March 01, 2007
Bad Words, Bad Attitude

Personally, the revelation that left-wing bloggers swear a lot more than right-wing bloggers wasn't all that much of a surprise. Simplistic, "neener-neener I know you are but what am I?" ripostes seem to me a leitmotif of the extreme left. I see them all the time, and vote Republican accordingly. What is far more difficult to measure with a simple plot is that extreme right wingers may not swear as much, but the things they do say nicely tend to be scarier.

Essentially, it seems you have to be a little extreme to run a political blog, and just to the right of Darth Vader (or to the left of Big Brother) to comment on one.

And then there's always fate.

Via Instapundit and, well, Instapundit.

Posted by scott at March 01, 2007 12:54 PM

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