The pink is definitely jarring.
Apparently scientists have done it again! They have figured out the reason for homosexuality, and they have concluded this by watching gay sheep.
I did not know sheep were gay. I mean I know cats can be, cause we have a gay cat sticker on my works front window. But hey, if cats and people can be gay, sheep can too! BAAA!!!!
Yeah, everybody heard about the 46-year old fetus removed from a woman a few weeks ago... but don't ya wanna see a picture of it? It's not the same one, but still...
Playing rough also means playing with peoples' heads. Got problems with fundy fanatics who think they're going to heaven? Turn the tables against 'em!
While the western press monkeys may have decided the storming of the theater was the absolute worst horror to be visited on innocent citizens since the dawn of time, the Russian media's only real criticism has been that the government didn't seem to fess up fast enough about what was used. The Post and a few other sources are trying to play up media control by the state as an excuse for this, but NPR reported yesterday an independent (whatever that means) poll showed Russian citizens giving overwhelming approval of their government's actions.
Found via ATS.
Ok, this is just plain WEIRD!
Facinated by the human body and what can go wrong with it? Check it out at that site.
More abnormalities.
Germany's most famous Playboy is offering $500,000 to the lucky woman who is the very last to have sex with him. Note he's staying with German women, because, if my own Italian is any indication, ladies of that nation would quietly ensure he had an "accident" shortly after the fact.
Men are pigs, OK? Get over it.
So, all I need to do is get 239 rolls of packing tape do break this record, right? No problem! The only thing that weirds me out is the resulting tape ball ended up being only 2 feet high yet weighed over 80 lbs. Hmm... something strange going on there.
Kids not paying attention in Sunday school? No problem, just whip out the ol' fire bible, that'll get their attention! And while I've seen jello brain and heart molds before, it never ocurred to me they'd be useful to teach bible lessons.
Can't wait to see what Larry over at ATS is gonna say about this.
We have tended to, well, call people with... extreme... religious views, things like, well, "wild eyed wackos", and "glittery eyed fanatics", and, well, other things that might be construed as being contemptuous of the entire Christian Fundamentalist community at large. In general, these sorts of thick-headed luddites (oops! there we go again!) tend to be called "right wing".
So, in the interest of equal time, we'd like to present to you this really, really choice example of a complete wacknut from the left. This guy is not, repeat not kidding, even though at times he sounds like it. While reading the replies I kept expecting the Heaven's Gate people to start pulling out Kool-aide and purple tablecloths.
Found via the Norwegian Blogger, who MST's them nicely.
Ok, I've seen roach infestations, and rat infestations, and even wasp infestations. But racoon infestations? Now you're just being ridiculous.
Well, again, turns out we're not as completely weird as we think we are. Britian's "post pet mortality" industry is growing like gangbusters too. But, like the article says, WE'RE #1!
More proof the British are just as weird as we are. A preserved body of a homeless person who died in 1984 was found in the studio of a British artist. Not a murder, just a very, very weird person.
See, one of the main differences between Iranian religious wackos and American ones is, for the most part, American ones aren't in charge. And Americans aren't the only ones who pick a stupid easy "problem" to "solve" instead of fixing real problems like poverty and hunger.
Yet another example of what happens when someone with a serious mental illness goes off their meds. Looks like they're based in the UK this time. Classic manic fugue.
Follow-up to yesterday's post:
Jeff found us this article that contains excerpts from the actual kamikaze manual. This is the training book given to the pilots to help them "learn" how to defend their country. Some highlights:
Keep your health in the very best condition. If you are not in top physical condition, you will not be able to achieve an ideal hit by tai-atari (body-crashing).
[In case of bad weather, return to base.] When turning back and landing at the base, discard the bomb at the area designated by the commanding officer. Fly in circles over the airfield. Observe conditions of the airstrip carefully. If you feel nervous, piss.
You have lived for 20 years or more. You must exert your full might for the last time in your life. Exert supernatural strength.
Just when you thought it didn't get any weirder...
Yet another no-prize to Jeff!
In yet another example of our oh-so-on-the-ball press simply regurgitating whatever shows up on their fax machines on Monday, turns out blonds are not going extinct. Swear to God, media people must have the easiest job on the planet. Paraphrasing news releases is just not that hard, and that seems to be all most of them ever do.
My mom went through this recently with my grandad. It took him wrapping his car around an 18-wheeler before they finally managed to get him off the road.
