August 11, 2005

Fark linked up exactly what happens when a truck carrying 35,000 pounds of explosives rolls over and catches on fire:

The explosion left a crater in the two-lane highway estimated to be between 60 feet and 80 feet wide and between 20 feet and 35 feet deep, Utah Department of Transportation spokesman Tom Hudachko said.

“The entire road is gone, shoulder to shoulder, there's no asphalt left,” he said.

Didn't get the "cool" tag because, although nobody was killed, the driver seems to have gotten himself messed up pretty good.

I'm just glad it didn't happen around here. People will slow down and look at anything on the highways in this area... car crashes, police, even mowers on the other side of the highway. There would've been some damned dead rubberneckers if this thing had rolled over on I-66 or the Beltway.

Considering how irritating it is to get stuck in a ten mile backup because of the gawkers, I'm conflicted as to whether or not that would necessarily be a bad thing.

Posted by scott at August 11, 2005 08:08 AM

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I think there are federal laws supposedly controlling how and where explosives can be transported.

Posted by: Pat on August 11, 2005 09:02 AM

Didn't mean to imply the driver (or his trucking company) wasn't going to jail. Just that he wasn't going to the morgue, and he didn't put anyone else there.

Compared to that, the rest is just fines and a lot of construction contracts. :)

Posted by: scott on August 11, 2005 09:05 AM

So far doesn't sound like any laws were broken just one of those freak accidents. Amazing that no one was killed.

Posted by: Pat on August 11, 2005 09:48 AM
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