October 07, 2005
Busybodies in the Grocery Store

Today's entry in the "don't you have anything better to do?" category comes to us from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:

Filed yesterday in D.C. Superior Court by an organization that promotes vegetarian diets, the suit charges that Giant, Safeway and other milk retailers have failed to warn lactose-intolerant consumers of the risks of drinking milk.

Now pardon me sparky, but it would seem to me that if someone knew they were lactose-intolerant, that would pretty much clue them into the fact that drinking milk would be, you know, bad?

But wait! There's more!

The lawsuit is not the first time that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has dueled with the dairy industry in court. In June, the group filed a lawsuit accusing the industry of defrauding the public by claiming in ads that people could lose weight by consuming more dairy products. The industry has stood by its claim that consuming dairy products helps with weight loss when coupled with calorie restriction.

Yeah. Calorie restriction. Also known as, you know, "eating less." Sort of like saying gas prices won't affect you if you hang this special air freshener in your car and drive a hybrid.

I'm going to be really pissed if it turns out my tax dollars are getting anywhere near these two.

Waitaminute... dairy farmers?!? Noooooo!!!

Posted by scott at October 07, 2005 08:21 AM

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You know, Calorie restriction is not necessarily just eating less. You can actually eat just as often, or more, you just have to watch the caloric value of what you are eating.

You could eat one candybar or two gr-apefruits. You wouldn't be eating less, just smarter.


But I agree with the milk thing. Stupid.

had to put the "-" or else the message would have been blocked for "r a p e"

Posted by: Joshua on October 7, 2005 10:24 AM
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