The Skeptical Optimist has the answer. Hint: Folks on the left side of the peanut gallery and Jeff rabid Bush haters ... ahem... pessimists probably won't much like what he finds, even though more rational people will. I especially enjoyed his five year "perception summary," which tracks extremely well with conversations I've had with various people around various dinner tables:
• 2001-2: The economy isn't growing.
• 2003-4: ...okay, it's growing, but it's a jobless recovery.
• 2005-6: ...okay, it's growing and creating jobs, but only the rich are benefiting.
• 2006-7: ...okay, it's growing, creating jobs, and wage growth is beating inflation, but we're still beleaguered by the dreaded deficit.
• 2007: ...okay, it's growing, creating jobs, creating higher wages, and the deficit is disappearing, but, uh, we still need to raise taxes because, uh, let's see... yeah, that's right: because there are still too many rich, and because the oil companies are making too much profit. Yeah, that's the ticket.
You'll probably get the "underpaid for their education" sorts of arguments, the confusion between deficit and debt, and the like.
Won't make them true, but I suspect those are the major thrusts.
Posted by: ron on July 10, 2007 03:22 PM