March 09, 2008
Kill and Be Killed

There are secrets, and then there are secrets:

She then hit me with a confession that would both thrill and confuse me. She explained that in the months that I had been away in Iraq her role within the AUC had changed; she had joined the urban militia and become an assassin. Her job was now to eliminate informers and traitors.

Many times over the years I've read in articles and been told by acquaintances in a position to know that Columbia is a uniquely violent, chaotic place. All I can say is it definitely won't be on my list of places to visit any time soon.

Posted by scott at March 09, 2008 03:07 PM

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I believe you've misplace an "O" there. Maybe substituted another letter for it? Maybe in the name of a country.

Posted by: ronaprhys on March 9, 2008 04:52 PM
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