I'd be a lot happier if they were switching off lights to dramatize why we need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. The problem I have with environmentalism is not necessarily its (prima facia) goals, but that its most enthusiastic supporters never seem to admit that keeping the environment clean is expensive.
First go watch this, (all of it! Don't think I can't tell!) then come back and yell at me about how misguided my attitudes on environmentalism are.
Same problem all feel-good include-everyone groups eventually face: infiltration by people who see groups as nothing more than weapons with which to beat individuals and smaller groups into submission. There are so many watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside) in every environmentalist group that none are capable of even comtemplating taking any action to help the environment, unless it can also be used to tear down the capitalist pig-dogs and their materialistic kulak supporters.
Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 28, 2008 03:57 PM