Ok, it's one thing to have NASA's sh*t wandering around dinking stuff up. I mean, I can even understand when, say, your garden variety plague of frogs falls on some remote fundie farmstead. But I gotta draw the line on car sized hail stones. I mean, where does it end?!?
See the thing is, I'm sure the propeller-heads at the EU thought they were doing good, but by banning dwarf tossing they're just denying a guy a living. This reminds me of the way the idealists in the 60s got freak shows banned because they were "undignifying", and promptly threw a lot of good people out of the only high-paying jobs they could ever have.
I've never actually ridden on a motorcycle, let alone driven one. My parents were terrified of the things, wouldn't even let the neighbor's kid bring his on our driveway. Now that I'm all grown up, I got nothing against them (I think Ducatis are sex with two wheels), but when I read things like this, well, I go for a ride in my convertible instead.
Ok, found the location of the picture of the "Bin Laden lighter". Wasn't over at ATS, was over at telling lies. Told you it was tacky.
I'm not completely sure if this guy is serious. If he is, it's an absolutely classic, classic example of someone with a serious mental illness who has gone completely off their meds. Almost textbook delusional episodes.
Of course, he could be making it all up, in which case it's almost a perfect Andy Kaufman-like practical joke. But, considering the newest entry, I don't think it is.
In spite of the fact Mel Gibson has a reputation of being a likeable, relatively normal guy who makes women swoon sort of by accident, I think his latest project shows that anyone who spends too much time in Hollywood essentially goes crazy. Must be something in the water.
Living in a log cabin has no appeal to me. As far as I'm concerned, roughing it is a black and white TV. And now I have yet another reason to stay the hell out of the woods.
From Arkansas, of course, but I hear Texas is the capital of the wild cat trade.
Every once in awhile someone playing a stoner actually turns out to be a stoner (gasp!) Such seems to be the case of Jason Mewes, who played the "Jay" half of "Jay and Silent Bob". Hope he turns up alive somewhere, but it doesn't look likely.
Ok, just thinking about this gives me giant heebie-jeebies. Giant bug like critters walking all over me for a month is just not, I repeat not, my idea of a good time.
Never had one yet.
But this is a neat article on out-of-body experiences. Not a real life story, but a scientific reason on how or why than can occur.
My brother Richie gets the NO-Prize!
ps. he also bought a t-shirt!
Ya know, I remember when I was a kid everyone talking about getting their mouth taped shut, and certainly we taped our own and each other's mouths shut regularly, but I don't remember if a teacher actually did it to any of us or not. Note: scotch tape is a crappy way to tape your brother's mouth shut. He'll sweat/lick/spit the glue soft and work free. Much better to use duct tape.
Something I heard about... yeah, that's it.
I think ATS (Amish Tech Support) carried an article about this that had a picture of the lighters in question. They're more than a little tacky.
See Ellen! I told you! Sometimes it's a good idea to open the casket!
Ok, the sad thing is I know, I just know, there are twits sitting in front of cafes in the villiage (Greenwich, that is, NY) who think this is just so avante-garde. Same folks that tacked the skin of a dirty umbrella on a wall in the donut and call it art.
Don't want to bury or cremate your pet? Try this.
I don't care how much Ellen likes cats, I ain't gonna drink this. I'm just not!
Well, Leonard Nimoy just joined the ranks of the weird and slightly disconnected celebrity peanut gallery with a new book of nude women. He's in his late 60s now, I guess he can take pictures of whatever the hell he pleases. Still, I can only imagine what my own grandmother's reaction would've been had my grandfather picked up this hobby.
I've read oodles of interesting articles on how the body can remain alive for a few moments after decapitation. This is a small compilation of such stories.
If you don't belive them, fine. Don't read the article then.
I still think it's rather spiffy.
Just to show Scientoligists aren't the only ones with truely wacked out beliefs, we present to you, the Unariuns. Actually, that's an interesting point. Why have Scientologists become such a successful, invasive cult while these people beaver away in obscurity. On the face of it, they hold quite similar beliefs.
Ever wondered what Dear Abby would look like in Saudi Arabia? Wonder no more. I've always found these "grassroots" kind of columns much more informative about common culture than I ever have the editorial pages of any newspaper.
Every time I think Japan can't get any weirder, they go and prove me wrong. For $5-$20k we will break up with your boyfriend for you. Nope, not a typo. Confused? Read the article. Still confused? Well, yeah...
