July 12, 2007
Car Go Boom

That there's what we call a "comprehensive meltdown." Looks like something important let go, and then when he tried to start it again broken fuel lines and an electric fuel pump did the rest. It's a wonder nobody got barbecued.

Here's to third world sporting even safety standards!

Posted by scott at July 12, 2007 04:09 PM

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Probably why NASCAR will never catch on in the Islamic countries...

All goofiness aside, kudos (or the Arabic equivalent) to the guy who helped get the driver out of the burning truck.

Posted by: Mark on July 12, 2007 05:00 PM

yes. It seems that we've learned a lesson or two here.

1 - Remember to kill the ignition completely so nice electric fuel pumps aren't pressurizing your fuel system during moments like this.
2 - Fire extingushers are your friend.
3 - Wearing loose flowing white robes around fires could be a Very Bad Thing.

Posted by: ron on July 13, 2007 09:03 AM
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