January 08, 2008
Action: Jesus Walks On Water. Headline: Savior Cannot Swim.

Well, All of those who think my rants about how idiotic the MSM is are pleased to be sitting down and shutting up:

AIDS Patients Face Downside of Living Longer

Sensationalist? Our editors?!? I think you overestimate their intelligence.

I guess it's worthy news, after a fashion. It definitely provides evidence that, while AIDS seems to no longer be a death sentence, the cocktail of drugs you take to control it can end up killing you just the same.

Then again, we all gotta die some day, eh?

Via Countercolumn.

Posted by scott at January 08, 2008 01:34 PM

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I guess the NBA (Next Best Alternative) is to simply die and quit griping. He's alive.

Posted by: Ron on January 8, 2008 04:36 PM

For some people the glass will always be half-empty.

Posted by: Mark on January 9, 2008 03:56 PM
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