Is nothing sacred anymore?!? Be sure to check out the photos. Proof positive they don't all live in trailers, or Arkansas.
Considering the source, probably a hoax, but a funny one nonetheless.
This is one of the reasons WHY I don't like to swim in any water other than a pool.
I'm never one to take pleasure in the pain of the self-righteous, but Ellen usually doesn't share my sense of ethics. Ah, well. :)
You have got to see this label this person had on their medication!
Ya think the pharmacist had something for this girl! *makes you wonder what they think of you when you pick your meds up!*
Lightning kills more people every year than plan crashes. Whats so ironic about this story is that it happened at a funeral.
I did not realize people are STILL stupid enough to stand under trees *holding and umbrella no less* during a thunderstorm.
First, we got vibrating tampons. In the interest of equal time, I present to you the vibrating condom. With this much buzzing you'll wake the neighbors.
Also from Japan, a survey of Japanese ice-cream flavors. Squid and salmon flavor... yummy!
Is there anything the Japanese won't eat if it comes from the ocean? Of course, this is coming from someone who's culture invented head cheese (put a bag of spices inside a pig skull, wrap it in cloth, bury it, dig it up a few weeks later, scrape off what's on top of the skull, eat with crackers), so who am I to ask?
On the one hand, this article about Japanese "sexual" theme parks makes me think the land of the rising sun really has its sh*t together about its own sexuality. On the other, it kinda gives me the creeps. Note the priggish tone in the story. I don't think we're getting all sides, but still, an entertaining read.
I have finally figured out what I am going to do with my Southern Mama's remains *since I get to make the final decision when the time comes :)-- yep! eat it up boys! Mama wants the Yankee to help her out in the end! *
I have decided that since she LOVES sparkly things so much, that I will have her turned into a diamond.
I figure, what a neat way to be remembered! Turn yourself into a wearable piece of art, so that one day you can tell your kids or grandkids that the diamonds on their ears or fingers is really great-grandma ect..
Ok, I always thought the 50s and early 60s were a time when blind obedience to authority lead to all kinds of weirdness in the US. This pretty much proves the case. Ten years later the keepers would've beat the scientists to death, but at that point anyone "in charge" tended to be obeyed without question.
Ok, there's fishing, and then there's fishing. Note to press monkies: an RPG is not a "surface-to-air missle". It's meant to blow up tanks & APCs. Gah.
Ok... ummm... well, just when you thought it didn't get any weirder in Florida, you stumble across something like this. That's one big, ugly fish right there, yup.
This is too funny. Funny in a sense that the 'kit' is a so called 'bag".
WHY would you want to donate money or become a member of this society for a bag? Get your own damn bag, *trash, grocery, what ever you please* and tie. Enjoy!
Ok, now Camden NJ is finding black sh*t on the sidewalks. Actually, this looks like the stuff that is on most sidewalks in the District, and most other heavily trafficked concrete areas I've seen elsewhere. I always thought it was ground in gum. Guess I was wrong?
I'm a buddhist. I think it's a rational, relevant, well-thought-out religion that works extremely well in this modern age. But it seems that no matter what spiritual totem you happen to subscribe to, there's always some wackos in the woodpile. Christians have snake-dancing fundies, muslims have "Islamikazes", Jews have... well, I don't know what Jews have but I bet it's nowhere near as strange as Thai buddhists worshiping on a compound with a spaceship. In Thailand. With a spaceship. No, it's not a typo.
What the hell is it with the Japanese and fecal/anal fetishes?
I came across this article today about the new rage in Japanese stimulation. It's not what you think. Apparently the new addiction is having a bidet installed in your house. *for pleasure purposes*
Ever wonder why Islam was such a hit with the south-eastern half of the Roman empire? Lots of reasons, but one of them is because Christian leaders would do things like this. Actually, compared to some of the arguments the church got into in the early Byzantine period, this one is pretty substantive. At least it's over something you can touch. And unlike those old arguments, nobody got burned to death over the disagreement, but probably only because they weren't allowed.
People in the Levant have started revolutions over things almost exactly like this for at least three thousand years. I'm not kidding. Thousands, millions of people killed over where a chair happened to be placed.
Ok, I'm not going to link directly to them, but want to see just how bannanas Americans can get? Read this summary of a just-to-the-right-of-Darth-Vader message board.
