Now here's an unexpected Christmas tradition:
BARCELONA, Spain - The Virgin Mary. The three kings. A few wayward sheep. These are the figures one expects to find in a traditional Christmas nativity scene. Not a smartly dressed peasant squatting behind a rock with his rear-end exposed.
That's right. A baby Jesus, a manger, a few animals, some snotty tourists and smelly shepherds, and a squatting peasant. I mean, what's not to love?
The Great Defacator?!? I think not.
But who knew my ancestors were Catalan? The Great Poopin' Hidalgo's of Our Virgin Guadapoopey.
Posted by: ron on December 21, 2006 05:05 PMThere MUST be a story here with Ronno...uh, on second thought, I DON'T want to know...
Posted by: Mark on December 23, 2006 02:43 PM