Having toys worth more than your house just got a whole lot harder:
"When people think of `mobile home,' they think of `trailer,'" said Weidman, 55, a former attorney who is the mother of two teenagers. "Mobile homes aren't what they were. They're not the little 9-by-15s on wheels. These are homes."Indeed, virtually all trailers in such developments are not mobile at all. Some are on permanent foundations; their nomad days are over.
Such units in the Florida Keys are seeing prices approaching a cool million, including one waterfront trailer on Stock Island next to Key West that's on the market for $799,000, said listing real estate agent Larry Salas, 47, of Miami. That price includes land, however.
As noted, land is the key. The assessment breakdown on our own house put the value of the structure at a fraction of the value of the home precisely because it's land that's skyrocketing in price, not necessarily houses. And those "mobile homes"? My mom periodically decides she's going to move out into the sticks, and last time got serious enough to drag me out to several "prefab housing" dealers. Those things are nice. The walls aren't very thick, and it certainly doesn't feel as substantial as a regular house, but boy are they tricked out. Again assuming you can find some land, you could do a whole lot worse than a modern double- or triple-wide.
The correct term is "manufactured housing",very few are considered mobile any more. lol Watching TV, what else, and they featured some million dollar manufactured houses in California. Again land is the key to price, of course they slide down the mountain just like the site built homes.
Posted by: Pat on August 3, 2005 09:05 AMThere are also factory built homes that are significantly stronger and better built than most site-builts. They're still 'stick built', just done in sections, towed to the site, and lifted off the transporter and into position. They've no wheels left on them and you literally can't tell the difference when you look at them.
The extra strength comes from the 2x6 exterior walls and needing to be built to withstand the rigors of transport.
Generally, the order of redneck-ness of the homes are as follows:
Worst - Mobile Homes
Better - Modular homes
Even better - tract housing
Better than that - Factory builts
Potentially the best - Custom builds where you get to specify the construction of the home (poured cement walls over extra deep footers, full basement with bomb shelters, machine gun emplacements, vault doors, etc.)