In spite of the fact that I got the "second-from-top-o'-the-line" processor in Intel's Core 2 line, it turns out Dell saw fit to equip my "teh sexay" laptop with a 32-bit version of Vista. No wonder the SQL installer wouldn't let me put the 64-bit patch on.
Which now makes two computers I've owned which will spend their lives operating "geared down." FrakenSystem's last heart was a first-generation Athlon 64. I got it to run 64-bit Linux all to hell, for about two weeks, after it STONITH'd my XP install. Otherwise it was partying like it was 1999, right up until I pulled the plug yesterday.
And now I find out I'm gonna hafta live with 32-bit for the next few years?!? Well f-u-very-much, Dell. Sure, I won't see any performance difference. Sure, I'll be spared my cherished games puking and dying because they can't count past 32 (bits). Sure, my PC will work properly whenever I want it to...
But... But!!! It' won't be in 64-fweaking-bits!!! YeeearrrRRRGGG!!!
Why, thank you for this funny jacket! Isn't it interesting how the sleeves seem to be tied to the back? Well, yes, the fit is rather snug, and why exactly are you motioning to those muscled gentlemen with the butterfly net--
I run Vista 64 on my PC at work.
Am I annoyed with you enough lately to actually GIVE you a copy of Vista 64 or should I just be nice to you and get you a copy of XP.
Decisions Decisions Decisions
Posted by: jeff on January 11, 2008 07:23 AMHmmm - maybe researching the specs first would've been a good idea...
You might be able to call and yell at them until they give you the upgrade. Besides, why wouldn't you wipe that Vista crap off their right off the bat?
Posted by: Ron on January 11, 2008 08:27 AMIMO, Vista has many improvements that make .net development, especially GUIs, more rewarding. In spite of wistful thinking of Slashdotters, it will inevitably take the place of XP. We're waiting on Server 2k8's first service pack before we deploy, but we're still going to eventually do it (I imagine this will be the trigger condition for most organizations).
As to customization... I've spent 12 years with a homebrew. I'm not touching this one, so if/when it breaks it'll be someone else's problem to fix it.
Posted by: scott on January 11, 2008 08:45 AMdude, does your company have an MSDN license?
Posted by: mrfred on January 11, 2008 10:09 AMOh hell it took me 12 years to get sent to 4 weeks of school. This thing you call "emmessdee-enn", it is useful, yes? :)
The advantage of being IT in a social science non-profit is you can pretty much do anything you like. The disadvantage is it can't cost any money beyond your salary.
Posted by: scott on January 11, 2008 10:41 PM