Olivia's latest taste combo is...
Cheetos dipped in orange juice. Judging by the lip-smacking, this is quite good. I'll take her word for it.
I did almost the same thing as a kid, but my bizarre obsession was Doritoes and Tang. I pretty much decided that Doritoes are orange, and Tang is orange, so they naturally MUST taste good, and I actually managed to convince myself of it so thoroughly that I wouldn't even consume one without the other.
Of course, I also wouldn't drink the Tang after I was done dipping Doritoes in it, because it turned all gross and nasty, like the Doritoes did, but I could pretend I liked the Doritoes long enough to choke them down. Tang filled with Dorito bits, not so much, and I would more often pour it down the sink, and then wonder why muy parents got so upset about it.
Olivia's all about the backwash. Her drink glasses normally come back with a greasy swamp-like coating of whatever she happened to be eating. It is therefore ill-advised to share a drink with her at, say, a movie. Just ask Ellen.
Posted by: scott on April 19, 2007 07:46 AM