Really? I know you are a country of nearly1.2 Billion, but you don't hit a child with car and then run her over.
The horrific part is over 4 people walked past her and she was hit multiple times!
China, you really are one sick country
More unintended consequences of trying to enforce morality through legislation, instead of just enforcing the government's own actions. This sort of thing has been going on in China for a while now, ever since the justice system began ruling that rescuers were responsible for paying all medical fees and debts of the people they rescue ("Finish What You Start" is the translated name). It was supposed to prevent abuse of people in danger by those who demand compensation before rescuing them (like communists believe capitalists always do) and ensure that "have-a-go heroes" that might accidentally cause more harm than good stick to the sidelines so the professionals can handle problems. As usual, nobody stopped to consider the possibility that professionals might not always be on hand to cover every single square inch of the second largest country with the first largest population, until long after the citizens were well trained to ignore even the most horrific accidents and not render even the simplest of aid unless they had State backing. Many videos of Chinese adults getting gruesomely hurt and/or killed and then ignored by passersby have been circulating the Internet gorn sites since first applied for its domain name, but now it seems as if video of a baby girl receiving the same treatment has finally slipped through a crack in the Great Firewall of China.
Posted by: Tatterdemalian on October 20, 2011 09:50 AM