January 18, 2008
"Anymore" Implies a "Once Was"

Mark gets a no-prize that'll throw a rock at him if he gets on its lawn for bringing us a deeply unappreciated reminder of my upcoming 40th birthday. I normally say, "yeah, but you're catching up fast" to such jests, but Mark started out several leagues ahead in this particular race.

The status of various grammas Shall Not Be Mentioned.

Posted by scott at January 18, 2008 05:07 PM

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Well, I don't know if 6.5 years translates to "several leagues", but what are friends for if you can't give them shit now and again?

And yes, I know I'll hit the half-century Mark (so to speak) before anyone else...

so there!

Posted by: Mark on January 18, 2008 06:45 PM
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