All those things I said about the crazy right-wing gun-nut guys on those message boards you read Jeff? I take it all back!
Unless of course they have members in common. EEP!
A bank-shot from, who probably doesn't really want credit for it.
Ok..I'm all for equal rights, but this is just fucked up.
When evoloution fails, science steps in.
Thanks to Mellie for the submission! You get the No-Prize of the day!
Thanks to's 'This Day in History".
Jul 27 1890
Vincent Van Gogh commits suicide with a revolver.
This is the same guy that cut his ear off and mailed it to his girlfriend.
I present to you, the Tokyo Shock Boys. If you liked the engrish stuff, you'll love this. I think. I'm not sure if I should laugh or call Rod Serling.
Apparently when a kid gets bit by a dog, *even if its the family dog*the adults in the house become incredibly stupid. Shut up before you start getting all bent out of shape because I don't have a kid ..blah..blah...blah....*save me from your bullshit OK?*
This article ia about a dog *family pet* to get euthanized because the family child decided to check out her 2 week old puppies. How fucking dumb are the parents to allow this? Pretty dumb if you ask me. Not only did the dog get euthanized* the owners wanted a rabies test--this goes into question, WHY your fucking dog is not vaccinated!* but her 2 week old puppies got the pink juice too. The reason was that there are no voulenteers to take care of the next best thing! Line of reincarnation starts over there!
People are stupid. They should have to take a test in order to have pets and kids.
I am glad I was raised in a family with LOTS of pets, was taught to love them and you get what you deserve if you piss them off.
But thats me..and that will be my philosophy with my kid. * I forcast lots of scratches and bites in the future- "You wont yank on kitty's tail like that again right? You already lost 2 fingers today."
Hopefully this family learned a good lesson. Leave your fucking dog alone when it has puppies. Not every dog remains cute and cuddly when it has puppies.
From slashdot, we have someone who's selling an approximately 1/32nd scale model of a rebel blockade runner. Sounds reasonable? Take a look, the model is 32 feet long. Built so you can play with the action figures Kenner makes inside it to scale.
Lord help us if Richie sees it. He'll probably want to live in it.
Apparently ghosts can get caught by a camera. BUT, only in a parking garage.
Remind me NOT to park my car there.
Be sure to check out the video!!
How wrong is this?
Ok, I am all for fertility treatment and all if you can't have children, but this is fucking ridiculous! Humans were not meant to deliver a litter of kids. 1-3 tops. Hello... need to pick and choose here. Can u tell I'm pro choice????
In my eyes these people are selfish. WHY do you WANT this many at once?? This means the whole fucking town has to raise your damn kids for you because you WON'T have the time to even take care of 2.
No it does not take a village to raise a damn kid. They are YOUR responsibility. Not your neighbors or your family.
This makes me ill thinking of this person. Medicine has come a loooong way as far as fertility treatment goes. It's now time to THINK what is ethically and medically right for one human to go through. Maybe have a few at a time. But NOT all 9 at once.
Hrm...well maybe this is a way for this family to get that FREE house, FREE car, FREE lifetime supply of diapers and other bullshit. Pretty soon the average female going under fertility treatment will have at least 5 to a litter. HEY!! just like a damn dog!
Maybe the commercial/grocery/car/ industry will get a hint and stop sponsoring people like this.
Maybe you can put an add in the paper and sell what ever children you DON'T want like a puppy or kitten? Ya know an add like this : 3 males, 1 female left, needs good home. $200 each.
Makes me ill...
Whatever you do, don't wave your wank at a donkey or else this happens!
OUCH! question is...Why would you show a donkey your wank???? Little boys are weird!
How nasty is this!?
I would of pulled over and vomited. $25 dollar certificate my ass. How about you pay for my therapy for a year!
This is one of those things you want to laugh at, but can't, because somebody ended up dead. Didn't the Smothers Brothers make up a song just exactly like this? Maybe he forgot to yell "fire!"
No wonder why they are so upside down! They do weird shit like this!
I will never look at Koala Bears the same way again.
Ok, now I think I've seen everything. is reporting Gen-Xers and other urbanites are now keeping chickens as pets. There are some things so weird only yankees will do them. Woo hoo! Ellen can't make redneck cracks any more!
Courtesy of
July 22 1376 The Pied Piper of Hamelin makes off with the town's rats and children.
Ok. was this guy for real or what? Many still claim he is a fairy tale, while others say he was a serial killer of that time.
