Mahmood brings us both insight and humor with this list of what various Arab countries would do with two cows. Laughing while learning is the best way!
Then there's the American version:
Realize that if your two cows can give you 5 gallons of milk a day that can be sold for $2 profit, that 4 cows would make you $4 profit, and so on. So, you work hard and buy your neighbors' cows and have a huge herd and you then lower the price so you can buy even more cows. Soon, you and several other people control most of the dairy market. However, all of your neighbors are now poor.
Your neighbors, being jealous and numerous, complain to the government about how you "stole their cows and forced them into poverty". The government then gives you subisdies to NOT have cows.
Later, when you realize you're still poor, convince Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp to do aid concerts for you.
And still end up being poor.
Posted by: ronaprhys on December 29, 2005 05:02 PMI like the original American one better.
"You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull with the money."
Then, of course, once you've bred a huge and productive herd, your jealous neighbors claim that you're ruining the environment with all your cows, or that your cows' breeding activities keep the neighbors' cows awake and reduce their fertility, or whatever else it takes to win a multimillion dollar judgement against you.
Posted by: Tatterdemalian on December 30, 2005 01:21 AM