Never... NEVER let it be said I do not have a sense of humor about my automotive obsession. If I did not have the ability to laugh at the cross-and-serpent's foibles and flaws, I ask you, would I have found the Top Gear Alfa Romeo Challenge such a scream?
The premise? Take a marque absolutely notorious for rewarding a kind, attentive hand both at the tiller and at the wrench, and pick three off the bottom of the heap. It gets better! Put these three rickety basket cases in the charge of a trio of bumper-car rejects. The result? Well, dear reader, the result was enough to quite handily separate those Alfisti who love their cars warts and all, and those who had rose-colored glasses tightly riveted to their temples. I'm surprised the three principles didn't require bodyguards at the end.
Still, their affection for the marque, especially Jeremy's, can't be hidden. And, really, the only cars you could get away with mistreating this way simply aren't as much fun to drive.
So, kick back, relax, and watch three yobs attempt to "prove" that Alfas that've never seen a kind pat on the hood in their life can still be absolutely thrilling to drive.
And you know what? They do.
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BBC Worldwide Ltd..
Well, bugger. Worked as of 9 pm last night. @$#@%'ing copyrights!
Posted by: scott on March 4, 2009 10:20 AMAnother example of that is trying to find a copy of "Can't Touch This" on Youtube - as fast as they pop up, they get replaced by some lame awards ceremony video with completely different music. Or, the entire video with different music.
Guess Hammer's trying to get that last dime or so...
Posted by: ronaprhys on March 4, 2009 11:09 AM