August 16, 2010
Foil Hat Foibles

It seems, according to Salon at any rate, that the whole "ground zero mosque" meme is the product of a single right-wing blogger and, natch, Rupert Murdoch. So, what he's saying is, the media, and the New York Post specifically, took a straightforward story and blew it all out of proportion, just to sell more ads? Say it ain't so!

Look, I appreciate the clarification, but trying to pretend this sort of thing is the exclusive purview of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracytm went out the door when Journolist walked in.

Posted by scott at August 16, 2010 06:01 PM

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I am all for freedom of religion however a victory mosque built at the sight of the worst act of Islamic terrorism is just wrong. It is a symbol of their arrogance and the fact that people are buying the story of how they are a religion of peace and tolerance is amusing and sad.

Posted by: Rick on August 16, 2010 08:33 PM
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