February 28, 2006
How Many Poles Does it Take to Appease a Muslim?


The Polish Foundation of St. Benedictus introduces its "Martyrs of our Time" ad campaign this week.

Poland is no France...
No rationalizing or mollifying barbaric behavior in Krakow!

This is an action that was conducted in one of the major Polish cities - Poznan. The action was started by the Foundation of St. Benedictus and was approved by local government. The Foundation's director is Zbigniew Czerwinski who is also member of PiS and president of the Regional Council.

The fact that we hardly hear much about Poland's progress since the fall of communism is, in my opinion, an indication of success. What little we do hear is mostly disapproving noises from the MSM about their staunch (albeit modest) support in Iraq and the general war on terror. Again, usually a good sign. Here's to new Europe!

Posted by scott at February 28, 2006 10:27 AM

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