December 20, 2008
Well it's About Time

Never worry again about fried tootsies with this new air-conditioned beach. Bonus: project was announced in time with the opening of yet another loopy environmentalist conference. Let the press releases begin!

Posted by scott at December 20, 2008 07:55 AM

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This'll probably have the same effect that yelling at them for creating new islands had. Now, the fun part would be if they bought one of those "Mr Fission" powerplants you can bury in your backyard - then the enviromentalists would have to really figure out how they'll complain about that - no greenhouse gases.

What they really should do is tow icebergs there to cool things off. That might cause a few heads to asplode.

Posted by: ronaprhys on December 20, 2008 06:51 PM
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