Everyone's favorite "rule-of-thumb" diet measurement may be on its way out. Which is just as well, since even before I read this article I realized it didn't work very well. Me, I judge how I'm doing by how my clothes fit. Too baggy, eat some chips. Too tight, put them away.
As it should be. I've often commented that it was a crappy measurement. Even though I do have some weight to lose, most people seeing me wouldn't peg me a nearing obese, which according the CDC's site, I am. Hell, even if I lost 15-20 lbs, which would be incredibly significant for me, I'd still be overweight. Why? This doesn't take into account the amount of muscle one has. Not that I'm a gym rat, but I do have a pretty decent amount of muscle.
Oddly enough, when I calculate my waist:hip ratio, I come out fine, so I'm not quite sure that's a good sign, either.
Bloody filter still won't let me post links in html, or I'd link up the CDC site. Just do a google search on bmi calculator and use the CDC's page if you're all that interested.
Posted by: ron on August 25, 2006 10:27 AM