January 28, 2006
When Octopus Attack

No, really, when octopus attack:

Rare video footage shows a giant octopus attacking a small submarine off the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Salmon researchers working on the Brooks Peninsula were shocked last November when an octopus attacked their expensive and sensitive equipment.

One would expect the scientists to "ooh" and "ahh" while the octo taste-tested their equipment. One would be wrong:

"I go full reverse and blast him with all these seabed particles," said [Mike Wood], describing the attack shown in the video. "Finally, he lets go and disappears off into the gloom.

"It was desperation. It's a $200,000 machine, and it's not insured," said Wood, who runs SubOceanic Sciences Canada in Duncan, B.C.

That sounds like a Discovery channel documentary-in-the-making!

Posted by scott at January 28, 2006 08:10 AM

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