Turns out what's good for humans is what's good for cats: eat less, exercise more. The most effective diet plans I've read or heard about revolve not around some exotic quick fix, but instead around different strategies for portion control and exercise. It's not eating specific things, rather eating less of everything, and moving around a bit more.
Which, as with most important things, is far easier said than done.
Is strapping them on a treadmill considered inhumane?
Posted by: ron on November 28, 2006 09:36 AMDragging them around and around the belt sounds a little harsh, but otherwise sounds find to me.
Posted by: scott on November 28, 2006 10:45 AMThey'll learn to run or else. Even more fun - sculpt their food into the shape of some random prey animal (like a cat...). Then put it on wheels with a simple processor such that it jets off every time they get close to it. That way they've got to actually chase and "capture" it.
Posted by: ron on November 28, 2006 11:01 AM