May 27, 2008
~ Paranoia May Destroy Ya ~

Annie gets a no-prize with foil hat firmly attached for bringing us this "doomsday" scenario at least one group believes is inevitable if a national ID scheme is ever implemented. Because we all know how the current amazingly well constructed HIPAA legislation is being utterly and completely ignored.


Posted by scott at May 27, 2008 12:35 PM

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Okay - I'm against a national ID simply because it's a waste of money for things that already exist. We have driver's licenses, which are recognized in all states. We've got SS numbers, which are the key to getting paid and paying taxes.

Why do we need a national ID?

On top of that, the database that they'd have to get to make said scenario happen is so completely psychotically out of touch with reality it's amazing. Seriously - large companies have enough problems managing their own data and hooking up two different databases during a merger - imagine trying to hook everyone up to a single standard that would make this possible?

I'd be dead before they could even agree on a standard, which would be outdated by the time it was accepted.

Posted by: Ron on May 27, 2008 01:02 PM
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