October 11, 2010
You Say That Like it's a Bad Thing

Iran has publicly admitted they have an espionage problem at their nuclear facilities. I'd much rather screw up their ambitions with a well-placed wrench than I would to do it with a well-placed aerial bombardment. It'd also be nice to have a little more certainty about what needs blowing up, and what doesn't.

Posted by scott at October 11, 2010 06:19 AM

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Iran deserves to have a nuclear energy program as any other country shall have the right to Clean, Abundant & Safe Energy. The naysayers in power seem to be the ones with thier hands in the cookie jar of the oil industry.
It's past time to support them and be friends, rather than go out of the way to be foe.

Posted by: Robert on October 11, 2010 06:37 AM

You mean it's well past time to support a country that has roaming bands of thugs squashing political protest, a country that would be more than happy to eliminate Israel, a country that has no problems supporting terrorism, etc.?

BTW - no one is arguing that Iran shouldn't have nuclear power. No one at all. The argument is that they shouldn't have nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons aren't the same as nuclear reactors supplying clean power, you know.

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on October 11, 2010 08:11 AM

Are You Jewish? The Israelis definitely do not need nuclear weapons
Its a wonder those fools have not exterminated there arab neighbours. If there were any weapons involved with Iran`s program, you can be certain they would have been destroyed.
Just because we are different doesn't mean we are better or more righteous to posses nuclear energy. or weapons for that matter. The whole truth is, no country should have them.
The pro jew mentality will get us all killed. its time all nations step back and realise its ok to be different. Just leave each other alone.

Posted by: Robert on October 11, 2010 10:48 AM

What does my ethnicity have to do with anything? The point stands that Iran is and has been openly hostile in their position on Israel, they're in close proximity, and currently fund terrorism. None of this is in dispute.

Secondly, no, I cannot be certain that any weapons would have been destroyed. That's a silly position.

I've made no statement as to whether or not the US or any other country is better - I've simply pointed out the current open hostility and actions of Iran. This has nothing to do with a "pro-Jew" mentality at all. It has everything to do with preventing the increasing number of nuclear armed countries when there's no need for it to happen whatsoever. It has everything to do with preventing a potential war that could go nuclear.

If Iran wanted to leave everyone alone, why do they need nuclear arms? If they wanted to leave everyone alone, why fund terrorism?

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on October 11, 2010 01:05 PM
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