August 04, 2006
But Remember, it's a Religion of Peace

Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up:

"Let's listen to a very beautiful story to learn about the courage of a child, and how, when a child is brought up in a good home, and receives proper education in faith, he loves martyrdom, which becomes like an instinct for him. He can never give it up," Sheik Muhammad Nassar told children on the program, which aired on the Al-Nas [Egyptian] television channel.
On a previous broadcast on Egyptian television in 2002, a three and a half year-old girl was asked to describe Jews. "They are apes and pigs… our God said so," was her reply. The girl's answer was enthusiastically received by the program's host. "Allah be praised. May our God bless her. No one could wish for a more devout girl. May God bless her and her parents," the host said.

My only hope is this is some obscure weirdo religious channel that nobody really watches. Something tells me that hope is a bit of a long shot.

Posted by scott at August 04, 2006 09:26 AM

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