March 12, 2008
Seeing the Light

A Christian who doesn't "believe the Establishment or Free Exercise Clauses created any such doctrine called separation of church and state,” seems to have had an epiphany:

If a Muslim teacher visited your kid’s classroom every week to give a Koran lesson, what would you do? I wouldn’t like it. I’d probably file suit.

Which is more or less what everyone I've ever known who argues for an explicit separation of church and state arising from the First Amendment has been trying to get across for years. The sign of a good design is its adaptability to tasks for which it was not originally intended. I think the usefulness of the First Amendment quite handily demonstrates its good design.

But that's just me.

And let's hear it for someone I respect, but at the same time think can be a bit reactionary, for coming to the logical conclusion!

Posted by scott at March 12, 2008 03:29 PM

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Posted by: annie on March 12, 2008 04:23 PM

I would be standing in line and helping those parents. I totally believe in the Separation of Church and State. Of course you knew that it exactly how I would feel.

Posted by: Pat J. on March 12, 2008 06:04 PM

That's the thing about using government to solve "problems." Anything you want government to do for you, it will also do for your greate
t foe, and probably against you or your children. That's any government, not just democratic ones; more authoritarian systems devote lots of effort to convincing people that their government will remain unchanged forever, but they're really never more than a few abdications, assassinations, or acts of God away from falling, mostly intact, into the hands of the enemies of the people who built them.

People need to keep this in mind whenever they demand government intervention.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 13, 2008 09:48 AM
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