8-6-7-5-3-0-9 got nothing on this:
Chopped and screwed rapper Mike Jones, who created a marketing campaign around his telephone number, has been hit with a whopping $250,000 phone bill from Sprint PCS.What started off as a clever promotional tool to help fans keep in touch with him has turned into a telephone nightmare for the Houston rapper.
when I RTWA and clicked on the link, I found out the truth of this. Seems he didn't get as screwed as one might think...
Posted by: ronaprhys on August 5, 2005 03:21 PMRon,this is where Scott say.."Oh I knew all along"
...followed up by, "uh, yeah, that's the ticket."
Heh... yeah, that's it, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Posted by: Scott on August 5, 2005 04:00 PMYes - he does such a good job of posting satire well...
Posted by: ronaprhys on August 5, 2005 04:07 PM