May 01, 2006
Personally, I do this all the Time

(Self medicate, that is...)

It would appear domistication hasn't bred out all the smarts of your garden variety sheep:

In anecdotal reports, primates have been observed engaging in self-medication by selecting a specific plant when something has made them ill. Now biologists at Utah State University, Logan, have run experiments that show sheep choosing the right drug to cure an illness.

Seems like a "well DUH!!!" sort of experiment to me, but you never can tell what goofy result will lead you down a whole new path of discovery. Follow that sheep!

Posted by scott at May 01, 2006 09:35 AM

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"Follow that sheep." And you come from Arkansas. Hmmm....

Posted by: ronaprhys on May 1, 2006 09:40 AM
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