January 25, 2009
Bang Fail

The best part is, even though they totally trash these dudes and portray them as complete losers, these chicks still slept with them! Reminds me of a time long ago when friend Amber was trash-talking about (her) husband and friend Ron. He and I were both doing our nerdy, "you're-right-we're-wrong-we-suck" moping when suddenly out of my mouth jumped, "wait a goddamned minute... you married him!"

It was like she got hit between the eyes with a pole. When we've both been pushed out onto the porch of the rest home by our great grandchildren, it'll be a memory Ron and I will still chuckle over.

Posted by scott at January 25, 2009 04:07 PM

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Posted by: Jay Tea on January 26, 2009 07:08 PM

(link doesn't work) But still...bwahahahahah!

Posted by: Mark on January 27, 2009 03:37 PM
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