Here is a neat article I found. Check it out, it kinda gets you thinking a bit.
Ok, so what do you do if you are pissed off, have a lot of dynamite, but no car? Well, you could always use a horse instead.
The article does not state if they were used or not.
I'd rather not find out.
Hope they used gloves or washed their hands after handiling it. *shudder*
Robert UK sent us this entry:
Britain has a new high-scoring mass-murderer
The story doesn't really give the background to this, but here's my take. Mass murder seems to be a peculiarly American pasttime. Even the great British mass murderers come in at less than ten (I think Jack the Ripper killed about 5 people - I probably should research this better), but even then they're extremely unusual - Jack is still a cause celebre more than a century on.
The American high-scorer is of course John 'Wayne' Gacy with about 40 and the all-time World high score is held by 'Countess Dracula' a Hungarian(?) noble who killed about 400(?) young women, several hudred years ago, in the belief that their blood would keep her young.
Anyway, this guy has just been awarded 215 confirmed kills and could actually have gone over 500. Just an ordinary town doctor working quietly away. Infact if he hadn't forged a will he might still be racking them up.
Thanks Robert! Your no-prize is in the mail, although it may be awhile before it passes through customs :).
P.S. Actually, Britain has had its fair share of wacknut killers. I remember seeing something on A&E a few weeks back about a guy in the 50s that got rid of his victims by stirring them in vats of acid. I think it was a suburb of London. I thought the worlds A#1 serial killer was a Russian guy back in the 1980s, but we'll have to ask my mom about that. She's probably America's foremost expert on serial killers, past and present. Swear to god, this is a near-actual conversation:
Mom: "Oh, gosh, I love the northwest... cool, green, lots of calm people... I'd just love to move there!"
Me: "Well, why don't you just move there?"
Mom:"Oh I could never move there. That's where all the serial killers live"
Anyway, thanks!
How can you not know someone is dead?
Thats one long friggin nap!!!
New Scientist is reporting on some bizzaro ocurrances in the European Union of hormones getting into animal feed and soft drinks. EEP!
My sister dug this one up on the net. I don't know if its for real or not?
I think I saw this sign outside of Dumas, Arkansas!!!
I have NEVER EVER seen a chain gang, let alone a prison officer with a very large rifle pointed at people picking weeds. * in the HOT sun too*--- they should of made them wear winter jackets while they were at it. Make em suffer a bit more.
This is one reason why I hate working with big dogs.
I have seen many nice rotties, but I would never trust one. I have also never seen a really responsible owner with one either. Many of our clients will beat the dog in front of you in the main lobby. Not only in front of us, but other clients.
Think about it. Do you really think someone like that should even be able to have a dog? Dogs just don't attack for no reason. They like to have a reason.
Plus I'm laughing at the 10 day quarantine for rabies. It can take longer for it to show up. I am surprised that they are not gung-ho to chop the dogs head off and send it out just to double check the rabies. *people are so stupid*
Just to show you how bizzare the toy scene in the early 70s could get, I give you Aurora Models's Monster Scenes.
The only Aurora kit I think I ever built was a Nautilus (the nuclear submarine, not Capt. Nemo's boat) kit. Actually, my dad built it for me with superglue. Alas, polystyrene is really too brittle for a six year old, so after about the forth kit got pulled out of the tub in peices (what the hell else is a submarine model good for?), I was allowed no more.
I didn't go for figure models, especially not girl ones (smacked of "dolls", which were for girls), but I do remember playing with Steve Austin the 6-million-dollar-man and Evil Knievel "action figures" (boyspeak for "dolls"). The Steve Austin dol... ahem... ACTION FIGURE had "bionics", clear plastic blocks, imbedded in his arms and legs you could pull out. Knievel came with a lot of cool 'extras" like a motorcycle that would actually move and a car you could crash and make fly apart.
These were all the big GI Joe-sized figures, probably ~8 inches (20 cm) tall. It wasn't until Kenner came out with the 4 inch (10 cm) Star Wars figures that my collection really took off.
Those were the days though. You could get guns and knives and GI joe could jump out of a helicopter! What a time...
Next time you are thinking about that mail order russian bride, I suggest you read this.
