January 22, 2008
Kiddie Money

In my own opinion, one of the biggest blind spots in both Ellen's and my own basic education was in the handling of money. While we make our own way reasonably well, neither of us are extremely rational about it (I try to reflexively save every dime; Ellen panics whenever she deals with money.)

I think a lot about how to teach Olivia spending, saving, and investing in a more rational way, but don't know exactly where to start. I'm thinking this book might be of assistance. It's certainly interesting enough to go on my wishlist, so I won't forget about it. She's already quite capable of making deals*, so it'll most likely not be very long before she's able to grasp the rest of it.

Via Instapundit.

* Actual conversation at a recent visit to a train museum:

Me: "Let me see your new bandanna, Olivia, I'll show you how to make a mas--"

Olivia: "NO! DADDY NO! BWAAHHH!!!!" Much wailing & crying ensues.

Three minutes later, Olivia: "Daddy, let me through, I want to see that train!"

Me, in a gentle voice: "Let me see your bandanna."

Olivia, in cheerful voice: "Ok!"

Posted by scott at January 22, 2008 12:59 PM

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ahhh, the subtle art of negotiation!

Posted by: Mark on January 22, 2008 07:53 PM
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