November 21, 2005
Mirror Mirror

Problem: Your 14th century ancestors located your village literally in the shadow of a mountain to avoid marauding raiders, which no longer exist, leaving you stuck in a town with no sunlight during the winter.

Solution: Mirrors:

... 30 heliostats, essentially rotating mirrors, mounted on a hillside to grab sunshine off reflectors from the neighbouring village of Kramsach.

Bartenbach Lichtlabor GmbH, the Austrian company behind the idea, has already used mirrors for lighting projects around the world - sunshine into European basements and railroad stations or nighttime illumination of a mosque in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.

They're not going to light up the whole town, that would take too many mirrors. Instead their plan is to create "sunspots", front-yard-sized areas of sunlight that will get moved from place to place during the season.

Posted by scott at November 21, 2005 09:55 AM

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