March 07, 2008
Seeing Double

Meryl quite rightly points out the glaring double standard regarding reporting of the most recent events around Gaza. Every time I read about how awfully the Palestinians are being treated, how terrible the injustice and violence, I can't help but think to myself, "well, if they'd just stop shooting glorified bombed-up bottle rockets at Israel they might actually get some peace." And it's not just the media, there are some people I know personally to whom I'd say the same damned thing.

It doesn't matter the Palestinian rockets hardly hit anyone and the Israeli bombs always do. Were I to trade places with an Israeli, it'd be just my luck to pull the short straw and walk underneath the thousandth one that actually managed to hit something. I can't imagine waking up every day for weeks at a stretch worrying about it. Not to put too fine a point on it, I'd actually be damned pleased my boys shoot straight, and horrified only that these Palestinian kids don't seem to understand being next to someone poking a tiger in the ass is a Bad Idea. Where the f--- are their parents?!?

The problem is I already know the answer, and so do the Israelis. I can only hope they finally manage to field one of the tactical laser ABM systems they've been working on, and soon. I have a feeling it'll take making the wall around Gaza infinitely high before the rockets will finally stop.

Posted by scott at March 07, 2008 02:38 PM

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The sad thing is that I see people continually argue that if the Palestinians were to stop attacking, Israel would continue to attack them because they want nothing more than to exterminate them. They also that Israel is a terrorist state simply because they aim at their targets instead of firing wildly.

When asked directly, I never get a good answer for why they'd send their children out to pick up the spent rocket launchers, why they insist on launching from civilian sites, etc.

Of course, if Israel did get a working ABM system, what would Palestine do next? Snipers?

Posted by: Ron on March 7, 2008 03:01 PM

As long as the wall is taller than the tallest building, snipers are not a problem. Reducing the height of tall buildings is something Israel's air force is probably pretty good at, so a "height race" would be useless.

Which, considering the Palestinian mindset, most likely means they're already trying to erect skyscrapers.

Posted by: Scott on March 7, 2008 03:09 PM

As long as the wall is taller than the tallest building, snipers are not a problem. Reducing the height of tall buildings is something Israel's air force is probably pretty good at, so a "height race" would be useless.

Which, considering the Palestinian mindset, most likely means they're already trying to erect skyscrapers.

Posted by: Scott on March 7, 2008 03:10 PM

the wheel spins round and round...You killed my brother...I kill your brother. That's all those people understand over there....tit for tat. Eye for an eye.

Whatever you call it...revenge only begets more revenge.

Posted by: Mark on March 7, 2008 03:34 PM

It's really sad that you can't tell the difference between revenge and self-defense, Mark. Seems to be a popular thing, though, apparently due to the spreading belief that those who refuse to take up the sword are somehow immune to being impaled upon them.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 7, 2008 03:43 PM

The really sad part is Clinton got the Palistenians almost everything they wanted at the Wye Oak summit.

Of course Arrafat (Who they farking worship over there) decided at the last minute it wasn't good enough.

Posted by: jeff on March 7, 2008 03:57 PM

The problem is that no one particularly wants Israel to exist where it does. The countries around it would love to see it disbanded and the Jews pushed into the sea - in fact, I believe that's part of Hamas' charter. If they decided to stop attacking Israel and behaved rationally, they'd lose the support of the rest of the Islamic world that's supporting them (not the entire Islamic world, the subset that supports them in spirit and with weapons). And then the leaders of Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, and the rest of the area lose their bogeyman.

Posted by: ronaprhys on March 7, 2008 08:13 PM

I'm pretty sure the Israeli Jews want it to exist where it does, if only so they can live on the land passed down from their ancestors. I can't begrudge them that; they paid for the land and paid their taxes/jizya, and only when the Muslims in the area decided they didn't like being outnumbered and outvoted by Jews, and began launching pogroms, did things get so bad that the newly formed UN decided to divide the area into two states, so the Jews and Muslims could vote on their own matters, instead of fighting. The Jews accepted the UN's terms, the Muslims didn't and launched a war against the new state of Israel, and that should tell you everything you need to know about each sides' mindset.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 8, 2008 01:29 AM

While that's simplifying the points drastically, the basics are there. In my mind, it's very simply. Devote as much time to making your country better as you do attacking Israel and you'll be fine within a few years.

Posted by: ronaprhys on March 8, 2008 02:13 PM
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