August 26, 2005
Oh Yeah, that Definitely Makes Me Feel Safer

Well, I guess we have to give him points for trying:

A Mexican city at the heart of a raging drug war is trying to woo back jittery Texan day trippers by offering free bus tours with an armed police escort.

"The aim is to shake off the bad image that we have and give a boost to the craft markets and restaurants in the center, where business is almost nil," Nuevo Laredo's tourism director Ramon Garza told Reuters on Wednesday.

Nuevo Laredo has been singled out for special "stay the f- away" mention by the State Department, since apparently the drug gangs have been shooting RPGs at each other lately. Oh, and did we mention the 30 kidnappings of US citizens? Yeah, definitely the garden spot of the Mexico border, donchaknow.

Posted by scott at August 26, 2005 01:37 PM

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