Its all a scam people. They really don't want to leave Russia, they would rather scam you for some money and live out their pitiful lives out in some russian city. Cause ya know, 2 grand to you is like 20 grand to them. Maybe they could afford somthing to eat other than vodka (since there is no water in Russia) and some sort of bread or meat staple. (they have grocery stores, but they only like to shop to look at the empty shelves there)
Now don't get me wrong, there may be some nice russian girl that wants to leave, have a nice life in america ect.. but the majortiy love to suffer. It must be a russian thing.
link was busted earlier.. fixed it. works now! thanks for letting me know!
According to this clock, my day of death will be December 22, 2077. Thats me being optomistic about life. The worse you are, the less of a life you will get.
Scott day is February 26,2065. Weird huh?
Check you day of death.
The entire site is rather odd. Hey Maru!! they even calulated Bush's day for ya! You only have to put up with him till 2020, :)
Ok, here is some spooky shit if you are up for it. My recomendation is not to read it at night , or alone at night. Spooky stuff.
Weird Nj. How'd ya guess all the stories take place in Nj?
For those of you that don't know. SHC is spontaneous human combustion.
This is one of the classic photos taken. BUT one problem It says she died in her easy chair. Unless she watched TV on the toilet, then thats no easy chair!
At least she went her way on a tile floor. Easier to clean ya know.
Ok, new game. It's called, "Can You Spot The Real Ghost". I found a site that supposidly has some pictures of ghosts on camera ect... But are they real or is it light refracting on the lense of the camera playing tricks on you?
I will fully admit I am a total believer in ghosts ever since a personal experience in New Jersey. NO, I did not see one. But some shit happened in our room that we could not explain. Might as well blame it on a ghost.
So ok, is this a ghost, or is it cigarette smoke?
Paranormal cat? or camera strap?
Mystery orb? or light refraction from the sun hitting the camera at an odd angle?
You get my point right? Most 'ghosts' seen on a camera are usually somthing that can be easily explained. There is the RARE instance that you will get somthing that the pros can even pathom what it is.
Nine times out of ten it is usually, light refracting off your camera because you failed to make sure you did not have light hitting the lense at a poor angle. Or it is the mysterious cigarette smoke *especially if that smoke is comming right below that camera lense!-hello, put cig out then take pic*, OR its that damn camera strap from a 35mm point and shot cam.
Keep looking at the piccies. Paranormal Phenomenon
When people actually investigated claims of mysteriously mutilated cattle here in the US, it was (eventually) noted that these "mysteries" tended to ocurr in areas defined more by county lines and which cattle farmer was related to the sheriff than to any airforce experiment, monster, or alien incursion. It goes without saying that the newsies just ate the story up at face value and neither bothered to actually investigate or follow-up once the real causes were found.
Now it seems Argentina is having the same problem. Probably the same causes too. Gotta love those insurance scams!
Wanna see what a redneck uses for a pool?
Ok, ok, I know what Scott will say. "But my dad has a pool." Yeah, and your dad lives with a female that wouldn't allow him to do that to a nice truck!
How about a summer camp for grownup S&M'ers? NOTE: Site has no pictures, but gets a little graphic in the description part toward the end.
Ok, so what does it mean when great big silver orbs start washing up on the beach? I'm going to try to follow this one, it's just way too bizzare.
See, according to Ellen, this lady is just an amateur. A professional would make sure the bf was just disappeared off the face of the earth.
I couldn't stop laughing at this article. I'm all for science, and I do believe in a 6th sense.
Most of you know my profession as a LVT, but I don't let and don't LIKE to have my ass or crotch sniffed by a dog at all. Now science WANTS you to get sniffed~
Good thing the dogs are professionals.
This is a trend in Japan apparently.
Must be the water.
Dogs like to eat children. Preferalby the younger the better.
You would think you would be smart enough to watch where you kids are. Especially if you are raising these types of dogs.
Canadians are just too weird. They like to feed pigs humans.
Ok, the perfect crime is NO evidence people!! NONE, ZILCH, ZIP, NADA. Stop saving body parts and or other lovely bits and you wont get caught...sheesh.
Jun 3 1791
The French Assembly votes decapitation as the standard method of execution for those sentenced to death. *supplied by*
Obviously this is southern. Jesus as a Personal Trainer
Though I can't remember what the sign we saw in Arkansas was. It had to with Jam though. Perhaps Scott remembers.
As always, sometimes stories just don't need introductions.
Ok, this company has too much time on their hands to think of this kind of stuff.
I mean who would think of animals that need to be artificially inseminated need a Toy like this?
