November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Rocket

This is a rocket that several male friends of ours decided to have a gift together. It was purchased in late 2004 and today we decided it would, finally, be a nice day to light the damned thing off. Did we think it would work? No. But it did and we got 5 shots out of it.

Posted by Ellen at November 27, 2008 08:56 PM

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That's Our Annie with the, "OH MY GOD!!!" comment. And, as I recall, the idea was shared but the gift came from Ron. Waited as long as we could, dude, but the day was just too nice. Hey, it's not like we can't buy some more reloads and do it again next time you're around, eh? The dratted thing will hold D motors, but I'm not sure we'd ever find it if we shot one with something that big. It was a bit tricky to keep it "in bounds" (i.e. inside the soccer field) with a C motor.

A new tradition? I THINK SO!!!

Posted by: scott on November 27, 2008 09:08 PM

No problems on my end - launching it is exactly what it's for.

What we need to do is find a D motor and replace the parachute assembly with something fun that explodes. There's a pretty stable explosive out there that shooters use. When hit with something kinetic it blows up quite nicely.

I think that's a great thing to try near Dulles, don't you?

Posted by: ronaprhys on November 28, 2008 09:13 AM
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