Fish sausages, once almost a staple of the Japanese diet, fell into decline around the '70s.But the outbreak of mad cow disease in 2001 has seen the reemergence of the fish sausage, albeit with a variety of mad flavors that bring out the wurst in some food makers, according to Weekly Playboy (12/20).
But wait! There's more!
And the most notable part of the fishy feasts is the freaky flavors that they have spawned, like strawberry milk, which is made out of marine life, but tweaked to taste like a sweet lactose drink.
Just when you thought the Japanese couldn't get any weirder!
after seeing tentacle pr0n and that butt-geyser chick, I think nothing from them will actually surprise me.
Posted by: ronaprhys on December 8, 2005 05:06 PM