So, what happens when a general news paper decides to take on the specialized and complex world of defense spending? About what you'd think:
Today, the NYT weighs in with its prescription for a 21st century defense budget, clearly written by someone with a hazy idea of the differences between various kinds of airplanes and ships. And like any prescription written by an unqualified person, it would make you ill.
The article that the article that you linked to sums this up very well. Establish the priorities for the next decade or so and then go from there. Personally, I don't think we'll be involved in insurgencies in about 2 years (other than providing a small ready-reaction force), so we should probably focus on major world powers. We need to be able to one up (and potentially two up) Russia and China. I don't worry about China coming to us, but I do worry about them going after Europe or the ME (so they can get oil).
Posted by: ronaprhys on December 22, 2008 09:16 PM