January 31, 2007
Pass the Hat

Joshua gets a deliriously loony no-prize for bringing us evidence that the foil hats are now being passed from left to right. It takes a little while to get rolling, but by page 3 both sides are baying at each other enthusiastically.

I'm beginning to think it's not that things are getting more extreme. In America people have been shooting each other over politics for as long as there's been a country. I think instead perhaps that it's just easier for these loons to find an outlet. And it's not just the internet, but also the well-documented tendency of MSM outlets to compulsively seek "the other side" of any issue, even when "the other side" means finding someone who thinks, for example, the moon landings were a hoax.

Personally, I blame Ari Fleischer.

Posted by scott at January 31, 2007 03:02 PM

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Now if only the public figures who have been going around talking trash about Obama were Republicans, instead of Democrats...

Then I might be less inclined to think the right-wing foil hatters are actually more members of Glen Greenwald's sock puppet brigade.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on January 31, 2007 09:24 PM
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