December 17, 2010
Ancient Evil

Perhaps the last surviving Nazi directly involved in the execution of the Holocaust was recently interviewed by a private American citizen posing as a neo-Nazi. Even extended clips of what resulted are fascinating. I guess that, when confronted with one of the few living remains of such monstrous evil, all one really can do is ask questions, and record the answers.

Posted by scott at December 17, 2010 07:57 AM

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Always the same story... one demographic group wants what another demographic group produces, without making the effort necessary to produce it themselves, negotiate a tradr with the producers, or even ask politely for it. Nope, the fact that one person has something another person wants can only be explained by the haves stealing their stuff from the have-nots who consider themselves the rightful owners, and the principle of vengeance requires the haves not only be stripped of everything they have, but put to death so they can't ever steal again.

Then these same people wonder how anyone could be so stupid as to kill a goose that lays golden eggs.

Posted by: tatterdemalian on December 17, 2010 11:36 AM

Always the same story... one demographic group wants what another demographic group produces, without making the effort necessary to produce it themselves, negotiate a tradr with the producers, or even ask politely for it. Nope, the fact that one person has something another person wants can only be explained by the haves stealing their stuff from the have-nots who consider themselves the rightful owners, and the principle of vengeance requires the haves not only be stripped of everything they have, but put to death so they can't ever steal again.

Then these same people wonder how anyone could be so stupid as to kill a goose that lays golden eggs.

Posted by: tatterdemalian on December 17, 2010 11:37 AM
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