I'm not saying Ron's an anarchist bent on spreading murderous chaos for humor value, I'm... well, actually, I guess that is what I'm saying after all. We lurv him so.
oh dear God, it IS them!!
Posted by: Mark on March 17, 2008 08:16 PMWhat's Rickrolling?
Posted by: DensityDuck on March 18, 2008 02:57 AMrickrolling is a trick that one plays on forums. You post a link about video on the topic at hand. However, it goes straight to a Rick Astely video (generally Never Gonna Give You Up). In the really good ones, the site that you're being rickrolled to actually uses pop-up windows that move around so you can't close it without doing an Alt+F4.
Had it happen to me once.
Posted by: Ron on March 18, 2008 08:45 AMAs for the content itself, I wouldn't spread murderous chaos for humor value. I'd spread it to help strengthen the gene pool AND for humor value.
Remember kiddies, Darwin's your friend!
Posted by: Ron on March 18, 2008 11:37 AM