May 16, 2008
At Least She's got the Birds

Anyone who can take care of (what looks to be) 20 macaws can't be all bad:

Once she was the world's richest vice queen, earning ten million dollars. She bedded Hollywood legends like Jack Nicholson and Marlon Brando.

But now the only men's pants Heidi Fleiss sees flying round are the ones in the machines of her LAUNDERETTE in a remote desert town.
Today Heidi—who lost her fortune after being busted and jailed in 1997—lives in a trailer she shares with twenty parrots she took in when a pet shop closed down.

A little, well ok a lot, crazy maybe, but not bad. As long as you're happy, there's not a damned thing wrong with living in a trailer and taking care of a laundromat. There are other ways to be mighty after a fall.

Posted by scott at May 16, 2008 08:22 AM

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Crazy but soft-hearted animal lover, or future "200 dead birds removed from filth-encrusted trailer" story? Only time will tell...

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on May 17, 2008 06:34 PM
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