March 02, 2008
Paging Mark T., White Courtesy Phone Please

For Sale: the ultimate in war souvenirs. Yours for only 100k euros. Whattabahgain!

Posted by scott at March 02, 2008 06:05 PM

eMail this entry!

way kewl...I shared this one with the rest of my reenactment group.

Now if we can just scrape together enough cash...

Posted by: Mark on March 2, 2008 07:47 PM

Are they working or just the crapped out version shown in the pic? A working one for $100E wouldn't be too bad, from what I hear about the collectors market.

Posted by: Ron on March 2, 2008 08:06 PM

Does anyone remember the millionaire who owned an armored personnel carrier? He went crazy maybe 10 years ago and started driving it onto his neighbor's property, parking in the front yard in a threatening sort of way, then driving back.

If he's alive, free, and allowed to sign checks, I'm thinking we have a customer. And his neighbors have a problem.

Posted by: Bob Hawkins on March 2, 2008 09:03 PM
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