March 19, 2008
Drumming in Heaven

Pat gets a no-prize with a moose bite in it for bringing us news of the untimely and strange demise of a former Abba drummer. I thought things like glass doors were tempered to prevent exactly this sort of accident from happening. Who knew?

Posted by scott at March 19, 2008 04:49 PM

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Mama Mia - that's worse than what happened to Napolean at Waterloo. Maybe he should've sent an S.O.S. to a Super Trouper? Knowing Me, Knowing You, it'd be very difficult to actually manage to die this way, but that's The Name of the Game.

Does his mother know?

/aisle seat, please.
//was going to work in Fernando and Chiquitita, but that would've been over the top.

Posted by: Ron on March 19, 2008 05:16 PM

The top of what? The Matterhorn? K2? Everest? Olympus Mons?!?


Posted by: scott on March 19, 2008 06:26 PM

Doesn't take long to bleed out when the carotid artery is cut.

Posted by: Pat J. on March 19, 2008 06:46 PM

I just couldn't help myself. Hell, I even submitted it to Fark with similar badness in it - just to see if I can get lucky and get my 2nd greenlight.

Maybe he was being a Dancing Queen when he slipped?

Posted by: ronaprhys on March 19, 2008 06:47 PM
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