August 28, 2006
Definitely My Child

Saturday afternoon, while Ellen was doing the five hour tattoo thing...

Olivia, strangely muffled: "Daddy! Lookitme!"

Me, looking up from a magazine article: "Olivia! Get down from there!"

Olivia, upside down with her legs in the air, facing into the back of a chair to my left: "Daddy! I do headstand! Look! One foot!"

Just as I got up to un-headstand the child, she tumbled out of the chair like the proverbial sack of potatoes, landing with a shambling thud on her butt.

Olivia, after a brief pause, lit up with a big smile and said, "Don't worry daddy! I'm Okay. I'm ok--"

Whereapon she tried to stand up, and promptly clonged her head into the underside of the glass table she'd fallen under. Hit it so hard it rang like a bell.

Olivia: "Ooowwwww!!!"

But, since she's also Ellen's child, I was actually more worried about her head breaking the table.

Posted by scott at August 28, 2006 01:04 PM

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Next time, take her to the park.

Posted by: Grandma on August 28, 2006 04:12 PM

So she can hit her head on some metal playground implement?

I keed, I keed...

Posted by: ron on August 28, 2006 04:41 PM

I think it might be wise to enroll her in gymnastic class or else pad the whole floor.

Posted by: Pat on August 28, 2006 05:05 PM
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