March 02, 2008
Not That There's Anything... Oh Who am I Kidding?

Sometimes this stuff just writes itself: Twin gay porn stars arrested in rooftop robbery burglaries. Twins together in a porn flick is just a wrong no matter what. Stir in the "none of my business as long as I don't think about it OH MY GOD I'M THINKING ABOUT IT!!!" homophobia common to most heterosexual males and, well, it just don't get no skeevier than that.

Time for the brain bleach...

Posted by scott at March 02, 2008 06:13 PM

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Well, maybe if they were hot twin lesbian sisters. That'd be okay, no?

Posted by: Ron on March 2, 2008 08:08 PM

time for a little twincest, huh?

Yeh, I'm with Ronno here...maybe if they were two hot lesbian twins...otherwise--yuk!

Posted by: Mark on March 2, 2008 09:23 PM
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