August 08, 2005
Tank Time

Pat gets a fishy no-prize for bringing us news of a spectacular new tourist attraction opening in Atlanta GA:

The Georgia Aquarium, as it will be called, is scheduled to open in November. It will have five million gallons of water and more than 100,000 fish. It will have giant groupers, octopuses and two white beluga whales. The star attraction will be two whale sharks, the world's biggest fish, which can exceed 40 feet in length and, Mr. Marcus said, will be on display for the first time outside of Asia. The aquarium will even have a celebrity caterer, Wolfgang Puck.

The thing is pitched as an effort to "revitalize" downtown Atlanta, which people have been trying and failing to do since the early 60s. Who knows, this time it just might work.

Posted by scott at August 08, 2005 09:17 AM

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road trip.

with cameras.

and snorkels - which as we all know, are best worn whilst one is inebriated...

Posted by: ronaprhys on August 8, 2005 09:53 AM
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