April 22, 2006
Taking the Big Leap

Since Google changed their ranking rules about nine months ago, comment spamming has dropped greatly in its variety and sophistication, presumably because it don't pay as well. Since essentially all our remaining comment spam is being caught by half a dozen regular expression rules, I've taken the plunge and greatly reduced our spamlist rules(from 2700+ to 150). You should see little effect (other than, if my luck holds, a great explosion in comment spam), but if you get blocked just do the ol' "paper bag over the mouth" trick to stay calm, send us an e-mail, and I'll fix whatever's blocking you.

Fingers-in-ears time folks, this could be a bumpy one...

Posted by scott at April 22, 2006 05:33 PM

eMail this entry!

Test 1,2,3...is this thing on. I might be able to comment now.

Posted by: LaneG on April 22, 2006 07:21 PM
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