NO NO! there are no graphic photos to see you pervs! BUT, it makes ya wonder who gets this job. Imagine telling your friends that your career is to make and animal 'get off' when its inseminated to make the procedure more 'enjoyable'
OK, this is a new soap opera I watch on monday nights on Telemundo. NO I don't speak spanish, but this show is still fun to watch!
Now, this show is shot in Brazil, but re dubbed into spanish. WHY do I watch it? It has Belly Dancing in it! Thats why...duh! You have to read the article to understand what it is. Its quite bizzare. ( or how Scott THINKS I say it "bizzah")
Only if it was dubbed in english *sigh* OR better yet, I should learn spanish.
Purple Carrots! Purple! Carrots! What is wrong with you people?!?
Ok, now that I've read this, shoplifting doesn't sound anywhere near as awful as they make it sound in the Target restroom sign. :)
A certain very prominent biological supply company has always had dark rumors surrounding how it aquired human specimens. Sounds kind of like this.
What do you get when you combine a Star Wars nut with money, friends, and a back yard? Click here to find out.
I think Richie would probably want to live in it.
Here's an interesting story about a guy who decided to help LA traffic all by himself. What I think is goofy is how they managed to dredge up art critics to gush about it all. I mean, there were guys I knew in college doing this to make fake IDs for freshmen. You stood in front of a huge, perfect painting of a driver's license that some art student had cooked up. The results were darned impressive.
I remember a funky gameshow from the 70s but I can't remember what it was called. People and celebrities did all kinds of outrageous and silly stuff like running over greased (padded) poles and things like that. American Gladiators took the basic concept and turned it into an athletic competition. Now Look what the Japanese have done with it. Can anyone remember what the game show in the US was called?
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't after you.
Not real sure what to make of this, but it looks pretty interesting in an estrogen-ladened way. And before my mom gets all Victorian southern on us, NO, it's not a porn site (at least I don't think it is).
Found it via, another site I'm not quite sure what to make of.
Ya know, sometimes you just have to let the story do the talking.
Not only does power corrupt, it also attracts the corruptible. Of course, my mom would say this is the direct consequence of filling school administration with athletic coaches. Or is that just a southern thing? Didn't everyone call their principle "coach"?
Sometimes, you just have to let the wackos speak for themselves. Be sure to scroll down to read the opinion that Apple Computers= Satanism. I mean, where do you start? Argument from authority is an ugly, ugly thing sometimes. My grandmother would say the most outrageous stuff without even considering what it meant just because her preacher said it was so, and he was always right.
Ellen says Arkansas scares her because there are lots of towns with 60 people and 10 churches (REALLY!). Sometimes I think she's right.
The site is probably slashdotted still. Here's the google mirror.
UPDATE: Get a look at their member list. Nothing like some good ol' white power to start your day.
The sad thing is that these people will sincerely think they are doing good. It's only when you really, really work at them that you'll peel away the layers of decency and find out that they also sincerely believe things like:
And no, folks, this isn't a "Christian" country. It never was.
Ok, the japanese are truely strange. Apparently this lady did not want to bury the dead, so she decided to hang onto them for a bit. How bout 10 years!
I found this on
Now that I think of it. Aren't crucifixes supposed to STAY on the wall unless you tote around a Rosary set????
Mar 31 1996 During a homebrew exorcism in Rhode Island, a man accidentally punctured the esophagus of his mother in law when he jammed two pointy steel crucifixes down her throat, causing a large amount of blood to gush out. Mario Garcia was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.
This really makes me wonder what sect of Chrisitananity this is. I'm still totally scarred for life when I drove through these itty bitty Arkansas towns with populations of 50 and having 12 churches. X-FILES!!! Lock the doors and keep on driving.
Ok, I will FULLY admit I want plastic surgery. I want a nice set of 36c's that wont budge when I move. This one article was just way too bizarre and I think this WILL be then next FAD in say, piercing/tattoos ect.. NO Mama! I'm NOT done with my tattoos yet! :)
All I have to say about this is, OUCH! Plus where the fuck would you find clothing that fits?
Some people are just fucking odd!
Ever wonder what to do with those pesky testicles? Apparently these people like to eat them in various ways. I'm sure you will all enjoy this site :) *evil grin*
Unless you live in Spain anyway. Spanish scientists have compared the Marvel Comics society with the real one and have come up with some interesting, if at times somewhat obvious, revelations.