July 29, 2009
Getting Real

I've often wondered just how market forces could be leveraged to create sustainable health care reform. Now I don't need to wonder anymore. The thin edge of the wedge is already there, and working, with health savings plans (at my workplace, at any rate). If the dollars the government takes from me for various health related entitlements, and the money I and my employer pay for "regular" insurance, were placed in a similar sort of account, I know for a fact I'd have more money to spend on my own health care than I do now.

Careful now, when you disagree with me, that you're not doing so because flyover country is too stupid to do the same. Elitism is in many ways nastier than racism, because it allows you to discriminate against the people you think aren't worthy.

Posted by scott at July 29, 2009 05:43 PM

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I've been advocating something similar for some time now. Hell, I'd even allow for a hybrid - let the employer set an amount that they'll give towards healthcare. If you spend all of that money, it's tax-free. If you find a plan that costs less, you get to pocket the rest - but it counts as income and is taxed appropriately.

HSAs are a good step and that's what we use. It directly incentivizes us to spend more wisely.

On top of that, why not charge more for those with medical conditions - especially those with lifestyle-related conditions? If one manages to keep their blood pressure, resting heart weight, and body fat percentages within acceptable norms why shouldn't they pay less than those who don't? Same with smoking and everything else.

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on July 29, 2009 08:13 PM
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