July 10, 2007
Well Hello There

When we want to announce a new submarine or carrier, we have big pompous celebrations, complete with bands and champagne S&M. The Chinese just park their stuff outside and wait for someone to notice. According to various comments both on the site and (albeit with a great deal less sophistication) Slashdot, the Chinese are more or less trying to see if they can actually build one of these things. Operational capability is unknown but the Navy sounds pretty confident it can deal with these things should they ever venture out of their home port.

Posted by scott at July 10, 2007 10:25 AM

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That could be related to our history of having successful launches. Compare that the to the failure that was their last sub (FTA) and I think I'd be quiet until I knew it worked as well.

Posted by: ron on July 10, 2007 02:58 PM
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