October 08, 2010
Hey! Watch This!

In spite of what the caption says, I'm pretty sure it's not the rotor that's letting go, it's the mounting bolts on the caliper that are shearing off. How we don't lose 80% of men aged 15-25 to "controlled flight into terrain" incidents like this, I never will understand.

Posted by scott at October 08, 2010 07:19 PM

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If you look at the end of the video, the caliper's still there. My guess it the pads finally gave way. Seemed that, with the sparks flying, they had burned through the pads into actual metal backing, which then decided to give up the ghost.

Dunno how I made it through those years, either.

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on October 8, 2010 09:04 PM
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